Osaka Street Food Takoyaki Binge

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here we are and dolt homebody and Osaka check it out this is the amazing sight of the dotombori River where the lights are and there's that massive Asahi super dry neon light up there and you know who this is this is Kevin Riley of course Kuma's kitchen check him out on Instagram Oh suck Oh Riley right Riley I'll put a link in the description we are here I'm here just for day sort of just a visit Kevin but also because we're filming an episode for the only in Japan Channel and it's on takoyaki and we've I've come here to eat takoyaki and I think I made a big mistake I made a big mistake because the takoyaki here is not is not very good no don't oh boy is not the place anymore for anymore but it's still nice to be here and I think that that's important about making an episode like this is if we didn't come here and to try it and then learn that it's stinks yeah you better chuckle yaki not here but what are we gonna do in this livestream court should use to talk we're gonna go eat some hockey yeah I know so this is what you subscribe for hit subscribe and just live streams all around Japan when we're bringing you really interesting content like takoyaki and Osaka come on this is what people come here for to eat this is considered to be Japan's kitchen right so we gotta have some japan's kitchen thank you this this is the tom buddy this is Emma Tsubaki oh hey are you doing why she now this is a visa boshy right here this is Eva's bridge very famous when the the Giants the hunchy Tigers I said the Giants who hunted Tigers win people jump into the river is that true oh yes naked they do not really yeah well the last time they hunted Tigers won that was about 20 years ago oh it's been a while yeah it doesn't happen very often but every now and then some idiot will jump in and then the police will come and there may be a big commotion then it's over the glial man has changed if you haven't been here in a while you'll notice that he's all like LED screen instead of neon lights and he now circles the world without moving his legs it's pretty it's pretty unique but it's so bright here it's almost like daylight and we're gonna go and cross the bridge now if his Bashi and take you into the to the lion's den where all the non locals are because I knew this like everybody's a tourist here Kevin seriously I was shocked this is so different from 20 years ago when when you we came here you you were here a year before me right just a little bit before for me it was it was different when I first came here there were locals this bridge was famous for to pick up guys and girls girls would pick up guys and guys would pick up girls and you know suck out the girls didn't pick up the guys it's pretty crazy oh yeah very straight course very straight forward but for me this has changed a lot I preferred the neon light version from I don't know a decade ago but this one looks nice too I guess you can do more stuff with it okay it's okay then and that's the feeling with the tom buddy it's like it's okay it's it's so bright and so being Parkash now they use ik I don't know compare this with a scene from Blade Runner right with all the guidebooks the Lonely Planet you've got to come to coats home buddy because this just like Blade Runner from the future of lovely blob but I think and you can see this is going toward Shinsaibashi right so many people there yeah especially at this time it's so crowded it's so crowded but the first time I came to Eva's body I remember standing in the middle of it and I guess this building has changed they built something new here yeah that used to be something different there this side used to be a haagen-dazs room over there but it's now something different in its loss it had like this 1980s hey we're looking towards the future feel and now it just is the futures here and it's it's different it I'm not saying it's bad you know we're just different okay boomer those the the the thought um buddy river here yeah it's I don't know it's very narrow you could there's a lot of cruise boats that go back and forth on it showing you some of the attractions of the city of Osaka have you ever taken those no I've never been on our trip it's it's sort of worth it I did it for an any educate report about ten no about eight years ago and we did a cruise down there and was fun because you can the guide will give you some insight into the psyche of culture I think they have somebody sitting over there he goes like this bang with this finger and if you do that in a Sokka that the rumor is that the local will go pretend like they fall down because Osaka has a big sense of humor bang see see I'm so moussaka you can tell the people of Rome Osaka we're popular in places like Coco for our comedy crews right they're popular everywhere every one of Tokyo's too serious they take everything so seriously right if you want to get permission to film there they're they're very like no in here they're like okay just do it do it quickly and get out of here you know I like the see I've gotten gig that's right we got to get him out of here early so he might you might take off a little early but we're gonna go get some takoyaki we've come here for some street food I'm hoping that you all are getting a notification so click that thumbs up so you - we'll we'll push this point or where people will find it from the notifications I'm still doing a midnight snack run I'm gonna take you you see that road over there I'm bringing you back to this FSBO she in about two three hours from now and we're gonna walk down to the other side looking for some straight food but because Kevin is here I thought we would I would take you all this streets still awake yeah alright I don't know because I think in about an hour or so it starts a good quieter it's a little bit after 9:00 yeah III think this this would be like the equivalent of Shibuya right I don't know what do you think if you could compare it to something in Tokyo how would you compare Kevin has just come back from hiking that's why he looks like he was in I don't know war like a scene from what's that movie Apocalypse Now I love the smell of napalm in the morning 2025 Kevin tell everybody what that means right there what does that mean why Sir I know where CBS could be somewhere on we had one here in 1970 yeah we we always hear at that time but there was one up north to here I'm going to use the same area at all so he can [Laughter] [Music] keep your microwave today Oh what are you doing in the company all the Tourister here Kevin takes people hiking he knows all the trails and like not on waka Yama and all the places around he's the king of Osaka no no no there are people yeah the world is at your fingertips yeah we had talked they would tell us about the takoyaki that we had before this it was really really you're gonna see you're gonna see it's hard to miss Kevin whenever we walk around Osaka it's hard to miss him a tall dude with a beard and he has this unique walk to him he just knows it's a big shout out the top shelf appreciate it top shelf top shelf right said thanks for being you you're very welcome Thanks I'll thank him as well and then we just go on from a Thailand 20 oh good to see you and Kevin into tom buddy I'll be there in a few weeks I may get a tour from Kevin while I'm there you definitely should you're doing tours right yeah yeah good guide he's a good teacher a good teacher a good teacher okay a dangerous area he took them to but the best teachers take you to the most dangerous areas right so I guess this 2020 is the place where you find everybody right I'll meet you in front of the 2020 right yes 2025 sorry yeah [Music] Wow whoa whoa whoa I just decked myself there sorry this this TV just goes up and up and up that is a massive TV how do you get sweet that yours it's so high you can't even see it so why do they have the TV there Kevin whoa yeah where we first came here in night 1996 okay so I'm here with two carpenters we we come across this bridge over here we feel all these girls and they're cheering and screaming Oh facing this direction we didn't see a TV yet the quarry thought some kind of stars here or something like that also and we can hear the music there's a band playing we come around the corner yes is playing on the big TV they're all cheering at the TV the TV is massive that TV is I don't was this here 20 this was there 20 years ago this is different right it's changed a bit it's changed this bottom panel was there oh this so that this alley called dotto MIDI which is now in front of us does konnyaku where I had the crab brains there now cleaning up the shop so they're finished for the night I told you some of these places will close early Connie's irako is is it's slightly early I'm gonna be back here tomorrow for to film some more street foods but this place has not changed much over 20 years it's always been here and I don't know the only thing is I think it's got a little bit faster yeah that Connie the crabs getting faster with age he moved him moved a lot he moves a lot faster [Laughter] but if we compare this to 20 years ago this Starbucks this building here that sutaio was not here that was something else and so is this building this used to be a forever 21 and now it turned into Alex which is an electronic store oh really that's that that recent had changed to electronic store now you can get I mean no one here years ago and there was no Starbucks inside right I don't know that there was one in the heft building have five by Osaka station I went there I'd sit there only thoroughly there were only two at the time one of them was in Tokyo and Keynes and the other one was in that hip five building though with the ferris wheel by us like a station I know because I rode in the station jet to keep from Nagoya four for seven hours to get one cup of Starbucks because I was so homesick and I was teaching English what am I gonna do this movie I didn't have any friends I didn't have any friends I just got here said okay I'm gonna go to a soccer by the station got you keeping a cup of coffee actually no I thought it was the coolest thing because say she got to keep it's just it's like what one 24 hours I had a cup of coffee and then I went back on the train and went home that was it took me like 18 hours but I did it in one day that was 1990 1999 I think 1998 this is Jose Osaka Osaka Kyoto they blast all sorts of international music they were playing Hindi like Bollywood music before and now they're playing they're playing Chinese music should we go in there and risk the copyright infringement by getting some Gosa do you want this you like this gyoza alright go get one for us I'm gonna stay over here because I don't want to get the copyright problem and Kevin's pretty cool from a distance you've got this he's got he's got army fatigues on oh how bad that's so cool when he goes hiking he goes hiking he does not want to be found he hikes and to get lost but in dil tum buddy and he even here fatigues camouflage sticks out here there's no way to camouflage yourself here I'll check it out they're really dancing the dancing ladies are here so this is really good original gyoza they have right here 240 N that's not me shaking of the gimbal shaking that's the ladies shaking Kevin's getting the thick user right here and I'm trying to go like this just to get the copyright music out but they're blessing the copyright music so loud gosh okay well what are you gonna do I'm gonna a lot of people that are eating the gyoza here on the streets hey boy Qi delicious it's good all right how bad the guy behind the counter doesn't speak Japanese what no are you kidding this is still Japan I didn't I didn't think there'd be changed haha awesome today all right I guess Kevin's get some Tod apron for this he told me that I if the staff there can't speak any Japanese because there's so many tourists this is completely done a 180 this used to be where was a place where young young Japanese kids would come to hang out and now it's a place for foreign tourists to come to hang out and Japanese are going other places Osaka osakans that's the tom buddy sign you see in the distance this is crazy this is so not [Music] I don't fit in here anymore how do we find somebody we've been saying hi to people who watch the show the whole time I think we've been it's hard to film here now because everyone's like oh I watch your show did you get some today ok can we move away from this music it's driving me crazy I want to dance and that's not good for your sake trust me you don't want to see me dance oh I don't have I have some some you found me cards are you know alright okay alright alright let's take a picture I'll get some of that you found me cards thank you guys look at the goes in there all right [Music] [Music] yeah do you recommend where we can celebrate Oh New Year's Eve in the old ears you can find those found me card I got I do have them I got I knew i I've been forgetting forgetting them from time to time I'm just worried I didn't bring it up welcome you know Japanese don't really do countdown parties they go to the temple and at midnight they'll ring the bell 108 times it's the opposite of what we would do in foreign countries where we party and stuff actually in Japan it's it's very chill and relaxed and family-oriented everyone's watching most of the countries no hangovers the next day on TV pray at the shrine showing the temple the temples where they ring the bell we got a shrine on to pray yeah it's good information guys little trip yeah you go over this girl it's like everywhere so it's great yeah outside of the temples and the shrines they also have street food there's lots of parties going on sort of but it's different if you go to like Roppongi and Tokyo or the world of expats art it's that's like a Western Japanese go to the temples and shrines or stay at home no no no no go out go but the temple is where the Buddhist temples is where they bring in a hundred and eight times their Bell so it's a little bit more festive the Shinto shrines they're just going down to pray but it gets pretty crazy because there's so many people you're throwing you know you have to give money before you pray right they're like maybe 20 meters away and the people are chucking money just like in the air and then you see it's like raining coins into the box so they put plastic vinyl sheets to collect the coins at one time on New Year's Eve we did go down early to the shrine and we were there for the midnight thing whatever is really coins in that was pretty cool but boy was it cold we decided yeah once was fun knows that there was a little a cafeteria next to it we would over there had a couple of hot tea to warm up it was like wow this is getting cold and at mid that it was insane yeah it was fun [Music] okay because they're actually snow hunting okay the Kansai area but fire with someone holding a waffle yeah you're gonna have to go up north get a cheap flight Tokaido yeah this is snowing huh Cody I saw that how Moody's got snow up there until hope this isn't that cold enough yet in Japan you know yeah we get a little bit of snow trying here in late late January yeah but you know soccer is down nothing Philippines is hot I always have this thing that there's there must be Mountain somewhere with snow no I mean the Tropic it was beautiful cool and we had the fire going inside one of the buildings well it's warmed up around it it is a beautiful town and I I've seen pictures of it with snow is it he says it's he says it's one of the best Kiyo's us on the street right and the massive threes 360 3d displays of the Gaza that sells it in the old retro neon lights look at that you can see the tada Kevin put on there [Music] thank you watch all the ads Michael nice to meet you Ted the goes off keep watching keep watching the ads guys who plays it in the background too what nice people yeah right it's so good I like it because I just had gills up with cannae we made it at home if this is something that's easy that you can make at home but they do a pretty good job of it here it's just it's soft on this on the top and it's crunchy on the bottom and they have a very good balance here with the the Negi than meat off with just a green vegetable in there with the meat it's very very well done they're small but they're good I like it because it's slightly burned I like things were slightly burned look at that yeah I come once whenever it is a place a weari should do this once there's a place in my neighborhood without Minnie goes us her name on the wall 80 of them I could do that I did it last time got my name on the wall I probably can't do it again I probably can't I tried to eat a big massive gyoza once I failed miserably I got sick and I shouldn't say anything but I yanked it up most of it out in a tree nearby she's still alive surprised we eaten all these goes up we felt really like wow are you edie gills up and then we look up on the wall and there's a plaque up there from a 23 year old girl who Eitan two hundred and forty or fifty doses and really all the many girls are right if they were if they were big yah so that would be really hard many girls I could probably eat it you know just like cereal right just put it in a bowl put some milk in there these are this but these are so good you just like pop them in like potato chips you really don't know how many you've eaten yack there was it to your right Oh fabulous traits in here have a Christmas beer from the UK thanks for the trips food my news and kumis kitchen in 2019 good looking plane 20 thank you yeah more more stuff coming up in - Wayne - honey what happened to this guy down here or is that just trash I don't know I thought there was somebody in there oh hello [Laughter] everybody knows you Kevin it's a king of Osaka right here yeah it's really it's really flattering it's nice that people come and say hi to us I don't know this is a very famous symbol of Osaka right here right this is a Kui da what a right I am collaborating with Doha Winky now this place went out of business right sure just started watching Kevin's channel check it out Kuma's kitchen is a show that you definitely have to check out you just made some Christmas cranberry white chocolate cookies right yes every delicious very guy king and boy they got demolished yeah I I love I love watching his channel if you like food porn and watching food and food being cooked and made then you're gonna like this because you also eat it right this is the famous this is the famous shop the sushi shop with but even more famous in the sushi that they make in there is this 3d sign with the hand jutting out of the facade of it with the big piece of sushi in it and right now they've demolished the building next to it and you can get a really nice view of the donkihote rollercoaster or should I say like it's a ferris wheel I thought it was a roller coaster but it's a ferris wheel yeah it's pretty neat and have you ever ridden it no actually the other one I've written in is the it now the hunky one yeah yeah that big kind of creepy his face look somewhat creepy maybe soon I'll be going to his shop right on the 10th yeah Abby's ooh he's on the sides of ebiz beer yep yeah we have a shrine here for him because of course these two mr. commerce yeah god of Commerce this street though Kevin it's just different than even when we made that Osaka Street food episode this is so touristy look at all and there's just tourist shops all over the place that's not a bad thing it's kind of neat some of the stuff that they have it's kind of cool like they have takoyaki hats things like like here's an octopus headband that's it's like it's cool but I don't know yeah you know I'm takoyaki magnets for your refrigerator that's kind of cool actually I don't know okay oh it closed so that they've already started to close up shop so we better get another we better get some takoyaki now oh not just one no good what about this one here let's go take a look see kevin is playing Santa Claus tomorrow in a job so we got to get him home early but here they are they're making takoyaki hope the signals good I know it's quite crowded here see from the corner you can see them making it if you're lucky you when you come to visit us you too will have a baby crying in the background all right just there's so many so many tourists here I'm shocked I am I don't a couple years so this is recent since it's 2017 or so it's very happy after 2011 I I don't come here that much why I'm shocked I came here maybe three times in the last ten years and always with you scared to go to Tokyo for a while that's the started coming down a little side at that point it wasn't so bad yet here I mean first it wasn't so crowded yeah but then it's like it got discovered and word got out this is a fun place to come and all this great food and everything and then more and more people start coming and now we do get I pray guess the last three years it's been the same yeah it's really crazy I see very I see mostly the people that are of Asian descent are from Korea from China from Taiwan yeah from Hong Kong and I don't see that many Japanese here not even and you know what I when I say that I mean it not even the staff is Japanese you said that the lady at the Joseph shop couldn't even speak Japanese that's that's the first time that I've heard that we're service staff could not speak the native language because Japanese customers would be not like that at all so that's that's pretty unique there's a lot of a lot of people from India and Nepal and from South in Asia working at the convenience stores now this is actually a very friendly Daiki suits we saw thank you sweet son is actually a very friendly kaiten sushi conveyor belt sushi restaurant so I do highly recommend if you're looking for kaiten sushi they're pretty good they and they let you film in there I asked him yeah I asked him right on the spot do you mind if I film for my youtube channel there they were okay but that was that was a few years ago you just have to ask them and they're pretty friendly here's another takoyaki shop this is a smaller chain this wasn't here the last time either that's new loads of stuff that you can you can order the tickets from the vending machine there and then you can take it in you give them the tickets and then you've already paid so you can leave whenever you want I like that system and they have that here in DotA MIDI it started all the tickets system and the started payment I think started with Kinue ramen right here it might have they've always had the ticket system yeah yeah Sookie uh yeah this is Kenya ramen this is where you can sit on to Tommy in the middle of the streets not in the middle but on the side of the street it's pretty neat experience that's right argit Oh MIDI video I we and if you watch that it's amazing how few people around the streets here it's so empty and right now it's just the opposite it's crazy busy here I'm gonna go back we're gonna hit that takoyaki place in a second but if you want to see us even more takoyaki we need to see some likes let's get the five hundred likes guys you can do it and we're gonna go hit one of these happen tjuku onsen tamago takoyaki places that I love there's the dragon from Kenya ramen at night this place is just a little bit more vibrant at night than during the day so I think you have to come and see this in all of its glory that means afters in the winter after 5:30 p.m. it starts to get dark really early yeah alright well we're getting what we're waiting for you click the like button we're gonna go here next which is kadai order that's right filmed I also took Denmark TV when I was fixing the show I we both fixed shows for Osaka I did one for Denmark TV and then you did one with Netflix right yeah just tell him yes yes I introduced I introduced the producer of the show to him to help to fix it and he took them to all those places right including like people tell me all you got the fire chef fire chef oh yeah I got them before Netflix because we recommended Netflix go to the right it's nice it's nice the Trump big big time programs every now and then yes in Osaka is the tom buddy you you do take it to another level the signs everything is bright everything is big everything goes up and you have to really appeal and you know you can't buy property on the street that's all very expensive so what do they do you make the 3d signs and you pop them out as far as you possibly can in fact if you could pop them out further even better and just put an entire cow on stilts on on a railing and just prop them out in the middle of the street that's what I would do it's just it's so ridiculous you got to go in and say what is that it makes you curious you might pop in there it's pretty cool my favorite one is down the street there that fish oh yeah it's got kind of the UM the al-madinah boots I look to it yeah I like that one they have that one shinsekai right yes a couple really it is a chain but it's a local chain I know the guy who who actually manages that I thought it'd be English 100 that's pretty cool show a hormone so Showa era and then this meadow pond is off-the-charts weird look at that I love that inside exposes a beautiful cream custard that you in love with every bite it's so delicious the meadow pound even bites it too it bites itself look at that so it makes you want to come here and have a metal pond doesn't I guess the lady's not there but I can take a quick look here well Kevin they got different colors of metal pon Kevin they have different colors there's like different colors oh and then there's the one with the custard I guess I guess they cut it open and put the custard in after she's in the back cooking she's in there back cooking that right now so we won't we won't disturb them the cow is actually circling at your feet Oh what all right so the obviously you cannot buy real estate here so what do they do they projectile it onto the manhole cover here that's pretty cool I like that not only are they popping on 3b they're projecting onto the ground and seriously this cow has a problem with its tongue look at that that's not a problem that's a solution look at that and the evil eyes going at you you think you're gonna eat me think again I'm gonna eat you first there's a Osaka manhole cover right here yeah down there yeah we'll go check did oh that's one we could go to worry yeah that's the that's a rare one this one manhole cover has built one body on it yeah so you don't see that one too often it's pretty neat there's a sock a castle in the background it's pretty neat it's pretty name companies maybe it's bad you freak them out using Japanese are they they're not Japanese are they they're not Japanese they didn't know what the hell we said he's like oh my gosh I can't believe that very few people kids can speak Japanese here Kevin you're more local than 99.9% of these people here hey Jim Jim dispensers here good to see you again John and Kevin I missed I'll tome buddy come on guys hit the like button I know we're like well below 500 likes if you want us we're gonna go get some time get some takoyaki now they're cooking some right there but we need you to hit that like button if you want to see us eat Oh kushikatsu we're waiting for you click the like button yes we ate here before and looks like they've cleaned it up a little bit and fixed the signs but this is where they have kushikatsu deep fried stuff on sticks you got to love crickets it's it's so bad for you it's it's beautiful it's so bad for it's beautiful I like this place because that a lot of people find the alley usually there's a place for you to sit down in fact we can get a beer here but you know I want to get you I want to get you home though right you want to would you rather have the beer would you rather go home sorry well for helping I will buy your beer I'll buy you beer but first yeah but first we have to go and get some takoyaki so we're waiting for I we get we got some likes here it's time to go before they close up shop I think now this guy's really famous what's the name of this chain kushikatsu daruma right and shin Se kayi so it's the first one but this guy he's in the Christmas mood what's it I don't even know what his name is but he's he's creepy as you know it's that's the Santa that I wouldn't want to meet anywhere come on come on come on little boy sit on my lap and tell me what you want for christmas have you've been a good little boy I'm gonna deep-fry you that's what he does he's got two sticks of sticks used to be little boys all right this is this is the takoyaki here Kevin why don't you grab the one here's a : yeah I'm getting a fiber now the staff here is Japanese I know that they're do it they're doing vital so they will speak Japanese but let's go let's go approach them we're getting the one that we always get so they've got they've got a nice variety of it I don't is that mint I go yeah it looks like that might not be too bad this one I was surprised with the quality it hasn't changed I've been coming here for at least 12 13 years I can't remember before that but we usually get this one which is the age let's see if it looks like it all right let's do it yeah are you hungry at all really for real a little bit okay this is a takoyaki binge this is actually our fifth fifth tray of takoyaki actually he can he speaks three or four languages or it's right it's pretty cool [Music] [Music] but yeah yeah yeah but I think I think I think in order to do business here you have to speak multiple languages hi zucchinis have you master mo Tommy muscle Wow could see them just grilling and beautiful perfection I like the size of the balls here it's good size yeah no not to it I've seen a really jumble ones they tend to not cook perfectly in the center right size yeah these are really good size yeah the ones we had before were too small yeah this is good the prices are better here - yeah and they're nice and golden brown now the thing is if they're not Dunning off the - yeah I don't know GUI yeah that's not good I don't like the GUI takoyaki you need it to be fully done all right they put ours in a tray because it's gonna come with juice right he's gonna put some Tod some dashi ears I think we can come back and watch him make it - he's gonna start to make them soon all right let's get let's get it in here come on over here did you pay already that's the final the crowning oh that's the way I like it oh yes wait my anaise so much that you can't even see it this is my second one cuz we filmed this before that's up to them we melted it I got so many gracias I was making it now all right watch it everybody wait wait wait stop stop stop stop don't do good Jeff don't do it don't you don't do Kevin what we need to get to 400 likes at least come on guys it's up to the community 400 likes and we're gonna cut that egg open for you let's do it you got 10 seconds to hit the like button ten nine seven do it six five four three we're gonna get there two one oh I can't believe we did it all right Kevin do it here's your reward oh yeah they're orange I like that that means that chicken was eaten well even good food you know we we eat our eggs raw here yeah I eat my eggs Iraqis you rocki your eggs you ever seen Rocky one where he just looked to each of like a dozen eggs you used to do that to doing some training in college I never really did that I was just joking oh really he what did you thank you I saw your video going to Texas by gene all right all right on that day this morning did you walk the whole thing no no nothing no energy oh wow I didn't give them the cards give them you found me cards there hold on let me let me track them down I got a track of nothing and here you go I forgot to give you the cards you get it you found me card there's a couple more thank you don't forget to give the cards that's why I made them you're welcome where you from Finland oh it's awesome how long you here in Tokyo for I don't know about five years enough Wow here in October okay are you living here now yeah Osaka yes Wow in 20 years you're gonna look like that cool here in Osaka Wow yeah no no no I'm ambitious I'm an I'm an exit I've never worked [Laughter] but everything else did you tuck or yucky yet I think no yeah we've got it down this one wow they're very loud yeah hold it steady look at the mayonnaise on that that's insane that's crazy I can't even see the takoyaki it's all salad I got two on there well they come in pairs what that was what I was what what what what's wrong with you get some egg in there a rancher huh Oh I'm gonna get the camera have all right you forgive us oh I thought for sure it wouldn't be that hot [Music] it wasn't as bad where's this bad guys mind a picture no come on this right now that's right thank you and welcome where you from oh wow Jakarta yes awesome we went to Bali for a honeymoon but we want to go back to the Java Island and see more jump depart done yeah it's warmer there only in Jakarta yeah good idea ideas the comments oh it's right I gotta give you a card thanks for the reminder guys I'm running as a here you go just two in there you look um have a nice trip cool did you eat it all we got it we have to we have to eat some more because these places are closing look at that that's really it looks healthy it still looks hot though I think it's too dangerous I've been a small to label only really Goods this one I've been coming to for a long time I think it's kind of like a chain but I met the CEO of this company when I called them to film and I might I might come here to work for a day I'm it's something that the CEO said if I ever wanted to come here and work for a day and just try it out to just give her a call and and she said - she let me try it out for day so I might do that so I might be working here with these people here it's gonna be my coworker right there because they are ranked number one everybody you know everyone's got a number one ranking on the thing it's very confusing they might have ranked themselves but this one is pretty good a blowtorch whenever I see a blowtorch I stop what I'm doing it I just look at the blowtorch pretty cool and love blowtorches okay we gotta keep on marching yeah what's your name yep oh nice to meet you see you around since you're gonna be here for five years right or Bali see you around you have a beard next time we see you because all the takoyaki places are starting to close down yeah actually we wanted to get a thumbnail for the main channel and I want to get you home oh did you want to get a beer you see the girl there if you see the girl in the black jacket nothing odd these two here yeah the ones out there oh he's turning out like this yeah yeah she's a girl night you can tell who the girls of the night what does that mean don't say it don't say family show you know alright does she's asking we're gonna go yeah she just totally tried to talk to that dude it's gonna cost you a lot really that's gonna be an expensive drink oh yeah alright I want to show everybody before we go and get that beer yeah and I want to get Kevin home yeah I just want to introduce everybody to this street yeah I came here in film yeah I filmed this ten years ago with NHK when we did a special on Kansai this is a very important Street this alleyway between this building here it's hard to find it but it's next to the kataoka shop here down here you'll see the history of duck tom buddy I know we're gonna lose the signal if we go too deep in here but not one tourist is in here it's kind of a secret little area and it takes you to moss man right it takes you to Moss man yeah you remember we're gonna lose the signal here but in here you can see pictures of old dotombori so I mean I think not a lot of people come here and see this should we take them to Moss man must man's about a hundred meters right yeah okay let's let's just go quickly all right I know I'm gonna lose the signal but now it's gotten so quiet right yeah it's gotten so quiet it's completely different area this is the this is sort of the secret of built home buddy the tongue body that shoppings to the entertainment street is filled with tourists you get off of it you start to see the real Namba area I think this is the back there's but yeah this is more about what now you can see what the local where the locals are here yeah locals don't even touch the whole body they just did the heck away from it yeah so yeah must man is over here I believe but there's a statue that people go to pray at and he's filled with moss splashing with water we can splash him with takoyaki this one's got really a lot of juice still left in there did you eat it all is it one more is that mine or yours really oh there it is there's moss man this is something so sock o Reilly Instagram you'll see this see this there was it was it a fountain that's so this is a Buddhist temple is this a Buddhist temple or shrine it's amazing yeah well I just passed there as a Buddha right there too it's a it's duality so you see that the torii the orange hoodie there too no colored hoodie that was Shinto shrine but right here we literally just walked about one minute away from datong body and we're here and this is moss man and it's hard to see but he's covered in moss it's is that Buddha just one of the guys boys think III don't know cuz he's comin yeah it's amazing right yeah I don't want to film too much because people are praying I want to give some respect but I think you get the picture if you cut through that alley to store two streets over you get to this amazing shrine that has is so different yeah in fact at the end of this street is my favorite ramen shop oh you said ramen magic words so if you say it three times a genie appears yeah whoa it's like said Wagyu or mugger oh I don't I can't tell it spiky uh why'd you vlog you sushi all right here he is without the Christmas Daruma without the Christmas gear it's the nasty nasty looking fellow how you doing skipping skipping that place yeah I think you don't want to really eat in do Tom buddy I think you there's too many places outside of it somebody yeah oh this is it Kevin's recommended ramen shop 20:12 mute open at midnight relay you don't say I'll give you old woody right they give you all morning for the whole morning for the same price home where it just means extra noodles so do you want normal or amore you just everyone says Oh money really is it that big what's this place called honimaru can han american it's open 24 hours a day frontier but kim cheese Fritos always asks for the kimchi kimchi is free one hard-boiled egg for free to go with it's good they're out on the counters help yourself to hard boiled egg I like the sounds of that it's called ki awaaz a ramen which means happiness ramen Wow it's always made me happy it's making me happy looking at it here at here too the thing too about this way place why I like this wrong more than others is that the chashu the barbecued pork the using it yeah comes from they get from the special places certain type of pig it's really she's big thick cut to it it just slurps taha a big shot shoes really really good big cha shoes uh I liked it when they when they grill it there's a fat choice and you eat it your mouth sinks into the fat into it and there's an explosion of the ramen juice that was soaking in just a little bit that's saltiness maybe a little bit of miso oh so I'm talking about boys all right oh that's that cool a manhole we gotta eat this it's one of these is yours though oh yeah oh come to John that's egg yeah yeah we'll call it Negi we got left in here salad eat healthy all right pay forward let's get let's see we get and this you you work really hard you were hiking today let's see we can get to get this here oh there's the ho G Chuck KitKat's I was telling everybody that's a 188 yen that's so cheap for the kick flavoured kit kats 188 for strawberry that's like a dollar 70 or a bag of Kit Kats the more expensive ones go up to like $5.00 for 400 to 500 yen oh the Saki ones are expensive so really you don't need to go to de Tom buddy right it's sort of like do you need to go in a way just to see it once right you know but there are other places that they are better I definitely I'm still although it's getting a little shouldn't take that yeah I don't think that that'll ever get too touristy because it was always it was always a tourist attraction so now this the tom buddies we're coming right up to Joe Tom buddy there's King you da man right there this is this is the old entertainment district of Osaka so it's always had a vibe of you know being entertaining and now it's it more of a more food than entertainment right can you still see entertainment here I'm sure it's much here on this street but over across that bridge ah we've gone there are many little bars and karaage places and things like that so yeah down here guys this is the well this is Osaka Castle and a manhole cover they paint the ones here because it's in a shopping arcade I love the colors on it well sokka's got compared to Tokyo Osaka wins and that makes you happy right yeah cuz it's always a battle Tokyo I I'm okay with that I'm really disappointed because the Olympics now is part Sapporo oh no Kevin it's all crowded we lost her oh no they just took this last seats oh no all right did do you have any change let me see can you get to go get too cold ones I can get rid of this okay where do I take this you throw in the river no I never do that I gotta find a place to throw this where do I throw this this isn't like a festival this is a festival there'd be a place to like a recycling bin but there's not one of these here oh I know where you know Saka people will just throw it on the street that's but mostly tourists are here they don't know where to put it but because the shop that I bought it out is not too far away I can stop there and we can return it I'm taking you back to your home go to some of this otaku Heights Internet oh okay John konomi suzuki they make really good big takoyaki outta get those a mess you can always tell good takoyaki because of the size of the taco if they're using really small pieces of octopus you know that they're gonna skimp on every other ingredient so the the quality of the takoyaki and the tom buddy way way way way down I was shocked at how bad it is Kevin is this available or it looks like trash so that means it's open can I sit there everybody there what is he ordering it's nice to sit down all right we're gonna have to drink this real fast cuz we want to get you home how you doing oh we're getting close with ten legs away from [Music] over here we're ten Lakes 10 likes away from 500 which was our goal if we can get 500 we're gonna have an awesome Kampai it's gonna be so worth it how we just did it there goes they got takoyaki there too is your place that doesn't have takoyaki and no suck that seems like I told you every single location in Uncle Tom buddy has to sell takoyaki now it doesn't even matter if they're famous bored or not nobody no oh look at those frosty mugs was that five hundred five hundred each those are frosty mug oh are you from come by what a night what a day that's frosty that's good that's your old Scottish I'm a beer from hiking all day you were not a hiking today right was it hell another students for my school right and I told them it's gonna be dangerous they're like yes let's do it the trail is actually post II don't suppose the lake is because of danger there was a tank food and half the mountain slid down we had to climb over all the mud and everything we pulled ourselves up over into the mudslide area beside the one with the sign in kanji says do not enter even the mugs of beer have takoyaki on it that's crazy right [Music] this is a really good frosty mug I mean that's worth it I think it's so thick it's probably probably a 250 milliliter beer but it doesn't really matter right it's such a heavy mug it's it's cold it's worth it so there you go guys yeah you know the street food here until somebody has changed a lot it's mostly it's mostly one thing it's mostly takoyaki you know and it's not a bad thing but the quality is extremely varied so you have to take a look at it before you buy and and if you know what to look for then you know if it's good or not chuckle hutch well there's the tiger hutch I've been up in Yoda bossy okay and that is fantastic I love a cocky it's a cousin of takoyaki there's a lot of there's a lot of jockeys made out of balls Aakash Chiaki is one that's more egg than dough it's soft egg I love akasaki that sounds like an episode to live in kakegawa which is right near Akane yeah so I would eat Akashi yucky often when I was a hit or she might hate okonomiyaki a lot when I was in a cache in Kakaako I ate Akashi Aki a lot so what the local food is at the time right yeah it's very good there's something there's something going on over there there's a lot of tourists here Flattr this isn't this isn't my child Kevin Reilly this is Kevin Reilly sow calm bye to all of you out there thanks for watching for 70 minutes I told you early gonna do for 40 minutes 70 minutes hey okay I love your channel so much thank you where you from from Thailand awesome so everyone is from everywhere [Music] [Laughter] it's really nice that I'm very lucky that people watch the channel all of you if you do come to Japan you have to come and say hi if you see guys forget to give them the card hey it's still there I have the card come back come back to the card was he watching live was he watching live then he'll get come back to the card if you come back for the car they have to employ give you the cards you have to say that you watch the show maybe there has to be you can't just say hi you have to say hi and I watch your show maybe there's a catch you know what in order to get the card we should have a special password right you have to save the password in order to get the card is that not that's genius right you have to have the password to get the card and the password is right now is only in Japan no someone says now no new rules you have to have the special secret handshake and you have to see the packet no people are saying no people it's saying no we can't do that sorry I don't know I'm just trying to make it fun here's the menu we can take a quick look at this so we've eaten here before this is on the side of the tome body they have Christian kutsu which is really good it's a little pricey right hello oh sure do you know the password alright like did you find this online oh here take a card these are two in there this one I don't forget a card [Music] thank you where are you from oh yeah that's a nice donkey we'll say - you're gonna ride the ride the ferris wheel yeah this is nice area how long are you here in Japan for okay my wife and I are thinking to go to the Philippines in March yeah Oh everyone found us Kevin okay nice to meet you thanks for something to say hi that's nice I only have two more cards I think I haven't spent us another pack of cards somewhere Kevin's been wearing my backpack that's how nice he is you haven't complained at all alright Kevin's finish Kevin's finished his beer that means I'm Way behind all right I am a little bit slow it's really nice that everybody came to say hi thanks her for finding us this is Kevin Reilly he's going home now for a nice rest you're gonna be Santa Claus tomorrow I can't grow a beard I look like I look like like a pedophile I didn't say it the internet settings I get like this soft beard it's not nice but he can come so funny because yeah there's the principal school told him shave it off right Kevin the princess said to him Kevin's Kevin you're not Kevin it's true where some people should not grow beards I'm one of them it just looks bad you look like I'm not a nice person because you don't recognize how bad you are don't grow that I clean shaving okay a little bit I can do but then it starts to just look really suspicious I've become a man of suspicion you're the kind where they tell you in the announcements on the subway if you see anything suspicious contact us and everybody knows they do that if I grow the beard but if I try to and they don't if I don't so it's better better not to grow the beard but you're not a man of suspicion you're Santa Claus I know he'd be the perfect criminal ray who stole it Santa did it can you identify him he looks like that that's Santa Claus that's right last time we did you look like the colonel right better than the colonel hello this is the part of the show where you all right in where you're from as we say goodbye so I guess you're finished I'm not it's really good let's got it [Music] very creepy always making okonomiyaki this summit is start oh sure okay that's a nice feature a group photo [Music] subscribe baby [Laughter] [Music] so that was nice so this is how we we're gonna sneak through this way so thank Kevin for making the time it's time for him to go by get back it's time for me to go back we're gonna say goodbye not from dual-tone body but on the other side if you get around here to the dill tomba river it's really a very pleasant view you get of this area in fact there are some restaurants to eat here on the river but I got to tell you something it's something that only really the tourists are out here I don't know I mean there's nothing wrong with that I mean it's just overpriced and if the quality goes down because the tourists don't know the difference between good food and bad food really I mean not all the tourists do but I think you would go the other way not decide but it's good to show you this so then you don't make the same mistake but if you just want to get a Yaqui they it's hard to mess it up that place right there seems to be pretty good you could just take a look at before you stand in line and order it just take a look and see at it see it and if it looks better than the other places I mean do your research research this right thanks for another awesome adventure woah beer that's how we that's how we end a live stream thank you you as well on the other side of the world you Merry Christmas merry Christmas to everybody happy holiday season's greetings everywhere around the world this is like a joyous time to be live I get more live streams I'm gonna do a midnight snack run why would I do that it's ridiculous I'm gonna walk around a little bit later when the when things get quieter or just to see what if stuck it's like at midnight and maybe I'll find a snack I don't know we'll see what we find and tomorrow I'll do another live stream somewhere in Osaka before going back to Tokyo cuz Kenai is waiting it's Christmas Christmas Eve what is today the 22nd of the 23rd is the Emperor's birthday tomorrow's the Emperor's birthday but the other Emperor's birthday so it's not actually national holiday tomorrow it's the first year the 23rd Center national holidays 23rd today oh it is the 23rd it's not a national holiday no it's a week it's not a weekend it seems like it feels like a national holiday because we have a new emperor red national holiday I don't know no no no the 23rd typically was the Emperor's birthday but he abdicated so it's a new emperor and it will be in spring so bellacor the debate goes on but flora is Christmas Eve tarascus Eve so I know I know I got to get home can I just like don't don't stay in Osaka I'm alone so I gotta go home probably in the afternoon before evening cuz we're gonna have a Christmas Eve dinner all right and you two have a good time with your wife so I'll see you next dinner yeah I'll see you next I'll see you next year 2020 is gonna be pretty exciting so you coming up to Tokyo me he never he never comes to Tokyo I don't I got to come down here yeah of course if but if you do will do something with with PV GNA itseif Jenny you come at some point all will get out there you know I have been out there for a couple years of it yeah I met him in Tokyo just crazy this year 2020 I met you in Tokyo though it wasn't because of tow it wasn't for Tokyo I wouldn't have met Kevin Ryan we go at Hooters on NHK Tokyo I show it's one of the first Tokyo eyes that I did yeah he's releasing his book yet are our official releasing his YouTube channel is Kuma's kitchen kay um Aki TCH en check it out subscribe he does a lot of food that'll make you really hungry and how to cook it as well not just eat it and I'll suck O'Reilly on Instagram he's taking pictures of the Osaka area you're gonna want to check that out if you're coming to this area that means now the pressures on Kevin to put some more content on there he's got everyday pictures going up on Instagram as well as my Instagram so thanks so much buddy and thanks to you here's the last 20 seconds enjoy the Diploma d river of the beautiful lights glistening off of it yes it's clean enough to swim in just not today only after the Tigers win and even then police might drag you sure maybe not do that hope you had fun bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 64,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, osaka, street food, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, gyoza, dotonbori, bridge, river, namba, lights, signs, banners, alley, food, eat, sauce, egg, tamago, sushi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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