Japanese Sandwich Vending Machine Bistro in AKIHABARA

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feast your eyes on that right in front of you is Akihabara you know what you're looking at this is Sega Building and some anime characters very easy if we pan to the left you're gonna see the canals and then the Yamanote sorry the Chuo line going above there and just over here and over here is kind of high just over there is our lunch we're about to go to the hidden and very secret Japanese sandwich vending machine underneath the train tracks yes it's kind of new it's so new that no one else has covered it except for us this used to be I believe like some mom-and-pop businesses and I guess they had to sell out but right there which looks like a little restaurant is one of the cutest little vending machines corners in the city it's very clean there's a boss coffee vending machine and then right there in the middle next to the ice-cream vending machine is this a Mon se sandwich vending machine and we have the COTS pasando which is one of my favorites and is going to be our lunch a Hamburg sandwich there's a volume heated cuts a sandwich if you need more and then there's a regular katsu Sando HIDA katsu yeah tonight what do you like that's double hi ru how hungry are you because this lunch is on us this lunch is on me we also have dessert here look at this this place has everything and to get here it's about a five minute walk from Akihabara station you don't have to go too far there's a map in the description and it's a cross from the Monse Akihabara which is their office building right over there and you can see the Shinkansen making its way from here so you definitely have a view and if you walk straight that way that's where the creepy vending machine area of Akihabara is that Peter and I went to a couple of years ago there's the Yamanote a line going by so there's a lot to offer in this underground under bridge area look at the lights here it's so festive it's like eating in a izakaya alright it's up to you I gave you that thousand yen right yeah you're going for the volume okay I don't know what's the difference between the heating kutsu and the original this is 1.5 up so you get 1.5 the portion size in this one that's $9 about 900 yen there's a hamburger one that's about $7 for that and then there's a the the Hmong katsu sandal which is the regular yeah I'm kind of curious about what's the differences let's try let's try them all let's do something crazy yeah let's try them all no so you don't need to go for the volume okay can i we're gonna get three no egg it's vosch rights and yeah no egg let's go for the original old one first try this and then we're gonna get a key thick hot stew do you have it and you can also pay oh you can't pay by Suika or IC card [Music] not thank you this one's uh nosh yeah one holding us again alright budget and let the vending machine do all the walk-in can I is hungry I'm hungry - hey oh it's you came with some kind of prize look at that pig that Miss Piggy where's Kermit all right hold on hold on I'm gonna get one - I did my research and I knew it would be 650 yen for the heeta katsu sandwich oh it's a cal the only Pitts has it right it's not Miss Piggy it's it's a cow I like Miss Piggy I'm gonna get the regular heated katsu sandwich and I'm going for the one where right in the middle 11 no it's normal one go go get the sandwich that's a pig isn't it a pig that's a pig what I love best about it is that there's a table here check this out you can actually eat your lunch and wash your hands here this is like a restaurant if only they had chopsticks oh wait oh yeah it looks like it's broken you need the special thing never be epic the tabby boys they love that one that would be epic if you could wash your hands right here there's also a table in the back there so if anyone is in the area come and join us for a sandwich oh can I is gonna get a drink here I'm putting the tripod on this is fun you guys want to see us eat it don't you it's time for you to participate with us and click the like button let's see if we can get to 300 likes we're gonna unbox it and you will pick which one goes first how did you go for the coffee oh you get the outta Teague look the bus coffee always has some weird ones in here it's got onion soup corn soup and the creamy cappuccino which I got last time at heat Sheba Park near Tokyo Tower I think I'm gonna try for this onion soup actually yeah let's go for the onion soup why not Oh consomme I like a good consomme it's a bistro I'm gonna rename this Akihabara vending machine Bistro all right show me the can oh it's hot oh yeah it is hot it is really hot all right we're gonna have some fun let's bring let's bring it over here can i hello oh how you doing we're we're live-streaming a sandwich vending machine I want your lives even two times oh thank you are you from Romania well yeah we get a letter French inclusion of you need a sandwich good news you are you are yeah all right let's do the sandwich unboxing I can't do do it as good as Peter but I can do it this month thank you very much uh yeah where you headed besides Akihabara Oh welcome to Japan oh wow do you have a jet lag yes yeah I slept two hours slept for two hours than this okay see the trip just to Tokyo last around Tokyo okay and maybe next year Kyoto and Osaka and your team are good yeah fantastic you should get a nice clear view of Mount Fuji winter is the best time yes some snow up there would be nice yeah nice meeting you nice to meet you too I think I'll meet someone you've got some friends in Japan thank you I know bye you too all right that was nice from Bucharest Romania okay this is the heated katsu Sando this is a normal sized and can I can unbox the other one hold on a second I don't get ahead of yourself we have two boxes together comes with a with the she body or wet tissue and it's like unwrapping oh that is that is a pretty sandwich this is a this is a heat a heated katsu sandwich it's breaded and deep-fried pork and it's got some sauce in there you see that let's take it out one piece here they've cut off the crust it's perfect in every way beautiful it's a beautiful sandwich all right next up let's unbox this one in the table shakes that's what I'm saying don't ya we got to keep it nice and steady for the beautiful unboxing okay thanks you got half of it open good yeah here we go this is a normal cut so sanda right so what's different we lost the sheet Bodi here all right the opening is the same ah okay this is there's more to it the cuts look bigger and the pork looks different it looks like a slightly different color to it interesting I can already smell the sauce do you see it's been dipped in a tangy sauce that goes great with this sandwich beautiful in every way and --which is very much can be a work of art so here the two side by side or the two side by side I guess you can kind of see the difference in the colors right yeah and kind of see a little bit and and for almost the same price you get a lot more of this one because this is a cheaper cut of pork then heat akatsuki jakotsu is a different kind of pork more premium cut yeah what was this here did you look at this one can i what was this I saw I saw the but oh it's a bag how cool is that all right so you can take it so yeah ah that's right so you can buy it and then carry it with you to take it somewhere else because usually you'll buy a sandwich and take it to your home but we're not going we're gonna eat it at the little uh how about a vending machine Bistro oh I didn't wash my hands what's amazing is that the table here is so clean right this is a public a vending machine corner in underneath a train track and it's immaculate it's even lit up with Christmas lights around the end of it and Cho Chien to make it festive like a Japanese izakaya all right the hands are clean why don't you pick up your piece of Hutson we're gonna show the camera you can hear the train going above going up up up all right when it side-by-side it looks like yours is a little bit smaller hold it steady okay it's a little bit smaller your yours is a little bit wider meat and mine's a little bit Pinker yeah let's see if the taste is any good I said economy yeah yeah he did let's try it I do yours is he day mines he did yeah I'm thinkin 1 upon eyes for comparison you can have one of mine you're not even it you're gonna share Oh hmm I know [Music] do I join soup and sandwich at the vending machine the hidekatsu is more tender it's softer meat and this one is a little bit harder but I can't really tell too much of a difference between the taste they both have that tangy sauce on it the bread is the same it's just a cut of the pork and it's a better cut of pork heated katsu is a better cut of pork it's just a little bit softer so I don't know if you're hungry go for the original and if you want a little bit of premium cut you go for the heated concert is it good stuff coffee it's bad [Music] this really good I'm gonna try it's got a little pepper in it took the consomme soup a little bit little way lean just a little bit but it's got some pepper in it to give it some spice to it very good that's the sound of funky ah this vending machine area not only is it clean but this is the company right here and they have a little menu this is definitely a bistro Kani this is a vending machine Bistro unbelievable I don't know how long this is gonna be here I know that it just opened I know that there's a camera in operation so you should feel safe and I do know that they have these really nice Shoji and lights they give it like an izakaya feel to it at nighttime it's even more stunning but stay tuned there might be some dessert in the very near future as we investigate the ice cream vending machine investigate the ice cream vending machine I wish there was some mustard a little bit of mustard Karachi you know the spicy mustard no hey Tara Edith I do you like it comes with a free bag that's what this is a bag and you can carry it with innovative innovative this is a fortune oh there's a fortune I didn't get one I got that I cutie if I could see it's very very good oh it's a good fortune yeah you know you look the last you want this you want this one yeah I'm almost full I was wondering what to do for livestream today and I knew about this vending machine I said Larry let's do this but just down the street and Mister donuts they have Pokemon doughnuts right now think that you doughnuts that look really good so I was like maybe I'll do that later on this week [Music] it's a nice view I always clean up after yourself no I'm gonna take this with me and we used to see Buddha to wipe the table so the next person who comes we will have a clean place always leave the area cleaner than you found it if that's even possible because in Japan we always think about the next person after us restroom stalls in bathrooms toilet areas are usually quite clean in Japan because the person using it before will make sure that they clean up after themselves and you always appreciate that in Japan I don't see that a lot in other countries right kind of dirty the toilet is a toilet but it doesn't have to be a toilet respect Sona em exactly respect I can give you a cheers on that one delicious soup using special idea is from our coffee making so this is this has been inspired by the coffee making it's it's it's right here yeah inspired by their coffee making how is that amazing you need an ice cream blending up to go it's a girl Wow so could I gotta go soon she's gonna teach ballet do you need you want ice cream or you don't know could we could share sharing sharing let's see what we got here let's see we got here by an airy lunchbox enjoy the sandwiches and keep up the great livestreams thank you binary lunchbox Jonathan Lim enjoy for the dessert Jonathan we are standing right in front of it for some dessert and again thank you nosh that was good appreciate it um Wow this one has they all have waffle cones do you see that they all have waffle cones on there this is a waffle cone vanilla this is a waffle cone chocolate this is a cheesecake green tea what else do we got here raw nama caramel strawberry cookies and cream tea Tommy sit ah gee let me see but in a waffle cone tiramisu I'm sold on that one this one has a yeah nuts and got those chocolate like a macadamia nuts yeah this is mint without the waffle cones these don't have the waffle cones whoa this looks like a butter better a raisin butter sandwich from Hokkaido those are your famous smash it up in there in a waffle cone these look good in them there's one with uncle and this is a soda Japanese soda flavored which is you want to share tea dummy suit cuz it's new yeah look at that I mean brand new alright this one doesn't take sweet guy either I got ton of coins right now inside it's at minus 23 all right okay wait wait for it wait for it come on give us 300 likes there's 800 people just do it we got 20 likes away as soon as we get to 300 likes I'm gonna push the button just do it 295 295 just five likes away 331 whoa boom that was fast [Music] that was awesome we just went up a hundred and twenty likes in like five seconds that's crazy and veneno thank you so much we love your content hugs to Kenai there you go right back to you Aloha from Cowie Thank You a kowai kowai kowai is that it oh that's in hawaii hawaiian oh ha Aloha all right time for a tiramisu break it open very serious about my tiramisu huh love from India Philippines Spain this woman is gorgeous talking to me are you talking to me San Francisco Singapore thank you can i yeah somebody wrote in Fukuoka less Jay more K what what did they mean by that I don't know what they meant she reminds me of like a flattop haircut yeah ice-cream codes supposed to have a swirl on it but I guess you leave that there you can go first I have sensitive teeth yeah three cents - I don't wear outfit you don't all right go for it does it taste like tiramisu yeah good it's really yeah and last kind of corn and cheese okay I can smell it good yes I got sensitive teeth you better what your dentist I try to use that Sensodyne it never worked we have a good toothpaste for cystic we have to suck on it and melt it I'm not the only one Daniel is the same Daniel has sensitive teeth so you eat it like this like right like looks like a old guy without teeth like this that's all I have to eat ice cream I can do it like this but then it hurts no blood yeah he's like jealous the American Way this is a John way nothing on our store is so hard that's why you eat it fast oh yeah whether you're 5 or 45 it doesn't matter eating the cone from the bottom up best way it really is don't think ahead don't dip deep don't think ahead just do it I am crazy I'm dangerous it does not go well with the consomme soup tiemuzhen consomme soup now we can finish her off I'm nice so for those of you just joining us we're gonna go back here and take a look at the options here this is a boss vending machine this is the one where Tommy Lee jimin's is very famous for four decades he was part of this one you got some tomato juice some notch on which is apple juice craft coffee craft tea this is a new thing that's been been coming up in the boss vending machines Pepsi is part of this Suntory group so you're gonna see some Pepsi shots and little strain sodas this is a ton Sansui which is this is sparkling water with no sugar that that's a new as well as the very famous Suntory water which is probably the most popular brand and down here we had the consomme corn soup and like a fluffy cappuccino going on there then I got the green tea which is the most always gonna be the most popular and they have various random coffees boss coffee is one of the more popular ones Georgia is the one made by Japan and we stopped off at this vending machine for a lunch and there's three four different kinds of sandwich three different kind of sandwiches with different volumes this is the normal katsu Sando which is pork a Hamburg sandow which is beef you can't eat pork you got some beef in there then there's a volume heated katsu Sando and a normal heat in katsu Sando and down here there is a very big sandwiches some volume - that just - yeah there's two in there and there you go that's that's our mission today that was our lunch and that tasted really good and you can do a full meal here cuz can I get it oh you ain't at all oh wait I did give it to you but I didn't think you would do it I gave it to but I think you do it did you give like one bite of the chocolate waffle all right no it's okay I'll live it's just a it's just a sandwich just a waffle ice cream my feelings are hurt I'll live there's more in my future and won't be the only one not heartbroken or disappointed another cone will come yeah and then we had these two sandwiches you have the have the choice to get whatever you want if you come here to talk you hop it and try this vending machine I kind of think it's a cool idea I like the Bistro the nice wood table here the sink without water you can buy water for 100 yen and wash your hands I guess but the options there there you go you have any questions leave a comments below because we're going to for the next 15 minutes I'm gonna take you around Akihabara back to the station why not right because we're here why not take a little tour around Akihabara there's some other vending machines by the way the ramen vending machine is gone okay the ramen vending machine was they stop serving ramen in the can about three years ago so if you're looking for that that's gone I heard the creepy vending machine is down over there that's the one Aki Hobbit is vending machine house of horror I believe is the one and live stream that I did with Peter two years ago one of the most popular ones on this channel definitely subscribe if you like this kind of content we are going to Benny no really likes me Jenny no really likes connect very welcome thank you you're very welcome and I just got more fans of me I'm somewhat jealous no it's alright it's okay I let it let it be let it be it's a Beatles songs just let it be we're gonna go take a walk down here yeah we're gonna take it the Tahiti katsu was 650 n if cut glioma was wondering and original sandwich was 700 yen so about seven dollars and nine dollars for the volume so you get like one and a half for 200 yen more and then double sandwich fantasized it does pay off it is it is cheaper to get the bigger size so if you're on a date get this one if you're too cheap to share you can save 200 yen since 1949 great year great year all right we got to take a thumbnail so we got to come back with it with this with the sandwiches so don't throw them away that's not go me I think I actually could I think come back yeah I'll come back and take a better thumbnail No take this with us this can go here because it doesn't match with the Tetum used to taste I'd rather leave with tiramisu then consomme like everywhere else Japanese vending machines have recycle areas which is great most people will drink right in front of the vending machine really quickly and then recycle it especially canned coffee they slam it yeah where's the security camera do you see oh there it is right up there so you will be you'll will be protected as a security camera I did use actually I did use the bag oh can I wait I got a bag too didn't I do you want to put this in that bag yeah good thinking six toes on his toes right there good thinking fast thinking then you know just enjoy your time I wish I could invite you in person but so it is all I can do and I I like both Kenai and John but it feels kind of creepy if I'll send hugs to John no you get it you can send hugs sweet I give hugs to people all the time right yeah I give hugs to people all the time it's not creepy at all some hugs and well I'm not offended we're all here in on this marble going through space for a very limited time make the best of it this is oh this is where there's a really nice craft beer place that he touch you know and there's the cafe above here where you could see the trains from an all-glass cafe you're in between the rail tracks this is in this building how do I know because Scotty from strange parts and I had lunch up there about six months ago nature in the city so let's go walkabout we ate some sandwiches time to burn it off I love this canal o is what University is that over there that's Meiji daigaku the tall building where the construction is is that Meiji yeah I think so a lot of the universities are in this area yeah there's the chul the so is that the soba line right yeah the light in Tokyo flickers like that because of the frequency it's 100 megahertz it's hard to balance out the shutter speed you have to have a hundred shutter speed to to avoid the flicker or shoot in pal 54 pal 25 kind of lines up with the flicker okay [Music] Osaka had 60 I believe so you don't have the flicker problem in Kansai just in Tokyo question on manhole covers Tokyo's manhole covers or cherry blossoms and they're kind of boring oh that guy got pulled over it's like an episode of chips so is that John well I'm John Baker or poncherello it's hard to tell from this distance goodness I have to say it's a John Baker chips is a 1970s police comedy show in the United States central essentially a California Highway Patrol is what chips remember dan danten danten danten did I forget the music dad yeah I was having a moment can I I lost it I lost the song dan dan dan dan dan dan they had this weird game did the digit air and then they had shots of poncherello looking real cool all the ladies loved him back in the 80s oh man my mom had a crush on him sad look at this I like how cute they are kind of lined up like that yeah a mini UFO catcher you get mini prizes but the price is not as mini well it's 100 but they're all like 100 yen I'm gonna use the Niagara Falls of the triangle method I learned all that in a University of UFO catcher University taiyaki whoa that's bacon egg taiyaki did you see that thick of bacon egg taiyaki yeah all right we're gonna we got to come back for that hello yeah oh well hi I'm John Boyet nice to meet you yeah we come here often [Music] yeah my legs ache you know actually going out tomorrow [Music] well you found two friends right here I just walking around they still walk hello guys see you later [Music] standing by the hot metal rock ding I couldn't hear too much east of Serbia I couldn't hear too much I wanted to walk away but I know that that would like come over here and talk but I can't do that either so we're gonna walk underneath the chew a line and then we could say goodbye Anoka night has to go to teach and I got it hello welcome to Akihabara oh you're watching Oh how can we come naki Hobbiton we meet everybody pretty good have some carrot takeaway from Dallas all right how long you here for what have you seen that has overwhelmed you oh that means in about two hours you're gonna fall asleep we're trying real hard not to fight it that was awesome they found us we should stalk them and see where they're going I'm curious I'm always wondering what people are gonna go to next but where do they go so it's like copyright of music I'm trying to look all right by the way there's another vending machine let's show the people the other vending machine here let's cross the street here it's the mystery vending machine yeah I got I got Simon and Martinez Christmas present there yeah cost me a thousand yen I don't think they use it anymore but I will take you there and see if they still got that same present sometimes it sometimes the CEO of the company comes to this vending machine it's the most popular one so he's always refilling it he told me I've met him there on chance twice over the last two years after filming that episode just walking by through here I go eh there he is and then he shows me what what what it what's inside again he goes to go ahead just take it just he's very nice guy he's a very nice guy all right let's go and take a look at this vending machine and then we can sign off a little bit in a little bit this this area of Akihabara has a ton of tourists I guess there's a hotel or something down here but you can see this alley here is where super potato is about 150 meters this way and a lot of these 1980 electronic discount shops that sell parts monitors cables a lot of it is recycled all underneath here in Akihabara there's a place where you can get some used games and DVDs inside of here you'll find some things and then right there in the corner do you see it where the kernel is is this the all-you-can-eat this an all-you-can-eat Kentucky Fried Chicken in Tokyo all you can eat and drink this is not the one though it's the one right there yeah this is the mystery vending machine this is where I got Peters Christmas present as well and I got Santa Martinez Christmas present I got a bunch of friends yeah it's called the Kings treasure box and you might you might yeah you might and there's one box I think you can only put one box at a time and when it's sold out it goes red and then this president he usually comes in parks his car right here or here where that truck is he'll park his car and then he'll load it real fast move on to the next one he comes here I think he said at least twice a day to refill it he's such a smart he's such an entrepreneur the guy who's made these box he took old book machine vending machines and converted it into a vending a mystery vending machine like this where you can get treasure I don't know should we do it okay I don't need anything should we do it I don't know if we can get I'll do it if we get to 600 likes I'll do it and you can only like once if you get to 600 likes I will I will get something or I could be overridden by a might Am I it's up to you guys 600 likes I will dump this 1000 yen note into this vending machine look us it's low it's going up oh there it is okay all right can I do it yeah just do it cray it's $10 going in there I used not Russia's money for this not for the sandwich just kidding just kidding just kidding just kidding it doesn't work oh my god it's sold out it's all sold out they're all sold out that's crazy that guy hold on that's 5 10 15 20 that's $200 each time it sells out he comes here like two three times a day so he's making like he's got about like 50 of these you do the math I got a hangout with the CEO more often he's buying her saved another thousand yeah I know another one down the street but I know you have to go I'm so sorry look if he does come I will come back here and do this again okay let's do a Christmas shopping here should we do a Christmas shopping yeah Mele kids yeah talk to my brother your presents are coming from this vending machine all right sorry or maybe not sorry maybe you're gonna get something great like like one of these old-school game retro games maybe you're gonna get again a Nintendo 3ds maybe you're gonna get a Playstation maybe you're gonna get a drone yeah drone these look old school drones but no GPS but it's drone or sushi this could be yours if Santa smiles down on you and gives you that alright hello you've tracked us down hi I'm Jon I'm Justin nice to meet you best game are you from I work in Princeton on the lending guy okay all right jersey exit seven eight thirteen makes a thirteen okay yeah that's them before where you work yes we used to live on 7a you'll go down there Pat the great adventure that is the woods how is your trip going good yeah you've been here for okay said a Hawkeye I see on your yes it is oh I know a hawk eyes pretty strong it took care of Minnesota yeah big yeah it was I was still in it for the big pen to make sure that I we can't win it if the true Minnesota Wisconsin yes just want to know who we have to be probably Wisconsin again probably response it again great we're up to now there's one roaming free that's the freedom you got your fast yeah I got to give more heads up more notice right I gotta give more notice so you fat you found us thanks Justin thank you so much yeah thank you for everything Justin from New Jersey it's a Hawkeye I forgot my I forgot once again you found me cards I thank you for getting that Steve take the file Santa says hello well I will walk just until halfway here and then kanai's gotta go da cunha chicken dies you oh they pave the road here it's cleaner look at this I just noticed it this is where you would go um this is the UH Buddha soba ah buddy so bar right yeah that's where my randy santel aid his challenge but the the one in Conda he took that down hard man that's not easy there's another ramen and they had I think these have oh the Kobe beef ramen shop went out up out of business they used to have Co maybe there's the ninja maid cafe place so they've gone out of business a little bit there used to be a Kobe beef ramen shop over there oh yeah sure okay okay [Music] thank you so much you're welcome have a good trip all right they caught us nosh I really got to get those cards I'm handing them I can have it we always meet so many friends here it's wandering around live so just come over to this end of the street here this is super potato right here this is where all the magic happens or happened since it's all Retro games [Music] yeah this is you haven't been in here yes I know I haven't seen Japanese go yes I haven't and sometimes confusing said no I haven't yes I have yeah so that's the entrance to it up there on the third fourth and fifth floors is heaven for many yeah but you don't play games can i doesn't play games yeah so if because you don't because we don't play games we can odd the family that was like decades ago though right Santa Claus gave it to her so are you saying I should give you Santa Claus Santa Claus should bring you games oh all right okay we're gonna end the livestream over there this is where the ramen vending machine used to be hello we missed down there they go correct come on we could do it run this is where the vending machine the ramen vending machine used to be this is where I filmed the main channel episode right here on the back I've taken here like a few times on live streams but this is where oh they changed it now let's see it's only oh den there you go this one has con mole daikon this one has daikon in it miss owners durian cider pass I don't know you want it so Dan these are hot be careful when you do come here it's about $3 and these are cold and by the way there's no fork I believe that there's no fork that comes with it you have to dip your hand in there she's like she's can I doesn't want in on that you want you want a can you want a can I'm looking for another mystery vending machine because that stinks because I asked people to like and I'll get one and then it was sold out I feel I feel people are we're we're like cheated for they're like I respect their likes this is a lacquer machine so you can leave your lock that's pretty cool right here on the corner it's a locker 200 yen is pretty reasonable too and there's more maids so there you go everybody Akihabara what do you think cut out here there's a is that a judo ramen is that cheeto yato ramen okay sorry the judo ramen has a lot of Negi on top of its pretty outrageous so there you go everybody say you're off the hook can I you can go to work and I'm gonna go back to work back it back at the office we love coming to Akihabara there's always some kind of mysterious vending machine something new always happening in Akihabara this time it was a sandwich vending machine on the corner there I'm gonna go back there and get I gotta take a better thumbnail I think with the sandwich you don't have to come but I believe the creepy vending machine is still there the corner it's supposed to be an art installation where they're like making art like some sort of statement about society or something I couldn't figure it out all I know is that there's a homeless dude they've been upstairs getting smell it whoever's up there and smell a little Randy yeah so there you go if you have any questions leave it in the comments below we're always here for you discord D is C or D GG / only in Japan you can join our community it's free I think we got about 3500 people in there always talking about the show afterwards love Japan any questions that you have you can go in there get the answers our moderators are standing by to make sure you can behave yourself but we have a pretty good clean community there clean cut any questions queen of tacos says goodbye we love you queen of tacos steve the technophile much appreciated and just rolling back to my credence didn't miss anybody and then you know big hug back to you then you know thank you so much for buying US lunch as well as nosh and jonathan and binary lunchbox a lot of love guys see it from tokyo have a good day could i see you back home i don't know do you want it
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 69,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, akihabara, japanese, vending machine, automated, sandwich, katsusando, pork sandwich, hamburger, street food, restaurant, train, sttaion, tracks, soup, can, canned, lunch, weird, strange, unusual, tokyo
Id: irNMrEkx57g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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