Tokyo’s Traditional Neighborhood — You’re looking for this Experience!

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hello everybody welcome to Munson naka Cho this is an area that is not in a lot of guidebooks Munson naka Cho is one of these places that many people don't come to they forget about it and that's such a shame because this is probably Tokyo's most traditional neighborhood debatable there's a lot of them but moans Anika Cho is accessible by the tozai line and the Oh Edo line which is the Circle Line like the nam Yamanote a lion for the subway you can already see that this place is lacking tourists anywhere which makes it completely awesome we're gonna start going this way this is exit six of the station and we're gonna take you down some traditional streets at night this place is probably where you want to come if you want to avoid the tourists that already know about the alleys of Shinjuku and some of the places around Shibuya yeah you come here if you want to avoid all of that and joining us on this report is that lady right there wearing a black dress Kenai she's hanging out in this side street do you know where we are yes don't go near no we're Mons in naka sha this is kind of like a stomata right yeah what's special about this neighborhood well they have a temple here right yeah the tatami Aki Tomioka hachimangu right we're starting on this street because it's just such a beautiful street with the saw lines down here this looks like it's lost in the Showa era which was the period about 35 years ago extending all the way to World War two at night yeah all the izakayas I love the trees popping out of the street here lots of trees lots of plants yeah cut okay these are not like your chain shops here this is nothing so didn't on each on show Chon show a show Chon okay it's just these are places like kataoka shops that are like old and these izakayas like old-style right you can see us in the reflection there I like this this is the kind of places that you want to come to when you come to visit look at the old ANCA albums that they have in here mr. sage she would have loved this place yeah moans and not got your blues he's singing about this area that's pretty funny there's Apollo yeah but I think if you're looking for this experience you found it it's in London not gacho it's Lea it's not interesting tjuku these are different areas of the city that are buzzing with life this place is buzzing with life after hours actually but in the daytime it's like this and I think a lot of people are searching for this they just don't know where to go now you found it so if one's a nut catch oh it gets filled the tourists if the city can blame me blame Kenai that's the way we do right yeah I actually I got coke 1eu my Scott do you come here often sometimes yeah do you know he's my friend she likes beer alone I don't drink alcohol but she won't drink yeah so you come here for drinking so in the daytime you can come and walk the the quiet streets it's quiet because this is a nightlife spot but it's a Japanese nightlife spot this is the other side of the street I love this little teeny alley it's it's away from exit six of the subway it's the best way to come here never gonna walk towards oh there's a street name to it Tatsu machine doll that's the name of the street oh you didn't know it either huh I was like what is the street what is this street all right what's the best way to get to the Tomioka hajiman good and that's where we're headed next Tomioka haiku mom go this way all right I'll follow you okay um this main street here that you see the cars passing by this is where the buses will let you off and if you ever take the Tokyo buses moans and knuckle Joey's kind of a hub for the bus system that's a neat little izakaya and this place is known for izakaya that's yakiniku hold them on that's where you'll find guts right in soup I love it it's a very traditional post-world War two cuisine all right they got kakigori here letters traditional foods there's a cafe that's quite famous near the Tomioka hachimangu which is called Monza and we're gonna walk by there kuma all right right here to the right you can see more like little alleys and this is where you start to discover lots of amazing things with the city of Tokyo now this area is is quite old just like everything in Tokyo it was pretty big I think it's it was incorporated the history is a little bit sketchy even in the Wikipedia in Japanese but I guess it was incorporated around the mid 17th centuries like the 1600s and I guess it was the Meiji period they kind of changed the main shrine to the Tomioka hachimangu but it was known as the Fukuzawa fukagawa so that's the name of this area which is deep river folk Ogawa may she is this food right we ate it about three months ago yeah so they have stuff from the from the river there's a nice vending machine all right I like the vibe of this this is very quiet here it is a weekend today is marine day we celebrate the sea on this day and you can see like at night this would be really lively right but during the day it's quite quiet we'll take you eventually to the main street can eyes got to go in about 20 minutes but I'll stay here with you also on the left here you see these posters an election is gonna happen next Sunday right and as the candidates evolved they put their poster here and so far this area has others that guy Yama mr. Yamaguchi he's on all the posters he might be the incumbent but what that means is that in about I don't know three or four days it's gonna get really loud with megaphones and people blasting their political messages are you doing yeah even this morning it's like marine day welcome to marine day have some megaphones for political ads is pretty loud alright look at this so in the park nearby as we're walking from that street you can see people are celebrating the holiday by playing bocce gauge ball I don't see the gates I see cones they look like they're having fun a lot of families are out today slow to wake up I wanted to do a live stream yesterday morning but the rain put an end to that it was raining pretty hard for the last couple of days and actually very unusual summer weather Kenai has a shirtless sleeveless dress now but yesterday that would have been impossible very cold very cold it's not very hue it's getting there I still got a shirt on I like it hot but yeah this is this feels more like May than July which is very unusual finish mas all right I see the people now walking across here and I believe this is where the one of Tokyo's big temples is it's a it's a Buddhist temple called Tomioka Hachi mangu and we've been here many times before so before we go to the temple which is this way to the left I'm gonna swing to the right yeah we can turn left I'm just gonna swing right for a minute this is a tanuki tanooki - aww I hope it's not a Wolverine because my the Buckeye in me will probably destroy it we're just gonna go out here to the gate and then swing back around towards the temple I want to show show you the temple and the whole street in its entirety look at that he's making some yakitori how nice is that it looks good the street side yakitori is always pretty good and this is this is also quite a famous place you can get Japanese booze in there and there I see some Westerners drinking some sake inside the shop actually but it's it's one of these little teeny hole like I don't want to say it's just like opening of a store where you can get some booze and it's on top of sake crates which is pretty cool to bed Kenai doesn't drink I would I would buy you a sake to celebrate marine day there's lots of places where you can also sit outside it's a festive place this walkway right there between the gate which I guess is the moons and not that show right this is the gate before the temple yeah and the shrine that's a temple right shrine is food Shinto temple is Buddhist this is Shing don't there's both that's how you remember for those that are just coming to Japan for the first time Shinto shrine Buddhist temple one's a nacho station exit what exit one so exit one will take you straight to on the tozai line will take you straight to the temple which is right above us this is the main gate and we're gonna walk back down the street again but I wanted to start from here the second part of our livestream this is the main street and a lot of people will use this as a reference point because the shrine area is kind of straddled by it there's an exit on the other side of the street you might have to cross if you come that from that direction oh is that it that's the fukagawa Macy place that's where we ate lunch yeah that was a while ago yeah a few months ago in the rain Kristiana Lamarck oh thank you this is Munson naka show Christian not as kusa but I could see how you might make that difference is not eat a not eat asan yeah alright fukagawa food Oh food or your food or your damn food or dog cookie it sounds like a that's like a real estate agency all right we're gonna walk from the starting out and follow the street like you would if you just arrived we came from exit six now we're at exit 1 and I don't know this is the I think this is the Tokyo experience a lot of people are looking for and just don't know where to get it you would get it here in ones and not catch up it's this is so much quieter than killed oh yeah right if you wanna if you're looking for some sort of I don't know like a traditional cultural experience you don't have to leave Tokyo you just have to find the neighborhoods this is one of them now off of the street if you go down these trees there's not too too much there but that patriotic elephant but you on the Main Street here it feels like you are really in Japan I think with the Contemporary Art Museum here and Japan's Japan's coffee town town of cafes none to Kyoto mashita Kawa this is a great place to spend a day exploring I think yeah I went to the key of summe Park in a live stream last month look at the empty bottles but they have doubts I hear but I recommend you try some more local stuff I think you can see the refrigerator full of booze inside to see that lots of cold sake great for a hot day they have amazake as well can I can drink that right yeah you don't even have to get sake you just settle for beer yeah just settle for beer all right let's go ahead so straight ahead you can see Tommy yoga Hachi manga which is a very old temple I believe I think this one was constructed in the in the Meiji era no it's it's good that tons of of sembei shops like homemade sembei no don't try one David H thank you very much we can get some sembei with that oh I love these crackers yeah I love this one they have peanuts inside right peanut Saturday night well not okay mommy nice yeah they have some good-looking sunbae here yeah well gosh I'm a bento candy how cool is that another reason to come to this street traditional traditional foods that can be used as gifts that would be great to send to our daimyo yeah I got to come back here and get some daimyo presents for our supporters on patreon I'm always on the search for good stuff as you can only get in Japan all right now before we get to the temple in front of us on the left side you're seeing Mona's cafe which is very famous here it's a great place a lot of do you want to get a drink here can i any kind of me time you don't have enough time someone's Cafe is quite popular it's got really good really good well made espresso and you can see here they're making something look at that she's making something deep roasted looks looks good get some goodies for Kani from from hello hi Jim how you doing thanks weebo jim says hello we know Jim just walking down here you get completely immersed in the culture the gifts kind of the beauty of yeah tsukemono pickles just traditional foods a lot of things that japanese like there's not a lot of tourists stuff you know what I mean there's not a lot of things that like postcards and t-shirts and things like this what you see a traditional goods these are masks right there's from these artists Aki Daruma well I used to live in good moths I would I hope there's another sake bar I like that the sucky bar is right outside the doors of the temple ever before you go in and have a religious experience have some booze me like this style of living then you have some watermelons here a fruit shop this is a yo-yo that's kind of unique to put it right outside of the temple you have a soft cream Jaco de Hokkaido soft cream very nice and just just kind of like this local looking shop left over from the show I ara I like this I hope that they never never stopped and they preserve sorry they preserve the Showa era buildings because if you lose that you lose that's one of my that's probably my favorite era because I don't know what happened in the Taisho era but to show era that that was before and after World War two and it just it was a period of great change yeah I love it look at the okonomiyaki they're making they're right in front of the temple we just had lunch that's that's a hard sell all right let's yeah this is the temple word all right this way okay so this is Tomioka Hachi manga right there yeah so yeah we're not regulars here so it's kind of confusing a little bit I don't yeah you should go okay all right anything else I should know before we end this what is that on the walls here you know as much as I do yeah we should get your dad here all right I'll see you later yeah I feel like Iggy Lucy bye-bye see you can i all right all right we got a bike gift for her now thanks Jim we'll get her something good so let's see what else what else we have here here David kumuda how you doing all right and Kody Gras 13 for some street food just finished booking seats for a few Shinkansen to go to the neighborhood that whoa up and hook up in Almaty so looking forward to it I'm really envious I was just with people from Almaty Prefecture on doing some episodes up there I have some pretty good leads on some amazing stories in Almaty Almaty is a very unique place because it's straddled by the Sea of Japan I know it's it's on the point where it's it's a Prefecture that has both the Sea of Japan and it also has the Pacific Ocean and it also has that Sinagra straight with which separates it from Hokkaido so he's pretty lucky it's stacked you know it's got a lot of stuff there so I don't know if I'm gonna walk too far into here but I'll take you in for just a quick look around and then I'm gonna loop back around this is this looks like a temple this is where you wash your hands I'm not gonna do it properly so I won't go all the way in but just enough to show you a little bit show you around there's a link in the description of the map of where I'm at so you can sort of follow around if you're interested that's where you would go and pray and this is where you can buy ol mama D which are charms and this incent you you bring the smoke towards you I will cleanse you how to how about this would you guys like some cleansing I'm cleansing you you've all been cleansed and here you can buy ice um mom woody including a very large slipper made for a basketball player maybe or one of the one of the deities it's a nice it's a nice shrines very quiet here you notice how much space we have on a holiday that's one of the reasons why I like to come to moans and not get so it's just a lot more relaxed and Kenai and I will get on our bicycles and if you do rent a bicycle in Tokyo this is a perfect place to do that you know if you're looking for a place away from like the cars and the traffic you can kind of ride over across the bridge to Monson acacho and you probably spend it a good part of the day in this area between here and kyousuke-shi Toccoa which is the coffee town a lot of Western Roasters have come there it's a pretty unique experience I'm gonna go this way I have a feeling we're gonna find something unique towards here all right whenever you see a map my dad always said you always filmed the map so people know where you are you didn't say it like that but so that's where we are and when the Nootka tro is to the left side this was the river which I guess gives it its name the fuku Gough fukagawa means I believe deep river so Tokyo has tons and tons of canals and you don't really realize it it's it's it's kind of like the Amsterdam of Asia in a way tons of canals going through the city Osaka is the same way all right let's go to the to the other one pick up the speed a little bit all right if you want to see more and if you want some Street food click that like button we're in the transport mode right now there was a place where you can put your hand into the sumo wrestlers hand and it's mammoth I know there was a very popular sumo wrestler that you used to come here a lot I think that's it right over there all right not this way we'll go we'll cut through the park it's a beautiful day today because it's not raining it's always beautiful it's separating a park not bad I could see one day when we have lots of kids just turn them loose this is where I'll be reading my book keeping my other eye third eye watching them making sure there's no bad people it's usually pretty good Hey look and I'm bathing in the dirty slide water wow it's like it's turned into National Geographic is this wrong that pitch is really going to town in that water it's like nature at its finest how you doing how can you even fly you're drenched can you fly what's going back from war oh no you going back from war none of your friends went into the water look they're dry you going in for some oh that's nasty that's like the bathwater don't drink that Oh Oh check it out there's a white one look like chicken that was a chicken for a second alright moving on this live stream is going to be codenamed what do you call that colon backslash or whatever and then we're gonna put in here pigeons bathing alright here we are so there's more to this place than meets the eye this place that if you go this direction you start to get into more residential neighborhoods this is another gate this is a beautiful looking map of the area that we're going to go to right now look at that so this is the Tomioka Hachi manga right there and where are we we're currently right here so should we should I go in in a second are we not right are we not right there [Music] is are we not right there I'm confused I believe we're right there I don't know okay so I think we just go see what happens see what happens hey let a we're racing how you doing Lenny it's nice to see you welcome to Tokyo welcome to this live stream oh these are the good luck in bad luck years they have these printed here I try not to look because I don't want to know but these are the good luck bad luck years so I guess for girls women born in those years at that age are gonna have bad years Kenai is not on there so she's okay I think Kenai is okay um what about me 45 I don't see it all right I'm good we're good I think my bad year was when I first arrived twenty years ago and it's not gonna repeat for a while Oh check this out this is a quiet little street there's not a lot of shops but the ones that are here look like pop-ups almost like a garage sale so we'll take a look at that but this is the Tomioka Hachi manga I can tell because of the color it's just different than the other other time other temple very nice so just gonna walk up a little bit this temple is pretty cool because to the left there we have a massive vending machine Bank this is pretty cool so you can get it it's just right next to the temple I like that stay refreshed it's pretty nice you see the like a garage sale going on here very cool on the other side you have scarfs on sale pretty cool I love that artwork there check this out what is that I thought from the from the back part it looked like a fish but it's not a fish it's um it's a woman it's a very unique piece of art it looks like it's painted on up on wood here looks like kunai that's kunai Aska she posed for this I hope they paid her dad that's good I what that that's not easy to pose like that that's a hard work that's hard work alright here are some of the wishes that people were right on here I love these these cost usually about 500 yen and you can look that designs are pretty nice but people write their wishes I don't want to read them because actually I should back away maybe they won't come true it'll be my fault but you you get a marker and you can write a wish that you have some places they will have a graph on the chart and you can circle the part of the body that hurts it just depends on the purpose of the each temple or shrine here are the omikuji their fortune-telling slips and you can you take these and you tie it to the string across here so it comes true or it doesn't come true if it's a bad fortune what's what's down here there's no sign saying don't walk this way that means explore I'm not going where no man has gone before except for that guy up there they've been here alright this looks just like a parking lot absolutely not interesting at all except for one thing this thing on the right side check this out hey Jonathan Lim porfavor dispute us un cafe o algo se quizes algunos comida de kai okay I'll go check out that Street and check out some of the cafes over there look at these drawings here alright there's something in this sign here to explain yeah this is one of the sumo wrestlers this is a place I think the sumo wrestlers will come and pray at and they have them itched in the stone here this is some pretty awesome stuff look at that this is a massive stone I'm afraid to go up there is there a rule against me going up there I don't know there's no sign that says don't so I'm gonna just look what they look at how deep the kanji is set in the stone oh my word this is deep they really took a lot of time to make this I can't imagine it's hard to see it up close but when you're when you're a little bit separated from this when you're a little bit distant from it you can see what it creates so I'm gonna walk away from it a little bit you can see also here on the right side the work that they did to put the sumo wrestler onto this rock looks pretty amazing if it's hand-carved all right now you can see behind me as I walk away how just amazing they're Japanese characters the kanji is a lot clearer but up close it just looks like divots like carvings into the rock I'm glad I came this little detour here is the Yoko's yoga yokozuna stone respect to the Yokozuna who are the elite in the sumo world we're here now you know exactly where I am underneath that bridge to the to the side there and now we're gonna go out the main exit and I believe there's the sumo rock so this is not far from do Goku actually yo Goku is where the sumo stadium is where a lot of the where most of the competitions that are held are ad they have I think one in a Nagoya the grand sumo tournament and then they have one one or two down in Osaka but the majority are held in yoga which is sumo town that's where you go if you want to if you want to glimpse a sumo wrestler I like the color of this it's like a hand period orange right now we're gonna hang a left here go out the exit I'm gonna show you back at the main street I like this little area where you can sit and relax after you bought a vending machine drink you can rest in this little wooden chill-out place all right let's go down this street here and I think there's some things I can show you I haven't been here in a while I think was it was an April I was in ones and not sure the last time I did a cherry blossom viewing episode in this place and if you do come here in April is really nice for watching the cherry blossoms doing some hanami because for three reasons I can think of one there aren't any other tourists here really it's very very relaxed compared to the other places that in Tokyo anyways we feel like you're lining up and queuing around the entire attraction to its central in Tokyo I mean it's one of the places that you can go to and 3 it's beautiful it's on the canal it's on the waterway so you can sit and relax and and have real authentic Explo I believe this festival that they they use these are in is an August whoa dad is massive gold alright I'm getting close to the window Wow are you seeing this that is amazing and it's just the size of it is huge wow that's not the only one there's another one over here here's a picture of what the festivals like oh I got to come back for this or live streaming this look at this this is amazing that's real gold of course it is it's probably gold leaf from Kanazawa because I was making an episode on gold leaf and I've been studying it but it's still really heavy and it's still a lot of gold on there it's very valuable very cool very cool all right this is the okay there's a couple of a couple of statues here I believe this is the sumo one here uh-huh oh here it is okay the people walking behind me don't know we're gonna go up here and right over here are the hands of the sumo wrestlers and you can put your hands in there and you'll see just how small your hands are so if you ever get into a battle of hand size I'd like to see anybody anybody trying to win this take this out oh my word look at this and the name of the sumo wrestler which I can't read is here alright let's try this one look at it the fingers on this guy oh my word this is why I don't sumo wrestler this is you have to have massive hands oh this one this one is more normal size I don't know would you call this normal size who has hands as big look at this from there like elephant size this is the biggest one of them all right here it just like my fingers start where his fing where his fingers end sorry my fingers end where his fingers start that's what I'm trying to say this is crazy on me because I'm sure I got normal hands okay I don't have small hands than normal those are just big there's a point where where when you shake hands you don't see your hand anymore it's good these are normal hands look look at this are you seeing this this is absolutely insane who has hands that big I gotta make it some sumo wrestling friends hang out and see if they can play the piano I'd like to see sue Marissa play the piano not that easy huh at least see a piano player sumo wrestle and that would be something worth I'd pay-per-view to see that pay-per-view for that one whatever they whatever they're asking it wouldn't last very long but mentally I'll be laughing about that the rest of my life okay so I believe this is the guy who mapped Japan walking around in mapping Japan I love the statute the the engraving of the country behind him as he's walking that's what they did back then and let me see if I can get get an idea of the of the dates here yes it was quite a long time ago of course but he mapped much of the country and he is remembered here as he should be with sumo wrestlers with massive hands I think it's worth coming and ones in that good show just to put your hands in there to see how insignificant your hands truly are and if your hands do match for that one I want to meet you email me I would have film your hands inside of there and see if anybody can and exceed those hands like Andre the Giant could have I bet but not many people other than that Andre the Giant was a legend all right it's just a different vibe if you compare this to anywhere else I think the the older generation has has made this their home you can tell when people make a place their home when you have like flowers out on the street like this right and you have plants on the on the sidewalks do you see here all along here you don't really see this like trees really big trees you don't see this in Shibuya you'll see it in in a multi Sandow down the street but it's not the same this seems more local to me this seems more it's I think that experience you're probably looking for the quiet Japan inside the city of Tokyo and I do think that moans in naka sure does not get enough enough attention from tourists it's not it's not look at that this is a pretty nice looking soba shop check it out look at that the menu looks reasonable too everything is about a thousand yen between nine hundred eight hundred nine hundred and a thousand yen soba it's just a it's just a different experience if you compare it to Shibuya Shinjuku even as kusa this is special it's quiet it's Tamachi this is the real deal neighborhood no I don't see any tourists walking down the street with me I'm the only one holding a gimbal with the I'm the only one holding a gimbal with a telephone attached to it and talking to nobody soft cream ice cream all right I'm gonna go back and get a coffee at Mons I think and let's go back and take a look at that cafe others tell you to rent a car that's what I rent their cars with always they're partnered with Hertz so you can get rent a car anywhere make a reservation there bring the rent to go just she's way too big to be in the back of a a mamas bike but then again I'd rather be hey I'd rather I wouldn't mind be on the back of that bike either hi so for the next minute or so I'm just gonna walk taking the sounds of this street here until I get back to the road where the alley is through where the cafe is if you like this live-streaming you want to see more let's hit the like button we should get the 500 likes by the time I get to that Street moyzisch [Music] all right we're getting back to the opening of the walkway to the temple of the neighborhood lost in time people are living right off of the street here I mean you don't really see that in Shibuya people are living right up there it is a rent residential neighborhood and that's and it feels like that people call this home they take good care of it lots of trees plants for the city of Tokyo this feels small I like that it feels manageable people call this home Oh what are they steaming there oh there's ramen places tons and tons of ramen places here that looks really good it's getting to be lunchtime too they're steaming something here what is that whatever it is danger Will Rogers high temperature oh there's their steaming bento's what what check that out oh this is um new c'mon they're steaming dumplings here I gotta try one of these ich kann ich Haku yawns UN it says here this is a price 240 yen if you study Japanese Kanji the numbers are kind of neat to study and let's see let me see if I can get one I haven't gotten any street food how do I get one make your mind is there anything inside there I don't see anything inside of there I think I have to go inside and get it all right this is this is where we start our street foods now 240 yen boom we got that right here shoutouts detectors arcs here doctors Arkwright's it get some coffee all right the doctor I will get that I'm definitely gonna go and get that coffee okay but bear with me as I get get a steamed dumpling this is called the fugu fugu walk gay fugu walk gay all right I'm just gonna see if they have it okay [Music] I got it alright now we know what was the danger we're gonna try this dangerous food literally it's as dangerous right now I wouldn't lie about thing like that oh it's hot check this out they have already all right they've stamped in there the name of the place on the steamed dumpling and inside this this very spongy food is gonna be all sorts of goodies so let's give this a try right now oh mama what's inside all sorts of goodies there's bam-boom there's some some pickles I know this this flavor they're like countryside vegetables it's really good and I don't taste any meat I'm not gonna say that there isn't meat in there but I don't I don't taste any meat that tastes more vegetables interesting I actually I actually ordered we're going Kenai and I are going back to the US on next in ten days from now and I ordered the vegan meal on the way back home so I'm gonna make an episode on it for the new channel the the vegan menu aboard Anna aana we called it Anna here there's two wanted it mm which is really good you know it'd be good with this doctor's Arc coffee coffee would be really good with this no Tyler is not here Tyler ah everything turns to a color I have not seen in a very long time I don't know what you're talking about I have been in the stream the entire time sorry this is Munson not good job can I was here for the first 10 minutes but she had to leave for her and her father going somewhere I don't know where oh they're going to see what her teachers recital tini she's gonna appreciate that thank you for that all right let's go do this onward we're on a quest to get a coffee [Music] oh that was an amazing steamed dumpling don't you see what they're lining up for they're lining up for the the bubble tea bubble tea so overrated and yet everyone wants to get in on the action I don't blame you I don't blame you all right let's go get that coffee we get Tyler or in the house you can feel his presence it's a holy place so we're going to moans moans is a famous cafe and I have never had a coffee there honestly I walk by there it's always crowded but now you know we're gonna go and do this and go and do this I love this walkway from the gate that we just entered about 30 seconds ago walking up towards the temple and you can see they got kegs of beer right there empty kegs of beer people like to drink here follow the kegs all right I can smell the espresso Oh baby this is gonna be good I'm gonna get cut I I'm gonna get kinda something I'm sweet when they come back this is a place the street for those joining us now that you can find a lot of traditional confections things that are packaged like they were I don't third a few decades ago I like that this beats donkihote okay those looking for gifts to take home way better the donkey Hotei okay this is locally made stuff all right here it is moans there's no put I get I guess I can sit out here I don't need to sit inside i i i don't know how am i gonna take the camera here it's very tight I'm gonna point it on me funny to tell my mom let's buy a ticket or hanging on it is got nothing that's just amazing called the brew put it up jack playing on the minutes hey it's my answer [Music] I [Music] I alright look at this they got water I'm just gonna sit here I'm just gonna sit here I like being outside just relax you can you can drink inside the cafe but I'm gonna sit out here this is a cold brew I saw them earlier making this it looked really really good ah it smells so good I don't know what they're making something in the back there like this alright she said she's gonna bring it to me not dicta nice alright there's no water here I shall sit here and block their view from the window okay Oh dr. zark thank you oh nice very nice balance there's a deep bitterness to it that just dissipates into a really smooth coffee sweetness at the end of it hmm you know it's very hard think thank you that desert yeah we enjoy for you too brother thank you it's very hard to do an iced coffee well because the first time you sip it you're always gonna get that coffee burst but what they do after that is very important it's just a mix of the ice and the water and the the right beans which is good and this is good I'm not a coffee coffee connoisseur I've met some coffee snobs where you know they can't drink convenience store coffee which is actually ground from roasted from beans so I mean it's not bad coffee but I've met coffee schnapps I cannot drink from low sins no it was not Jennifer why didn't use the French accent sorry Jennifer but Jennifer will drink convenience store coffee actually but I've met some people that we're not very happy with that they can only drink certain kinds of coffee and very hard to please them they're the kind of people who can travel with their own coffee but there's nothing wrong with that I do too because if you do stay at a Japanese joke on I'll go to a Japanese hotel you will not find coffee on the menu it's very hard to find so you bring your own drip coffee and you will have that in the morning they only have green tea in traditional hotels in Japan bring your own coffee right at the supermarket or the convenience store before you before you check in cuz usually when you check in it's hard to check out the sign of of beans being slaughtered right now is that what that is they're making espresso powder very cool nice hot cup of John Wow Thank You Tyler alright let's let's go let's go a little bit deeper now um we can extend this livestream thanks to our our friends Tyler and misters dr. zorg and and we did get to 500 likes but I do appreciate that so I'm gonna take you around a little bit a little bit longer towards which way should I go that way he had a creepy dog I'm just gonna leave it let it go she she was holding a creepy doll it look like from a horror movie like the eyes were broken it looked like it was 4050 years old the old style I can see how you might part that's just good she's going I don't it was a creepiest doll I've ever seen in my entire life she's in the middle of your screen the wheelchair I wanted to show you the doll I don't know just share the creek I've never seen a doll like that that's I'm not gonna get cut I a doll like that I've maybe she bought it in here there's some antiques but I do have two I do have to recommend though if you do come to Tokyo you do have to just come this way all right get away from Shibuya Shinjuku Harajuku or Monte Sandow that area of the city and come up here and see a traditional side of Tokyo you're gonna love it because this is what you're looking for I think you're looking for this experience um you know another place a good place that goes I'm a yokel your way know that market especially in the wind the Sun is setting and grab a seat and sit outside and have some beers or or have some tea and eat some tempura or some street food I really like that there's two of the things that I love about the traditional side of Tokyo Asakusa and I'm a Yoko that a Maltese on the okatee matcha area and then here ones in naka Cho and he'll sue me okawa which is coffee town so I'm gonna take you now to the right and if we can get to 700 likes I will continue this livestream to the next stage which is more food I'm not even hungry check that out these are bentos I'm not even hungry and I'm eating this is awesome is there a gimbal that hangs around your neck that would be pretty cool actually I think there might be you know the GoPro stabilization is so good you could probably attach that to your chest and then the stabilization inside would would balance it pretty good oh this is the fukagawa nam token on togo what is this some really nice-looking confections oh this is uncle so they're getting like Monju or dongle mochi yeah look at that moji check this out what do you guys think should I get one all right I'm gonna get one now we're doing this Linda redson in this in the tune of funky town won't you take me to then didn't coffee Dan didn't oh this is too good I missed these doggies once again I told you this is a residential neighborhood and there's just some residential dogs all right you know what I'm gonna get some of these at dango because when am i gain another chance to do that so the coffee is gonna go in my bag this is awful place that's not a good place for the coffee it's okay let's do this Oh get my wallet out very gingerly okay don't spill the coffee in there it might spill but that's part of the fun if it does spill there'll be a thousand people laughing at me oh no all right let's do this it's dango time it reminds me of my favorite song when I first came to Japan dango seong-chil died it was in the tune of a is in the tune of a tango dad but that I think that dad and dad done did it at a dead end down go look at the down go down there do you see that well that Goma dango looks great Wow I haven't decided they're gonna ask me soon what I want is that a yucky dongle where's a dongle with the job all right we're almost there it's almost our turn some of these benzos look awesome that's that's what can I was talking about the fukagawa if you come here you want to get the Fuuka Fuuka gawe Asadi Mishi you asked for that that's one of the best meals that you can get in ones and not good show it's a very famous she wants a salty one oh they got die for good what I got have to get two or something well that all looks really good all right I know what I'm gonna get Fame music I feel good is tech oriented sir is so bad angle because exactly that should be 300 yen wow this looks really good hi I got those a mess all right look at that dude found a seat we're gonna go sit near him all right miss take a seat right there yes street food three dollars for two down goes we're not we're talking about all right sit down and don't spill the coffee don't spill the coffee back very nice I have done it success I was like that when the Three Stooges shook hands and made up and they said success success success and then they did something wrong when when happens something wrong happened Three Stooges these they film that like back in the 1930s and guess what it's still a classic today the Stooges will never die all right here we go everybody I put it on a tripod welcome aboard the coffee is intact and this is one of the great pleasures of moans and nagato just getting food and just trying it this is these are two down goes this is this this one looked really good I like it it's it's a yaki dongle I believe which has a kind of a sweet and salty sauce to it we're gonna try that first but what they've done with this and this camera angle is not doing it justice all right from here what they've done with this is they wrapped it in seaweed oh I can already smell it it's very sweet soy sauce it's salty and sweet the dango really doesn't have much flavor it's just rice just banged sticky rice so let's try this no deed on go I don't think that I guess II I guess you can call it that mmm very nice very nice the seaweed gives it that sort of sea taste to it it does an accent to it and a different part of the tongue and then the soy sauce the sweet soy sauce around it hits that salty and then the mochi just feels good it's like a pillow in your mouth it's a marshmallow that you can chew a hundred times and now let us move on to this Mesa Mesa die this water die how do you see that Foucault in English daifuku it's like it's like a gift it's something wrapped in mochi and inside of it I guess is water and they put it in this banana leaf is that what that is is it real yeah it is a real leaf it's a real leaf oh it's so soft oh wow it's so soft I don't know if I should even be holding it it's just if I hold it here much longer it feels like it's just gonna melt into my hand alright let's try this you have no idea because you're not here but I don't know if this is mochi I don't know what this is it feels like a noodle just like a wet noodle wrapped around some Hazuki red bean paste old uncle it's sweet in the middle and so delicate on the outside you know the only way for me to describe this is it's like between a mochi like that mochi consistency and like pudding like a flan it's like between a mochi and a flan there's some some some bite to it some chewiness to it but it also just melts in your mouth it's just a really nice it's just a really nice experience dango is one food you can eat and it'll fill you up and it does not cost a lot of money [Music] and we move on if we can get to 750 likes I will show you something else I'm thinking what a lot of you have did not see the street that Kenai came on that's what's in the thumbnail it's awesome but I want to point out something to you ones in knocketh show is a late night town it's really nice during the day like what you're seeing right now but you want to come here after night after dark and this place is different this is an izakaya town like a pure izakaya town not the touristy place is not not changed they do have chains by the station these are family-run izakaya and the movies are incredible the food is fresh nothing is pre-prepared it's usually made to order and I think that's exactly what thinks this is the experience you're looking for I said this like a dozen times already ones in not good show you just write it down circle it on the map engrave it in your tattoos ones in Nuggets yo is the place to go at night oh that was good coffee all right these streets in the back here behind here I have tons and tons of little bars alright you will not be sorry if you just walk around here at night and you'll make a lot of friends like with older people who probably will pay for your drinks and take you on an experience of a lifetime those are the kind of experiences that I also look for you'll find that in Monson acacho as well as some some creepy people can I always says is I at nighttime the creep the creepy people will come out too but then again you know that's all part of the adventure you you have to have a mix of people all right so now we've gone off the street and I'm gonna show you because we have a thousand people watching and because we have some nice super chats here I'm just gonna keep this going for a little bit longer than I wanted to we're not 75 minutes in this is Tanaka it's in Osaka this is like cuz she cuts you just cuz she I love christian katsu oh I'm coming back here yes this is kushikatsu oh I'm bringing Kenai back here I love kushikatsu do you know do you guys know what cookers cut says is deep-fried skewers of stuff and the Osaka version is that you take it and you dip it into like this soy based sauce it's not soy sauce it's something different it's an Osaka sauce it's good salty and good and you dip the fried food into it or you go home and you drink it with lots of beer now Kenai dozen drink beer that's not that's gonna be a problem but I'll drink hers which is no longer problem I love I love Chris okay so I'll be coming back to this Tanaka Christian katsu place very soon but this is the kind of stuff that you will find back here yeah Tyler also writes in I love kushikatsu I know is is uh you you you can't have bad kushikatsu I don't know it's just if you're kushikatsu restaurant you know it's gonna be good I've never had bad kushikatsu and now I'm taking to to everyone who's joining us on the live stream we're going to end where we started so we can go a full circle Wow look at that it's a cake truck I'd like to hide in the back with a tap and just ride all day long if you agree click the like button maybe that'll get people to like alright that this is this is an exit six of the moans in naka Cho station and I'm gonna hang a right up ahead and you're gonna see one of the more unique like throwback streets I think it's gonna be pretty pretty interesting to see while I make my way there I'm looking for a post-office box because I have I have I guess I could say the name Eileen mylene's postcard she just signed up so Mylene this is your card and here is your stamp can I hide the address tim tooten this is your stamp as you're getting this guy and putting him in the mailbox as soon as I find one we have I think we have four more postcards - and for everyone who signed up for the postcards this month postcard Club I'm sending you we have about fifteen new signups I'm putting these into the mailbox - these are on James and Nicole you're getting this stamp here this is pretty nice one it's a nice castle here it's not putting this in the mailboxes well today just to say thank you for setting it for the postcard cloth alright there it is right here Diana it's on patreon I think one of our moderators will write the link right now yeah this is the stream oh man look wine and gohan who thought of this combination that's wine and rice that's what that means lion and rice actually that's pretty pure that's pretty pure oh we have it okay so this is so Ramsay silent this is where I'll be getting kanai's flowers for the day she'll have a nice surprise something to get it when she gets home this is the street and we're gonna walk it this is gonna be pretty nice I like what they've done with the lighting this street is it when you walk down it you'll know it's just this old Street with the really unique combina combine are the signs that look like they're from the Showa era which is over 30 years ago - way back to World War 2 and you feel bad and on the left and the right of this place oh and the public restroom is outside - right in this alley so if you are at one of these bars or use Akaya you can just use the restroom huh right there there the WC I didn't I didn't know that I I knew from the smell someone to just use it whoops but look at this tree this is another another booth Azumi right up there Fukagawa Azumi this is a really cool little shack with a tree growing out of it into the center of the walkway I like this I'm always looking for places to to go in and have a drink or have a bite to eat that look like this has got so much personality I bet you there's so many stories about this building so many people have come in here and had a good time and laughed and you can feel that five just years and years of good times in one building makes for an interesting on its own these kinds of places they come to life after dark yeah so you have to be at night and I guess I gotta come back at night one time and Kani and I were talking about this you have to go back and look at the replay but this is a karaoke bar from way way back in the Showa era and you can see the audio equipment and me through there shameiess a so you can drink and sing for it's 3,000 yen course so it's $30 it's about $30 to go in here and and have the course which I guess you could just stay there and drink and sing all you want that's reasonable actually it's pretty good because if you if you're a nostalgic person and you like any of these artists or if you just know who they are I'm not really sure you can't have a good time here it's nice and then this place also looks pretty cool they have objects in the window it's it's an old bar street exactly 0-7 rakugaki writes and it's an old bar Street you can see there's the into the kitchen here I think this one's semi open this is called spice pork curry that's what's written on here spice pork curry and the lunchtime is oh they do serve lunch in here it's between 3 sorry 12 and 3 p.m. it's closed now but you can get lunch inside this little teeny restaurant called Pazza whoa I just got the notification of Diane's signed up for the post card club all right Diane I'm gonna put your postcard in the mail today as well and here we are looking back at where we started the livestream about an hour and a half ago with this really big tow chain which is a lantern indicating izakaya oh this is a moto nob a mochi Aki this is the parts of the animal that they put into a stew it's really good traditional foods you should try but it's better not to ask what's inside just enjoy the delicious taste of decades of stewing recipe it's a nice little Street this is I think gonna be in a lot of people's instagrams coming up soon yeah in order to sign up for the post card club go to the patreon and sign up for the post card club backslash only in Japan I believe but UFO Bob just posted the link right there yeah and the post card club is the third tier although if you if you do sign up for the for the samurai club you get a postcard at the end of the year yeah very nice so I'm gonna walk through down the street one more time say goodbye I just love the street I just love this street fair-folk aha I've put a link in the description you can just click it this is exit six of the Mons and Nagato station and my car beautiful street show me places like this I will show you more places like this and I'm planning to go how you do it is yeah I'm planning to go to Osaka to meet up with Kevin Riley and Kevin Riley who knows a ton of places like this as well show 10 guy old places Osaka really has maintained and preserved or is too cheap to renovate which is not a bad thing loads of areas in Osaka I would like to dive deeper into Kansai and find and introduced to you some of the places they're totally has been underrepresented on YouTube Tokyo has been completely picked clean by other youtubers which is fine but the opportunities are in contact and the rest of Japan the street like this is like every city Japan has something like this where after world war ii they just started building up shacks with signs and those places are protected preserved and they're still going strong where the older generation keeps it going and now younger people are finding them going to them paying less cheaper price to enjoy the fun spirit that their grandfathers had I like that I like that about Japan and ones and I could show is one of those places that you have to come and visit if you are looking for that and I think most of you are looking for that so put that on your map okay there's a festival coming on here so I like what when you walk around live you can find little things like this the festival is was a Children's Festival on August 11th from 9:00 to 12:00 here down that Main Street that we walked on by the cafe so that'll be nice if you're in the city you can see a Children's Festival mark that on your calendars and the big festival you'll see oh we got the seven or 50 likes thank you guys the big festival you will see I think it's about the the second half of August after all born this area of the city also is quite lively because it's got that old traditional feel to it and these are the kind of places that even the McDonald's looks old here doesn't it this is down by the station you'll find chain shops and banks by the station all right everybody I really appreciate the support and I hope that you enjoyed this hour and a half of just kind of relaxing in Mons and nacho getting a feel for the area there's a moss burger down there if you walk straight this way underneath the Tokyo Highway here you'll get to kyousuke-shi Dachau which is Tokyo's coffee town and there's the Moss burger there's always one of those so wherever you are in the world have a good day good night thanks doctor zark and thank you too Tyler of course and everybody else for the support I'm gonna go get Kenai some presents and RAM salad I know what to do so I'm gonna go get her something nice for the house and I'll see you in another livestream this week i if the weather is good I promise you a midnight snack run in the next week all right it could be on Friday night because I think that might be a little bit more fun and I don't know if Peter is gonna be around but I'll see if somebody else can come along for the ride can I just as much fun because doesn't drink but that doesn't mean she should be exploded midnight snack run all right mark your calendars for a date that I did not give you but it'll be coming soon have a good day everybody by from ones in Nicosia
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 168,797
Rating: 4.9072366 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, traditional, streetfood, street food, monzen nakacho, oedo, shitamachi, where to go, tourist trap, local, eat, walk, guide, tokyo guide, monz, coffee, tomiokahachimangu, showa, scenic alley, where to go tokyo, places
Id: cebo_tJTk8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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