Pro 9x Tech Mod! TaToH vs DauT!

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okay guys I've no clue what this is gonna be like but welcome everyone to a 1v1 game between tato and doubt now this is currently going on live for those of us that are watching on twitch this will probably hit YouTube and I guess we'll add the scoreboard there you go so you know what the scores have been but this isn't just a regular 1v1 oh it's just apparently a Rabia regicide this is also 9 times tech so you may have seen the triple tech uploads you may have seen the 256 tech uploads this is played with nine times tech which is very rare because you have to download a mod for it and I'd normally for community games don't want players to have to do all these extra things but downton tattoo did that I have it downloaded so we're good to go and and tatto is here in the blue he is playing as the Teutons and then we have doubt in the red he's playing as the vietnamese now they start with quite a few villagers and all text can be researched nine times that means nine fletchings nine scale barding armors nine eco upgrades so this could be pretty intense I have no clue what this is gonna be like but I'm looking forward to it oh there's no chat here okay sorry well add some of this I must have been using this scene to record my recent youtube stuff so I should be able to get everything up and running so people can say hi YouTube oh we don't need that you got that and we got that everything looks good sorry so they pull YouTube now hopefully they watch the YouTube video I uploaded because I should keep their kings out of the north don't get walled in like Miguel did that was funny though wasn't it yes many people here might have seen the video already it's just interesting that that happened it's such a big stage Age of Empires - alright well we'll wait and see there's no text they can research in dark age besides loom oh wait let me remove that Amazon Prime thing as well I don't I don't need to have that kind of stuff there we go it's fine nice work from tat so to use his King to block off the boar from his villager and tattoo is on the way to feudal age okay so let's talk unique text for a second as far as unique Texaco Tac Toe could research shoot what's what's it called ironclad for his toot and siege now this is if it goes post imp and ironclad means that his siege has hired melee armor so you've researched that nine times melee units will be it'll be impossible to kill the sea junglers with melee units pretty much the other unique tech for both doubt would be he gets chat rose which I think that's how you say it gives elephants extra HP that's kind of silly one that could be that could be crazy I think they get plus 50 HP so multiply that PI by nine it's like a whole other elephant and then Vietnamese get paper money Teutons also owed Teutons also get crenellations - whoa doubt is going for militia what why is that drush Inge on regicide fortress I've never ever seen this before at least hit the gold dealt you know the castles there you know the berries are there you're not gonna be able to to much well chat so probably won't expect this that's for sure it's a - also doesn't have loom all my goodness it could be brilliant it could be brilliant but something tells me tatse will be able to see this in time yeah and tatto he hasn't been playing a lot recently but he's trapped down in doubt it's imprisoned now that is amazing well played tatto doubts militia complete lace that was beautiful in teto also kept his villagers live and now tattoes on the way to castle age like come on doubts come on man Oh another trap and tattoos laughing he says eleven tats is having a good old time doubt probably not so much now look for the eco upgrades look for all of these text that's the first eco upgrade for tatto double bid ax can't really afford to get it the second time I'm also not sure if it's worth it to get it a second time right now he thinks it is so that is the that is quite literally a double double bid ax oh boy boy oh no the villager survives attached to says what a lamer I think he says shame and then doubt says I let it live and Ted's was like no you didn't you just suck what's fun about these two is that they they're teammates they know each other well and they just trash-talk each other the whole time so no doubts now on the move with his scalp but this Scout is eventually gonna die tattos getting his third double bid axe now so it's a triple bid X and that scout is now dead so not the best start for our Lord and Savior what wilt a to do in Castle age I have a feeling he's just going to prioritize eco upgrades look how quickly these villagers are bringing in wood if this would be his fourth double fit axe or something what's after quadruple you have you have quadruple then you have I always forget what the fifth one is oh that's quintuple okay I thought that was the sixth well then I have another question for you sec no.6 is sex sextuple yes sex SS you remember that one and then I don't know what's after that and I'm not even worried about it but there's a second TC now for tat so he's finally getting a loom this would be a second loom actually okay so now those villagers are a bit beef your bit Tangier militia won't stand a chance I think doubt we'll be thinking of making rats and archers that is one thing doubt could do its comeback in this game because he can make a unique unit which is which is doable at this stage of the game and no offense to any elite Teutonic Knights who are out there watching I'm only saying that Teutonic Knights are not very doable at this saves the game would be funny to see a bunch of them with Squires later on the Dow is now making rats and archers and he has six plus three already so notice how at Joe's gone for the Eco approach by the way I guess caps rage doesn't show when techs are research down here and this we need to make a 9 times mod capture age version doubt do not lose a rat's an artery to a scalp oh he's lucky he's lucky luckily he has eight range already on these freakin rats ants tattoos just researching loom a lot look at the armor on these villagers loom after loom after loom a doubts going fletching after fletching after fletching so is the Eco gonna be better or is the military gonna be better by the way if you're seeing this on youtube before the 25th of October everyone here is talking about regicide rumble 3 it'll be Friday through Sunday I'm getting really pumped and I'm gonna answer tons of questions about that today but right now our focus is on the trap 10 archers look at the range but also look how little damage they do to the villagers that's plenty look at this drush it's doing next to nothing to these bills they have so much armor but you know the reality is that if the villagers aren't working that's still good for dealt and sewed out yep you can run around with these rad times and he's sending more forward he has six plus six attack and ten range right now the funny enough tata's villagers have they have twelve pierce armor so he's doubt still only doing one damage a shot but with a few more fletchings he can change that and with a few more rats and archers and he'll be good 115 HP on the bills with tons of armor by the rats and archers are speedy now what is tatto thinking here I saw he built a barracks and maybe he was considering Knights but maybe he thought twice about it like my Knights are going to have no upgrades I won't have a chance so despite the weak start for doubt I think having a unique unit which is ranged is very very good for him honestly tooms is probably one of the worst units we're sibs to have for regicide fortress where you start with a castle because it is the slowest unique unit or it's one of the slowest right so tattos getting wheelbarrow now I wonder if his villagers will be fast enough to continue to chase these Noboru style it's probably not the first time he's researched that I mean you max out on upgrades eventually and Delta's tanking which i think is a reference to World of Warcraft because I no doubt and tats have been playing a lot of WoW recently contactus is they remember me a human warrior I love the banter between these two six plus eight attack for doubts units now the funny thing is [Music] this whole group only has one kill look how fast these villagers are he could kill brats and archers with this look how fast these villagers are it's almost like ink ovals in a way now matching ink Cavill with loom and the blacksmith upgrades and tap dough is getting another wheelbarrow this is crazy this is ridiculous I still feel like it's way better for doubt because well he doesn't have to it's not as much work for him but this is crazy now doubt his worked his way through all the fletchings and now he's on his way to bodkin arrow he is six plus nine attack 69 well six six plus not whatever nice an attempt was made Patel has lost so many rats and archers to just bills saying look how fast they are look how fast they are and Tatton will continue to get the wheelbarrows as well this is insane man this is insane the villagers are so overpowered in this you still have to use them properly though that's the thing tell probably can't believe what he's seeing at the moment keep in mind that tattoos villagers are also going to be bringing in resources at a faster rate oh oh tat oh wait is that villager did it where there's an invisible villager there this is a little bit buggy this is a little bit buggy more double bid acts now gold mining and now doubts going for armor yeah maybe needed that a while ago I still I feel like now though I don't know the villagers have 145 HP but I feel like now he probably has enough to kill these bills surely or not I mean you gotta you gotta at least hit with this group Dell hey I feel like shoot cuz he's scared of them oh no there's a wolf attacking a villager whatever will they do stable for tat Oh which again I think is a bit peculiar because the Knights will just get shredded unless he's building up towards a lot of nights with a lot of upgrades which would take a lot of time oh wow death looks gonna destroy the town centers this is brilliant tats okay make villagers if he doesn't have town centers okay that's a strategy to go for but tat so quickly reacts to that and is chasing down the rats ends yet again now is it oh it's regicide remember so I I mean if doubt somehow kills this castle he could kill the king and with all the armor upgrades that doubt is going for tattoes really struggling here he might not kill the rats and archers in time this is the way to do it doubt forget about the villagers just get the king at at so now we'll have to repair this castle now the castle is going to kill a few rat tens also Teutons have free murder holes so doubt can't sit underneath the castle like he's trying to do his half way down I loved the idea from doubt but he lost too much there man this is such a close game though it it is 68 population for both huger co-lead for tat so though and look there's an invisible red said Archer firing there I guess this happens a lot I know this can be very buggy and unit school glitching all types of different things but again I would really like to see I feel yeah see I feel like the rats and archers not the number now where they can kill the bills so it's a shame that doubt lost so much there look we have invisible units firing is that just capturing or is that the game itself that is his capture age right there captured she doesn't know how to find that guy apparently all right whatever it's fine doubts getting his fifth vodka neuro now I haven't been able to keep track yeah just just destroy the staples down just destroyed the staples say I think Knights is a really bad idea for tatto he is for pierce armor his villagers have 18 pierce armor what do you think's gonna last long when the villagers the nights and nights are not gonna last very long unless you get dozens of upgrades a doubtless is very much alive in this game now I want to check the economy down spend one TC the whole time yeah no surprise one TC all in production the whole time but it is regicide and he has destroyed a TC he will destroy the stables the villager idea from tato looked brilliant but it could only last for so long and doubt stuck to the task of creating the rats and archers and getting upgrades and he says all about production man tatto says well if I had arranging as well I could do the same thing yeah you could tell doubt just got really cocky so I needed to talk trash and talk smack and this could be the game tattos king is in here it's on the move now how does tatto kill that [Music] all right well that castles a freakin goner and tatto is now howls badly and tatoes town centers will melt and this hell does have to have any chance feels like it is over now also you get to see used to the caps rage features we'll see during regicide rumble october 25th to 27th well we don't see anymore but when the king popped out there was a little pop up here actually I think if I know I don't have a 1v1 overlay for it yet it's set up for the team games but it does let me know anyways wonder if Tata will just go for the king snipe now he has Knights over here he's relocating economy doubts just working on killing stable after stable after stable these Knights have decent upgrades now it's 11 pierce armor but still the rats and archers have 24 attack ok tattoes king is right here it is in the south he's got to be careful I think doubt is also running towards it tattoes researching husbandry since when do Teutons kid husbandry yeah it's a good point I think in this mod certain texts there's a bunch of weird things with this mod I think that like some non measure tips get equals as well it's it's a weird one I think I ain't Gul texts are available I don't see how tattoo I don't see how he can kill those rats and archers especially when the rats and archers can sit in a choke tatse still has more villagers he's doing his best to relocate economy he's building a new town center here he might trade some more nights from those stables his king is now on this town center and doubt we'll just shoot TC after TC after TC after TC doubt is on the prowl the king is moving again though tato has more Knights now and they are very fast rats and archers don't get a movement increase oh boy doubts on the way to the Imperial age how many times have we seen this in regular games where one player has an army that they need to keep alive while they're on their way in imp this would be doubts time he needs to survive if he loses his numbers it could give tattoo a chance to stay alive in this game tattoos considering fighting here and doubts aware of it so doubts hugging the wood line and now doubt has researched reason to see that the king is over there he really wants it and he's on his way to it attaches not exactly sure where the army is yet okay now a toad knows for sure I think if doubt starts getting the bracer upgrade a bunch of times it's over the armor that he's getting is really important meaning tatto is is continuing to run around tat so needs to engage this before they're upgraded further maybe this is it where are the other Knights the other Knights are swooping in from the other side katate do it he should delete his lumber camps patrol in [Music] doubt oh that was a nightmare I guess that was a capture age bugs doubt is still killing a lot but he's also losing rats and archers and tat so we'll survive for now wow this is crazy a tat does game plan has been all about building new t's and TC xandrie booming and now doubt is down to just ten military he is getting in upgrades but that was not the time for him to be taking fights alright so tats is getting more upgrades on his units as is doubt maybe this is the time for Tatsu to swoop in I mean the speed on the nights is wild thank God he gets husbandry right a doubt also has no looms stacked up so his villagers were melts and tattoo just runs away again Wow I have to say did did anyone else think that tattoo was dead once doubt got did that many rats and archers I really thought that he was dead really impressive stuff from him it's crazy just how fast these units are in comparison to the rats and archers now Oh doubts villagers will get caught out I think well doubts King is in there gelts king could be caught out a tatto seize the castle is it worth it to attack the castle right now though I'm not so sure one thing I know is that day out needs to go forward now it needs to go forward he needs to snipe the king pink tato is just gonna raid doubt to death realizing doubt doesn't have much eco only thirty-seven villagers now for doubt now you've got us tonight the king man you've got to get that King snipe and now a tow is on the way to the Imperial age it will make matters so much worse for doubt it's looking less and less likely that doubt could win this game I don't know if he has enough still at Tatas trading so many units so many Knights are here more upgrades are on the way this is insanity from tatto beautiful and doubt just says boomer he knows now he knows that he doesn't have the economy and tatto said it was all about army you said that's true doubt said it's all about massing units and that's exactly what Tonto did we come back from tatto oh man that should be over it should be it right because now tatse will have access to more upgrades he has fifty or sixty more bills remember that time where the rats an archer seemed quick while they're not clicking more and more bloodlines more chain partings and then plate boardings would be available for tatto t90 wide doubt not spamming regular archers I mean they're only like wanted to attack less than five HP less why would he is my question hey you start with the castle so you can produce them instantly in castle aged rats and archers are significantly faster than a regular archer so it's it's good to get momentum going with creating these things it's good the problem was he just didn't he didn't go for the Eco approach like Tatsu did so he didn't get eco upgrades he didn't get T C's via rats and archers definitely better choice than going crossbows where's Texas king out again okay it's now down here to doubts just not just hoping to kill the king thence all he wants to do he should know it's over now though he should know it's over and doubt calls the gg that was so much fun that was so much fun to watch Wow so nine times tech between two pro players and it was actually pretty competitive there tattooin for the Eco approach and ville defense and doubt went for the 1tc style rats and archer push a doubt destroyed six to ten town centers from tato I really put tatto under pressure I didn't think that Tatsu could get the eco to get the number of upgrades and nights that he would need but doubt didn't kill him fast enough now imagine if doubt would have gone for slightly less military upgrades at the start and went for eco as well then I think this would have been a bit closer but that's the high-risk high-reward you play with when you you it's a high-risk high-reward strategy if you go for mainly eco like tato did and it's high-risk high-reward if you go all in with with military-like deltad all right so now I need to pull up the Chiefs this would be a fun one take a look at this 110 kills for tat oh wow big eco difference okay so he had double the amount of food almost double the amount of wood had stone dealt it not then he also had more gold and out had 98% of the map explored and dalla had that significantly faster imp but he didn't have his rat ten archers alive anymore once he got there T 90 but he could have had three packs of archers in three different places instead of waiting and having only ten rats and archers at one point so syrettes key I'm not sure I know since I just started the stream we had like 600 people join after the game had already started so I'm not sure how much of that game you saw but the thing that you're forgetting now is with a fast castle your resources are very low so which you're expecting doubt to do is to go fast castle then have 300 plus wood for just two ranges then research crossbow which is a hundred and twenty-five food and seventy-five gold then create the units that's really really really really really really expensive whereas a rats an archer there's a car outside honking its horn whereas the rats in Archer can be created out of the castle which is already there and the rats an archer is faster than a crossbow with movement in the early game make sense so yes if he had the economy of tatto making ranges would make sense he did not have the economy of tatto so it wouldn't have been as easy as you might think so they're playing again and if you solve this one on YouTube I will probably upload the next one to YouTube as well because this is really fascinating stuff
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 59,515
Rating: 4.9501662 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Pro, 9x, Tech, Mod, TaToH, DauT, AoE2, Age of Empires, Totally, Balanced, Broken, Game, WTF, Tower Rush, Map Control, Snippy
Id: hB6pqGOoTBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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