Billye Brim 090921 Ears to Hear

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wow praise the lord yeah we had uh he was playing the guitar here one day and milan lefevre was in the audience and he took a track home by him and his son-in-law who is peter fruhler who plays for there's a lead for the news boys they signed him up on a contract he went on tour and praised god he actually had to go out i think buy some shoes because he always played barefoot praise the lord and one day one of his songs popped up on xbox guitar hero i tell you that guy's got quite a story so praise the lord let's stand and welcome to the platform of walk on the water faith church one of the great generals in the body of christ dr billy brim hallelujah hallelujah hi bless the lord thank you dear brother please be seated peace be seated wow how many of you have had someone go home within the last year stand up someone close there's a whole lot of people going home and it's a part of this last thing no matter how they went there's some things about it uh praise god you may be seated um we you know brother hagin kenneth hagin of course i worked for him for years and many of you know this story uh he came into my office one day and he said you know there's going to be an age change i won't be here about himself and he said it won't be just like you step over a log but there will be that unseen realm will come into this realm and um you will have witness of it there will be lots more appearances of angels and there will be a lot of people going to the other side the glory side and coming back and giving testimony he said some will be near-death experiences and some will not but he said you're to write books about it so immediately i started collecting people who've gone to heaven and come back they're writing their own books but i still have collected them and known them very well and one of my latest acquisitions is a black man named braxton and he's a dear dear brother and um dean black brexit and we hadn't come out to prayer mountain and he said something that's going to help you brother jerry he said don't think that your body dies and the spirit has to leave he said the spirit goes and then the body can drop and he said don't think oh my loved one got killed in a motorcycle accident that was a terrible painful thing he said the spirit left first and then came whatever was going to kill it so i know the lord showed that to um my friend gloria copeland her brother young brother teenage brother hit a tree you know and died and god showed ken he said i took him out before he hit that tree and i think he even might have been a little tipsy that night but he was born again maybe not completely growed up in the lord and speaking of my friend gloria copeland i talked to ken and gloria a long time uh i guess it was saturday no it was monday and we had they're just like a brother and a sister to me and gloria i said ken i was just thinking about gloria and her witnesses she could just come like that with a witticism he said you don't know what she said just the other day i said yeah what he said she said depression is not acceptable depression is thinking only of yourself all the time [Music] and thinking of only of yourself all the time would depress anybody isn't that the truth and i was in the car telling that to shelly my daughter was driving i was telling it to her we passed a church that had a marquis up and it said believe the best forgive the rest [Music] that'll keep you free just believe the best about everybody and forgive the rest hallelujah glory be to god well i'm not going to preach tonight just going to kind of share and i'll share with you what my day was kind of like and so i got up this morning and i made some notes somewhere of what my day was like and i meant to read isaiah 28 11. but instead i turned to isaiah 48 11. so um [Music] i was going to read some scriptures because we're going to the lord's going to speak to us tonight in tongues and interpretation and [Music] so he's given us some scriptures about that and isaiah 28 11 which i meant to turn to says for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people to whom he said this is the rest where with you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing so we love that it tells us he speaks to us in other tongues and this is the rest that causes the weary to rest but there's another little phrase on the end of it and that little phrase says yet they would not hear now he's talking about israel he wanted them to hear but they would not hear so whom now that's one i wanted to read but instead i find myself at isaiah 48. now the name of my thoughts all the day is hearing ears hearing ears have you got them so isaiah 48 which i turn to by error begins with here hear you this and he's talking to o house of jacob which are called by the name of israel so he's talking to them about some things and he says in verse 3 i have declared the former things from the beginning and they went forth out of my mouth and i showed them i did them suddenly and they came to pass but you are an abstinent people verse 5 i have even from the beginning declared it to you before it came to pass i showed you verse 6 i showed you new things from this time even hidden things that you did not know they are created now and so on verse 8. you heard not yea thou knowest not yea from that time thine ear was not opened for i knew you would deal treacherously and i got from this god opens ears he can open doors and close doors he opened wombs and closed wounds he close he can open ears and close ears so that you don't hear something because you would deal with it wrongly and then i thought about my friend well i would say more of a mentor than a friend clara grace and she was a the first woman preacher maybe you've heard me tell about hearing her that little prophetess in 1967 when i didn't believe in woman preachers but brother hagin invited her and powerful prophetess and she was a mentor to gene wilkerson if you ever heard of gene wilkerson who was a great woman of god and a prophetess clara grace was her mentor and i heard gene wilkerson say about clara grace she had more experiences in the unseen realm than anybody i've ever known now she put people want me to get this for them i can't get this for you i heard it and i don't know where it is but it's on a little taped a little cassette tape she put together near the end of her life what she considered the greatest thing she'd like to leave and people to know and it was some visions she'd had kind of like brother hagin you know he he had visions visions he saw face to face and she had this vision and considered it one of the heights of revelation in her life and the lord said i'm going to teach you about the 18 silent years how he trained his son and those years are from when jesus was 12 and he's with the doctors and lawyers in the temple then we don't hear him again until he's 30. so what happened in those 18 years and so she said i had an open-eyed vision and jesus was finishing the last table in the carpenter shop that he was ever going he was a carpenter that before he was going out and he said he didn't take any shortcuts he polished it he took every he made it perfect and then i knew that was going to be his last table that he'd make and then he turned around to me and he put his arms out like this his legs apart and he she said i was beckoned to step into him and i stepped into him i put my arms where his arms were my legs were his word legs were and i went into him and she said i was at once as large as the universe and as small as the tiniest particle in it and the lord said i'm going to teach you how i taught him and i'm not going to tell you everything that was in that but just to part this apropos tonight and he took her to isaiah chapter 50. if you'll turn there he taught jesus out of the word jesus didn't come knowing everything he limited himself so that he could walk like we walked the one who had walked up and down through the centuries through eternity he had to learn to walk like a baby walks he entered a woman's tomb a womb he entered the mother's womb and he entered the garden tomb he went through everything just like we do and so this she was told is speaking of him verse 4. the lord god hath given me the tongue of the learned that i should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary he awakeneth morning by morning he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned the taught the lord god hath opened mine ear and i was not rebellious neither turned away back i gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair i hid not my face from shame and spitting for the lord god will help me therefore shall i not be confounded therefore have i set my face like a flint and i know that i shall not be ashamed she was told that he had to see in the word he had to be taught from the word and he like he he one day was or or over some time saw this scripture and saw that it was him and then it applied to him and he was going to have to give his back to the smiters and to those that plucked off the hair but how did he keep his ear the part here that he opened my ear it's like dug it out god opened his ear he heard it and to keep it open he wasn't rebellious he did what god told him and that kept his ear open i just now remembered another scripture that she was told and it's psalm 119 applied to him hallelujah psalm 119 hallelujah oh verse 97. he said this was his attitude oh how i love thy law it is my meditation all the day thou through thy commandments has made me wiser than my enemies for they are ever with me i have more understanding that all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation she was told this this applied like when he went down at 12 years old he had more understanding than the teachers why because he had meditated the word i understand more than the ancients because i keep thy precepts i have refrained my feet from every evil way she was told this doesn't apply to david he walked in some evil ways this is applying to the master i refrained my feet from every evil way that i might keep thy word i have not departed from thy judgments for thou the father you've taught me jesus the son how sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter than honey to my mouth through thy precepts i get understanding therefore i hate every false way now you remember how it said in isaiah chapter 50 and verse 1 are not not 15 not verse 1 but the verse which says you i think it's for you awaken me morning by morning jesus said to her i never laid my head down to sleep that i did not meditate the word and who i was in it then the lord could waken him mourning by morning and teach him bless the lord his ears though had to be open and these were open and he kept them open his ears stayed open bless the lord hallelujah we have been experiencing something with brother max over here and um it is in the word acts chapter 2. so if you'll turn there with me the lord's given us quite a few scriptures to back up if you don't do something spiritual scripturally then you know has to be scriptural so now here we are uh at the period of rosh hashanah so the head of the year is rosh hashanah this is the civil year in the civil calendar um this was the day of pentecost it was a jewish uh one of the dates not jewish god calendar god has these dates that he circled on his calendar and everything he does he does by those dates everything so the outpouring of the holy ghost people think boy when they got all in one accord then god could pour the holy ghost out no he had them in one accord but they were not waiting to get in one accord they were waiting on that day circled on god's calendar the feast of weeks or we call it pentecost now here we are to a very special day because um god divided the years everything about time has to do with sevens there are seven days in a week there are seven years in a cycle of years they're called weeks of years and so there are seven they were told in leviticus chapter 25 you you can plant you can reap for six years but on that seventh year you have to rest just like god created six days and then you rest on the seventh and he gave adam a six day work week a thousand years being a day a day a thousand years six thousand years and then you're going to come to that seventh day well the 6000 is just about up and adam of course sold out to the devil and he's been he's here for the length of adam's lease as soon as that lease date is up and god knows it and satan knows it and it is really getting close and then will come the day of the lord so these years are in seven year cycles and they are six years and then a seventh year so where we are is at the beginning of the seventh year we are at the beginning of what is called the shmitah year or the sabbatical year right now hallelujah bless the lord praise god now i was here two years ago i was here on 9 19 19. now i'm here on 9 9 21. some time ago the lord told us to pray about the nines how many of you have been with me long enough praying wwps you know that he had us praying about the nines we don't know what all that means could be supreme court justices we don't know we just hear and obey bless the lord but on 9 19 19 2 years ago brother olison was having a meeting that he has usually every year and he has different speakers bob yandian is a speaker and uh lynn mink and and and it was my day that i was going to speak and um oh they always put us in this beautiful brother matthew beautiful condos on the water who couldn't get inspired my lord you should see if they might let you go in one tomorrow you need to rest he drove all day today but anyway from minneapolis because god sent him but um we had that wonderful day and the lord said to me that day the crowd is going to be sparse tonight and don't be concerned that's the way i want it i thought oh boy i remember when brother hagin had a sparse crowd and he got that vision you know where god said you remember rock wall texas so anyway we're coming down through the maze i preach against mazes but they've got one here and brother larry says oh by the way the worship team is going to leave right after worship there's a big christian concert in town and i guess others must have gone too because we only had about 50 people here how many of you were here look i think the same 50 are back so he said now you preach on first john 4 uh one through four which tells you that uh you walk with god oh hallelujah we saw him we touched him and we're going to tell you what we learned from him god is light and in him is no darkness at all and you're called into a fellowship with him fellowship as a partner and a partaker with god and he said now you you you preach on the fact that prayer is walking with god in the light and working with him as a partner and a partaker you're in the business with god that's what prayer is carrying out god's business on the earth and then don't preach long he said and then pray so i did it that's a miracle in itself and uh so i finished and lin mink had a song and in that song he he sang about not going out and in but but staying in all in and having unbroken fellowship with the lord uninterrupted communication you'll fly from here to every nation in your prayers and it was a song about working with god in prayer then after that there came a short word it wasn't long but i've thought about it ever since and as i started to give it i knew it was going to start out by saying 20 20. but inside me god said i'm only saying that because that's thou they see the new year he said i see it as starting like my calendar which was 10 days hits 10 days hits was going to be 9 29 19. so the word was this 2020 will be a year of transition and it will begin with the beginning of the year as i see it on rosh hashanah that year will be a year that's transitioned on to 2021. in 2021 all things will have begun begun to end begun to change to move to rearrange now this year i must have you i must have my body the church in that fellowship i just sang about unbroken fellowship so prepare for it to begin the transition year in 2020 i'll provide all you need to fulfill my will work with me in fellowship in prayer for yourself yes but beyond yourself and know that it will start the transition year on rosh hashanah and 2021 rosh hashanah is a big change let's now that's these past few days now brother larry then gave a very short word i am preparing to fold up this dispensation to bring to a close the things that i prophesied to bring to vision the things that have been unseen and to bring glory hallelujah so all the year i've been thinking about it and i've been thinking about that word transition uh the dictionary says it's the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another and then in my thoughts this would always enter intrude transition is the final stage of a woman's labor when labor starts you have a few contractions you can wash the dishes you can maybe finish packing your bag but when you go to transition you don't do anything but transition [Music] and even transition has its own sections and the final section i mean it's not stopping there's no pausing you're getting a baby there is an old testament word t-s-a-r we would say it sar it's saudi really but we'd say sar and it means a narrow place that you got pushed into because of outside pressure and it is the word they use for the birth canal because from outside pressure and contractions push out the baby the new testament jesus talked about birth pangs and that's the word that's the thought you're going to be having birth pangs earth people not just the great tribulation the great tsar but it's just like brother hagin said you just don't step over a log and everything changes it starts so um i know god didn't bring kovid no way jose but we changed and it was an outside pressure it was an outside pressure that pressured all over the world and change things so it's been a lot that i thought about and tonight god's going to show us more about it bless the lord i guess we had to come back to the same place now remember what the holy ghost speaks and we supposed to do what here so let's look at a few more scriptures let's look at john um 16 13. hallelujah how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself as himself as the source but whatever he shall hear shall he speak and he will show you things to come that's what that scripture talked about this today that i got by error he shows things to come but you have to hear and he blocked some people's hearing because he knew they would use it treacherously he's always willing to speak but he's got to have some people with their ears open he opened jesus ears and he is willing to open the ears of jesus body in the earth to hear him speak he shall glorify me he shall receive of mine and show it unto you jesus made this promise 2000 years ago if ever we're going to hear him speak it better be now if ever the body of christ can hear him plainly and hear him speak we why wait another 10 years he's speaking to us now now let's turn to acts chapter 2. this what happened on the day of pentecost now the day of pentecost every one of these special days has something that happened to the jews on that date and what happened to the jews on that date was they got the written word moses was up on the mount and he got the ten commandments so it's the day the word came now jews were in diaspora all over the world and they have to come back up three times a year so here they were probably if they come from far away they stayed over from having been here for passover but they're here to celebrate when the word came and guess what happened on the same day the word came the spirit came the spirit and the word agree hallelujah so jesus left after 40 days and he said don't leave town without the promise of the spirit so they went to the upper room and they waited not till they gotten one accord they were in one accord but they waited for the circle date on the calendar verse chapter two and when the day of pentecost was fully come shavuot they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and he sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with tongues as the spirit gave them utterance spirit gave them utterance and they spoke with tongues and that upper room where they had had the seder meal couldn't hold them so then they're going to go and we know where they went they went down to the southern steps of the temple because 3 000 people are going to get saved and baptized and that's the only place in jerusalem he got water to do it and there they had mikvas where they dipped before they went up on the mount and there were verse 5 dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised about the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own tongue brother hagin said to me one day it doesn't say they spoke with other every language there's only 120 of them there's 3 000 listening did they run up to every man and speak every language no god did something with the ears not only had he done something with the tongue but he did something with the ears every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed at marvel saying one to another behold are not all these would speak galileans how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born and then it names people from asia europe and arabia and it ends up with the lord called us to my attention the other day verse 11 cretes and arabians he said the last ones that heard it were arabians that it mentions [Music] that it mentions we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god well i was reading in the brother hagin's book plans purposes of pursuit and at the first of it he talks about i'm going to have a great move of god and he said things that happened just occasionally are going to become almost commonplace here's something that we only have the record that it happened on the day of pentecost but now we're the time when it's happening for us hallelujah now um i'm going to invite you to come to the platform please brother max how do you say your name ibrahim my old man your whole name your whole name do you know your name brother i thought you said ibrahim i did i maybe don't know your name no max is my dad's name what is your name my original name is muhammad what is your name today max you guys are going to see a lot of it praise the lord um [Music] do you want to sit down um hallelujah where's my little blue hannah i'm gonna need those pens out of there please bless the lord you can bring my water up here as well um max first saw me i did not see him in what year 2013 2013 yeah november just before right that's when you got saved i'm talking about i got seven church i was 7 2011 january 2011. that's not right oh wait wait i thought when i met you no no when you saw me 1993 at living world 1993 max saw me quinn please stand up what is quinn's last name there you have it that's the name and this is quinn and quinn you can see how beautiful of a house she lives in and the spirit inside quinn is very very special and quinn married a muslim man and i always tell her you've been my daughter you wouldn't had a date with him let alone to marry him aren't you glad she wasn't my daughter this is just the beginning you guys but anyway she prayed for him 19 years and uh max was muslim and he was not he was kind of mean right yeah i was very mean even the dog didn't like him no the dog didn't like me and uh max was skipping a little bit to when he did get born again but the dog would run every time he came in the house max why did you have that dog anyway um my second daughter my second oldest daughter she wanted a dog and you know you love your kids and as a muslim like i'm supposed to get a dog here in the house but i love her so much so i went and i bought this little shih tzu or shitsu sorry straighten up max i want god to use you tonight so straighten up okay anyway um i bothered the dog and um the dog didn't like me i mean when i bought the dog i didn't really like him that much but i just wanted my daughter to be happy that's the whole point but just keep the dog away from me i told gwen i told my kids keep the dog away from me as a muslim and you know this as well muslims believe that the dog is dirty and the dog actually could affect you almost 50 feet away just by the dog's breath it's just all these kind of insanity things are we online tonight [Music] i really want you to straighten up if you don't mind yeah yeah i will um but long story short the dog never liked me when i'm in the house if i'm upstairs he's downstairs if i'm downstairs he's upstairs if i open the garage door even pulling in with my truck to the driveway he sends me and he starts running unhide if he ever meet me like in the hallway like he have nowhere to go in the house so he tried to to sneak by me or turn around don't go to the bedrooms or hand under the bed but the night i was saved the night of my salvation after i accepted the lord jesus christ as my savior he came and he sat by my feet on my recliner that's really told me that's actually when quinn said now i believe you are saved she did say that she said now i believe you are saved i i mean animals see through you too they sense and i never thought the devil probably followed you around and the devil followed me around and the dog seeing something in me like creeping him out so it's not like me i don't want him no he want to stay away from me too as well co so what is your background max where were you born i was born in jordan in a little city called arabid it's not too far from jordan river it's about 35 kilometer um east of jordan river um graduated high school in jordan and after high school i worked for my dad a little bit then i came here you went to the army i went to the army it was mandatory i believe it's still mandatory two years in jordan and i wasn't even 18 i graduated high school and i wasn't 18 but then i wanted to get it over with the two years mandatory uh serving in the army so i went and my dad have to sign a paper so i won't run away because i'm not 18 yet i was just close you know i went in september on my birthday in december so three months away from being 18. anyway after three months of training in jordan valley i went and i served on jordan river and when i served on jordan river i was very close in the very far north where lake of galilee and syria and golan heights and jordan kind of like the jordan the jordan river is the border the jordan river is the border yes between israel and jordan between yeah between israel and jordan and i i've been to jordan river so many times when i go to jordan valley to see my aunt i go to their farm and i've been to jordan river i dip my feet in it and bring water sometimes and swim didn't um anyway long story short my parents palestinians so they left beit shawn um my my grandparents left behind in 1948 and i grew up knowing and believing the land of israel as palestine which is philistine until the day i was saved and started reading the bible and no one i hated israel i hated the israeli i love you philip [Music] i was raised that way my eyes are so blinded and they're still doing the same thing today but it took god to change my heart from the hate for israel to the love of israel when i was serving in jordan river one day i have my m16 and i have like a a full uh what do you call it um vest like a bandolier yeah a full vest with 144 ammo in it and i was waiting for the israeli soldier to scratch his face or touch his ear or put his hand on his hair like he attempt to do something to me so i can pull my gun and shoot him that's how much hate i have you know you you grow up knowing like they took your land they kick your grandfather away out from his home from his land in 1948 they crossed the river they sat in jordan later on i found out that my family one of my uncles he actually worked for the british army and he told my family go back you're fine you will have your farm you'll have your house you'll have everything that you don't have to leave but they were in fear and they left and they never came back they were told by the leaders the mufti the grand mufti and others they told him you get out we're going to go in we're going to take israel and then we'll they'll all be gone and then you go back and have everything yeah so they left their lands and that's when they lost their land that's when they lost the lands um i remember one day in in jordan it was 19 you always correct me with the dates especially in the history 1975 the silver war earlier this guy you work for yasser arafat you always mentioned him now i forgot his name um yes sir no the one who worked for him in my growing up days we lived in urban my dad abu nidal came and he knocked on my dad's house on the door with seven soldiers and we hit him my dad opened the well there's no water in the well in the middle east they have their will underground they build the concrete and they have on the ground they have a steel lit to it like like a barricade or something my dad hit abu nidal our house while he was traveling to syria the leading terrorists in the earth at one time with hundreds of thousands of dollars and we i remember as a probably i was what four or five years old bullets shooting at my parents's house it was was a lot of issues going on between them the the jordanian army and the palestinian army at the time too um because yasir arafat actually tried to take over jordan from king hussein he tried to do that and king hussein had his brother shoot like 20 000 of them oh yeah and they fled then over into lebanon and that's who's in lebanon and syria we ended up leaving to syria me and my parents uh there were six of us and my parents so total eight uh we left between uh mountains and valleys and creeks all the way from urban to the first town which is called dera in syria and we went to arjun um i mean we went all over um my parents split us in half my mom took three and my dad took three half of us went to arjuna stayed in jordan the other half went to syria my mom doesn't want all of us to go she said if we go at least there's four left either way trying to save some of the kids my mom was a teacher you probably never hear this heard these stories from me but you know my mom was a teacher and she thought for 35 years my dad have a bookstore and he have a barber shop so they're both intelligent my mom never told me hate the jews my mom never told me do this or do that but i was in an environment including you know my family school the street wherever you go you see these guys who pray for allah muhammad and they're wearing their dash dash all the way down here just below the new they call it sunny which is you know you have to wear this way or their beard is down to here um it's just so much hate and just hate is just hate i just cannot describe it i grow up in it and i i have i used to have that hate growing up and so somehow dear god quinn married him yeah that's a story too but we won't go there that was nice somehow right see until you got her yeah right but now but now and she said she was led of the lord to do it and uh evidently she was but i would have voted against it but um then you came to america quinn is a christian she's praying for you and uh explain well let's say let's say this in 19 what year was it at living word 93 1993 quinn tricks him to go to church she does and she says a woman is going to speak on the middle east and he said palestine great so he comes i guess he sit in the back i didn't see them but of course i'm talk about israel and how israel it's their land and what did you do i just got up and left i'm like you really brought me to listen to this lady what's wrong with you it's palestine and then i said i'm going home you come with me or walk home i'm taking the car because we drove to i was so mad i mean i was you're mad at me really man mad at you mad at her it's just like you really brought me to listen to this tonight but um but god yeah so then fast forward and tell about not getting your prayers answered and her getting hers answered before i go to that i just want to say one thing when we got married i asked gwen and i said i have one we will get married and all that but i said i have one request you don't have to do it today you don't have to do tomorrow just promise me that you sometime you will do this and she said okay what is it i said to became or change your beliefs to a muslim she looked at me she looked at me and she another heard and she said yes but now i'm telling you the reason she said yes because god wanted to say yes at that time because i didn't know that i'm going to be saved and she will never have to do it you see that god have a way on us too oh yeah i don't think she said it out of fear or anything no she just said yes but she prayed for me for 19 years and you're talking about belief that is believe when you believe just like chip thought on sunday all in she was all in praying never if she want to give up she would have given up like a first year the second year the third the 10th the 11th the 15th the 18th but she never gave up she kept praying now after uh you spoke i didn't really listen to your message of that day because that day because i left i'm sorry i know you had a hard time hearing it out of time yeah yeah and it was like you know israel and like abraham we related to abraham too i mean what is wrong with this lady [Music] where is that she can put soap in my mouth sometime but um so fast forward i had a business and um my business failed because i have other people not going deep into the story but they were muslims and i you know we i have other jobs so i left my business to some people when i'm working i found out there's some things happening swapping books paperwork doing this do that and it was a dealership so you're talking like everything minimum between three to four five thousand anyway i went upside down in my business and i still have a job but my plan was to quit my job and focus on my business i work three days but on my dealership four days long story short i start praying for allah muhammad i mean when you get in trouble what do you do you see god right he starts praying so i started praying for allah muhammad and praying and praying nothing really happening i'm just getting deeper and deeper and deeper then she starts praying for me look at she have her bible with her if you open her bible you look at it you'll find my old name and a lot of scriptures mohammed mohammed mohammed pray for this do this she have she bought the sheet book i i can't remember the name of it but she stood on the word and she prayed for me anyway so i go home you know nothing happened i'm really desperate i asked when the first time asked when like would you pray for me she started praying for me i'm like yeah okay whatever you and your jesus we'll see forgive me lord at the time but she started praying for me then one day i went to home and i said can you pray for me or pray for the business she said yes she prayed i need to sail cars she prayed next day i sold like three vehicles the day after one two before that none i mean zero then i start praying nothing happened then i'm like i'm gonna go back to her so i went back to queen i said can you pray and then she prays thing go well after that dive down i pray nothing happened one day the third time i believe i said well can you appreciate well you need to sit down now she said now you need to sit down i'm like okay well i need the prayer and it's working so she said well now you need to sit down we need to pray together you know to me as a muslim like you're praying and she said you know in the name of jesus you know i'm i'm you know used to muhammad used to allah muslims believe in jesus but not the son of god and never died on the cross and never been you know crucified as a prophet that's it anyway then i sat down and she prayed but after she prayed again things went well again long story short i'm gonna fast forward um something touched me you know something touched me but at the same time i really don't want to believe it muslims are stubborn you guys it's so demonic observed sponged in their walk their mind their thought they don't even know what they're doing right now they don't they think they do but their eyes are closed when the lord when when i saw the lord when i accepted christ i felt like the food is different really i wasn't living i wasn't living my life started at that time i was 40 years old that's when my life started anyway so one day i'm gonna fast forward really quick here i was in my business praying to allah muhammad praying and i wasn't praying like so don't paint the picture that i have my hand crossed and i'm going up and down no praying for us as christians when we pray we just sit down and speak to the lord and muslims when they pray they go up and down so i was asking the lord and asking muhammad the same way of a prayer sitting down then i put my head down on a sharp desk in the back my hands crossed on my forehead just like that and i was praying and i was sobbing so the first time i heard the voice right behind me in my business it was a little late and he said son come to me and i looked behind me there's nobody there and he said son come to me a voice a sound i cannot describe it to you you will not hear it in any mic or any instrument at all is so powerful strong what happened to max got up and ran lift the lights on jump in his car went home not a word to quinn three weeks later the same thing she prayed for me of course and things goes well but then you know i need i need to pray i need to be engaged with the lord so i i did the same thing in the same place and i prayed and then he said son muhammad he called me by name and he said come to me that's when i got up lift up my head and i looked behind because the sound or the voice behind me and i said who is this and he said i am isa i am in messiah he answered me in arabic i am isa i am a messiah son you need me come i am jesus i am jesus yeah and he called me by my name and allah will never call a muslim by their name he called them slaves so that's what wait a minute there's something different here again not a word to quinn got home this time i shut the light off and i drove home but i was i was observing and sponging what this just happened to me that really jesus spoke to me i believe he is alive i know that i mean raised that way islam talk about that he is alive he is in heaven he is with with allah but not the son he is with allah with god as a prophet so i know he's alive but he spoke to me and she prayed for me and things goes well when i pray nothing goes good i have a neighbor pastor who lived three houses down whenever he came down walking his dog he loved me so much and he have a of course have a church called living word in that area and whenever i see pastor mike walking his dog i know he want to talk to me about jesus i run inside the house one day the house was locked up the garage door was open and i saw him coming so i ran to the garage and there is a back door for the garage i ran all the way to the backyard he saw me and he said i see you when you run away from me max don't do that anyway i was saved in his church so wednesday night one night we went and i told him a little bit about what what's happening with me after after after my salvation um whereas you walked the aisle that night right i walked the aisle that night i was sitting in an aisle just like you brother in the blue shirt right on your spot and pastor mike was kind of here in our spot and i was sitting there and i felt power behind my back and my both shoulders picking me up and pushing me forward to the altar and you know i always make fun of quinn because she's from north dakota you know the farmers in north dakota when they walk they always walk this way why because they fight the wind but i was the opposite my feet is behind in the front on my back farther back because i was pushed forward to the altar anyway when i got to the altar and passed her mic he looked at me like what are you doing here in a way and he he looked at me and he said yes i said would you pray for me and he said max would you accept the lord jesus christ no he said first he said i love you so much and jesus love you so much my jesus but would you accept him tonight as your lord and savior he said i could pray for you this is his words to me pastor mike keller he said i could pray for you all day long all night long but would he accept him so the prayer will work better this is the way he kind of baby steps to me and i nod my head and i said yes all i remember that i was in tears and he prayed over me and repeated after him the prayer of salvation and after that i felt like the whole world is different the weight of my back is gone i am not the same i felt it right then and quinn was there and i went to the car we drove separate oh because i came from my business which actually i live uh he has the church is not too far from my business so i love the business i came to church and she actually thought i want to be there but i went there and if you ask me how did i go there why did i do it i believe the lord sent me because i wouldn't in the flesh me max i would never drive on the highway and take a lift and pull on the parking lot and get out of my car but he did it he want me to do it he gave me that piece to go and and to be saved so that's when i got home when i went to the park a lot with driving separate and she said did you really accept the lord tonight i'm like can i smile and she goes okay so when we got home i sat on my chair when the doc came running by my feet that's when she said now i believe you're safe so now we're going back to the same story so max then in his and it happens lots and lots of muslims it's happening all over the world it is that jesus is appearing to them and he he began to appear to max and give him words and dreams and someone said you need to get these things judged and he went to a pastor and the pastor said a lot of it is about the middle east and about political things even and the pastor said i don't and end time things and the pastor said i don't know about those things but there's a lady who does and her name is billy brown and she lives in missouri that's the lady he walked out on stomped out on now he's got to go back to that lake i did yeah did you put two and two together that it was the same lady did you realize yeah oh yeah yeah when um we we wrote a book and it's published it's on amazon but we don't really advertise it that much because we need to revise it and i still have my old name on it max that money my old name and i changed my name for security reason not from the us or any any other intelligent no from my family don't want me to keep the name they felt i am an infidel right now i'm in fidel i don't deserve to be a tetrimony so i took my daddy's name which is our last name which is rahayan which my dad lived with us for 11 years and he loved quinn and quinn loved him they used to to make eggs in the morning and have the tune which is olive and cucumber just traditional middle eastern food they used to cook together wash dishes together they just my dad just loved her and he passed in 2013 or 2014. anyway so they said you need to have someone ever judge to judge to judge and then i i wrote in my book about dr billy brown i don't know maybe i think you you looked at my book i don't know if you wrote it all or not but i wrote about me walking and at living word in 1993 and then we met again um in 19 and 2013 2013 2013 that's when remember he came down to see if i would judge his what he's receiving from god well i um i'm not bragging on me but because i was brought up under brother hagin and brother hagin's life and ministry was marked by face-to-face visions of jesus i learned from him that you have to judge them he said to me one time he said i say what the lord says to me i tell the visions but i don't tell anybody what the devil tries to show me and he taught me through my daughter because she sees a lot of things he told me you tell her don't cut them off but anything can come from two realms it can come from the realm of darkness it can come from the realm of the light satan himself can appear as an angel of light so you have to judge everything and if you judge it i learned from brother hagin god will trust you and he will give you more if he knows you're not going to be deceived and you're not going to be uh you know fooled by the devil so um i prayed about it and i thought well i knew to do it i knew to do it and so then he would share with me and i taught him how to judge and i told him if you do not judge every single one of them then i will come up there and i will get you and uh so he did so yeah actually it's god it's really god with the connection or the connection with me i came that that time because of dudu fisher was here and think about he's from israel and he have a um a show a show and a dr larry ellison yeah and loretta and you when i walked in i remember you guys and there's couple here in your church here she is um and prior to that when i was sharing some of my visions to other ministries and other ministers they said no no you're not hearing from god so that's the confusion too i am a baby in a christ at the time you know and i'm like i know i heard the lord i know he called me by my name i know he said son and he called me muhammad and come to me and he's still talking to me with all this to say that you really have to pray before you give somebody an answer if you have some testimony or a dream or a vision from their heart so don't cut that line for them in a way i'm not saying like dr larry also have to listen to everybody or miss bill abraham no but if you have any not experience you know know the word of god because right now if anything if the lord tell me anything it's not even backed up by scripture i will push it to the side i didn't know that before he had to know he had to learn this i have to learn all these things and some people say no i am familiar with god his name and i hear it all the time you cannot be familiar with god's name without testing the spirit and making sure that he is speaking to you [Music] because the devil could come the same way as jesus amen so you have to be careful it's very important oh most important yeah why for one thing we're going to start hearing from god more yeah and you're going to have to judge tonight yeah amen and uh so but here we are and if we're ever going to hear from god we have to hear now what did he say in the book of revelation if any man has ears let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church the church has he is speaking to us he is speaking and so um we prayed together and on november 15 2020 an amazing thing happened he heard me in arabic like they did in the book and the lord said this to him now that i wrote this down oh okay go ahead pay attention i was gonna look it up this is an assignment you are going to hear in arabic what billy is saying of what is yet to come pay attention to what you hear in arabic your native tongue she speaks in arabic to you with no accent i am revealing to you both through all the saints in prayer now what he has us do we got like on wednesday morning we'll have 1400 people praying all around the world and he says that what we hear is what they prayed yeah and he gave them the if they don't pray we're not going to hear this no probably not it's not so i am revealing to you both through all the saints in prayer now i know that tonight we have people watching and praying and so we're going to do what god told us he gave us some instructions and the instructions are pray 15 minutes amen so we pray 15 minutes and then the lord allows max to hear it in arabic and then max tells us what he heard in arabic now what does it say in in first corinthians 14 2 he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men no man understand it he speaks to god so um he speaks mysteries the mysteries are the plans of god so god is giving us utterance and uh he is giving to us utterance and tonight i'm going to ask him for some things he says you have not because you ask not and i am going to ask him this is not written in the book that you can have what i'm going to ask him so i am going to ask him to give us some enlightenment on what happened here two years ago and i got a call first thing this morning from a pastor if i told you the name of the pastor of a huge church does lots of missions work and so that pastor asked me to call someone they're working with actually works for them they do missions and this is a gentleman uh was in afghanistan for eight years and headed up a school in kabul and they now have 600 believers 600 christians that they can get out through glenn beck through brother copeland working with glenn beck they can get them out they have the money to get them out they have the planes to get them out they're in a place where they can get out but our government the state department has stopped helping with any kind of papers and they will not take anybody unless they have papers so they called me thinking that another nation maybe could issue them temporary visas and maybe israel would do it so they asked me to contact some people in israel i said well everybody on israel is this is nobody's it's not business as usual this week and tomorrow is uh going into shabbat besides rosh hashanah and i said i tell you what we'll do we'll pray tonight and we'll ask god to give you some answers they're watching these people are watching this gentleman from uh who headed the school in kabul and they have the people they're watching and we're going to ask god if he will give them what do we do what can we do what can we do about this 600 people and only god knows the real answers and uh so you'll hear me as i pray and now what is going to happen here is max can you hear me well okay uh but you're gonna have to pray quietly now hannah she prayed only her lips moved but you've got to pray you cannot just sit there and watch me and max you're gonna have to pray so you can maybe whisper your prayers or very soft voice so that max can hear me and heavenly father we feel like in a way you call this meeting because you closed circles yes go ahead you know this is this is when i walked in the today to this building to wow i felt the holy ghost the holy spirit very strong you did yes and i told philip that just all over me and it hasn't left me now when we pray i just wanted everybody to remember that god is speaking to us he is a present speaking to us i wanted everybody here tonight close your eyes and pray in the holy ghost pray in tongues and experience the holy ghost and everybody online i don't know is that light everybody online to experience the holy ghost with us tonight this is not just this is not just a a show this is god speaking to us it's not like a president or vice president sitting here that everybody wanted to get engaged or or see or take a picture with god is going to be with us a matter of fact he is right now you know it came to me we have an appointment with god yeah yeah hallelujah we have an appointment with god [Music] holy father we come to you in the name of yeshua hamashiach your son it is written [Music] that we're praying mysteries it is written that you give us utterance and i thought today of you have not because you ask not i'm going to ask you for some things i'm going to ask you and of course for this we have to say if it be thy will i'm going to ask you to enlighten us concerning the calendar and the happening and the the days we're in now and the upcoming days you promised to show us things to come that is a promise and then i want to ask you about this in afghanistan you have called our attention to cora's son you have spoken of the afghan church and particularly we want to pinpoint these 600 people and ask you lord if you give it to us with interpretation fine or if you put the plan that you have in the heart of the gentleman our brother john his name is john if you want to put it in his heart and those he's working with they're working day and night he told me and they're around their tables and they're praying if you want to put it in their hearts whether we know it or not but god we need an answer for those 600 people and we're asking for it and we just want to say thank you and praise you and give you glory we know that our heads are not wise enough smart enough but oh god you have given us a language you have given us a language that you give the utterance and you pray what you want said and done and we give ourselves to you right now lord in the name of yeshua [Music] foreign is [Music] it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign military [Music] from foreign oh father just to think and imagine that oh father it's always blessed me that an angel came from the throne of god down to mary gabriel was sent from the throne of god down to a little town of nazareth and it is so humbling father to think that from the throne of god you would come and be with all of your children of course but we're here tonight at osage beach and it's just so humbling and we're so thankful i am so thankful like the song tonight all of my life you've been so faithful to me you've been so faithful to max and so faithful to quinn and so faithful to every person in every seat you've been so faithful to larry's mother mrs allison larry and loretta and everybody i don't know all their names i know matthew's name you've been faithful to him and teresa but you're faithful and we're glad you're faithful tonight and we just thank you for speaking to us hallelujah praise god hallelujah now whoever's on the scripture don't put any scripture texts don't put anything up until we decide which translation we're going to use because sometimes the words will be in one and not in another so just wait for us to say what it's going to be and so i'm sure you're ready tonight as i am brother max did the lord speak to us tonight thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord sometimes i just like to [Music] get and read all of them before even i say anything thank you lord i just have to say also before like remember when the lord told us kurusan kora kurasan like in the 18th august 18 august 18 and going back to the um to the assignment i'm talking about praying and making sure that you hear from the lord so when the lord when the lord spoke to me and he gave me these words i prayed over it i prayed over these words like lord is this what you want us to do is this what your will for us now and then i talked to miss billy on the phone and she said i believe we are to do it we're going to pray for 15 minutes and we don't know how long this is going to last i pray that it will never stop amen because we want to keep hearing from the lord we wanted the comfort anyway i want did you hear the lord tonight yes and when he hears he says it's how is it like um all i hear your voice and arabic with no accent but i have no control over the way i write them i have no control over the spelling i have no control over anything how did it get translated from arabic to english it's him i am a bad speller she know that i mean i shouldn't say i'm a bad speller but you know english is not an easy language but like some words i couldn't even i couldn't even read because i never pronounced it before like books about the bible like books on the bible he'll say i heard him say to clinton one time it was ecclesiastes i think she said i can't remember now i could say it now i say it right yeah but anyway there's no way he could translate it that fast no and write it in english he can't do that so i just i felt it was right to give a little word of that and let us hear let us hear lord help us here thank you for us here now thank you so why while we praying and when i was hearing miss billy the holy spirit is here he is speaking to us and the holy spirit is still here and that's what i mean it's it is so powerful that god is speaking to us people are you listening to me god is speaking to us it's not in the past only it's happening now we are in the last days of the last days of the last days of the last days this is it i'm going to share one more thing maybe in the end of the service i don't know if dr larry ellison wanted to be online but it's about covet now it's been like three months this is what the lord said to me this is going to be the first one that's going to be the second one is going to be the third one and it's going to be the fourth one pray for the fifth one not to happen but my children will be saved the church will be saved we don't need vaccination if you got the vaccination if you received it if you have it due to your circumstances you know what to put the blood of jesus over you and we know that nothing's gonna harm you amen i'm not against anybody get the vaccination no but i could tell you this we are going to a point that we are going this is it tonight seven years from now i believe this is it this is the mark of the beast nothing else to get peoples to take all of this and then they're gonna say this is number five it's gonna save you from everything happening to you right now and people are gonna run to take it but we are going to be saved we are saved we are saved he's been telling us that's why i'm saying the reason i'm saying all this this is the god is speaking to us he's guaranteeing to us every prayer how much he care about us how much he loves us this faction vaccination thing if you think about it why abortion is okay to do they have the approved you know abortion is fine it's your body you could do whatever it's your body but when it comes to the vaccination it's not your body doesn't that raise the flag in your head the antenna there is a chart if you look at the chart picture paint that chart in your in your imagination right now and that chart is telling you there are so many people going to probably have some issues there's so many people they're going to take it but nothing going to happen to them there's so many people that are going to get affected in three four five months from today there's so many people probably gonna have it today and something happened to them today in the end of the day the results of the charge the total will be established based on how many people they wanted to live in this whole or in this whole entire earth and how many people they wanted to go i'm not saying all the vaccination is bad there's so many so many different kinds but it's not tested before you take a pill they have to put it in a clinic or and study for five six seven years and if one person dies one too many they will stop it and take it and put it in a trash well i hope you'll have service on sunday now bless the lord bless the lord it's just been in my heart and you read between the line i probably said too much but praise the lord we have to be bold people we have god behind us his blood when he died he said it is finished he said it is finished we have to believe that he is taking care of us not to be in fear no not in fear don't be in fear because he will carry you over he is taking care of you don't adopt it don't don't say what if oh but no i believe the lord you know i i know that i am covered but i'm going to take this shot well if you believe then believe you are you are healed you don't need it that's just one example i mean god is so good when i was saved i went all in i was facing 28 felonies and they all hawks and people after me people stole from my business people did this and people did that people were talking to me at the time they're saying oh max you need to do this one two three four five uh you've gone to jail for 40 years what did the lord told me i'm holding your hand and you are going to be okay i stood on that and i'm okay it came to nothing it came to nothing people were after me don't i mean we have corruption all over wherever we go our mind is directing our walk let god directing your walk don't let your mind directing you wrong don't let the thought of your mind do what you have to do tomorrow or in the next hour let him do the work for you don't worry about it don't think about it give it to him and give it to him with your heart say i trust you lord that's what he always signs off with just say i trust you lord i trust you in charge of my life you're in charge of my kids you're in charge of my business in charge of my church some people like in different ministries it's sadly they don't speak the word of god they don't stand on like you don't want to they worried about their their income you are a minister you are a church you need to speak the word of god you need to teach it you need to be bold you need to tell your congregation the way it is i i'm not gonna tell you how many times i take your email at four o'clock and preach about it by the way are you up at four but it's god is watching over us we're all right if he is for us no one can be against if he is for us who can be his words his words i mean his words not just the adventurous interpretation translation but he's been given us a line and then a scripture and it's all matched in if it's not miss video will find the scripture or whatever that align with it and if it's not there is a meaning to it but if you look at the whole library of words larry ellison books billy brown's books max's book which is you know too little to be in that library but if you look at the word of god if you look at all these books that been published there isn't nothing nothing compared to the bible his word is alive today and tomorrow and forever and he's speaking to us now he gave us some verses on scripture and said this is for you now and you read it i'm like oh my goodness this actually makes sense his word is alive that's why it makes sense because he's god he's the arthur he made us enough is enough well god doesn't speak to me you know what when you read the bible he is talking to you read the word of god that's when he speak to you open your ears open your eyes observe his words he is speaking to you don't brush him off and when you pray you are speaking to him that simple oh god doesn't talk to me but talk to maxon and and billy and larry olsen and loretta no he's talking to all of us every day every single time every second but we need to hear him we need to listen hello listen i'm talking to you now you listen the first time he will give you another word the second time the third time the first time then he give you a task if you brush him the first time he'll try with you he doesn't give up but then he'll go to max until you come around because he's not going to push you he's not a pushy god he loves you and you're in his mind when he died on the cross all of us and his mind that's why he died on the cross and he didn't die on the cross just for our sins no he died on the cross for us to be bold to live it's not just about sin oh he died for my sin he died for everything he said it is finished there is nothing we can add to that it is finished now it's our job to do his will that's it that's it [Music] that's it praise the lord and there's a scripture i don't have time to preach on it that says none of the king james or any of them get it quite wide he's coveted to make that will known to you how could he hold you responsible to do his will if he doesn't make it known to you you make it known to us bless the lord hallelujah okay thank you lord this is for you today listen to my friend this is for you today listen to my friend i am coming back underline it i am coming back that means it was very strong very strong so he underlines it if it's very strong luke 21 25 28 so luke the book of luke chapter 28 i'm sorry 21 25 through 28 28 28 to 8. okay great power and glory great power and glory three times sorry great power and glory three times son son of man yeah son of man just understand son of man just understand daniel 8 17. um appointed appointed one time sorry appointed in the end of time appointed in the end of time another danielle here danielle 8 19. danielle 8 19. the devil showed them s-o-w-e-d them that he sold them sold them or showed them sold them i guess i saw them yeah like salt s-o-w-e-d [Music] three times matthew 13 39. matthew 13 verse 39 the purpose of your prayer the purpose of your prayer first ah three times the purpose of your prayer three times first peter 4 7 first peter 4 7 not immediately not immediately three times luke 21 9 luke 21 9 you are protected hallelujah thank you lord you are protected first uh you are protected two times and i'll just quen his voice in my head she always asks me how many times [Music] you are protected two times um first peter one five first peter one five so you guys have an idea now when i'm talking to myself on the phone like you know just picture me there [Music] i was gonna look maybe we got first we're one five before but maybe not i think we had before yeah okay i am near after first peter 1 5 i am near i am near i am near matthew 24 33 3 3. matthew did i say 24 33 24 33 yeah sometimes i kind of really like flip them in arabic that happened to me like read the arabic way i think my brother know what i'm talking about oh thank you lord the roaring of the waves are next let me do this again the roaring the roaring of the waves waves are next our next one time strong underline it you am i going too fast you're fine some people on the phone they said they cannot catch up or you're fine okay after the roaring of the waves are next you will be with me you will be with me oh good thank you lord huh you are with me three times you are chosen you are with me three times and after that you are chosen two times luke 21 verse 25 luke 21 verse 25. first peter 2 9 first peter 2 9. you ask in my father name you ask in my father name three times john 15 16. shortly just the word shortly one time all will come to pass after that two times shortly as one time shortly as one time and then will come to pass all will come to pass no will come to pass will come to pass two times revelation 1 1 revelation 1 1 my father said yeah my father said i said father said one time revelation 1 8 revelation 1 8. take the sword yeah it is sword as old i'm sorry s-w-o-r-d take the sword of my spirit take the sword of my sphere two times strong take the sword of my spirit to time strong ephesians 6 17 ephesians 6 17 my words one time strong my words with an s on the end yes one time strong i will show you what yet to come wow i will show you what yet to come one time after this one time after this one time revelation four one two six revelation four four one through six one through six rumbling yeah rumblings and lightning rumblings and lightning rumblings and lightnings one time trust in me okay now i'm going to get my computer concordance and we'll look these up and don't put them up until i say because sometimes the exact words that he gives will be in one translation and it won't be in another and it's not always the same translation so this is for you today listen to my friend i am coming back and i am coming back is very strong and my computer concordance comes up on um it's going to come up on esv luke 21 25-28 and there will be signs in sun and moon and stars and on the on the earth distress of nations and perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world for the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now when these things begin to take place straighten up raise up your heads because your redemption is drawing near notice that it's they that will see the son of man coming in clouds with great glory that's the second coming the coming of the lord is in two parts the first part is the rapture of the church and the sec last part is they will see them coming in the clouds now we are not they we are the ones that he says to when these things begin bless the lord i'm going to look at that in the king james the last of it when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh so they have begun when they begin then we look up and we know it's nigh they will see them coming in the clouds every eye will see him when they see him but when we see him not every eye will see him all right great power and glory those words are right here in verse 27 yes in a cloud with power and glory hallelujah king james says power and great glory let's look at the new american 1995 with power and great glory hallelujah son that was a great power and glory is three times son of man just understand how many times is that one time and then we have daniel 8 17. okay this is nasb daniel 8 17. so he came near to where i was standing and when he came i was frightened and fell on my face but he said to me son of man understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end that was the nasb new american standard 1995. see the same exact words i write it down like this and then in red i put the words and i i underline like what word is in the scripture and then what word is and usually i can find in one of the translations not always the same the exact words whoa that's a good one isn't it i think i'm going to use that nasb when i write that down appointed in the end of time [Music] understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end it's appointed to the time of the end son of man understand he's telling us to understand more at the time of the end yeah yeah yes he is daniel 8 19 he said behold i am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation for it pertains to the appointed time of the end appointed in the end of time son of man understand this is the nasb verse 19. behold i'm going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation for it pertains to the appointed time of the end he's telling us he's going to let us know one day we were having our women we were having a a class you were there we were having a class of 3bi and several times we had presence of the lord come and hannah my granddaughter over here she raised her little hand and she gave a tongue and we gave the interpretation of the tongue and the interpretation of the tongue said i don't want you on the outside looking in i want you having inside information and the lord said pray for five minutes in tongues so the class prays i guess it was like homework i don't know but we prayed and i'm sitting up at the front and i say i hear call max and i thought that just might be me wanting to call max and uh so when it was finished i uh let's see if i have that class in here yeah i said that just couldn't mike could be me but we'll call max max was getting picking up his car from being fixed at the shop and he said well i'll go home about 15 minutes call me and so we called and the lord told us just to pray a short time five minutes and he started out by saying you did hear me and then he had some very important information i think went to someone don't stay in with the chorus son and and there was some information given that was very very important now that it got to someone and uh but max didn't have time to dream up all the scriptures if you if you suspect that he sat down and looked them all up he didn't have time we got him in 15 minutes and there it was the message and the message that needed to get to someone yeah so praise god hallelujah it's powerful actually i used that time when i picked up i was in saint louis park i don't know philip if you know there's a lot of cousins there yeah and i was sitting after i pulled one car from the parking lot i looked this guy is out his house and he's sweeping and he's kind of looking at me like what are you doing in my street in a way he didn't say it that's why i'm like can i call you back in 15 minutes 15 minutes yeah so praise god i used that time to pray until i got home then yeah then i called praise the lord i know what this next one's going to be i haven't looked it up yet but i know what this is the next line the next phrase the lord gave us so precious kindly the devil sowed them matthew 13 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels he's talking about tares and they are called the sons of the evil one in the verse before the enemy who sowed them as the devil so there are some now in this earth who are evil and the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels this harvest um he's talking right now i think about the the evil ones they're going to reap their harvest yep the purpose of your prayer three times 1 peter 4 7. the end of all things is near therefore be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer and that is the nasb 1985. whoa i'm reading it again the end of all things is near therefore be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer our purpose is prayer we're we're to be praying now we're to be working with god not immediately three times luke 21 9 when you hear of wars and disturbances do not be terrified for these things must take place first but the end does not follow immediately i'm interjecting something here this is not a thus saith the lord and he didn't tell us that just now this is billy brim i think we're going to see ezekiel 38 39 war and then i think we're going to have some time here it's it's not going to be the immediate end after that the next line you are protected two times first peter 1 5 who are protected by the power of god through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time that's nasb as well don't you love to hear him say it and then confirm it with his word yes i am near matthew 24 33 he told us before i think three weeks ago though the end is near or something like that i am near so you two when you see all these things recognize that he is near right at the door goody goody gumdrops [Music] aren't you glad hallelujah that is shouting ground if ever i heard it the roaring of the waves are next and that's very strong underlined you will be with me [Music] you are with me you are chosen [Music] luke 21 25. no just after i read this yeah uh there will be signs in sun and moon and stars and on the earth dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves that's next you will be with me then first peter 2 9 and then then you could speak i'm just teasing him [Music] but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for god's own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light okay i just wanted to get through that thought there go ahead yeah i think um first peter 29 2 9 i said what i was gonna say i'm sorry but uh when when you look at the words here the roaring of the waves where next yeah our next and then you will be with me and then what did he say after that he said you will be with me three times and then he said you are with me okay you are choosing now if you even put the scripture to the side what is he telling us he is encouraging us and he is telling us promising us again over and over that he is with us and we are with him and we are with him and we have nothing to fear and you are chosen then the scripture hallelujah now i i remember reading some other things into that too brother larry how about you yep the roaring of the waves are next you will be with me you are with me you are chosen all right now we're going down to you ask in my father's name how many times was that max three times john 15 16. you did not choose me but i chose you and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit and that your fruit would remain so that whatever you ask of the father in my name he may give it to you prayer asking shortly one time will come to pass how many times was that two times two times revelation one one the revelation of jesus christ which god gave to him to show his to his bond servants the things that must soon take place and he sent and communicated it by his angel to his bond servant john who testified oh no john in in with john the revelation of jesus christ which god gave to show to us the things that must soon take place see shortly and soon okay i'm going to thinking that we might find one that says shortly so king james i think the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass so for that i'm going to use the king james my father said revelation 1 8 revelation 1 8 i am alpha and omega now i believe that was elephant tov the beginning and the ending saith the lord which is which was and which is to come the almighty all right which is which was which is to come is the name of god yahuwah jehovah it means it's it's the ineffable name of god it means he is he was he is to come so that's his signature here jesus is saying i am and i can guarantee you this is just a greek translation he would have said i am the aleph i am the tov the first letter of the hebrew alphabet and the last letter we don't have time to teach it here but it's very important it goes with genesis 1 1 the beginning and the ending saith the lord now here's the father's signature which is which was which is to come the almighty take the sword of my spirit two times ephesians 6 17 and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god my words i will show you one time very strong i will show you what yet to come one time after this revelation 4 1-6 and i looked and behold a door was open in heaven [Music] and the first voice which i heard this is king james was as it were a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and i will show thee things which must be hereafter and immediately i was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald and round about the throne were four and twenty seats and upon the seats i saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of god and before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind i will show you what yet to come after this and king james begins after this i looked and behold a door was open in heaven he's talking about these things coming soon rumblings and lightnings [Music] trust in me and in this i heard his voice of a trumpet and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings hallelujah ah the esv says from the throne came flashes of lightnings and rumblings that's the one i'm going to use here i'm going to read you that and after this i looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which i had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said come up here and i will show you what must take place after this there's another after this there's an after this at the first and then he said after this at once i was in the spirit and behold a throne stood in heaven with one seated on the throne and he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an angel around the throne were 24 thrones and seated on the thrones were 24 elders clothed in white garments with golden crowns on their heads from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire which are the seven spirits it's really lamps which are the seven spirits of god and before the throne it was as if it were a sea of glass like crystal and around the throne on each side of the throne are four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind so i think he's saying to us this is it he's coming we're safe pray [Music] work with him father i want to thank you i want to praise you i want to give you glory and lord i trust you spoke tonight to our brothers that are working with those people in afghan because we ask you to and i believe you did it and father i want to thank you for speaking to us okay i'm going to show you what i think this is not what the lord says that's what billy brim thinks some people said do you think that uh on rosh hashanah 2021 is going to be the rapture and so i thought about it and i thought no i don't because this is billy brims thinking [Music] these are seven year cycles we're going to leave at the end of a seven year cycle billy brim thinks and there will be on earth a seven year cycle called the great tribulation and there will be the marriage supper of the lamb which is a seven year cycle so to me this is the end of a seven year cycle we're going to the end of a seven year cycle we're going to a year that is the sabbatical year that has the end of the seven year cycle so if i think we're going to have a rapture on rosh hashanah which i do it would have to be at the end of this year this would be a year of great preparation [Music] this would be a time of great great preparation then in billy brim's way of thinking if he doesn't we don't have the rapture of the church after this next rosh hashanah then it would be seven more years so whether it's one or eight he's coming soon and whether it's one or eight we'll be with him on sunday he told us on sunday he told us that i'm waiting on the father and he gave us scripture oh sunday he didn't we have a prayer call every sunday at three yeah he he said i know this is a different message today i am coming back just waiting on my father and every scripture was about his coming soon so somehow this rosh hashanah and the one we had here two years ago when he told us about transition it all has to do with our redemption joithnight so i'm going to go home and i'm going to write out all these scriptures and then i'll pray over them and see all what god said to us but for one thing for sure he's telling us you just have to watch chip my son preached last sunday you will just have to watch it he told me he cried all the way to the church he couldn't gather himself during the announcements and he cried and finally got it together to preach and then at the end he cried all the way home and it's called all in a l l i n and it means everything about us in like the marble headers he had just read the book i sent to him called the indispensables about those men who got washington across the delaware and then i sent him the book and he was reading it and i didn't even know it but he's scheduled the next week to be in boston and his wife goes with him and she said i don't care if we have to drive for hours we're going to marblehead and they looked on the map as 15 minutes and he called me said mom guess where i am it so impacted him and that sermon impacted me yeah really that's why you're here yeah in fact yeah that's why i'm here because god pressed him to come down and he drove all day to get here yeah so from minneapolis going back tomorrow you're going to rest today rest a day thus saith the lord bless the lord pastor larry hallelujah we have people watching from all around the world we uh pakistan various countries in the middle east really yes yes and they've listened to our dear brother hear from the lord and don't you just love him i mean even though he was born muhammad mohammed muhammad there is two answers okay well i'm from the ozarks so i'm that's a little difficult for us we just we just call you max and uh dr billy brim is this amazing now you're from egypt right why don't you stand up and uh let's hand him a microphone from egypt and don't preach don't preach just just tell everybody who you are and introduce those with you and uh well i am i was born and raised in egypt and came about 10 years to attend drama and um and the lord connected me with the ministry in prayer mountain i got connected with miss betty back home without knowing him personally but it was a divine connection so what are you doing now i am pastor in kansas you're a you're a pastor in kansas we're in kansas and king men let's just say about that again king man i know that's a good church if you're anywhere near there god bless you good to have you here tonight all right so uh dave payne i want you to come up here there has been a great release tonight a great release in the spirit i believe so there's been a release of revelation a release of confirming his word with his word with his word he confirmed his word with his word and there has been a release of angels you know what the word says in hebrews that angels are here for they're here to minister for those who will inherit salvation and there's been a release i believe it and we're going to see things over these next few months that we've never seen before yes there's going to be attacks of the enemy that we've never seen before but there's going to be a greater victory than we've ever seen before in this meet our year and every scripture tonight seemed to point in one direction and that was the lord our savior speaking to us and saying i'm coming back to get you and don't worry don't be in fear i like that word you said don't be in fear do not fear do not fear because greater is he it's in us than he that's in the world and no weapon formed against us [Music] you'll prosper no fear here hey put your hand on your heart no fear here no fear we're here dave come on up here loretta we'll see something going on sure no come on up here so that no we have to see that quick [Music] today that i needed um bring this little short word i'm not going to read the whole thing to you but it came in our prayers that this what happened i hope that's why you give it what happened um one of the things that happened many things happened on this day that we the lord told us about the big you know the great thing is happening but the lord kept reminding us about tommy hicks's vision about what tommy hicks's vision tommy hicks's vision oh tommy hicks vision and i'm not going to read the whole thing to you but you can find it on billye brim's website but i just want to read this one part at that very moment there came a great thunder that seemed to war from the heavens i turned my eyes toward the heavens and suddenly i saw a figure in white in glistening white the most glorious thing that i have ever seen in my entire life i did not see the face but somehow i knew it was the lord jesus christ and he stretched forth his hand and as he did he was stretching forth to one and to another and to another and as he stretched forth his hand upon the nations and the people of the world men and women as he pointed towards them this liquid light seemed to flow from his hands into them and a mighty anointing of god came upon them and those people began to go forth in the name of the lord and i believe this is the fulfillment of that i you see that so look it up online and look tommy hicks vision h-i-c-k-s yes thank you bless god so that can be found on your website yes and you can find it maybe other places but we do have it at and here you go sir and the brother i want to say i was going to say one thing it's on okay it wasn't um you know god is so good oh my god is so good now this is me max the palestinian jordanian former muslim i work in manufacturing all my life my last job was actually in charge of the golden bridge almost parked the one in san francisco in california did a lot of buildings around the country did a lot of work in the viking stadium the walker arts center in minneapolis anyway and 2013 the lord said i'm gonna have you encourage the body and when he told me that you know i'm gonna have you encourage the body i wasn't deep into the bible he's talking to me i have dreams and visions i've been to heaven a few times but the word body i didn't really understand it at the time like body what do you mean body so later on i understand like encouraging the body of christ now and three years ago no in 2013 also he told me you're going to have a ministry i'm like me you said yeah you're gonna have a ministry i'm like when he said just wait i will let you know so when he asked me to have the minister or launch the ministry when covet started in january of 20 20. i'm like lord i want to make sure that i'm hearing it is this you i test the spirit like are you the lord jesus christ are you and he said yes i am like okay so we did the reason the reason i was he told me that you're gonna launch your ministry now because i lost my job apparently i was making too much or some other reason me and another people three two more people and i was in prayer mountain in april and terry brim um um sister billy i was going to call your mother with me told terry said you you pray for max you need a job and terry came and he grabbed the mic and he was praying and praying praying praying the word won't come out it's just like the lord make him dance around it like don't pray for the job for him and then he said max is nothing coming out i don't know here you pray just throw the mic he couldn't pray for max to get a job he couldn't and then i grabbed the mic and i started praying and praying and praying right like the same way just it's nothing happening i couldn't even say the word like lord provide they need a job or something like that just did not come and then there's a lady who was he at prayer mountain do you remember oh you didn't know this is coming quinn um anyway she said when we both praying the lord spoke to her and told her that max to launch his ministry next for what to launch his ministry launch your ministry not not not to have a job not go back to the world to go back so and that's that was another confirmation for for me like okay lord this is what we're gonna do and right now we have ministry we started it and it's called the soil of hills and minneapolis area and we're looking for we're having a building from another ministry should i say who was it maybe anyway somebody's helping him somebody you would know somebody you would know um we're going to be in minneapolis and downtown in minneapolis but that person actually in 2019 2018 came and she said to me unequivocally said you are to be in downtown minneapolis and you are to be you have you having a minister are you right in the middle of the seminar right right in the middle of the somalis i'm like okay it didn't really register at the time i prayed about it but you know i have a job i'm like what i'm supposed to be into what i'm doing in downtown i go to church in downtown but not me but here we are it's just like when god speak to somebody even a word to you you pray about it and you make sure that this is you know don't don't brush it the point is don't press it on somebody prophesy over you brother it has to confirm something you have to concern confront something can't be out of the clear blue brother kenneth copeland only prophesy over me in 2018. it's all coming to pass he said max you are seeing that little tiny hole in that keyhole you haven't seen a thing yet and you know more words anyway praise the lord praise the lord dave come on over here it is a small world brother jack says he has something going on one more thing and then brother brother jack you have something please identify yourself by name hello people my name is joe as jack myron and i'm from st louis and some of our prayer people are here um that that thursday night was september 19 2019. and on tuesday night we had prayed you're talking about when the word came two years ago yes 9 19 19. this was two nights before okay we were praying and um my tongues just changed my language just shifted and changed and i remember saying something's been put in motion and i said i said the first part to you and you looked at me and pointed me and said it cannot be stopped that whatever was put in motion two years ago transition yes it cannot be stopped the clock is ticking transition cannot be stopped cannot be stopped until you get the baby it's and that's where we are we're two years further into it so that was so strong you you're he said something's been put in motion and it cannot be stopped it can't be stopped you could pray for mercy and all that kind of stuff in the past but not just this time it's not strange the judgment and everything is it's fixed it's all set time it's all said the lord spoke to us once in in our sessions like this he spoke about judgment coming and he said they had their opening don't ask me to stop this you remember that don't ask me to stop so praise the lord and if you want to join us will we pray uh what is today thursday we'll be praying sunday at 3 you can go online and find the numbers and then wednesday at 8 8. one more thing else and he told us last week he said or the week before he said this is the beginning pray end for them remember that he said this month august yeah is the beginning is the beginning pray for the end for the end not meaning like the end of the month no this is the beginning pray for the end of whatever the completion yes pray for them the end is the completion [Music] you're looking at me oh yeah you know you just never know how things are going to turn out you know um i remember calling you up one day and i said how would you like to rent a theater in in branson and we'll rent it for a day and we'll have doo doo fisher come in and we'll have him put doo doo fisher that doo doo uh that's um david yeah it's a lovely name for david but that's the way his name is that's the way you would say it over there and uh have him come in and do a concert so you and i got together we rented that theater and bought all the tickets and so they put on a program called oh jerusalem i think it was or something and we went down there that night and this guy over here i remember you walking over to me you had a book you walked over to me and you introduced yourself and you said is billy bren here and i said yeah she's right over there and it just you just never know what's going to happen and i thought to myself you know for a long time after that why in the world would anybody rent a theater in branson and buy all the tickets you know yourself to put on a show you know and that's when he came to see if i would judge his prophecies see there's a purpose of things we do no matter how crazy it seems at the time you know and as a former muslim palestinian i'm not using my can you guys hear me yeah as a former muslim there you go my first night my first time ever in life holding an israeli flag and waving it and singing now here we are now now you say that god is not a we had an israeli flag on every seat and i will never and we dance and sing if if if my uh family know that i have an an israeli flag in my home now there now they can't do anything but prior to that they'll probably kill me like you have an israeli flag in your home that's how bad it is so i went there i was i watched through the fissure and it was a message from benjamin netanyahu i think it was like yeah benjamin i would give a message and then i was looking at quinn so i have the israeli flag in my right hand and the american flag in my left hand i was telling you like why they make the israeli flag so big i wonder if somebody's watching oh i'm glad you said that that makes it like the cherry on them ice cream you know god loves things like that oh yeah just loves it look at here look at what i got down here look at that guy going he used to want to shoot that israeli shoulder now i got him doing this he loves israel so much this man and prays for them so much and god gives them amazing visions and we don't tell all of them but anyway they're amazing and he said to the lord one time why do i love israel so much he said because you hated them and i am demonstrating how i change a man i took that hate out and i put that love in he says i changed your heart and he really did there is nobody can take that i mean it's it's god it's what god does in a man has he done it in you yeah have you are you all in are you has he done it in you is there anyone here that he needs to do it in you and you'll be as brave as he was that night he walked the aisle or god shoved him down the aisle whichever does your dog like you he does now he's getting he's getting a little old he's like 14 years old now but he he died remember like three years he prayed him back to life i did even i the love for the dog it just all showed up right there my son came said dad the dog is not moving so i put my hands on him he was so cold and he quinn came and the kids started screaming off and dead defended we prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and started getting he started warming up and getting up just like a a goat being born yeah getting up and dropping getting up and driving after that starts running and wiggling his tail he's fine you know i haven't i have an idea why don't we get one of those little dogs well what do you call it don't you say it you don't say it right okay just trust me one of those little dogs we'll get one of those little dogs we'll put it on a leash and we can have an usher kind of walk up and down the road and then whoever it bites that means they're lost and then it would it would be kind of like a a savo meter it's just a thought you know what you know what guys god doesn't mind you to laugh he that sits on the circle of the earth laughs he invented laughter and you know what you just should max was a grouch and god doesn't want you to be a grouch he wants you to be loving and kind and sweet and smile and show love so you might be born again but you're still a grouch you just need to feed your spirit and dance around and but but the little dog would know the dog would know he would know it might be only that dog you know like you're specialized dogs oh that's right so um you know gloria said one time uh gloria copeland copeland yeah i had to think of her last name there for a moment but she said you know we could do this all night do you remember the meeting where she said we could just do this all night she said but you just got to reach a point where you just got to say we got to go home you know so we got to go home or do you want to just go for another hour or two okay i know what one more thing okay one just one more thing we need to pray for brother jerry yes yeah let's let's do that yeah brother jerry come on reverend jerry basinger come on up here stand right here you need to pray for him and and you need to pray for him and uh and um let's just have our altar ministers come up here we have some designated altar ministers yeah but you do definitely need you know i know that you and your son were not like super close but he's still your son and uh nobody ever knows what it's like to lose a son until you've lost a son and over the years i've sat across the desk from a lot of people who have and i've ministered to them but not until this last year that i really understand and there's just something inside especially of a man who loses his son but we don't grieve as the world breathes we don't sorrow as they sorrow and there's just a peace you know jesus was the king of peace he came to give us peace but a few verses later it says he's the king of peace and he lives inside of us so i'm just going to pray that that peace be just released peace of the king be released inside of you and then as you walk through this the next few days whatever it is that you and your family have got to do that it will be done with peace with comfort with strength and that others around you hallelujah we'll see you hallelujah and see the king of peace in you hallelujah and without you preaching at them they'll be drawn okay so father in the name of jesus he has the peace in him the fruit of the spirit we call him your peace father flowing through him that the world can't understand so just receive it now jerry thank you lord in the name of jesus and sleep tonight peaceful sleep and father supernaturally give him instantaneously the words to say guide him on when to speak and when not to speak for all the questions that come up [Music] you're going to get some revelation brother jerry you're going to find out some things that you didn't know and it's going to bless you bless the lord hallelujah hallelujah wow hallelujah you can look it up on he was on the sid roth show how many of you know who said roth is he was a guest on the sid roth show a few years back and you can go on the internet and look up jerry basinger and sid roth and find that interview it's a great interview well this man over here uh played with uh wasn't lawrence who was the other guy glenn miller the glenn miller orchestra for eight years he's a he's a trumpet player but he's also a shofar so far so far i haven't been able to say that right he's a he's a shofar instrumentalist you know and it's good to have him in the church every church should have a butler and a show for her so uh but john hagee said about him john hagee said when he heard he played the shofar in branson when john hagee spoke down there and john hagee made the comment he said i have never heard anyone blow as correctly as he did and so with that in mind don't embarrass me dave do good come on dave payne come on for dave hmm [Applause] [Music] uh huh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah now i have to say something rosh hashanah the name of it is memorial of trumpets there are names for the part well let's see this you if you're jewish you will want to be they're going to blow on the memorial trumpets 100 times and you must be somewhere where you can hear a trumpet sound on rosh hashanah either at the synagogue at the wall at the wherever but it's your you gotta be so that you can hear what he just did and a part of that is called the teruah and the bible says blessed is the people who hear the teruah which we just heard and it ties it to the coming of the lord and the great trumpet and what is the first thing we're going to hear the voice of the lord and then the trumpet sound we will hear the teruah and we heard it tonight on rosh hashanah so we're starting this sabbatical year kosher hallelujah you may be seated for just a moment we're closing right now um look we we give lifted hands unto the lord you know but for people we can give an applause for people hallelujah so wasn't this amazing tonight thank you for driving i had someone thank you i know that we received an offering earlier and but someone mentioned to me a little bit ago they didn't realize that that was the offering for billy brim so i'm going to instruct one of our ushers to stand by the door back there with an offering bucket if we want to make sure that if you want to sow in this wonderful ministry billye brand ministries that uh you have an opportunity so if you've already given praise god but uh for those who didn't realize they thought we were going to receive a second offering because that's what we normally do you know but we didn't tonight so god bless you all bless you thank you it's been amazing thank you for coming and thank you for coming max and quinn god bless you hallelujah you don't have to
Channel: M B
Views: 1,042
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: dWtq4-02_jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 29sec (10709 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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