The WILDEST Castle Drop Strategy & Game!

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all right welcome ladies and gentlemen we have a 1 P 1 on Arena here in the blue we have dark noob HD he's playing as the byzantines this is the guy who's been facing off against John slow a lot recently and then in the red we have drew contra kontin's playing as the Goths I did upload a game with Turk on tonight I think land to YouTube within last week or two and your count was trash-talking and YouTube made it very clear that they are not on board with that HUD jacket and dark noob aren't good friends so if they are a trash-talking I'm I'm fairly sure it's just a joke but it is Turcotte so you never know Byzantines and Goths historical matchup fun matchup for many different reasons a Byzantines I'd say they're more flexible however Goths can be anybody when they get to their infantry spam will we get to the stage where drew Conte goes for cattle I'm sorry we're a dark noob goes for cataphracts to kill the goth infantry or will that prove to be too expensive because normally that's the issue I'll start with the maps and then we could talk about how this might play out a little bit more all the resources were dark noob are forward main gold main stone secondary gold third gold so he will need to protect that if he does protect the center area here will protect all those resources then we have Juke on space he is his main gold here he has a golden back to goltz in the back in fact with a stone so it's a little bit better I'd say gorge rakaia as far as gold goes Elton liveses or iTune says t90 fish' Weatherby community matches today nope we only do it on Thursdays very simple answer to that we did community games yesterday and we had let me pull up the exact number actually I still cannot believe this yesterday's stream how many people how many substance we have yesterday it was just insane I'm still mind-blowing we had 574 subs yesterday now that counts gifted and like new subs 574 subs and one stream that is just ridiculous people were so hyped for community games and thank you all again seriously thank you all again we hit the 24 hour stream goal Mel so I will be scheduling a 24 hour stream I'm going to get as many guests as possible on I have lots of plans so it'll be a lot of fun but it'll take me some time originally I was going to do one anyhow early December but I'd kind of feel bad if we waited three months to do it well info coming soon on that I guess only time I miss community game in month and this in months and this happens yet it was pretty wild the games there were so many gifted subs that I just couldn't cast half the time the games were good but I couldn't cast half the time now again guys to those here on Twitch if you received a gifted sub it is September right now so near the top of the stream it'll you'll see an option that says continue sub for $1 you can actually do that now or any time before that sub expires and it will give you you're just extending your sub basically to the next month for just one buck which is pretty awesome and I still get the support of a full subscription it was awesome from twitch to do that okay so I want to I want to talk a little bit about Goths I that's what your con has here it's a civilization that is one of the best Postum sibs in my opinion but getting there is a huge struggle because they don't have any Eco bonuses like many other saves have and ideally you'd be going for infantry with them and in fuel age in Castle age infantry is just very slow right so you really need a plan with Goths to get to the Imperial age and so I think there's a few things you could do first option is you could go for a later click up to the next stage go for maybe 28 population and go to stone and then build a castle on the front then you can maybe patrol house girls around so you can secure some relics and then you can protect your boom you know ad TCS behind that and eventually go up to em you could go for a stable play sometimes you'll see players build a stable instead of their traditional blacksmith market and you could go with just a few Scouts to get the relics or you could just straight up a boom and not worry about the middle of the map just just hit castle Age ASAP and boom but your con is going to stone now so I believe he might be going for what I had mentioned earlier well keep an eye on their economy and then I can kind of explain it but dark noob he has more flexibility I'd say they have very strong monks this civilization so he could go for monks and siege he as well could boom there are a few more options for him and castle but then the problem with Byzantines is what do you do against Goths in the Imperial Age well you can make gunpowder sure but you need a lot of gunpowder which is expensive and it also takes time because you have the research chemistry you could go for cataracts but that's even more expensive you need multiple castles and you pretty much need to have a league cataphract so yeah that that's pretty much it guys this is gonna be a fun matchup I think Goths is probably one of my favorite civilizations to cast I really like this it I love how Rina games sometimes the map looks like a Geodude it's not really a Geodude right now is it turning my head I don't know yes you're right there are Geodude maps I gotta give Dave credit for that t90 fish will love Scott's because they can't Stonewall that that is well that helps as well that's not the big reason though imagine if Goths had Stonewall though if they had Stonewall they'd be so much stronger because then on Arabia you could just immediately Stonewall in feudal age and then BOOM so it's really good for balance that they don't have Stonewall but I freaking love arena games because we have so much time to chill out and talk about things and this is a game of strategy right and also since I'm streaming this one I can communicate with you guys which is important yeah I'm black forest that stuff also black force you have choke points Silver Stars so you don't want to be spamming your infantry into small choke points where players can have ranged units on a map like arena sure you have walls but then it's very open goth spam is ridiculous when it comes to spam I took down Teutonic Knights with pointy boys using God's pan yeah so normally at the end of a game when Goths win they don't have a positive KD it's it's the one sieve where they can be taking good fights but losing more because it's so cheap and so fast we shall see see where our guy says do you need to be a sub to get into the discord no you do not now there's a special discord room in there for subs only and I do like sub only certain sub only things there but no you can have the main chat room and access to other things as well I'm not sure I get this point did this courts getting so big I might need to make all the new invites be sub lonely but I still think we're fine alright Richard thank you for playing the games earlier thank you for stopping by dark noob has a lot of filters on gold my friends so we'll probably go for some monks and siege and this is why I love Turk on strategy because Turcotte can then just build his castle maybe right here and the monks and siege will not do anything me Castle ht9 official how would you both Fiat nummies give them an eco bonus and husbandry and then I think they're fine oh is he going for a forward castle oh jeez you rarely see this at this level and dark noob he wants to build the monasteries forward on funny enough because of the wolf he might not see the Vil's are you kidding me are you kidding me he's not gonna see the Vil's because the wolf he had to address the wolf's to save his villager oh my goodness the importance of scouting the importance of scouting let's see where this castle goes up really weird he's putting a forward castle because he's still exposed at home but I think they're just having fun so I can I can get him bored with that oh oh oh my god oh my god guys he's gonna siege Tower this would be a brilliant troll oh he's gonna siege tower the castle all the Gold's are forward all the Gold's are forward dark noob has no clue he has no clue oh this is amazing this is amazing we are on dark noobs point of view he could tower to stop it I think there's there's a large list of reasons why you shouldn't do this build it build it he sees your contest no Oh dark noob hasn't reacted man he's still dealing with the damn wolves he hasn't reacted to it he doesn't how does he not see this yo dark noob Dirk knew he's like oh just gonna make a few battering rams in a few monks okay now he knows and he's like oh oh that's so good he's just gonna run away this is fine just go to this gold this is fine and and now the funny thing is what what does your con to to defend from the monk concede there's a reason you build the castle at home because they need to have some protection as well I think that dark noob could still win this game see this is why I like watching dark noob in jerk on and John slow because they're not doing all the right things they're having some fun this could be a base trade there will be husk girls in blues-based that he'll have to deal with he is no loom by the way wait he's just left he's just left his base with everything oh my god and then there will be siege and monks and rekon space which will have to deal with however he could build a second castle actually because he has always gonna build watchtowers this is ridiculous dark noob he's not in his base anymore man he's not in his base Sher Khan is in his base with some villagers and he's building towers to defend which could be seen as a huge waste of snow but he needs something now because he'll lose his TC this is hilarious this is hilarious and I guess Turk hunt could try and go for guard tower but he doesn't have the resources to even get fletching so who who's gonna win this game it seems like you're confounded the villes and now now dark names like oh I need to run away from here let's run to the north which is smart because jerk on might try and hunt down those bills this is hilarious is this nomad or is this arena I still don't know who's gonna win this game this is so funny if dark noob repairs the nagging ELLs he's out of wood he's out of wood he can't he just had to buy wood so he could repair the maggin ELLs how often do you see that turcotte will build a castle though honestly I would have prefered he'd delete these houses and build it here that way it protects the southern side a bit more but yeah once the castle is up maybe it'll be tough for dark noob it's not like Turkana has the resources to make housecarls to deal with this but at least stop the magnet Alison any further hilarious hilarious game drew Conte has no TC Turcotte does not have the wood to build a TC he is like six farmers and now the maghen ELLs can walk right around this see that's why I didn't like that castle placement but this is ridiculous dark noobs TC will soon go down I think maybe Turcotte has been looking as like God where is this guy have villagers he doesn't have any clue that dark noob has everything in the north this is a ridiculous arena game I'm loving this this is hilarious T West we could see zero TCS verse 0 TC soon typical arena players who needs T C's men tricking will soon have the stone for three castles and he will have 0 to1 dark noob he needs to build the TC up here because he needs to protect his fields at us girls go that way sure he could convert a few but that'd be a pain I really hope that neither of them resigned because both of their situations are awful and luckily their score if they didn't have score blue would have probably resigns by now red might have even considered resigning at this stage hey dork Dube it's go to TC where is he gonna teach you back in his face no aimed record space cuz that is prime real estate let's do it so he can't get his main gold he's gonna take the main gold at droidcon space cuz why not why not oh my god this is ridiculous Turcotte still doesn't have the resources to build the TC by the way oh no this this can't happen right look at this he's figured it out he sees the trees are being chopped he's going to attempt to take down this wall and then he's going to castle there and he now he's teasing a dark new base of course uh what well I kind of think dark noobs in the lead because he believe it or not it seems like he has more control like he has more math control he's just killed five of Jerkins villagers so now he has a villa lead and he has a lot of monks as well which could convert any villagers that go to build that castle any HUS girls try Kant's castle placement really filled him I mean there's a lot of things here that have just been ridiculous this is definitely I mean say hello to YouTube twitch at this dark Neve one a fast imp this look at them abusing the market seems like he's trying to cook up to him and rakaats gonna build a castle here and if he gets it up which he should because the Makah dolls are on this side then that will push dark noob off of gold and he will only have this little gold remaining oh and he hasn't scouted this year so that could save him but he doesn't know about it don't even try and tower that man trick on says too late bro which is totally true and now monks could die villagers could die dark meat needs to leave again what a crazy game this is ridiculous man his dark knee bond stone anywhere now that dad poor woman is strapped I don't think she's gonna escape he needs to run and he's on its way to him what is his plan he is no gold he is no that's his empty seat why of course it's his empty seat it's his only freaking TC are you kidding me it's a byzantines TC it has a little bit more HP it might stay up actually enter cotton would never expect that dark meat will be on the way to end so it's fine man it's fine I think it'll go up unreal unreal there's no later Khan can go to the Imperial HC he's adding economy so he will have more villagers means 29:29 first the 24 of dark move as he runs to God knows where there's no monks here from dark noob so this could be trouble you could lose all of his bills to the house girls and oh oh oh Ron run towards the monks run to your priests pray to your God so you know how sometimes I say 2020 population up to feudal well this is a 20 population up to imp or a 20 Ville up to imp new strategies guys new strategies the guy is going back to a lumber camp that he built earlier he's on this stone which is right next to Turk on Chicanos can't see it the MTC is gonna stay up which is just hilarious gherkin should win this game now he should because it's 18 villas verse 35 I don't care for your encapsulated ramp it just he should win the game but let's see dark noob again won t see which is dying there's a population shortage man there's a famine in this town an imperial age has given him nothing yes he doesn't have the resources to get one Imperial age upgrade not even one so he put a thousand while I guess he's Byzantine so like 600 food 500 gold into the Imperial age and he has not gained anything from it so he has this lumberjack and these five Lumberjacks and then I mean do you even build a TC at this point that's the question do you even build a TC at this point I think he wants to build a castle and just start tripping and Turcotte probably expects that he's building stables now and he'll go like calves and he is at the point now with his economy where he can make them - so this would be to be trouble for dark knee but if he can't get a castle up there we go okay block printing that's an upgrade that is an imperial age upgrade 12 range soon for these monks and dark noob kills villager so in the Imperial age he's had more kills and he's pushing one of many TC zircon has now if Turcotte makes like have I'm fairly certain he will win the game but this game is ridiculous what is up Zack thanks for the host man chat let's throw some salute to them for those just getting here you're catching up on an arena game which is probably the most ridiculous arena game I've seen at one point jerk on had a castle in dark noobs base dark noob then tea seed in jerk on space there were instances where they didn't have TCS at all this has just been ridiculous but now I mean dark noob is in the Imperial age at 35 population so that's really all you need to know in the Imperial age with 35 population but you're Connor what the hots girls in like have will probably win this game now but this is hilarious this is hilarious really funny game but regardless now if if dark neem can get a bunch of conversions than maybe these Goods already that's a new badge hero thank you for 9 dude yeah 9 months is a new badge actually forgot about that oof wait 9 months isn't a new badge I think it goes 3 6 and then 12 I think you're still on that other badge you're getting there man you'll get 2 gold in three months thank you very much for the longtime support so you just need to be very patient if your true con you sure can't going to kill these Lumberjacks no not the Lumberjacks don't you dare do this you animal there we go see he arrives here and he's like man this guy's sneaky where did he go where did he go jacana is losing this castle to the trebs or the trip that dark knave is created still on 17 villes by the way and he quickly gates up as trebuchet well you have to do that and he's pushing jerk on he is pushing your cotton turcotte doesn't have a lot of food remaining are you kidding me are you kidding me dr. gold welcome man happy birthday happy birthday bro I think you have to stay next year Mac & L's of your dark noob to be very cautious here as well because the like have arrived then they could kill your monks which is pretty much all you have he has more military more monks more faith than villagers so who needs economy when you have the Lord where those other bills go to stone he seriously has one lumberjack and that's it that's ridiculous maybe just maybe drew cotton will freak out and panic and lose this and if he does it will be one of the craziest victories I've probably seen in Age of Empires 2 arena okay so he's house bad leader Khan after losing that castle so he can't create anything more he seems to be creating stables back in what used to be dark news base dark noob doesn't have a base guys he doesn't have a base he doesn't have his base he doesn't have recon space he is no base and you know what he's converting villagers baby how do I get an economy fast by dark noob HD just simply convert the villagers statistically speaking that is the fastest that he has gained villagers since ball game 3 villagers just like that killing some with this light can be converted kill it you like F convert it convert it geez these guys are really slow there we go okay converted three more bills as well is he gonna win this game surely he's not gonna win this game Sher Khan has too many TCS Omo the Lumberjacks going down he's in trouble he's lost his one lumberjack one lumberjack not a jock it's a girl girls can be jokes too t9 d t9 official this has been such a sloppy hilarious game I know man I know seriously but you know now it's I guess dark noob is gonna see this other TC and he will he will consider than turning around to trap that but he definitely knows he needs to go to jerk on space to pressure him there he still doesn't have a TC so how long has it been without a TC now 20 minutes something like that now the funny thing is he doesn't have the wood to build a lumber camp so he would have to go to one of the lumber camps it's already around to chop wood or buy wood and he is treading down this TC so maybe he can convert all these villagers Chacon says I demand heresy oh this is incredible I really hope dark Neve wins this I mean it's not looking good for him but again if he converts to villes maybe let's go he has a lumber camp now he could build a second castle soon chat I need your help can we get I believe in dark noob going in a check oh here we go he's gonna convert villagers he's got one and he's got oh no he used all his monks to convert that one Ville Oh No what's she that important he doesn't have the faith you know what that's what happens when you can't be around women your whole life you see one out in the wild you're like she must be mine they all freaked out he loses his strap which he cannot afford he cannot afford to rebuild how are you feeling after yesterday kiddo now that you've seen 1% of my power video game I'm still mind-blowing by the support yesterday the bills are being converted guys he's at 35 builders he's booming up he's booming up 30 36 villagers oh it's happening he's getting all the power from jerk on oh this would be so amazing if he could win I still feel like it's unlikely because jerk on has so many like have but please make it happen I'm not a very religious person but if there is a god out there please make it happen the guy has not had a TC in for more than half the game please make it happen Oh I mean he will likely lose all these monks to the light cast that's the problem so he can't really push Turk on space but he can get his base back baby he can steal the farms the farms are here ready to go he can go to his old farms they're on fire whatever a little bit of smoked corn never hurt anybody he's about to get four relics I need every one the type I believe in dark noob in the chat every person all 900 of you please could change the outcome of this game he's 1,500 score behinds he is way behind in villagers again because he hasn't built a freaking TC but she probably should have done at some point obviously he is making Spears now so he will have Spears and monks and rekon is probably going to go sperms as well I think we have a pole for those watching on the twitch chat do you believe in dark noob let me put it to you this way do I think dark noob will win this no do I believe he has the strength within him to do it yes my heart says yes my head says no and here comes her Khan I think the system is fine right it's just that we have to figure out I think you should show how many votes have been have been cast we're still testing that chat we're still testing that again previously I would have to do all that work so now other some of my moderators can do it which is helpful my heart says yes my head says no what does my body say my body is sexually attracted to dark noob for these strategies but to be honest sure can't kind of started it all with his castle drop so I mean obviously jerk ant deserves the plaudits for that that was hilarious this whole game has been hilarious but scurbs and Lightcap should kill this and I think Turcotte knows his economy is way stronger so he's being patient he's being very very patient here welcome back Dara Finn thank you much very much for two months ATL it has been a good year man it's been a very good year thank you for tier two twelve months so I guess at this point dark doom says I've already had no TC for 30 minutes I don't need one now what would that do for me not just boring you just got to commit to it as Dave would say you got to have some some cojones man up who needs economy just use the market that's what the markets there for so Pyke's will obviously be okay for slight cap but everything here dies the sperms so nice to move from jerk on and your con can go to am soon as well so that this game is probably over dark noob does needed to fight soon very very soon hmm this is fine right this is fine i think this is where the t90 fine emo would get some great use he's gonna try and build another castle you just abused the market he wants to place a castle here this is fine this will definitely go up no problems here whatsoever gate it gate it no that's like half of your economy right there woo but zircons maybe freaking out a little bit because he's used a castle what are you gonna do about this Turkana huh how you gonna stop the castle what are you gonna do bro come on dark noob I believe in you start clicking he is to click every monk individually boom boom boom SOTA alright this is fine just just run run the opposite direction run he can't even afford the have upgrade he can't afford any pike upgrades this is fine man protect the trebuchet he's so dead he's so dead but what a funny game what a funny game man I mean I felt like he was dead for a while here but look at the map this is ridiculous what a funny game Sher Khan can kill this castle with like calves it there's nothing that dark dark noob can do to stop that and I think when Turk Otton hits the imperial age or even before that dark noob calls the GG that game was ridiculous man dark noob not expecting to understandably so to go for a siege tower castle drop and then this game turned into just the craziest thing because it was a base trade for a while the empty c4 dark noob was sitting on the main gold of Drake on the first castle forger Khan was in dark noobs base dark noob didn't have a TC at one point to conten have a TC for like 5 to 10 minutes and everyone spamming the doot doot doot Doo doos for that I guess I guess that's that's a new high P mount right goodness gracious what a hilarious game there's the KD I know it wasn't the closest in the end but that's a youtuber for sure if you like a mix of ridiculous and expert games I think that's the game for you so I twitch at say hello to youtube youtube if you want to check out the twitch stream i stream five times a week and the twitch stream is below in the video description whenever chat sees me they spam do Oh gotcha though they remember they remember just look at the Eco stats poor guy look at this oh seven he only had seven thousand would gonna take some medication maybe help you out there dark knew you're too young to be having those issues
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 75,990
Rating: 4.8780098 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Castle Drop, Wildest Strategy, AoE2, Legend, Of, Fatslob, Hairy Davis
Id: ggHmJ-lBIew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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