Street Food Singapore!! 5 Hawker FOODS INVENTED in Singapore - with KF Seetoh!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in singapore it's gonna be a very special day today because i am meeting up with kfc toe hi people welcome to singapore man who is the ultimate singapore street food hawker center guru swinging and he's going to take us on a tour where we are going to eat dishes and foods that were invented that were born and bred within singapore you have to come to singapore to eat them we're going to meet some amazing people we're going to eat some delicious food and i'm going to share it all with you right now in this video [Music] man it's so good be back hanging out with you oh good i mean hey uh when you come to singapore if you don't have friends here or you don't follow mark's video to go and enjoy food then hello you're losing out on a lot of things oh and sito is the man to be with because you are i mean the ultimate singapore street food guru guide restaurateur writer journalist and just and and getting old in age i'm slowing down but hey you got you got monkey so you guys are safe where are we going first we are here in bukit mira it literally means red hill there's a little hawker center here and today i'm taking mark to eat stuff that are born bred and created in singapore you can't find it anywhere else and even if you do find it where else people will say hey that one singapore food hall foothold first up is let's find out and go so we are strolling into this huge kind of red colored apartment looking complex so this store behind me sells uh satay bihun it is a dish that was created i don't know exactly when but it was quite long ago it's iconic you find it's only in singapore they take rice biho noodles and they slaughter it with a savory sweet malty spicy peanut sauce it's almost creamy and then they they rain it with seafood it is it looks horrible buddies oh man so they're grabbing all these different meats oh that's like a look at this look at this there it is this is satay bihoon ugly never felt so good let's find a seat here all right you take some of the bihun which are the thin rice vermicelli noodles blanches those up with a variety of proteins i think there's some i think i saw liver squid or cuttlefish cuttlefish there's pork liver and there is uh vegetables oh okay watermelon the shrimps so he kind of like blanches all that up onto the plate and then it's all about the sauce man it's so aromatic it's so peanut peanuty it has a little bit of red kind of chili oil floating on top oh there's pieces of the tofu in here too giant pieces of cuttlefish oh yeah this is a messy like splattering of a of a dish right here let me film you okay okay i'm going in oh okay oh film with this one okay wow oh yeah that sauce is so thick and so creamy so peanuty and the flavors keep on coming it just completely saturates into the noodles and you have the flavor of the cuttlefish i think that's what stands out the flavor of the cuttlefish within the peanut sauce the liver so you you gotta you gotta take your noodles and you gotta swipe that sauce in yeah oh man put it on the spoon you don't want any bite to go uncovered in that sauce and then you observe you watch and then you bring them in bring them in big meaty chunks of liver which again you just want to swipe as much of that sauce as possible so um look who i brought here to have his first ever delicious born and bred in singapore dishes that we are going through today you like it cold or hot cold or hot ah cold please all right so the perfect accompaniment beverage soy milk soy milk to the bihoon you got a nut saute sauce so refreshing cold just not too rich but just has that nutty soybean flavor to it it's wonderful oh yeah yeah won't you don't overeat have you got a long day i want ya [Music] fisher we call it uh hainanese curry rice it's actually by the curry rice because it's a story i've always wondered where on earth did this dish come around the hainanese are chinese hardcore chinese and when singaporeans talk about curry they don't they don't mention the indians you mentioned the high names chinese people selling curry rice and i was thinking where did this come from and i started because it was the british strangely who introduced curry rice to singaporeans and the british got their curry technology from british india so they were they were loving curry if you go to london curry is a national dish and of course uh um somewhere in there when the british was trying to conquer the world so were the japanese the japanese were there the japanese came up with the akari katsudon you know that we love that but this is the hainanese version if you look at the dishes it's not truly all indian they've got um fried pork chop and fried prawns and little meatballs that is so british and they slather they curry let's try some stuff here are we going to try this next yeah oh yeah of course so next up hainanese curry rice how the situation works is you get rice you choose whatever you want more than a dozen different things to choose from from proteins to vegetables they put that next to your rice and then slather on this thick sticky yellowish curry sauce pork belly rice braised cabbage curry sauce fully saturated in that curry sauce oh man pure comfort well you really okay all right see though okay kfc is taking over to hijack the camera now we're going into the video [Music] oh that is like comfort food on another level oh it's just that sauce is unbelievable it's like more like a gravy but you taste some of the curry powder spices in there a little bit of chili powder in there you've got the comfort of that like braised pork belly and braised cabbage soy sauce flavor kind of mixed in mingled with the curry powder such a melting pot in on one single plate it feels right like every topping has their own individual flavor and seasoning but then you when you like mash it all together it's the sum of everything that makes it even better it's right drawn you know this is a corn chinese style tempura and you've got beans there like the overly breaded overly breaded prawns love it comforting knowledge we're gonna explore new territory the south pole new territory in this plate of hainanese curry rice got the egg in this bite we've got some of the popcorn shrimp we got is this a chicken cutlet or a pork cutlet or let me see looks like chicken looks like chicken right you're going to chicken here yeah oh man this is the type of dish you can never have enough sauce either the crispy chicken cutlet the creaminess of the egg yolk but it's all about that sauce for me and then also that crispy popcorn shrimp oh it's like a pillow of fluffy dough off to an amazing start i love hainanese curry rice you know right in front of us there's a little uh temporary market and they're selling yet another born and bred in singapore dish there's two here we're gonna go for one it's called kuwait uh it's created by the tan family here in singapore you can see how they make it's very interesting one order one one order [Applause] this is not fast motion it's normal motion yes uh rice flour no there's rice flour that's coconut and then like a peanut chocolate and chicken some more oh uh gula melaka okay oh yeah steaming hot right off that steamer and it always oh coconut yeah sweet steaming hot good yeah do too quick there you go so another thing that was discovered and recreated here in singapore [Music] there's a huge wet market so we're just going to take a little stroll through the wet market see some of the fresh ingredients that go into the food so remember once upon a time i mean hawkers were out in the streets not everybody sold food they also sold things like this daily utilities utilitarian stuff dry goods and things that you need spices and all that and they were also uh hawkers so there is a food part of the hawker center which is very popular there's also the fresh produced part of the hawker center let me show you this stuff so they have been uh selling spices this auntie here oh she peels all this and then they blend this into a wet paste and they have this family installed here i think three generations already grandfather three generations the sun oh and this is the stall this is the right over here okay yeah so they blend their own spices down there in the machine back there uh here here it is hello hello hello uncle how are you brother so they blend all their spices here this is the father oh hello and then there's a grandfather father now son wow three generations awesome so they they cut all these spices they blend them and whenever you come here you just tell them what you want to cook i want chicken curry i want milk booze i want me see them i want whatever they will scoop all the wet and dry spices take a look at that pit of spices red paste or a dry paste dry one keeps longer the thing about the vendors they are hawkers too like them in singapore they are fading fast because everybody is shopping in supermarkets these days to find yourself but my mother my grandfolks they came to such stalls before in the past and the beautiful thing is that uh i mean it may not be air-conditioned but i can talk to this for now you know he can tell me what else to cook how should i cook things and and and listen these people do it because it's part of their family business they continue you're a teacher right yeah yeah and then you come and continue your parents business i i applaud that three generations here uh where are we at exactly where we're at bukit mira um [Music] block 79 red hill market this is stall 89 buy your spices here when you're in singapore [Music] we had a little bit of a drive and we are now in a total different area of town what's next midday lunch this is this is another national uh noodle dish of singapore it's one of my favorites it looks so easy you know it looks nothing much but there is a pack there's a densely flavored roasty warm roasted noodles in there i think it will floor you mark i think this will floor you oh i can't wait to try it and we're going to see the entire process of how it's made so he's a son-in-law fan underneath it blows keeping it that keeps it fired up that is the magic that's all important stop and that's stuck i never said it was a healthy dish so [Music] that's a lot of eggs people that's a lot of eggs eggs and there's a lot of flavor in there large a lot in oil and it's just you just fry the eggs how many portions are there one walk 10 20 that's going to have 20 about 20 plates of hokkien meat how many eggs is that 22 eggs go in that is just bubbling bean sprouts in lend some sweetness to it heck of a lot of bean sprouts so two packs of foundation of bean sprouts and then the yellow noodles yellow noodles yeah wow it's a hawkeye noodles a bit of egg in there and then the bihoon the rice vermicelli so this is a duo noodle okay and the first round is stock goes in wow it's an amazing frying technique using the spatula using the plate to just kind of shovel it around two types of noodle an equal amount of bean sprouts and that's a raging hot charcoal fire now that little process of covering up is very important it locks the flavor not an ounce of flavor escapes now if you see the way he fries the spatula doesn't cut into the noodles she scrapes it so nothing roasts below i think he shovels them just get the feel of the noodles that should be used kind of shovels it around so uh in the words of uh alex the the founder of this face he says so that the noodles are long so you pick them up it comes long noodles you don't break them little bits it's very irritating to pick up noodles with chopsticks when they're short already smells so good and you can see how the noodles are so moist they've already absorbed that prawn broth and he's very strategic in what he's doing kind of pulling out plate by plate very strategically it's really a technique that's where you add see garlic now he puts the garlic last so you don't over fry the garlic if you put the garlic right from the start the garlic just gets lost so when the flavor is intense you watch the guy times it he falls the noodles over well that's good old large croutons large craze the lard large croutons some chives go in now when does he fold the noodle over you got to smell it you gotta learn to man lard and garlic here we go they're all important is going to bless the whole thing with lots of stock it looks very wet now he puts a bit of soy sauce it's a special soy sauce there's a blended soy sauce in there yeah okay and he fries it till they are moist it's very wet [Music] oh [Music] now comes the shrimps good old hand-filled chimps they don't buy them from the spread squid oh no belly pop awesome this batch is ready i hear a lot of singaporeans talk about fried hokie and me with such passion gusto why is it one of those dishes that you are so passionate about you only probably hear it from those who have eaten at the masters this dish was uh well you saw how they cook this is the technique of it you don't see a lot of hawkers employing that technique they just fry the noodles they bless it with the stock and then out it goes this guy fries it a couple around steams it bakes it and then he does blah blah blah blah and the garlic comes on at the end and uh you know i've been observing all this uh thai here me because it's hard masters for years and and the good ones really employ the technique they're very patient and i'm sure this is the type of noodle that if you overcook it it will be bad because it will be mushy it will turn to mush if you add too much sauce okay this is just we need to go in yeah yeah it is just shot of moshi let's do this yeah oh awesome if we get like a did we get a two person sized portion here yeah it's a two percent a two person take a little bit sometimes one here we go the flavor of the prawn the garlic the seafood and then just knocking finishing off with that sambal with that squeeze of lime okay i'm moving in um i don't think i had any sambal on that last but i'm moving into that sambal yeah it's it's it's not so wild it's it's it's polite oh my goodness and a little squeeze of that lime is already in the noodles yeah not too much just a little bit what i like to do you know a little a little close-up on the squeezes with a little sambal the sambal drizzle oh come on come on come on come the bubble a little bit a little bit more sambal drizzle yeah oh come on yeah yeah are we almost there wipe it in wipe it over come on bye little bell yeah oh yeah yeah yeah we gotta cheat yeah oh yeah yeah there we go yeah yeah that's the bite right there delicious right there ultimate by the pokey hookian noodles oh man two men signing away two men signing away oh wow gooey wow so have i changed your mind about uh what a good uh okay me should be like yes this is the best i've had with he's on point in it on point it's not easy you know all the other process you can't cheat you just got to go through the whole thing to get all these flavors out man it's tasty and yet so it's like so warm and comforting and hearty very hearty oh man i actually i actually i had actually almost forgotten about the eggs so many eggs in there that was the first thing that he fried so even the eggs are really giving it this kind of caramelized kind of like richness almost forming the the sauce along with that prawn stock a little texture hangs onto the sauce last thing you think about is the egg when you eat this the whole symphony comes together in your mouth oh man oh man something truly spectacular something mark likes excuse me exactly cheers thank you so good i was just holding the light wow there we go man you can have the prawn i wonder don't wait so good scraping up good to the last noodle let no noodles go to waste there we go yum yum yum yum yum yum yum let's do this last bite then cheers cheers welcome to singapore [Music] it just hijacks your mouth right the um to the next place can you smell the prawns i smell something in the mirror i love some of the street oh here it is that's what we're smelling so this is a prawn vaday it's got i mean it's original version it's from sri lanka which they use a lot of uh guarant beans and nuts and lentils but here it's strictly flour it's like a donut a savory prawn doughnut [Music] nice to meet you the magic batter my mother used to do the dough and then like rotate the salt from a humble half stall that was almost illegal we got evicted by the authorities came back got a new stall today he has seven stalls gonna open one at the airport jewel congratulations brother it's all about the one dish wonder the one dish wonder so you got the dough the batter we top it off with what type of this is that particular type of prawn right it must be the gray shell hybrid of fresh and salt water but it's crispy the shell is edible when you do it you see that little hole oh you see that little hole backflip flip into the oil that's something i learned today my mother if you see her hand you need to come with the won't get there man jake watch he doesn't even know he's doing it meanwhile snacking let me let me do a mark vanessa nice it's uh crispy head to tail and uh you gotta eat this with the green chili hang on let me get a green chili stay there okay wow help yourself so where to eat this so you take a bite here get the spice in before it kicks in and that batter is remarkably kind of wet it's like almost liquid but almost sticky at the same time he grabs a handful of it in his fingertips into the palm gets a whole full prawn smashes that into the batter just cementing it into that batter the back flip into the oil and that just immediately floats and bobs around until goldman sachs tender yeah just hold up then once he does that back oh they're just beautiful oh thank you for the green chili it's not too hot it's too hot that's too hot huh is it all right you gonna get a colder one that's okay i think the hot is good it is wow okay it is remarkably light when i when i saw them i thought they were going to be denser and heavier but it's remarkably light and airy and fluffy the green chili bite first let that marinate in your mouth until the fumes start coming out and then the bite oh wow we need another bite of chili exactly now you know what the chili does to it huh it just just bites the mouth yeah you got the freshness of the chili crunch the chili too that vada it's just incredibly spongy and fluffy and gooey and crispy on the outside the flavor of the prawn just the light spice oh it's unbelievable oh yeah yeah steam is coming out of my mouth unbelievable it's so good how many does your outlet sell per day all seven outlets it's close to how many ten thousand my god ten thousand a day yeah these guys providing jobs uh for people working seven outlets is also protecting and preserving singapore culinary legacy bless you brother thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so what it does is just the mild flavor of the curry leaves in there the coriander seed the spices are not overpowering but you just taste the mild flavor of the curry leaves the coriander seed in there and like you said one person can easily eat five or six so we better move on to our next one little floating inner tubes of dough crispy dough studded with curry leaves and spices topped with a prawn always with the green chili oh and the green chili oh it was so unbelievably tasty born and bred in singapore yes i'm gonna go ahead and say that's one of the best bites of snack i've ever had in singapore it's not just me is it not just you were not joking around you were not joking around that is the real deal that was extraordinary and we are continuing on with one last final meeting made and born in singapore snack bite like just down the road from here right that one that one shiny [Music] [Music] so this is a whole bakery but they're famous for these giant curry puffs it's actually a curry puff factory it smells so good in here potato beef chicken potato thank you very much and one mutton oh-ho-ho thank you very much okay thank you an amazing ending to this incredible day these massive curry puffs oh look it even opens up here we go okay oh yes the drizzle okay oh and uh the layers how are there that many layers i wasn't expecting it because it when i think they fold and roll and fold and roll that's like unbelievable it's like a giant baklava but savory but i mean you've got every layer of the dough i don't know about you but when you put mutton i love the gaminess they put to this nice crispy layered pilot pastry it's an envelope of potato and meat and just wrapped up in that in like 50 layers of pastry oh that that crunch it's not oily no not at all it's baked now this this from what i've studied and this dish came from the indian muslim community in this area there are a lot of muslims in this area so apparently this was what i was told back in the day um you know the british folks that were here they wanted to hold a little party and they wanted curry puff from a very famous joint who did not have time to make that many for them nor uh um um did they fit their budget so they came here you know the indians were making samosas and they asked them could you do something like that curry puff and you know like being entrepreneurial you say yes first and you figure out how you're gonna do it and he came up with this totally different absolutely iconic well loved it's so so tasty and this is almost a it's so big it's almost a light meal in one the things we do to bring out all this uh deliciousness to you we have to mount this camera on been you know so so you know we will go to extremes to bring stories to you thanks to the singapore uh garbage cans nice tripod height garbage cans oh oh and this is like a mess this is the messiest curry puff i've ever had you're just you're just covered in flakes this is like a bib so the [Laughter] and so that brings us to the end of this street food tour in singapore but focusing on dishes that are truly singaporean with the one and only kfc toe i love how he has such respect for the people for the stories behind the amazing food of singapore is an advocate for for the continuation of the amazing hacker culture of singapore so again thank you kfc i'll have his links in the description box below and again if you're in new york city check out the hawker center in new york city that he's opening and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos goodbye from singapore and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,334,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singapore, street food, Mark Wiens, food tour, KF Seetoh, Singapore best food, Singapore street food, street food in Singapore, hawker centre, hawker food Singapore, Hokkien mee, Hokkien food, fried noodles, vadai, Red Hill Singapore, best food in Singapore, things to do in Singapore, food videos, food vlog, food
Id: _Ttf--3axiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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