Top Cardiologist Warns About the Imminent Rapture of the Church | Dr. Sam Kojoglanian

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[Music] this is jennifer bagnashi with deep believer today we have a special very special guest with us today his name is dr sam kojo galanian that's it right you did you got it right okay yes he is one of the top one percent cardiologist in the country um he was voted the best cardiologist in santa clarita valley um and he currently has a practice called mender of hearts is that correct yes ma'am okay great and um yeah i would just like to hear more from you first of all i would like to hear about or i want us to hear about more about how you grew up um what started you out in the field you're in and your relationship with jesus christ what was the beginning for you well the beginning goes all the way back to the middle east where i was born you know after the 1915 massacre of the armenian peoples by the turks uh have we lost half of our nation uh 1.5 million out of 3 million were were massacred uh great genocide and then so the armenian peoples went all over the world uh and part of them ended up in lebanon part of ended up in jerusalem part in iran iraq so my family my daddy's family ended up in in jerusalem and there's a huge armenian community there so that's where i was brought up i was born on the mount of olives where jesus is coming back uh and he will land uh in his second coming after the tribulation that's where i was born and then i then i grew up on the via de la rosa where our jesus our christ our savior our master the one who calls us beloved the one who calls us his friend uh i grew up on the via del rosa where he carried the cross just for you and me and so the the place is special yet i i kind of didn't grasp it when i was there because my daddy would take us to bethlehem and say this is this is where jesus was born and here's golgotha and here's where he was crucified and we we loved christ and really jennifer is kind of crazy because most armenians are orthodox i i think my people have turned away from god they know god uh they know the church uh we were the first nation as a whole 380 to accept christianity as a whole nation yet because the massacre i think many are angry at god saying how could you allow that to happen to us so they they're they may bend the knee but they won't bend the heart unfortunately and hopefully that's changing but anyway i grew up in the protestants church uh where that's going against all the flow i mean that's like one percent of all armenians where you you like love the lord god with all your heart might and soul and and you know that there's a relationship there's a there's a beauty there's a ascent of your heart just burst with thankfulness and and his heart bursts with sacrifice and and you meet together and and you have fellowship with him and i learned that as a young kid and at age five i gave my heart to christ because i was in sunday school my mom said there's a friend there's a friend that sticks closer than a brother there's a friend who will never leave you who will never sabotage you who will never trip you he will never abandon you he will never forsake you and i'm like i want this friend give me this friend and so his name is jesus and i accepted him in my heart at the same time i heard him say that when you grow up you will go you're going to be a heart doctor he inscribed that in the the tablets of my heart you heard this when you were five years old five years old not only did i give my heart to christ at five but also i heard from the lord jesus that i'm gonna be a heart doctor to touch the hearts of mankind and and so that's that's my life that's how it began uh and i one one path is leading me to touch the hearts of man physically the other path is leading me to touch the hearts and souls and spirits of mankind to bring them to jesus but they unite they unite in one because we have one god and i love him and he means all to me so when did you move from bethlehem over to the united states how did that come about well my dad loved the scriptures his heart you know the wrote to emmaus where the two disciples were talking to jesus and they're like who is this man talking to us and and they finally find out when they sit and and break bread uh and and he breaks bread and he he get takes the bread he he thanks uh god for the bread he breaks the bread and he gives the bread see jesus is a giver and so he gives his life he gives his bread he gives his life and so he gives them and they're like oh that that's jesus and right their hearts were burning that this something is there's this man is so different and and so as their hearts were burning uh my dad's heart was burning uh in jerusalem going you know jerusalem is ultimately going to be destroyed one third of the jewish people are are going to be the remnant two thirds are going to be destroyed according to ezekiel uh uh i'm sorry according to zechariah chapter 13. and so he said i've got to get my kids out of jerusalem i've got to get him from the middle east jerusalem to the usa and he's he always told me that usa is back dab in the middle of jerusalem j e r u s a lem and so he's like get let's go to the other jerusalem and so he he worked so hard not to get rich but he worked so hard to get his kids to come to america for the american dream and to be in a different land and he called this the the land of honey and milk uh the new land of honey and milk so he worked hard to get us here at the age of nine i came and we ended up in a place called chattanooga tennessee y'all i was different miss jennifer i was like look at here boy you got um you got punched salons we got blue jeans uh you we got nikes and adidas and you got sandals uh we got blonde hair and you got black hair and we got blue eyes and you got black eyes and you don't know how to speak no english uh and you get out of our you get out of our place you know i got beat up not because i'm a thug but i got beat up because i was different and i i was pushed down the stairs uh to a point where one time i was hit hard on the um playground as we were playing uh and my nose bled and i had to go to the hospital so i was hated much because i was a foreigner boy but you know it's up to you what you want to do in life my daddy mom taught me to sit on my butt study hard and get on my knees and fight on my knees don't you ever fight with your fist but fight on your knees pray pray to the lord ask him for favor ask him for mercy ask him for help ask him to direct you uh to direct you and all your past and i did at an age of nine and in a matter of two years those who hated me voted me the best all-around student in the sixth grade graduation so i can't stand it when people say i'm on the wrong side of the tracks and this is not fair and shut up y'all ain't nothing in life there it's up to you to get on your knees and and ask the lord for favor and no matter what side of the tracks you're on the lord will heal you the lord will come to you the lord will deliver you the lord will save you the lord will help you the lord will strengthen you and the lord will uplift you with his righteous right hand come on it don't matter what side of the tracks you're on it matters who you ride with on the tracks and when you ride with jesus christ it's going to be good they're going to be bumps there's going to be heartaches they're going to be failures but it's going to be good that's why we trust him with all our heart amen that's powerful i love it what a great journey okay so on top of that so after this you graduate from high school and you become what god called you to do i mean he became what god called you to become and so now you're one of the top cardiologists in america you travel all over the world now what interests me is that i want to know because i do hear different stories and read different stories about the condition of the heart now is there when you see different hearts do you see is there a difference between the way a heart looks um in distress or whatever way um in the united states as opposed to those in different countries so yeah let me let me go back just a little bit jennifer because people think you you know you just got it made you so you everything was handed to you right so when we came to california i did i did go to uh pre-med at the university of southern california and then i applied to medical schools over a period of three years i just want our audience to know that i got rejected 27 times to medical school over a period of three years i was told i don't have what it takes to be a heart doctor i was told i don't have what it takes to be a doctor so it wasn't an easy journey there are a lot of failures there was a lot of humility there was a lot of brokenness to the point where i i thought i asked the lord what's going on and he's like don't call me the lord my lord uh you know i'm not your lord medicine has become your lord so my heart has shifted to to worship medicine and to become a doctor to the point where he broke me and he said you make me the lord of your life and and that's when things turned around in my life but it was it was not easy a lot of people think oh he's got it you know he's made it to this day i fall and fail so i don't want our audience to think he's just all that i'm not all that jesus is all that i'm just his boy i'm just his vessel i ain't the generator the holy spirit's my generator so i just want the audience to understand that life is not all pretty and life is not all success my failures have become the stepping stones to get to success and and to and jesus carries me and that's the only reason why i make it in life as far as your question jennifer uh that's no one's ever asked me that question actually that's an amazing question is there a difference in hearts in america and in distress or and goodness or whatever it might be versus wherever i travel around the world i believe there is a difference in the hearts of uh people in america versus those outside of america and let me explain physically the heart is the same everybody has the same heart really i mean you can have an anomaly where you have dextrocardia and the heart is on the right side of the chest instead of the left side of the chest so those are congenital things but overall overall the heart is the same you got two major coronary arteries one on the left one on the right and the lord made it like that so i don't get messed up y'all one on the left one on the right it's pretty easy like that so uh that's that's how the heart is wherever you go it's the same heart physically but but when you come to the states uh and you go to outside of the states i feel like there's a more of a desperation outside of the states in the hearts of mankind where maybe they don't have the luxury maybe they don't have the money maybe they don't have shoes they don't even got one pair of shoes y'all they just don't they just go barefoot and maybe they don't have food for the day or for the week or for the month uh and and they're there have sicknesses and there's a desperation where you know we were in africa preaching the gospel and cote d'ivoire ivory coast and this lady had a huge tumor and she'd gone to doctors she didn't have the money to take care of this tumor and as we were preaching the gospel of jesus christ and i'm i didn't touch her i didn't go in the name of jesus be healed this is the word psalm 107 20 and the word went forth and it healed them the word of the word of god is so powerful it's so living that it you know it can cut between the soul and the spirit the joint and the marrow and and know the intentions of the heart yet when it goes out it can heal your body if you're if you're willing to accept it and and that's the word of god it's not me it's not another preacher it's not how we preach it's the word of god period and that's why we shouldn't taint the word of god we shouldn't like make it watered down we should preach the gospel of jesus christ the blood of jesus christ heaven and hell give it to him give it all because it's all about love it's all about goodness it's all about him coming down to earth and loving us and giving us all that he had so over there where we're preaching this lady's like oh i'm healed i'm here the mass is gone i couldn't bend down i couldn't go back i i was bleeding and she's healed now that's powerful but here in america where you go where you go to y'all oh you call 9-1-1 y'all go to the doctor you come to my office and we got medications and i got stents and we got antibiotics and we got all this and maybe maybe we're not desperate enough in america uh and because we've got uh we go to the doctor first see we go to the lawyer first we go to the accountant first we go to the counselor first we go to the marriage counselor first oh but where's god well when we get desperate enough and when we don't know what these uh these consultants and these professionals don't do the job uh maybe then we go to christ and i think we got it a little backwards so if you if you see a difference i think there's a desperation overseas and there is not that desperation here it's not a matter of faith everybody's given the same amount of faith it's a matter of the desperation uh um here versus uh outside of here that's pretty deep okay so um i want to go back to what you said you said something really interesting how how you spoke to the lord and then the lord i guess you pray to the lord and the lord said don't call me lord i love that because people you know we're taught you know god is just a god of love which he is but god is very direct he's not a sugar coater and the fact that he didn't sugarcoat with you i think that's really powerful so like when he said that to you what was your first reaction your first response when the lord said don't call me lord because your lord is actually medicine or your lord is being a doctor what was your first emotion well at that time i was like emotionally drained anyway i was broken uh i didn't know what to do because everybody's like did you make it did you make it did you make it and you're like no i'm a failure i'm a failure how can you tell people i failed 27 times i'm so great yeah that's my dream from the age of five and god put it in my heart and i know it's coming what do you tell people everybody's like did you make it oh maybe you maybe you didn't hear god right so i mean you're getting bombarded from all these i mean even some people in church going you know what you're just after money and maybe that's why god's uh tearing you up i mean people say the cruelest things at the hardest point in your life so i was broken and i was on my knees anyway there was a military u.s military aircraft that went straight up like this and it said aim high that's all it said on on the poster i ripped the poster i got on my knees that's when i because i i didn't have anything to aim for i i just i i lost everything uh everything that i've uh went for was shattered it was gone it i the dream was gone and so that's when i was on my knees saying lord god and he's like uh uh don't be calling me lord i'm like ah everybody's ripping me up and now you're gonna rip me up and he's like don't call me lord this i don't want to hear it i i'm your savior but i'm not your lord and you know i can't really separate god as a savior lord because he's our lord he's our master he's our savior he's our king he's our banner uh he's our healer he's our provider yet but i didn't make him my lord in my heart and that day i i just gave up medicine i i said to him i will give up medicine but i want you to understand something lord just you know you got to tell the lord the truth he ain't i mean he knows us before we was born uh and so i told him if you take medicine away from me a part of my heart will die but i'd rather have you my lord i rather you have i'd rather you be my master my savior my god than anything else in life and and so when that occurred one at that time i had been applying to uh the master's program at usc at the medical school in anatomy and cell biology and i was i had started in it and uh i got called into the office at usc by one of the deans and he said um he said would you like to would you like to teach our medical students anatomy and cell biology i'm like what look it i can't even get in medical school 27 time rejected across the united states of america and you want me to teach one of the finest ins the kids and fight one of the finest institutions in medical school that's like you can't play football you don't know what to do you don't know how to handle the ball you can't catch the ball you tripping and they ask you to be the coach of the new england patriots that's crazy wait wait wait wait the new england patriots yeah i'm from connecticut okay and um i'm sorry you just had me at new england patriots they asked you to be you know the coach of the san diego chargers or you know the denver broncos and it doesn't make sense because you failed and and now they're making you a coach and and i failed to get a medical school and they're making me a teacher in in the medical school so i can't get in medical school but i can teach the kids the the students in medical school it's ridiculous that happened one week after i just gave up everything and i the lord just he's just like you know when it says in numbers 6 26 may the lord bless you may the lord shine his face upon you may the lord be gracious to you may the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace bam that's exactly what happened and it's not that because i gave up everything it's because he's kind it's because he's gracious it's because he's a god of favor and that's the reason why things happen in my life is when i broke it's when i just gave up everything it's when i looked to him when i sought him when i called upon him that's when things changed in my life otherwise i was looking at me and i was looking at medicine and i'm just at me and my generator we blow up we need to get recharged but god and his generator the holy spirit on all day long all night long 24 7. it's eternity and that's what i'm gonna hang out with from now on his generator his holy spirit it's not by my might it's not by my power but it's by the spirit say of the lord amen so it wasn't until you surrendered until you made god your number one so would you say that at that time in your life um unconsciously um medicine was your god not yet yes and i i didn't know that jennifer i i did not know that i you know i think it's what you where your treasure is that's where your heart's at you know if your treasure is medicine then your heart's there and if your heart's there then your treasure is your lord and and if my heart is with the lord then my my lord is my lord so that's when he taught me that wherever my treasure is whatever whatever i spend the most time in uh whatever i i salivate for that's my lord period so our audience whatever they're pursuing that's fine you know pursue life pursue happiness pursue joy pursue your career pursue family oh that's beautiful but if that's it baby if that's it if that's where the treasure is then that's your god period don't be messing with like well i don't know what i might be you're not now that's your law go go to the mirror and speak the truth because when you speak the truth you find out who you are who i am and who god is and i want god to be number one in my life and our audience i think wants god to be number one in their lives amen so you had to move out the way for god to get his work done i love it okay so now let's continue more on with the heart based on scripture i know you know your bible based on scripture how powerful is the heart physically and spiritually and why does it matter well i i love the the heart is amazing because god don't talk about the kidneys he don't talk about you know the liver once in a while there's a liver uh and but but the heart the heart is the the matter of all things and and when you get the heart he also talks about the word all they come together you know in proverbs 3 5-6 it says trust the lord with all your heart not some of the heart trust him with all your heart and and then it it tells us in uh i believe it's in uh jeremiah 23 23 13 i think it is or no 29 13 29 13 seek the lord with all your heart and and then in psalm 9 1 it says thank the lord with all your heart and so it's all about the heart and all heart he wants all our heart he wants us to seek him so that we may find him he wants us to trust him so that he may direct our paths he wants us to thank him so that our hearts will burst with joy and rejoicing instead of depression because you know i know why we depressed we're depressed because we're thinking about ourselves we think about oh me oh my what happened to me why did this happen to me how come they said that to me and that's that causes depression so i got the cure for depression it ain't no pill y'all the depression cure is jesus christ and thankfulness and you're like i don't want to thank him then y'all gonna stay depressed so go when you don't have to feel like you're going to thank him you just thank him anyway you let the mouth speak and that mouth will make you feel ultimately thankfulness and you will find that thankfulness in him so the heart is powerful and god talks about the heart all the time but he don't want part of our heart he wants all of our heart and that heart is supposed to thank him that heart is supposed to seek him that heart is supposed to trust him and above all that heart is supposed to love him with all our hearts this is deuteronomy 6 5 love the lord with all your heart and without your soul without your might and and that's a process i found out this ain't once a month it ain't once a year it's every day on the hour every hour we have like a incentive spirometer in medicine and what is that after you get a bypass or after you get a surgery uh you put this tube you have this straw like thing big straw and the person takes it and and takes a deep breath with it like this and you're supposed to get this little ball to go up like 500 cc's 1000 cc's uh a 1500 2000 and and the better your lungs are the deeper breath you take the more you see that little ball go up and you're like oh that's good the lung function is bad but back to normal it's getting better and better so we're supposed to take that deep breath with all your heart with all your soul just give it all every day i tell them to do it on the hour every hour so it's one o'clock do it ten times it's two o'clock do it ten times it's three o'clock do it ten times don't stop so you get stronger and stronger and that's what we've got to do in life with jesus christ go to him seek him on the hour every hour when you walk say lord thank you that i got legs that i can walk with when you see the sunshine and you see the birds say lord thank you for my eyesight you think you're human and you see in color that's why you're all that and you're that good now you see color because god is good and he gave you eyesight thank him for it thank him for it thank you for the food you have today because many people in the in the world they're in famine they don't got no food thank him for the food thank him for your legs thank you for your eyes thank him for what he's given to you instead of what you don't got and so that the thankfulness of the heart will propel you to new levels and i believe we're thank-less society and we've got to change that and it's a it's a choice we make it's not what our circumstances dictate it's a choice we make so let's transl transition over into where we are now in our current day 2021 things are looking crazy and the condition of the heart do you believe in the rapture do you believe in the second coming and if so what condition does our heart need to be in in order to i definitely believe in the rapture i definitely believe in the second coming uh because i believe in the word of god and i believe the word of god is infallible uh and it's unbreakable and you can burn it you can bury it you can ban it but the word of god lives you know the the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of the lord will remain forever and eternally and that's according to isaiah 4 verse 8. so the word of god is just beautiful so what what is the difference between the rapture we're in the end times how do you know that because you know you can go to prophecy in ezekiel chapter 38 39 you can see that russia turkey iran are going to get together and and and if you look also the book of psalms they'll tell you that they're going to join with syria they're going to join with saudi arabia they're going to join with egypt and they're going to attack israel you're like that ain't never going to happen in fact when ezekiel wrote that russia was going to attack israel russia didn't even exist that's the strength of prophecy that's how good our bible is and today russia turkey iran are aligned there are allies and they're in syria at the golan heights ready to jump all over israel it's already happening in it's it's in plain sight so if you don't believe it then you got to go to prophecy and go ain't nobody predicted that nobody came up with that this was prophesied 2500 years ago through the power of the holy spirit so that that's going to happen right after the rapture so where is what is the rapture jesus talked about it in john 14 1-3 don't let your hearts oh there goes the heart don't let your hearts be troubled and he's saying this right before he's being crucified y'all i mean look at how jesus is he ain't worried about himself he's worried about you and me that's why he's the only god that's why he's the savior of the world because he came down every other religion you got to climb up to a god but he came down because he's humble and he's obedient and he loves you like crazy no matter what you've done he's in love with you and so he says don't let your hearts be troubled in my father's house are many mansions and i go prepare a place for you and when i come to take you with me bam that's the rapture and then you find the rapture in first corinthians 15 51 where it says in the blink of an eye those who are dead in christ we just buried my daddy i love my daddy and he was such a great man of god and he taught me how to love god and love loved people and he taught me all these uh how to love the scriptures and how to love jesus christ and so in 1551 the dead in christ my daddy who's buried his body may be in the grave but his soul and spirit is in heaven and so when the rapture occurs his body is going to be glorified in a split split atomic second and it will join his spirit and soul we who are alive oh i wish it happened right now we've been disappeared right now we're gonna go through the ceiling through the roof and everybody's concerned about getting a concussion and needing a neural surgeon there ain't no eccentric in heaven y'all so we're going to get glorified bodies and our bodies are going to change we're going to go through the ceiling through the roof and we're going to meet the lord in the air and that's the rapture we go through the bema seed after that seven years of beauty in heaven and and then there's a marriage of the marriage of the lamb uh and then there's the supper of the lamb y'all can eat what you want and then no cardiology gonna check your cholesterol so it's gonna be good up there y'all and so but down here hell on earth seven year worth of tribulation and the only way you get your toilet paper and to get your water bottle is to get the 666 you're gonna have to get it on your forehead and you're gonna have to get it on your right hand one or the other and look at if y'all come to my office today what what do we make patients do today we make them stick their forehead out and we check that temperature i'm telling you people are getting conditioned to stick their forehead out so people can check their temperatures but one day it's going to be checking the 666 the 666 don't come out today it comes out in the tribulation it comes out in the middle of the tribulation there's going to be chaos volcanoes tsunamis uh hail going to come down from heaven's fire from the heavens you're there's gonna be there's gonna be true for the first time global warming y'all uh-huh uh the sun is gonna scorch people that's global warming today global warming will occur during the tribulation and it's gonna be scorching people i mean there's going to be darkness there's going to be disasters it's going to be bloody and half of the world's population that today would be 4 million out of 8 will die during half of the tribulation and then it's going to even get worse to survive you need to 666 if you take the 666 you're going straight to hell because there's no redemption when you take to that's selling your soul to satan if you take the 666. so after that seven years the second coming will be jesus christ comes down with his bride on a white horse that man don't come with a donkey no more y'all he ain't all humble he's like got fire in his eyes a sword in his mouth and it's on let's go jesus christ is coming back in revelation chapter 19 verse 11 and he's coming back and we're coming with the saints of god come to him and all these world powers will come so that they can take down jesus christ and jesus with the word he's like bam you're gone and he's gonna take them all down there will be no more world government jesus will rule a thousand years in the millennium and the earth is gonna change the lions they ain't gonna roar no more the snakes they don't bite no more people will live to be a thousand years old and that's the people who barely make it through the tribulation and give their hearts to christ we the glorified body we can't make no mistakes we we're glorified after that comes the great white throne great white throne where all the dead that did not want jesus christ that rejected him that hated god or even were just good they were just good but they didn't want god they'll rise with their eternal bodies and they'll come to the great white throne and they will meet the lord their maker their savior and and he will open up the books and if you're not in the book of life then you're gonna your ticket is to to go to hell and god doesn't send people to hell people chose to go to hell people rejected god people rejected their maker people rejected their creator people rejected their redeemer and they go to hell it's tragic i don't say that with glee i say that with my heart wrenching with pain and i don't want nobody to go to hell that's why i preach the gospel of jesus christ to give them love to give them hope to give them jesus give them eternal life and then us will be with him forever and ever in eternity and they're going it's not gonna be tgif thank god it's friday it's tgih thank god it's heaven it's gonna be fun we're gonna go from universe to universe our taste buds are gonna burst we're gonna be joyful the hearts gonna be like oh i'm so happy i'm with jesus and ain't no sorrow ain't no death ain't no trouble ain't no taxes oh it's gonna be good it's gonna be good y'all it's gonna be good i want you to be with me and all you got to do is say lord jesus i'm a sinner i didn't know i was a sinner but this crazy cardiologist from california he's talking about me being a sinner and he's talking about lord jesus and oh okay well the lord jesus came to die on the cross for you because he loves you and he will take away all your sins and he will wash you clean and you will be his son his daughter and and when it all comes down to death don't y'all worry the bodies you want to go and sleep your spirit and soul go straight to heaven but without jesus christ it's going to be a place called hades until the rapture of the second rapture the resurrection uh to the great white throne and then it's uh to hell jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life ain't nobody coming to the father except through me john 14 6 jesus is the way y'all why is he the way because he's the one that died for you he's the one that cares for you he's the one that's the true living god all of the gods they're dead jesus is alive so what would you say to those who are like wow that sounds great okay there's going to be a rapture you're going to have great taste buds you're going to live with jesus and all this stuff but what if they're like well i'll have a second chance during the tribulation how what would you say to them would you say uh-huh yes there is i'm sorry there is a second chance that's very true because there's going to be 144 000 according to revelation 7 and revelation 14. there's gonna be 144 000 jewish evangelists like little pauls or big balls running around and preaching the gospel of jesus christ and people are going to come to christ at that time but you know the price will be to be beheaded and the price will be to go in hunger and the price will be to be uh turning on your faucet and seeing blood come out of the faucet it's not a pretty scene and if you ain't coming to christ now it's going to be very difficult to say i ran out of toilet paper and i ran out of water and i don't have my gummy bears and what am i gonna do with my own self i better go get myself to 666 so i can get all these things it's not gonna be easy it is today today is the day of your salvation today's the day and and that's made specifically clear in our bible not tomorrow and the more you listen to the word of god the more we hear the word of god the more we say it ain't time for me to come to the word of god the harder the heart gets the heart becomes like a stone and that's what we got you know that's what you got to look at in in um uh it's in jeremiah 11 11 19 jeremiah 11 19 that god will take away the heart of stone don't don't don't let him give you a heart of flesh a heart of flesh that comes to him that loves him that accepts him let that heart of stone as you're talking let the word of god break that heart of stone and and accept him accept his blood so you can have a heart of flesh a heart of goodness a heart that's that wants to love him and come to him today because the the the further you go from the word the harder the heart becomes and the harder it becomes to come to christ amen amen so today is the day of salvation not tomorrow and not after the rapture today yesterday okay so about this vaccine that's going out do you think that this is a condition for the market of beef do you think we're being conditioned for that do you think it's a precursor or do you think it's just hey some just vaccine floating around what's your what's your opinion on that i think a lot of people think you know i have people calling me and asking me if the chip 666 is in the vaccine and so the vaccine can't have the 666 it can't be implemented into it because the the 666 does not come out until the mid tribulation it's not even at the beginning of the tribulation so the tribulation is seven years and at three and a half years that's when satan really exposes himself and and blasphemes god goes into the temple of god and says i'm god and then the false prophet comes out and makes people bow down to the antichrist and satan and then they implement the 666. so i don't believe the vaccine has the 666 i don't believe the vaccine at this point is mandatory nobody is made to take the vaccine but at that time you really uh you're really made to take the 666 just to survive so today what i what i see more is a breakdown of society and it's not a matter of black and white it's not a matter of brown or yellow it's a matter of the heart it's a matter of rejecting jesus or accepting jesus it's it's there's only two kinds of people it's not male female black white it's not hispanic or russian it's a believer or an unbeliever period that's that's the that's the only difference in people either you believe in christ or you don't believe in christ and so the that's the most important issue in life right now it's not whether the vaccine is a precursor it's are you a believer or are you an unbeliever because the vaccine is not going to make you or break you the vaccine is not going to send you to heaven or hell but the fact that you're a believer or unbeliever that's going to set your eternity so vaccine doesn't set your eternity you being a believer sets you for eternal life and you being an unbeliever sets you for eternal hell you make the choice that's a good answer very good answer now you wrote a book called i'm sorry you have a series of books you've written a lot of books your most recent is rev it up verse by verse and i mean i there's some powerful stuff in here i just would like to read two of them the first is if one chooses to bow to christ today during the church age it is done in devotion and admiration if one refuses to bow today he will likely bow the knee to the antichrist during the tribulation anyone who bows the knee to the antichrist will also bow before jesus christ after the millennium at the great white throne judgment could you just elaborate on that i know what it means but viewers may not know what that means i think it's powerful amen so god has set his son only son and this is love not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his only son as a propitiation or atonement or uh atonement for our sin he bought us out of the slave market so if you want to be bought out of just like i open up heart arteries and and there's a clot there a blockage there and the heart's going to die because the blood flow is not coming to the heart so too we were born in sin and and our spirits are dying and the only way to open up the spirit is not through netflix or hulu or entertainment or going to church or being a baptist or being a evangelical or being a pentecostal that don't get you nowhere but the only way to open up the that spirit artery that's full of sin and and destruction is through the blood of jesus christ and that blood if you accept it your spirit lives and that's bowing down to the cross jesus was obedient to the point of death and he wants us to be obedient as children to come to him as our papa and to say i'm messed up and that takes humility because the pride says i messed up i'm my own god what you talking i am and i will be no you ain't and no you will not be because you just look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up or you do your business in the bathroom and you stink you ain't all that so get yourself put all together and figure out that you ain't god and and you're you are not the god within you that that's not who you are but the god of the heavens your creator and the redeemer will come into your heart and your soul and your spirit and transform you completely and that's bowing down to him now but if you don't bow down now if you decide nah that ain't for me there comes the rapture where christ will take the those who love him those who walk with him home and you'll be left behind and you'll be left behind and it's not going to be pretty because it's going to be one world government you will have to bow the knee to the government you will have to take the 666 if you want to survive and once you do you'll that's irredeemable mark my words it's an irredeemable you will not go to heaven ever um oh or you you'll bow down to the antichrist because you're like i want to survive i want to survive it's all about me me me in this world i want to survive i want to survive so you take the 666 and then you die and that's only a seven year period of tribulation and then after the millennium a thousand years the wicked or the good either way that didn't want christ will come and be raptured or resurrected that's called the second resurrection because the first resurrection is the one the rapture for the christians for those who love him the second resurrection is a thousand seven hundred years later where the wicked or the good who didn't want christ are raised up come to the great white throne of god and they bible thee to christ then but it's too late so are you saying that good people go to hell there's going to be a lot of good people in hell there's going to be a lot of good people in hell people who did not murder people who are kind to their neighbors people who gave their little their milk to the neighbor because the the neighbor was in need people who stopped by the road and changed the tire for somebody people who gave to charity people who wrote a million dollar check to a building people who build the building in their names there's going to be a lot of good people that that feed people that help people that give to people there's going to be a lot of good people in hell because they didn't want jesus christ he's the truth he's the life jesus is the way if you got any other way you went the wrong way he is the he's the truth if you got any other truth then you gotta lie and he is the life you got any other life then you got death jesus is the way he's the only way he's the only truth he's the only life and if you don't got jesus then you don't got life and you don't got truth and you don't got way and that's why a lot of good people are going to go to hell amen it's really sad but it's true and this that's a gospel that's not really preached in churches anymore nowadays but i'm really glad you brought that up i have one more um excerpt from your book this is from page 168 it says the rapture will be in a sequential order such as a carpool where people are not all picked up at the same time but all will arrive at the same destination could you just explain that to those who may not understand because i think it's really powerful i think it's a great analogy sure well the first one that was raptured is jesus christ uh he he got his glorified body and that we find out in first corinthians 15 20 because he is the first fruits of the resurrection he rose first he resurrected first and he got his resurrected glorified body first and then the the the next peoples that are on the way uh it would be us the the church-goers and i really i want to be very careful when i say that because you put on a little tie and you put on makeup and you wear a pretty dress and you got your pretty shoes and you got nice looking shoes and you go to church and you all like praise the lord and that don't get you to heaven okay that don't get you in the rapture your heart and soul are my heart and soul has got to be sold out for jesus christ we got to be washed in the blood of the lamb to get to go to the rapture and so we got to be in his word to love him to honor him to give to him and and when he comes in your heart you're ready set go so the rapture happens next and it's about the next thing on the prophetic calendar to happen so that's the second this is the carpool now this is the second peoples who get to go to heaven jesus first now comes he's the first fruit now comes those those who love him and those he loves and we get to go up to heaven so that's the second uh rapture or the second people who get to go in the carpool what's the next one you know there be we didn't talk about this but in revelation chapter 11 there'll be two prophets that come and and i believe uh that that's moses and elijah we don't have time to get into it now the book oh let me show y'all the book this is rev it up y'all rev it up verse by verse and this is only chapters one through eleven um and then this is this is revved up this is volume two this is chapters um this is chapters 12 to 22. and you know it's very different it's very different because it's got little hearts in it and the little heart says oh this is the author's favorite and it breaks you know you reading everything and you're like wow that's cool it's got little medicine sign in it that caduceus where i take medicine and cardiology and apply it to book of revelation which makes it a lot of fun and then i got a geopolitical section geopolitical would say you're not only talking about revelation that was written 2 000 years ago maybe they'll have i'm talking about russia and china and the us and iran and iraq i'm we're talking about now so i tie it all in together so the people like wow i get it i finally get it it's so cool so so we were talking about the rapture then then comes the two prophets um and i believe it's moses and elijah and you know people argue about that i don't care to argue so it's somebody else who cares it's the prophets and it's it's people who are speaking the word of god that's what's important their message is important not really the messenger the message and so the message is the word of god and they will die uh because the antichrist will kill him and they will resurrect uh after three days and that's another form of the rapture the the 144 people uh the the jewish prophets uh and uh the evangelists will be preaching they'll be resurrected up that's another part of the rapture the people who are in the tribulation who like uh uh uh-uh i'm not taking your 666 i'm coming to christ i should have come before i didn't but now i know he's real and i want the real deal and they come to christ they'll get beheaded uh um their spirit and soul goes up to to heaven but their bodies will remain down here after the second coming they will be raised up uh so it's a sequential time of people and and there's an argument about when the old testament saints um will um or the old testament saints will be raptured it's within that seven year period so all are coming to christ all are going to be raptured it's just that people take their turn going up but ultimately those who love christ those who love god are all going to be with him and we're all going to be that's the first rapture or the first resurrection that's a good thing the second rapture or the second resurrection is a bad thing that's for the ungodly those who didn't want god they'll come up after a thousand seven years after the millennium and the tribulation and they'll get their eternal bodies and then they'll be sentenced to death because they weren't written in the book of life let me ask you this is your name written in the book of life the only way to get in the book of life it ain't is because you're pretty it ain't it's because you got money it ain't because you got a degree it ain't because you're all bad it's the only way to get in the book of life is to be washed underneath the blood of the lamb are you washed underneath the blood and lamb i hope you are and if you're not just it's so simple it's it's so simple jesus said uh all you have to do is is to believe in him but you understand satan believes in him he ain't going to heaven to believe in him is to trust him to love him to seek him and to give your heart to him and all you got to do is believe in christ that he shall be saved amen and this is why i wanted to have you on because you are a true deep believer i know i told you this before but you are a true deep believer where it's all or nothing god or nothing and and there's no boundaries with god there's there's no sugar coating with god um it's the real deal it's not religion it's all relationship it's all you know um inspiration from the from the holy spirit thank you so much and there's a lot of people listening right now who are like okay this is a really powerful deep conversation i'm thinking about giving my life to jesus but how do i do it could you just explain that because time is short and people are beginning to realize okay revelation is kind of accurate you know things are coming to pass the way the bible says maybe the bible is legit so if you could just lead people to jesus and then i'll have you pray amen so it says in romans 10 9 that if we confess with our mouth that jesus is lord and believe in our hearts oh there goes the heart again if believe in our hearts that that god raised him from the dead on the third day then then we are saved and it's that simple so it's it's a matter of you know the jailer paul was in jail and there was an earthquake and the jail was about to kill himself because how can this be everybody's going to escape and paul's like chill we all here don't don't don't harm yourself and and he's like wow you got the real god i mean he did all this and y'all stayed here and y'all didn't run away after you were beat up and placed in shackles and he goes what must i do to be saved and paul gave him a simple answer you must believe in god and you will be saved and so it's people make it so difficult people make it like okay i gotta do this i gotta you ain't gotta do nothing in fact if you did and if i did we mess up god already did he sent his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish or go to eternal hell should not perish but have everlasting life i will go to heaven so that's how simple it is it's to come to say one i'm not all that and i'm a sinner i i i guess i was born in sin yeah that's true so i'm a sinner that's one acknowledgement the second acknowledgement is the only way i can get out of this is not through my works but it's through the beautiful work the complete work of jesus christ that's why he said on the cross it is finished he did what he had to do and and the third thing is to start speaking with the mouth and saying okay now i acknowledge it i know who can save me now i'm going to say it uh jesus i'm a sinner and i come to you and i i want you to cleanse me of all my sins and that's it that's how simple it gets and then be like well what do i do after that the holy spirit will come into you he will teach you all things and he will get bring to remembrance what god has taught you according to john 14 26 so that's the beauty of walking with christ that he will walk with you run with you teach you uh give you new wings that you may soar and there ain't nobody else that's gonna do no family no doctor no lawyer no accountant no teacher no nobody only jesus only jesus can lift you up amen now could you pray for our viewers hey i sure will thank you uh father god i i want to thank you for your love your mercy your goodness your grace i i just i bow before you um knowing that i'm unworthy but your blood has made me worthy uh that i want to join the the angels in isaiah 6 that constantly are saying holy holy holy is the lord god almighty i want to join the the angels the cherubim in revelation 4 that that say the same thing they're holy holy holy is the lord of god almighty who was and is and is to come all honor and praise belong to our god you're worthy you're a good god you send your only son to die for us who would do that who who would give up everything who would give up heaven glorious heaven to come to earth to come to a little manger and stable in bethlehem who would do that who would ride on a donkey who would get on the cross who would take the 39 stripes on the back for us nobody but you and even if a man did all that take the stripes go on the cross he couldn't save us only jesus could save us because your blood is pure your blood is clean you are god and you are the lover of our souls and father those who are listening now and who will listen ultimately father please let them know that you're in love with them you're not mad at them that you think highly of them that they're your kids they it doesn't matter if they're black or white or hispanic or russian or german it doesn't matter father it doesn't matter if they're male male or female it doesn't matter if they're rich or pure and poor it doesn't matter if they're educated uneducated it just matters that you love them and you you've poured your life for them you've given your all to them and father we thank you for that and those who want to come right now those who want to just be at your table and say i want this food i want this goodness i want this mercy i want this god i've never seen a god like this i've never heard about a god like this father let them come let them bow the knee and say take me do with what you want with me i i'm giving my life to you and father come into their souls cleanse them and and father heal them i'm i'm talking to people right now who've got cancer i'm we're praying about people who've got neurological problems uh gi problems heart problems lung problems uh all kinds of sickness father touch him touch him in the name by those stripes in the name of jesus i proclaim right now they're healed they're just healed and let them go to the doctor and say i i'm healed check me out do your test father i proclaim that in the name of jesus and i proclaim salvation to people who are listening to me who say right now right now i come to christ and i give my heart to christ i thank you papa i thank you because you're a good god you're a loving god you're a helpful god you're a giving god you're a gracious gracious and merciful god we we just praise you in the name of jesus amen and amen amen amen so how can we find you where are you online are you on social media if we wanted to reach out to you so my website's called [Music] b-e-a-c-o-n-o-f-h-e-a-r-t-s ooh there goes that word hearts y'all dot org o-r-g beacon of they can find me on instagram at dr kojiglanian that's a long word k o j d r stands for doctor d r k o j o g l a n i a n uh they can find me on facebook a beacon of hearts or member of hearts or uh dr sam dr drs am space kojigalanian uh so these are the things and then these books are on my website uh they're on amazon bookbaby but if they want it signed sealed and delivered they go to my website and uh they go to the store to the store and then click click and i and then please tell me who to sign into and i shall sign it uh do you need these books they will teach you so this is not all about revelation this is the whole bible and finally written in a such a form that you're like i get it i understand it and there's this is revved up series uh these are the verse by verse series uh verse by verse but we have revved up rhyme by rhyme uh to make it a poetry the book of revelation it's a very short book and then we have rev it up for those people who don't like to read i got rev it up image by image it's beaut most gorgeous pictures and you're like ah i get it i see the image and i finally get it so um it's a great present birthday present uh whatever kind of present uh to give to people to hand the people and it's a lot of fun to read so i hope the people's get it and we're just going to proclaim the word of god that's i i'm not the generator the holy spirit is so i'm just going to lift him up all day long all day long amen thank you so much dr sam um i hope to have you again sometime i would love to even elaborate more on on scripture and where we are now today i'd love that i'd love that jennifer it's been wonderful to be with you and it's uh this is the beauty of walking with christ uh you you have two strangers uh that have never met and yet our hearts are tied in christ and we know that we love christ and that we honor each other and one day we're going to be in heaven with each other and by the way there's going to be uh different tongues different people from many nations but the reason why you don't go oh he's white and he's black and he's uh he's a man and she's a woman the reason why you don't go that because we ain't the center of attention jesus is the center of attention and that's the beauty of walking with christ it ain't about you it ain't about me it ain't about our listeners it's about glorifying jesus christ and walking in his grace and that's the most beautiful place to be the most beautiful place is to seek him and to find him so that he may walk and talk with you and communicate with you amen thank you so much dr sam you're welcome thank you jennifer [Music] you
Channel: Deep Believer
Views: 543,676
Rating: 4.9108872 out of 5
Keywords: Deep Believer, Jennifer Bagnaschi, youtube, subscribe, Dr Sam Kojoglanian, Dr Kojoglanian, Dr. Sam, End Times, what's the difference between the rapture and the second coming, the second coming, am I saved, Do good people go to hell, What will heaven be like, what will the tribulation be like, what will the great tribulation be like, what is the timeline of the tribulation, what is the timeline of the end times, are we in the end times, How not to miss the rapture, the rapture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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