Japanese Street Food | Shiogama Morning Fish Market

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the shiogama market not too far from sendai this is an active fish market where they sell the goods that they get at the auction at the city market nearby it's pretty amazing this market we're and we're actually up on a perch here i'm actually up on a perch this is rico who's a guide who'll be giving us some information behind the scenes on the market and i'll be probably going over to a place where i'm going to be eating some kaisen done which is a bowl of rice with loads of seafood on top of it it is really really good and i heard that i can make it myself meaning i can pick as many and as much of the goodies to put on that bowl of rice this is pretty exciting to be up here and have access to a perch where we can check out look at this all these food stands here now not all of them they just sell the fish you can see some maguro which is really famous in this area i saw an entire octopus that had been cut up and you can buy pretty much every part of of the octopus or the fish and it's interesting to see in the morning right now there's not a lot of people buying things so we got pretty much access to everything which is a really good uh advantage to leaving the city of tokyo and coming out here to sendai up in miyagi prefecture the sendai area this isn't actually the city but sendai would be the the gateway in to get the shiogama market it's interesting to see uh the fish from this angle though and in about a minute i'm going to walk down with you to ground level so this bird's eye view remember it because we're oh look at that that mogudo down there that looks so good so rico tell me a little bit about the history of this uh market is it an old market yes uh it's a very old market and uh i don't know uh so much much about uh so they are very old history i don't uh so i'm sorry but so uh you know locals are people and they buy and the fish and almost uh you know the end of the year for preparation for the new year's day and uh at the time so um very very crowded and at this market and that's what now it's a big season of the uh very social tuna [Music] you know market beer so i approved just you know uh one tuna uh you know out of the 100 you know wow so the special maguro one in 100 have it and it's extremely rare let's go down now to the street level and check out some of these goodies this is a really cool perch here and we got some special access to start the live stream right there check it out it's kind of old and slightly scary i see katayama is here we got some people watching wonderful eugene horvitz here uh oh wow we gotta go down this corridor let's turn around look at this so the this is the this is the market where they just sell the goods the auction happens in a different site yeah um auction as a place is also a different place and uh the name is very very so a similar name and uh now it's the auction time and soon you can see us do you ever bid on the auction can you anybody do it um so you need a like an application and a license to bid on tuna because i would like to buy a 35 000 cut of tuna that'd be pretty cool i mean has any that'd be pretty interesting to get somebody to bid and then we'd get the whole tuna and then we'd have our own little tuna feast it could be another kickstarter bronze yeah we'll find some tuna or maybe another fish since tuna can be somewhat controversial again for those joining us we're in shiogama market in in miyagi prefecture near sendai it's about a 30-minute train ride to get here and it is wonderful we're now outside of the market the air is so crisp and cool in october not cold enough where you need a down jacket but cool enough where you need something and feels really good against the skin after that really hot muggy summer that we have here in japan so we've got access for the next hour or so to take you around this really cool market enrico's here to help guide us a little bit and see some stuff and i'm kind of hungry because i didn't have any breakfast so this bodes well for a street food live stream jennifer french is here we're gonna put that towards breakfast actually and fungus united states marine corps who wants some tuna i i do i raise my hand i do ah nobody can hear you back there you gotta you have to come back here rico the microphone is right here yeah so this is the entrance to the fish market idi gucci what is this here uh she got to uh 4th 11th 18th oh these are the holidays so four times a month on mondays right they're close uh yeah okay wednesdays they're closed welcome wow john kimura thank you for the travel fun actually put that towards another train pass well let me just pan around here check this out just absorb this for a second oh here's the octopus i was showing you earlier they have every single part of an octopus everyone has a price on it 14 1400 yen for the tentacles it's awesome it's a lot of takoyaki all right and that poster is you know the shops is here do they sell it here sorry for the flashing light everybody well look how white that uh otoro is that's honmagro right there so the the white part is very fatty part of the tuna and it's got a premium price to it um you probably see a lot less but i i prefer the ch chuto which is kind of a middle pink between pink and red but the really white ones are otoro which is a premium cut oh this is the higashimono sticker and you can see the number which is the official um certification okay so this number is uh number oh that's this shot's number okay so the the five digit number you see on the bottom of the silver part is the number of this shop so it means that it's authentic so you can track it back to the shop that sells it that's really great you know from september to december ah so this is the season season for this maguro which is only here in miyagi whoa yeah tokyo night is showing very cool so like maguro is in season for this area and um why is the maguro here in in miyagi really famous because i know oma and aomori is also quite well known for maguro what makes this area famous you know very famous and therefore you know and then tuna and also a cell and there's a lot of the boat and bring the mangroves caught in the uh in the pacific ocean right and uh of course and you know omar mangrove too and that's what uh you know it sells a very high price so that's why under a lot of folks and they bring the tuna yeah especially on the road and uh interesting the smell of fish is not very strong for those of you that are wondering um what does a japanese fish market smell like it doesn't really smell that strongly of fish it's quite clean you can see even the floors um they don't have i mean if i compare this to other uh asian markets with throughout asia i've traveled backpack to almost every country in asia except maybe bhutan and a couple other places but you can see it's quite clean in japan and that's that's a mark of a good fish market if it doesn't smell so fishy of course there is some fish smell and i am wearing a mask whoa now you can see the cuts of the maguro look at that that's a big chunk can you just buy the chunks this is otoro here uh yay what's that uh so you can eat it for three months and it's okay foreign [Music] typically when i when i've eaten maguro it is never like a fresh catch it the if it ages a little bit after being flash frozen the the taste actually increases a little bit so it's the same with with the beef and other kinds of meats but you can see here just the incredible incredible fat content and how white it is and of course you pray a premium but that is so inexpensive for one cut of um 2 800 yen or about 25 for that that is really really cheap um and it's so rare and you can see smaller cuts there for fifteen dollars and eighteen dollars in the center of your screen those are other cuts of uh um that looks like maybe two total and the old toro would be this one right here look at that the intense um pink and white to it is really incredible it's very very cool and this is higashimono as well higashimono it's a it's a maguro that you're going to want to know if you come to uh this market because it's very very famous here all right let's let's walk around a little bit more ramsay science in the house you got it brother i'll get something for uh kanai on the way back i won't even say where it's from we all know ramsay's silent because he's silent wow they got a lot of maguro so maguro is actually quite famous here i heard at this market they also cut open the maguro are we too late for that [Music] all right so after the auction so you might want to stay tuned until the end and maybe we'll get a chance of of somebody cutting it open this is ikura oh this is a different kind like a uh kind of oh this is ikura right here that's pretty bad sorry it's a joke sorry old joke ah so this is whale meat and they still they still um catch whales but not a lot it's not as what it used to be in the in the past um but in japan they use every single part of it this is canned and uh wow so you can see here oh yeah that's part of it that's a different different kind of um consistency than the other ones interesting i've only had it maybe once or twice in my life some more stands here it is really not that busy restaurants um people and there are some people and buy the fish but then now it's just so you know under the 19th right because the kovid and and all the other stuff it's not it's not as crowded as before this isn't fish here so they sell all sorts of things these are dried fish interesting so everything that's related to fish you probably get a really good deal they sell in in um bulk here obviously you can see so many different bags here let's take a quick just a little bit closer look in here this is a what is this sanmi yeah like a spicy kimchi kind of a yeah sour salty spicy that's like everything right there that's kind of everything everything is good with sake here this one has cheese inside of it what is that here that's a uh tuna skipjack tuna with cheese katsu yum yum gimme some and they got rice here too i guess if you're gonna be making sushi you're gonna need bags of rice and this one says that this is the new new rice from this year so 2020's harvest is in look at these massive bags of miyagi prefecture miyagi is this prefecture so it's local rice yeah brown rice genmai awesome that looks like kanai backwards upside down it looks like my wife upside down she's happy that does look like kanai kanai nice hat can i okay you get some booze here it's awesome oh this is a new stand to serve some sake this looks like all miyagi prefecture is this local whoa oh my it's kind of early like 8 a.m i don't know i had a little bit a little bit too much last night i kind of kept going kiara kept going too later than me she's hardcore all right let's go check out this way is there anything uh interesting anything else here that we can check out that's uh we can eat maybe yes and now the season of the summer sorry oh summer that's well this year it's very rare to see because and uh you know short of touch so and but uh i found some stove and sell the summer okay great so mo b writes in here my son hattie says hi how you doing howdy we love what you do thanks thank you thanks for joining us on this adventure wow and there's some cuts is that margaret as well right yeah so you see lots of cuts of meat and they put them underneath glass everything is very sanitary and i like that and that's why uh a successful fish market will never smell like fish because the turnover of the fish is so high they don't keep things around and a fish is fresh it really doesn't smell yeah oh there's they're gone i guess the manga is coming a little bit later yeah when the maguro comes right now they're holding the auction in the city market when the maguro comes this place might be buzzing a little bit more so that should be really soon right yeah in about 30 minutes from now [Music] all right i can see some stuff here this is some salmon well is this chicken you know spicy fish yeah it is that's almost the same as maguro so this one is opened up how do you eat this is this grilled [Music] this has already been salted all you got to do is put it on the fire and eat it speaking of eating we'll be doing some of that real soon [Music] wow there's some wakame wakame is um [Music] famous yeah that looks great it's good for uh you know vegan and you know vegetable yeah yeah for the the vegetarians yeah this one is only 400 yen for this entire thing and how would you how would you eat this in soup or in just like this fried and the season with uh uh sugar and soy sauce and the local people and uh and uh like that and uh yeah some some people thought that you know make the soup but the actual main cooking is just a fries oh just fry it and eat it i like that fried wakame yes please here's some omaro in here every single cut has its own has it looks a little bit differently oh yeah some people also love to eat the tuna eyeball shane i can see you shane shane can you see me looking through the that's the eyes of the maguro there look at that so different cuts here wonderful that looks like they can just it's already been cut up they can just throw that on rice right make a kaisen don shane could see me that's funny wow is that otoro this is white that is and this is a different fish the white one here swordfish oh i love a good sword for steak yeah the chin now it's important you know the reason why i show you the eyes i want you to really um for some of you got a little sick seeing the eyes but it's very important to understand that nothing is wasted every part is is eaten and that's a very good trait i think to make sure that nothing is wasted including the bones and everything has a purpose therefore we're we're not wasting um this is again like the concept of the the word itadakimasu is something that we we give thanks for the sacrifice and we say that before every time we eat so when you see something like this it's good to know that it is getting it is getting eaten okay nothing is wasted or thrown away and that swordfish looks is talking to me looks good all right so where's this sanma [Music] some more octopus over here [Music] oh they're cutting up some cutting up some magodo right here [Laughter] more delicious so we're going to try to eat this this is a piece of maguro tuna when i entered don't worry i used alcohol and i've washed my hand several too many times actually [Music] slight sweetness to it [Music] don't use any shoyu no nothing just like this so we're taking out the blood inside of some meat but you know this chops and that doesn't done that kind of process you wow so check this piece out here wow all right let's try this it's kind of translucent in here all right first of all it's cold no fishy taste there's a meaty taste but it's very subtle and it you have to chew it a few times so it breaks apart it's almost like jello like uh really good and there's this there's kind of a just a very slight saltiness to it maybe because it's coming from the ocean so there's a natural um delicious taste to this and i wow this is why maguro is so popular i don't need a lot a lot of it because there aren't as many as there used to be but i eat a little bit of it and when i do i try to eat really good sourced ones and here everything is very well sourced sold in the market and the fresh ones are going to be coming in really soon that was really good wow so i think we came here before to this market so that was really good i'm thankful that she got to share some of that maguro with us wow that was good [Music] so is that normal where people will allow us to try a little bit of food just give us a piece like that oh that's normal that's nice it makes me happy makes you want to buy more stuff actually eugene holbert eats some good tuna i just did and i might see if i can take some back i don't know if it'll it'll keep until tokyo but that'd be pretty cool to bring kanai a big chunk of maguro huh i'll you know eugene i'm going to do my best and maybe maybe i could do a live stream where we're eating some maggot that i bought here that'd be pretty cool hey queen of tacos is here i'm sending you samples through the screen right now queen of tacos i'll see what i can find here we'll keep eating oh this is hotate yeah just some sanma which is a um in season i thought it was a summer fish no but they have it here at this season too sometimes uh you know fresh it means you know this year for well great so this is sama you can see he's looking at us um this is great on the barbecue you kind of just open it up and and put it on the barbie put it on the barbie and you get yourself a pretty good meal a little bit of salt and hotate are scallops so scallops look like this inside of the shell you can get one for 380 yen but these are massive these are very big hotate check it out inside there uh so we can eat these in the kaisen dawn process in the cut and uh you know okay oh can we eat the kaisendo now yes we have to you know end up buying some ingredient toppings okay are you ready to eat give a thumbs up if you're ready to eat we get the 700 likes we go and eat right away we just cut to the chase and get there 700 likes that's your requirement everybody all right cool yeah so maybe we can buy one of these hotate what's the difference to it [Music] let's try one awesome that's so much fun whoa okay it's big so we're gonna cut it up as sashimi for me and i'm gonna take it and put it in my own kaisen dawn hey sun and chill 88 the best live streamer on youtube thanks my pleasure thanks for joining us here in japan and g-man threefold back in the house how's it going pretty good pair man very good oh that is so big that piece of my um hotate which is scallops in japanese i could probably just eat it like that so you can eat the part around it and then cutting it up a little bit after this we're still 300 200 likes away from going to the kaisen dawn so you want to click the thumbs up it's active participation you can make me go eat by clicking the thumbs up this will go on a bed of rice and then into my stomach it's up to you people hey [Music] i'm getting hungry oh so so for this uh kaisen done we have to buy everything here so we buy it here all right let's get some maguro then so i i didn't know okay we got the hotel we have to buy some maguro um yeah where should we get it huh so and we have to buy some uh ikura so we buy all this stuff ourselves that's awesome all right cool so we've got one down let's get three or four more to go oh good yeah we can get some ikura here you know oh so these are smaller portions just for that all right so let's get some let's get some uh uh some other fishy here we get some ikura and um [Music] uh maybe some ikura and uh octopus yeah all right let's try that you could have an octopus here and then we have to get some maguro she's quite busy she says this is getting heavy oh there's some squid here too food from the deep yeah [Music] [Music] oh they have some munched up ones here uh uh should we get one that's cut maybe yeah ah okay uh so we we we have to slice it ourselves right oh she recommended i recommend the cultivated as well [Music] um yeah you know what i i know that this this seems like a better one and it looks more premium and all that but it's so fatty i i like it a little bit of it but that's too much if i'm going to eat a lot more it's going to be like for kaisen dawn probably chutero is is is better and personally i prefer a kami i really like akami if you're going to eat a lot of maguro the akami is better you can't i can't really eat a lot of oto it's too fatty just a little bit goes a long way i think and that's another thing you don't have to eat you don't have to eat so much of it and fill your stomach on maguro although it is a lot cheaper here i just i just feel like um you know a little bit goes a long way and it's special and there are other fish in the sea wow wow ah bought it at the fish market this morning for breakfast that's awesome so in those newspapers is chunks of it that is so amazing that looks amazing that's they've cut it up for me to put on the kaisendong this is great i think i have everything i need [Music] i'm american but live in tokyo i used to live in in iwaki in fukushima [Music] [Music] hey john wakamatsu is here how are you doing john nice to see rotunner aye is here in as well from india it's good to see we got so many wonderful people going oh we're 100 short of the kaisen dawn if you want to see me eat we need 199 more likes i think we can get there wow look at that that's oh that's for miso soup yeah oh this one's good for kaiser that's a lot though i can't eat all that okay we'll skip to wakame nothing like some good slime in the morning all right so where do we get the kaisen dawn all right we're going to the kaisen dawn let's follow rico who's guiding us uh if you're just joining us i'm in shiogama which is a market not too far from sendai in miyagi prefecture and i've come here on an amazing jr east welcome pass i'm rocking the pass right now so this allows me three days of of all i can take shinkansen so i can go to aomori 10 times which pays for itself but it's only twelve thousand twelve twelve thousand yen or about a hundred and twenty dollars and this allows me to travel all over to hoka so big shout out to the jr east welcome rail pass very cool and it's available you don't have to be a tur a foreign tourist you can be a resident of japan you just have to bring your passport to get it rail passes are awesome all right kyson on time folks we're 11 likes short the shiogama market is kind of significant to me because there's some there's some recent history um in the 2011 uh march 11 2011 earthquake i was here and i remember volunteering i volunteered uh up in areas around here ishiromaki for example uh was really hard hit and i was there about a month after the tsunami to help dig mud out of houses and try to help people recover from that move refrigerators out it was back breaking work but i was up there for not too long not as long as my friend mike and some other buddies of mine but the story is that um during that that earthquake and tsunami this was untouched somehow this market for some reason was not affected like the other markets there's nobody around and that was such an amazing thing that actually um this was a place where a lot of people had stayed and where they could eat because it wasn't destroyed from the tsunami and the earthquake right so this is a refuge for people as well as a place where people could come and get breakfast and eat and um for for that you know i gotta say thank you to everybody all the the the fishermen and the people who supplied food for volunteers and things like this this was an important uh center for for the area and um that is some really uh significant history that not a lot of people uh remember or will tell you about about this market there's a lot of history here just recently all right let's go get that uh kaisen done we got some tables here okay that that's pretty cool they have it sanitized meaning this one's clean to sit at this one has been used interesting this one's clean okay i think we can go we can oh okay [Music] all right this one's been sanitized uh oh do i give them the fish here right i have to give them the fish and they make the kaisendong i like this idea sumimasen [Music] large size please [Music] i could go xxl but that's a lot of rice all right let's open up the change person get some some money so thanks to everybody who's been giving super chats this is great we're gonna put this towards um eating our way through shigama market which is the way to go oh oh no mr das is not here thankfully mr das is not here because that would mean that'll be bad stuff here oh no mr das he always chips in for beer specifically [Music] katayama's in the house rocking it tony p2 uh [Music] very good so we have to make it ourselves which is really cool um there's some sugar too should we get some sugar it's a lot of sugar i don't know if i could eat that all that's like it's like two portions everywhere you go there's alcohol pumps to make sure you you stay clean if you touch anything use the alcohol pump i i touched the uh i touched the money so i got to keep it oh they got coffee too coffee vending machine it smells like coffee and they got booze look at this well if we get to a thousand likes i might have to get some sake i don't know i don't think we're gonna get to a thousand likes that's okay that's like insanity that'll never happen raymond centeno is here i'll be proxy mr dustin raymond joe and michael cesano all right i guess we're gonna have to do this now by default oh okay this is interesting so they have the whole set here um this is the shoyu and the wasabi and uh there's the um the chopsticks and this is the set oh this is wonderful okay let's bring it here all right arigato yeah let's have a seat so do you need a you need a beer rico you want a beer [Music] we came here by taxi that's good but i'm a driver okay this one is sanitized so this is fine we're here by the heater here it's nice and warm oh we're having so much fun all right you know what after i make this kaisen dawn after i make this kaisen done uh i'll go and uh get some sake okay [Music] and then we should be really close to we should be really close to the maybe the the cutting of the uh maguro this guy is dead the maguro cutting almost nine o'clock all right wow so hey eric thanks for signing up on patreon just got a notification eric welcome all right let's check it out here so now we got um miso soup and a bowl of rice 350 grams i saw him weigh it it's pretty accurate we have octopus hotate ikura and maguro some chutoro which is my favorite higashino which is the local kind all right so let's put this together now all right we'll start with some ikura [Music] this is awesome oh it's child proof how [Music] whoa so i should put the shoyu in here and or just put it on yeah okay it depends on me oh well we'll put this one right here [Music] oh it's starting to get colorful the good is the best they look like little globes of i don't know paradise inside there orange globes the good stuff all right this one is taco which is octopus wow look at this octopus right there i guess we use our ohashi all right so each cut is like a piece of sashimi here we don't have to use them all but we will all right so actually probably should put that underneath there make it look nice and pretty there all right taco done next up here's the scallops that we just bought about uh 10-15 minutes ago um she washed it you saw it how clean it was very well um very sanitary which makes me uh feel a lot more at ease we're gonna put this here on the side now and these are like the rinds of the the scallop here and you can you can eat this as well again nothing is wasted everything is um everything is consumed so that's that's a good thing oh look at this how tender that piece of scallop is that's so fresh okay and last but not least is this um uh chutoro which we bought it's kind of in between um chutoro and akami but i like i i know that a lot of people are getting we might be upset and say why didn't you get the old little i just i'm an akami guy so i like the red the red meat i think when it's fresh like this it's got to be really really good but since this is considered chew toro it's that was a really good deal look at that that's awesome this is really looking good here taco meat maguro that looks really good i'm impressed look at that i'm impressed i did a pretty good job that's not bad that's not bad at all all right next up after you you've you've put the fish the fish in here check this out here after you put the fish in here this is a really beautiful bowl um next we put some soy sauce on there so you have this little tray and you have this wasabi here so what i like to do is i just put the wasabi into the little tray like this all of it the spicier the better and then i take some of the shoyu and i put it in here and you can put as much as you like okay just you don't have to put a lot i just filled it up about half about a third of the way and then mix the mix the wasabi in there like this see that after the wasabi's penetrated the soy sauce and you get a really nice like brown green color drizzle it on top let's do this together here we go drizzle it on top of the kaisen dawn oh this smells so good this is so it smells so good all right can you see me hello all right sorry good welcome back kind of blacked out here all right let's eat this thing here so this is a kaisen don that i made here in the market look at this thing maguro chutoro taco which is octopus some ikura fish eggs and then here's the whole hotate which is the scallops this is amazing jeff ang thank you it's time to put this here it's time to eat this thing there's your screenshot right there so everybody send me a screenshot a picture of this cool this is this is our screenshot here actually this is really this is a really good shot i should take a okay hold on a second sorry about that sorry about that it had had to be done all right let's take a look here at this amazing thing we're gonna start here with the maguro right away because i i have to start with tamaguro oh man oh that's so good that's so good the chew taro is so good the akami has has kind of um the otoro is very fatty meaning when you get in the mouth and you chew it it starts to melt a little bit okay the reason why i like chewton the best is the economy akami has some meatiness to it so when you have the chew taro there's still some meatiness to it and it melts as well it's a perfect balance and there's more of it than there is otoro so it's not as expensive this is a win-win always go for the true total i'm telling you get one maybe ottaro and get the rest chutoro don't overdo the old toro just because it's more expensive i'm telling you right now oh my gosh oh i am not exaggerating either i'm just so hap i'm in a happy place i'm in such a happy place all right let's let's let's keep this going here next up uh i'm gonna go for some ikura and rice i coulda are naturally salty each one of these little globes explodes in your mouth when take a bite into ikura and that hot steaming rice there oh that's these scallops are so sweet there's a natural sweetness to these scallops hmm when you bite these scallops there's a good tension to it i wouldn't say it's like mochi mochi it's not chewy but there's some tension to it you break it and then it just starts to start to fall apart really really well inside of your mouth once you chew it this is so good these this hotel next up let's try this octopus sashimi here bought straight from the market um this is amazing make your own kaisen dog the reason why i like this i know it's fresh right i know it's fresh you guys have sound somebody wrote there's no sound try turning up the volume i don't know hmm when you go and eat um kaisen done in some of the markets it's really like like um ameyoko market in wayno it's really hard to know if it's fresh or not one of the advantages of coming to the a market like like this one is that you know that it's coming from the the sellers who just got it in the morning it's fresh the fact that you can get a better rice and just start putting on here like this is awesome and it helps the local local sales people sell the fish to tourists like me which is an amazing thing this cost me all together 500 yen for the bowl of rice and all the condiments and stuff a thousand yen for the maguro um the ikura and the taco cost me 900 yen and the hotate was uh 400 yen so 400 900 is 1300 plus 1000 is 2300 plus a bowl of rice is 500 yen so 2 800 yen about this is about 26 for this but not 60 26 but you know it's fresh and that's really important i know i'm not gonna regret it regret it later right all right let's eat this up and go get a bowl uh go get some sake because i think we got to 900 likes let's see if we can get to a cool thousand and i'll go get some sake oh my why she still get it i'm coming back sake oh mr sake here do you have any recommendations so this is yo namaste and i recommend the shirogama sake uh is okay this one oh this one yeah this kanji ulakas me this is a uh shiogamatsubari all right let's try it is it like a karakuchi kind of uh ah do my shoe my shoe yes yeah i think it's a kalakji a little bit dry and my favorite is a dai ginger oh yes and this one is also uh you know and the gold lava is very good wow this is also shiogama wow this is a ginger no ki ki bon is the same barrel you know not as a blend sake oh i see all right let's try this one here oh yeah okay i'm gonna try one of these and uh we can get these in in in glasses too which is really cool all right let's try one oh these look more premium these are 500 yen yes premium all right let's go for the premium i get the good stuff how about this a lot you know and uh oh and yeah you're trying to get me drunk you know it's like 8 a.m right okay i just want to try one here are these are these local or these are internet oh so local and uh oh okay well no saw about sendai oh this is the dai ginger yeah the ninja all right oh this one's zai genji too which one you think is the better one it's hard to tell this is uh you know more more aromatic this is the best of the best all right let's try this daigenjo the black because yeah black levels all right all right ring the bell three times [Music] ring twice because the postman does that too twice is nice with some rice don't need the ice or the lice whoa get a new one local brewery oh yeah i should drink it right now but i'll foolishly walk to the table and see if it doesn't spill it's kind of like a game the only one that's gonna win is the floor it's not a fun game this game kind of stinks why didn't i just drink it there don't laugh if i laugh it shakes okay i'm i'm impressed by myself look at this not a drop not a drop look not a drop ar wrote in barely full dude really ah all right let's do this here here we go kampai mr dawson and his friends oh that's good that is so good it's got a really subtle sweetness to it and wow you can taste just a little bit of like hinoki wood i don't know i get a little bit of some hinoki and it's a japanese cedar sweet and it's so subtle this is what's what's great about a daiginjo it's it's sweet and subtle it doesn't have the same characters it's not as as a dry as some of the other sakes but it really has good character this is like yeah this is just a little bit sweeter than i like maybe but but i like it all so it doesn't really matter ah morning sake now now i now now i really belong here you have to if you can't drink your sake in the morning you're a tourist just check check out and check check yourself [Music] out yes taylor always sip good question sake never the octopus is chewy but you know you want to get some rice in on there the reason why i always like it coulda is you always get a little bit ikuda in there absolutely perfect chew your taco well no i saw like the octopus teacher movie on netflix i kind of feel bad about it eating octopus after watching the movie i might eat less takoyaki as a result of that movie wow i'm so thankful that you did you all joining here nathan's here nathan mcsparrin try that again after drinking a few if i have one or one more of these there's no way i will not drop it like half already i'm starting to feel a little bit of the effects of sake i'm what you would call a lightweight because i just i don't drink like i used to at all yeah ichan it was a really good movie um this dude fell in love with an octopus it was and he was scuba diving and i'm a scuba diver so i thought it was a great movie but it made me look at octopus in a different way you know i still eat them you know what i mean all right last piece of taco it requires a lot of chewing look at kiara over there she's trying to hide she had too much to drink yesterday sorry okay sorry sorry sorry best community on youtube we have we hit we hit the threshold 1000 likes it's a big deal hello hi 821 news that i'm talking about it's a big deal all right big big bite of maguro and ikura and rice with wasabi about 20 remaining hmm another gear no she doesn't no she doesn't all right this is the the home stretch now you can see here pretty much not that much remaining in the bowl oh there's one more piece of taco these are hard cause they're so chewy i'm not supposed to talk with my mouth full what so after this we're going to sake brewery um later and sake shop and the second movie yeah we are going to draw fire two sucker places am i gonna be able to get on the train to go home maybe not wow oh this is interesting what is this here on the map it says here uh autumn it says aki right and they're showing how they catch the sanma what's this here okay this is how to catch how to catch it yeah [Music] you know one day the salmon are gonna fight back and they're gonna win and it depends on the fish and the fishermen that uses the different kinds of stuff it's kind of an unfair fight yeah if it's like hunting for for saba but one day the saba are going to protest and start jumping onto the ship armed with swordfishes look work together i see that in history in the future i read this book by george orwell called animal farm the animals fight back and win i'm not quite done with the book it's interesting treat the animals right hmm i think if wagyu ever decided to wage war on humans for eating too many of them there'll be that one wagyu that remembers that i'm cheek massaged her and then when all the wagyu circle me to attack me this one wagyu will step up and go and tell the other why you know he's one of the good ones you'd never know when that's gonna come back and actually be your ticket to survival the rest are goners even kevin gone i'll live the wagyu apocalypse i could i might have eaten them and by the way if you're vegetarian you get no free pass from wagyu apocalypse they don't know that you cheek massage them they don't know that you're not eating them they just see you as another one of them but they remember me because i cheek massaged the wagyu that's what they remember why argue apocalypse you could happen they have horns if they could gang up with the crows actually crows can be like the spy planes and stuff [Music] but i'm not in with the crows the crows and i we're not we're not close so rico said i have to eat all the rice right all of it every rice grain ah yes it's a kind of wow great maybe a rice daddy i said thank you it's a very special day today yeah the ranch deity of inari ah yeah mr inaudible don't do that all right so you can see here we've left nothing nothing has been wasted except for this plastic bag and chiata is anti-plastic so that's not good but we have a sticker on here so maybe it gets recycled i don't know this will not end up in the um specific garbage patch so come by to everybody are they cutting the maguro or orimasta if they're cutting it then i want to show some cutting is anybody else that's married have been put on a lot of weight because their wife keeps cooking really good food and you can't say no is it just me or is there anybody else that's married that's like 10 kill 10 pounds overweight now seriously nothing you know and require some you know tuna shop and then maybe you have a chance to see uh you know uh tuna cutting show do it let's do it right now all right i'm on my on my way let's let's clean this up [Music] finished can we throw this one away right here and then uh the rest is all recycled okay let's do this all right thank you thank you very much um ma'am let's get let's get right into it now the moment that you've been waiting for a possible opportunity to see some being cut up i think is it this way which way all right let's go [Music] down i don't know where i'm going i'm just waiting if rico says this is not the way then following my nose it's your story all right um wow i'm i'm so heavy this is the best street food ever seriously make your own ta buy what you want and make your own kaisen don is awesome which way which way right this way that looks so good oh he's my i saw some dude with a knife yeah it's over or it's not done just based simply on the fact that there's no it's a small version right there not quite the same spooning out for the negitoro monae i'm not quite sure there's information is sketchy some people saying yes some people say no nico is scouting she's getting she's getting all of the there is possible you know cutting yeah the cutting you can see but uh yeah she said and you know they they don't do that they don't do that they said no there's somebody cutting rico we got somebody cutting oh she's butchering that's awesome all right it's a private show it's smaller scale whoa look at that knife dude dude [Music] whoa dexter's watching right now and going yes please look at that so you've done it there's some knives right there this is i never seen a night that big that's like a honcho gone wild oh my that's a two-handed knife so going in it's like a lightsaber knife that's awesome so this is from the morning auction the maguro has been has come check this out tomorrow this is from yesterday hey that that still looks really good that knife is awesome i'm going to ask you what's it what's this knife called you know [Music] what they've been using this for over 20 years it used to be longer so we call this this the super honcho i made that up that's so long it you can you can just just just to show you that's how long it is the handle that is super long all right so sadly they're not they're not going to be cutting up a maguro today however that should not stop you from coming to shiiogama market anything so rico is there anything that people should know about shiogama about this amazing market that i forgot about no so you should come and visit us and you know you can eat a very delicious tuna meat and other you know fresh seafood [Music] yeah you can get the tuna cutting show and you can see super knife super knife is a very you know nice people and you can you know have a 315 antenna the jrpg knife well said judd knight that's pretty massive here yeah you know i i noticed this here and i want to i want to end you end with this um the people here at this market are super friendly nobody was was uh rude or saying oh no photos or something like this everybody was very inviting and in fact when i started this live stream you saw people were offering me pieces of maguro to try i love that there's a very good spirit to this market i think and with the people that are selling here they really know how to connect with other people and that sells more fish i think in the end so i know that a lot of people a lot of fishermen fish sushi shops are coming here to buy the fish as well um but again like it's really empty now and if you have a the jr rail pass that i've been using called the uh jr east welcome rail pass you can come here for for less than 12 000 yen because you can use it for three days it's 12 000 yen but that includes everything like all the shinkansen's up into hoku it's amazing starting from tokyo um really good deal i think so a big shout out and thank you to j.r east for allowing me to come here and giving me access to this amazing market and to rico as well so you you're is you're part of the tohoku local secret tours so very appreciative of that check that out uh they do it's it's always good to have local inside information and enrico hangs out here in the market all the time right yeah no not really this isn't she doesn't hang out here but she knows a lot about the market yeah all right thank you rico thank you to super knife and everybody else who's here shopping and i really appreciate you all for watching this um and enjoying sometime uh rhodes traveled thank you for all you do you helped me in planning my trip last year i will be doing a yamada my next trip after seeing your earlier video rhodes yamadera i cannot say enough about the live stream that i did uh yesterday at yamadera was incredible it was such an amazing place uh go back and check out that live stream i was able to climb all 1000 steps live because the signal was good and when i got up to the plateau the top we had this almost surreal almost looked like computer graphics it was so amazing the distant mountains and this rock jutting out with a temple on top of it was i i don't think i've seen so many more beautiful things in my life than that and that was a live stream just yesterday um if you like only in japan go definitely subscribe if you're already subscribed to only japan go and you're not getting the notifications unsubscribe to the channel and resubscribe again um after youtube changed some of the rules uh you have to do that in order to make sure you get all the notifications it's like a way to confirm that uh i don't know child safe or something i'm not sure what what they've done but that helps you get with the notifications and the new channel only uh only in japan by me john dobb thank you so much everybody thanks for the thumbs up i want to say a big shout out to our moderators great job today the chat will continue on discord uh so i'll see you there and i might do another live stream at the sake brewery right the sake brewery perhaps because that's you know what i would do mr dos would be proud all right guys have a good day have a good night wherever you are in the world see ya from shiogama market later gator go bucs you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 116,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Street food, Market, Fish market, Kaisendon, Sendai, Hokkaido, rice bowl, food, eat, shopping, Shiogama, tuna auction, Tsukiji
Id: rvWsACk5khI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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