Akihabara Street View Adventure | Maid Cafes, Game Arcades, Electronics

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greetings everybody welcome to akihabeera this is where you find a lot of manga anime game centers various amazing stuff from modern pop culture here in Japan and we're gonna be going out and showing you a walkthrough of this amazing area but it's not limited to that kind of stuff alright we're gonna go through some of the history boom here we are welcome to Akihabara I'm now going to the dinky town or the Akihabara dinky guy area now it's no longer like that anymore let's get out of the station Aki Hobbit has changed a lot over the last 150 years just like any other place and we're gonna be looking and looking at all of that in the next 45 minutes on this livestream as we enter Akihabara alright welcome to the dinky town or the Akihabara danke guy exit there you go pretty cool now this side is very light it's a very bright very vibrant lots and lots of manga/anime on the sides of buildings this this electronic shop is now Lobby but a long time ago it wasn't but the this the shape of the building has stayed the same since the 1980s it's quite an old building it's kind of cool it looks like you're going through a hamster tube one of my favorites that hasn't changed but this one which is called radial Chi con right radial kite con right there has changed a lot back I guess it's about five years ago before they did they read up redid this building it was a very iconic sign and they kind of retain that through that yellow sign there with the red mochi the red text says rage red Rajee oak icon Akihabara and yeah radio came before TV so we're going back a long long time in history now I'm gonna show you a little bit about this area and give you some of the history right now before we start before we start this here is the Akihabara station area the station is quite big it doesn't X right here and what you can see on this line is this is the SOBU line today hold on one second this is the SOBU line which goes towards Asakusa Bashi and out towards chiba and this is the Yamanote a lion i believe and right here is the condor river and this is very significant and you're going to be know i'm gonna tell you why the condor river is very important to the city of tokyo all right [Music] no Akihabara is very famous these days for being a manga an email Mecca Center so to speak and it is true it's it's a very important almost a sacred place for people who love manga and anime but there's so much more to this place now the history of Akihabara as the location is that it was right next to one of the gates of Edo which was the old capital of Tokyo we're talking like like the 18th century 19th century okay and then there was a big fire in the year 1869 now Tokyo had a lot of fires back then and you can imagine that all the buildings made of wood yeah a lot of this stuff burned down and they just rebuilt and it was sort of just a common way of life in in all cities around Japan you made stuff out of wood you have fire you cooked things burned down in 1869 Akihabara in this area burned down and they rebuilt it and that's when the name Akihabara came about it was not called Akihabara originally was called Aki Baga Jabara hey hello is it Aki Baga Hara I think now Akihabara the kanji for Akihabara means Aki means autumn for Akihabara leaf and Hara means like a field so it means like an autumn leaf field and I'll show you right here why this is a picture of Akihabara way back in eighteen in the 1880s I believe and you can see up here on the top right sorry the top left of the photo there's a big clearing a big field do you see that right there that's Akihabara that's sort of what it means and a lot of it burned down as I said earlier so maybe that's why there's a big field there or something a big hole in the middle of a of the city of Tokyo or a dough at this time but the name Akihabara means autumn leaf field and this is what it looked like before and this is what it looks like now it's pretty crazy things have changed a lot since the 1880s Nike hop at a station which you see right here this Akihabara station opened up in 1890 was started construction in 1888 and it was from this that the area really grew because once you put in a train station things move pretty quickly and then the population started to increase Commerce started to increase and at that time this area was starting to boom because it was just outside of this Conda River now the Conda River goes around the Imperial Palace this is why the Conda river is very significant the Condor River is kind of like a moat around it so there's the the areas inside the Condor River closer to the Imperial Palace and then there the areas outside of the Condor River which kind of meant that you were like a lower level Samurai if you're outside of the Condor River and even today there's kind of this this feeling for real old-timer snobs that if you live outside of the Yamanote day line then you kind of don't have a lot of money in your lower class and if you live inside of the Yamanote a line or on the Yamanote the line you're better and then I think it was in 1995 or 1996 it said okay you can live three stops away from the Yamanouchi line so this is kind of like thinking that some of the older aristocracy has with living inside of the center of Tokyo and it still kind of exists today now this this road that you see here is chool duty and chool Duty is the main avenue that goes through this side of Tokyo meaning it'll go straight if you go straight it'll take you to wayna and if you go the other way which is behind me it cuts right through Ginza so this this road I believe if you go straight will take you all the way down to Shinagawa so it's quite quite an important road but in this area of Akihabara the most famous thing here is this crossing here because you can see above it that's the Chuo line and that's a jewel line I think I told you a little bit before that cuts across from Shinjuku going towards Chiba and every couple of minutes you'll see the train roll by and we see it right now but I'm gonna take you this way we'll see the train roll by and we'll get a chance to take a look at that on the way I told you this wasn't just gonna be about like manga and anime and stuff like this I'm gonna take you on a real tour oh there we go it's kind of a cool picture if you stand over there on the other side you can see the saiga world and some of the other anime manga billboards with the Chuo line going by it looks like a real city you know like on the move that's what we're doing right here now before I cross the street and go over towards before I cross the street and go over towards the maid cafe Ali I want to show you this right here in this area of the city this area of Akihabara it it's quite famous because historically Akihabara was after World War two were all of the all of the black but not all of it but a lot of the black market stuff was sold here because this area was outside of the jurisdiction of the government basically everything was because there was no government after World War two but people still needed stuff and they came here for electronics and home appliances and that that image of Akihabara still exists today although it's somewhat overshadowed now by the otaku manga anime kind of and gamecenter kind of thing but the electronics has always been part of Aki Hobbit as DNA going back to World War two and because the black market stuff was sold here at first that meant like entrepreneurship really took off in Akihabara entrepreneurship was always big here and you still see it in all the little maid cafes all the big maid cafes and in mom-and-pop shops people with ideas will start businesses here in Akihabara it's kind of a place where you can launch stuff that feeling comes all the way back to maybe a little bit before World War Two and then after World War two and a lot of these shops our family owned like they've been here forever and they just serve they sell I'm not I've seen this guy before but they just sell I think he's the son of one of the owners I can't quite remember kyushu dinky but they they sell like all sorts of random parts and this isn't what you would think of Akihabara I don't know in 2018 but it's what you get in Akihabara if you kind of look through it I'm gonna take you quickly I'm gonna just take you quickly through through one of the alleys here you can see just walking around it's just like electronics like stuff that you can get at a hardware store or a home center but it's all owned by mom-and-pop shops I think they love LED lights here check it out they love LED lights here and this is obvious like weights these are all part of the history of Akihabara I'm coming out now just little electronic stuff a lot of it is used or recycled or sometimes new and it can still compete with the big big electronic store which I'm gonna show you a little bit later but this is this is part of a key Hobbit as den a a lot of it has been torn down but these little little Shack looking shops in the front that these go all the way back to World War two and you'll see these and not they don't really stick they don't really stick around a lot of them were destroyed or a lot of these little shops are taken away when they built they redid the station but these these shops were all over the in front the front of the station thus the exit that we end we the exit that we came out of is called dinky town or Electronics town because this is where it all happened it's pretty cool [Applause] so with the increased in entrepreneurship here in Akihabara a lot of a lot of businesses were coming here people came up with an ideas would start shops from this came elect home appliances and when that that got kind of old like selling vacuum cleaners was not really the future they started selling computers and it was in the 1980s that the computer industry was just booming here in Japan and if you cross the street here what you're gonna do on the next traffic light when you cross the street here you're gonna see still remnants of the 1980s so this is the remnants right here of world war after World War two and we're gonna be going to the remnants of 1980s which is a little bit further because this real estate was already taken so entrepreneurs moved further outside on the other side of shuo Avenue so we're gonna go over there in a minute don't worry I got lots of stories to fill I have to fill the time but with with the tourism explosion it has increased like four hundred percent over the last ten years these electronic shops they don't just sell lights anymore they will sell like tourist stuff so you'll be able to pick up like samurai t-shirts like magnets and stuff look at that that's pretty nice which is good because I like to support local businesses and if I can see something like this maybe other squishies that's soft so we're gonna cross now sure we'll have anyone go into the 1980s hey thanks everyone for the super chats I seldom coming in I'm talking so much I'm not looking back and seeing some of your questions that's true a lot of the owners so a lot of the owners in the shops the thief's they've sold out to move out of this area and they've sold to businesses some of them immigrants coming from China and other places around Asia so this this is something that you'll see all around the city of Tokyo if you go down yakitori alley in Shinjuku which is called omoide yokocho I'd say half of the businesses there I'm not really sure the number but it seems like half of them are owned now by Chinese immigrants that have moved to Japan recently and you can tell in the quality of the food now that it's bad it's just different you know it's just different so you'll see a lot of these shops are not owned by the same families that founded it after World War two all right guys now we're gonna be walking down towards the computer area and it was in the 1980s in the end of the 70s in the 1980s computers and cameras started just taking off and they needed a place to sell it so because Akihabara was already known as the home home electronics area home appliances it seemed a natural place to put the computers so the result was that you get a lot of computer part stores and as we make a right here I thank you Derek as we make a right here you're gonna start to see that DNA from 40 years ago this is also a famous street known as being I like to call it made cafe alley because you'll just see a hundred maids out here trying to recruit you into their maid cafes a lot of the maid shops the maid cafes they can't afford to be on the Main Street over there so they come a little bit deeper just just a little bit deeper I have good memories of this underneath the CHEO line right here not because of the Kentucky Fried Chicken but because I did a main channel episode at this mystery vending machine about a year ago at Christmas time I bought all my Christmas presents here it was pretty fun so I want you to check definitely check that out but I interviewed the CEO the guy who made this concept and he showed me what was inside so you get to see what you can actually get inside of it and how random it is but these machines are all over the city of Tokyo the problem is if they're ten dollars for each one hey Brooke Fester's in the house I would be cool if you could run it if I could run into you somehow you never know I'm all over the city I'm all over the city I want to thank Derek and Asian movie enthusiasts already thank you very much for the support all right now we're gonna walk down the computer and see some computer parts and then take a look at the maid cafe now the mate cafes don't start going for a little bit longer but there are tons of game centers here a lot of the businesses moved onto the side of Costra Chuo Avenue so this these are two game centers that have been here forever I don't know how long they're gonna be here though because people just don't come down this way very often there's not as much foot traffic as there used to be back in the 80s because if you want computer parts you could just order it directly from the makers these days so what you got is a lot of video games in this Tokyo leisure land and you have a lot of gotcha pom UFO catchers just stuff that people can people can use their money on really quickly that is slightly creepy slightly let's have gotcha pawn and we're gonna be passing one of them adult videos which is also part of the 1980s as as the computer industry started to slow down I'm sorry it was in the 1970s that and this is coming from people that I know does that a lot of history about what Akihabara was like in the 60s and 70s and from what I learned from talking to people in Japan this is a smutty area where there was a lot of action going on where you can buy things that was a though that's for adults only and that was the image of Akihabara in the 60s and the 70s and it was the 80s the computers that kind of brought it back to reality with selling stuff that was you know non-human so that's Hamada dinky I never heard of them but you can see in the advertisements they're selling lots and lots of electronic products there's SD cards these are little these are a lot cheaper than the than the main store these are parallel goods probably sold in the United States or something and brought here there's lots of stuff that you won't find in other places like note about your camera which tells all the mainstream stuff and what we got here Sukie lumo electronics there's another electronic store of course they put of course they play in ramen you know there are these shops that have come up here here's another it says here it's really cheap it says up there the red the red says cheap and they just sell like used parts for computers and things like that alright already we're starting to see some of the mains here some more computer stuff now down this street you're gonna see more computer you see here just like if you ever needed just one part of the computer you could probably find it down this street and this street I've come down here many times looking for use two computers but I never actually by the used computers I don't know there's no warranty there's there's the another entrance to a tsukumo electronics store right but they're doing construction here and this had even more computers so all of the new apartment housing and management by the way this is a very famous tonkatsu breaded pork cutlet shop awesome it's a little pricey $20 for a bowl but it's really really good people have been lining up the shop doesn't even open for another hour for another half-hour it's pretty crazy right all right I told you that the alley this is known for computers from the 1980s but after the 1980s in the computer boom started to smirk and you can start ordering stuff online and Gateway came in and Gateway was kind of disruptive in the 90s that's when you know the manga and anime industry started to boom here and it kind of helps that Akihabara is not that far away from Jimbo Joe and it's not that far away from all the publishing houses Akihabara is sort of in the center it's within walking distance to Jimbo Joe which is where shoe ashes which is where one piece is made which is where shown and jump is made I featured them in a video last year when I got to to go into the editorial room I'm I'm the only journalist that's ever been inside to the shounen jump editorial room like Japanese or foreign so it's kind of a big deal you might might want to check out that video but it was in the 1990s that this started to become the otaku center or a sacred place because manga places started taking the place made cafe started to open up to take the place of those computer stores that one are going out of business because the computer industry and the electronics industry was changing so this seemed to be a natural place to feel close to the publishers but also have everything right off the Yamanote a line it's a very convenient place so I'm gonna walk through I'm gonna put the wide-angle lens on this side and you can't really not supposed to film the maids but I'm not gonna actually film them they're just gonna get in the way but you're gonna be able to see them and you can hear them sometimes shouting to get to attract you to come into the maid maid cafe there's one on the second floor there they're trying to get people to go in there they're recruiting so oh this one is made dreaming but in general I'm not gonna show anybody's face but you can see this is an ally who think girls will come out and try to recruit especially foreign tourists to come in just one in purple on the right and what you can do is look at the look at the brochure and see if you're interested in it that's sort of what what I do now I don't I don't code him maid cafes anymore I used to go for a TV because I had to do it for reporting I did a maid cafe episode for NHK back in 2008 with my friend Patrick Galbraith and another youtuber at the time named Kevin Kevin Cooney Tokio Cooney was his name he's one of the original J vloggers here in Japan and he was part of he was part of the NHK show Tokyo I that I would do way way back like 10 years ago and we came here and we explored I think ten maids cafes is pretty unique but the thing with live filming in maid cafes is they often ask you to pay a media fee and they don't like the picture taken in fact they hate it and in fact if you try to film they will have their manager come out and if the manager comes out they just like make you not film they're like they're pretty it's pretty aggressive and that might go back to the 1970s when this was kind of a smutty area maybe those guys started running maid cafes I'm not sure but the entrepreneur spirit of Akihabara has always been alive like this right here you see on the on this side street right there this it just as LED so because this used to be a computer shop selling used parts but they know that they couldn't do that anymore because nobody was buying computer parts because you that all online so they turn the shop into an LED shop and all you can see is see it's like LEDs in fact they have an LED light that says LED on it which is pretty cool but also down here you'll get old you used computer parts and they still have them broken down you can find computer parts from the 1980s probably like the original Apple Macintosh is probably hanging around somewhere and in a in an office on the second floor it's pretty cool you'll also see a lot of maid cafes back here and it's it's hard for me too it's hard for anybody really to keep track of it I'm gonna just walk down here for a minute and then I'm gonna return back to the street because this is this is this is a unique area of Akihabara this is where the current culture has just fused with the otaku culture sorry the the computer culture is fused with the otaku culture so you see these tons of these computer shops and it's a lot quieter back here there's ice iosys yeah they they sell you stuff here you can negotiate you can't haggle with them but not too much further off of the real price and there you go it's fused in with made cafes that have started to take over with the computer businesses that no longer can afford it because no she's got a no way she's got a QR code on her back what I've never seen I've never seen a maid with a QR code on her back that's pretty that's pretty crazy so what do people do just take the smartphones and scan her back what I've never seen that before I've never seen that before oh this is alright there you go you can see you can see the train rolling by but this is where I got my gh 5 fixed my Panasonic camera broke and this is the repair shop so Panasonic has an office here for fixing stuff and that's part of the part of the history Oh this is the this is a weird maid cafe oh is this the ninja one this one I guess it's not it open yet but you'll see you'll see ninja dressed up as as maids and you can go in there just all of these really weird businesses on the second this is on the third floor of this building and this is a vape you can vape with the maids or something this is they have all these really weird concepts it's really weird I don't know I never heard anyone wanted wanting to vape with maids but if that's your thing there you go if you do look up on these businesses you will see first floor computers - our second floor second floor maid cafe and that's made dreamin which is the McDonald's of maid cafes let me take this off here maid dreaming as the McDonald's of maid cafes they're all over the place now but that doesn't mean that's a bad experience maid cafes can be fun and you know if people ask me is it worth going to make cafe and my answer is like I don't know I guess so the thing is that you know you can't really take pictures they're very protective of the privacy and I don't know why you think you'd want to promote it but that's like a Japanese thing where they don't want to picture taken and they don't want to be filmed up there alright this shop here is huge and one of the reasons why I came down the street was to get a view of it coming towards it do you see the pac-man and the Mario Brothers up there I think you could see was it Metroid some other games that's super potato and super potato is famous for being a place where you can buy retro game controllers retro game consoles you can buy lots of retro everything is in there and I kind of went in there in my retro game episode on the main channel which you can check out LED it's open from 11:00 so it just opened right now I'm not gonna go up there because this is a torque from the street view of it but it's a pretty cool place and I think it's worth stopping in even if you're if you're not really interested in retro games I think it's something like if you were if you were a gamer in the 1980s or a kid growing up in the 80s this is gonna take you way back down memory lane there you go they have they have the like original Atari games for example up up in there that you can buy it's really cool all right now now they're out in force I think so I think if you come down this street you're gonna be able to see lots and lots of different experiences lots and lots of different maid cafes that I think I'm gonna give you pretty unique experience you know each cafe is very different each one has its own attraction like there's the the vape with maid cafe there's the ear cleaning cafe there's the vamp vampire maid cafe there's the there's the maid cafe where the girls are really boys cafe which is a which is pretty interesting I did them with Rena HK surprisingly there it was a very fun time maybe not surprisingly so there you go that's maid cafe alley you can see the Chuo line chugging up chugging along up there it's a pretty cool street and it's worth walking walking off Chuo Avenue walking off the Main Street to come this way all right off of that Ali is one of the big yeah how you doing thank you where you from New York okay I'm actually live streaming yeah my friend told me Oh chase you doc you did it you found me off the alley yeah how long you here for what okay what do you think about you hey bruh it's better than what we got in New York yeah wait you which part in New York you from Oh specifically the bonus okay but uh I work in Manhattan okay a lot of people have been asking me to compare parts of the city of Tokyo with parts of the parts of Manhattan or parts of New York City is there anything of any equivalent to New York like Akihabara or no no Osaka has a place that is called shinsekai which is similar to Akihabara way but I think actually how that's pretty original yeah we don't have electronic stores like this not at all if we did at one point yeah yeah now with the price point well and then we walk around the station and all these mom-and-pop shops are still staying in business selling electronical parts it's pretty cool what's your name Noel Noel nice to meet you too I got to keep the tour going of course all right nice to meet you too very cool now this is a very big at home cafe and at home is one of the big chains that this is not made Rieman but they've become quite big because they were the first made cafe back I don't even know I don't even know the history behind this I'm leaving I'm not even gonna try to know the history of at home cafe but the first one was opened up in Don Quixote which we're gonna walk by in a minute and this one just looks beautiful look at the door entrance it looks like something out of I don't know son centriole and/or Disney and you can see you can see here they've been recommended in TripAdvisor and they have maids flashing on the screen so they'll probably get you to come in if you see see the screen and on how fun it is inside and I've been inside it's pretty fun I like how they put the price list and everything is very clear college students have a discount high schoolers also get more of a discount so the younger you are the the cheaper it becomes adults are almost double the price as high school kids that's funny preschool and babies are free what that's not fair I don't know that's just for entry by the way you don't get anything for entry now the menu is very very clear if there's three items drink dessert and food it's that easy and then they have sets down here and this is the the latest prices the food is super cute I haven't seen this one before this is the the cutie puppy curry set potato salad is included hey the fruit cocktail mini parfaits but it looks pretty good and I gotta say the cutie toy poodle looks good too I don't know just like it just it's a couple of pancakes but it's just made a little bit better when it's at a maid cafe and there's an armed rice omelet rice good yeah so that's made dreamin I'm gonna clue then across the street here this right in the back hey Cory thank you very much Cory I'm gonna cross the street here and take you to a little bit more of the alley before I go towards Chuo Avenue behind me is Chu Avenue another big intersection but there's one thing I want to show you and it's right on the corner here I this this intersection and this kind of in etosha you've seen etosha is a car that has manga and anime on the side of it that's kind of a neat touch that it's not it's not a very good one if I could see a Natasha he'll be pretty cool all right so this this shop is where I said goodbye to my friends what's inside the first time I met them to do a collaboration to cut open to cut open a gotcha pawn machine so you might want to check that out on the western side channel we cut open a gotcha pull machine it was epic like I didn't even know that that how these machines work so it was pretty cool to buy one and then just like basically just it's like smash it open now this vending machine serves Odin that's a little pricey I've seen it a lot cheaper but this is they also oh this is a Tsubasa they sell like at Tsubasa Oden this one is warm make sure you when you do buy you get the warm one because it's just a little bit better when it's heated this one is the cold one and it's okay inside I believe there's a little stick that you can eat it with they used to have ramen in a can hear it's Oden is like vegetables and like miniature eggs they're like fish cake and things like this and it's all simmered and a dashi sauce like a fish soup stock this one else has daikon which is Japanese radish in there it's served in the can it's a pretty good meal and the reasoning behind the kid the canned food was that look otaku don't got a lot of time okay they don't have a lot of free time when they come here they want to just eat and they don't to waste your time eating they want to go to the maid cafe but they need energy and the idea is a canned food is a quick cheap meal because they don't got a lot of money they want to spend their money on on maids and and and manga they don't want to spend their money on on food who'd want to do that so they've ramen in a can is popular but I haven't seen that in a couple of years this that's pretty much all it is this street is famous for this this is Avada soba where Randy santel who is a competitive eater we came here and they made a mistake we didn't eat at this shop we went to another one but this is a very famous ramen shop it's actually soba but it's pretty much like ramen and they don't have any soup this is the weird thing with this ramen it's just like willy ramen you see here oh that josh looks so good oh man it's getting close to lunchtime - yeah I bet a soba it's very famous this one is always packed always packed all right that's all I wanted to show you if you keep walking down here you're going to discover some history basically old shops that are still in business new shops that are just coming into business but it's that this street is a hub of entrepreneurship where you're gonna see a lot of neat stuff popping up and it's off of cue Avenue which is right there so we're gonna go right now back to Chuo Avenue and then you're gonna see kind of like the circuit that we went on this is what I call made cafe alley which used to be computer parts alley and then right down there it's a pretty colorful you want to get off of choo Avenue and explore the side streets like going off Broadway there's the at home that I just showed you it's a cute little cafe holy moly look at that I didn't realize that that this building the at home is pretty much the entire building what boy that made cafe student really good so we're walking back to Chuo Avenue see if we can see in etosha etosha are otaku cars cars anyone ever seen in etosha they call them etosha the word etai means to hurt like ouch and sha means car right it means vehicle so like in etosha means like it's so beautiful to them it hurts car like etosha it's pretty it's pretty cool if you can see a good one the cold car is covered and anumana anime or manga I'm not sure if it comes from an anime if it comes from manga I'm not sure some of the characters there's so many manga and anime characters I just can't keep up but this looking back from across the street is pretty it's pretty epic photo of the city of this area of the city it's pretty it's pretty cool it's pretty cool I'm gonna stay on this side of the road in the center of the screen as everyone is walking by you can see that big structure right there that's Yoda Bosch camera that is the world's biggest electronics store it's huge it's literally a city within a city it's lots of cities within a huge mega city each floor is its own city and if you ever need to get something like brand new or like a new camera that's the first place that you go because they got everything in there Yoda Basha camera the Akihabara one is massive but their first shop was in Shinjuku and if I buy it if I buy cameras equipment I never buy it in Aki ha but I always buy camera equipment in Shinjuku because Shinjuku's that's where the first yota Bosch camera is and Shinjuku has a lot of used camera shops this is pretty neat to go around there and compare price is with the used ones especially for lenses and for camera bodies just a little bit older you can find some good stuff now we're walking down shuo Avenue here here's some more software companies soft map is one of the one of the competitors to Yoda Basha camera and I think they were bought out by big camera yeah this soft soft map was bought out by big camera so now the two companies are together big camera is yoda mesh cameras biggest competitor the two of them are pretty big and lobby which is yamada dinky is kind of the third case dinky is out in the countryside and that might be even bigger than all of them Ches dinky has a lot of outlets in Japan just not in Tokyo if you have seen the video of me going to a particular shrine one of the hidden shrines of Akihabara and you know where I'm going right now ah there's some use laptops that's pretty cool you can see lots of different kinds of laptops that they have on sale here lots of different colors check that out hey Eric Kohler runs in the house thanks Eric they ate why loves thank you as well so we're getting closer to a shop on the right so that looks really good well look at that egg just Japanese eggs are orange and they're so nutritious they got so much vitamins in them compared to the ones I always feel like the yellow eggs are not as good as the as the ones that are bright orange now that right there everybody is donkihote this has been here for a long time it's a staple of Akihabara it's a little bit away from the station but you can see there's the donkihote mascot right there Don Quixote or as we just call it donkey that donkihote is where the first made cafe was opened inside of here made demon wait hold on a second well I second I want to get my history right the first big cafe was not in here but the first of the at home was inside of here the first made cafe is no longer here anymore but that was opened up right over here so I want to get the history right you have to be careful with the history but it's pretty cool inside of here you'll still see on the sixth and seventh floor game centers and there are some retro games in there up in the up in the top stories and there's tons of foreign tourists buying Japanese snacks in there because this is probably the cheapest place to get Japanese snacks to take home a lot of them are really light they don't take a lot of weight in your suitcase there's also an AKB woody hate what oh that's their new signal single that came out sorry the akb48 cafe is down this way and we're gonna be going back towards Akihabara station in about five or ten minutes so just stick stick around this tour is not even close to finished it's very cool you can just buy when you that the further you get away from monkey habitat station the more you start to see the figures start to come out onto the street they just spill out here you can file sorts of weird stuff neat stuff stuff that you've never seen before UFO catches on the street old iPhones let's see how much what is it what are the prices on this oh so it's not really like it's not really a big difference I you know what I've always thought that buying used opponents was somewhat suspicious but there's tons of them here there you go here's another repair shop so you can get your iphone repaired I've never seen that before yo what's up yo I like that I like the gestures yeah it's pretty cool I'll check that out if Street Fighter up on the screen that's hardcore very cool I'll check it out old game consoles what that's an original I had that when I was a kid I remember playing on that thing this one's in color I never I couldn't afford the color one I was I was old school I was like black and white all right so Yukio there's a total total backpack so lots of little neat stuff novelty stuff you know stuff that you could probably buy on Amazon but it's just a little bit cheaper here because it is probably sitting on on shelves for for ages I here's a retro game camp that's pretty neat I can hear those Elda music there you go Mario's in there they have tons of old games check that out what oh man I'm getting flashbacks I know that they're pumping out this music to get you to come into the shop you can hear the old Legend of Zelda music in there from the Nintendo the original Nintendo this is I think the original Zelda came in a gold color I think is pretty cool Super Mario Brothers 3 up there some more so figures see any big and you can get that you don't have to get them at New Year's but they have the lucky bags the lucky fuku doll this one is a one-piece look at all just everything in here is one piece so you can get that for 3000 yen lots of different things just mystery bags full of stuff very cool oh this is around word I think this is where the first made cafe was I forget what it was called I'm sure Wikipedia has it but I'm I think it might have been in that building or it was more towards suea hey dojo and we're getting closer towards suey hey dojo station again here's another here's another electronics a computer parts store with the flashing light and the reason why the lights flash like that like that here in Tokyo is because is because of the the wavelength the voltage is 100 and it kind of flashes unless you have a shutter speed of 100 and it's hard to do that on the iPhone that looks suspicious do they eat hedgehogs I don't know but we're gonna be walking back on that side of the street I don't want to know no no so this is on choo Avenue walking towards Sue Ann hey dojo station and believe it or not if you're if you're riding on the hibiya line which is the gray colored line it might even be better to arrive at soo a hit otro station and walk back rather than arrive at Akihabara station and fight the crowds I prefer I preferred that way because it's a smaller station and it's a lot easier to get around now you can start to see the gotcha palm baby you can start to see it and these this and these gotcha pong just spill on the street like it's just it's just in the middle of the street there's so many there are lost of price reduction all stock only what what does that mean oh okay not lost but lots maybe they just kind of messed it up so we're gonna take a quick look into my friend shop which is gotcha Punk icon oh wow I've never seen this made cafe before this is weird like they get all of these concepts and they put it all together this one is all you could drink for 900 yen that's like $8 for all the drinks that you can drink it's an English - ain't so far I know it's a weird name this is st. universe starry skies sparkle there's our three words I've never seen put together and if you need energy you can just you know jump into a ramen place this one's pretty good this one's popping because it's lunchtime you pay at a vending machine get your ticket and then you present it to the staff and they give it to you there you go and this one has it in English so you can see the noodle textures between hard and soft that's pretty cool buddy kata-kata futsuu and yawa yah wah means soft and bunny cut this is very hard where they don't really cook the noodles for very long and I kind of like it like cutta cutta me there you go alright there's more now we're gonna go to my friend's shop over here I've been here many times it's because it's just one of those places that I filmed on the main channel and I got to meet I called up in advance and I got to meet the owner of the shop and he introduced me to so many unique Gotcha pone you're not allowed to film in the shop but I might be able to buy one what do you guys think the Gotcha pond go up like four stack high you can see if they go up four stacks high here and if you want to see the main main channel video on this you can check out i I went got you up on crazy and we splurge in fact in fact I have a virtual reality 360 video where I filmed in here and you can just spin all around and see all of the Gacha pong in one video they do have a lot of weird stuff and I remember taking my friends from what's inside in here we found some pretty cool stuff gotcha pawn is awesome yes we take a quick look there's some food it's milk some trains old sewing mascots like they're just random they don't make any sense at all well here's some hamster squishies [Music] and stamps what it's just like hard-boiled eggs what various eggs very different kinds of hard quail eggs white eggs brown eggs there's a unsend unsend chemical I don't know why it's it's been in a natural hot spring so it turned black a red egg why why would why why why would you buy that I always see something that just makes me slightly disturbed about the future of the world it's just slightly like because it's cool yeah because you know hard-boiled eggs are cool this is very famous so a lot of these are very famous in the entrance here I'm not gonna take you very deep in here but it's very interesting to see a lot of the different different ones this one has cats sitting which is really cool it's 300 yen maybe I'll get one okay hold on a second whenever I see cats I open up my wallet let's get one guys one two three all right here we go so this is a cat one I'm gonna I'm gonna head take just try to get one right here all right so 300 yen I'm gonna give this to Kenai just because there you go which one am I going for the black cat or the gray cat I want the I want this one Dora it's not taking it what do it no take my take my money take my money okay I might have another one hold on a second oh wait these puppies in a copper pretty cute hold on it hold it hold on a second hold on a second hey guys puppies in a cup what do you guys think all right you know what you know what you guys you you won't take my money cats well that's just fine I'm gonna go puppies in a cup okay this is 200 yen all right here we go ready gotcha gotcha pong boy this is hard take my money it doesn't want to take my money I saw a katana ah I don't need a day's your days ever you could eat a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's get that oh you got those a mess you could eat a with love Giacomo hey Donny ready aah hyah hyah get those Amos all right so I got this one let's see what it is I didn't actually ask him but he's such a nice guy that was that was the owner he said I have to do it with love slowly all right let's open this up and see what we got here I'm gonna do it out on the street okay all right this is a this is a dog and a cup I've never seen this before okay just keep rubbing it we got it okay guys ready it's mysterious which one which one that I want I was really kind of one of the cats I hold on a second which one is it boom that's not the one I wanted but they're all just so cute like why is he in a cup why is in a cup that's what makes it amazing hey guys welcome to Akihabara yeah alright that's that's just part of the fun of being that's just part of the fun of being here let me just say goodbye to him he's a nice guy uh yet the matza curio out today Wow think think you guys come to the shop definitely this is the best gotcha phone I got got your phone shop in Akihabara so you got to come here Wow I love that guy oh they found a victim the mate is taking that family to maid cafe do you see how they recruit you see you see a cute maid you're not from around this part you just followed them and she's taking them in this is may dreaming so it's kind of like the McDonald's of the maid cafes but yeah they just got they got sucked in to the cute maid cafe culture hey he can't you cannot deny it when its girl goes hello like what are you gonna do you become powerless it doesn't matter if you're male or female I'm just like whoa I got to see what this is all about it alright I'm gonna cross the street here we're gonna walk past it and we're gonna go to the secret shrine now I took you guys to the secret shrine a long time ago last year sounds that long ago and it became the first viral video on this channel believe it or not we had it which is kind of strange like yeah we do get videos that go viral on a livestream channel just which is pretty darn cool I love these these are the plastic food models but can see they make them really really life lifelike but check that out there's calamari like octopus on it very cool I've never eaten there cuz I'm not gonna eat pasta in Japan you get sushi tempura you got ramen katsu doll pasta what's that all about alright crossing the street right here this is soo a hit Oh JA the next stop passed on shuo Avenue would be way no you can see we're half a kilometer away from Akihabara station and now we're going back which means it's gonna take a long time to get back there isn't it but we'll make it okay across the street is a really delicious taiyaki shop do you guys know Tai yaki is Tai yaki is these pastries that look like in the shape of fish and inside of it is well you know what I can cross the street and cross it real back alright we're gonna run across the street just do it I don't show you what taiyaki is I'm gonna miss shun we're on a mission there you go that's taiyaki this shops usually has a line but there's no line right now but they're like a like a dollar it's it's it's one of the original street foods I know we gonna make it back I'll get we're making it back crusty Street here that could be a Natasha it's a pretty sweet ride yeah rabbit rabbit yeah there you guys yeah I knew he wants to rev it must be cop around we look back we just walked this whole thing guys we walked this whole street very cool now for the 1000 people that are watching this is pretty crazy we're you know we're gonna loop back and go go back to Akihabara station via the secret shrine now a lot of people have been telling me Oh John I can't get to the secret shrine I can't find the entrance is because bearers undergoing construction and there's been a lot of construction off of Chu Avenue you can see Chu Avenue when the lights turned turn red does not a lot of traffic and you can cross the street all the way down to Akihabara station we're going back that direction now the the secret shrine you couldn't find the entrance because they were it was undergoing construction and you should have gone in where I went out because the secret shrine of Akihabara is easily accessible from the exit and that's where we're gonna go first this time for all the people that came here and we're confused or they couldn't make it now I'm going to help you out with the secret secret entrance to the secret shrine alright there's some more game shops you're gonna see lots of figures as well Mario is a citizen of Japan and although his his name is is Italian there you go guys loads and loads of figures you can just buy these these don't come in boxes though but you can buy them here and they are available all right copyright music copyright music copyright infringement sorry I'm not okay wearing clear you get demonetized another gut check glad of the gotcha pawn shops have sprung up and they are competitors to my friend shop therefore I support my friends he's been running that gotcha Punk icon for like ever alright this is why I support gotcha Punk icon he has been he's been running that he's one of the entrepreneurs of this area of the city he's been running that shop for ever like decades ok you see right there that's not new that's why I support his shop and that's where it is off of the main Main Street and you can check in he gets all the latest stuff to this oh I got a stop right here this building has changed so much over the last five years ten years now up there is this is a soon did a maid cafe soon did a meaning like they'll treat you nice and then they just get angry it's like hot and cold maid cafe this what tell us again it's like maid serving curry that's really weird what that's interesting but up up here this was famous for having the I think was called nut go me or Nami I forget the name of the maid cafe we did this for NHK but if the may I went in there and she was really sweet then she got so angry at me like it was like I didn't do anything why are you getting angry of me it's because it's synthetic it's a sin today maid cafe and sin did it means like hot and cold the woman and some dudes like that I guess they also had when there was a Prime Minister of Japan who was famous for reading manga they had his picture up there as a banner it's no longer there he's no longer in power it's been a prime minister obey for a long time over six years now and this is the second run yeah soon did a TSU and de re google it it's lunchtime here in Tokyo so a lot of people are lining up to eat there's a soba shop and here's a tempura shop and you can see everything is just full that's ten yeah every seat is full right now because we've run into the lunch time period okay now we're getting close to I think this is it hold on a second we're getting close to the entrance all right here we go so there's Don Quixote right there you guys you guys fallin you pay attention now betatron there's Don Quixote right in the senator just scream I went in through this street and I walked this way now we're gonna go towards the end the exit which you can tell from this anime Liberty you see that now we're going to the secret shrine one second we need we need a wide-angle lens [Applause] there we go will wide oh by the way there's a very very old Street Fighter 2 machine if you feel the urge put in a hundred yen and play you won't be sorry it's ancient it's in its outside which is so cool alright beyond that pile of garbage one of the most unique shrines in all of the city of Tokyo check it out see I told you it's open and there's more trash alright this this alley has been under construction for a long time we might lose some of the signal but I do like they put this so you don't bump your head it's soft that's that's only the city of Tokyo things of this to protect you from hitting your head and there it is it's been completely redone it's much more accessible than through here and this entrance was blocked for a long time and it's open again it's open again because this is an actual Street this is this is considered a Street in Tokyo and you cannot block this except for construction or if you have a permit and there's a secret shrine of Aki Hobbit or right there guys it's still good and because the building behind it and the construction is finished this is a brand new building because it's all finished this has all been renewed except for the grades so this is all brand new marble that's not new these are not new but everything else is new and this just does a lot of trash around it I don't like that but you know what are you gonna do if you come here do you got a respect respect the area and keep it clean all right so there you go secret shrine not that much of a secret is it there's the gate right there and it's literally right off of the alley literally very cool all right let me take you back here and I'm gonna this is udx for those of you who are following this on Google Maps I'm now getting nearer them to the station and we're going well we're going towards udx which is a brand new expo hall and you can see it very clearly right there that's the building right in the center of your screen and they do have events there I think there might be a Pokemon shop in there I can't remember there are some nice restaurants on the behind Chu Avenue on this side I can hear the Yamanote wow that's not plastic food they literally just put out the real food that's pretty cool that's unique you don't see that very often in Japan Oh check it out guys this is remember I was telling you back and then like the 1960s and 70s this place was a little bit smutty there's a thing now that they have in in Tokyo and you do see these sometimes check it out they're like they're like cuddle cuddle cafes or something so this is on the ninth floor check it out look at that dude he's got a towel on his face and can't move and the girl in lingerie will cuddle with you but you can't see her so how do you know if that's really the same one you know you just don't know but it says here it makes your heart pound while you take asleep makes your heart pound that's just something just creepy enough it's really creepy but you know you might want to try it I don't know I'm just giving you the option don't tell connect I'm not going in there I don't need to go in there I got a beautiful wife ha ha ha I don't need to go into it me go in there I'd never do what don't even insinuate I'm just reporting what I see so what I do this is who sizzle that's my job so this is the this is the Don Quixote building that I showed you like 30 minutes ago that's Chuo Avenue where people are walking across right there and then there's the entrance that's no longer blocked it's right next to this shop here this one not that one that this one you can and you can't go in right now everything's been that building is is finished construction now so you don't have any problem I'm not going in that Karl shop you guys can throw me all this super chat you want I'm not going in there I did I did drink I did drink the water from a suspicious water fountain two days ago though you can see that on the on the channel they made me do it with super Chad's this is the pachinko place it does not look like a pachinko place but it is a pachinko place ah Kiba Island now Akiba going back to some of the history I showed you what Aki Havana look like back in the 1850s hey trekkers I will take the bullet for you I love you I love these live streams because we got the check that's Akihabara in 1888 I believe it's in the late late 19th century and Akihabara means Aki means autumn and ha means leaf and bara or Hara means field so it means autumn leaf field and you can see it right there that's a field and it probably burned down in the fire of 1869 everything burned down in Akihabara back in 1869 and they rebuilt the city and Aki how about a station was was built in eighteen started building in 1888 completed in 1890 and that really changed the city in fact this was not called Akihabara at that time back then they called it I guess just part of Edo it didn't really have a name and was after the fire that they they called it Akihabara out of out of respect to the I'm not sure on this you might want to google it I'm just giving you an advanced notice but to sum it up Aki Hobbit is named after the fire god deity and they had a Aki Aki Bosch Ryne is the name of the shrine Akiba shrine was here and so that's where you get Akiba Akihabara acaba comes from the name of the shrine but the shrine was moved to title KU which is near way no it's it's kind of on the side of huayna so this true Akiba shrine which used to be here is now way no it still exists I think they just moved the building you get you can check it out Akiba shrine a que iba Ginga Aki about Jinja Akiba shrine now the udx building is up here I've been I've been in here for many Expos and events sometimes as emcee of them which is something that you guys don't need to know I got other jobs I make a living there's a ramen place right there again not all the good stuff is on the Main Street the good stuff is off the Main Street never find stuff on the Main Street well that's not exactly true Fukushima has a tasting market right there Fukushima's reputation before everything that happened in 2011 was as it was like the grow the vegetable stand of Tokyo you can get all all of the vegetables especially peaches a lot of vegetables came from there and they still do because it's it's very separated Fukushima is a third largest Prefecture in Japan so what you think is happening on the coast is completely different what's happening on the other side of the prefecture but it's just really hard to know I'll just be honest with you it's really hard to know where in the prefecture it's coming from it's just a shame that they they when the the reactor melted down that they called it Fukushima they should have called it the name of the reactor the name of the town instead of the name of the entire prefecture because there's other prefectures that are closer to that zone well I don't want to I'm not laughing about it I'm not laughing about it but it's just ironic that they that when you hear the name Fukushima it affects the entire Prefecture but there's mountains there's valleys there's lakes and it's a third biggest it's pretty big it's like kind of a shame this is a Fukushima tasting market where they have products from the other side of the prefecture just saying let's go Fukushima yeah tasting market you can get ice cream and stuff in there they have a big dairy industry yeah if you do like this hit the like button let me know if you like these walking tours I've been doing several of them my favorite walk is from Shinjuku to Shibuya it takes about 45 minutes and you can walk past how did you go and Meiji Shrine which is really cool when you walk that's when you discover a lot more now I have had hundreds of people emailing me over the last several years to go there and I have never done it and this is the this is for you use several hundred people I'm gonna go up there bye bye stairs we're back at Akihabara station now and I've been asked to go here way too many times and I'm gonna do it in fact you can see it in the center of the screen and if you're following along in Google map I'm sure you know exactly where I am I follow these guys here we go this is the udx when they build this everything got really new and and really beautiful in this area so I'm a big fan of the udx building it's changed the look of this side of Akihabara in the distance right in the center is the world's biggest electronics store and you can see the platform of Akihabara station as people take eyes at the Yamanote day line yeah they take the Yamanote day line now yesterday I think the Prime Minister Abby gave a speech here when I was scouting this there was police there were police everywhere there you go guys I'm gonna go down the steps now just take a closer look this is for you an aerial view of the gundam cafe gundam and akb48 cafe right in the center of your screens see that nobody's there it's not a big deal anymore at least not to me hey silly num noms thank you very much I will be buying a treat after we finish this walking tour I could actually hit a vending machine as soon as we go around here I'm gonna drink from a vending machine you guys can help me pick it out how's that all right here comes the Yamanote day line in two that's the cake in tohoku line the blue one and on the other side is the Yamanote day line you can see the green train that circles the entire city Akihabara station was built in 1888 it was completed in 1890 and it completely changed this area because the amount of traffic to this part of Tokyo which is outside of the Kondo khandha River and the Condor River circles the Imperial Palace really increased thanks to public transportation in the 1920s I think they opened up the other other forms of transportation other connections to Akihabara yeah that is a Starbucks up there I've always liked looking at them I've eaten at this at this bakery many times via de France it's a chain but it's it's it's pretty good they got some good stuff in there this whole area is kind of still new and I think it was about six or seven years ago it was under construction for the longest time and when it opened up after all that construction we got this which is the akb48 cafe and shop and if you're into akb48 you are in luck because you can kind of go in here and feel that that closeness to them now they can't actually play the music outside because it's all copyrighted so they know I mean you can't actually even see it but you can see some of the pictures out here and so I got the shop but so they're selling these cards that you can see so if you're into it this is going to be your new favorite place it's your new favorite place and you got some of the idols right there from akb48 I don't really I'm putting the wide-angle lens the other way I don't really know much about akb48 other than one of its talents I think ran over a bicyclists the other day after drinking and it cost a big scandal here but here's some akb48 food let's take a quick look all right there you go doesn't say the price is on here that's kind of cute I like how they've on the seaweed they've made a symbol on there kind of a character I don't know much about this but there you go for those who like Gundam I say it like that because I've been corrected and and corrected again many times on how to pronounce it I really don't know Dondon this is the gundam cafe and yes they have one in Akihabara and they have one in in Odaiba as well Mobile Suit Gundam it's very that's that's it's it is an actually really cool anime if they put a lot of work into the effects and you can see what when they met you can there's a good shop so if you want to buy merchandise from here you can but they also have some got your pond outside and get some gone down stuff and there you go there's the logo for the Aki Hobbit a condom cafe and bar and I guess this one has a little bit more I don't know the one who died by I think is a little bit better I don't know whoa the Gundam food is pretty hardcore check that out what know is that here boy condom cafes was pretty stylish I had no idea this is almost worthy of a date I could bring a date here can I might doesn't really into the Gundam stuff but she could be the food's good there you go it's a gundam cafe this this came about I guess about six seven years ago when this whole area was renewed and there's the udx building right there now oh hey thank you that was pretty cool she's like like this yeah we watch your videos like ah that's pretty cool alright we're going down underneath here check it out there goes that the she s up machine con that is a Shinkansen the Shinkansen going underneath here we might lose some of the some of the traffic but you can go underneath the Yamanote de line and Akihabara station here it's pretty cool this one is for the Shinkansen and that Shinkansen is connected to wano station so it doesn't actually it doesn't stop in Akihabara but it connects to way no way no is the gate so one of the reasons why Aki Hobbit is significant it was very close to the gate of Edo back in the Adel period it's like we're talking over a century ago before the meiji restoration for energy restoration took place in 1868 i believe yeah 1868 and before then there was a gate to the city of a dome and a key how about it was right next to that gate but it was on the other side of the condor river i'm i keep going back to the condo river the importance to the history of the city of tokyo of the condor river is pretty significant outside the condor river you kind of lower if you're inside the condor river you're pretty you're an aristocrat you're pretty you bit your big deal nowadays though you know Akihabara if you live around here it's a nice location anything on the Yamanote day line is super convenient now we are at the footsteps of the world's biggest electronic store yota Bosch camera it is absolutely massive and I don't know if I can take you inside do I dare do I dare do that I dare not but I might and I'm gonna take you through that alley right there this is a street food paradise I might actually even get something because as I said like I'm getting thirsty and this live stream has been going on for almost an hour and a half this is pretty much the limit of Akihabara Aki how it will go go back deeper this way but you start to get to okatsu machi andwe know this direction and if you go this way I'm gonna take you and show you a couple more things before we end this livestream it's a pretty good circuit I'm gonna show you a bridge and where we can do another walk in the future this is the starting point of another walk excuse me now these bicycles just there's only one here right now but these are the Tokyo share bicycles this is the ride-sharing I guess bicycle sharing bikes and you can register these online there they're sponsored by DoCoMo they're Panasonic electric bikes there's a battery right there the batteries are usually charged it'll tell you how charged it is by pushing this button well there's not a lot of battery power left on that but these are battery boosted bikes you can rent these for the day the price is a little bit expensive but it's kind of fun to go around by bicycle just information packs if you want but if just go tokyo bike sharing or community cycle community cycling you'll be able to find it these came out like earlier this year I believe all right I'm gonna take you slightly inside just to this entrance okay it was raining this morning I'm really glad that the rain is I'm really glad the rain has stopped parking garage alright everybody we got a vending machine and you guys can tell me what to get there's one over here oh he's the one of the brand-new taxicabs they look like English cabs check it out you see that they're for the 2020 Olympics and because the the luggage that people carry was so big they had to increase the size of the taxicabs and these are actually much better there's more space in the back there's more space for taller people it's easier to get in and out and they can and as a result over the course of a day they can probably take an extra ride or two because people get in and out faster very cool they take credit cards I is not big in in Japan but uber is ultra ultra ultra convenient but they only have uber black here so if you're asking about uber it's about 35 percent more expensive I think than to take the regular taxicabs taxi cabs are really expensive in Japan but the starting price of taxis were lowered from about 700 yen to 480 yen so it's cheaper to the initial ride but the price is gonna be about the same because in the end you know unless you're going just two blocks the meter starts to go pretty fast I see that they brought back the coca-cola coffee is back in the vending machines I'm not gonna be going for that because I tried that before and it's really not to it Jennifer and I did a livestream on eating that I love this street because there's tons of street food here and if you take a look right here at this place called sweets paradise you can see here what Jennifer and I did was this ramen cake and it's 1,000 yen or about nine dollars and they also have apple pie gyoza which is pretty cool-looking they also have soba udon which looks like the instant noodle stuff but this is all cake believe it or not they have a mini ramen their mini ramen for 600 yen or about five five and a half dollars it's pretty cool have your baby printed on a cake there you go there's a a miso miso you don't check that out that looks not like cake but it's like an applesauce topping on top of it highly recommend stopping by here and checking out this is a crab egg cake but it doesn't taste like that it tastes sweet I mean Jennifer and I did an unboxing one of those and ate it it was really good this is one of my favorite doughnut shops because they have something here I'm just gonna go between these people here that's a creme brulee donut it's it's a creme brulee donut all right there's a line here I'm gonna see if I can get one they're so darn good I don't know why Tokyo has creme brulee doughnuts but I'm really really glad that they do yeah YUM is the word that's the right where I would have put it YUM and this alley way kind of goes between the station you could see inside of Yoda Bosch camera the biggest electronic store in the world you can also get takoyaki here they're always making it which is very very cool check it out this dude's going to town he loves to play with those balls look at that boom look how fast he is turning them just sizzling in the gas powered stove underneath it it looks very good and there's the final product they cost about they're a little bit expensive at this this is a chain they're about seven dollars six dollars for one what a croissant taiyaki okay so taiyaki is what i showed you before but this is a croissant version of it has custard inside custard is very good you can see in there making the croissant taiyaki right there you see right there they're putting together hey we got a doughnut thank you thank you for the super chat I'm gonna I'm gonna go around and get get a doughnut right really quickly hope you guys don't mind I have one more thing that I want to show you all right all right this is going crazy right there in front of us is the entrance to the subway that there's the hibiya line to Akihabara just so you know and get a viewpoint it's connected with the junior from this entrance you can literally come out of there you make a right and Junior is right there but we're going back for the doughnut and a drink and then I'm gonna take you to the final place that I'm gonna show you to end this livestream and this has been a lot of fun hey Gavin thank you I will take some questions after her my donut okay donut first donut then questions in that order for the fastest no no dude don't get in line don't get line don't get line wow these look really good - that's a matcha donut oh that's a hey New York donut this is a croissant doughnuts glazed from New York what it's this one very popular in New York but I'm not in New York I'm in Tokyo and in Tokyo you eat the creme brulee doughnut for 250 so that's what I'm going for just give me a minute I need to recharge the other donuts are pretty cheap these are only 77 yen each which is like I don't know like 70 cents that's pretty cheap for donut so this this this premia premier matcha donut is 77 yen that's pretty that's pretty cheap for a matcha doughnut a tofu tea thank you very much [Music] alcohol sanitizer [Music] keep it clean guys we're not taking a pit stop after this I'm gonna go to the vending machine we're gonna get a drink okay one more thing to show you we do like this IQ habit or give me a thumbs up let me know that you like this and I'll take you on other tours that might be back here naughty Hobbit because every season this place seems to change every year something new comes out creme brulee I don't I don't get it that's it [Music] right because I'm ass hi so you can each have any monster in my tummy mr. happy others I'm ass Dan dananana dananana alright so this ladies gentleman is a creme brulee donut brought to you into the light do you see the light that looks so good oh man cost me about two dollars and thirty cents let's put this thing down oh we got a lot to see okay let me put this thing down creme brulee doughnut I like how they blow torched it I think I approve it's crunchy on the top of it oh it's got that burnt sugar crunchiness on the top of it mmm a Gavin writes in his first super chat hey Gavin thanks much appreciate Brandon all right thanks guys ma'am no it shouldn't be so good why you do this to me I gotta eat another one I gotta go bagging it another one oh man look at the clean losing out of it the street food in Akihabara is not healthy do not look for a salad here we come knocking how about you're gonna be eating deep-fried meat pasta ramen nothing that's gonna basically coming off you have it it shortens your life by like a month every meal here Stuart delight by like a month oh man I'm taking bigger bites while I'm doing that you guys can pick out a drink for me okay this is a coca-cola vending machine we have some green tea bottled water real gold these are all made by coca-cola Japan and over here on this side kind of the same stuff iced coffee sounds good Boudicca [Music] a man I don't know if I want to go for dr. pepper this is a coca-cola coffee this is an adult flavored grape juice meaning it's not sweet I like that I like that hey yeah buddy are you just hearing a coincidence or what how many did take you to get here I've been doing this for almost two hours I've you should have gotten here a lot earlier ladies and gentlemen to the 1,100 people watching I present to you my life Japan Alan Welsh everybody all right everybody says hello well most people some people are saying one-one-one-one with me I don't know I don't know now if you read the live stream it gets you really confusing one one one one maybe it could be I think I'm gonna go for the max coffee and you know why because that has the most sugar of all of these drinks you might think that the Coca Cola ish is the most sugary drink now if you've ever had a max coffee you will know instantly the moment you put your lips on to the can that this thing is just pure sugar okay here we go and don't tell my wife that I'm drinking all this and eating all his crap she's trying to get me to to eat good food coming akihabara is not gonna do that here we go max coffee these coffees used to own you're gonna get your change these coffees used to not be in Tokyo these coffees used to be only in the north of Tokyo you couldn't get them in the city itself now max coffee which there's also a max Shinkansen that goes up towards Tohoku I believe well there you go it was this max coffee was along the max Shinkansen line and it is super sweet and right now I'm gonna put that what did you get no sugar gotta watch my weight watch your weight you're not behaving huh you want to split a ramen cake nah no you didn't you don't know oh yes he he was on the train and commuting on a second here we go all right cheers buddy long time no see I thought the creme brulee was sweet max [Music] what I did when I first came to Japan because I used to live in Fukushima in Iwaki Fukushima and they had these the vending machine they're just like the yellow color it's it it gives you a little bit extra a boost for 20 minutes but the letdown is real hard hey 20 minutes later like the crash yeah you need another one if you take a look here Alan they got the katsu don't cake ramen cakes soba cake you don't assess dream sweet dreams sorry sweets paradise sorry here we go ramen cake I like the mini cops Adan looks so and actually looks realistic and it's it's creepy eye trick I kind of tried to trick Jennifer and eating it there's a livestream that I did with that last year all right there's one thing I got to show the people what'd he have to say or did she almost go for it you see you try to get her to eat at these he almost eat it or how did it go you put food in front of Jennifer she'll eat it well 99% of the time she might not like it but you'll eat it all right I'm going to the bridge over there so yeah a little bit in Japan you should not walk and drink what why is that why shouldn't we walk and drink yeah there's no meow Turkey with me like like drinking water more commonly which is kind of bad manners bad manners so you shouldn't do it because it's bad manners this is Akihabara there's a lot of these guys don't take showers I think that's bad manners to stink right I don't know but I don't know I don't know why people some people just just so into manga anime they forget to take a shower and sometimes you walk behind them here and it's not the best walk so you walk you the faster to get in front of them or you walk real slow to let them pass just say it Aki how it is yeah I see Hyuk here how to say is my experience now this is the other side of the Yoda basha camera you know what that is oh that's that's Goku right from Dragon Ball Z or do you mean the dude in the shop no no I don't know what do you mean oh hey so if you want to get lunch sets and things like this and you don't want to eat where all the otaku are I recommend this area they have a love in this brand-new building there are tons of lunch sets you could see these posters out here some of them are yakiniku some of them are our taste shoku some of them are right here this one looks really good Allan introduced me to Oh Talia a long time ago this set will will set you back 1,000 yen are like nine dollars that's actually a steal okay I love karaage set you back that looks better that looks better on paper but Oh Talia is oh so good it's hard to beat them the last place I'm taking you is right there and that's where we're gonna end it we've basically done it a massive circle all the way to the pseudo ho sue a hit Oh Jo if you're watching this you might want to loop back and and watch the replay just to check out the beginning of this it's pretty cool to bring a thousand people along for this amazing ride if you haven't seen Alan's channel my life Japan it's one of the most under knots people more people should just see it I didn't know how to say it but I've been yelling at him for years I think they need to try to imitate me in the last one oh yeah the John impersonation awful job good dude do not watch his channel never go there stay away from it like the plague you know you because you always say the opposite if you say that then people will do it he's still doing it now this Washington hotel here across the street I know a lot of really useless information but this might be useful to somebody since we got people watching here Washington hotel has one room it's so special inside of that room is a train set and it's called the Train room I believe I don't that's I'm just calling it I believe and the train rooms on the other side of the hotel and you can play with the train all day long and it's one of the most popular rooms and most requested rooms in the Washington hotel if you come to the washing hotel and I can how about I ask for the train room it's probably gonna be booked but you never know alright here we go this is a shortcut that pretty much only locals know about do you know do you know where we're going to the bridge seriously direction ever I'm this isn't your neighborhood you're not used to this sides my my hood all right stop right near Allen do you guys see it on the left side there is a place where everyone's walking in and out it follows the tracks of the Shinkansen and the Yamanote a line and Conda station is 600 meters so you can walk to the next train station you don't have to ride the Shinkansen right the Yamanote a line now this bridge has been here for as long as I can remember and it's kind of a secret bridge that a lot of people will walk by and miss so I'm gonna take you on to the top of the bridge and show you the Condor River and then I'm gonna end this live stream really you've been in Japan longer than me now when did you when did you come to Japan mm oh yeah I got you beat by two years all right right there is there goes the Shinkansen the tokamaks making its way to Tokyo Station this bridge is one of the most unknown bridges I could put my drink right there as I show you this amazing place I'm gonna put the wide-angle lens on the other side so that's gonna be it from me and Alan here hahaha we had a pretty good trip that Denny's right there is pretty cool um a lot of people might not know but the Denny's right there you can sit outside and overlook the river here it's not the cleanest river in the world it's not the best river in the world it's a river it's kind of neat to hang out here it's a historical River this is circles the entire city and although the Tokyo is a trained City right we have a lot of train lines and subways this is also a canal city very much like not quite like Amsterdam but they do a lot of historically a lot of the Commerce was on the river on on the canals that went all through the city and this one goes around the entire city it's pretty cool very cool over there is to two things I want to point out one of them is is this really old shrine and and across this bridge is where the the vending machine house of horror is I've read Peter you don't know this stuff the vending machine house of horror what is that if you want to know click this link here that I'll put it at sometime in the future it was it was an episode I did a year ago almost a year ago to this day where Peter and I were horrified at what we found in those you don't know seriously yeah no not really no no no because on the second floor of the house of horror there's a homeless dude living up there and the only way that you can get up to the second floor is to climb to the top of the vending machine and go up there and it smelled like human human it smelled like old human no I we don't know we didn't go up there I wanted to go up there and check it out but you know I was prevented to do so by the law the law will do make you do strange things if you smell it it must be real that's um that's your that's the quote of this if you smell it it must be real if you smell it you're an IQ hockey how it is not smell this is not that this is not the best smelling Averett neighborhood not the best not the worst it's not the best it's not the worst if you do have some questions you can write them for the next 30 seconds I will answer them in one word or less because I seriously have to go we're at a hundred and seven minutes out of the live stream in the battery sink condor river Conda gah I'm not seeing that basically cuz I know the words do you know the words the Conda gawe no no our Kanagawa yeah g ck e is going vending machine house of horrors oh man you got to follow this channel click the subscribe button if you go over to go over to a year ago you'll find it that's one of the most fun live streams that we did it was a spooky actually some other youtubers after we did it went over there to do it and yeah set trends I'm sure somebody did it before me I just didn't research it I knew it from a friend of mine how do you put user's name and orange highlight it's called a super chat super chat is where people help me financially by cups of coffee yeah hundred of them let's see here any questions what is that lovely vending vending sugar the weird stuff in it oh that's the mystery vending machine the 1000 yen vending machine that that's an episode on the main channel you can see that why don't you get another doughnut yeah I will maybe I it's not an attractive thing to have cream all around your face I usually go to town and two bites I take them down allons challenge channel is my life Japan my life Japan mi li f ej apan he puts a lot of work and effort into it maybe too much because the frequency of it is like once every how often is a blue moon okay every week and I'm going back to my narrative and short skit format actually starting in two weeks okay cool so tune in yeah he's got some videos about living in Japan and skits that are based on real life but his background is like like real productions and you know like action rolling cut I attend the Steven Spielberg it a little too much but I kind of scaled it back make it nice and package of over you know yeah something so we both were hats there's another reason I like Alan should I John Dhabi yes you should backwards is backwards it's the way to go I can't totally pull it off you got some subs here thank you very much they said that Alan went to Japan in 2000 that's right yeah any questions about Akihabara or did are you growing a mustache no I just didn't shave this morning or yesterday morning this takes a lot of work people all right they're growing even are the Dutch it grows completely patchy and a peach buzzy just my curse that's why can I married me yes I saw join the Crystal Pepsi or coke clear coke clear winds it's better taste alright guys that's about it I don't see any more I shouldn't did it it's called a will you go to the yawn did a I don't know if it's called yawn today but there's one does it soon today it's called now go me I believe it's the name of it it's it's one of the weird ones and original maid cafes it's been around for ages that's still here I believe I remember walking in the Frannie HK doing a report do you know Kevin Cooney he was one of the original J vloggers I don't know if he's in Japan I'd love to hear from him again he's somebody who kind of inspired me to do more YouTube but the Kevin Cooney and I back on NHK world Tokyo I we went and did made cafe tour I wish that was on this is before YouTube was big I wish that episode was on YouTube 2008 because it's we did like eight or ten maid cafes in one episode it was insane one of them was a Sunday cafe where the woman she's your best friend and then she goes evil on you like she I'm five potato chips and then she she won't give it to me and then when she does she slams it down and breaks all the chips it's like what just happened and then and then the next moment I I pretend like I'm leaving the maid cafe and then she'd get real nice and start crying like people like to be messed up with the head I don't know but maid cafes they all have some unique like personality or characteristic to it that is what attracts people to it and soon today is a thing my friend Patrick who wrote the otaku encyclopedia Patrick Galbraith he's the one who got me in on the maid cafe thing and he has like $10,000 with the point cards because the guy goes all the time gotta respect a man who likes his maid cafes so much that he has $10,000 with the point cards just saying all right and lalu thank you very much get some karaage could I get lunch yes okay that's what I'm going for lunch thank you very much I appreciate that Tokyo Game Show is going on remember that's where we have a Tokyo Game Show main channel episode from 2013 was it 2013 right yes cameraman yeah he's like he was a cameraman for that that's 2013 the Golden Age did the makeover you're the makeover the eye of the Harajuku fashion episode allen's camera work save the day would have been really boring and the UFO catcher you're more the star of that one soft-spoken I have to see the UFO catcher Alan was in the UFO catcher secrets of the UFO catcher episode the main channel very cool yeah bipolar maid cafe that's what's in Gettys it's like bipolar it's weird check it out google it soon did it TSU and de re I gotta go guys this is where we're ending it if you want to walk from Akihabara to Tokyo Station you walk using this bridge and if you keep on going straight this way you'll get the Tokyo Station it's a pretty cool walk after you've walked Akihabara this is your next challenge and maybe the next episode of only in Japan go thanks for watching everybody have a good day good night wherever you are in the world take care thanks for the support the super chance guys and I'm about to get lunch so have a good one
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 499,512
Rating: 4.6731272 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, akihabara, tokyo, streetview, maid cafe, maids, at home, gachapon, electronics, Akiba, sega, arcade, retro, alley, history, station, akihabara station, cafe, restaurant, tour
Id: o89xFyOfTLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 23sec (6803 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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