OP 256x Forest Nothing Strat #2

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Oh wait for it wait for it wait for it Oh Aztecs I guess I could get garland Wars a lot what's up guys you know what it is you know what it is force nothing 256 times mod I think tatis strategy last time was to build lumber camps and get double bit axe since this is the 256 times mod we should be able to justify doing that so we can chop through this wood faster the enemy saves Celts per out Celts jeez Celts Britain Chinese Huns Korean Saracens and Persians so I think we'll should I try something different chat all right don't judge me okay I'm going to try something different don't judge me this could be horrible stop judging man you said you wouldn't judge actually then my kings got a trap there which is funny can I build another just trying to build another one of these so I can upgrade them faster you guys I can't so we're gonna rebuild that TC I just want to get these upgrades with the food we have because the idea is to chop through faster right so I saved the food instead of creating bills and everyone else is going to be chopping at normal speed while I have double bit X so I think we'll do this four times and then we can just rebuild the TC that's that's my idea this is something if you think I'm dumb which it hurts my feelings but this is something that tattoo was done in the past so I think I'll leave it at that I think I'll I'll rebuild the TC then after this what do you think should I should I use the hundred food we have left four bills or the upgrade don't think I can place the TC yet so we'll have time to wait why why Oh says hello T 90 greetings from Uruguay welcome man hope you guys do well in the World Cup see we're chopping through real fast this is good okay I'll get the upgrade always listen to chat that's the model I live by think once I chop that tree I'll have space let's see perfect Oh No hold on a second hold on a second oh god I don't want to delete you guys come on cooperate yeah there we go it was fine it was fine chat have faith in the process my friends see see a month I know that my monks get a ton of upgrades but the problem is when other people can can get the speed upgrades I just don't think that that does too much because my monks will be completely destroyed when they can get the speed and attack upgrades my monks I won't be able to click with them if they auto converted that's that's another thing but yeah I could have been a market but I don't I'm not too concerned about getting the early prices we're gonna chop through this wood so fast we'll have plenty to sell pasty okay so time to build micro they're gonna switch positions a lot since we start in feudal I can go the farm immediately we'll try and cut this side stop it stop it Vil's okay we almost got our first farm see the others might get their farms faster but I think we'll catch up that's my hope anyway I'll probably build a market yeah that's true you Berk I could have built a market for the for the food that's smart you're right I could have purchased food with the gold I'll do that next time we learned a lesson that's one thing I keep forgetting when we're doing this actually it's five yo Stark I guess he didn't find a 1 B 1 opponent probably cuz all the good players are playing for us nothing man I was going to cast your games thank you for the host all Starks viewers I feel bad for you welcome to 256 times mod force nothing all technologies can be researched 256 times and yeah I already got 5 double bit access it's a bit ridiculous damn King here you sit on the farm I was feeling miserable oh man well I chose to play for us nothing I chose the place for stuff so I hope you feel better I think some of the other guys that you could have played with wrong line earlier unfortunately for you the most annoying thing about this is how the bills keep going to that side that is what's triggering me right now stop doing that guys please the t9 you saw is real cher left on the right as well come on now look at her trying to sneak over there alright I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for another double bit ex I'm I'm pretending like I know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing guys yo alright we got this we got this so far I'm not feeling very confident with my strategy yeah I have loom 256 times so the stats on those villagers are pretty insane you're right I almost have space for the next farm so how's it going chat let's go how's it going a 28 thank you for gifting you sub to Ovid over it enjoy man I think I got space for another farm let's go boom how do you like me now how can I activate the sub yeah you're good dude you're good you don't have to activate it enjoy by the way to anyone new to the stream if you a brother or sister or sibling aunt and uncle and neighbor have Amazon Prime you can link it with twitch and get a one free sub to a stream or a month get the emotes support the content creator it's pretty sweet deal if for some reason you're having issues setting it up or just curious about it you can there's a link underneath the subscribe to subscribe image on my stream here I kind of regret doing this I'm not gonna lie to you chat cuz this has not been a good start this is definitely good start I guess I feel like if my if I would have purchased food like chat said it would have been so much better it's okay it's okay your t90 love is the reason I'm going to resub wait the the emo or the love from me so I'm still not sold on that emo but I think people like it what is this force nothing no my name is Y B this is Arabia it's just a hybrid Arabia this is a very very different version of it looks like force nothing I'm just kidding yes it's force nothing I'm just being an I think I can soon cut space the two farms which is nice I hate it it's too cute I think everyone would be sad to get rid of the emo it's the best thing ever okay well don't worry about Dave's opinions he eats kittens for breakfast so he's he's not a big fan of cute well apparently he thinks they taste good but see he's only at four double bid axes but he's also bottom score oh I don't know I don't know when to stop getting the upgrades the meta has not been explored yet Dave don't do it man yeah dude just is leave your jokes leave your jokes for inside you're inside your own head your jokes scare me you've way too much power you stop after the 256th upgrade oh really it's not exactly what I meant but you're right that that probably be a good time to stop I almost want to leave the the lumber camp they're just so just for the efficiency because I'm loving how these guys are not running back to my TC right now Jimmy Jimmy thanks for the new sub man boom yeah that worked out put him in there um I think I'm going to delete my TC again and buy food and stone rebuild the TC I'll get wheel first okay why not deleting farms I'll delete some farms yo oh I hate that you try and move in there's so much lag right now wait what geez it really spiked you see that I I thought the game told me I was gonna build a farm there yeah I think we'll buy food I think I should have done this earlier like very early but it's okay you live you learn all right ladies we're on our way up start tossing up these farms again trying to avoid t90 farms get double bit ex upgrades where we can got a nice little area here for four I guess houses we might be one of the first ones at Castle age yet I need to delete these later on and slide them over but we will build a TC here I think and then yeah we'll see where I end up going with this I want to get wheelbarrow again actually okay I'm gonna try and cut to the south a little bit just for farm space mainly because food will be a concern I wonder you know what it wouldn't be a bad idea to to just use the market again to get this just so we can get it all up and rolling actually I'll need a mill as well yeah let's do this buy some food so we can get upgrades non-stop Tristan I'm so glad you have come to accept for us nothing in your heart and accept it as a superior game or that it is I wouldn't go that far man but I've been in I've been enjoying the 256 xmod lately who got Celts philsed a good question I should probably double check on that pisello the solo got Celts you notice how everyone else is in feudal a lot of them anyway no their own feudal yeah we're fine now I don't have too much wheelbarrow yet Tatsu said to go until your your villagers hold 100 wood I do not have too much keep an eye on that though thank you again for scholar again hey ate Dino and joy 8:28 thank you for gifting that some of you guys are just crazy good to me you don't need to do it it's overwhelming mob bill bill bill almost as overwhelming as force nothing can be but not quite Thank You Man thank you sexy winking face thank you very much hey peanuts kind of sounds like I'm saying hey penis but I'll make sure to enunciate yeah I know I need to buy stone but my goal now is to just get so many villagers just just mass Vil's non-stop and then I can buy anything I want as long as I have the numbers you see how fast I'm ringing in the wood I'm bringing in the wood so fast actually I'm gonna get cartography so I can see what everyone else is doing but with this would count I'll be able to sell anything and buy anything I want okay their kids are getting pretty fast again pretty fast see the issue when you get when you get wheel this many times is that your bills hold the food it's not that I don't have food is that they hold the food so I don't think I need to buy it anymore okay my bills okay I don't need wheel anymore actually just need to get the lumber upgrades yes to see my bills look at how much wood they're collecting how fast is collecting it stops at 100 so at that point it's not worth it anymore to get the upgrade yep bills bills bills I guess basella was there and you're right he did not ally me that was intentional just so I can get the food oh boy all the lumber camps just keep building them so I could get the upgrades keep building them let's ring the bell again alright got all the food we need perfect so it's it's really it's it's time to start leaning on this cell button and I'm doing that and okay finally buy all the stone we can there's gonna be more wood there's gonna be more woods so we don't need to worry about that we're probably chopping wood faster than anyone right now that's just a guess though bills and lumber camps we are chopping fast my friends so what do we go with like our unique technology leave garland wars so we could go for garland wars I guess I don't like the monk idea I think we got to go infantry units maybe we just go with the Eagle warriors or champions or something the reason I want to do this is to see what the unique technologies end to end up being like well the reason I don't want to do both is because I want to be rather aggressive here tan Tron is right next to me try this again I guess I need to advance to imp at some stage right we'll do that tant Ron is Saracens so his unique upgrade doesn't really help him either I guess we could go to the castle route again what do you think about that where we try and kill everything with castles I mean you could basically do that with anyone let's maybe we'll do castles and champs I don't know oh go back to work go back quite a bit of lag if you couldn't tell all right what we're gonna do is we're going with the castles again tantrum is right there I just need space for blacksmiths and like only blacksmiths can I get a blacksmith please thank you very much you're gonna hear this a lot you're gonna hear this a lot just say it get used to the noise get used to it because that's all you're gonna hear for a while food please thank you okay let's see how much French we get oh god that's so it's such an annoying sound he's going Jana Giroud there's I wish there was a hotkey for this like for researching the text yeah I'm gonna get HP for buildings as well oh I thought I got guilds already this is ridiculous how much range do I have now okay 11 plus 12 we will get there t9 do you have corrupted Viper Vipers a grown man he can make his own decisions oh hey group Hey wow we're cutting towards people holy goodness gracious we were cutting towards people don't get more wood upgrades okay interesting now I can see what Red's up to it's gonna take a while for us to to get to the range I want just need the food please telling you guys this is the this is the best strategy for this map it's the most o P strat that's available I'm telling you if you want to turn on me orange good I'll just kill you with my castles I wish there was a way I could like remove this noise for you guys but I can't you'll see it's actually working it looks like it is does anyone know what the cap on masonry is I know that if you researched it too many times dude the game breaks or something this is taking forever 10k HP well I I got hoardings a bunch before and I had I had 50k HP on my castles oh maybe it I'll stop with masonry and I'll just get hoardings so my the idea behind this is they I mean the only thing that holds me back is that castles fire really slow but I don't think that they can deal with they can't kill my king as my hope anyway oh we don't whatever we're guess we're getting forging let's ring the town bell so you get more food perfect perfect whoa that is annoying where's my king it it's in there let's send it here instead I guess we can finish building that - whoa I'm working on it guys okay I'm working on it let's see what seal has nowhere and yeah like they don't have any built HP upgrades no HP upgrades though they are getting a lot of attack I can see Cheil got this man don't make him prove you wrong man don't make him prove you wrong he's a nice guy I don't wanna have to do that golde please how much range do I have 63 so that's enough to kill teal if we feel like he's a threat I would like to go for red first personally okay we're almost there guys we're almost there also we should probably get more masonry I don't want to make a move too early because then I'm seeing who is that orange okay let's make sure we defend ourselves with a lot of HP I think that should be the priority now I'll shed it again oh good god this lag it'd be a shame to die now so I want to get all the upgrades on HP it's about some more farms do we do a trust eel I mean it doesn't seem like he can threaten us I was told though with spies that I don't wouldn't need to get town watch the Shocker looks pretty strong shocker orange maybe Red's dead whoa okay so do we kill chakra now can we kill him across the map we got to be very careful I'm just gonna keep spamming these upgrades baby okay that's another 13 clutching upgrades right there don't touch the farms don't look I wish there was a way to know just how much range it is don't really need wood so hmm that's that's actually interesting where's this King I want to go for shocker first do you think I have enough range to get over there 79 range cuz if I turn on them I don't think I have it yet whoa what is this why are my units on fire my oh I have so many HP upgrades it's on fire it's castles on fire all right I think I want to be a nice guy and and help out Bert you know I don't know let's just turn on them we'll turn on orange sorry buddy I don't think you stand a chance now one of us is gonna kill you we'll go for shelter if I can I can get him get him get him janna rekt oh who killed him oh that's funny that's funny okay I think we have to go for tiel now just just to get him out of the way I think we have to get first go for teal Janna this is fine he is no HP upgrade so he's so done we got to go for shocker next okay can we rain shocker though that's the question what's he got oh we can get him - oh geez we need to get purple we need to get purple cuz he's looking really strong we'll just get everybody just kill everybody I'll tell me I can arrange that tell me I can arrange that okay I can I gotta stop like clicking it so much Jenna get him get up rip we gotta get shocker we gotta get shocker he's the next one he's so strong he has those long bows this is the most Opie strat I'm telling you come on game okay I think we got to go for it do you think we have a hundred range we'll find out what's he have please tell me there's arrows coming this way Oh whoo yes baby yes okay we got a couple castles that can range but we're getting more fletchings now do we have someone coming our way potentially gray maybe come on fletchings how am I not getting more range okay it's about to go down that should kill him kill him kill him oh oh yeah Grey's dead my bed we have ducks then all three of us left sorry I'm a bit in the zone at the moment chat you can't win against a strategy like this drag can be beat kill him kill him please can't click the damn King now he's gonna die what does duck said Oh God ok I think we're fine though I think we're fine because yeah he doesn't have the range I think we got this ducks the Savior needs a savior easy easy game such a jerk I'm such a jerk 140 range on these castles but the thing is look at the HP I have a hundred 35k HP on my castle so if they tried to kill me it would take them forever what I should have done play it safe we'd be set up these castles next to each other and have each castle on garrison in the next so if they killed this castle then it would go into the next yeah well I felt like chakra was the biggest threat after I finished off orange that is because he had quite some he had a lot of range but I felt like chakra was the biggest threat because he was Britain's what was his range at okay so he had 59 range so small spoiler guys I well there's gonna be a YouTube video where I tried to try this the first time may or may not have worked out as well at that time also there's another one where I tried triple tech with Celts and my HP was ridiculous on my siege I played against Tatooine that as well so that'll be going to YouTube this week so you're gonna be seeing quite a lot of this until we just get tired of it move on to something else but I don't know I I think see initially when I got when I got Teutons I thought okay like this is an ope is a very ope civilization for this because you can get crenellations but the thing is with crenellations it cost stone to research so it's not that realistic to research relations that many times every civilization can get fletching 256 times so that's why I ended up going with this we didn't even make any units so largest army largest army their Ducks 173 well whole hundred seventy three holy cal dude yeah I basically I got way more lumber camp upgrades than other people so which is why I had more gold in the end too and so I guess with 36k food that's quite a few fletching upgrades right how many blacksmiths does that did I have can we go back and try and count this how many blacksmiths did I have that's like 1012 say that's another 25 I don't know I maybe had 50 blacksmiths I could have built more I wasn't sure when I was toggling through if the game was picking up the upgrades though because I was going through them and as you can see it's kind of spread out randomly well there's a few upgrades still going on in there prett annex Britannica says for some reason parallel researching of the same tech didn't work for me pretty sure did oh you mean like researching at the exact same time gotcha and maybe it wasn't for me either I don't know I sure toggle through those a lot I know you weren't watching the stream Britannicus but I was pretty much doing that half the game I do feel bad for those two played though that strategies got to be tough to beat I think you have to be aggressive in this game mode once you get the upgrades to snipe someone just do it can you try see Thomas you're next I think you should try still get masonry
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 224,548
Rating: 4.8032055 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, 256x mod, fatslob, hairy davis, showmatch, zeroempires, Wolf Nothing, Expert Game, 1v1, TeamGame, Throwback, Towers, Mastapiece, Tutorial, Disgusting, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Snippy, Eli, Infaboat
Id: v6RrskaMgvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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