Tokyo’s Greatest Street Food Market | Tori no Ichi Festival

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welcome to Tokyo this is the old Tory Chincha area how you doing there's Kenai right here and this is the kind of livestream that you subscribe for because we're going to be eating a lot of street food just over there check it out is Tokyo's biggest street food market that is held annually in November it's called Totino Ichi and it goes all the way back to the mid 18th century a festival that's sort of like japan's thanksgiving and you are invited to join us as we eat a lot of food this is the street food extravaganza from last year we came here and we ate a lot of food but this year we're doing it during the daytime and I hope that you are hungry because grab some food from refrigerator sit back and watch the food madness this is exciting [Music] Wow mahalik terzo den right here connect okonomiyaki oh I can't I can't wait any longer we have to go dive straight into the food we do have a little bit of wind so I apologize if there's any wind noise and the microphone stick with us this looks very good look at that is that shrimp is shrimping like tiger shrimp on there should we try one let's I try a tight barbecued tiger shrimp right off the bat and just over here there's yaki yakisoba action going on you want to try a prawn or sama or keep let's let's walk a little bit so that all of our viewers start to tune in a little bit oh this one Chum bean you want to try a chomping look at that so they're making them fresh like this look at them feet on the left side and then they smash it down dumpling Cape yeah yaki today oh it looks like the YouTube app is also made this super wide wide angle on the iPhone 11 pro so you get to enjoy this it's super wide our first super wide livestream I believe oh this is an old school Oh den stand look at that we just just a zoom in a little bit look at that simmering in the hot salty soup so we got to come back this is a beautiful Oden stand if you are in the Tokyo area you definitely want to make your way to all 2d shrine in the Meno Alba she just north of Asakusa and you will eat a lot because this goes on for like two three kilometers it's it really does oh here's some Iike eco comments I love that that's really good I like it when they put rice inside of it 700 yen for one it's a little pricey they just got started they usually start around 11:30 12:00 o'clock for the lunch rush but this festival is held a few days during November it's I would say it's like 20 to eat she's kind of like Japanese Thanksgiving because they eat chicken it's Tony the Tony I've been told means chicken so it's like the Roosters market and you know we eat chicken and turkey Thanksgiving this is sort of sort of the same thing in a way done japanese-style oh look at this this is hiroshima-style okonomiyaki they call it hit Oshima yaki I could go for one of those look at how pretty it is Hiroshima Oklahoma yaki is really complicated you can see they have egg on top of it with yakisoba there's noodles there's cabbage there's so many really delicious things and then there's there's some work on top of that do you see so this is not not easy to make well but I don't know you want to try one can i but we gotta eat something let's try one Billy Yardley hello Samantha what dicta re muska a corn well this is our first our first Street food guys Wow minty my own ease could it cutter so let's try the spicy mayonnaise on the side here just a little bit on the side that's why I like it it's supposed to be unusual remember we can't go back for a second so if we like it all right and you can see with okonomiyaki all the different toppings let's go inside of that you you can't smell it through the camera but it is so divine at festivals it is somewhat tolerated to walk and eat just so you know and I Gemma well how do you my study no don't forget the chopsticks can I don't forget the chopsticks I'm gonna explain what these are right here as well that's a very important part of the Tony no Ichi culture it goes back all the way the 8'o period the mid 18th century they're called bear claws or kuma day right in kumite and they look like this and it looks like a shovel and it's supposed to rake in money and success in business oh look at that this is a sama over there no that's that's I you fish that's I you alright let's try this over here let's let's sneak over here into a corner yeah and give it a try you'll notice that there aren't a lot of trash cans here either so that means that you have to take your trash out with you one of the reasons we came early is because we know that the signal is gonna be a little bit better because in a couple of hours when the crowds come it's gonna be hard give us a thumbs up if you liked it like okonomiyaki and you wanna a bite as well uh yeah let's try this oh look at the egg on there KY this is yeah buy bacon it yeah this is our breakfast this is breakfast all right don't move it too much and then I'm going in no no I'm going in for the kill here we go we wouldn't say kill let's just say for the for the spread here oh oh oh yeah there you go I've never had it with corn before I'm gonna snag some of this spicy sauce here and just go in for a bite you got it I know it doesn't look it doesn't look appetizing to some people out here but you just don't know it's like what yeah oh my word that is volumous it's very heavy alright let's let's give this a try hold on a second get the camera this way that's good just really good I'm gonna have one more before it's yeah the Manny's is really good that's a real good [Music] flavor bomb racing Christian you got that right this is our breakfast we didn't eat it I haven't eaten anything today we just got here this is yeah did we had a banana and a fig all right can I you you put it in that egg - when is Manny's not good agreed agreed this is really good hawkmoon hi to both of you from West Virginia thanks for showing us Japan much appreciated this is on hot moon too sponsored by haha thank you so much for that oh man we got a lot of food coming up guys yeah it's daytime in Japan because there's a 14 hour difference from New York so those watching us in the east coast of the US sir why is it daylight because we're in Japan it is spicy huh it's very spicy amen all right I want in on this too ok I'm gonna I'll leave you the egg okay this is how we do it we just go cowboy just eat it like this look at the noodles in there do you see that still steaming oh man I just eat it like mmm did you try corn oh yeah had a little bit of corn in there a little bit corn in there we got it from this shop right here hiroshima yaki a really good Hey Ramji silence back I missed you in Kenai space so much too much it's good to see you again ramsey silent okay guys got the eggs going on over there and look up Japanese eggs always have like the yolk it's a little bit of orange to it you see that a lot of vitamins in the food that the chickens eat this being 20 no Ichi the Roosters market kind of our Thanksgiving this is a warm up there's a lot more coming appetizer no breakfast it's time for lunch can I she does not share the epic passion of street food as me but she's gonna get there all right we must keep moving I shall have oh yeah we should finish this yeah this multi night whatever you take you that's right we're probably gonna get one of each and just share it so then we can try more variety you can have the bacon if you want I'm good no no I'm good I'll have one piece of the bacon I'm I'm saving my meat fix it doesn't look like a good piece of bacon though what do you think guys one bite here's a trash can over there in the back I think now last year if you look Tokyo's large Tokyo's biggest street food market and festival you'll find last year's live stream which has half a million views on it so we had to come back from work because there was more than I want to introduce to you this is sanma this fish that's grilling here sorry I you fish which is a sweet fish you'll see sometimes sanma as well depends on the season this is not really IU fish season are you fishes usually in the summer you catch them in the fresh rivers and then there they're salted and then charred grilled and they're so good you eat the whole thing including the face in the head it's all been I've grilled it's all edible including the bones so it's a lot of good vitamins for you in there all right let's do this Kenai hey david kimba des in the house next one's on David okay we're gonna find something something really good for for for this next one thanks David alright we got here grilled mochi on a stick we call this is a dango no that's how do you call this a beer koozie yaki dongle so this is a cushy a key dongle right here right and they'll put it in some sauce like a kind of a sweet soy based sauce which is very pleasant to eat that'll fill you up we got some more more squid David if you see something that we should get let us know like this oh is this Miyazaki chicken okay now we got to get this that's steep oh this is the ex-governor of Miyazaki he what's his name Higashi it is actually a Koko Madison coke about a son he's just he was a comedian but he turned governor and he brought a lot of attention to miyazaki prefecture down in Kyushu Miyazaki is known for having the best chicken and David we're gonna get one for you so let's get a chicken can I just tell the 500 yen all right I think once one chicken is 500 yen there's ponzu yeah the today which is a salty I don't know maybe just she oh I think just she Oh is good yeah can I agrees with me just she oh okay guys are getting this this smell is so good click the like button if you want to see us eat this chicken because we're gonna do it that's squealed perfectly it comes in in a ponzu which is kind of us like a little bit sourness to it'll tank enough to it there's pot a oh that's a popcorn that's the exploding popcorn yeah isn't it or is it the of the Kuti okay I know that they have one that goes bang with popcorn this is chestnuts here this team certainly brings people turns people's heads and then you get somewhere but we have this which is chicken with salt on it from Miyazaki Prefecture down in Kyushu and we could just smell it it's so pleasant there 500 yen or about I don't know five dollars or maybe 475 with today's exchange rates anything on a stick Kenai is is really good let's get a picture we gotta take a thumbnail we never we never take pictures from our live streaming so there's nothing I can I can put up on the Internet's for you but I got my camera here alright ready this way guys ready all right throw the chicken get further away the other way when she tucked up in each puppet [Music] okay we took some photos for the Instagram waiter let's try it that's so good salt was a good good good choice I thought was a good choice zoom in on this chicken ham he had a little bit of salt on there it's grilled perfectly cooked all the way through but still moist inside there $5.00 yeah the salt is perfect share [Music] me I love it I love it all right let's move on guys bang Oh V think of thank you for the spirited emoji dancing on the screens much appreciated much love guys alright now we're starting to see this to the end of it you'll see the kuma day which is the lucky bear's claws not made from real bears they just they look like rakes they're made from bamboo I think typically this is what's roasting right now pressure roast dig the chestnuts and you saw this machine when they let the pressure out it goes and everybody turns their head and then quit very quickly they sell out look she sold all of them already because of the attention that comes that way she's got some more that chestnuts that have not been steamed yet nothing nothing is smells as good as roasted chestnuts except maybe roasted me as like a chicken look Kevin I know cotton candy with kids what's this bet sudachi from Nihonbashi a pickles okay so these are those pickles in these barrels I want to give a shout out to Johnny and Jelani in Florida thanks guys for watching the show we saw we saw your message the other day I know it's very challenging for you to make it to Japan but we're here for you right now we're gonna be eating for you you may not taste the food but we'll describe it the best we could so big shout out to Johnny and Joe Joe Lonnie oh yeah okay you know you can do it half in half half and half that looks like the Momo in the the what part of the chicken is that is that Momo Momo yeah maybe alright let's do it there's the toilet do you see the sign and right there and white and red that means 20 day which is toilet very good to know in Japanese tea Thole day Towey their toilet okay and this is if we go in there we're gonna get lost there's no street food let's find one more then we'll go inside he's got a kumite right there a rake for good luck and there's a lot of really fun things in here this live stream is dedicated to mr. Seiji this is the last place where I saw him and I'll have stream last year last year right here used to live in this area look at this is that khumba seaweed people eat this right here on this street like this oh yeah you buy it and bring it back home fresh this festival again goes back to the mid 18th century the 8o period Torre no Ichi and it was it's a place where you would buy these kuma day right here and it would bring you it would bring you good luck by buying one cuz every year hey every year you would buy a bigger one which means you have more luck so they get progressively more expensive if you buy the biggest one maybe three years later it means you're having a pretty lucky year cuz you could afford that buy the bigger one so that's pretty good yeah but this is also a place where people will sell their goods for a hundred years they'll be coming to this market and not just here in Tokyo there's other old torii shrines around Japan where they have a Tony no Ichi celebration which is like Japanese Thanksgiving which is another reason why there's tons of street food and why this makes us the greatest strength food market in Japan he caught her Kappa Yama's in a house load up on more good num noms you got it I have every intention I eat no breakfast except for a banana I have every intention to eat a lot when I is here to give me back up so we can even try more and I can hold the food there's some takoyaki we're probably beginning to happen is some big thick cuts of taco do you see that usually they're really small that's a serious cut I will be back it is pretty big this is I call so we're just starting all right that's this is just the beginning when we get inside of here the middle we're going to explode in a street that goes about foot Nikki Doga right about two kilometers I think it it feels to me like ten kilometers of food we're not even there yet this is just a side street everybody just just so you get ready this phone is fully charged the gimbal is fully charged for some serious Street foot action and then we're gonna go back to okay Oh God look they got all these different kinds of flavors and I I think so look at the different colors honey where's that oh that looks really good all right I've put a bookmark there we're kind of pacing ourselves a little bit so we've already had hiroshima okonomiyaki what are they doing here and Miyazaki chicken what's this Kenai famous mochi Japanese on which you yeah sticky rice oh yeah you get good luck if you have it yeah I give you some luck yeah you wanna have let's try some just try a little bit here so this is a Japanese mochi it's very very soft I think at this festival you have to buy this not gonna top it cut the hole right in shoka buddy what's this powder on it like a sugar it's kind of like a little bit of flour on it right all right let's try it mochi hmm it's got a good natural sweetness of the rice to it it's fresh there's a good natural rice has a sweetness in it there's some starch in the middle of it which gives it flavor so though you think that rice has no flavor it has a flavor it comes out when you eat mochi and mochi is a special rice it's not just normal rice that they use they have a mochi rice oh there's nama beer mr. das we're gonna catch it get something for there now my beer in the purple purple that's what it means draught beer so I'm gonna pan over a little bit I'm gonna pan over and you can see both left and right it's just filled with street food right and we have the Colby waffles this way all right let's go this way can I remember we had Colby Colby waffle all there's the GU cuts it Kenai you cuts it that's beef deep breaded and deep-fried beef steak you see that breaded and deep-fried beef steak why is that not more popular because it's more expensive no is that Wagyu no yeah it's not like you but there has to be a reason why there's not like a huge line oh there's more cutout game sometimes you'll see these these places where you can you can sit in there and eat it's good you sit down and you get you can have somebody go and get the food for you typically at these street food festivals it is okay oh there's some yakitori it's okay to walk and eat just do it politely to make sure you carry your trash out with you never throw it onto the ground there that is a foot long well how much is that that's the mega Frank is 300 yen three dollars for one I don't know that's so that's too much for me all right we're gonna get something it's is that is that Wagyu Nagasaki Wagyu that's a good-looking cut David is this does this work you want to try it Nagasaki Wagyu Kenai all right let's try it here why not up to you you you're the can I use our star so you got a thousand thanks David there you go hey you guys super chat it to us we're gonna spend it okay we're here to eat we're we're in this together look at the fat on that I said is that real are they real I guess it just split they look like there could be displays maybe oh they got the sticks back there 92 92 month's 10000 is she saw that we died never die I so we're getting it with salt flavored look at the head grilled beef that looks really really delicious [Music] this is from Nagasaki that's really interesting this is from Nagasaki which is down in Kyushu Nagasaki is famous for a lot of things and I guess Kyushu is famous for its beef Miyazaki boy duh not only did not so much come on Walter they all have really good livestock in here Kyushu has some of the best vegetables which means that it has some of the best food for the cows and the cattle and then you get some of the best beef it's all really connected like you shoe is very volcanic so I know there's a lot of minerals in the soil that gives to some really good food it's all kind of it's all connected you see your environment and the deliciousness of your food and we were just in we were just in Kyushu the other day just in Kyushu the other day Hilda bloom gren how long does this festival last I'll be flying on in on Saturday this is only today that's comedy it's it's actually was took place a couple of days ago or a couple two times fifteen of the fifteenth last week yeah is Nina thority yeah if that means we were only today today's the last day sorry but there's other festivals trust me there's a lot of other street food yeah only on the weekday - yeah and I saw David's comment let me get David's comment here while we're waiting for some Street through here David wrote in now I'm hungry can't wait for my trip back in March David yeah you got to hit some of these festivals yeah just follow us so you can smell it oh the nagas Nagasaki what you yeah Nagasaki Wagyu up here that's where we are right now come and get some Wagyu you're asking which area right yeah Oh see you you really have been finding us for a while I get those a mess hey Nagasaki shushing disco oh yeah oh yeah those a mess alright can I hold this here look it's hot yeah oh yeah sure sure thanks temple [Music] we'll probably see you around I don't know if you're sneaking around this goes for forever all right give it alright just right in front of the octopus tentacles let's take a look here the juice is starting to come out yeah be careful Kenai it's really hot so can you eat yeah all right guys here's this here is the Nagasaki Wagyu you check this out I'm just gonna do a beauty pan I'm hoping this is not minecraft quality because of the crowds we came here early to avoid the crowds that is that's a stick of meat that's a stick of meat that's steaming a steaming stick of meat all right you ready you ready Kenai the airplanes coming open the hangar Denton Denton all right yeah good good alright she's eating let her chew she's more polite than me she doesn't talk with their mouth full I do have some garlic on that garlic good con oh that's that's beef tongue hmm beef tongue is give me a second processing processing you can see the wheel spinning right now thinking time alright beef tongue is a little bit um I don't know it has a different consistency to it you bite into it there's some springiness to it and then you push through it it's good it doesn't first people who have never eaten tongue it's it's you have to try it don't knock it until you tried it i don't I think it's good to eat because you shouldn't waste anything if you can't and tongue is is can be good especially at the cows you know eating grass and stuff it's healthier than my tongue home rice I've never seen that a street food that's why this this festival is so awesome do you know why you will find things in the street food section that you won't find anywhere else that's really a good looking Cobra bebop hello more food always you got it we're gonna get something right now that um rice looks pretty good no no it's yours I had two and a half yeah beef tongue con I okay nice cheering on your con night your night you can do it right okay good job what's that what's this they're behind us yoza chicken skin Goza chicken skin Goza chicken skins interesting I know I never seen chicken skin kills that before all right bookmark we're not processing the you Tong we've had three already our goal is like more like maybe ten so with 30 percent done i came loaded with a lot of singles which is actually worth $10 each the smallest bill in japan is a 1,000 yen note and then there's a 500 yen coin so I came live with singles look at that this is cute kitty tombow right you be Tombaugh which is from yeah from Akita it's a inside of that as right eise right that's really good that's so filling as well the meat keeps the rice onto the stick as well it's so filling it's so good I did see a couple I saw the last stand had kimchi there's you'll see some Chinese food and Korean food some influences and you also see some western food I mean the Hot Dog on a Stick would be I don't know Oh could I what's this did we had this before yeah it's got the same kind is that the same guy okay this is different guy it's a little pricey they look like they look like metal pond but they're not it's just sugar that's puffed up it's just sugar puffed up in the thing but it does look like metal pond check it out just see that he puts the sugar and it creates a minnow pond looking thing when you take a bite into it you just it melts it's really good what's this called again good night Kurumi aki cada Miyake cada man yaki that's how you spell it because japan is Japanese there's a fanatical alphabet this here is Teddy monkey Teddy monkey which looks like a big whoa [Music] they put the chicken inside let's get one you have you need some more money let's try it you have that you on you you need more oh you got it okay that look like a big tortilla oh I know guys you must look at that chicken that's Ben's like I need your ninja I get the same ass I kind of bring it over here that's wonderful she said she said that my Japanese was good I feel good look at the man he's coming out of this guy's it looks like a burrito this is the this might be the best thing this is we just saw them making this bread on the grill like what are you doing I know like a burrito yeah that's that made me stop and want to get it and then there's a piece of chicken coming out yeah pity yucky chicken cabbage on top of that that's really my own ate this whole that there's just hold it there can I just hold him holding will hold it there don't move yeah so that's what it looks like and then you can see inside this was about four dollars to - that's very affordable all right do we're gonna take the first bite or shall i me all right having problems the mayonnaise bottle back there you can hold the camera the nice of your show noise hey what a nice little TX term I overreacted oh not a reaction it's an over reaction how did and it's so good if so go do you want it I can eat it all yeah it's so good I could eat this all [Music] watch the screen yeah watch the screen you doesn't want me to eat it all but it's fun to watch job eating [Music] the taste is so delicious they're taking pictures of me and Trevor mm-hmm I love Trevor food Ranger um the bread is really bringing it together the little charm burned parts of it adds an extra like a little smokiness to it off the bread is so soft too but it hasn't been it's not soggy yet which is good I had to eat happy because it doesn't make sense to go back and forth I take my half which is like 65% she gets the other 35 my stomach's bigger come on good yeah 80s sunset cycling rights in 8020 I think it's um more like 70/30 maybe yeah show us the inside here this is more chicken yeah it's a bread yeah the cabbage is really good catch has a kind of a slightly bitter II sweet bitter II taste to it and the chicken with the sauce on top of it's good but the mayonnaise is with this bread with this charge sour taste to it ah it's so good for 400 yen this is a steal this is an extremely good deal so we get some wind humming in here I do apologize for any of the wind noise but we'll keep on moving I should get it when he's tortillas this is from the Nagoya Tamaki look for this sign Teddy Maki young Nagoya Teddy Maki and she's got another one these breads going on here I love that they cook it fresh yeah it's really good I like this one I'm like I might actually come back here kanai's dad will be here tonight oh there's the tunnel the twister rotate oh this is a must for any festival not just here but you know how it you know Hina no it's fresh the potatoes are right there it's good be it could be famous in Korea it's good right that Teddy Maki I can i here's your champagne this is kanai's favorite street food here the champagne that's a pokey alright this I'm Korean good if you guys want some too pokey something spicy click thumbs up right now let's even get the 500 likes it's up to you topokki is the staple of Korean Street food is so good spicy it's made from rice it's like mochi but it's got some good springiness to it see we get the 500 likes we're gonna attack some more Street food that was nice nice to see Mitch come and make the way I know he was traveling a long way to get here look at how spicy that looks just that red spicy sauce boiling simmering in there that's 500 yen or you can get a small one I think small one for 300 of course I can this I can eat a lot more yeah are you sure you want to give that to me yeah because I will I like it a lot but if I eat all I can't eat anymore right give it to the I'll dispose of this it is more like ninety ninety ten yeah [Music] it's not good for the internet Kenai I can't delete but I can't delete what you've seen okay not unsee what you just saw all right give it here come all of it do it [Music] [Music] all right Wow we're short of we're short of the 500 likes what's going on internet you can take it back to the shop if you want well well I convinced people to click the like button this is another niku machi rap be looks like it's it's cheese wrapped meat wrapped around cheese Wow alright alright guys that looks like something to get here meat wrapped and or cheese wrapped in meat who came up with this idea stick us put a stick in it wrap meat in it and just cook it I love that ah there's the boot otama yaki this intersection is stocked there's the boot tatami aki do you see that right in front of us the two happy pigs that's a grilled egg with pork there's a stoop bar that's interesting there's a mystery place as a mystery and then there's kanai's back yeah okay did you want some too pokey oh you want the too pokey you still have change [Music] okay because Stephen theis just gave us some more gasoline okay get a small one cuz Stephen theis is just just loaded setup loading it us up for some more action Thank You Stephen five twenty five that means we're getting some straight food these live streams are completely community driven from now on it's up to you the viewers you can make us do things like super chats fuel our lunch street food we love we love bringing you to places like this it's just our pleasure really we appreciate the support and it's nice if if you can just by clicking a like button you can have an impact on us eating it's kind of fun but don't unlike it so you can like it again don't do that I'm 17 ah thank you oh honey that looks so good we said that at the same time this is topokki from from korea but i don't think it's a spicy but it looks so good yeah [Music] like I don't like it I love it it's good right it's it's hot but it's not nikachita hot that Gogeta is cat's tongue it's a Japanese term when the food is so hot you're sensitive to it so what it is is on a second so what if the pokey is it's just rice this has been sitting in a spicy Korean sauce but it tastes like mochi is it mochi I think so yeah this one came in a cup and we're getting down in there but there's a lot in here she really gave us a lot that's very nice of her well Sango has it right here Thunder it's an it's a chewy rice cake YUM and rice in itself has it does have flavor it's a little sweet but when you put it in a spicy sauce oh my word it is so good I love too pokey that's an Street food that's always gonna be in my top ten always as I said this Street Market goes on for like two kilometers odd kebabs you can smell the spices in it man [Music] number five 80s happy eating Johnny can I fit in Goomer five 80s and hear the sound of boiling fish are you battered and deep-fried I you fish it smells good it's the chocolate bananas there's some shooting going on over here he's got that gun real close he got that you might as well just knock it over with the gun nozzle is that legal Gus writes in hi from Mexico how you doing Gus Jeffrey shaggy um but those corks don't got a lot of power you really need to get them maybe up on the top to tip it over you didn't you couldn't eat them all huh that's in my pocket on my hair but I got a hair on there well that just getting to a bookie on the street is so much fun this song really is not any good but you sing a song to celebrate something good even if it's not a good song what do you do with this all right what do we got here ja gyuma butter it's a potato with butter it's simple and good they got some corn and spicy mayonnaise topping here's some more sticks of meat I love this one this is just to motorcoach eat corn that's just corn and here is okonomiyaki this one is massive the stand for black and white and big that's bigger than the pork that we had I'm gonna go here from the side I don't want to disturb the guy guys just so you know this festival just keep keeps go it just keeps going if you want to see more click the like button it's up to you get the six hundred likes across the street I just want to show you how big did this pork is look at that the legs gonna flicker just because of the frequency of Jeopardy pends 100-year in the Tokyo area but you can see the egg sorry you can see the egg in the background it's just a pretty sight it's very symmetrical they do a good job at the presentation even when they're cooking it because they know people are gonna walk by and see it and if it doesn't look good when you walk by people aren't gonna buy it but they have a bunch that are lined up over there so buy it packaged it is beautiful it is beautiful it is street food art getting there yeah you know what eat it all up and I'll just drink the sauce and a shot why they have uncle here I don't know can I tell me why they have an uncle up sorry for the wind guys it's five hundred five dollars for one flushing poop I guess so it's smiling so that's a good poop can you say that on the Internet poop not a lot woah [Music] the chestnuts are done smell is amazing so this a few of these chestnut Roasters we showed one in the beginning I'll put in the basket and then everyone's gonna start to come I think he's waiting for me waiting for some people to come before he which one booty booty this is kanai's favorite takoyaki shop oh I couldn't it's it's not Street it is Street food they serve it to go but can I showing us your favourite takoyaki shop because your grandpa used to living it around here so she's taking us off it's oh it's behind the 10th tried to guys try to find it this is one of the most popular takoyaki shops in Tokyo but it's it's hard to find if they've been doing it for many many years yeah she came here very often it's very cheap and it's very it's pretty famous right for this area so it's a local recommendation it's kind of off of Road a little bit so if you're coming down the Totino ichi Main Street here you got you kind of have to see the green curtain here and then behind it they are actually preparing the takoyaki they're doing this all the time so if you are in the area and just north of Asakusa you might want to check it out oh yeah yeah and yaki soba and monjayaki and this is all to go straight so I guess for the win Scott chili - there's a front coming through it ignite Ted hit me violence I know you tubers our moderates have to be a little bit stricter than normal because right now YouTube is it in kind of a flux now with Fanning and monetizing so we have to be a little bit careful guys in the community oh there's the cheese potato in I met Yoko always yeah these are good boys she may oh you can't see all right they said we're not allowed to shoot in that direction all right thanks kind of it must be a wanted man oh so that's a black Berkshire one of the Kagoshima Berkshire pig sausages from Kagoshima and the black haired pigs are very prized for having juicy meat and they've got that in a I've never seen that kind of banana before there's some stylish bananas look at the one that's dancing you see that in the middle is that a minion drama you'll see now if you've been watching this stream for the last hour you'll see a lot of the things they'll repeat a lot of the shops will repeat you'll see so the same there different vendors but they sell the same thing because this this street is it's like two kilometres over a mile of street food you're gonna see a lot of the same things coming up every now and there's all there's chichi me there's another Korean that we cause like Korean pancakes to Chi me they're so good this is yaki tot day right out of the right off of the oven right off of the grill yaki tot day what yeah there's some periods were there's not a lot of crowds where stuff might be sitting around a little bit but yeah if it's not Yakutat day I probably wouldn't buy it over here to the right is some more IU fish I use Shia yaki I you know she'll yaki Co yaki is a little bit of salt Gio means salt let's see in here this is salt and this is yo Keem it's grilled so like salt grilled IU fish sweet fish usually from freshwater rivers and Japan has some very clean rivers so this I you fish are very good especially in the mountain areas of Nagano and Ibaraki some great IU fish this samara he's mixing the batter industrial mixer we're talking like tons and tons of okonomiyaki he's making this is a game right can I you don't eat these right that's not street food guys that's not Street food so okay that's for kids to play games this is a Chapo che this is also Korean oh these are sweet right yeah oh it's kind of like a Korean yakisoba oh there's some Woodman ear mushrooms you guys know the Woodman ear mushrooms really good I like dozen ramen if you ever see it yeah that's great Korea might be the king of street food but on this day Tony you know Ichi Japan wins just sayin better and who cuz this is a cat raid war going on we don't really get into that I think it's more on the Korean side the problems onion soup mater Gold Toe onion an uncooked onion is inside of here oh look at this so not a lot we're not allowed to film that Doga okay some of these stands are very particular they say no I'm doing an X I feel no this is an X no filming but this one's okay okay okay okay all right so then we gotta try it let's get some mug mother Gothel soup you want to get some soup audience ooh all right let's try it let's get some soup here guys all right good go ahead yet do you need go how can you have it I give can I stack over a stack of money for this youtuber days over arigato sorry master I saw this what YouTube is okay mother Gothel onion soup she's no how is she - oh yeah dad shut the teaser cut the cheese Wow look at that big full onion in the soup it's very healthy it smells so wonderful [Music] put a yg tamanegi discard a Saudis car Wow from Awaji Island this is near Kobe there's an island between Shikoku and Horseshoe very famous for onions we were there with Kenai we did a Hello Kitty episode there ah this is from Awaji Island [Music] I was rare right that doesn't happen too often I kinda know what that's down cheese is it a little bit extra topping but I think it's good to try try it with with we're gonna load it up this this Cho Chien these lanterns called Cho Chien is motor go toll onion it's kind of a neat looking Cho Chien very nice I got some butter on the side look at that it's [Music] others I'm parsley on there and she saw can eyes go for a little bit of pepper in there okay there's a seat in the back I think it does I am I said hey things like a whole counter area can I look at this we could take a break if you're looking for us find John you're not gonna find us back here unless you find the mater go to the mater go throw onion I got a tripod I'm gonna put the camera on for this give me a second here five four three two one all right we're done intermission that's right so we're behind the tents now in the festival I'm sitting we're sitting down this is nice like a little cafe right in the side streets of Japan and eat the ducky moss it's an icky mustard all right let's let's give them let's give the folks a quick little look at this motor goalto onion soup a full onion yeah it's a big chunk of butter Hokkaido butter with Awaji Island to up onions and some cheese all right I'm really excited about this I don't know why I love onions I love onions nice so John's most favorite I just have a lead on you it's true I love onions I eat them like apples hahaha that's a full onion it's good with this the cheese it's good with the cheese yeah that's really good yeah don't be afraid to try anything at at these street food festivals just bring a bunch of 1,000 or 500 yen coins and just try everything because you know if you're visiting Japan for the first time you never know when you're gonna come back and you might find something that looks extremely delicious you don't want to miss out on that right right right right [Music] what's next do we start going into the desert was there something we left out nosh was there anything that we forgot let us know right now and while we're eating this for the next minute or so you can chime in where you watching from we only like to look and see on the livestream we've got every single continent represented maybe even every country right now over a thousand people watching as we go on on the street food binge around the biggest street food market in Japan I think it's a pin what yeah well circle around we're gonna head back now to the shrine right beautiful because this festival is only today will take you to the strai and you can take a look at some of the cultural aspect of it so if you're watching now you want to maybe stick to the end stick for another 15 minutes we're gonna get there and we're gonna eat her way to the shrine oh man that was a very well well spent 600 yen $5 for this soup about any such cheap it's not cheap Street food but I think you know there's something about just walking down this street and seeing this your variety of it in the end I think for a family of four you might you might dump about forty dollars on street food but they're gonna leave happy and hungry sorry happy and full you're gonna come hungry that's fun it's so much fun just walking around people are very inviting over the last couple of years I've noticed that the vendors have opened up more to foreign tourists I think there's a lot of fear talking with people making a mistake the fear is if you make a mistake with communication that person might get angry and be dissatisfied and a business owner never wants that to happen with other customers around so they would be not as open to it but over the last couple of years I've seen in Tokyo especially but always in Osaka where people would just open up to Western customers and that's really cool just like seeing the sign here youtubes okay I like that alright so we're gonna put mater go to onion as one of the one of the street foods try not to catch a cold try not to catch a cold what's this here this is like a big sausage [Music] [Music] very good the butter in this adds some more dimension to the soup there's a butter little slight buttery taste we didn't eat at all but it's starting to melt into the soup which is another layer of butter on there it's really good I don't think the butter was necessary but it's it's welcome necessaries welcome so maybe this money in soup will give us some more energy so we don't catch a catch a cold I think oh by the way if before you come to Japan you might want to get an influenza shot because influenza is on the rise here and it's very hard to find the vaccinations right now in Tokyo because they said on the news last night that the Rugby World Cup which finished last month a lot of them the foreigners brought their influenza so the influenza season is early this year because of a lot of the international mixing in Tokyo and then that led to that so there's a actually not enough vaccine for everybody into in Japan right now [Music] that was wonderful I love the French onion soup with the melted cheese on top you ever get that of like TGI Fridays or something you're you go out you always get a French onion soup it's so nice I think they got a go me about go here right if you do come to these festivals I highly recommend you come with a plastic bag to put your trash in and carry it out in Japan people take their own trash home it's just culture you can ask why it might be dumb they should have more trash cans maybe but it's the culture here so you just add here when in when in Tokyo when in Japan you do is that the Japanese and that means take your can I they like your jacket mine is LL Bean or is is yeah where's your jacket from we got a we got it I like your jacket comment how do we get back into them to the action alright here I think there's a break yeah this is all l.l.bean including the blue shirt it makes it easy it makes it easy if you can see off of here you bet you've been following us for an hour the streets are very neighborhood like so even at night people try to keep it down it's very quiet area alright let's go back in Kenai we're now on our way back to the shrine again like this street goes on I think another couple hundred meters do you see there's some more street foods across the intersection there this way to Asakusa so if you're coming from us ku say cut this direction you'll you'll hit the street food very quickly there's some yakisoba oh yeah we we came from you know WA which is the hibiya line I already you can see it's starting to get crowded and there's those things that people are holding or called kuma day Kumaon day we're gonna go get go take a look at some of the kuma day right now some of the restaurants that are on the side here they have little stance you can go in and sit there's a heater there you see the heater Myanmar cafe where oh right there that was a me America yeah it's nice to see Myanmar a lot of a lot of the community the Myanmar community in the Takadanobaba area is is pretty big and the Myanmar community is growing here in Japan a lot of people came over as refugees but now they're they're moving around more freely as that Myanmar opens up a little bit more last week last weekend at the Asia spelling Cup I did a livestream on that we had contestants from Myanmar ki kids that are learning English and they're competing in spelling contest and that was pretty nice to see tonight I'm okay do you need one for walking I'm walking on my that game okay what do you guys think can we get the 700 likes we have never gotten to a thousand likes in any livestream and we're gonna let's I got some coins I got I got some beer and 300 yen we have never gotten to a thousand like in any livestream we're gonna break that today I'm I'm not leaving until we get a thousand just like now just do it we're gonna we're gonna get that thousand this is amazake which is the step of making sake before they get to the alcohol it's sweet usually sometimes they'll add some sugar but as I said starch is in here which is sweet and it adds a little bit of natural sweetness go ahead you can ladies first it's good for the body there was an amazake boom as well in Japan you can find it in this supermarket it's good it's a good one I hope so for 300 yards she has the amazake eyes just glistening like this amazake I like the twinkle this is good yes so good one yeah it's sweet though okay hold on to that stay warm can I as we make our way back to the shrine if we do see some street food Cobra Bebop nice to see ya that's a that's a a red thumbs up I've never seen that before I don't I don't know we talked about this I don't know I don't know don't ask keep moving don't ask why just no real explanation all I know is that it's it's there we're gonna break a thousand likes that's that's pretty massive why are they colored asks Mir I don't know I don't know I I don't want to even ask it's straight food alright it's weird that it's even here and amongst the street food but the weirdness of it and there's a kuma day right there she's holding that's a scary looking one did you see the face quokka Theo what is it what was that is that normal yeah this is like an Oni like a like a demon yeah sure limbo so limbo is like dim sum you can get some there's some Chinese cuisine here as well which is pretty nice to see a lot of other countries represented at the street food here well we've eaten a lot and drank a lot I'm gonna get I'm gonna get because this is gyms this is actually more than this gym one of our moderators has been moderating for over two years so when I get a drink and have a little celebration so we're gonna stop up at that draught beer place get a drink [Music] we did not go in this direction hey Eric's here Eric collar on thank you I'll use that for the drink this cuz that we didn't go this way okay all right okay so we're making a left this direction but you could go straight we didn't go this way yeah this is what I'm talking about the intersections present choices that you have to make we're gonna make this going back to the shrine but you can see people are eating and walking it is tolerated at street foods festivals like this so don't think that so don't think that you're breaking the rules by doing it there are loopholes because there's nowhere else to eat it you have to eat it on the run I want to go into these hats yeah like the Santa Claus hat no no can I know that's weird that food can i said ëno key what is that like rice she's holding it you see yeah it's some rice this is the potatoes on a stick here's the Nagoya Tamaki matter each amount we see oh boy he's got that matter Cunha she said she said come and come again next year and I said I'll come again tonight heck yeah when you find something that was that good with the fresh bread oh man the chicken the sauce the man is everything and that was just perfect highly recommend a Teddy Teddy Maki right the Nagoya Teddy Maki here's another comet ison Hey Ram be silent take Kenai to her grandfather's takoyaki shop we might do that I think I think we're gonna get that to go before we leave they packaged it up really well so we're gonna I'm gonna take you up that's back there I'm gonna take you up on it hey where's the takoyaki shop here its back its back there oh it's next to the onion soup chef or we'll go back and get some later on thanks for that that's a nice gesture oh this is the shichimi sashimi is Japan's spice and she'll mix up all of these to what you like I love sashimi and they come in these these really neat containers they got habanero as well but these are all cheating me containers that you can put the spice in we have this one right in our house yeah you can put it in all sorts of cuisine included soups and then there we got somebody who's ordered it just gonna mix it up you'll find these you'll find these in Sugamo all of the little streets there's a history to making it Kyoto as well she's mixing up the spices [Music] take it Massey is explaining the spices Wow [Music] this is chichi me the seven spices mixing at the sits chichi me and then from this she's added the seven spices into it and that she can add it into your particular taste if you like more of something she'll add that in there perfect she asked if she'd like to try habanero so she's act adding habanero to it so she can make it sweet she can make it spicy she said but she says it in a really pleasing way she's almost singing it she's listening the kind of foods that you can use it in she's making my sales pitch - come on we gotta go we gotta get some sashimi should we get some all right we're coming we're gonna come back I don't want to stay we want to get to the shrine because we're going on like 90 minutes now oh this is the okonomiyaki on a stick guys this is also really good yeah Hashima key on the chopsticks they'll do the okonomiyaki rolled on there it's really good it we ate this last year here but again you can see the eggs are so orange with lots of vitamins on there and they've got different flavors of that as well here you can you can buy it here from this stand and you can walk usually from a family you can sit at a table if you find an opening come early if you want to sit down I'll just gonna put that out there come early Danny Hernandez try something new and strange I mean like like that Danny what's that I said I'll Wahby yeah Oh Wahby you want to try some Oh ah be Danny gave us some cut eyes going maybe maybe later well we're gonna get something don't worry Danny we've got another 30 or 45 minutes in this live stream we're going to get some more really weird foods and we haven't we haven't even we haven't even touched the other side we're still on only half all right we have right we haven't even gone to the other side so trust me we'll go to find some really bizarre stuff [Music] oh can i here's the namib eater should we get something for Jim all right you want to hold it okay just just just keep it there and you can talk to the people you can talk and you can just hold it and look at the screen and talk to the people but you're gonna talk to everybody hi hi this is the Kenai so he's going to give beer [Music] here gets small size I don't drink alcohol combine it Asahi this is again this is a [Music] this is a English head on it she poured the beer all the way to the top look at that if you don't get that very often I'm I'm I like to shop see that the purple one they fill it to the brim and it's it's good mr. das he always I don't know if he's here not he but he always gives me a super chat for an acai he's super dry and that's what we have right here you have to be twenty years old to drink alcohol in Japan so you might not be carbonated but just keep that in mind everybody don't break the law I'm 45 can I had the the hot amazake and I had the cold beer all right guys I'm gonna walk with my beer and we're going to go we can go into the shrine this way right [Music] okay all right there's some soy soy sauce squid right there it smells so good it's a iike yaki on the front this way I will do that last and there's a police opposite keep the law and order duty helmet oh okay and let's go this way then because I have to drink this beer I don't take a beer into the shrine hey Kamisama I got a nama beer that's not right you get five cockier Japanese persimmon for 500 yen oh they're very kita these are very high in vitamin C as well yaki soba ah boy oh here's the karaage remember this from an hour ago yeah others Jim Jim come by for two years buddy we're just talking about this like this morning patreon thank you so much and also Jim is Jim has written a book and working on a second one so cheers to your second masterpiece we are the whole community's waiting to buy it I know the publishing business is hard but we will support you I know you want some beer no are you driving yeah she doesn't drink alcohol is alcohol allergy that's it sadaqa sake beef tonight that's this that the black thing that's the same stand but it's a different area so there's more all right so what they're doing with the clapping is somebody just purchased a Akuma day which is a bear claw which looks like a shovel and it's used you buy this for success with business and it looks like a shovel because it's raking money towards you that's sort of the symbolism behind it and we're gonna get a closer look at it that's the sort of the spiritual aspect of this festival that's let's move in a little bit over here as my beers I got a really down this one there's a Jamaa this is even a small one Jim is a lot I need some more food to go with this beer we're stick with the last room if you come in we're gonna go and eat some more Street food but before that we just want to take a look at the shrine this is a reason why this festivals held this is sort of like japan's thanksgiving so-called Twitty no Ichi and this is the old Totti shrine in me noah boshy Asakusa area it's about a five ten minute walk from me no me no mabashi station and about a 15-minute walk from Asakusa station and about a 15-minute walk from way no 15 minutes from way no right little bit far but this area of the city yeah hibiya line is we took the Hibiya to me noah boshy yes station i'll brain freeze hey from Holland we represented with his van Gogh vodka I would love to go to Utrecht he invited me to Venice to go to attract look at this can you hold this for a second can I hold in my beer don't drink it you could see key day today yeah at night these kumite are gonna be really pretty and where do you display these inside of your house in your business right if you have a business and right you buy a smaller one at first and every year you come in buy a new bigger one and the bigger it is the more successful it is because if you can afford to buy a bigger one then that means your business was successful so you'll see in the beginning here let me pan back out here you'll see there small down here and maybe new businesses will buy a small one and then over over time and over years you come to the festival and you work your way up to that one and I like that because it gives you a goal with a business to always improve always strive for something and there's a marker and time which is November 20th or there's a special period every year it's a little bit different but this year it's on the the last day there's only two days for this year next year's three can i yeah next year that 20 no HD festivals three days in November and then two days this year so next year you'll strive for that goal to buy a new kuma day that's bigger and you have to return it to here Wow but so pretty I don't want to return it I want to collect it is that not Oh beans in there oh no that's a little Buddha no honey high tunnel honey what's what's inside there what's a cat she doesn't know okay right so it's a way to give thanks we'll have to buy a small how much is a small way singing maybe like a couple thousand yen to like like 20,000 yen I think the big ones are $200 for the big ones alright Jim I'm almost finished here making ham is finished I'm thankful because we're a hundred and fifty likes away from a thousand we've never had a thousand like live stream ever all right I'm done with the beer Jim that was really good congratulations Oh someone just bought this one here it's taking pictures because he just bought it it's a ritual oh that the shop owner will do after you bought one kind of brings good luck gives it some life to it it's a great way after you buy it what do you think cooler CUDA CUDA I'm not sure that guy that guy what just bought one - that's a big one all right let's get a little nippy in the air it's cool all right I'm liking YouTube if you if you guys are watching on the YouTube app T I'm liking the super wide lens thank you sorry for the wind everybody we're gonna go inside the shrine right now here's the entrance that's great that was og chance Hospital right yeah it was his hustle he came out to say hi a year ago I'll put a link in the cards in the description if you want to watch last year's live stream we walked through here again the Totino ichi festival every year is the biggest street food festival actually come me somebody doesn't seem to mind the beer there's a there's this sigh he's super dry right there at the entrance of the prime I guess you know God's okay with drinking there beautiful though if you take a look just walking through here this is the kind of experience I think everybody is looking for when they come to Japan a real cultural experience at a shrine like this when the shrine is not quiet but it's come to life here's the front of the shrine last year I was looking for Kenai my mission last year was not to eat but to find Kenai you remember I said can i I was walking through the shrine looking for you the whole time but it's these kinds of festivals watching live this is why you subscribe to only in Japan go so hit that subscribe button right now so you can be here with us live right now we are in central Tokyo at the old toda shrine right here and you can see there's a choke chain a really big one there's a people lined up really far to pray they throw about 5 yen coins they couldn't throw even more but typically it's a 5 yen coin and you can see here the line to pray goes back pretty deep let's make our way inside a little bit inside of here you can see left and right on that on the top here arkamada just ready to be sold [Music] last year they had a shot this is near the Yoshiwara area so they have with a Geisha or wait on yeah they're famous for the oil on which are yeah Yoshi what is weight on which is they look like geisha but they're not geisha I made a main channel episode on this if you guys want to see the the geisha click the like button if you haven't clicked it already clean it again you're gonna unlike unclick it ah the window see all right let's let's see if we can make our way inside as this festival gets more crowded the signal might go a little bit in and out so I apologize just refresh your browser if the signal seems to go out if you're watching on a on a computer or maybe restart the app and then join us again hope hearted thank you hey John this is only in November so that's a good time this is only in November Tony no Ichi takes place this year two times in November and next year three times and this one particular in Tokyo is huge the street food is huge so I hope that answers your question I'll put a link in the description for the dates next year just give me a couple hours after the livestream thank you just the sounds the smells the feeling the energy the vibe it's all very very it's what you look for when you visit Japan that's why I always recommend this festival for you if you're thinking of a time to visit Japan just coming for this festival is worth it this is the stage where the the oil on or the Geisha I don't know if they're if they were wait on though here on this charity stage they'll be back they have performances as well and it's pretty neat to see they'll do dances and playing the koto or the shamisen which are traditional Japanese instruments string instruments here again inside there check it out [Music] okay then look at these all made of gold oh my look at how beautiful these are can I I think auric Goldfinger would love these you should have one in his gold gold smite and plant in Switzerland smelt smelting all right Goldfinger had a smelting plant in Switzerland I believe it's working with the Communist Chinese Goldfinger one of the best James Bond movies but it reminds me of it almost hurts my eyes the amount of gold and they keep going up up here on the top you can see the Akuma day Jeffrey has a gold finger net Goldmember it's Austin Powers but that's true yeah who's the bad guy in the Austin Power Goldmember oh this Paulette this one is more colorful I don't know which one do you like better the gold or the this is the normal ones and here's the gold ones I don't know I don't know I like I like them both I kind of like the green in it but it's not a natural green it's not a natural green you can see this this the sellers that the more popular ones in the middle of them are really elevated so you can see all right let's go back to the street food can I I feel culturally enhanced all this culture is making me hungry right that that guy in Goldmember was Dutch played by the same character alright here's the second the second one one there's a temple here in the shrine he wrote ot shrine and choko choko coogee right chuckle coogee temple and this is a chuckle koji maybe I know but there's also a temple nearby choco coogee temple so the two of them oh and this is where the there's an old guy over on the other side he tried to get me drunk by giving me an endless sake I said it's max yeah he was trying to give me an endless amount of sake I wonder if he's still here some old guy really friendly people I guess later you later you come here the more tips see people get and then friendlier and more glazed over the eyes get so I apologize I'm sure because of the crowd the signal is not as good but it's an impressive sight we're in front of a in front of where people are praying right now so we're gonna hang a right and go back to the street food somebody bought a big one [Music] aconite how do we get out of here you get tired okay all right let's escape this way the line is massive to pray here we're now stick with us for now gonna go get some street food we're 38 likes away from a thousand which would make a new only in Japan go record we've never had that many likes in a livestream and really appreciate it I can't believe that the Asahi beer has a banner you see that in the blue above there the the Chow Chien insist Asahi beer mr. das this is your festival it's and you can see there's a priestess blessing the people coming in but the blue here tonight is Asahi beer right this is Asahi beer what they're a response or of this religious festival Japan is awesome when a beer festival sponsored when a beer company sponsors a festival they're given status Asahi this is sound of one hand clapping all right let's get to the street food so there you go there's a little bit of culture this is the backbone of this festival it's like japan's thanksgiving 20 no EG festival Tony no Ichi according to some random websites have said that the tortilla stands for somebody bought one the tow D stands for chicken so people this would be where people would would would that's another reason why there's a lot of street food here it's the end of your celebration for good luck one of the last big festivals before show gotcha okay there's a restroom is here all right mental bookmark restroom was inside here and the ladies are always lining up tonight can we get out this way she's a local so she knows I look a little doggy hey Kyle I street food I smell it trekkers is here to 1000 likes thank you treacherous we did it beer me too top-shelf a tough shoppers here long time no see you guys [Music] all right here we go boom ah this is this ghosa can i what is this toady couch chicken skin gyoza that sound do you want to try chicken skin gyoza be honest be honest I look like a must it like you had a mustache for a second cuz your hair was okay nevermind you had to be there toady skin Goza no okay gonna skip that so this is the start of it we're gonna work our way back we still got about 30 minutes left in this livestream I will not abandon you so don't abandon me we're gonna eat some food again this is our second wind this is our fill up to the top of the stomach continuation of a live stream stream it's because each live stream is epic there is no real end to the live streams after you finish this is without a thousand other ones that you can watch playback oh hey tonight there's a den I love these old Oh den stands here it's like going back to the like Showa era or Taisho era it's made out of wood do you see the stand and then the people around around there with the table I like that I like humping humping humping is that soft one right there I'm bad coming through my stomach comp n are we going now right out of the Main Street if you're coming to the festival you you're gonna see the big police presence here has a lot of security at night when there's more crowds coming people are working this is a weekday but as the crowds as the crowds start to come more in the evening this place is gonna be really filled it's one of the reasons why we came in the afternoon you ready for the final street food run Oh baby let's do it back in we go why because this is only in Japan go this is what you subscribe for this is what you want you want Street food pure and simple you want a lot of it and that's what we're gonna do there's some more topokki this one is a they got chichi Mita pokey there's a lot of Korean Street food right there alright let's get in here this is also a tweener time like in between the lunch and the dinner rush so we're gonna get we haven't had takoyaki we haven't had checked the your favorite one right what was it chopped bean we we should get stumpy shopping this is the get my pond what's get my pond this is bread made from Jen might Wow like brown rice bread you want to try it on Heidi okay can i saving her stomach for shopping that's interesting ground rice bread it's like a steamed dumpling and there's red bean paste in it if you want it so we have not been in this area between where we took a right and where we came out of the shrine so this is all new area again the street food here is about two kilometers long hey mutt Sammy's here can i mutsu me remember from the Wagyu restaurant hey what's fun to me [Music] yeah gone just two kilometres and probably even longer cuz there's side streets and a lot of the restaurants here have Street food that pop out of their own restaurant like kanai's taiyaki play takoyaki plays so we haven't had cut Agha yet we haven't had kanai's favorite we haven't had yakisoba there's a lot of things that we haven't tried yet so we're gonna fill in the blanks for you and get something Ellis is here to could i hey Ellis hey David I know I got a catch Alice up up on an escape we gotta do call soon we got we got something to talk about buddy yeah might see me equals awesome let's serious get a bank over here - oh he just puts us way that switzer sauce on top of the the iike we walked by here - it smells really good like grilling soy sauce Gina says hey can I hey Gina anyway everyone sing eto e anyway means good smell e means good me ie means smell Emmy oi good smell boy she saw looks so good Eenie oi smells so good [Music] EDI [Music] here's the katsu I tried this last year that's why I'm kind of passing this up but now we've been going an hour we've been going thirty minutes without food so we're in our hundred and tenth minute over we're getting close to an hour and a half no wait that's 110 minutes is 90 minutes so we're going towards two hours now street food we're going to hours of street food can i all right let's get your what are you getting the what did you want to eat shopping okay let's get where's the shopping let's get let's get the shopping and then we're can eyes done and I'm gonna get one more because we need a happy ending we need a happy ending so for dessert the corn that sweet corn grilled sweet corn look really interesting here's the lady who did the spices before as delight as a sun goes down there's there's some omurice as the sun goes down you're gonna see more and more more and more the lights come on and this place just becomes like a magical disney-esque like Epcot set of Japan type of place I don't know anyone to describe it it just it just seems like you're not in you're not in America anymore when you come here at night it's one of the most surreal awesome experiences as hundreds and hundreds of stands are cooking street food shoulder to shoulder down the street oh is this it can i I do you want it does this one look look fresh do you like this one up to you okay go ahead I'll share with you can I ask anyone [Music] smells really good like pancakes so what's this called again shopping shopping shopping what's inside of a shop bean is it it looks sweet now okay so it's like a flat dosa okay all right let's let's try a shop being rich masters food and I count ten exclamation points all right dude can i it's a hamster bite you didn't even get to the meat did you see it's the meat is coming takes the second bite Ellis I would love to drop one into mom can I do that do they have these can you send these to America can I Ellis wants wine okay we'll see what we can do a lists we'll see what we can do hey John John's here I gotta he's still in Nagoya oh wait okay can I show us the inside you didn't get to the meat yet can I you didn't get to the media I'm gonna go can I do okay this like it it looks like a goes inside there you see interesting very cool all right John's turn it's called warming up right [Music] very much like a goes out interesting Joseph is wrapped in a very thin like a very thin layer of dough this has a very thicker layer of joe it's more like bread and it's like a goes of bread is that fair which makes it better I think in a way it's interesting how you can have hold your dosa in your hand like that it's good and they use a good amount of oil in there and I think the of course it's like a salty meat with some Welsh onions in there so the healthiness is debatable but very very good so this is your favorite yes number one how many stars do you give it out of a hundred I give this a eighty three out of a hundred stars or stars out of five I'm gonna put something in my put some in my hamster my hamster pouch eat it later as a kid I would always do that and see how long I could I could keep the food in my hamster pouch was not very long I know James knows you says can I how many stars out of five and then she'd say like three and I say how many stars out of 100 to go like like 85 that doesn't make any sense that's okay there's another one could I'd this one looks there's another one another shopping all right we got one more in us we're now moving in on two hours of complete and utter Street food paradise I don't know just it's not that easy cuz we've eat it's not that easy because we've eaten a lot of it already I don't think we can go wrong just um Nick Nick ooh Maki is also good is that because that's like a kitty tombow does he said there's cheese in there right they wrapped cheese or meat around cheese and sticked it I'm not into the tapioca boom to be honest with you I never really understood why people are obsessed with the tapioca we are now walking where we've walked before now this is the second time through there's less people now because we're kind of in between actually Ramsay silent we might be able to go back to the takoyaki maybe that's a is that a good happy ending tapa takoyaki it's kind of a windy cool day by the way this festival will be going on until late tonight okay none g-money maybe it's a like 10:00 p.m. this is gonna be going on so if you're in Tokyo you're coming back from the glare something or from Kyoto and you like oh I'm gonna miss the festival you might not it just think goes on until pretty late in fact it's even more colorful around 7:00 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. it's pretty colorful there's a lot of people out eating drinking being really festive again this is Tony no Ichi festival for those who are joining us this is what you subscribe to the only in Japan Channel 4 because of this live street food lie Ava Street food live corn I can smell it tomo Takashi we'd say corn is called tomo Takashi all right we're going we're gonna go past the duty duty plushies and find something here there's right there's Co nice favorite takoyaki place should we get takoyaki to your favorite place Kenai is that a line the locals know about it all right let's get something because Ramsay silent gave us a super chat for this crappy sound and if we find anything weird I remember we had a super chat find something weird Ramsay silent we got it yeah man it's sorry about the wind guys the ladies are they're really going at it check it out that's a lot of takoyaki action going on there Ramsay silence do you buddy I'm not as nimble as the osakans but they they're more experienced I'll do some here's the Japanese soda right there can i what are these called laminae they got some nominee a hey Ella she's wearing dry mom I know Ellis is a big dry one fan maybe we can put the apron meter box and it'll smell it'll smell like it how's that Ellis will send you an apron that smells like jumpin oh this is a traffic gun safety first all right so this is this is from Ramsey silent but it's more for you than for him although it's for RAM - silent - this is for all of us Ramsey silent can I eat this all the time sure you being this many many times but all right let's crack it open it's wet it's less than normal I think because they're trying to cater to so many people around you silent it's not as good as as all the other days but they're trying probably less for more money but you know there's a business right I guess [Music] I know look at the smile this is her local takoyaki is that like both for me and none for you so how it works oh nice look at the note eat seaweed flakes on there no mayonnaise in there it's alright inside there is some ginger and some taco some octopus let's give this a whirl and do you know why but they put two sticks here why because only you have one equality it's very difficult oh all right oh it balances it yeah with two sticks there's a reason what what happens with three sticks even more stability I didn't burn my mouth this time because I think these were done about five minutes ago there's still warm but it's not super hot yeah protip that's a nice pro tip my pro tip don't eat it right away give it some resting time or else you're gonna lose all of the skin on the top of your mouth all of it 400 yen just skin you'll be able to peel it out go like this like a like a snake skin so the price has gone up Ramji selling we're learning a lot the price went up quantity went down it's still good it's still good so you ate more than the shopping you ate takoyaki to your diet is over I'm the only one on a diet seafood diet if I see it I eat it seafood diet see it I eat it no one's laughing Internet it's button he's loading the cannon with with chestnuts some people get it the chestnut gun ah that was good Thank You Ramsay silent there's a Korean dog so that that's really others another shop bean they're all over the place shopping it's red for it's written backwards sha pian it's it's from right to left yeah oh that one was no filming shop I don't like them I want the filming shop I like the filming shop no I'm good that's all you that's all you can I this is for Ramsey silent we're sending this to you first-class mail through the electronics of a live stream alright let's make our way back and then we're gonna we're gonna tune out really this was epic live stream because I can use that word how many live streams go on for a hundred and twenty five minutes that's over two hours of live streaming and this iPhone 11 plus the batteries haven't even reached no the batteries aren't even close live streams it's too long it's never too long what are you talking about Kenai two hours that's average watch time of our viewers what are you talking about actually only Japan go has one of the highest average watch times of all of the YouTube channels in the world early I sort of made that up but we have about a 30 minute watch time average watch time per viewer will watch for 30 minutes so that's that's pretty high so if it's two hours uh yeah maybe people watch him for an hour but you can't watch for 30 minutes and the average watch time if you if the livestream is only ten minutes long and another reason why I do the longer less streams is because people are tuning in alive all the time not everybody gets the notifications in the first hour sometimes it takes an hour and a half and then they can still catch the last stream if it's still going on but if I ended in 10 minutes and the viewers can't see the live stream that's not good we want to make everybody happy that's what live streams up for make me happy with food that's shared there just share food that's what the live streams are sharing how we can go that way all right okay can i omit has a good point we didn't go this way oh man that was so good I'm I got maybe 5% stomach space left 5% we call it a bet to barra a bet Sebata means it's like a second stomach I could eat something sweet I have a bet Sebata for sweet things and that that bet Tsubasa is of equal or greater value if it's sweet so I could eat a kilogram of sweet food Oh Benny knows in the house ready now get something you like enjoy the street food you two don't have go home hungry Benny no all right we got to get something now Benny no is is backed back in the house for yesterday's sandwich live stream much appreciated I give Kenai a big hug yesterday from vending it oh and now we're gonna get something we're gonna get a happy ending for veneno thank you so much [Music] [Applause] there's oh wait what is booty booty foodie potato hey what's this line for or do you remember in cowboy people are lining up for over two hours for four potato chips is that for the baby costera are they lined up for the baby cuss data what's so good about this one that people gonna line up for two hours typically in Japan if there's a line doesn't line people will line up because there's a line like we would normally we think are in our brains oh there's a line forget it I'm not we'll wait but when in Japan when there's a line people wait and they're waiting for the baby custard ah is it that good they wait an hour and a half for this yeah you know what I can't and my taste buds have sauce all over it I'm not gonna be able to taste the difference between this and another baby cos theta I'm not waiting an hour and a half for that I love then you know I love Benny nope but I'm not waiting an hour and a half for a baby Costera I heard this looks pretty good is that uncle what else do they have in there choco cream so he can make different kinds oh my god all right all right I'm putting a bookmark there let's go just a little bit more and we're looking for something a happy ending I can't believe people waiting I want to have for that that looks pretty crazy that's chocolate bananas potatoes go ahead a mr. Potato Head yeah it's weird it's very weird check out this is it that's Kolb a Wagyu what is that it says you're cool big you no this is CoBank the church in Cisco Bay just call me wag you wag you actually that's cheap six hundred yen for that look at the park what do you think you want to what do you think can I there's another Oden stand on the left side I know I know you're full but we need a happy ending for ven you know because we love veneno and we want to get we want to get something just to say goodbye to this is street food episode you have to go the limit and then you go one more that's my philosophy Oh what is that curry smell do you smell the curry I smell curry something smells really good there's COS theta right here how come no one's lighting up for this one it's the same thing as the it's a famous chef so people are waiting an hour and a half this one's not famous so no one's waiting at all one lady looks like she works at the shop if you want it if you want to make a lot of money you hire people to line up at your shop maybe what what look at the little baby turtles their kids are I think that might be that's it that might not be so nice oh the kids one I guess you have to catch them and if you catch them you get they win a prize it's old traditional old traditional Japan and here's the end of it all right let's go let's go get one of those cream custard it's a I saw custard automatic thumbs up for me click the like button if you want some custard costera and hit the subscribe button because we got somewhere street food coming in two days you not want you're not gonna want to miss the nabi festival oh no you won't that's gonna be pretty awesome and that's coming two days time from now all right I am I'm in on this okay can I is gonna get a green tea what I'm not gonna say no can i you should wash it down with something Oh in a second we got you covered 160 yen right boom that's 160 n what up are you getting a hot one all right hot one is 130 yen so I guess it's around October they changed this and you can see the OTT sky out the Takei the guy at the Chi a coffee and tea and royal milk tea is all here yeah black coffee because people's tastes in coffee have changed in Japan the vending machine companies especially Coca Cola have gamed up this is craft coffee craft coffee what they got KitKat's in the vending machine oh yeah that's the kid cookies the little teeny bite cookies I like that it's funny they got them in vending machines 110 yen for KitKat and chip star yeah I can have a little bit of it I got that cop it's good joke ago some green tea kind of cleans the palate we're not shokugo yet we still got that custard how much was that was at 300 yen right two or three hundred yen yeah I got two hundred young right here two hundred yen we got it covered oh look at this no one did it up by the the dog at the stand little cute dog see yeah yeah and the dog was not purchased at one of these stands okay people under it there's some IU fish there oh here it is right here was it it was 200 yen I think right all right can I just get one it's a happy ending okay some cream custard or creamers or caramel custard cream or caramel anything you like just not baking an egg custard cream or caramel whatever this is long as it's not bacon and egg because I'm full up that's good yeah up to you custard fine in this contour right custard ham i oh i am i Oh might be good but we're not I don't know we're at like that happy ending give us something sweet Trick or Treat smell my feet type of it's time of the day I'm still freaked out that there's an hour and a half line for that for the baby Costello boy how could you have kept yen okay that's different yeah alright that's different all right it was 550 I'm like we just got ripped off what that could be we say ripoff bowtie could you die all right yeah okay let's let's give the people this is what it looks like what is this called no this this desert Obon yucky okay coin so banya ki Obon yaki shaped like an old coin and it feels like pancake in here it's hot it's warm right now means custard cream inside alright let's try it you want to bite first or should she doesn't want anything I'm really good and burn my mouth I ate most of it in one bite well you can eat a small one right that's my full you could take that to the dentist and they could recreate my entire tooth frame you could identify me with that if you can't find me you can just bring that custard cake and say dentist give it to the police department they'll find me that had my molar prints in it get out of here [Music] that smells so good that yakisoba that's sweet salty acidic Papa air came right up my nostrils so there you go everybody I really want you to come to this festival and have some fun and eat a lot because the choices are epic there's so many there's no end to it whatever you want they probably got in here and you could try almost all of the street food at one place this is better than on a oka market yeah because it only happens once a year in November well two days a year but if you do come here you're gonna get everything at one place this is a reason to just travel to Japan just for this just for this festival alone click the subscribe button if you like it support on patreon we have a post card club I have about 5 postcards still left from from Chu Xuan one of the most luxurious trains and see you all next time that's our goodbye closing see you next time yeah subscribe button oh you're thinking me you're welcome o think of the people yes thank you for watching yep for 140 minutes and we'll be at a another Food Festival in two days tomorrow I'm filmin que esto Qi at the studio with mr. Chris pepper and then after that we got some more straight food so see you soon can I get nice
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 1,264,732
Rating: 4.7148547 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, street food, japanese, yakitori, okonomiyaki, chicken, pancake, soup, takoyaki, style, stand, tori no ichi, tori-no-ichi, events, asakusa, 鷲神社, where, highlights, where to go, cheese, wagyu, how to eat, chopsticks, gifts, shopping, yen
Id: gSXM1r2ZpqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 8sec (8408 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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