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hey guys welcome back to my channel today i'm back with another hair video as you can see my hair is looking luscious volume thick okay like i am loving my hair right now and that is all with the help of the extreme wetland gel so i received some reviews actually from people saying that the eco styler isn't like necessarily the best gel for our hair so i did some research and came across this one and honestly like i am loving it i'm already in love and this is my second time using this product um i'm gonna show you guys exactly how i curl my hair how i define my curls like i'm so mad i didn't know about this product earlier like what's wrong with you people y'all did not tell y'all girl like y'all did not tell me anyways it's all good so let's get right into this video like always don't forget to comment like and subscribe and guys i'm so close to 30k so definitely subscribe today if you're a newcomer if you're old tell a friend to tell a friend to subscribe to my channel thank you so much anyways let's get started all right guys so this is my hair it's freshly washed it already dried up but it's all good so let me just quickly try and brush it a little bit as you guys can see my hair has grown so much more since the last time i um big chopped which was is that a year already no next month is a year that i cut my hair again and hopefully it's the last time i cut my hair so yeah this is what it's looking like it's very thick ouch just a disclaimer i would actually rock my hair like this and just do my edges and go out but today we're going to define these little curls now you can see them but once we do my magic you will see them anyways so i'm going to show you guys again how i curl it but this time i'm using a new product that i'm super excited so you guys know i usually like i live by my eco styler flaxseed gel that's what i've always used to define my hair but today we're going to do something new i've seen a lot of people use this extreme wet line it's got extreme professionals let me show you so i'm gonna use this product and see what a hype is about because everyone is using this everybody's hyping about it i don't know what it do what it do so let's get started like i already mentioned i already washed my hair so i'm just going to quickly put some moisture in it because it's looking way too dry for me so let's just [Music] all right so for my moisturize i'm going to use my curly lala curling custard and for my oils i'm going to use some castor oil it's in here i feel like i mixed this with something i'm not sure i'm sorry and i'm also going to use my coils hair booster oil so the name is almost gone but you should see this is amazing hair boosting oil that i got from from my friend queenie if you don't know her she's a natural hair youtuber and she came up with her new line so as you can see i've been using the product a lot and yeah we're gonna use it again today so first off i'm going to moisturize my hair so just using a little bit so like this and just use it for the section that we're going to start with all right i'm first going to use michael hair booster and then top it up with my castor oil then massage it in and then quickly detangle so now it's nice to detangle so we're going to start with small sections so up next i'm going to spritz my hair with some water just to define it curls a little bit and then we will start with our gel so now that my hair is a bit moist i'm going to divide it so just brush it a little bit with my denman brush [Music] you see it should curl up a little bit but not really defined so now i'm gonna use this as you can see i used just a little bit so let's put this to the test i just put it on my hair and let's just see how it looks okay okay i just like to finger curl it just so that it gives it that extra definition you don't have to i like to and that's it look at that okay so let's do more [Music] all right so as you can see this is definitely defining my curls for me like look at that oh my goodness so i'm gonna do the rest of my head and come back to you guys when i get to the front so you guys can have a closer view on how this works so i'll be right back all right your girl is back as you can see my hair is looking very lumptious scrumptious nice wow do you guys see this definition though like what like i am loving this product i don't know if it's like look at this look look look at this do you see the bounce the bounce the balls perfect so i'm gonna show you guys one more time how i do this as you can see this has been curled and we have this little part here that we gotta work on let me show you guys the difference okay so what's gonna be what kind of difference this is very dry and don't get me twisted you can rock your hair like this and still look bomb okay don't let anyone tell you otherwise i rock my hair like this sometimes but today i feel like being extra so i curled it up but this is fine too okay and you definitely see the difference between that and my hair so let's work on this part here so i'm going to do the exact same thing as before use some of my curly lala then seal it with my oils add some of my hair grow boost let's just detangle all right and we're gonna start so what i do with my gel brush it out a little i can just brush it and leave it as you can see so the curls already start forming when you put your gel but i just like to finger coil it again so quickly go take some [Music] and that's it so here you see girl potting is popping so this is the last one so let me show you guys again so when you brush it it already curls up as you can see so you can leave it like that but like i said i like to just just control it a few more times and this is pretty much it let me do a quick 360 or 180 for y'all as you can see some of the curls are just popping it's popping over here anyways so i am going to make myself look a bit more presentable wait for this hair to dry and show you guys the final [Music] look so this is my final look obviously i am loving my hair um you know i beat my face a little bit put on some hooked earrings and that's it so i'm loving this extreme wet line gel like my hair is 80 dry and it just feels so soft it smells good my curls are popping you cannot go wrong with this product so i would definitely recommend it and yeah anyways thank you so much for watching like always don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more natural hair videos and a lot of different content i am so close to 30k subscribers to help you girl out subscribe to the channel matter of fact i'm gonna give you a second right now to subscribe show the love thank you if you did and thank you if you're already here okay anyways make sure to comment let me know if you have tried this product before and i'll see you guys in my next video [Music] you
Channel: AshleyBoatemaa
Views: 185,748
Rating: 4.9237585 out of 5
Keywords: define curls natural hair 4c, hair defining products, 4b natural hair, wash and go, natural hair, curly hair, ghana youtuber
Id: HGRJf0_e_b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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