Osaka’s Kuromon Market Shopping Experience

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good morning everybody welcome to kudamon market in osaka this is one of the more vibrant markets not too far away from Dilton body and Namba about a ten minute walk and a lot of people especially guidebooks will say that this market is incredible because it's it feels like locals still shop here and we're gonna find out in this live stream if that's true and explore and discover some of the things that are inside this is one of the entrances that you can go to when you come here there's a pet shop right at the beginning of it look at these little doggies reminds me of kudo who we saw last night cold Osan photo Chon how you doing so kudo market good Kodomo market is named cuomo him because kudo means black mone means gate and I believe the temple that was in this area burned down in 1912 so yeah Black Gate but there's a lot of stuff here I've walked all through this market I've been here a couple of times over the years and it's changed a lot like everything in Osaka it's changed a lot just loads and loads of street food that you can eat here this is one of the side streets that goes into the market but when we get to the center of this you're gonna see there's a ton of people on the way there yeah you see I like this used to be a butcher shop right but the butcher shop has turned it into just serving meat to to tourists and I guess it was a better plan whenever they write it in English I get worried that's hmm but he'll cook it right in front of you for a pretty reasonable price yeah so they got all different kinds of cuts it's hard day it's hard not to love Osaka photo bombed in the first five minutes the also very famous in this area is fugu in the winter fugu and in the summer I believe it's Hummel there's some other fishes that are popular but in winter its fugu season and you're gonna see that all over the market as well food good being sold you can eat in here in the market - look at that stuff - fugu fugu is puffer fish it's a oh you can even dress up in kimono and walk around the market which is weird because it's not so clean in here but anyways you'll find all sorts of different kinds of foods there's some tone you or soy milk how much is that for it's 200 yen for a glass of it fresh tone you and they make it here you're in job looks like a family-run business for a long time since about 80 years looks like an old shop even in the back there they're making Antonio oh she's got a bag of the Tony right now Tony oh is soymilk she's putting that into the tank interesting and then she's released it into the tank I should try it soymilk is pretty good all right let's try some soy milk I haven't had breakfast yet so this would be really good oh I only have I only have 10,000 yen notes that's not gonna be that's not gonna make anybody happy in a market all right hold on a second I only got each in my end oh my god we can ask no I got some coins saved save I can't give her ten thousand yen now that would be so rude like $100 bill for a $2.00 drink alright let's just see my said tone you in the guy's mouth check that out so they're gonna be mixing it up here oh that's our even know me master okano mama uh uh hi Neha hi Wow Nadia thought they must say Wow that's interesting it came in like a mayonnaise jar it looks like mayonnaise but let's try it it's has santoña I have in an episode called why do Japanese live so long I spent two two early mornings with my friend friend yo there and his grandson went Ichi and we were making tofu in the morning from like 4:30 in the morning it was pretty amazing so I know that the process takes a lot of time so soy milk is a kind of a product of that you squeeze it out and you can kind of drink it so this is what this is let's try it right here but first I just wanted to show you you here we're at the intersection of Kodomo market so I'm just gonna show you up here on the ceiling it looks so retro I love that that'd be funny she did give me some mayonnaise dark on dark fire right sin hit that'd be plenty if it was the mayonnaise that she gave it to you that's a thumbnail right there yeah it's the the main north-south route through Kodomo market most of the people here at this time of day usually everyone is shopping they've already shopped in the by morning so most people that are here are tourists so if you want to come for the local experience you probably want to come between 9 a.m. when it opens and maybe before lunch 9:00 to 11:00 most of the stuff here's another entrance you can see there's a big fish up on the roof there alright let's try this here because I'm really curious and it's cold yes if I wanted to heat it up but I like now like my tone you cold she got in heated maybe oh wow all right it's not mayonnaise I can smell it already it's not mayonnaise that's thick that's like drinking tofu it's so thick [Music] Wow it's naturally sweet I'm gonna close this up and save it for the Shinkansen ride back that was really good that's really good all right let's let's go in deep into Kodomo market now it's tone you which is soy milk Oh made homemade right there I guess it's store made but you see stuff like vegetables and fish but the markets changed a lot this used to be a place where they didn't serve ice cream and stuff like this there's their catering specifically to tourists now and I don't blame them because with the population shrinking this is a green tea and strawberry ice cream with the population shrinking you really don't have too much choice there's some overpriced daifuku is Ichigo daifuku that's custard cream inside of there I'm gonna skip that that's way way way overpriced blowtorch [Music] so he's taken the scallop for a whole today cut it up and then put it back in the shell and now he's marinating it and cooking it on the grill with a blowtorch it's about six dollars or one a little pricey but it's a good experience I guess you can tell that the its they're ready for the tourists here eight four five hundred yen is pretty pricey too for takoyaki so I think we're on the intersection here you might want to just stay away from there and go deeper into the market but where Kevin Reilly lives Ted Adachi oh it's a lot more local all right I like that area a lot and you get you get the feel it's a couple more looks like a little rough around the edges it's got character in the streets check out these white carrots I don't even know if they're called carrots but they sell these red and red carrots at new years as well I don't know if they're coloring in it or what but I'm sure there's a story behind it oh the desert strawberries are here check this out they've got all kinds of strawberries they've mixed this with red and white from nada smells so good it's $30 for that pack that's so much cheaper than in Osaka and then in Tokyo and then here's a pack of white strawberries these are the Yamato hey goo T strawberry and these are from Nara Prefecture as well these are pink ones these pink strawberries are from not eyes - so interesting so there's a lot of different colors of the strawberries you have red pink white the white ones I've made a video on it they're very prized here in Japan you can even get can't even get little teeny parts of it these are half off that's half price that that sticker means hunga kun half price well makes me almost want to pick it up at seven dollars for bunch of robberies I don't know what you guys think Brendan Walker so glad you visited could could oman market this is my favorite spot in osaka when my wife and I visited last month buy some delicious Street food on me Thank You Brendan I think I will now this will be my breakfast because I woke up at 11:00 because I was so late with the midnight midnight snack run much appreciate it it's gonna be fun walking through here if just something you want me to show let me know and I will go in that direction guys if you like the market walks you like seeing markets give me a thumbs up well the strawberry on sticks daifuku time Fuuka seems to be a big deal here this is nice I like seeing this this is all the way from whoa Meiji thirty-eight that is old this is from over a hundred years this shop do you see what they have whoa they're selling fugu right there that's a pufferfish where the Christmas had I've never seen that before [Music] that fugu has a Christmas hat on I'm just staring at it in disbelief I've never seen a pufferfish fugu with in the Christmas spirit that's so awesome and it looks like a shark over there Wow no that's not a shirt but it kind of has the Christmas spirit - cougar is puffer fish you can see that's it's a beautiful specimen I'll be back that should be the thumbnail right there like what puffer fish is very delicious she's cutting something up there looks like Tamagotchi oh yes she just made she just made a log of tamagoyaki this is a grilled egg and Japan they put a lot of stuff in it it's so soft so soft unagi and fish here well you can get an munagi with tamagoyaki for 500 yen but the you know G is not from Japan that's the problem and you're not guess from from China and there's nothing wrong with it I guess but it's just I don't I had an allergic reaction to the u Nagi they put some antibiotics too much in the water it's not good for you but I will be getting some snacks let's just say let's have a good look see look see you around a little bit wow that looks delicious so it's just sauce on top of sweet potatoes and it makes it look really delicious smells wonderful look at these sticks of strawberries they have different colors to them [Music] you can get a stick with every shade of red if you're looking for it it's probably here a lot of people call Kodama market as the kitchen of Osaka because this is where people will buy stuff for the kitchen and Osaka is the kitchen of Japan they call that too because they have some really amazing food here all the produce from around Japan Osaka is pretty much in the center from Shikoku and Kyushu everything comes sort of through here as it has to come through here in order to get the Tokyo it's closer so Sakai gets some really good food in it because there's a lot of people in Osaka of course they're gonna be selling that I'm gonna take a look at the crabs here but it's just amazing to me they do have roaring business selling strawberries and the people buying them are mostly tourists from China the prices are really cheap for these there's the white pearl these are strawberries that I feature that we're really expensive and they've gone down in price so yeah I think I might get something for cut I that's a great idea she's on her last day working before the holidays that's why she couldn't come with me today those are some big big crabs look at this crab crab stand here some really big lay eggs that's some 12,000 yen or a hundred over 100 dollars for those right there so looks good the problem with that with all the tourists though it I just don't know what's authentic and not it's hard to know without coming with someone who's a seafood specialist if it's any good then you have the sea urchins right there in the shell still and I guess if you order them they take it out you can eat it as sashimi Christmas cake right in the front lots of strawberries it's dessert strawberry season so you're gonna have so many amazing strawberries right now out in the markets a butcher shop loads of butcher shops here I like to see the history of them this is COO Timon what does this say it's family-run shop since 1930 whoa some good cuts takes their shot this is mano from 1930 yeah but wow there are a lot of tourists here yeah I will come in America POW Mia I'm the king of pufferfish my name is Tiger pufferfish it's called torta fugu in Japan and you can try a plate of it already prepared 4,000 yen that's pretty smart we'll put that out there and you can get puffer fish fish paraphernalia like this stuffed animal and with this hat that's cute [Music] and they came here pufferfish miso soup very nice [Music] what that's new KitKat daifuku flavored Kit Kats I'm missing that before this must be brand new guess it's famous from this area I don't know two hundred and eighty yen for a bag that's not bad at all you'll find all sorts of stuff that you wouldn't find anywhere else here I don't know why they have something I've never seen in other places but a diaper KitKat strawberry definitely Kit Kats pretty that's pretty neat oh I like this look at this shop I could smell it that's why this is pretty amazing I can smell it it's called green beans parlor and they're making I guess grilling coffee here and you can get a cup of roasted coffee right here it smells really nice let's take a quick look-see here maybe I'll gonna get a cop because I'm I could use it you get a hot cup of coffee for 220 and that's a steal all right let's do this [Music] my coffee tonight guys gmass pick away do I take away height Oh even know Wow leave me rocks again whoa they're roasting the beans [Music] idea the lamb I said oh I see this height I think the lamb I said Wow freshly roasted coffee I'm actually I like my coffee black but they put the lids on here I'm just gonna drink it like this oh that's so good oh that is really really good this one's a little bit of cynic I don't know what exactly it is it's not overly roasted everybody tells me that Starbucks over roasts to coffee this is it's a little bit bitter and a little bit acidic to it a little bit of acidic it hits you in a different place on in the back of your mouth let's waking me up real fast I like this Wow let's ask where this coffee is from any guesses there's another co hideous car do Brasil re others I myself this is a Brazilian coffee so for those are asking here from Brazil ah so good I'm so happy alright from this point on now it's time to really we're gonna get some street food okay we're gonna try anyway I think I think that that area where we were at was a little bit too touristy and it starts to narrow out over on this side the markets pretty big I would say it's like six city blocks maybe but in between them is what we would call a shoten guy you can see it's covered here and that means if it's raining or not you can still shop here pretty comfortably once you get here you're in like the safe zone but I'm enjoying a cup of coffee from this place while green beans parlor they're roasting roasting coffee in there it just smells incredible at this intersection but just over there you can see they have another fugu stand again fugu right now is in season this is the high season for fugu you're gonna find it everywhere and fugu is puffer fish and it's the one with poison in it that can that's like 100 times stronger than cyanide oh you can get one for that's kind of pricey there's a really big one on the corner there for a hundred and seventy dollars and then there's one down here for 72 they're a little bit cheaper at in Tokyo but this is the puffer fish taco which is these sperm sac which can be deep fried and eaten and it's really creamy or it can be eaten as sashimi which is also quite good now the puffer fish puffer fish it gets real big and like this right and I've seen it when I'm scuba diving down there underneath it if they get threatened they puff out and when you're scuba diving it's just like it's just like the highway here you you pass you're passing all sorts of different fish under the water and they're passing you and you'll look at the fish and they'll look at you and it's a society down there under the ocean puffer fish you're one of the people now they're up here you know in a cellophane package if a puffer fish you're part of the Society of the sea and they're just odd-looking down there that would be like the hata tjuku cosplay they're like cosplaying as something else like a balloon down there but I've seen them scuba diving and it's funny when they pass me like oh they mind their own business and I'm minding my own business scuba diving past them it's pretty funny and now you can come here and eat them for a thousand yen but I'm good with that that's the coffee stand right there Wow he said this was Brazilian it's two dollars and 20 n for take away and I have to say that's a pretty good deal it's a pretty good deal [Music] hey Jonathan limbs here street food hot moon hi John Merry Christmas here's to your coffee fun thank you and dazzling Dino Dan oh gee you show John your show is my favorite of all time I like that Vincent Wong animated Thank You Vincent yeah I were just getting warmed up here actually I got a late check-out of my hotel so I have to leave here by 2:00 2:00 p.m. and I'm gonna I might stop in Kyoto I'm not sure yet but if I do it'll be for another short laugh I've screamed before I head back for Christmas tonight's waiting she's working anyways so I figure I'm gonna get to Tokyo Station the time she finishes work then maybe we'll go out for go out for some food or something so Clint my market has trash cans this is one of the biggest problem with markets bring your own trash bag like a plastic bag to throw your trash away if you go to markets because it's really hard to find them in Japan but sometimes every now and then you'll find that they have these trash cans public trash cans but it's very rare to find just make sure that you you bring your own that's just some advice I think just put one in your bag let's look at this welcome to put them on ichiba market it's known as COO Timon ichiba by Japanese would say coulda Mon ichiba they don't say market ichiba means market basically in Japanese we have many items recommended his gifts they really want you to shop here is an area recommended by the Osaka government tourist bureau that's an Asian gateway approved they really like to say that they're recommended but they also say that this is a local market where local shop so the question is can you have it both ways and the answer is in a way yes look ahead this is where we just walked for this joining us this is the entrance to the main part of Kodomo market you see the big red cha-ching that the lantern up on the top it says Kudo on the top black and then Mon which is gate underneath it and the temple here khuddam on the temple here burned down and I guess that's when it came I guess the the gate was blackened so they called it Black Gate sounds pretty cool so this in English should be translated as Black Gate market which is that's pretty cool all right I am so caffeinated up now it's dangerous just like riding a bicycle here don't ride bicycles inside there all right let's go say goodbye to the puffer fish nice knowing you now let's explore what am I in the mood to eat and I only have 10,000 notes just so the first person that I buy it from is gonna be seriously inconvenience unless I buy one of these which is massive somebody wrote me that Japan buys a lot of the king snow crabs wow so that's that's like $80 for that tray right there that's $80 what hey Chris Dickerson how do you know to trust the puffer fish is safe or not that's a good question you don't but each chef that prepares it has to be licensed and accidents are rare but when they happen it's immediate pretty much there's very little pain I heard well there's a little bit of pain but then it hits you quick because it's so strong so if you need to get poisoned don't worry it'll be over fast squid rings squids are hollow inside so smells good I'm on the prowl here on the other side we have more street food being served look at this wow it just blank prepared all sorts of different salads and things like that and there's some Oh Dan up there oh man all right I got to get from a shop that will take my ten thousand yen note oh wow this is the best part look at that dizzy tofu doughnuts tofu doughnuts and these have ice comes that you can ask for ice cream on the side that's incredible look at that oh man have it that looks so delicious peanut butter chocolate strawberry they come in all sorts of different flavors that would be pretty rude to get at tofu donut and alright let's get one anyways after the coffee I'm in the mood for tofu donut I'm gonna toke the donut [Music] hey I know that's I think Tony Tony you doughnuts we call them Tony own that tofu by the way Tonio is a soy milk hi okay what does she tuck when my Ichi my a more delicate or you might have to an autocratic or a guy Hey [Music] hey anything I said my daily calling me said none in my city my son Nick sea otter - oh God I don't a June on a high I think those I'm I said so he's been making the shops been there for just about ten a little bit over ten years I don't hear any Japanese look at that lobster whoa one laughs stripper there about $35 and you can have it grilled over there that guy's grilling it [Music] I'm in the middle of chaos here alright let's try this I'm just gonna get in this clearing are we gonna try something right there [Music] tonu doughnuts it's made from soy milk call Tony oh and it's healthy sort of steady pride which makes it not healthy but it's tone you so it seems healthy therefore I can justify the healthiness of it it's good I wish I'd had it with the club Brazilian coffee from the shop before [Music] you need some fresh uni for eight dollars eight hundred yen and some oysters for $5.00 500 yen [Music] look that way Wow [Music] of course he's instagramming it I'm gonna go back a little bit just another shop here there's an Instagram going on they're doing that from around here [Music] so whatever you order you can kind of look at this some pepper pepper fish let's go take a look care by the way right above us is a puffer fish look at that that is so cool that's better the puffer fish fugu up there worshiped I love it you want me to eat some more let's even get to 500 likes that's our that's our challenge I know you want it I know I do too you have to like it for me to do it let's do it some scallops in there I've discovered street food central so get away from them the intersection up there in your number and then everything starts to open up here pretty good choice here [Music] Wow pretty good selection but you can see the unis there and that's not ranked number one let me just get in here for a second [Music] there's the you nice the spiked shell with the delicious meat inside not everybody likes it but everybody should Wow they'd do it fresh he ordered it and now it's gutting it that's pretty cool they do it fresh here oh yeah you are watching it how you doing oh yeah thank you nice to meet you yesterday during the livestream I saw his mom but he showed me that he had the I found you card that's it's really cool by the way I do have some find me found me cards in my pocket I've prepared this morning prepared for any any possible scenario including eating some puffer fish and needing the antidote so here's some here's some oysters and clams and Unni and they're shelling it over there getting out the good stuff looks like a scientist over there look at that deep in thought [Music] yeah so Krista could Chris Dickerson answer your question you can ask the chef to show you his certificate that he has qualified to be a pufferfish chef they all pretty much displayed at the entrance of the restaurant but I'll be honest with you hey I'll be honest with you most of the pufferfish now are not caught out in the wild and if they're been farmed the puffer fish has been farmed the poisons in them are almost non-existent so even though you can't eat the eyes you can't eat the ovaries you can't eat certain parts of the pufferfish even if you did eat the poison it's it's so subdued and that's sort of something that they don't want to tell you they're sort of have engineered it so you would not die now but there's always these the baby octopus on a stick and that always makes you happy [Music] I'm gonna get something else here I'm waiting for you guys I can't believe we're so low we like it at 280 lights there's 830 people watching this is ridiculous let's do it I want to get something to eat it's up to you it's a community thing it's a community thing wow this looks like a high-end street food thing going on here look at that that's high-end street food it looks like an artist is like painting putting all of the Uni into the dish over there very focused on it making a very well beautifully prepared dish for his customers the dish you can see here it's pretty reasonably priced but as sushi this uni is for it like 40 dollars is a little bit a little bit high up there but you know it's gonna come so oh yes I've seen this beauty for the Uni and the Wagyu together the sea meets sea meets the land three pieces for 2,700 yen I see but not bad it was slightly precis what do you think oh yeah that's real smart come on come over here and sit on a cactus you want to he's built a wall an impenetrable wall of cacti except right here we can enter in hi oh goodness I'd say my sin yeah no picture set and but he was smiling so it's hard to know what to film and what not to film the one thing at these markets is usually when you see the owner you can make eye contact with them and if they smiling then and they see that you have a camera it's usually okay so right there he had a scientist said no filming and I made eye contact with him and he was smiling and I said ah but that was pretty funny the cats like come and sit on the cactus is very creative sense of humor is important in osaka' sense of humor is very important that's right Merry Christmas it's Christmas Eve here in Japan guys you can feel the energy the Christmas spirit so right here in the corner this is another intersection they have a caisson Don going on here maguro is a big part of these caisson Don because it's in the name of the shop but let's see the let's see the prices yeah it's a little bit pricey but it looks like it's gonna be pretty fresh because you know that the turnover is really high at this restaurant there's a lot of people eating it so you know things are gonna things are gonna be freshest at this place always got he's got some is that a buddy McGirt oh so he's making some mugger Oh sushi here she's making some sushi kids you can just try I guess he sells them so fast I like it though the butcher shops here doing what a friend of mine said that they should all do you should cook the meat at the butcher shop and eat it at the butcher shop because nothing is more fresh than eating the meat from the butcher shop so that's what they're doing they sell the meat and then they cook it for you and then you can eat it that's genius right every butcher shop does should do this every butcher shop should have a grill and if you're just hungry you come in don't even make it fancy don't try to make it fancy just put a stool in a little table and just just say okay you want a grilled and the butcher can grill it I mean the butcher he's not always bitching he's sometimes he's just sitting around right and then that's when you can do sell stuff in your oh wow that was nice so the staff said they forgot their change and the staff brought the change for her for them she ran for shops too to make sure that they got their change only in Japan I think other country you should probably do that too we're a little light on the likes here 500 we're 100 and 130 away 130 likes away from some food it's up to you honest honesty policy yes I think if you return if you return it you feel good about yourself and that's more than holding on to a couple hundred yen sometimes doing the right thing is makes you feel really good no usually I wouldn't say sometimes usually here's a black ice cream cone it's made from black sesame very unique Jimmy right she get some fear order here whenever they got got your poems you know it's gonna be that ice cream it's not bad but they have it in a cup that they push through into it it's not it's not the same as a fresh ice cream I don't know and oh so I'm waiting for you guys to I'm just actually scouting the area before I go in and buy but crab stick [Music] 300 yen that can't be real crab but I'll tell you what the line is massive all right let's check it out Wow okay you can get a crab stick here for 300 yen that can't be real is that real crab will you get a crab stick and a piece of meat I guess I'll have to try this now all right [Music] - time sail [Music] ting darling Wow come on Akane Akane come on [Music] I see this guy right that's happened to me mr. America Australia with an eco an e Honda stuff def with anything hey it's you may end up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I know Connie he's still the key macho height so did it sets the bit so the catch so the beef is from Australia which is not a problem and crab is not exactly real but we'll try it it's interesting it just so we're getting closer but smart it's smart David's right it can be okay they found a way to take the passions of this market and then make it affordable because the real stuff is overpriced but the fake stuff is underpriced that's funny it's hilarious it's hilarious right toto so that is laughing [Music] but the beep is from Australia but the pork is from Japan so I got the pork and there's also you can just get the crap as well but caps from Japan I'm waiting in line here I'm still we're still 770 away from 500 so like just like John now hey Ronald how are you um some stores are closed today but like that store but not a lot of the stores are most the stores are open um the Christmas Eve is not a holiday in Japan Christmas Day is not a holiday in Japan the 23rd used to be holiday it was the Emperor's birthday that's why the 23rd was a holiday and then I would have to work on I would always work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day because in Japan it's not a holiday but around the 27th of December that's when all the shops start shutting down all the offices will closed and people start taking holiday from the 27th to about January 3rd or 4th things are pretty much closed especially 1st 2nd and 3rd supermarkets will be closed on the 1st for sure many shops are closed for a 2nd and 3rd and then pretty much business gets businesses back to normal in Japan around the 7th of January but during shokatsu which is what the New Year's holiday is called shokatsu is closed a lot of things it's quiet time of Japan business workers office workers have been working really hard all year we'll take a break from that and go back to their hometowns and I think that Japanese companies Japanese want you to have this time with your family because even the bosses don't want to be working at this time it's a time that not a lot of stuff happens in Japan actually around this week things start to really slow down and it's hard to get any business done at all if you have business meetings that are in the process just pause it and everything will start around the 7th and 8th of January again and that's where I am with them this gimbal is broken and the gimbal says to return it to DJI and I got a number but DG I said if you don't send it by the 25th just send it after the 4th because nothing's gonna happen so there you go shops are open on January 1st no I would say 99% are closed and if convenience stores might be open but some even some convenience stores might close some so my advice to you doesn't my advice to you is to buy everything on the 31st because that's what everybody in Japan is saying oh hello it's alright oh thank you I might have something for you oh not at all where are you from ok you're visiting the sukkah here okay Wow have you have you been eating any street food here okay you can have some imitation crab in some Australian beef is here you ask where it's problem you say Australia you're welcome how cool is that yes that's right I carry you found me cards so they're from Australia and they just got here and the good thing about travelling from Australia is there's no jetlag involved no jetlag popular stuff have a line everybody everywhere is no local is in this line too by the way everyone's a tourist mm-hmm that's funny so again it's a time sail that they're having and they're selling now sticks of beef and pork and the beef is from Australia and the pork is from Japan and the pork is pretty good so I got a stick of that with some crab and [Music] I am a tourist I'm in Kevin's cut I'm in Kevin Reilly's country Kevin is the local I'm the tourist so I might live in Japan but I spend a lot of time in Tokyo so whenever I'm away from Tokyo I'm I'm a tourist although I didn't hear dozens of times I know a lot about Osaka like I need to come here the guidebook could tell you that always making yakisoba [Music] this is a multi-talented shop they're doing all sorts of activities here they don't just make crab sticks oh no [Music] yeah that's right now has it correct we do not objectify people in the streams and we don't really focus in on anybody unless they're ok with it because yeah there's you can't snipe people's photos but if you're in a public area there's a lot of laws with regards to filming and public you can't focus in on anybody that's sort of the the deal it's inadvertently people will get in the shot that's okay if they ask you then you should do it but just be really careful and not focus in on somebody that's sort of the rule you can't publish it without people's permission if you've taken pictures I remember I saw a Polish photographer a bit a very nice guy and he was just taking pictures with a tripod with a long a long lens and he said that he was doing it for magazine and I said you you can't do that you need to have a permission from each person before you publish it and he doesn't know about the law I guess in other countries if you're outside just certain laws but in Japan there are some laws to protect its true story looks like minty cool better be worth a Jimmy Jimmy it better be worth it people get it and they walk away I think tourists are fair game though they're not from around here oh he's look at the sauce on the Yaqui Nikki's over there [Music] I wouldn't call it freepress Dean I think it's just people have certain rights of privacy here so just because you're in a public area doesn't mean that you can just film openly you should have permission especially if it's in a if it's not a public area usually you need permission that requires what to publish it right if you do it for private it's okay it's always good to ask I think [Music] yakisoba you can objectify yakisoba all day long man yakisoba has only one right to enter my stomach so I ordered the I ordered this one whoa blowtorch baby this is a long line done oh yeah still but faster so they put the Connie [Music] and they got they over there that yakisoba looks pretty good that's that's 500 yen I'm kind of moves I'm sort of now regretting my decision well this is what you call a rush job [Music] [Music] Wow we're torches are cool Wow x 0i Utsu my day [Music] Gogi money hi [Music] hi-yah the same I said all right we're gonna find out if it's worth it or not follow that piece of crab and pork what do you think guys it's steaming hot it smells pretty good it's got some sauce on it he said the time sell is good until the end of the day yes I think it's always a time sale I think I think if you ask the questions you get answers and sometimes you don't want to know the answer the time sail is all day and so is this stick is it worth it you know I think if you go to any festival in Japan you're gonna get the same kind of food and it's cheaper than the festival by far one stick would be 500 yen so you get 600 plus the fake crab let's see mmm really good you put some salt on it incidentally mess I said it after already starting look at that thing I know it's not real but still Wow it tastes real I can't believe it's not crap can't believe it's that crab really fake [Music] hmm [Music] check this out I like this little alley and it takes you to a shop at the end of it it does it just doesn't match with where we are look Wow [Music] yeah it's made from fish yeah it's not real crab but it's made from fish so it's kind of real [Music] but it's not alright let's go let's get out of here [Music] Wow you know sometimes you have to just kind of look off of the main track here look at the alleys this is the market look at that a Leawood with some house plants and trees at the end of it very interesting hey Jedi Mack John let me cover some of that big crappie who are you you definitely did thank you Jedi Mack big crab free meat brought to you by Jedi Mak follow the fake crab meat to the next destination [Music] it's good are really really good [Music] all right um so oh wow they got some tempura going on here oh it says look here they've got some tempura going on here that's a deep-fried crab stick that's a deep-fried crab stick so what is my what is my opinion of code on one market and what is your opinion of Kodomo market do you think this is the place that you would like to go is this should this be high on your destination list for going for visiting in Osaka leave a comment below and tell me what you think I'm curious [Music] I think we can eat really well but hit the ATM before you come because it's a little pricey create soy milk tone you doughnut baked crab beef one of the things that you might want to try here is fugu puffer fish you can you can try it without having to go to a restaurant and spend like 50 60 70 dollars you can get that here for like $10 just try a little bit of it I think that's kind of a that's kind of neat if you're worried that the puffer fish might have poison in it you're gonna ask to see the chefs credentials and then we'll show it to you and then you could you can relax and go okay I won't die but in general in general you in general but this chefs no not in general what am I saying all fugu chefs have certification and have gone through training courses so you don't because they have to because they're dealing with poison hazardous materials yeah they're dealing with hazardous materials so yeah here's a fugu shop right here and you can see the fugu that's a lot of fugu maybe gonna want to buy from this shop if they're selling it [Music] mother's farm fish mass at this farm fugu I'm not sure this from Nagasaki from Nagasaki the best fugu comes from shimonoseki which is down in the bottom of Yamaguchi Prefecture and WETA because of the bone goes straights there the currents are pretty strong so that the fugu have a good flavor to them so I've been told butchy Moana Seki has the auction for the fugu and that has always been really highly recommended so she Moana Seki would be the capital of pufferfish Gugu not Tokyo or Osaka but that doesn't mean it's not gonna be really good alright guys I hope you enjoyed this livestream we had a lot of fun I'm full I ate so much yesterday that was a really good breakfast once again hit that like button if you liked these market runs and then we'll be sure to to take you around some more look at the octopus baby octa-pie on a stick $5 for one I believe they put a quail's egg in the head so before they boil them I found out the secret that's meant ICO that's editors yeah not salmon this is some long strips of salmon I thought that was meant ICO from the color Wow [Music] this part of the markets a little bit pricey [Music] all right back to Tokyo I go Merry Christmas everybody I'll see you in another livestream for sure as we have our live streaming Christmas coming to an end the holidays traveling is so much fun to leave me a comment below as I said and I'll see you again real soon [Music] look at those socks gotta get kunai present bye guys [Music]
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 71,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, osaka, kuromon, market, morning, kuromon market, fugu, street food, shopping, review, namba, dotonbori, area, view, shop, daifuku
Id: vWPzYIv4t5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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