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[Music] hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so i know first of all i've been gone for like a month and uh we're gonna talk about that in a different video but last month i actually recorded my second big chop anniversary and the footage just i wasn't happy wow i wasn't happy with it and um i just disappeared doesn't matter so now this is turning into my one year and one month big chop anniversary hair growth video love that for me so i wrote down some notes because it's a lot and i wanted to make sure i didn't miss anything your girl will be doing her homework and making sure she's got the goods for you guys so i'll be looking at my phone so it's been a year and a month since i big chopped my hair now for anyone who is new to my channel i'm going to give you the story again i've been kind of doing updates i did like a three month a six month and a nine months so you can also check those out and now i'm doing a year and one month um video but um this is probably the last hair update that i'm going to do because i i feel like i'm saying the same stuff every time but this time i actually wrote notes and i want to be a little more in depth so anyways i big chopped last year march 10th so when i've been chopped i already had a year worth or like 11 months so we'll just call it a year worth of growth so i didn't like ball head chop and i grew all this in one year very unrealistic expectations that's not how this happened so i had a year's worth of growth i also have a big chop video if you want to see exactly where i started off from scissored down you can watch that i'll link that below but i'll also put pictures like i always do so i had a year's worth of growth and this is my second big chop i had to big chop because i had color damage major color damage my hair was disgusting my ends were disgusting so i had to chop off my red hair we loved red hair jess we loved jessica rabbit but she had to go she had to go so i went ahead and did that everyone was like girl don't cut your hair don't cut your hair why would you do that why'd you cut your hair this is why hello okay don't let nobody tell you not to cut your hair this period so let's get into the notes so anyways a little bit about my hair before i get into what i do because what i do may not work for you which you do may not work for me even if we have the same hair it still might not work for you but anyways i am type 4 i have thick hair as you can see my hair is pretty thick yeah it's not that coarse but it's definitely um no like not big ringlets i have like smaller ringlets and i'm low porosity okay i am low the lowest of the low um people always ask how they can find out their hair's porosity they do have a porosity test and some people say that this test is inaccurate but it works for me and that's just that's all i got for you right now okay so let's go to the source to make sure i'm telling you guys exactly how it goes so hair that floats to the top for a while before sinking toward the bottom of the glass likely has low porosity hair hair that floats somewhere near the middle of the glass has medium porosity and hair that sinks to the bottom of the glass fairly quickly has a higher porosity hair because when you have high porosity your hair absorbs moisture really fast and that's why it would sink if your hair has low porosity that means it's really hard to absorb moisture and your hair is going to stay at the top so i have a cup here and i have a clean piece of hair that i just washed off so i'm going to drop it in this cup i don't know if you guys can see but we're just going to do a quick but i'm just going to watch it really quick and see what it does so sis is doing absolutely nothing she is steady at the top i wish y'all could see this yeah she's just at the top if anything i feel like the water is spitting her out she's like man you don't want to absorb this and you know it so i am still very much low porosity can your porosity change yes depending on how your hair changes but i've been low porosity from the get go from the jump okay we've been shooting the gym as low porosity and it ain't changed since okay so we're going to start off with my wash days and how i do my wash days how often i do things and what products that i use so i wash my hair once a week for the most part it's very very very rare that i wash my hair twice a week who has time for that oh yeah i don't so once a week and i will also deep condition my hair in that same wash week like i always deep condition my hair when i wash my hair so i'm washing my hair four times a month and i'm deep conditioning my hair four times a month as well okay so when it comes to which shampoos i use i'm not very picky i don't really have a staple shampoo i just want to make sure it doesn't have any sulfates i guess i am kind of picky but okay it doesn't have sulfates mineral oil petroleum or what's that other s word silicones no silicone so make sure you stay away from silicones sulfates patrolatum and mineral oil in your hair products if you're anything like me but the shampoo that i have been using lately that i do really like this is nothing in here sponsored i actually don't even really never mind so let's focus on this cream of nature like aloe and jamaican castor oil shampoo something like that all right youtube hand always does the trick there we are this shampoo i've really been liking it because it gives me like some type of minty vibration i don't know it feels real good on the scalp kind of like a cooling feeling on the scalp and i love that for me but throughout this past year i've been using different shampoos because companies like to send me shampoos and i'm just like oh well i'm gonna use it for the most part they all do what they need to do but when it comes to my deep conditioner that's when i'm a little more selective not everyone can get in okay they have to hate from outside of the shower because they cannot get in so deep conditioners that i love the teigen honey miracle mask now that one is a little pricey it's 17 so if you got really really long hair you got about two uses out of it um if your hair is like mine or shorter you got maybe three you can probably squish stretch it to three but it is a little pricey but it makes your hair feel so moisturized and i'm about it my second favorite i love this um conditioner a lot i'm not gonna lie i only used it twice because the price the price is a little pricey it's called the camille rose coconut water penetrating hair treatment sizzling gonna lie it's 19 okay it's 19 but it is worth every penny but all those pennies do add up to 19 it's pretty expensive but i will spend the extra penny on deep conditioners because i feel like it's to me i feel like they're way more important than shampoos they're all kind of the same level of importance but i don't know i just feel like the deep conditioner is a little more important i don't maybe buy a hair so i'll spend the extra money on that but i would never ever spend 19 or seventeen dollars on a shampoo i'm not spending more than twelve dollars on my shampoo eight at most all right great and my last favorites you guys already know you guys already know this one is a staple always in the shower it's my apogee texture treatment it's nine dollars okay it's nine dollars is a winner but the problem is it has protein in it so you have to be careful not to use it too often because some people's hair reacts different to protein so i use it like once a month but on those weeks when i use that when i use the curls is crazy so love love the apogee texture treatment that was a good one so i know people are probably like well do you use regular conditioner i don't i usually skip that step because i don't feel like it makes any sense like shampoo condition and then deep condition like why would i do that i'm not i don't do that so i don't have any conditioner recommendations i just go straight to the deep conditioner but it's up to you what you want to do with that okay so for moisturizing my hair i do the lco method which is liquid or leave-in oil and then cream i tried the loc method which is liquid oil wait what did i say for um okay let me start over okay so then after i get out the shower i usually air dry or use a t-shirt on my hair never a towel because towels they snack on your ends they snap on your hair and you can pull your hair out or break your ends off a little bit so we got to do whatever we can to protect the lovely hair on our head because we're not like the others our hair doesn't grow 2-3 inches a month that we can just spare inches for no reason we can't do that so t-shirts or just air dry so for moisturizing my hair i use the lco method i always confuse them liquid or leave-in a cream and then an oil yeah so for my leave-ins i don't necessarily have like a staple leave-in but some really good leave-ins that i have used are from the cream of nature leave-in is really really good i forgot what it's called but everything that i'm mentioning will be in the description box or i'll have a picture of it right here but the cream of nature leaving is really good the miche miche the meech leave-in chef's kiss absolutely fantastic so good and lately i've been using the kiss argan and macadamia leave-in it's okay but i'm using it because i have it here i don't really like the ones that you have to squeeze out i want the one that you can cup okay i want to cup that leave-in and just put it into my hair because no one has time to be doing this all day it's just a little too much but it still works pretty well and i believe all of those are pretty affordable um like they can't be more than twelve dollars they can't be if they are i apologize but those are some really good leave-ins like i said for me i can't use the spray watery leave-ins they don't work well on my hair so i just go for the cream leave-ins all the time okay so for my hair oils i used to use like organic um organic olive oil but that stuff is absolutely so expensive so i just stopped using it because these hair products really be adding up okay they do so i stopped using it and lately i've been using actually this hair oil by kiss is the argument macadamia hair oil this one's really good and it's nice and thick so i i like fake products on my hair and also there's another one by um there's another one by mish which i'll link below it's like a hair and scalp oil but i only use it on my hair and it smells so good it's a little bit thinner actually it's a lot thinner than this one because this one is just thick for no reason but it it still works really really well and it gets the job done for me so i'm not sure if we have to talk about the hair oil that i use on my scalp because if you've been watching my videos i mentioned it every single time why is it not up here by me let me get it i'm sure some of you guys are already typing in the comment section because you know what it is i don't have to speak about it but this is your first time here wild growth oil i don't know why they have not sponsored me yet because i talk about this in every single video every time every time the wild growth oil is giving what it was supposed to have gave okay period it's so good love it it does smell like my grandpa's foot but you can combat that you can okay you can combat it just don't do a hot oil treatment with this stuff because oh my god oh my god it stinks it does not smell good but i really do think it's helped in my hair growth journey a lot when it comes to my wild growth oil i do try my hardest and i'm usually pretty successful at oiling my scalp twice a week not a month twice a week because also my scalp just sucks up oil i'll oil my scalp and the next day it's gone okay it's gone my scalp is dry again but um i try to do it twice a week and throw in the scalp massages while you're doing it it's really not that hard it takes like five minutes so i'll oil my scalp twice a week so when it comes to my hairstyles and styling and blah blah i try my best to stick to low manipulation styles there is a difference between protective styling and low manipulation styling but like i don't care i you know like i like put my hair in like mini twists and i'll be like oh protective style and people like it's not protective it's low manipulation like i don't i don't care they're all helping me in some which way or form but i'll say low manipulation is definitely like styles that you don't have to put your hands in your hair every day now is this protective not really because my hair is on my shoulders and i like my t-shirts unless you're wearing satin um satin line t-shirts all the time then it's not necessarily protecting your hair because my hair can snag onto my shirts even though i've never really seen the hair strands on my shirt like that i'm sure it's happening and i just can't see so this is not a protective style or a low manipulation style at all because with this hairstyle when my twists are out i do have to touch it every day because i'm banding it at night sometimes i'm re-twisting parts i'll stretch it so this is not a low manipulation hairstyle it's not a protective style some examples of low manipulation and protective styles can be like a low bun anything where your hair is tucked away mini braids braids with extensions wigs love for those of you who can slay a good wig that that's good that's probably the best one or if you just want to you know rock the helmet of salvation all the time which i was wearing my satin cap all month last month in march not a video was put out my hair was my hair was in a satin cap the whole time and um yeah i think it paid off a little bit i do um but yeah just styles that you don't have to do your hair every day like putting braids in your hair or like marley twist crochet hairstyles those are very very good for protecting your hair but also when you're wearing braids for like eight weeks or three months you can't moisturize your hair like your hair strands and your hair can get really really dry and then all the build up gets built up on the roots so i do think it's good to wear them for a good amount of time like i think six weeks like i said i can't do it four to six weeks is nice is a nice amount of time but yeah don't overdo the protective styling and also i feel like it's really important to let your hair breathe in between protective styling like don't go back to back to back to back let your hair down girl let the air kiss it let the sun hit it give it some time to adapt to being in the world you know what i'm saying so yeah i feel like i just spaced out when i was talking i'm not sure all right let's talk about heat let's talk about heat heat is a little controversial controversial whatever like i said always do what's best for your hair i feel like you can learn your hair with through trial and error but you don't want to do too many errors that you have to cut everything off so with me i do use heat on my hair i want to say quite often but not like straightening my hair or always like blowing it out but i do stretch my hair whenever i'm wearing a braid out a twist out or a wash and go i will stretch my hair i do i feel like it just gives it so much of a better shape this my hair right now is stretched my hair is stretched right now yes i'm showing y'all scalp in case anyone want to try me my hair is stretched yeah i definitely use heat on my roots a lot not like the whole head but i'm afraid no heat now and sometimes these heat protection sometimes i don't don't do as i say not as i do we should definitely use heat protectant but sometimes i'm lazy and sometimes i've been running out of heat protection on got none so today's stretch was brought to you by zero heat protectant i so far i've gotten lucky but i don't want to play with fire too much no um the last time i straightened my hair was like two years ago so i don't really straighten my hair that often some people are luckier than others so you could go six years without straightening your hair you do it one time you got heat damage as your friend your co-worker straightens your hair once a year for the past six years zero heat damage so it really depends on you and your hair you just never know so be careful when it comes to heat i know there's a lot of women who have to like blow dry their hair before they do certain styles and that's fine like do what works for you okay but just be careful that's really the motto here do what works for you but be careful that's it oh my gosh we're almost done at night i always tie my hair up i go to sleep with a bonnet i can't sleep without a bonnet i can't i will wake up if i fall asleep on the couch like the the ancestors will like rise me up out of my sleep and i'm like something's not right here i have to go put on my body i don't care how tired i am when i get married if i ever fall asleep i hope my husband will put my bonnet on for me and even banned my hair that would be great but we're not sleeping without bonnets unless he was satin pillowcase but even if i had a satin pillowcase i'd probably still sleep with the bonnet it just i need my hair secured satin pillowcase i just don't feel secure but it does do the same thing that was pretty much it but i do want to give a little bit of an inspirational message because of the fact that i always get questions on oh my gosh my hair is not growing i'm not seeing any growth your hair grows faster than mine blah blah for one i want you to keep in mind that also half the time you see me my hair is stretched i feel like a lot of you guys are not stretching your hair or you don't know how to you're not doing it right so you're walking around with your hair not stretched and my hair is stretched and her hair is probably the same length you're just not stretching your hair and i am and i'm stretching i'm fluffing i'm giving it shape that's just what i do but i really do think it's key to be consistent i think the biggest thing out of all this is consistency you can buy all the products that you want but if you're not using them properly if you're not being consistent if you're not oiling your scalp if you're not um if you're using heat every day if you're not doing protective styles your hair is going to continue to break off everyone's hair grows okay if you're not seeing length retention it's because your ends are breaking off we didn't even really get into trimming but i am not going to speak about trimming because i know good i am no good i mean the last time i tried my hair was in december so it was four months ago but the time before that was my big chop so that was like eight months different so you gotta you gotta look at your ends you can tell when your ends need to be trimmed you can you know when like don't hold on to the dead stuff because it gets you nowhere it gets you nowhere but like i said it's like being consistent it's like going to the gym you can't go to the gym for a month and expect to have the body that you want and then just give up and not don't be eating right and not be working out you have to be consistent also your eating and water intake is very important to your hair growth as well because what you put in will come out so make sure you're drinking your water ladies i don't drink nothing but water i mean a little bit of a little bit fit on the weekends and stuff but i am obsessed with water i'm obsessed with chewing ice i am just always drinking water so that probably helps with my hair growth a lot but yeah be patient take pictures i mean you guys are always seeing my videos and stuff i mean it's obvious my hair has grown from what it used to be to what it is now without pictures but take pictures of your length um pull your hair pull your curl down and see where it is on your collarbone if it's by your armpit like take notes take notes if you need to use a like a measuring tape use that and take notes because sometimes it seems to the eye that your hair is not growing but it is it's also extremely important to be delicate with your hair when you're detangling your hair you're brushing or combing your hair make sure you're using a wide tooth comb to start out make sure you're starting from the bottom and going up to the top don't do too big of a section at a time like you have to be patient and delicate with your hair or else you're going to keep pulling it out it's going to be breaking off and like it happens little by little but it's going to add up over time so be patient be delicate and most of all be consistent but at the same time you still need all three and the last thing i want to say i remember on my last like my nine months whatever video someone was just like her hair is only growing because she has good genes like she's like responding to everyone and saying it's because her good jeans it's because of her good jeans because of her good jeans i don't want that to discourage anyone first of all my grandma is bald-headed so i don't know what you're talking about ball-headed granny that's that's who i've got okay um i don't have any sisters to compare it to my cousins we all got the same grandma i their hair is not long i mean i don't think it has much to do with my jeans i don't want to discredit the hard work and what i put into my hair we're not doing that and i also don't want to discourage anyone who was like well hey my mama's ball and my granny ball that mean i'm gonna be bald like no you're not your mama you're not your granny just take care of your hair worry about your own hair journey don't try to consider jeans and don't compare because people's hair do does grow faster than others even when my hair was relaxed i had a longer hair than i don't want to say the average black girl because first of all now that everyone's on to taking care of their hair there's plenty of black women with long hair good jeans are not so there's so many black women who have long hair now so it's not even like like a shooting star we are out here okay but it's because we're taking care of our hair i don't want anyone to feel like oh i can't do it she just probably has indian in her family or i i don't know i don't hear any excuses you can grow your hair just take care of it period hello i know you gotta make me say all this for no reason you better do it okay i'm about to roast you i want y'all to send me your before and after pictures i want to see it done because it can be done hello so that was a lot of talking i'm sorry this video was extremely long but i really have missed you guys i'm so glad i'm finally recording this and anyways i love you guys so so so much and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 296,813
Rating: 4.9652886 out of 5
Id: dypOwa1NME4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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