Tokyo’s Toughest Days Ahead (Japan Travel Update)

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hello everybody welcome to my veranda balcony this is where this is where I can go out there's not a lot of places you can go out Tokyo is unofficially locked down in a way mayor Koike has asked us not to to go out a lot of the shops have closed shopping malls have closed kataoka places have closed this weekend last weekend they still stayed open even though she had called for a closed down and I'm looking out on the street right now and I don't see a lot of people there's delivery trucks that go by a lot of people on motorbikes delivering pizza uber eats is everywhere right now people are ordering their food in not going out taking any chances if I go like this oh yeah there you go and that that's a situation that we're in right now Tokyo has been spared of a lot of the problems hey everybody I see you coming online here I told you has been spared from a lot of a lot of the problems that Europe had had China had had Korea and in the initial stages but it looks very not promising right now and life has we were kind of geared up for that anyways can I and I were sort of ready for this we saw it coming and we have we have a stockpiled some food so we don't have to have to go out but we like to and that's hard just like everybody else who's in California in New York and the United States and Italy my viewers that have been contacting me from Italy over the last month that are just stuck at home send me messages and I can't say thank you enough because we're in the same situation now and we're learning from you which has been I knowing that there are other people out there going through the same situation makes this not as hard at all to just sit here and and just live in your house it's sad and it's not as easy as we thought right is it and say that because most of you have been doing it longer than me I have not ridden the the subway or any public transportation in over a month now we've been writing simply bicycles that's a good way to stay in shape even though the in the infection rate was not so high in Tokyo we still kind of had a feeling that maybe it's better not to do that Thanks Ramsey silent I see here from Wisconsin yeah you know um the daily rate of infection just past a hundred in Tokyo and I this is it I can actually say the word now but I just don't like to see b19 because it's just I'm just tired of it right like a lot of you are just tired of it but it's something I think that we have to stay up-to-date on and and I've been all we do is we watch we watch the news in the morning and then we turn it off and don't watch it again until the next day if we can help it it's hard now every day in Tokyo it's a hundred people coming up with the infections every single day just in Tokyo and you're going we're gonna see the numbers skyrocket over the next two weeks again there's no official lockdown and this is something that's worried a lot of people in Japan I speak privately on the phone to Japanese friends as well as kanai's friends who are all Japanese and we're all like scratching our heads like why isn't there an official lockdown and what well I mean what should if there isn't should we still go out shouldn't we Japanese will tend to work unless they can't don't work you know what I mean they need to be told not to do it and if there's no official lockdown the subways are still there less than before but there's still full and I've seen pictures from friends sending me of subway rides in the morning last week and people are still like this sitting next to each other on on the on the subway and there's no because you cannot tell them not to work right the economy must continue in the end the offices depending on the boss say come in or you don't have a job and unless there's a lockdown then they still some of the workers still go in and these are non-essential services so we're not at the same places where Tokyo and some of the other places are yet I I can't show you this graph here I'm gonna wait till it resets in a second I'm getting a lot of news from Kyoto kyo do has a really good website of news just specifically on Japan very good journalists there at least from my experience and you can go and check that out Kyodo news this is a graph of the infections from March 1st this is after the diamond princess which is no longer an issue it's gonna reset here it's kind of neat to see this this is Hokkaido and you can see here March 4th 5th 6th you can see a chicken which is Nagoya and came up now Tokyo is went down Osaka went up and now watch Tokyo just take over at the last part of of March and this has to do with more testing there's been there you go there's Tokyo I'm just speechless 700-800 so there's about there's over a thousand but there's a lot more than that we all know that there's not been a lot of testing I've had some friends that have had had fevers and felt sick and wanted to get tested and they couldn't they had to be have a fever for at least four days before they would even be allowed to come into the hospital and people are pretty honest about it they're not gonna lie about it so they don't people just don't go in and a lot of the people that have been catching it here in in Tokyo were at hospitals because if you just go in and and your infectious people are getting it there and there's just a lot of confusion right now in Japan just like in a lot of places we just not sure what's going on and and we're worried about it the streets are much quieter if you look on livestream if you go to our discord server we have a link a chat group where there's all not all of them but a lot of the live cams that are still working and you can see what it's like in in Shibuya should be a crossing or in Shinagawa or in different parts of the city of Tokyo and you can see there's not a lot of people on a Sunday they're typically there is but there's still a lot of people that are not staying in and actually the city is city center of Tokyo is not is is pretty much shut down but it's in the outskirts like I live kind of in a I would say suburbia nye this is central Tokyo but in a place where families live and we walked around yesterday because you can go out for exercises and walking and as long as you just separate and stay away from people and wear masks and people are meeting up with friends alright like konai and I live together but we're not meeting even her own family we're not meeting other people and people were meeting up with friends kids were playing on the playground was like the subway in the morning I've never seen so many kids playing on the playground running around it's no one was wearing a mask and this really like worried me and said what's gonna happen to this group in two weeks it's outdoors and it's not as bad but if they're in going in into indoors supermarkets were really bad last week lines nobody with social distancing and this is a new thing for Tokyoites right can i social distancing is not something people are used to because we in Tokyo pack into subway trains like this all right you got the persons next to you their face is like here okay it's not fun which is why I'm glad I do what I do in the donal I don't have to do a morning commute every day but for the people who do they're so used to it this is no emotion it's it's normal to be packed with somebody's like face against your face breathing the same air and stuff that's Tokyo and people are used to that and I go running at night like 11 p.m. when there's not a lot of people yaki emo trucks coming by I can hear the yaki you attract I wish I can go out and talk to the Aki emo guy but we're not allowed to talk can I very strict not to talk with people outside it's good which is good yeah a but when I go running you know I try to go away from people I'm almost like slaloming but there's almost nobody on it at 11 o'clock at night to go running and but you can tell that people they don't understand social distancing like they should probably just stay away from it but until in Japan we don't have that people are quite used to being close and that's worrying to me and this is gonna come to roost as I say in like two three weeks until there's an effective like lockdown like of people not getting on the trains for non-essential services we just don't have that here lasts yesterday again we went over a hundred infected in the day and again there's no discrimination on aged kids girls youngest ten and somebody in their 90's a guy was and came down with it yesterday and the Tokyo hospitals are not at capacity I'm according to according to the news from NHK world there are 700 hospital beds dedicated to this and all right as of Wednesday the 531 of them were occupied so there were a hundred and seventy beds still available for people who are coming down and when you say go to the hospital for this we're talking about people who need I see use and stuff so we're not at capacity yeah we're very close to it and Tokyo is working on getting 3,300 beds for this it's you we all know it's not gonna be enough from what's coming but Tokyo's so far is doing an effective job but they're feeling the crunch and when we watch the news and we all see it in Japan of what's going on in New York City our hearts go out and keep doing the the good job that you're doing the medical professionals and the essential services staff all around the world are doing an incredible job including the postal workers I'll get to that in a minute but you know Japan has escaped it until now and now we're going through this the government the you know the worrying thing about this was that the reason why they they weren't testing that much there was a lot of reasons why and they just don't want sick people to go into the hospital and we can agree or disagree with the way that Japan has handled it but until now it's been pretty effective just people weren't getting coming down with it and the numbers numbers show even though the testing wasn't there but now you really don't have a you have to do it the problem is that the clusters they were trying to track back everything two clusters seeing where they came from and then and then finding out what was the cause of it but you can't do that anymore because 80 percent of the people coming into the hospital don't know where they got it now it's just become a mystery so it's out of the control and I I'm guessing that the testing if you aren't feeling well in Japan is is gonna get easier to get tested so we know that you you have it and you can just stay away I just think a lot of people don't know if they have it or not they can't get tested because they need to have a fever for four days so this just creates a lot of problems especially in households where one member has it and just it's not a clear process of what they should do if there's the whole family get it then you separate or nobody really knows because in Japan families typically will live together like grandmother and mother and father and son and their sons it's some houses in rural Japan it's the whole family living there I'm gonna take some of the questions here I just want to get through some of this stuff that's been going by to the post office yeah III do something called it the postcard club and the and and I sent packages to people supporters which has been my main source of revenue for this for a long time and I I the post office has said that they've stopped deliveries to about a hundred and twenty countries and it's not so much them as there's just no flights coming in and out of Japan right now it's extremely limited and there's no space for on those flights for mail apparently a lot of countries have also prohibited mail from coming into them like I think Spain and Italy for obvious reasons Indonesia and India aren't accepting mail and we there's some supporters that I won't be able to send postcards to or packages to but the u.s. is still open the UK Australia Canada still doing a really good job and this this show and Singapore and this shows that mail is an essential service and the professionals they're doing it a really good job of keeping this going it can't be easy sorting all of that mail and it's just kind of scary to write you don't know but I told him thank you at the Tokyo post office and he helped me from each country separate each of the postcards in groups that I had and said America can go sorry Argentina can't go India sorry better not to send it we have a supporter from Belarus from Minsk couldn't go I have to hold it until it's cleared to go so I'm keeping in touch with that but that's an indicator of the situation that we're in the mail has really and or has stopped in many countries around the world and that is something we should keep our eye on because if the mail is shutting down that's an essential service that means that there's things are maybe going to get tougher yeah a vegan is something that a lot of people have been asking me about I think some of you might be familiar with this drug called a vegan a V Ella a VI GaN I have a picture of it here it's something that's been in the news it's made by a company called Fujifilm Toyama Chemical yes Fujifilm makes supplements just like THC which is actually a horny aku translation makes drugs as well it's weird how Japanese is done this is a begun here that's what it looks like for those who have never seen it before and this is Japan a stockpile 2 million of these for 2 million people they had to have a supply for 2 million people but for koror cv 19 it's enough for 700,000 in Japan and Japan is considering whether or not they should stockpile have you gone now but they didn't start the trials until Tuesday according to Kyodo news so it's gonna be a little bit of time before they start to use it and maybe this is something that the Prime Minister was thinking and not declaring a state of emergency that Japan has a vegan here made by a domestic maker the question is that from a lot of the viewers is that you know why was it not approved like a vegan is not used for flu it was created for to help alleviate reduce symptoms of the flu but it wasn't approved and this juror a vegan has been around for almost 30 years it was something talked in the news when I came here in 1998 I remember seeing it on the news a vegan a vegan fujifilm would you film Toyama chemicals but it caused there was a fear that it caused birth defects and there were some side effects and I couldn't have be used on expecting mothers or women who thought that they might could we're trying to get pregnant so that's why I was never sold on the market so there's this stuff stuff that they still gotta test out and this is something that I think with all of the drugs that we are seeing on the internet and the news and is being thrown out there as a potential cure and stuff it really does have to be tested out because we just don't know the side effects for prolonged use and stuff I've been researching this now for the last few days and it's I mean looks promising but it's still worrying and I in are doing well we're we're not going out obviously I'm getting creative with the live streams we had a new refrigerator because we had more food we want it we don't want to go out so we needed a bigger refrigerator so he got it and that that was interesting I did a midnight snack run where I got some food and we ate ate off of the refrigerator but I'm getting more creative so you're gonna see some really super creative she's like into our live streams from Japan because you deserve it you deserve to be entertained out there in the world and we're I'm gonna do my best to do it like I got a very creative mind it's it's more warped than maybe you've even seen on some of you might know if you've been watching the go channel but on the other channel I'd more of a report but this is more free format and we're gonna get you know creative out there get ready for some new series within this because it seems like can I never gonna be stuck here for a long long time and cabin fever could set in therefore we must be ready with various ideas of amazing creativity I'm gonna go and take your questions in a second I see a lot of them coming in here and really appreciated of it that's not a real tree by the way it's made out of plastic because I found that they don't last when I don't want them Tony P is here stay positive John we are all in together thank you for everything you do hit the like button that's right for John and everyone Thank You Irv on is here Kyoto and a and a have been some pretty good news with me chokes get there thank you yeah aan is a very good news I think that's a TV Tokyo uses them a lot as well I believe for their sourcing a JD JD spare superjet ir l hope to catch yeah I'm changing I'm adding now emojis coming I believe next week now but I wanted to focus on patreon but we're going back to make these live streams a little bit more interactive under one one three five how you how do you feel about the USA handling of the pandemic be safe I'll give you some feedback on that in a minute just a little bit Tony Pete did can I find out about this Tony yes you did you know what Tony I'll I'll break this in another live stream okay she's over there but I'll bring this up in the live stream somebody else broke it to her and that person is in deep deep trouble and you know who you are all right and Jimbo three eight six thank you so much that's a symbol of a lemon with hope I love that lemonhope can I makes me drink lemon water every morning she says that that's the first thing you should drink and there's something about the lemons that give you some sort of health and I believe all right for those of them wanted to travel to Japan still had their hopes up like and there's like like 1% of you who are hardcore like I'm gonna go no matter what yeah I feel you but you can't now it's over your dream is over for now okay because Japan has closed the country like all right this is from the jnt' Oh Japan National Tourism Organization which also has been doing a great job of giving us updates I have a list of closures as well it's not as much fun to read when they're all closed but I will do it anyway because I love to read stuff to you giant oh gee auntie reports at these countries the entire countries and regions listed below or subject to entry bans entry ban it's hardcore I'm already in I'm a resident of Japan so if you're like going why are you here John why didn't you evacuate I'm gonna tell you a story about this as well okay all right and involves the Surgeon General I love the Surgeon General if he's watching thank you your service banning the entry foreigners who visit the area within the last 14 days so even if you visited these countries you will be banned unless how am i laughing okay because it's just you wish have to laugh about something I'm just thinking about the people who still want to come here despite all this stuff going on you guys are hardcore I'm laughing at you it's good in Asia Brunei China Hong Kong Indonesia Makka Malaysia Philippines Republic of Korea Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam you cannot come here you've been banned Oceania Australia New Zealand sorry band your visa is no good here with America Canada United States u.s. is a tough one I'm I don't have I'm a resident here I'm good no one's gonna kick me out it's okay that America the Caribbean which is apparently not North America Bolivia Brazil Chile Dominica Ecuador Panama they should say South America maybe um Europe like basically everybody sorry this like Europe is pretty much Albania from Albania to the Vatican is you guys you know sorry and I don't know what the ones are out underlying that might mean that the measures here described listed above will be implemented from April 3rd so the ones not underlined we're already implemented maybe I'm look at the Netherlands such such peace-loving people how can you how could you kick out the Dutch even in the worst of the worst in 17th century the Dutch were allowed to stay here they had their own Island dead you mom we've kicked out we've prohibited the Dutch how dare we is crazy and even the United Kingdom that I can see but Iceland gosh alright in the Middle East Bahrain Iran Israel Turkey so I guess UAE is still okay it's my friend Joe I think is from Jordan though Jordan is okay Africa Ivory Coast Congo Egypt Morocco the more countries in your a band benin from africa that's great that's that's interesting all right um that's that's almost the news the facilities that are closed now this is what now now that people have been banned from the outside pretty much from traveling here and I'm sorry to dash the hopes of people so a lot of places have partially resumed not this weekend though most of the places especially in the metro area are closed but places have partially resumed like the asahiyama zoo up in a side kaua is still partially resumed historical village of al-qaeda partially resumed so this places that have partially resumed them what does that mean partially resumed they're taking the temperature of the people and asking them to wash your hands with alcohol before entry is that enough of note of note which is very important to a lot of people the Ghibli museum is is set to open April 28th good luck coming here if you're from the United States good luck coming here for the grand reopening but it's set to open on April 28th which is Golden Week will its remain like that probably not Ghibli Museum is the one if you've ever seen Totoro or central Chihiro spirited away all those really good movies Ponyo what's your favorite Ghibli movie right we love Ghibli movies but yeah the museum is closed right now it's basically everything here the pawns I'm Museum is opening on the 19th but they'll probably reclose again I don't see how anybody can be responsible and reopen the samurai museum is opening on the 12th they're really hardcore like every like samurai museum April 12th that is hardcore they believe that they can open before everybody else with their samurai it's means it's possible right yo me oniy the MU T Land amusement park is to be announced TBA seems to be the responsible way Tokyo Skytree is closed it's to be announced so that's something that even locals can't go to the Hakone open-air museum is closed a partially open I guess people are trying to people are trying to squeak out a living out of this and I don't blame them but fuji-q highland which is the amusement park with rollercoasters some of the fastest roller coasters in Japan it's crazy that place it really is it's crazy because my Fugees right there I remember I'm on the I'm on the front car of Fujiyama which is the name of one does the fastest roller coasters in Japan it's crazy you're on the top and like you just stand there for a moment before it goes down it's a wooden roller coaster it's pretty pretty cool and this you know yeah but you used to spend on the top before they go down real fast you look - you look over to the side and there's Mount Fuji it's so beautiful and then in rax your world it's partially open gives me ideas I'm not going I'm not going I want to know I can't mainly cuz of can I don't let me but I'm ok with that it's probably the smart thing the sand museum is set to open on the 17th I know the I know the proprietor there a really really great guy probably not gonna stay but Toto deed hasn't had one infection yet that's one of the three prefectures that is infection free right now the the first Prefecture told you want day up in the north of Tohoku doesn't have an infection yet total toady and shamanic on the Sea of Japan places that I'd love to go to there okay it just hasn't spread there will they be next week probably not this is getting everywhere people have been traveling the Tokyo after all but um it's it it gives me hope seeing this San Museum opening on the 17th I don't think it's gonna stay that way hiroshima castle is opening on the 12th I don't think that's gonna happen again like these are these are places again this comes from jnt' oda japan National Tourist organization you can go and check out this list events down at the bottom Nippon professional baseball is set to start all over Japan on the 24th does anybody think that that's gonna happen yeah I don't know baseball in Japan without a crowd what are the music comes because the music comes from the crowd alimonies Hirosaki cherry blossom festival is cancelled that that is a heartbreaker cuz I was gonna go to that I know people um arisu FD writes in no way John yeah I know yes way yes way um you know secretary Blossom Festival is my favorite in the entire world because of this motorcycle dude it goes around side of a barrel and he goes inverted I think it's like inverted it's like how does he do it as centrical full forces he's at a hundred hundred ninety degree angle and then if you give him money he will take it he doesn't even see if it's a one thousand yen note or a ten thousand yen note or he could probably just give him a piece of paper or a tip just say right on the tip be careful he'd probably take that too but I think you should give him money for his death-defying skills which I did I gave him I think he took two thousand yen for me that video is on only in Japan go I highly highly highly recommend you go and watch the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival of 2017 when I was hitchhiking is the most funnest livestream that I think I've ever done and I just explore at night this cherry blossom festival and some of the attractions that they have and he took the money from my hand and I was freaking out like like I was five years old totally worth it to watch that one and it came out pretty good this signal was good and anyone in it was a haunted house and scared me he's gonna say something not good but I decided to not do that I'm gonna take some of your questions now to the 2100 people watching give me a thumbs up if you like these updates I will probably give one a week it since there's nobody traveling these aren't travel updates but I do appreciate the likes and it encourages me to do more I have nan CV 19 related live streams coming all right let me see some of your some of your questions here I'm gonna go over let's start off let's start off with oh wait I we had one question here how do I feel the USA has been handling it I guess the best that they can do it and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be somebody who's political and saying it pulled politics has anything to do with it but it might I don't know but I'm staying out of out of that world but I think does not I I don't know if they're doing it the right way or the wrong way but it has to do more with the people than the government's the governments have to say stay home and the people have to stay home and then it's gonna be okay but people still got to get food people still got to make a living and I think it's gonna be really hard and right now I don't think I think the u.s. sometimes is trying to look at for blame I think everybody is because we need stuff to talk about but I think we should deal with right now whether it's happening right now with people that are sick and we should worry about that later and just look out for our family and just be really careful and try to stay entertained and have fun and and not get cabin fever and don't get in fights with your family members I know some of you might be because you sometimes we might because we can't go anywhere and we'll trap together and maybe somebody eat some beans and then something comes something happens and then somebody gets angry I know some of your family members who have the same thing going on don't eat beans and just be tolerant if something does happen saying that loud alright go sorry get a switch yeah Nintendo switch right and Animal Crossing seems to have helped okay yeah we're thought about getting a video game system but I also have a lot of stuff to edit you got a new channel coming and we're still working on the animated opening got an update on that by the way it's all coming pretty good arthel and henry are doing a good job working on it they got any big project in but they're managing or they're multitasking right now Lisa oh cooking show let's clean the apartment with John I'm personally finding all sorts of things to clean yeah you know what Lisa I get less stuff to clean actually we've been cleaning the corners and you know like on the ledges and stuff we've been cleaning that I just like we should we're gonna become rich like structured where this hour will be clean this hour we do this this hour we do that and then we're gonna get through a day it's gonna be a lot more fun and NASA Shaw from Canada thank you one update awesome let's go to the live chat now take some of your questions live we alive from from Tokyo Japan that's an apartment building behind me taking your questions cookies show we are working on that I can't tell you because some people are youtubers and might take the ideas it's a free country sort of right now it's tough I just saw a bus go by and there's nobody in it that's a good sign it's bad but good yeah we're gonna be doing some cooking shows we have to go to the supermarket probably we can do the tomorrow because it seems to be a little bit more crowded now we're not even gonna go outside for a walk today because the mayor said don't go outside so we're not gonna do that thoughts regarding the two masks idea Ginsu I'm going to discuss that as soon as they come to my mailbox it's just gonna be really fun a friend ministry Ave and his intentions are good all right the memes have been cruel as they typically are and funny but cruel and the Prime Minister is spent the government spends a quite a chunk of change to send to masks to families it's hard it's good for us we think it's great the masks aren't very big a little bit small but I think it's more and the reason why you wear masks is not just to is not just to prevent you from getting it all right it's also so that people who have it and don't know don't spread it and the droplets don't get out and it doesn't get on packaging when you go to the supermarket you're supposed to wipe down your groceries you don't have to do that as much or have have as great a risk if everyone is wearing a mask those droplets don't go anywhere so the masks do an amazing job of reducing it even if you wear a bandana and you look like a like a robber you're going to a shop nine times out of ten you're probably gonna get stopped wearing a bandana walking around Walmart this is that tenth time people I hope I'm not giving ideas but like if you just wear a bandana you're not not questioned for looking like a robber going into a store and actually I prefer a bandana because you look kind of cool and tough then a little sick mask that looks like you're sick so just putting that out there it's good questions yeah make your own masks too and that we we're gonna start to do that too cuz we got a lot of time on our hands we might have a mask making tutorial but first can I has to successfully make a mask and I have to help her successfully make my own an origami mask we can think of different masks how to decorate your masks there's lots of livestream ideas for others it doesn't have to be us who does it yeah and they're washable too the idea is not is not so much as preventing now is as well as you don't could I was what can I said when I said I wanted to go outside to the store she said don't be a killer it's good I mean it's a point you have to wear masks or else you could become a killer and the way she said it was harsh the point was driven home yeah don't be a killer wear masks you can make your own they're not proven to prevent it you from getting sick but they're proven from reducing droplets so that's what what's important here people use of nonwoven material for self-made masks yeah maybe everything reduces droplets anything that reduces droplets is any kind of covering going like this probably is not a hundred percent effective either right going like this is really bad but going like this probably not there's no 100% effectiveness it's reducing risk and reducing whatever you got all right take your t-shirt off put that around it before you go in the store you can go in no shirt no service they might be a little bit more lenient with you if you're using that shirt to prevent something worse than going shirtless although the visual sight of some people without a strip might be not good these are pretty good questions here not leading to the most desirable answers pictures and effectiveness saves lives even 10% easy enough but how is how zeon try to go for it at least 90% effective go for the highest percentage don't go I'm saying aim high some of you underachievers out there might go for the 10% or just 1% go for the 90% or try to go for a hundred don't go out on a serious note all right is Scotch essential you mean like 3m they own scotch tape oh you mean like the booze I watched a youtuber you had said it was essential I don't know it said people who drink scotch and whiskey live happier longer and stay in better shape I don't know if that wasn't your question was about I do appreciate that srimant tremendo writes in here take apple cider vinegar with fresh lemon juice for general health that's a great idea um Tokyo makes Japan has black vinegar made in Kagoshima in these these jars and they leave them fermenting outside and they smell kind of funky but we that and that has that's also something people do but drinking vinegar before you go to bed just like 10cc is supposed to be pretty healthy thanks for that and and worried about your general health to people don't try to eat you know hot pockets every day you know just because you have to stay home and watch Netflix doesn't mean you know you should stop eating vegetables eat your vegetables if you can even if it's at a can stay healthy get your vitamin D up go outside and hit some Sun I got a window that faces the sunshine I open it up I stare at the Sun with with my eyes closed for at least 10 minutes a day trying to get enough vitamin D vitamin D comes from exposure to the Sun make sure your skin remove the dead skin cells try to absorb as much vitamin D it's possible I told kanai's got to get her dose of vitamin D and get stay on the balcony so I'm on the balcony mean 10 Dan writes in as a dutchie who was planning to Japan I'm really sorry that you've been banned I hope we allowed the Dutch back in it's amazing in the history of Japan the Dutch have always it's a very I don't think been banned really when they banned the rest of the world we didn't ban the Dutch now herb and the Dutch was planning at a Japan trip at the end of April then the cases have been banned here yeah Holland is going through it as much as the rest of Europe but the Dutch post is delivering mail in Holland the mail is to being delivered so I've sent postcards to Holland I'm sorry to hear about your trip I do hope I do hope that this this gets better how many days locked down in Japan I've been in Kenai and I have not and there's some coppers out on the street they're conferring you're not doing anything you're just talking it's it's a lady cop that sounds very Red Hot Chili Peppers it's of two police officers there's nobody out there just standing there they don't see me I'm looking at them through the crack no balcony um I should I wish I did have binoculars alright the people the mayor of Los Angeles telling people not to use n95 masks Isaac you don't need to use n95 masks anymore because you shouldn't be going out and I think the medical people needed a lot more yeah oh well so the the police a guy just walked by and the police didn't tell him not to go out wait they did right now maybe I can get that interaction see I was looking between the cracks here right they're caught they're gone they're gone um we haven't we haven't met people since I met Peter at the Tokyo Dome I took his Tokyo Tower about two weeks ago it seems like so the reason why that is important is that if I if I did have it I would have started to show symptoms so it gives us a peace of mind that we are not we didn't come down with it the fact that we haven't met with anybody we've gone to the store on off-peak hours and when there's no line and we wipe down our stuff we're taking extra precautions but even then we're not there's not a hundred percent to guarantee that we do unless you stay at home so there goes the cop car and by the way for the daimyo supporters I was gonna send a little tow me car cop car police cop car and you're in your boxes this month this is like a Happy Meal prize that was I think that was Marty who gave that idea just I just hope that they make it yeah go back to your questions sorry I did get distracted wait oh and I'll tell you bombshell let me know if your if your blu-ray made it to you yeah Lehman's laman which is a tough term miss bombshell because layman's I don't know do you mean like the general public right well the layman is refers to people who lay bricks and that's not done so much because there's many machines for that and a general public probably should not be wearing n95 masks I think you're gonna be okay I would give if you have a store to the hospital and then if you do get sick they might treat you better give it to the give your stash if you've got like 195 masks to a hospital and you'll be like there em you'll be like their king and if you do get sick they will treat you better probably give you better food maybe a cleaner a cleaner ICU I don't know I just think it's the right thing to do good afternoon from the from the Philippines me and my wife follow your the Philippines is one of the countries that postcards aren't going to either so I do apologize because we have a little so many viewers in the Philippines love the Philippines and you know what we were gonna go can I were talking about going to say boo to see the Chocolate Hills next month and or this month and we can't go because of the this so we won't be able to make it to the Philippines sorry guys we were considering it because we want warm weather and we loved we wanted to go down there see some people in Manila what's the situation for fishermen's and farmers of vegetable and livestock are they still working right now the work is going on and out in the countryside the rural areas it's like it's not really even happening I think it's just in this in the cities and the prefectural cities but in small towns people are really worried about it but most of the most of it is because of family members especially young kids and office places rural Japan which I lived in for I've moved 16 times over the 23 years that I've been living in Japan so a lot of you know that I've lived in in 16 different places so I know that I got friends all over the country and I've been talking with them and a lot of them say that there is worried as we are in Tokyo not so much about like public transportation they drive in but about the office place they're worried about co-workers that have been to Tokyo or Osaka or to bigger cities and then are not working I'm in the office they're worried about bringing it back to their families the schools are opening for some rural areas they're not closed because there's no state emergency of Japan and a lot of them are worried about their kids getting in and infecting grandparents that live with them because the Japanese families in the countryside the mother and the father will quite often live with their their children the families time to tend to stay together in Japan so that's a worry in the rural country rural areas but the farmers are still working they're not going out as much but they still need supplies and get in contact with people and they they're worried as well but the essential services are still going on there's toilet paper by the way guys we got it in Japan it's just you can't come to get it because most of you are like banned to come and get your toilet paper and actually one of our daimyo said that her box was partially opened like in a suspicious manner and apparently some have been searching for toilet paper when the box is sent from Japan Japan seems to be a toilet paper paradise now and the panic that we had on toilet paper is not and we are well supplied we did not gosh we have 13 rolls which is an acceptable amount for a family of two for an extended period of time same keep the questions coming guys this is important to keep keep you informed of life there's not it's not just rural area schools opening in Nagoya - yeah the schools opening is very worrying Tokyo has been I think they've closed I get a message they've closed schools until after Golden Week which is another month five weeks which is a good thing and you know my friend our gym who's in Washington State who's a teacher and he he can't teach and the schools have to stay closed they can't teach digitally because not everybody has the internet and not everybody has a computer so they cannot give the same level of teaching to everybody as a result they can't do it which is so important now that everybody gets computer and have access to it and have broadband and people who kids who don't have their own should be given a computer I think in this day of age so that we can teach digital digitally even in Japan all right I think that that that day is coming after this I bet you it does come and maybe one day a week kids can learn at home have school at home I think that'd be pretty cool just to get used to it because it this stuff we should not be limited but our activities with the digital era and by the way I bought some blu-rays because the internet connection in Japan is awful right now it's okay but around 2:00 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. and then at night it's so bad because everyone's on the internet in Japan bandwidth is at a shortage and we had I've been getting blu-rays for like $5 and renting them not renting them but buying them because you can't rent them blu-rays we don't have blockbuster which is to taya Tattaglia doesn't have blu-rays anymore or HD blu-rays which is the shame but we have to buy blu-rays to watch movies and entertain ourselves board games silly games but we're gonna be doing I got some ideas maybe tonight or tomorrow night did some fun with some live streams yeah you don't need toilet paper and for those and Lloyd Lloyd Fang like your name but Lloyd Fang you don't need toilet paper a buckets of water will do in India we haven't used toilet paper in millennium we use our left hand never shake with the left hand and if you after the first couple times you get used to it I'm just saying you don't need to do it the way you think you do it I don't understand what the panic is for toilet paper and what it's used for you can't use it for masks you can't use it you can mummify yourself a little waste of toilet paper used you can put a half a sheet half a little bit in there and put it on the roller and flush it and then watch it all go down really fast into the toilet I might have done that when I was 12 wasn't I was introduced to it by somebody else you could do that but it's a very big waste at this time don't waste it but you don't need it you could survive without it you should learn to it's good for the environment um in general the Oh life is good we're staying positive I'm looking at the questions here should I should I accept an old position for jet 2020 I think you should why for 2020 this year yeah maybe I think you know I don't know I look oh okay I'm just gonna break it down for you all right right now the world is spiking the economy cannot shut down forever and neither can the hospitals the essential service must continue but this can't stay forever even though it's it's bad there's gonna be a moment where things kind of get back to normal and then there's a second spike and a third spike I think we're gonna have to find a way to live with this right now is really bad because we just don't have the drugs to treat it there's nothing and we don't have any vaccine all we're trying to do is to flatten the line that's why we're staying home and suffering now so we don't make other people suffer that's why we're doing this and there's gonna be a time where things get better so if you're saying like fall of 2020 yeah come I don't know if you should travel here but you can take a job you're gonna be living and by the time we're going to have medicines that can treat it at least and you know next year we'll have something that maybe you'll share it and until then though we're gonna have to do we're all in this together this is true story that's true story Marissa Hoffman new subscriber welcome Marissa to the to the family these live streams will get a lot more creative and I only do these kinds of live streams like once a week to give you updates stop crying yeah crying he's crying George for the mayonnaise fund appreciate that yeah just join in to the live stream was curious John shared his current thoughts on reflecting on previous views of other countries thoughts of Japan Randy so my view in other countries is that I I just feel really bad look I could I get this thing called patreon all right I spend a lot of time talking with people that are supporting me there I just a natural thing to do I get emails a lot more from people direct mails cuz we just have more time and people tell me about their situation in the Philippines and India I have a lot of people who giving me updates from from Italy and I'm listening and we're watching the news as well but we don't know what to believe with the news so I'm getting it from you from people of what's actually happening people that I know and it's it's hard I mean everybody has had to give up part of their freedom I guess to say and it's not like something that we want to do we don't do this because we want to we do it because we have to and we see what's happening like in New York especially New York and it brings back memories of 9/11 and worse and times that were worse people people are in really bad shape right now and it hurts you know and hurts to see was happening outside of Japan and and anybody who complains about anything at this moment in Japan needs to be slapped seriously because we have it probably better and the society here is quite good at wearing masks but not good at social distancing awful but Japan is really bad at that everyone is like on top of each other on the subways and stuff you just can't it's awful David committeth thank you Ramzi silent much appreciated ibuprofen I don't know we don't have that in Japan maybe we do it's hard to do drugs in Japan like over-the-counter stuff it's not strong it's not strong and Westerners they feel like they're taking like a child's dose of Japanese medications then it's it's not good for that it's very weak for a week um this is from the curve me my wife in Northwest Ohio hey Northwest Ohio is that like Sandusky oh man I wish that's another amazing steam Park Emily I went to San Destin like several times Northwest Ohio where the mestiço many more masks a sickie then counted in Ohio I have a scanner many choosing to self quarantine the best thing you can do unless you need an ICU there's no reason to even go into the hospital they can't treat you at all I mean this is I don't know if this is a responsibility responsible thing to say but there's nothing really that they can treat you with and there's no medicines only all you can do is you just putting other people at risk and that's why Japan says unless you have a fever for four days don't come in there's nothing that they can do yeah correcting thing you transmitted by droplet is not airborne it means in the surfaces time bump shall careful with that we just don't know for sure I've seen reports that if you're talking close to somebody that's in the air therefore you can get it if you're in close proximity to somebody as well as if there's two people talking and you go for a run and so I've been told and you run past them this is the type of thing that lives in the air just conflict I'm not gonna give you data on this but it's conflicting we don't know what to believe and there's no definitive data unless it's coming from from CDC and WH oh we don't even know what's going on with them from New Zealand and New Zealand's one of the countries that has shut down the postal services are consented in postcard there but MRI Mir sorry no do you think Japan will handle the lockdown how will they handle it the second week of lockdown here in New Zealand I think New Zealand is did the right thing people are generally doing a good job following the rules Japan is doing Mir don't get me wrong Japan is doing a pretty good job of not going out at all the the most important thing is the social distancing okay everybody's got to go on to get groceries we got to go and get food we got to go and get supplies to live right we do have to get outside and exercise a little bit we don't have to do the same amount this is the worst time to maybe to do it but we're trying to limit our risk and going out japan's that a pretty good job of handling it but I think when it's declared and it's official two things happen number one we start to think about the economy and we start to worry about our live live beings even as a youtuber I'm worried about like ad revenue is going down big-time and [Music] people aren't gonna be able to support as much on patreon for example people don't have it from me of course I have to think about my livelihood and for everybody else this is it eats at me we really do have to think about about like the economy and then this and I don't know I don't know how this is this shapes up after the lockdown we know we're doing it to try to us just to flatten the curve to stop this you can't really stop it it's not gonna go away this is a cure but I'm very worried about people's livelihoods being able to eat the long-term effects of a recession some of the stuff I've I'm old enough to have lived through some tough times it's not easy and I'm I guess I can already picture that of families that can't get food factories that aren't churning out enough for demand and we have some hard times coming I think we have to the the more we can we can get this down the better for everybody Who am I to really talk about this and in this kind of way but other than to give my opinion it's it's me it is sad thanks for asking about it's important and I I just really wonder I do think they need to lock this down officially because Japanese will continue to work their jobs like every day until they're told not to do it for a lot of people and they're non-essential services they don't have to go out there and put themselves at risk all right they can stay at home it's not essential services they don't need to be out there and that makes me scared and worried because this shouldn't be proliferating this should be like stamped here we're not I don't know I will see what happens next week I'm sure there's gonna be an announcement next week we've been saying that now for two weeks it'll be something drink avoid drinking cold drinks like my coffee now which is very cold I try drinking warm tea black tea chamomile tea we're been drinking rose hip tea but the supplies are getting low I have to ration it that means a you have to use the same tea bag like three four times you have really get the most out of your tea in fact don't throw the tea bags away keep them and then you can go back to them later in another another go if it comes to that clear liquid diet so they come in different colors gold as well Japanese riot police had sort of been a meme since the 1960s all those looping movies anime doesn't a better job of portraying the police and that there's somebody walking by there's a kid with a mask on so we'll get some people welcomed by there's some two people walking between the post naturally blurred with bouquet they're wearing masks let's see there goes a truck it must be an essential service it's not a lot going on on the street there I saw two two officers discussing stuff I get a little bit scared about police officers because I don't know if it's wrong to me to be out going to the store and have a feeling that they're gonna you know question me but police officers in Japan are pretty respectable respectful yeah OCD Stig I won't do that what is your Japanese name Jian Jian I don't I'm not gonna take a Japanese name because that's ridiculous what floor my on I'm not gonna say that I want to visit Japan one day but I don't know how to speak Japanese I'm kind of scared to go out without any Japanese help you're okay you can you'll be able to get by just fine oh here comes a food delivery truck he was delivering food at dominoes dominoes dominoes pizza I can totally tell oh my gosh I got a wood one I always got them he's got the goods he's got the goods what do you think he's delivering he's coming this way I didn't order it oh it's the wrong building they read they were that's the scooter that they ride here oh can I can we dominoes dominoes can we dominoes kind of now I see it in that voice we've Domino's it's no response she knows I'm strong online um yeah you know what Ralph Rosa writes in an amazing question what about haircuts I'm I am well well past my expiration date but I'm managing it's not just it's uncontrollable weeds at the moment I can't plow it down I have already twice I don't know what do you do with two haircuts people so I've gone to Amazon CEO j p and looked at at electronic razors you know and thought about it I'm just cutting my own hair from now on this is I know it's gonna be a disaster I figure you on the net Internet's would support me doing this to myself right I think I think there's widespread support for hair cutting myself is it even possible to give yourself a haircut there's no way if I let hair cut if I look on I hair cut me is that a verb if I allow kind of hair cut me and she does a bad job I'll never forgive her therefore if I do it to myself and it comes out bad which is more of a guarantee I can forgive myself I'm done I've had to do it after many whose livestreams her head forgive myself so I can do that I'm good at that but forgiving other people and she wants to it's not gonna happen I could do it myself pretty sure about it she could do the laughing the background live being my haircut yes it's possible it's very possible um you will forgive Kenai over time given time everything is possible Tony P write it for the pizza yeah can I can't say no to this that's true this is for me and and Marisa Hoffman thanks guys Tony P and Marisa alright you know what we're gonna do we will do a pizza livestream are we gonna creative with this and you know why because there's some wack wack job like really off the deep end sort of pizzas like if you were to see what Domino's has it would be what are they thinking and this would never sell in my country and I had pizza in India once was awful its Domino's it's like hardboard it's like they didn't know how to make it no they were like frozen baked and made in the US and then like microwaved in in India or something it was pretty bad but that was like 20 years ago so maybe Domino's Pizza in India got better I don't know it's really bad but in Japan dumbest piece is pretty good it's just that it's weird toppings like mayonnaise tuna seafood corn what this goes beyond pineapple people and we're about to give you a taste of that maybe tonight thank you Tony Chris Hansen's in the house hey you hey you hey you back right back there I also got my own visa wait wait there's somebody who did this successfully Brenda Brenda writes and I was to cover my hubby's here for 35 years I think the first one how did he had was how did he react to the first one and how did you come to that conclusion that he was okay was it on a dare did you hold back something and you was how did you get to that conclusion he caught it writes in here order pizza on me thank you Thank You Kathy Amma yeah you better believe okay we're gonna order two now I'll order more than we need and we're gonna be able to what's the word like gradually eat it overtime ration we're gonna ration the weird pizza but we're gonna order stuff probably that no what toppings probably nobody wants to eat that's more fun or maybe at least one of them but no no in Japan they got these things called the Quatro it comes from Italian and the Quatro means that there's like three six nine twelve so there's 12 slices so there's three slices with one topping three slices with another topping but they don't do one topping these only Super Deluxe Wakko pizzas on four different for different Quattro's so we're gonna see be careful with the food deliveries yeah I think um I think that's it that's a good part also to maybe livestream but we do have to be really careful with that food should be okay but it's the containers and the packaging and the payment and the interaction I think that is the most worrying but yeah well we'll take care we'll take care with that and disinfect the box as well I don't know how you do that but we're was researched on the Internet well we'll take precautions and I'm sure that they're thinking about this too he's back I'm sure he'll think about that - he's back he doesn't look like he's in a hurry he's putting on his helmet he's going PVG they could be Pete now I couldn't be PBG just use gloves rights in mouth thanks mom actually I might put on some gloves this is Domino's Japan making a routine delivery to someone that's not us throw him a note I should put my order in a paper airplane and throw it to him and see I'll have to do like more than one to see if it feels stick it's interesting watching him go away it's pretty fast there are other chains of Pizza besides just Domino's there's Pizza la which is only in Japan but they're a little bit overpriced Pizza Hut is not doing too well in Japan people don't like the greasy oily pan pizza too much but it's not that bad I like that they have a pole Gogi pizza which is a Korean barbecue pizza which is pretty good I like that one yeah you know what we're gonna have pizza for dinner maybe tonight or tomorrow night I'm not sure yet but we're gonna have pizza that's gonna be live streaming for you think because if Katayama and for and for Tony P you guys want pizza you're gonna get pizza I've been actually hoping that we get to a thousand likes physically I'm still doing it for an hour we're still at at 834 likes only once have we broken a thousand likes in the course of a livestream it'd be pretty funny if a self-isolation livestream would just surpass do it for humour Shakey's does not deliver and Shakey's is still in japan for those from the 1970s in the united states who know that chained their pizza does taste like cardboard I heard it got better it's all-you-can-eat Viking Viking places we call them Viking with your buffets bite Viking places are not good for clusters and dangerous right now but I'm sure to eat Shakey's again and we will go there one day perhaps oh we just broke 1,000 likes oh it's all over this is delete twice in the history of this livestream must be doing something you guys like which is just randomly talking I like your flannel shirt we got into the Kris have we gotten to that now and I'm glad that you've been enjoying the cherry blossoms too while you could this is a l.l.bean it's it's padded it's nice and warm I do I do like it it's it's comfortable comfortable but it's not made from real materials and the inside of it Chris if you asked for fashion sense it's made with this and I don't like it's kind of cold just feels like a trash bag but it's LL Bean's I forgive them they have good intentions I believe they're from Maine Maine is a nice place had never been there I strongly hope that this will not last more than 30 days are you talking about this live stream deadly rip raver darn this virus is really gonna smash up places I loved going to when I was in Japan deadly River I'm raver I'm really worried because of the small businesses and I'm Kenai and I eat a lot at those places and we want to go back and help them out again and I'm worried that we can't do that right now and how they're going how they are going to be we don't have the same stimulus package like in the US yet I'm just really really worried about my friends at our own businesses and if they're gonna be able to stay afloat and we're all worried about losing the places that we all love thanks for opening the can of worms do you have any an oven we have a small oven it's not a good enough oven but it's a small oven I have to each my nose I've been touching my face I've been more conscious of it and doing a good job working them out myself you can work out the itch it's not satisfying but you can do it yeah it hasn't hit an apex yet I'm getting all this these messages did you share your midnight snacks with your wife AC Clarke I did and she like can I don't you Gus ki daughter got skittish caca the midnight snack did you like the crepe or the pudding she liked the souffle pudding and she didn't she didn't mind the chocolate crepe but she said that the the banana tasted chemical like she wasn't happy about that can work it out did you wife find out hey Chuy I'm gonna I'll talk about that in another live stream our restaurants open in Tokyo they are not just take away um I'm gonna tell you those restaurants said I'm in my neighborhood but I walked around there and some of the restaurants were open and takeaway restaurants are blooming I think Starbucks is closed and only doing takeaway you can't stay in the shop a lot of the shops are closed you can go in and get it and then you get you out of a kit away some of the more responsible ones have staff asking you to social distance and it's helping people get used to that standing in line not on top of people I'm telling I'm saying like people in what standing in line in Japan is hard because people don't want to be a burden and be in the way in the back but they stand like this like right on top of you I've been I put my bags like this I would stand like this like a coat hanger to try to get enough space waiting in line is awful in Japan you can't do it they don't stick on its they don't want day like wanted they don't want to talk to you because talking strangers is not good but they want to stand on top of you and this is not it's not good just away but you can't say it you have to be polite these have to do with actions you know so this this thing is not popular in Japan and Tokyo anyways it's just people are not used to it yet they don't understand it and that's what the masks are for but it's getting there politicians are starting to use social justice and ehome loading onto your social distancing can i how do you say social distancing in japan japanese social distancing good really yeah I don't know it's not it's not even a term so let's get away JAMA I think you're in the way yeah uh just stay away but you can you can you can just go like this now I no longer am I polite about this I told you like it was two weeks ago some dude random dude he's like he took out his camera was his dirty smartphone that he probably uses in the restroom and goes can you take a picture of us I told this story at three or four times and I said sorry no I got away I slipped away I try to do it politely with a half-smile uncomfortable half smile but I'm not touching someone's dirty smartphone into a picture for them you don't know where it's been smartphones people they like live on that it's not good sir Adam mr. Adam lion-o be safe glad to see you glad to ask is a and W popular there so Adam Lionel knows a little bit about Japan and the answer is yes in a way it's extremely popular in Okinawa probably because of the servicemen a and W was it was shocking to me that they have their own restaurant chain in Okinawa anw has a restaurant chain in Okinawa they said burgers and hotdogs it's like the 1950s of America is still going on in Okinawa I don't know if this chains are still there but last time Kenai and I were there we went to name W in Ishigaki Jima and that was pretty nice food was okay but it was cool cuz we could say we're in a aw restaurant so yes sort of you can find it not so much in Tokyo but there's no restaurants only in Okinawa and I'll be a dome is started my hometown and we don't even have them anymore I know that's a reason to go to okey now it's kind of cool to see if you like spam and you're like aw you're gonna like go get out NW is from Vancouver and W is not root beer well any NW is beloved by Okinawa and I thought it was American I don't know Vancouver NW is still is still that move fast yeah I don't know root beer is not that popular in Japan I like this one called bark barks when I was a kid had a bite to it barks root beer but we don't have that here we don't have dr. peppers and dr. pepper is in vending machines but it was only in Tokyo for a long time in the Kanto area but you wouldn't find it in other places but now that's been more more accepted over the last 23 years I've been living here so yeah root beer is not too popular coca-cola is not too popular here all right it's hard to find coke it's hard to find people who like to drink coke from the vending machines I rarely see a Japanese line coke it's like tourists that buy coke from coke vending machines Chevy's bitey barks ba RQ I believe was the way it was spelled also run and operated by coca-cola it was where's the hopping rights in here what is your absolute favorite place to visit in Tokyo like absolute favorite like my house I live here so I'm gonna say absolute favorite place to visit that point on the river I like the quiet places I don't like how dodgy goo I don't like Shibuya is crossing if you're asking me for my personal everyday opinion and if I tell you you're gonna go there like wait why would I tell you because you're curious all right I'll tell you but you'll have to decide whether or not I'm lying or telling the truth you can look at my eyes so my favorite place is to go probably I like going to your Dokdo because it's not as crowded crowded around walking around games and you're not sure I like I do like hippy a park but it's okay I don't know it's too many I don't know right now I'm really liking toyou sue the park area there's an area that they've redone it toyou saguru D Park is is really nice and you can sit there and watch the boats go by I like that you can sit there and watch Tokyo Bay Odaiba is really teresting there's a lot of people there I like to dive up but now a Toyo sugu Duty Park which is very hard to get to unless you have a bicycle probably my favorite place right now there you go and you can go there cuz it takes effort to get out there was it a lie i like tokyo toyou sugu duty park i didn't look to the left of the right i know there's just a terriers out there I live in true award which is a central Ward of 23 Ward's in Tokyo because I like to live close to Tokyo Station because I like to jump on a Shinkansen train and get to where I need to go she will keep this hours okay this it's too crowded too old and I don't know I just want some more space you know chill words kind of like that too actually Sumida River I love the Sumida River i loved-ed Ogawa River where I used to live in Encino sake but KO ng TG Joji I don't know that area is nice but it's a little bit pricey for rent and there's a lot of neat restaurants but we like to cook so toyou sue is on the your doctor line it's a nice part a lot of people living there it's it's very reasonably priced you get a lot of space it's more open there's a lot of barbecue places well you know Park I don't like wano Park that much but I like that Starbucks in there that might be my favorite Starbucks in the park it's usually open and available um yeah thanks I'm gonna do another one of these updates in a week I think every week I'm gonna do one of these because I think it's important that you get an update from various news shorts I've been watching Kyodo news I've been watching TBS hit OB because I I'm a and a contributor to that TV show and I really respect the job that they do hit OB is I haven't been on the show in a while mainly because I when they called me to be on it I'm somewhere else they call like the day before but I really loved the job that they do they make it they make it very well paced I live so I can't find hit pictures I go to the Instagram you can find the pictures of me on there I've been on there I think about ten times now yeah it's nervous it makes me nervous because it's a live show and I got to speak in Japanese and I don't know what I'm saying half the time I do my best I capture video for inbound tourism so when there's when inbound tourism is in the news they asked me to come in and I talked to them because I know a lot about this because I've lived in 16 different cities yeah Instagram only in Japan TV hi my name is Jurgen Moss burger is okay but I don't know I'm not sure I get an email from from SHINee she actually thanks for asking about him I guess he's he's still in quarantine self-isolation but we don't believe it's CB 19 so that's a good that was good but he self isolating he's doing the responsible thing and there's a lot of respect for people to do that because we know it's not easy I know it's not easy thanks UFO Bob for sharing the link to that freshness Burt burgers and Tokyo really good umami burger was one that started in South Carroll California in California umami burger and they just opened up here in Japan umami is the word meaning like this sixth flavor this special sense it's an amazing word umami now it's overused by American chefs way too much now they use mommy to describe anything that they can't describe but yeah in my me burger looks really good but I haven't eaten eaten there it can I do kono bag I got Sookie she likes cool ina burger which is a Hawaiian burger chain we have a lot of Hawaiian chains here I like Aquinas good but it's really expensive nah no Vanegas key and she likes freshness burger freshness burger bacon egg bacon and egg burger she likes freshness burger which would you like Musburger freshness burger it's difficult sorry she cannot decide Musburger I did a commercial if you go in I think you could see it I did a commercial for it you want to see this I'm gonna tell you for those that are watching I'm gonna I'm gonna do an episode on what I did before I did only in Japan it's gonna freak out some people in fact if you go to iTunes I think you still might be able to download some of my old old work I was in number one I wear that badge of pride cuz I have very little pride but I was proud of that because I did it and I lost thirty thousand dollars doing it that's how I got in deep deep trouble I get in a lot of trouble because of that my credit card I maxed out my credit cards giving bandwidth to people to watch my show was awful it's gonna be an interesting livestream I'll do that sometime next week what I did before I did only in Japan I've been making video video on on about Japan since 2003 three years before YouTube started and I got I think it show you the whole video but I did a commercial shoot for mosburger in the only in Japan style it's called what is a mosburger and they were a client of a client and I helped him out and consulted with them and we thought about doing some more work together so that's still it still might happen I don't know but that must only that video might still be on YouTube what is a Maus burger I'm pulling it up now no that's not add but I it took me about two weeks to I get access to the training room at mosburger their headquarters is in Tamachi on the Yamanote a-line and [Music] burger and they took down the main video that I made for them but they kept up the commercial like they a clipped part of the commercial that I made for them and they just there it is right there from June 2nd 2015 you guys want to see this all right this is this is me being creative all right it's wow that's big all right yes please all right this is called what is a mas burger that's only 10,000 views cuz they disabled the chats and stuff on there the other one had a hundred thousand views I believe I'm not making that up so I can make the fastest I edited and made this all resonation it can't be that difficult [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unacceptable it's not as easy as it looks here's the Masters burger and here's mine I wouldn't even pay for my yeah I brought the script and made all that and that was uh that was fun project it was hard work though because we there's a difference between creating content for yourself and creating it for client clients are extremely demanding and they want every single little detail to be perfect and having done this for so many years that I kind of understand that and so even my worst stuff I'm so like used to creating for clients that and that that that's I think she goes through through the work a little bit that was a fun front I wish they cut the end they cut my um maybe I'll show you the unedited version the director's cut like it's like seven minutes long and they cut mites my french fries scene because he said we want to focus on the mosburger and not on the french fries and I said okay so I had to cut that now is the best part the French fries scene ah why they cut that man yeah I it's fun working doing a sponsored clients videos this wasn't a sponsor because it wasn't for only in Japan this is just for their website so I was on the Mossberg website for like like two years that video was pretty cool um hey Luke uh photo Luke Hawaii's here hey Austin we love cool IANA too is cool and like all over Hawaii or what and Moss burger - I'm very cool and sure Phillips well thank you epic fits a dirty move that's actually me saying that and just altering my voice to sound like I was somebody else yeah that video is still in YouTube so you can watch that like as much as you want hey from Denver Denmark magnificent mental meal yippee I love these animated emoji public Patrick Judy jeans in the Netherlands in public spaces you have to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from one another by law now that's law Patrick that's really good that's a should has a good thing that they made it a law what are the fines like you can get fined 390 euro if you don't why not just make it 400 euro why 390 is that look harsher 390 looks worse than 400 maybe if you don't this does not apply to families which is good Wow okay yeah I don't want to stand stand next Thank You Patrick so much for that I didn't know that it was so harsh but making these kinds of laws I think we're gonna see more and more of it and Japan is is not exempt and Japan is some yeah I I see this getting we're just at the beginning of it and I'm pretty sure for the month of April it's it's gonna require me to be really creative and I've got some series going on to help get you through it's not just me trying to be funny I'm not a comedian I don't if in it you know what people who are comedians who try to be comedians it's just it's just wrong it's not funny it's harmful it's harmful to people's I told this to PVG because he sometimes sarcastic it's harmful to other people to see you try to do comedy it's not not good so don't do it but just have fun and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna do some fun stuff this week I'm so excited I'm so excited if you haven't subscribed already just subscribe and get the notification but it's like what do you do in this kind of situations life goes on and since Kenai is Japanese it's still only in Japan because she's from here and I've lived here and this month we can only stay here therefore it is only in Japan because we can't go anywhere else actually it's only in our apartment technically that I should change the name but they take away your verified sign if you change the name thanks so much for watching I gotta go eat breakfast I'd like a 15-minute update video it's like an hour and a half I said I could keep these live streams going for such a long time I get a lot of stuff to share with you a lot of stories this month despite me not being able to do stuff that I want to do we're all in this doing the same stuff like like stuck at home so I'm gonna keep this keep you entertained on this side you guys are all my friends they said think so except for the like the two people that always give a dislike no matter what I think is like up to nine people just like everything that I do but that's okay yeah I'm forgiving and we'll keep in touch shut with Domino's Pizza a live stream coming soon it's just because we got to do it for Catholic Emma and for Tony I guess have a good day have a good night can I you want to say goodbye to the people they can't hear you it's okay she said goodbye she should like this alright yes she'll be in the later on she didn't just didn't get her makeup you have to lady's gotta wear makeup before they go do and work on the livestream with the haircut we'll see we'll see we got you creative we gotta get contact we're gonna see we'll see gotta make a living see thanks so much for support everybody and forgiving the likes this is the second time past thousand in a livestream is odd but see you next time have a good day have a good night take a look at this jacket for the last that's five seconds there's nothing to look at I don't know you can look at that taxi look at that guy he's social distancing no one wants to be his friend look at what let's see how far he goes away from the taxi look at that that's social distancing stay at least 1.5 meters away from that taxi and then circle back wait is he gonna distance 1.5 meters perfect distancing that was perfect distancing look at that now he's going back see you guys stay safe
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 62,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, lock down, entry, ban, visa, closed, situation, update, news, rise, increase, self isolation, shopping, social distancing
Id: MhvcO2vFe38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 36sec (5376 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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