Sunday Night Service | September 12th, 2021

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throughout the course of an evening like this there are so many opportunities to look elsewhere yeah that cell phone to look elsewhere and all i want you to do is whenever you find that happening tonight i just want you to bring your attention back to the lord so what i've discovered more than preparing sermons god wants to prepare my heart and what he wants more than anything is my full attention and so if we can do that collectively as a family there's no limit to what the lord will do among us and who he will be to us amen all right come on lift your hands to heaven father in jesus name we come tonight thankful looking to you amazed that we can come to you every moment of every day by the precious blood of jesus and so lord we lift our hands tonight in worship and we adore you and love you and we give you honor and we're grateful lord we come tonight through the front door through the gate of thanksgiving and we say thank you jesus thank you for the blood thank you for the cross thank you for your word that you honor above your own name thank you lord for the power of your promise thank you for the gift of the holy spirit thank you for your good heart thank you for being good thank you lord in advance for many who will receive jesus tonight for many who will come back to jesus tonight for many who will be made whole and healed for many who will fall deeply in love with you now glorify the name of jesus wonderful holy spirit have our lives use our lives we've come for you and you alone in jesus name in jesus name and everyone said amen amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] lifting my [Music] we have come to bow down [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning [Music] shining like the sun [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are singing [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah am [Music] [Music] oh [Music] am [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy i am [Music] am [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] voices [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] seated on the throne [Music] holy [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all the angels cries [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] and yours is the kingdom yours is the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the kingdom is [Music] [Music] and yeah [Music] this is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] mrs [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] glory that in all things you would have the first place [Music] [Music] the is place [Music] so [Music] reason for existence [Music] will one day [Music] [Music] to love you like we love no other [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] will be exposed [Music] and is my heart [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] just put your glory just let me see your beauty [Music] just put your [Music] just put your clothes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so catch me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so catch me [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] right [Music] so [Music] you're the choice wow [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] my god [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] is [Music] and all is for your glory is [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus foreign [Music] [Music] that in all things [Music] yes there [Music] see did is see that i there's nothing yes [Music] there will be no [Music] and there will be [Music] and there will be no [Music] [Music] and there will be [Music] oh [Music] you will be [Music] so [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] worthy [Music] no [Music] there will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy of all and there will be [Music] and there will be no [Music] come on just look at jesus look at jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there is no one like [Music] you [Music] lifted high [Music] [Music] your spirits [Music] my fears jesus i love you i love you cause your name is [Music] is to my feet jesus i love you i love you jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] she [Music] your spirits [Music] is [Music] jesus i love you i love you cause your name is [Music] my feet jesus i love you i love you cause your name is [Music] jesus i love you i love you my jesus [Music] jesus [Music] sing it again [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus i love you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you i love you [Music] jesus i love you [Music] jesus i love you [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you i really love you i love you [Music] so [Music] i love you [Music] keep looking at me jesus i love you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] just look at jesus take this moment to look at jesus start singing yourself start singing your song start pouring your love pour your love pour your love pour your love pour your life [Music] [Music] just sing straight to jesus look at his face [Music] [Music] [Music] come on don't stop don't stop [Music] come on lift your voice worship the lamb of god [Music] come on [Music] come on don't wait for us don't wait for us the king of kings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] can never [Music] [Applause] [Music] all my soul [Music] all my life all my love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] all [Music] all my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all my love all my love all my love all my [Music] love all my heart [Music] oh [Music] all my love all my love [Music] [Music] [Music] let's just sing to the lord a bit here come on lift your voice just softly [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] just sing in the spirit here for about 30 seconds [Music] death could not hold you [Music] great [Music] the praise of your glory for yours to life again [Music] is [Music] glory for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the praise of your glory [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the silencer [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] foreign is oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a powerful name good day [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep worshiping everyone don't stop don't stop there's nowhere to go [Music] the lord is reaching out to many of you now we're here in his glory if you feel the convicting power of the holy spirit coming on you right now and you know in the depths of your soul you need jesus to change your life tonight to set you free from sin to cleanse you to break the power of the devil in your life come come one by one i don't need to preach to you right now come come right here in his presence get out of your seat come in the presence of the lord to this loving jesus keep worshiping church keep worshiping if you know you feel the convicting power of the holy spirit come now come now in this precious presence of the lord it's jesus that changes lives to the addicted tonight come to jesus the broken the broken come to jesus [Music] come to jesus young and old come to the lord [Music] which is a holy moment holy spirit do the work do the work do the work [Music] [Applause] i can tell you on the authority of god's word you will not interrupt me while i'm talking keep coming i can tell you on the authority of god's word that if you come to jesus tonight you will be free [Music] you come to jesus tonight you will leave brand new and he will by no means reject you if you come to him tonight jesus said if you confess me before man i will confess you before the fall he's here tonight he's here there's no shame no shame at this altar only redemption only freedom don't stay in your sin choose life tonight choose jesus respond to his love respond to his love [Music] keep playing there behind me guys on the keys there are people here repenting coming to the lord listen to me everyone in the room there is no one like jesus no one that woman caught in adultery came to him [Music] religion said killer stoner [Music] but jesus had other plans for her he said woman where are your accusers she said nowhere lord she said neither do i he said neither do i accuse you jesus isn't in the room to accuse you tonight many of you in the room feel like your sin is under a microscope that's not accusation that's the light of the holy spirit [Music] and men choose darkness the bible says so that their sin won't be seen [Music] in this moment you're in the light of god in the light of his presence and you have the choice tonight to leave with your sin or to live free from sin as though you've never sinned a day in your life sin's power has been broken and dealt with by jesus so i want to speak to everyone under the sound of my voice do you feel accused tonight like that woman caught in adultery you say i haven't committed adultery jesus said if you lust in your heart you've committed adultery hosea said that we've all played the harlot by looking in another direction [Music] come to jesus tonight and he'll look at your accuser and he'll look at you and say neither do i accuse you come to the one who will not accuse you tonight right now if you need jesus to set you free completely from sin get out of your seat and get down here right now i'm telling you this is a special night i sense the heavy weight of god's presence young and old you might be a jesus school student i don't know who you are you make maybe you come to this church often come down tonight and find your freedom thank you father come come come come religion kills religion accuses jesus sends the accuser away come to the lord come to the lord lose the chains lose the burden of sin [Music] you see you know why they're coming tonight because the lord's presence is so real here they're coming to him come come come to jesus come to jesus tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] come god bless you come come come you know what keeps men and women from redemption in moments like this fear of man shame condemnation jesus isn't here to shame you he's here to redeem you god bless you he's here to redeem you [Music] come you know your sin is destroying your heart that's what it does it brings death and you know you don't want it anymore come come they're still coming this is beautiful such a gentle jesus such a wonderful jesus it's the work of the holy spirit come come you for need to forget about everyone next to you it's one day you'll stand before the throne of god and all that will matter will be the work of the lord in your life not your own works but your own abilities nothing you think you've accomplished but the accomplishment of jesus and when you come to him his accomplishment is given to you the father sees jesus when he looks at you this is a beautiful beautiful moment but i feel that more more god jesus has more there's more on his heart step out of your porn tonight step out of your addiction tonight step out of it step out of it leave it leave the drug addiction leave the anger leave the hatred leave it all leave it all and come to the lord jesus look they're coming young and old they're coming little children coming to jesus [Applause] thank you father thank you father this is what the holy spirit does they're still coming um jesus said speaking of the holy spirit he will bear witness of me that's the work of the spirit you know and sometimes he moves quickly the gentleman that he is never beats the door down respond to his loving pool you and your homes you may tune in every every week i want to invite you to come to jesus tonight come to the lord children you might be watching this tonight with your family there's something about this moment that just feels so real you feel the pull of the lord on your heart that's the holy spirit i believe that many homes around the world tonight are being saturated with the presence of the holy spirit respond respond believe there's many marriages that are broken and fractured that seem hopeless tonight as you're watching maybe here in america or somewhere around the world jesus is the third fold in the court of god he's the he's the third accord in god's marital plan come to jesus come to jesus tonight leave your sin with jesus tonight he'll nail it to the cross many of you come every week you can't glory in coming every week you want to glory in him come to jesus tonight i don't understand the ways of god i only know that nights like this are special hallelujah if you are there watching in your homes i want you to get on your knees tonight if you're coming to the lord and we're all going to pray together aren't you grateful that jesus has overcome that jesus won the war it is finished he said hallelujah [Music] ryan come stand up here with me buddy they're still coming to the lord they're still coming you see the holy spirit is a person the wind he comes as certain times a river a stream sometimes like fire he came so many ways tonight right now i sense the gentle loving river of the holy spirit singling many of you out what a precious patient lord to wait on us this long but here he is what an offering i want everyone who came forward you know what's so special about tonight is that the lord is here and when you talk to him tonight he's going to hear you i promise you he's going to hear you so i want everyone who came forward and everyone in the house tonight to pray and declare this clearly and what we're about to pray awakens heaven heaven is celebrating right now when one sinner repents all of heaven rejoices look at this moment and what we're about to pray also sends a shockwave a quiver through hell as souls are being pulled from the grip of the enemy for eternity jesus has overcome he has no rival i said he has no right he has no rival i want us to pray this and pray it out loud realizing there is no redemption in a prayer there is redemption in a person i want you to talk to a person right now and he will gladly receive you are you ready family what a precious moment i want everyone in their seats to stretch their hands and first i'd like you to stand if you're not and stretch your hands towards these precious people at the moment for those of you who've come forward i want you to lift your hands as a sign of offering your life to god forever pray this out loud heavenly father i have sinned against you and i confess my sin you said if i would confess my sin you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleansed me from all unrighteousness so here i am lord jesus coming to you as you told me to confessing my sin forgive me wash me in the precious blood of jesus cleanse my soul redeem my life i repent of my sin i turn from it and turn directly to you i put all my trust in you and you alone jesus christ i give you my life i believe that you lived a perfect and sinless life and i believe that you suffered and died to purchase my soul and i believe that you were buried and raised again because you are the son of god who has been raised from the dead and you are alive forevermore jesus you have ascended to the right hand of the father and you are seated and enthroned as king of kings you are returning again to rule and reign dearest jesus receive me tonight as i receive you me for you you for me forever forever amen in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord authors thank him one more time thank you lord thank you lord [Music] i want ryan to talk to you just for uh two minutes here yeah you can be seated out there in your seats thank you jesus well everything changes today guys everything changes there's a few things that we want to encourage you in this life of following jesus in this life of looking at him all the days of your life if you guys want to stay up here the ones who came up here just for a couple minutes they're ready they're already following jesus they're following him out here [Music] a few things that we love to encourage is that every day that we live a life of prayer with the king that he is a real god man that we can meet and that we can encounter every single day and what that looks like is waking up in the morning and getting alone with him is finding a little precious place within your home within your car and talking to him in fact tonight as i was worshiping jesus out the lord was take me back to those precious moments that i had when i first gave my life to jesus of just being with him and filling the trinity within my room and he's saying ryan i'm calling you back to these moments of just you know th these real deep encounters with jesus and i could feel it and so that is available for you guys he has freely given himself to you the god of the universe and number two is to read the holy scriptures every single day it's the holy bible it is the word of god it is living bread it is true manna the bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god his words give you life his words sustain you his words keep you when you start to doubt and you see the life in the world and things coming at you you can look at the word of god because that is truth that is a strong foundation because it's jesus christ himself and number three is to get connected to a local body of believers you know this is what we call church it's that we get to lock arms together that we get to encourage one another that we get to hold one another accountable somebody that you can talk to in the middle of the night or throughout the day when you need encouragement and that's that's what we're here to do the bible says we gather ourselves together in love and good works to stir each other up in love and good works and number four is that get baptized in water we do this here monthly we set up a tank and what this is is this is a representation of us going into the water speaking of jesus himself the holy spirit we get to be baptized into his death burial and then we come out of the water water resurrected cut off from the old man and cut off from the old woman the bible says a seared conscience a conscious that has been seared by life and by sin our whole entire life in a moment he makes it clear and gives you the mind of christ in one moment and that's baptisms are you it is absolutely vital for the christian life and number five is the baptism of the holy spirit the bible says just ask and he will freely give you himself to clothe you with himself empowerment it is beautiful the bible says that the love of god is shed abroad in the hearts of men and women by the holy spirit the love of god is a reality in our lives when the holy spirit comes upon us it is absolutely beautiful and we're going to pray that together right now as a church we're going to agree as the body of christ with you guys that the that the holy spirit rests on your life so now you guys could be a witness you guys all have the gospel within you because you met the man the god who gospel the gospel himself jesus christ tonight and now you guys could be a mouthpiece for him within scripture people that encountered jesus they were immediately evangelists because they witnessed the one and so you guys all have that in there and that is the power of the holy spirit and we're going to pray and believe that over every single one of you guys so let's agree as a church let's stretch our hands towards each and every one of these uh precious souls up here and we're going to believe god that he comes and he comes with might and with power so jesus christ we thank you for your spirit the same spirit that raised christ jesus from the dead holy spirit we thank you that you encapsulate everyone's mind up here holy spirit i thank you that the love of god will be shed abroad in each and every one of them i pray your power and afflame over every single one of them in jesus name god let them witness you and let them feel you let them know you jesus even as they drive home tonight as they lay in their bed tonight as they dream tonight holy spirit that you encounter them that they know you and that they see you that you the reality of who you are is true to them the cross is true to them your life is true to them i pray in jesus name the breath of heaven over every single one of them cover them empowerment clothe them jesus with yourself in your precious name we pray amen amen come on let's thank jesus for everything that he's done tonight thank you mighty king thank you mighty king we love you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] oh wow well what a moment i'd like our team just to rally around these precious hearts here and i want you to take them back to their seats or at least to their aisle we would typically have dion come up but i just feel like the holy spirit's going in a different direction so help them back to their seats welcome them home family would you do that please and please thank please thank these precious vessels the worship team would you thank them and hold on hold on step [Applause] let's welcome steph huh she's not a guest here so you want to say something to him anything want to tell him you love him you do that really well i i told you i've been telling you for weeks god is moving god is moving prepare your heart and i only invite people who move my heart here i love you too and i do want people to move you but i've discovered if they don't move us they probably don't move the whole church and few people move my heart like steph and so i just wanted to feel at home i want us to receive her as the gift she is she's a rare gift to the earth and the lord has given her to this generation just let her know you love her one more time [Applause] thank you thank you hey can you hear me no no you got this one chris there we go i really love you this is our second home in your family i love to worship jesus with you i pray that you never ever treat his presence as common here yeah he is not common and this isn't normal but it ought to be we love you and the great singer family is growing what do you got going there i love you so good to have you all right let her know you love it one more time [Applause] wow grab a seat we're just getting started do you love the presence of the lord welcome jenna jenna come on up welcome genereed thank you i have the honor to receive tithes and offerings today jesus is in the room michael asked me earlier today he said let me know when you feel something in the room i just feel jesus in the room no he's enough he's enough something i wanted to share what was on my heart is how to respond to him when he's in the room how to respond when jesus is in the room the book of proverbs talks about to pursue wisdom is the wisest thing that we can do so i went through the scriptures and something that was highlighted to me was matthew 2 when the bible talks about the wise men who are these men that the bible stripped of their names and called them by their character and i want to read you matthew 2 verse 10 it says when they saw the star they were filled with joy they entered the house and saw the child with his mother mary and they bowed down and worshiped him then they opened up their treasure chest and gave to him gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh pastor michael explains this so well what these gifts mean i just had a baby i did not want gold frankincense and myrrh i wanted diapers wipes and a full night's sleep but they were so intentional this is what wisdom is wisdom is jesus himself and when these men came and encountered the lord they encountered jesus their first response was to worship him and their second response was to give so i just want us to pursue the heart of jesus and say jesus when we come in your presence when we come in the room our heart is to worship and our heart is to give so let's just pray thank you jesus for the opportunity to respond to you rightly tonight thank you jesus for the opportunity to love you and give good gifts intentional gifts these gifts that see you even as king these gifts that see you as lord that we don't tip you but we worship you and we honor you and we thank you in jesus mighty name amen amen and you can give to a text give to that number there on your screen it's beautiful jenna it's so powerful let her know you love her would you do that yeah um your text give to that number on your screen if you're in the house if you're watching online the same same applies to you if you would like to give by cash or check tonight and you need an envelope would you please just raise your hand okay we've got a bunch okay thank you lord isn't the lord wonderful isn't he wonderful i took bruce's seat there for a moment i was going to back up joel did you feel my support thank you lord thank you lord i just want to pray over you before you bring your offering if you're watching online thank you for tuning in every week some of you twice a week three times a week we have a thursday morning live worship set from the school every week we love you so much and i just want to encourage you to show if this ministry has blessed you for the sake of the gospel there is no one like jesus and the people said let's pray father thank you for all you've done in us thank you for all the goodness that you've shown us so i pray you'd bless your people and keep them as you promised you you said you would rebuke the devourer and so i pray that in jesus name over your people thank you father glorify the name of your son greatly in jesus name bless multiply and keep them for your name's sake in jesus name amen amen if you'd like to give by envelope you can come forward now we'll be back in just a moment bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our god [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what does not lack passion we love you court i know you're watching i love you so much want that powerful all right we've got some good news for you got some new images of the building i just wanted to keep it for your heart uh how many there oh yeah there we go that's the uh that's with the updated stained glass and let's go to the next one um i love that and and that's the stained glass behind the platform as i said this morning minus the neon backlights and the smoke we don't need smoke unless it's the lord's cloud he can come do what he needs to do but we don't need smoke but it's okay it's okay it's coming i love the sanctuary isn't that beautiful it's wonderful that'll be the home for your children's children in jesus name in jesus name let's go to the next one that's the bethany house that is the prayer house and that is toward the rear of the property if you look to the left there you see the big stained glass the triangular shaped one sort of uh that is an image of mary of bethany pouring her oil out on the lord and it is beautiful that lake you see is the lake that that prayer house is basically built on and it'll be a gorgeous gorgeous place to be with the lord i have all since i was a kid i have experienced the presence of the lord through his beauty i love creation and there is something special about hearing the lord and building accordingly and it's going to be a very prophetic property in jesus name amen go to the next one there there's the front of bethany house that look at that door isn't that awesome just looks like the door on the front of a great golf course but this is going to be way better than the best golf course it's going to be a glorious glorious setting next one is that it is that it yeah okay all right what else did i miss babe jesus 21 is right around the corner we are yeah there you go you don't want to miss it um oh it is going to be amazing and it's going to be even better than last year and the people said and then if you're watching and you want to come down get what am i saying i know i got you i got you um we're running a special thank you babe we're running a special tonight for the next 48 hours you get 15 off so get on it if you're watching get on it come down here snowbirds come on down it never gets cold in florida this is where you want to be [Laughter] all right youth has been absolutely phenomenal our young people are encountering the lord in a beautiful way i'm so proud of ryan and carla and really our whole team who have been who've been leading them so well all of our jesus school students our jesus school students have been serving beautifully i can assure you of this you're going to have to search far and wide to expose your children to burning fiery eyed ones like this group here they are something else and these are the kind of people you want your young people around i'm so proud of them and i'm just so excited to see what the lord is doing uh they are really responding to the holy spirit and what we're hearing is they're just saying we want to be in god's presence amen amen it's either the world disciples them or the lord disciples them let's watch the lord disciple them so that's every wednesday night it's seven o'clock if you'd like to bring your children it'll be a wonderful wonderful time amen well i want to i want us to receive communion tonight and see what the lord will do does that sound good i know he's going to move mightily i never know exactly what he's going to do i'm not sure i want to oh thanks thank you to take your bibles to exodus chapter 12. this is the institution of the passover i'm sitting because i'm about 90 percent healed i i did actually did cardio yesterday pain-free i'm just not preaching pain-free yet i can sit and preach uh by by next week i'll be ready to rumble i won't sit on the stool for a long time unless the lord tells me to so in exodus 12 we see the passover instituted and the lord comes to his people wanting to experience a meal the lord comes to the entire nation of israel that is a type and shadow of the church here and invites them to the table i don't know about you but i'm extremely grateful to serve a god who invites me to his table and offers himself as the meal i'll say that one more time he offers himself as the meal as paul teske said when god's people he said this two weeks ago three maybe when god's people receive communion the immortal meets the mortal the eternal god meets us who are limited the one who has no weakness meets our weak bodies in many ways this is the eternal meal this is the meal of strength this is the meal of our covenant so the lord comes to his people and says i want to have a meal with you as the lord is judging egypt at the close of the judgment he invites his people to feast upon him and i i didn't turn to exodus 12 to read the entire thing but i do want you to mark exodus 12 and slowly read through it tonight or tomorrow there are a few scriptures that i want to read to you i'm going to begin in verse 3. and as i begin reading i want you to know that the lord is inviting you to his table tonight oh my gosh this is where heaven and earth meet did you know there are not two worship services going on in the lord's eyes right now there's not one before the throne and one here on the earth but by the spirit the children of god are part of one great processional worship service whereby their hearts cry worthy is the lamb who is slain worthy of glory honor riches wisdom strength be unto him there was only one found worthy we are part of this glorious glorious worship service tonight and the table of the lord becomes the meeting place for heaven and earth whatever in your life whatever is in your body whatever you're experiencing that you know did not come from the lord can be obliterated tonight at the table of the lord where eternity and earth collide the precious table of jesus speak verse 3 to all the congregation of israel saying on the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb say this jesus is personal i am to receive him for myself according to the house of his father say this jesus restores family he's both personal and the god of family joshua said as for me and my house we will serve the lord salvation is a personal promise and a household promise don't you give up tonight as you come to his table tonight i want you to put on your lips the names of those in your household that you are believing to know jesus say he's for me and my family hallelujah a lamb for every household and if the household is too small for the lamb i love this let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of persons according to each man's need you shall make your count for the lamb in other words while jesus is vast and massive and a massive god yesterday we had just so fun we went all of us to the beach and the first thing that struck me was the majesty of god i haven't been there for a while you know if you think that the world's problems are so massive and that you're weighed down by them i understand that can happen very easily life can throw you some curveballs go to the beach and think about jesus listen to the crashing of the waves the moving of the currents and he's got it all in his hand and it's all functioning perfectly according to the word of his power the bible says all things are held together he holds all things together by the word of his power the breeze was hitting us oh i love the coast it doesn't feel like summer there it's wonderful the peace the power the majesty jesus is massive and vast but i love this passage this is amazing look at this and if the if the household is too small for the lamb in other words there are enough people to consume the lamb as big as jesus is he cannot be wasted he's too good to be wasted church you don't get to throw away the scraps all the land must be consumed all this flesh don't waste jesus tonight purpose in your heart i will not waste his presence i will not waste his anointing i will not waste his invitation i will not waste his touch i will not waste his word don't you love how protective the father is over his son that he purposes here he must not be wasted if there's extra take it to the next household that's the ministry you want to minister from overflow you want to you don't want to minister from a parched heart from lack you want to take the overflow of the life of the lord jesus and just live before people that's the ministry share the lamb your lamb shall be without blemish jesus is perfect he's sinless today we were talking on the way home from church of how painful the passion of jesus must have been for mary his mother because she knew him like no one else did imagine what it was like raising jesus watching him live a sinless life knowing he never screwed up no not one single time what a responsibility he's without blemish he's perfect say amen a male of the first year speaking of tenderness and purity you may take it from the sheep or from the goats now you shall keep it until the 14th day the same month listen carefully and then the whole assembly of the congregation of israel shall kill it at twilight did jesus die in private no who killed him the congregation of israel he died in public who sentenced him to death but the congregation of the priests when did he die you got it it's right there and they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lentil of the houses where they eat it i'm sure you've heard this i've preached on this many times but the two doorposts in the lentil i should be easier if i did it this way these are the two doorposts on the side of the doors and then on the lentil so he there was blood here and then here i said here and then here the cross was on every home on the night of passover smeared in blood and that's why weekly i apply the blood over you when we're here by faith the word of our testimony applies the blood listen carefully in the book of revelation the scripture teaches that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony that doesn't mean that every testimony you share is the overcoming power of god testimonies are wonderful the testimony in that scripture is pointing to the accomplishment of the blood so you what you want to do is put the testimony of the blood on your lips and testify that the blood has been shed and jesus is overcome every home verse say then they shall eat the flesh on that night okay look back up at me this is what we're going to do tonight jesus is not asking you to merely admire him or to be his fan he wants you to receive him many in my room from a distance few consume him if you bring him in until he becomes one with them it's the power of the table jesus is not looking for fans as i said he's looking for a bride and the bride becomes one with the husband to the degree as i've told you many times that she takes his name oh it shall be roasted verse 8 shall be roasted in fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs when they eat it when you roast something it's a slow cook it's a slow process the command was very specific here how many of you feel the presence of god i do give your attention to his presence not my words it's more important that your attention is on him this teaching as important as this is don't you love him don't you love him when you roast something it takes a long time to cook and when you roast something especially a lamb i know i grew up in a creek town and i can take you to multiple places where there are lamb there's a spit of lamb roasting almost 24 7 from nine to five something happens when you roast the lamb it turns black it darkens and that speaks of jesus slowly becoming our sin that's the type and shadow here also jesus died a slow death i said jesus that is slow death aren't you happy not that he died a slow death but aren't you happy that he accomplished all god wanted him to for you so beautiful lastly well not lastly because this is too good to rush through when you roast something you suspend it over the flame in those days they would run the lamb through with a pole and the lamb would hover above the flame listen to the beautiful picture see it in your heart tonight the beautiful pole the wood holding the lamb suspended over the open flames of hell becoming your sin so that you would know him forever and consume him and that he would become your heaven hallelujah hallelujah verse 13 now the blood shall be a sign for you on the house is where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when i strike the land of egypt just look at me for a moment actually don't look at me look back at your bible i've got to read this to you verse 21 and then moses called for all the elders of israel and said to them pick out and take lambs i feel the power of god right now if you have sickness in your body i want you to offer it to the lord just say lord here's my body as i'm speaking even before we receive communion as i'm speaking if you have a condition in your body just just like a little child say jesus father here's my body and many of you while i'm talking are going to feel those the symptoms leave moses called for all the elders of israel and said to them pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families kill the passover lamb verse 22 and you shall take a bunch of hyssop hyssop speaks of faith you shall take a bunch of hyssop dip it in the blood take your faith put your faith in the blood that is in the basin and strike the lentil and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin the work of the cross is not gentle it is thorough quick swift and deep and destroys the power of hell and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning friends mornings coming the great and glorious day this is the commission never leave jesus don't leave the house in other words don't leave him the chief cornerstone don't leave the one who is the temple stay under the covering of jesus and the blood will keep you and protect you for the lord will pass through to strike the egyptians but when he sees the blood on the lintel and the doorposts the lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you i declare tonight that the work of the enemy in your homes comes to an end it comes to an end tonight all the confusion all the bitter arguing all the marriages you think are hopeless your children who are wayward tonight as you receive the covenant meal the destroyer will be left out forever receive it in faith tonight chronic illness chronic sickness it goes tonight all the hell that you're hiding in your home it's the work of the destroyer receive the meal in faith tonight and watch the destroyer go watch him pass over stop letting him in stop letting him in through compromise don't you dare gosh steward the environment in your house learn to turn the tv off no more no more you come to the meal tonight with the heart of responsibility knowing that you're priests in your own homes even pestilence dwells in these sick environments tonight the destroyer is rebuked may the lord see the may the destroyer see the blood over your family i said may the destroyers see the blood over your family so oh gosh verse 31 then he called for moses and aaron by night and said rise go out from among my people both you and the children of israel and go serve the lord as you have said also take your flocks your herds as you have said and be gone and the egyptians urged the people that they might send them out of the land with haste the egyptians were like we are we don't your god is so in covenant with you that he's destroying our sinful environment get out of here we don't know what to do with you you want to be free but we want you gone whatever that looks like go that's how the lord can trouble the enemy listen to this so the people took their dough before it was leaven having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes on their shoulders and now the children of israel had done according to the word of moses they asked the egyptians for articles of silver and gold and clothing on their way out they said hey by the way give us your money and the egyptians were so over it they said take that too just please go and that night listen carefully that night look up at me if you would please that night the children of god were delivered with food in their mouth while they were chewing the lamb god said by the way gird your belts tie your sandals it's time to go this meal is a deliverance meal this meal is a deliverance meal the moment listen to me carefully we do nothing nothing nothing by religious through religious repetitious garbage tonight the moment the elements touch your mouth you are coming out you are coming out of anxiety listen you're coming out of fear you're coming out of depression you're coming out tonight coming out of sickness they're going to come out of pain you're going to come out of arthritis you're coming out tonight the moment the moment the elements touch you you're coming out of egypt i said you're coming out of egypt god judged god judged the ten gods of egypt with ten plagues and i'm here to tell you based on the word of god that the lord jesus has destroyed the powers of the devil and rendered them powerless through the cross the bible says in the book of colossians jesus has completely destroyed the work of the devil spirit soul and body beloved i wish above all things the scripture says this was my dad's favorite scripture growing up beloved i wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers receiving the covenant meal is a major step in renewing your mind hallelujah hallelujah now the word communion or eucharist means thanksgiving to be thankful to remember not just mentally but prayerfully remember the lord's suffering and the lord's accomplishment so i want us to prepare the elements now let's just take them out now the bible says listen carefully the bible says that on the night they left listen carefully there was not one feeble among them three million people possibly between two to three million there are three million people in the orlando metroplex that's a massive group of people that poor moses had a pastor now you know i prayed so much but that entire group of people not only were there none sick they were non-feeble there was not a weak 95 year old in in that 3 million i'm not praying mere healing over you though i'm going to rejoice in anything god does tonight i'm praying the strength of god over you do you know moses died with perfect eyesight didn't die in weakness under a lesser covenant you say that's too much for me to believe he's a big god he's a big god there's strength in this meal there is healing in this meal there is deliverance in this meal jesus is in this meal the bible teaches us to judge ourselves to bring our lives before the light of his presence and so i want you to take a moment right now and just individually ask the lord if there's anything in your life you and your homes get your communion elements out as well and ask the lord right where you are is there anything in my life father that i need to give you today is there anything that i need to make right to repent of now take a moment here wait on the lord and just allow the holy spirit to highlight anything thank you lord now once he shows you something these things don't take long trust me just say father forgive me and repent that's all forgive me lord just turn from it leave it with him now if there's something between you and somebody in the room make it right now you may need to lean over and whisper something you may just say sorry you don't need to go through counseling session now just give god something to work with i'm serious that's what it means to be a real family in god's presence is we we are authentic before the lord we are not wearing a mask we bring our strength and weakness to him and he becomes our strength where we're weak possibly there's somebody in your life who's not in the room when you know you've you've offended them you've sinned against them or maybe they've sinned against you this is a perfect moment to send them a text and say i'm really sorry or i forgive you don't don't choose unforgiveness over your breakthrough tonight choose your breakthrough it's beautiful many of you are texting thank you jesus now let's lift the bread to the lord father thank you for the blood the body of jesus thank you for his stripes can you bring those keys down just a little joel yeah thank you for his stripes thank you lord that you are our food the lamb of god thank you for the table of the lord you prepared table before us in the presence of our enemies it's at the table that you hide our weakness it's at the table we trade our weakness for your healing and for your strength i thank you lord for your brow that was pierced with the thorns that you wore our curse on your head the cursed thorns that we would have our mind renewed i thank you for the mind of christ all of you need to just be just pray along with me here thank you for the mind yeah just forget about everything right now the lord is here so beautifully thank you for the mind of christ thank you for thinking your thoughts thank you for your word thank you lord for the holes in your hands that redeem our work that redeem the work of our hands the work of our life thank you for the holes in your feet that cleanse our walk those precious feet that they washed at bethany pierced with a roman spike thank you jesus oh thank you jesus thank you lord that you sweat blood in gethsemane that you chose the cup of suffering so we could drink the cup of the covenant wow what a savior what a savior thank you for saying yes to agony so we would know your delight as we were singing tonight my god my joy and my delight thank you jesus for the wounds on your back that heal our bodies it's by your stripes we are healed and by your stripes we were healed heal your people tonight heal my back heal our minds lord we trade our weight for your yoke that is light and easy thank you jesus for the wound on your side that is a doorway to your heart thank you jesus that that wound birthed the church thank you for the water and the blood that pour forth the washing of the word the presence of this spirit and the redeeming power of the blood from your precious side that leads to your heart thank you lord for your face that was marred beyond recognition that we would be recognizable at the throne you were stricken smitten of god and afflicted thank you for your lowliness thank you lord for offering your beard to those who plucked it and disfigured you that we would gain your image what a wonderful jesus now father i declare tonight that there is no sickness more powerful than the body of the lamb of god and i pray that as we receive your precious body that pain and symptoms conditions would go glorify the name of jesus at the table tonight in jesus name let's break the bread because he was broken and received thank you father don would you just come up here and wait next to joel grab a mic oh jesus thank you just just close your eyes thank him his power so wonderful here thank you father thank you for the body of jesus the lord we lift the cup tonight the cup of the new covenant the cup of the better covenant you said that your blood was shed for the remission of our sin and the covenant is in the blood it's what you said lord that this is this is the covenant in the blood and so tonight i declare the power of the blood over everyone who can hear me over everyone who will watch i don't know why i feel this strongly but there's someone who will watch it months down the road and the lord will do the same work in you that everyone under the sound of our voices would experience the power of the blood of jesus and so we all lord we have to do this together guys we all plead the blood our testimony is of the victory of the blood for without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin but the blood has been shed thank you for blotting away our sin thank you for washing away our sin and so i apply the blood over all of you over the doorposts and the lintel of your lives over your bodies over your families over your homes your children your ministries your churches i plead the blood over your minds over your spirit over your bodies the blood of jesus the blood has overcome this is my testimony this is your testimony and tonight we overcome by the blood this is our testimony jesus thank you for the blood the spirit bears witness of the blood so as we receive as we receive would you just lift one hand to heaven as we receive the blood of jesus tonight i say father we say come holy spirit come holy spirit thank you for the blood thank you for the blood let's receive ah thank you father just wait there thank you father you never want to rush through communion thank you lord just sit there and worship for a moment thank you father [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus and what can [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus sing [Music] makes me white as [Music] found i know nothing but the blood of jesus and what can't wash away my sin nothing but the blood [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus single freshest is the flow of [Music] found i know [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus and what can't make [Applause] [Music] if you're able to stand if you're able [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] nothing but the bloody [Music] just sing in the spirit here for a minute go ahead [Music] um [Music] or just lift it a bit lift it a bit lift it a bit [Music] just keep singing keep singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh just lifted just a bit just a bit [Applause] [Music] it's all yours it's all yours it's all yours just about 30 more seconds keep singing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] if you came in tonight with the sickness in your body or pain or in your mind or in your heart if you need a miracle tonight in any way sometimes a broken heart is more painful than a broken bone i want you to lift both hands you say i need jesus to touch me tonight just lift your hands wave them at me keep them up if you're near that person like right next to them i want you to look at them and say is it okay if i put my hand there on your shoulder but don't do it yet just ask them now now i want you to ask them what's going on it should take literally literally five to ten seconds ask them what's going on don't lose the moment should know now you should know now thank you lord babe go you too now in the name of jesus we're going to watch this stuff leave are you ready we're going to pray and declare the word of the lord you don't i don't want a conversation i don't want a deliverance session i don't want you to help them through the problem i want you to name the issue that they just gave you and declare the word of the lord over them and tell it to leave it's this simple go in jesus name so do it right now father in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth we thank you that every condition goes pick those keys up buddy or it's by the stripes of jesus that we are healed and we declare that over every person's body right now over every mind over every joint over every broken heart may the healing power of jesus christ flow precious jesus drive these sicknesses out as you did for hope as you did for jenna as you did for jesse in the name of jesus lord you are not a respecter of persons every sickness goes now in jesus name every sickness goes now in jesus name broken hearts behold for he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds nothing is impossible nothing is impossible all things are possible with god in the name of jesus behold behold now many of you are going to feel you do feel the power of god on you whether you feel the power of god or not i want you to try to do something now that you couldn't do before maybe you felt your heart totally healed maybe you felt the pain leave your body i want you to step out in the aisle if you have to test it out test it out this is vital move by faith test it out now perhaps the lord has healed the depths of your soul and you haven't felt so liberated it's been years it's been years you need to start giving jesus praise right now i don't need you thinking through it just begin thanking him begin thanking him knees behold shoulders behold vision clear up hearing clear up in jesus name digestive issues be gone in the mighty name of jesus there's someone here who feels fire going through their midsection going through their midsection you've had an issue with your digestion behold behold in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be completely whole there's a lady in the room you've been so deeply betrayed and you've been so wounded within and you've wondered if you'd ever be okay you're so so hurt tonight the bomb of gilead the holy spirit himself is released upon your heart be whole [Music] be whole if you feel a change in your body you feel a change on the inside in any way i want you to lift your hand right now you feel like the lord i want you to wave they're up everywhere thank you father i want everyone lift your hands lift your hands of the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus i want everyone to quickly grab a seat quickly grab a seat if the lord has healed you or touched you in this section put your hands back up ryan go go go go go go go go there's hands on the back if the lord has healed you i don't want to hear a testimony i don't want to hear your calling or your prophetic word for the house i love you very much but right now is the time to testify of god's healing power what happened so i had pain in my stomach for i think a couple years and i even had spiritual attacks even if after giving my life to lord i give my left arm when i was 12 but i came back about i think a month ago and i still would wake up and you know in the middle of night feeling like the spirit was holding what happened tonight tonight i felt like you know i guess it went away when when you know my friends all my brothers here prayed i don't know who prayed but thank you yeah they prayed for you and you felt it all go yeah yeah it felt so much better it's unbelievable thank you i'm so wow thank you thank you lord next ryan thank you jesus next next next now listen listen listen listen listen listen listen when you begin to testify the lord keeps moving it's the way you honor what he's doing and when he keeps moving if you didn't get your breakthrough when we prayed i just want you to be sensitive to his presence just be sensitive kathryn kuhlman used to say if you need a miracle in your body give your body to the lord she used to say miracles happen when jesus becomes more real to you than your need so just give the lord your attention and when you sense his presence i want you to act in faith that might be you say i'm not i'm not that bold i want you to be more bold now than you were five minutes ago that's all i'm asking okay go ahead ryan oh so i work for a moving company and i lifted something too heavy and i work for who a moving company okay and my um i've had lower back pain because i lifted something too heavy but whenever my boyfriend laid hands on my lower back i instantly felt it healed when did that happen tonight was it during communion or after um when we prayed will we pray thank god thank you jesus thank you jesus i think there's more right there ryan was there somebody else right there in that section who had their hand up i think there was yeah yeah see how much nicer i am to ryan now he used to run back and forth what happened uh yeah so uh kind of the same thing as her i was i was moving a large desk it was heavy um i have back pain from it and uh yeah they pray for me a couple times who prayed for you my two my two brothers here awesome awesome joseph and what happened tonight yeah uh at first you know i felt the pain just dissipate then you know a little more a little more now i don't feel any in my back at all thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord look if you're if you're watching online tonight and the lord has healed you you know what in fact let's stretch our hands we need to stretch our face write your hands towards the camera father in jesus name let the healing power of the holy spirit flow into those homes all over the world let the power of the holy ghost flow and heal your people in jesus name set them free in the name of jesus if you're watching and the lord has healed you i want you to start posting it in the comment feed and i want you to email testimony at jesus the team will post it right now you must give your testimony to keep you from touching the glory this is very important you want to give the glory to jesus ryan yup who else right there ryan there's a bunch over there right there yep sorry yeah right there let me see is that brook's niece yes yes yes what happened um so i've been having really bad bad back pain where it's been sciatica where i pinched a nerve and i wouldn't be able to bend down or bend backwards and these girls next to me laid hands and some guy um laid hands on me too and it doesn't matter does it as long as the lord used them yeah so i tested it out and i feel no pain no pain how long has it been uh four months four months since you've been pain-free yeah can you come down i just want to see you do something that you couldn't do before thank you jesus yeah get that camera on there yeah right there right there that's perfect so you can bend down so you couldn't do that before without pain is there any pain now thank you lord now hey that yeah the lord's faithful he's so faithful that is that's pastor waldy's granddaughter who leads our choir what a covenant keeping jesus he's wonderful love you so much it's beautiful isn't the lord wonderful what happened there hey you came up to give your heart to jesus yes sir what's your name omar what is it omar and how old are you i'm 20 20. where are you from uh originally i'm from puerto rico but i came from kissimmee you came from kissimmee gave your heart to jesus tonight and he healed you yes sir what happened uh this this morning i woke up with a lot of pain in my ear and my friend she prayed for me while we were doing the prayers right when we finished uh the pain was it went away but i couldn't hear clearly but i started listening to everyone's testimony and like every single testimony i started hearing my my size [Applause] that is wonderful come sit down here ryan i want to change gears here buddy do i have any pastors yeah you did of what a beautiful voice come come i have not i have not led worship in the months that i've been pregnant without being in extreme pain because of my back and i couldn't walk for maybe a day or two afterwards and it's always worth it but i i had not an ounce of pain and i have none now like i'm like that's amazing the first time [Applause] you guys are probably wondering why steph was sitting down worshiping this is not a gluten allergy i am pregnant she hasn't upped her carbs as of late isn't the lord wonderful oh i love you i love you steve this is not a gluten i didn't know that happened with gluten is there are there pastors here who came in from out of town pastor hold on let me clarify this you actually pastor what you actually have you ready a congregation okay or a missionary but i've uh well you know what no i feel like i'm supposed to focus on the pastor here is is there any pastors who've come in from out of town for a touch from the holy spirit so that you would take that back to your city right there there's one anyone else oh we've got a group here anyone else i feel the rumbling of the holy spirit right now anyone else anyone else anyone else yeah okay you guys stand up you stand up there you're already standing you're good i want everyone is you're not the group from ohio are you iowa and you got skipped this morning huh now the lord's going to get you we prayed for the ohio people earlier stretch your hands i want the whole house stretch your hands towards and towards that precious lady there stretch your hands pick up the keys more more more strengths i want everyone to pray in the spirit here for about 30 seconds [Music] father in jesus name i pray that the power of the holy spirit would come upon these people that you'd come upon them in fire that you would come upon them in boldness that you would come upon them in clarity and a love for jesus and his word father in jesus name may they fall in love with you tonight like they've never known you in the name of jesus we pray for you young lady we pray for this group from iowa are you from iowa too you too where are you from jacksonville florida let the fire of god fall on these people in jesus name come on pray church this is what does it right here people come into an environment like this god touches them only the lord knows what he can do holy spirit come come in power come in glory use them for your name's sake grab them in the depths of their being let nothing else do it for them only you and your presence in jesus name in jesus name receive a fresh anointing of the holy spirit right now right now burn for the bridegroom in jesus name burn for the bridegroom [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands i want everyone in the house to lift their hands right now lift their hand lift your hands lift your hands all over the house father in jesus name come on you got to ask him you got to ask him he wants to fill the whole house tonight receive receive every one of you receive the power of the holy spirit the glory of the holy spirit the precious substance of the anointing be anointed tonight leave with more in jesus name leave with more in the mighty name of jesus i release the anointing of the holy spirit upon you and your families in jesus name you will not leave tonight the same father grab them possess them grip them and use them come holy spirit come on just yield that's all you got to do you don't have to work and beg just heal deal deal deal wind of heaven wind of heaven touch your people fill your people heavenly dove rain fire on your vessels new wine on your people thank you lord keep playing there keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing come holy spirit wonderful holy spirit fulfill your people clothe your people we need more we can't eat yesterday's bread we need more [Music] more more more more more we need more you have this got to come from your heart we need more jesus we need more more of your power more of your presence more of your word in our hearts and lives [Music] jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus look at jesus lord let this group from iowa step into a healing anointing [Music] because they've been asking for it in the name of jesus do it heal the broken in iowa heal the suffering in iowa heal the desperate in iowa do it lord do it lord in jesus do it lord jesus come and live there in jesus name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want to pray for the fearful before i dismiss i just feel that some of you've been gripped with fear stand up if you've been gripped with fear that gripped with it just completely gripped uh-huh it's perfect love it casts it all out jesus jesus pour out your love tonight the holy spirit the love of god shed abroad in their hearts by the holy spirit who is given to us pour out the presence and power of the holy spirit here i rebuke fear in jesus name we the church of jesus rebuke fear command it to go right now in the name of the lord jesus may you have the mind of christ you do have the mind of christ may you think his thoughts i heard this today while i was getting ready i was just worshiping the lord and i just began to say we were made to love him we were made for love keep playing there keep playing keep playing precious love of the holy spirit fill the people as you feel the if you fear the lord and the lord alone thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus babe would you come up would yet would everybody stand before we dismiss i want jesse to pray over you receive the prayer in faith receive the blessing go ahead baby pray jesus i just ask a blessing over these people jesus holy spirit ignite the flame in their heart again jesus let them burn with first love tonight jesus lord break generational things in jesus name lord things that don't belong in their life break it right now in jesus name i thank you lord as michael was saying that fear will go in jesus name thank you god for the blood of jesus over their minds as they rest tonight over their sleep in jesus name over their children over their grandchildren in jesus name lord i thank you god that tonight is a new day god and like i've always said it stops with us lord it stops with us god and good things will come from here on out god so fear stops with us in jesus name doubt stops with us in jesus name lack of faith stops right now in jesus name it will not go on to our children and their children and their children and their children it stops tonight in jesus name goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life in the name of jesus all the days of your life they're good god has good things in store for you he has come to bless you not harm you he has come to give you his love he will not hold back his love from you so jesus we receive your love tonight lord we receive your goodness lord your grace your mercy lord they are new every morning jesus we receive them lord like hungry children jesus your goodness lord we receive it we thank you jesus we thank you for your goodness god for your blood jesus for your mercy lord it never changes lord you are so good your love never changes lord it never goes away lord so we receive it like hungry children in jesus name yeah i just want to say thank you to tell you this all keep your hearts on the altar yes all week off your hearts daily to the lord jesus this next week sunday morning and sunday night as i've been telling you for weeks are going to be holy and pivotal for us i don't want you walking into them without being prepared the anointing falls on prepared hearts so take the week in jesus name love the lord beautifully and love people and give the lord something to work with father bless your people in jesus name amen amen we love you give the lord praise he's been good to us tonight give the lord praise see you sunday morning sunday night god bless you love you so much
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 15,996
Rating: 4.9933224 out of 5
Id: vHGD-Tqdatg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 7sec (10987 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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