AoE2 - Relic Nothing!?

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let's go I'll hold on I have a phone call this is weird hello hey yeah dr. Rubin yeah I was just gonna call you um I was hoping I could set up an appointment to get my eyes checked out because all I see is works on this map where in the world what in the world relic nothing you have a monastery think it's a market a monastery TC combo and only relics only relics ladies and gentlemen we've had for stuffing we have had Wolf's nothing we have had animal nothing we will have very nothing we will have all the nothing Maps possible but yeah this is king of the hill free for all on relic nothing there's a few trees around but there's no gold no stone I've never seen this before this community is ridiculous now let's go this is everything I've ever dreamt up let's get all the lets goes in the chat for this nonsense you guys are crazy so I don't even know what the metagame what the strategy choice would be here but I imagine you need to build enough farms to get to feudal with what what little trees you have and then once you get to feudal you need to build a market to buy everything else you would want yeah the cost of what is going to be insane now the other thing is you can only fit so many relics in one monastery you're gonna need to build a lot of monasteries to get all these relics so let's introduce the players shall we we have Hank - super nerd and the teal playing as the Saracens and the yellow we have Malians for zonda are playing as the Malians sorry I mess up my order and I repeat things sometimes oh if a little blast in the green playing as the Portuguese and the gray we have Teutons for a double n and the purple we have funny tam-tam playing as the tunes as well and the red we have a gentleman all playing as the Slavs and the blue we have official Marvin oh my official they're playing as the Vietnamese and then in the orange we have ultra shield who was teal in that pilgrims game did very well he's playing as the Britons [Music] purple I've seen you I don't know if this is your first time the stream dude so I'm trying to answer all your questions I don't do a lot on HD because I used to do it a lot on HD and there's far too many drops and there's just simply not as many possibilities on HD so we do HD later we'll do sudden-death games and probably capture the relic games but that's the extent of what I'll do on HD because HD tends to drop more often than not and it's also there if boob lee has more features and better performance there's no reason for me when I'm trying to reach as many of yours as possible with all these like cool wild ideas to go to HD but if you want to play on boobie this goes to anybody you can play on boob lee for free it's a free platform and i recommend you check it out exclamation mark moogly is the commands talks about the free patch and whatnot and you can join the discord and if you have any questions people in the discord will help you anyway that's my spiel on that I've I've said that probably a thousand times over the past year of streaming I need a big command for it most likely so they're selling resources already now snippy if you're in the chat did you make it so there's no max amount of relics I don't know what that number is I think maybe you can only put 10 relics in each monastery so far we have well that's 10 right there for Hank I don't know what they'll max out other players have 10 double n is a little bit behind in the relic gathering so you have a TC and market and a monastery I'll combine 10 for every monastery yes okay so Hank he's doing pretty well he's gonna cook up the feudal first and he's found some extra trees this is not played on explored so I guess you just want to buy everything as fast as possible it is like force nothing except in Reverse and force nothing you want to sell a lot because you don't have gold this time you're gonna have a lot of gold so you might as well buy all the woods buy all the food very early and that seems to be the game plan most people are sticking to now there are five tile groups of trees around more towards the center gotta love this official movido sends in this one random ass villager to the middle don't look at that mini-map kids that's 18 plus but uh I guess he wanted to start that countdown he said just passing can we get the t90 pass things in the chat from our vino this is what everybody sees they see him they think they saw the villager in there that's funny so I think what you want to do is drop the relics you can't put in your monastery right next to your town center and that's what most people seem to be doing pink was the first to hit feudal age not buying anything right now I mean he has farms which is great he's going for his blacksmith first a castle age is gonna have such a big advantage because they can collect so many relics I want to see what the price is for things now if you want to buy food 100 food it is 216 gold that is only climbing you look on the bottom right for this info if you would like to buy wood and it's a hundred and sixty-six gold or 100 wood so I do understand that people might be watching this and not know much about Age of Empires I saw I'll briefly explain because this does go to youtube and these these videos tend to get a lot of views in age of empires you normally start with a town centre it does not look like this because it's normally just Town Center what you create villagers out if you want to collect wood normally there's a lot of that then there's multiple gold piles and stone piles and then standard play has five relics on the map and there's relics give you golds so in this instance there's no gold there's no stone and there's not a lot of wood but there's tons of relics so you collect the relics to get gold and you have to buy everything else have you seen the forest nothing videos the forest nothing videos show you the opposite where you don't have anything except wood and then you sell that's on Hanks view he's Saracen so it's cheaper I think sarah since it's a good pick here thanks Sarah since it's a really good pick here he's almost way to castle already yeah what what issue is saying is that Saracens have the market bonus I'll give you the read on that market raid costs only 5% hold on is that exactly what it amounts to 5% difference I never knew the exact number but basically you get a better trade if you are Saracens alright so that means Hank can build more monasteries immediately it means he's gonna have a ton of gold coming into the bank I'm glad that blue started that countdown early because the goal here is to control this Monument so while there are plenty of relics that's only the beginning you're gonna want to fight for the monument be the last one to control it down to zero years I did ban Aztecs I also banded the Burmese the Burmese pick their strong civilization but I don't know if the fact that they can see relics would have helped them out too much I would like to see that at some point just to see what the mini-map would look like for them I allowed their creative freedom except for Burmese Gnostics well would foon and stone price spiral into the thousands it could it could it is possible the highest I've ever seen any resource and Age of Empires to it was a black forest game this was three years ago this is back when there were a lot of people on Twitch I just started streaming on Twitch and MBL was still streaming all the time and I'm pretty sure I don't know if MBL will remember this or what but I'm pretty darn sure that to buy 100 stone it was 900 gold it was a black forest game where everyone was trying to build bombard towers and so to buy 100 stone it was 900 gold it was ridiculous absolutely ridiculous is relic victory turned on yeah let's turn relic victory on I I don't think that'll be an issue but can you imagine trying to buy just one or two bombard towers if that was the price that's crazy right now the price is I'll go to someone else's point of view to buy 100 food it is 320 gold oh this is awesome this is awesome Hank has the lead with the relics cuz he was the first to hit Castle age so he's gonna have an advantage building another Town Center now he's at 14 relics everyone else stuck at 10 I don't think Portuguese would be that strong here I mean I guess you would also get food with vitória we'd have to test it out because we'll do this again at some stage but I think that with the amount of relics that are gonna be coming in everyone should be fine I say that but you probably want a civilization that has a unique unit or a strong unit that's just wood and gold even then one will be a struggle but at least you're some wood here you don't want to go into something that costs a lot of food like paladin's no powtoons would be awful here because you'd have to research palette in which would be thousands of food and then create them as well I love the possibilities with this game I truly do it's hard really hard to say what would be best because the prices it's just downright ridiculous it is just downright ridiculous now once they get cast leaves they could attack one another I still think it'd be best to focus at home but they could attack one another Hank has 20 relics now let's watch how fast his gold comes in look at that number look at that he's getting 20 gold every game second pretty much and now he's buying stones cuz he wants a castle yeah monks would be a great move because it's just gold it's very hard to micro monks though that's the problem I want to see one player well I want to see seven people go four monks and then one player buy all the food with tens of thousands of gold buy all the food and go HUS are just kill all the mugs that'd be so funny with upgraded farms one hundred can give you a lot more food so won't units need the food won't units that need the food be better than wood no because eventually you're going to need to refresh those farms and receive those farms now where you're gonna get the wood from well there's a few trees here but it's only a hundred wood a tree and it's it's sixty what a farm so even if you get the farm upgrades I think in time you're gonna see very few farms great idea amazing idea for a map though this is this is awesome so many freaking relics now see this is cool Ultra Shield has built a castle whereas building a castle so I think he bought all the stone first now he could get longbows the longboats could be really strong I'll know if we'll have the food to get all those upgrades with the food to go halibut here but longbow halberd here that's only wood food and gold and how videos aren't too costly on food 392 years in this king of the hill game I didn't want to set up patreon alerts for the stream because it uses people's full names but to whoever pledged the five dollars on patreon Thank You Zach I won't say your last name on stream I appreciate that man if you want the alert I can give you the alert just have to ask let's see the prices once again I think people are selling because now to buy food it's under 300 golds pretty sure people are selling buying stone is getting more and more expensive yeah I guess that sounded dumb I said only wood food and gold but just think about it you can make a lot of long bows and then yeah I'm trying to think of ideas here but it's it's kind of difficult to execute I guess that the food thing is still gonna be an issue because if you're going into how videos you need ton of farms which limits your wood supply for everything else I don't know how about this guys how about you guys come up with cool ideas I don't say anything that might be proven wrong and we I talked about what is happening right now all this Scout is Opie let's go let's go zonda gonna kill a monk is he gonna get this one nope he's not hankies just converted it Hank has turkey 536 relics 33 for blue 33 for tam-tam 29 26 for Joe Menaul and Zonda we got Hanks gold again yeah wow look at this 1200 gold 1 2 3 4 5 monasteries and still they haven't even gotten past 10% of the relics on the map maybe they got 10% but there's still plenty more to go around [Music] there's no meta to this guys there's no meta to this we don't know the strategies that they should be using we won't see experts play this we don't know how this should go I think Hank just went with his unique tech madrasah is that the one that gives his yeah killed monks returned 33% of their costs I guess Hank could go for monks Saracens get almost all if not all the monk upgrades let's see oops I passed it I'm an idiot here we go yeah he gets all the monk upgrades wouldn't wouldn't be a bad idea to go for monks especially when you get the gold back from it a ducky boy welcome to the stream man thank you for the prime sub what if you use monks to make a wall of relics around the monument and no one can beat you in the middle because relics in the way papi that is some next-level thinking man I don't know if that'd be worth it to forfeit twenty thirty relics to wall the middle but that is hilarious can you show the relic income well I'll go to achievements because that's easier let's see relic Colts right there for you they pretty much top the bottom Hank with a lot more Hank Marvin oh and tam-tam are doing the best but everybody has ever everybody except double n has over 8 K relic old I can show it on the main overlay but the problem holy monks the problem with that is it's tough for me to get back to the main page so I don't like to do that Africa welcome to the stream man this is rel if nothing there must have been a pause or some lag maybe somebody is it's downloading the cheat sheet on how to play Rael no thing right now and lagging the game 41 relics for Hank 42 for red 43 for blue 54 funny tam-tam crazy game after watching your streams any tips for a newbie to multiplayer Raz I can give you some very important tips first of all you're always gonna have something to learn so if you get frustrated cuz you lost the game dude that's life I've been playing this I played this game for over 10,000 hours and I still learn something every single game you're always gonna have ways to improve you just got to learn to have fun with that now best way to improve learn hotkeys every single thing you do when you go through TCS when you go through mills when you go through castles and monasteries have a hotkey for it and work on that for a couple weeks every time you go to cheat and click something use a hotkey for it instead and eventually you won't even think about it and the other thing has learned some build orders if you'd like to take a look at some build orders you can type exclamation mark build orders it give you some places to start that way your economy will be right now those are the two biggest things a little bust has gone for Vittorio's so I completely forgotten about this possibility after as mentioned earlier little blast is actually lowest in score right now he only has 23 relics ok type exclamation mark builds instead of exclamation mark build orders I tried to make it so exclamation mark build orders and exclamation mark builds would work I think I might have broke it try exclamation mark builds instead yes oh it's broken ok remind me in between games and I'll fix that commands sorry about that I want to talk about Vittorio's real quick Portuguese only get this and it says can build vitória Imperial aged costs 250 gold two and fifty stone 20 population produces point eight I mean there's all the stats for you basically it's incredibly slow trickle of resources that you get with Vittorio's so while food could be an option or could be an issue Vittorio's will help with that I still feel like the other players gonna have an advantage Hank is going forward looks to be Mameluke monk and onager getting those relics is really paid off for him to switch auto translate your voice and other country servers don't think so don't think so two hundred eighty years who you guys rooting for funny tamped him he's winning in the relic count right now won t see only twenty nine bills that could be a problem for him but he has so many freaking relics it is insane man it's insane he's seventy relics soon he's a 69 right now 71 he's gotta go over a hundred relics who needs bills right who needs bills what's the price for resources now if you want to buy stone 100 stone is 470 Gold's 100 wood is 500 Gold's 100 food is 276 Gold's Wow he's gonna build a castle in the middle as well purple shark if if you are having issues with bubela you can you join the discord to ask for technical support I'm casting a game I cannot I cannot answer questions as I'm casting in front of 882 people I can't play tech support and stream at the same time man but if you already have bubu set up its game before you can just spectate it that way so how many monasteries does this guy have he has monasteries everywhere trying to collect relics crazy multitasking right now also t90 sucks at being tech support Thank You Neiman oh yeah Neiman oh there might be someone who needs help in in discord screw you Newman Oh screw you Oh totally good this we actually have an attached oh well people are fighting alright well I was not expecting this we have so many monks I can't figure out what these monks looks like it's been bothering me they look like something it's the new monks and I don't know like there's something on the tip of my tongue about these guys but oh we're gonna see some real old lows now monks are gonna get converted on both sides surprise surprise as so far it seems like official martino is winning and joe Menaul is just losing track of his monks I don't think he's whoa bellowing at all look at this are they red are they blue so many monks and now gentlemen Allah is not feeling very good about this I don't know maybe these farmers wanted to join the other side because they sense that they were gonna die and they wanted to get converted or maybe there here is the distraction I don't know why he's doing this but he is doing it and this is basically what a monk more is it's a bunch of wool the low world world world low and that's it funny tam tam has the middle 230 years we have ma'am Luke's pushing in from Hank on this side and he also has si geometry on the way I absolutely love Saracens late-game it is amazing one of my favorite late-game sips Mameluke saunders champions are blessed they have so much but well I guess first britain's this will work very well but i first other monks is that get redemption or they can convert these answers that might be risky on skirmishers a fantastic choice from our vino as well as the skirmishers will kill monks nicely yeah it looks like Joe Menaul got the armor upgrade for his monks which can get his Slavs but it doesn't really matter when they're getting converted still he has a lot more numbers Joe Menaul has 54 relics verse 61 from Marvy no gay like my religions right no my religions right and then gentlemen oz villagers would like I believe his religion and then they ran to join that side and then they died to the arrow fire feels bad man look at the Vittorio's from little blasts he's raking in the resources going with hand cannons built in another futur eeeh he's not gonna have population room soon what do these take up 20 population space yeah ok so 1 2 3 4 this will be 5 it's gonna be a hundred population space in just Vittorio's if he gets attacked now he's dead the issue is he doesn't have pop space to make military and defense so he could die to double ends paladin's now we should still focus on the middle 192 years is not a long time but we do have fights between Hank and between ultra shield unfortunately ultra killers chosen Britons or has randoms Britons and I just don't think Britons will work very well verse any siege civilization especially when you're lacking all these resources luckily for him he does have sixty relics though well the monk armor really paying off because these monks just will not die Jordan 23 welcome guys sorts of salutes out there to Jordan and his viewers we are in the middle of not force nothing not wolf nothing but relic nothing don't don't ask me why don't ask me why Jordan good to see you again by the way so currently one player has 96 relics everyone else is above 50 except for a little blast who has gone for Portuguese Victoria's I think I think Joe Mel's holding here just a lot of wool the lows on this side we have the mammal oops and the sea geometers fighting big engagements pretty passive down here all but relics all the resources on this map are gone except for relics pretty much was a few trees arounds funny tam-tam not messing around playing the late game walling up the middle now it is king of the hill by the way everybody welcome to the stream Martino says in between monk micro says this is the most fun I've had since thirty minutes to go Wow must be fun then Rams were great idea and all honesty from Joe and all can kill the trebs easily great meat against the scurbs I want to see roaches or sorry Hanks resources look at that he has 73 relics now the prices will be interesting if you would like to buy 100 stone in this 500 gold by a hundred wood it is 580 Gold's prices are ridiculous and that's for Hank as well he is Saracens the food price is not as high as I thought it would be I think they're able to get farms up but if this game goes on very long then it'll be problematic because there will be no trees left the food count all starts with wood and there's not a lot of wood left oh the our Bluffs gonna shred the Mamluks now the sea geometers are gone I don't know where these units came from they came out of nowhere they're gonna push those Mamluks away so aren't just doing a good job to hold needs to snag these relics take them to another monastery that monks not gonna be able to do it you know this side I think both players should invest in to like have but hopefully monks 95 military for gentlemen I look at the amount of monks he has that's insane that is insane we have Geppetto's from Zond I feel like I haven't talked about Zonda all freaking game 86 relics for him he's elite Geppetto's now these could die really hard to siege but they can kill everything else quite quickly Zonda has left little blast on his own little blast is one two three four five six victorious getting Arbutus right now [Music] what is this what were they saying I think maybe blue and red called a truce yeah I think they call it a truce they're gonna go to the middle at 120 years well played I don't have a T 90 Clapham oh but well played you guys to to agree to disagree on life and religion and move forward that's a lot of freakin mugs man that is a lot of mugs holy they do not see the castles here from funny tam tam now funny Tam Tim's going with paladin's now how do you think that's gonna work against a hundred monks yeah I didn't want to add a t90 clap mo because I don't want to give you guys the clap all right well rip these trebuchet x' is still auto árboles here even though these monks don't get a lot of upgrades is still getting some conversions I think I'm surprisingly orange able to hold with the massive amount of range he can get with Britain's holding against siege and mam Luke's you really need siege Ram to push Britain's that's the main thing 104 years yeoman all showed up he sees the castles okay here come a few paladins let's go there's no way like losing these monks it's not even a big deal when you have 47 relics and this many behinds trebuchet is gonna come forward you gotta think Purple's gonna start losing his buildings potentially his monasteries then he cannot fight this with paladin's now he is tootin so his civilization resists conversions which is nice but still I don't think it'd be very easy for him I mean while as it looks like there's a pause zonda is fighting up against little blasts and they're gonna be fighting over wood and relics I imagine little blasts it says he has 148 military but that's only because of his 120 population space put into the Victoria's now gray is also Teutons I haven't seen him make much of a move here's a lot of farms I noticed that and 10,000 wood could make paladin does have armature alright well hopefully nobody died that would be sad we only want you guys to die in the game our gist trap micros underrated that's a good point as well I guess he could have got warm wolf I didn't think about that but still regardless if Hank had made 30c dreams and Mamluks he would have destroyed him the see dreams always fills Britain's Burton's don't have anything they can't do anything against ma'am Lucy DRAM you see John injured kills are blessed so I think it's deceiving a time do you think you need to go for Esso but see DRAM is the better move oh man here the paladin's buddy tam-tam he's still going for it now this trebuchet is is actually being repaired it takes a while to convert these paladin's doesn't it it's a trêpa to stay up looks like the chubs gonna stay up we're only at 84 years ladies two gentlemen they're gonna have to start pushing purple fast yeah I said now he doesn't have any units in the middle controlling it but he is controlling that general area the holy cow holy cow so many conversions coming in I guess this is where the pawns came in should we save and try and get yellow in no that's why there was a pause Sanda dropped oh that sucks can we get some t90 cries to the chat for zhan that feels bad feels bad sorry about that Zonda well it's it's up to the Reston al that means little blasts will will have some time maybe he can blast forward I still feel like now Hank and Arne should be friends with each other call a truce everybody should push in towards the middle so many monks here purple lost a castle he's going with his own monks trying to convert enemy monks so many willows bamboo internet oh my gosh I haven't heard that one before Reaper the Teutons don't get HUS are they max out at Scouts they don't even get like calves so he's gonna continue to throw paladin's that these monks I guess which I don't agree with I guess he doesn't have too many options this is 56 years he probably should start sending numbers towards the middle now Hank he's gonna maybe cut through the stone walls I'm not sure oh oh look at this we have Imperial skirmishers from our vino and the are blessed from all just yet I don't think this is intentional they're running into each other by accident they just need to take down this wall accuse the bombard cannons or get some Rams over here or something the lack of Rams is just mind-blowing Rams old actually do really well versed monks - there we go blue is attacking a part of the wall it's all they need to do they need to get in here now these are Tooting castles but they don't have any upgrades it's so hard to make her that's penny monks it's so annoying to especially again students because it takes so long to get conversions here we go hang starting to push it now they just need to clear all the monks out in the middle and then it'll start to countdown over at 100 if you are new to a champ is if you're new to this setting it is about capturing this monument and every man is for themselves don't you dare friendly-fire your unit tank that could have been bad skirmishers coming in here to clear out the monks everybody committed for this here comes double n double in coming in from the backside with the lead Teutonic Knights and paladin's clearing out those monasteries so many relics lost they're a lot less gold than the bank now for funny tam-tam going forwards and surely he is gonna get cleaned up he will not have any units left in the middle and he will be yet another person to go down after going into the middle first happened so often so often normally go to the middle first you die hard now hold on a second this is not over yet he still has a few units in here they need to make sure they cleared out huge death ball from Hank huge death ball from gentleman all from orange from blue blue losing all of his traps now there we go it has gone into Hanks favor actually and I don't think Hank should leave this area I think you should stay here but nope he's left and he's giving greater control so remember earlier I talked about how double n had a lot of food seems like he farmed a lot and because of that he's gonna have food for paladins other people might not be able to make their units cuts of the lack of food now currently the prices I'm sure you're wondering to buy 100 stone it is 762 Gold's 100 food 335 goals and 100 wood 879 Gold's that has got to be some kind of record 1391 ah I see or Lou you got your you got your affiliate and you're already trying to to sway people away from the t90 whoa I see how it is I'm just kidding that thank you for coming in thank you for the six months of support dude now purple is pissed off purple I just dropped some castles in gentlemen all space Joma doesn't have anything here and you start sending out Teutonic Knights at gentlemen I was like why well you know why you you were attacking it man you're attacking him this seems like the strongest players right now has got to be ultra shield in the orange and the gray we have double N and then we have Hank and the teal and I prefer his position definitely oh all the monks going down whoever see jhanjhar get converted most likely will it's not gonna convert it he's not going for the S Oh unreal peg patrolling in the Mameluke now he's gonna kill all these monks oh it was going so well for gentlemen all but now he's dying in his base he doesn't have the economy for this because he did not buy the resources he needed early on this is his former military just a clump of monks and Hank clearing out a rival he definitely did not want to be bothered by now I've kind of missed the attack from Orange down here are just been pestering mark you know Marvy knows not gonna be near as successful here big big losses with the skirmishers ouch and longbows will do just fine considering they have 12 range verse 8 well I don't think they should wait too long here I think they've already waited too long I think purple should also delete his walls that you should delete all the walls that way people can push this because that's a lot of numbers from Hank Hank also has the stables and the buildings around is 114 military his resources sky-high very strong resources sorry orange you crushed my monastery I wanted vengeance well I don't think orange is too worried about you now blue he needs to push forward and kill the Saracen death ball arrow slits it's orange really getting arrow slits he built towers is he gonna build towers I don't know these long bows they have 12 range that can kill the bombard cannons that can kill the C geometers they can kill the Mameluke now this is really interesting because if you didn't know Teutonic Knights shred Mameluke think 20 elite Teutonic Knights can kill 100 elite ma'am loops because elite ma'am let's do one damage or something ridiculous now it depends on micro of course but if the monks die here for Hank he could be in deep trouble 38 years remaining though he's gonna need to keep units in the middle just one unit in the middle he wins the game little blasts not able to push in really it's just a gray and it is just orange and I don't know if they will be able to do this now world of trebuchet would be so sick here with Wolf I think the Splash Damage will kill a lot mmm Luke's Teutonic Knights hold it up very well here a monk's still alive unfortunately and they're going to get conversions that's probably the first thing I would have gone for it if I was double ants go for those monks but look man loop numbers going down this caste is going out for Hank Hank is going for it let's go sending it all of his villagers now he's got his fam Rams in here spam hussars keep units alive gray sending in the paladins all of these monks will die Hank almost top score in this game was that 200 population but in the blink of an eye one hour into the game 20 years to go he's losing everything in the middle a hundred population ally continues to drop can he keep units in the middle guys it's just about these villagers and Mammal oops and maybe this Ram 15 years it is craziness in the middle now I'd love to see aren't to attack the traps I don't know if we'll have the time to get a trap shut in and doesn't have notes left he's at 60 population already he's trying to run with ten years remaining shortly he has no chance now and Hank loses the middle and now it's between orange and between gray unbelievable stuff and now we're gonna see the world wolf trebs come into play from Orange are bless the longboats do kill Teutonic Knights they do pretty well against paladins depending on where the paladins go little boys doesn't seem to have the confidence to push forward in that fight monks from German all just defending verse purple purple and him are having a 1v1 right now blue can't really contribute but he's thinking about it 90 years for orange now and maybe he can take it now Hank isn't really out of the game he doesn't have villes but he's not out of the game because of all the resources he has his economy was mainly relics so think he still has a chance to come back here but can anyone stop orange they need to get Rams involved not just auditors need to have ten fifteen twenty Rams as meat and then those auditors behind but I what I wanna see is a big juicy auditor shot give me a big juicy on just shot please come on when the long bows arms gonna try and run away from this and micro that's one big shot hitting mainly villagers there's another big shot is he gonna go for the trebs or is he gonna go for the are blessed and this auditor is to somehow come all the way in here boom there we go that's what we wanted to see he's gonna wall in his trebuchet x' next level strategies seems like he's going for it now longbows monks villagers everything comes forwards I think gray is our only hope and great I was wondering where he sent his paladins he sent it towards little blasts so confirmed if the Vittorio's are not very strong on this map market prices I'll show you that no problem let's see well bar vino has zero food so he's probably thinking you know what I got 55 relics I'm just gonna buy some food well if he wants to buy a hundred food it is 291 gold if he wants to buy some wood just a hundred wood 1128 golds for that to buy a hundred stone 858 gold those prices are the crazies have ever seen this is extremely important to buy resources earlier on in the game Oh [Music] income the light calves they have no defense they have one defense upgrade these two guys are gonna die so hard he's trying though at least he's trying 45 years remaining now this is looking very good for orange is Hank an amount of push kind of but I don't know if he'll have the time again no one has gone seed RAM which I think might be a big mistake okay now Rams on the way for double n I want to take a look at his resources still has a lot of food and golds a purple not purple sorry orange could slip up and leave the middle he only has a few long bows in there right now maybe these villagers count I guess with enough bombard cannons this is doable but still you have 13 range on a bomber cannon and there's this many long bows with 12 range it's not the best but this is where they need to push they need to make the move now orange needs to send everything I think he's trying to keep his castle up he's been using long bows to attack the trebuchet is only one trebuchet from gray long bows from Hank or sorry Baba cans from Hank dyeing to long bows finally one seed ram at least 19 years for ultra shield 19 years everybody needs to come in now everybody needs to come in now if you're blue you're probably thinking I'm gonna just hope he dies and I can somehow rebounce come back a lot of players aren't really gonna want to sacrifice their units and little boss comes out here has to be careful cuz it'd be so careful here little bugs what are you doing look guys we're the best does it really think this is a good idea all this hand cannons just get a head shot at nine years now I guess he went for it like I wanted see geometers bombard cannons now for Hank they need to clean up all of the orange units there's not as many as I thought there were gonna be at this stage but I think I think it'll be enough three years now but like to ever hear from RV no conversions coming in there's not a lot left are just one hundred population shoot gray choo-choo oh my goodness that was close look how close that was if there were two more years I think you would have died look at this just bills and these units would have died that was so very close Wow well that was still amazing game amazing map I can't wait to look at the achievements with the economy well played ultra shield you did great in the pilgrims game we did great in this game as well well played Hank I mean Hank really went for it there I think if there were no Teutons in this matchup he would have survived but the Teutonic Knights are just too strong well played everybody it's obvious to me we ended this game with some crazy market prices so you need to buy resources early I think Joe Menaul and Marv ena were discussing the fact that they had no food and no wood and yeah that really caught up with some players the players who were fighting in the middle at this stage they at all excuse me thought ahead about that and so purchased everything all right so actually I want to see little blast resources now I guess little blast also barely fought this game but that's a lot of gold that's a lot of Gold's the Victoria strategy I think is weak because you lose so much population space but maybe at this stage of the game it should have worked I don't know all right here are the achievements this will really tell how good the Victoria's were there's the KD more kills for orange again guys I want to stress if you're playing against fully booms Britain's you need to add CRM Hank could have done that I guess gray only had capped RAM with Teutons but still Rams are so important for sprint ins and nobody did that here's the eco difference this is what we wanted to see okay so on this particular map the Vittorio's brought in less gold than the relics now little blasts could have collected more relics in theory as well but tons of gold for funny tam-tam Hank double and German all ultra shield lacking Zonda was lacking gold but he also dropped at some point sorry about that Zonda that's really disappointing um let's see relic gold and a 100 relics captured for funny tam-tam geez man you'll never see that again well he might because we'll probably play this again but you'll never see that on any other map 100 relics captured ridiculous if Hank didn't attack me early I would have collected more relics well I think that's the idea in these settings the idea is to stop your opponent from being in those positions right the fees thank you for the prime sub man don't think I missed anybody I got a couple people hosting me with one viewer not sure if it's the troll Bella Nadeau just host me with four so thank you for the house my friends at market prices those 3,000 stone from little blasts were worth 30 K gold though yeah but
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 391,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, forest, nothing, relic, wolf, nothing omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, omg, lul, t90Woo
Id: 7cqWN9KFgSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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