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[Music] hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be a wash day video i haven't washed my hair in two weeks because obviously i've had these mini twists in let me tell y'all something about these mini twists okay i had a good time i had a great time and i know a lot of y'all were like are you gonna lock up you should lock up that's coming but give me like another 10 years i honestly don't want to take them out but y'all know natural hair videos needs to be made and money needs to be made so here we are so what i'm going to do first is just go ahead and take these twists down show you guys my twist take down it's probably going to be a kind of like a super cute twist out also if you saw my instagram reel a lot of people were like oh my gosh girl like couldn't be me who's gonna help you take these down and it's like they're really not that small that i'm gonna need three people to help me take them down like like yeah they're mini twists but they're literally not that small you guys need to relax like let me show you how easy it is to take down a twist for all of you who were concerned how long it's gonna take boom boom wow simple it's 1 41 right now let's see how long these take to take out 152 52 and the back is done literally 10 minutes so far y'all this twist out are you kidding sorry you said it was fine you squeezed my hand and said it was fine you said i love you don't worry it's fine [Music] okay my twists are all out and it is 100 208. y'all see that so it took so it took about 30 minutes to take all out um yes i know a lot of you guys think oh my god okay really quick if you look at the top middle section of my hair i have no idea what happened but like my hair started turning brown like growing out of my scalp brown at the top but now it's growing back in black so it's like a really small patch of my hair is brown i thought it was going to turn gray i was really concerned i don't know i have no idea what happened if anyone wants to let me know that would be great okay bye so cute i was twist out you should leave it and if i was in the normal world i would but since i'm in the youtube world i can't i gotta wash my hair and i gotta record this video so you know anyways all right so here's my hair wow yeah it really is the healthy hair for me it is so something really important that i do when i'm washing my hair after like a protective style the front of my hair as you can see has a lot of edge control on it so i don't want to go straight into the shower with like this gunk on there because it's going to like knot up so the next clip you're going to see is of me in the shower but i'm going to comb the edges out a little bit very gently and i'm also going to try to separate these twists a little bit more because they're a little too tight and some of them are still like wound together for me twisting them and getting them wet immediately is going to cause knots in my hair so make sure you guys do that if you're doing uh if you're washing your hair after protective style so that your hair doesn't get tangled in the shower and we can cut wash day down a little bit so i'm gonna do that and then we're gonna go in the shower all right so if you guys have seen any of my um wash day in the shower videos then you know i love to just sit my hair underneath the water for a good amount of time to make sure the water is really penetrating my strands my hair really thrives when it's sitting underneath the water i do have low porosity hair and i am type 4 in case anyone is wondering so yeah making sure that my hair is getting water inside the strands is like my main priority before i start putting any other products in my hair so here's my hair with no shampoo no conditioner no nothing yet just bare hair right here and um pro tip if you didn't know put the excess hair on the shower walls so that it doesn't clog up the drains so these are key in my wash day because i want to make sure i um my hair doesn't tangle too much so i like to work in sections but that's old news y'all already knew that so y'all are going to see me do this a lot anytime i'm about to put another product in my hair i put my hair back underneath the water to make sure the follicles are opening okay opening so the shampoo i'm using is by cream of nature it's the aloe and black castor oil shampoo i really this is not sponsored but i really like this shampoo because it gives me the tingling feeling like yeah it cleans my hair i feel like all shampoos clean my hair and like strip moisture blah blah but if you've got that little tingling feeling in there you're just you're a winner in my book so that's the shampoo that i am using oh my door dash is here that's the shampoo that i'm using throughout my hair [Music] [Music] [Music] so the deep conditioner i'll be using is the don't despair repair deep conditioning mask by briochio they sent this to me and it was my first time using it not sponsored just saying i'm just using it it's a lot lighter than the deep conditioners that i would normally go for but when i was putting it on my hair i was like not bad like i noticed like it instantly kind of like melted into my hair and it made my hair feel extremely soft my only con about it that i have right now is that it doesn't really smell like anything kind of smells like nothing and i like when my deep conditioner smells like nice you know natural hair coconut pineapple island tropical scent but it has nothing so i'm just using my tangle teezer to detangle my hair and now i know a lot of people would prefer to use a shower comb and something a little more wide tooth do what works best for you i really you know i don't care what you use don't worry about it so yeah i'm just going to deep condition and detangle my hair as i go on throughout also um i didn't show it here i don't think but i'm also still running my hair underneath hot water before i'm adding in the deep conditioner just to make sure my follicles are yep there it goes are nice and opened up by the hot water because of being low porosity it's a lot harder for products to get into your hair so that's why i'm doing that all right so i went ahead and took a shower while the deep conditioner was sitting in my hair so i was sitting in there for about 10 to 15 minutes i do want to apologize the next few clips are a little bit choppy because i was giving only fans energy like so many slips kept happening because i didn't want to put back on the same sports bra because i wore it to the gym earlier that day and then i took a shower and like you know it was like sweaty anyways so this is my hair now honestly my hair is so moisturized after washing my hair it was definitely low key giving me maximum hydration method energy but um not that much but when it's under the water it just thrives so much like so much but then when it's not under the water anymore this is what it looks like nice and fluffy healthy hair and this is how much hair i lost while i was washing my hair all right you guys i'm back so the only thing that you missed that i did was i put leave-in conditioner on while my hair was soaking wet i like jumped out of the shower and then put in leave-in conditioner and then i just twisted my hair up like this to kind of let it air dry but still keep a little bit of the moisture you know what i'm saying so so i asked y'all on instagram what hairstyle you wanted me to do it was between a why is my phone freezing it must be up because it's stuck all right it was between a braid out a twist out and a wash and go and braid out one i was really hoping y'all were gonna say twist out there's so much faster but it's okay i'll do what the people want so just going to undo this all right so here's my hair my hair looks so i need to turn this light down it's i look washed out hold on that changed much okay so here's my hair i'm so proud of how healthy healthy i'm not even talking about length right now i'm just talking about health because wait so you guys voted for me to do a braid out i haven't done a braid out or anything on my hair in such a long time i kind of just been really protective styling since december like after i put in those passion twists i don't know why i'm parting my hair perfectly let me stop doing that yeah after i did those passion twists in december then after that i had like the i had in the low ponytail for a little bit after the passion twist and then i had mini twists and it's been a long time since i did like a natural hairstyle you know what i'm saying so let's get that done just gonna put my hair in four sections like i always do now i will say i definitely folded and i left all of my spray bottles back at my parents house and at this point way too lazy to go get them at this moment so if my hair gets dry i got a cup of water sis struggle bus struggle bus all right so we're trying to start off with this section back here all right so y'all already know the drill really but since it's been a minute we're gonna go through it like y'all don't know the drill gonna section off a nice healthy size piece back here clip this away dip my hand in the holy water in this cup and then we're gonna split this one in two so i have these two pieces i'm doing like medium sized braids i find that doing braids too small makes a braid out for my hair look a little weird looking i don't like super small braids for my braid out and then the product that i'm using today is a product i use for my mini twist i want to see how it will do with like twist out or braid out styles you better focus there we go it's the twisting paste by natural this stuff it's a little different i like it a lot so um if you didn't see my main twist video i feel like this stuff really elongates your hair because it's like a very i don't know like it's the the consistency it's not a cream i'll tell you that right now this is not a cream this is not gonna be played with okay this is going to like i said kind of in the last video low-key it's gonna weigh your hair down but like i like to say the word elongate i feel like it's more so elongating instead of having it shrink up like everyone always complains that their hair shrinks up i feel like this is going to be the key and then i'm going to brush it in one more time i don't know is that enough i don't know and then we're just going to get to braiding but this is what it looks like when it's on my hair my hair really has been like extremely moisturized today come through three even pieces and then i'm just gonna braid on down and while i braid i make sure my hair stays detangled because it helps so much with the takedown process if your hair is detangled nicely while you're braiding the hair all right and i stop at right about here comb this down take a little bit more product so that i can coil the ends and there we have it we have a braid this end coiling is something serious so there we have it moisture me please wow while i'm here y'all seen that movie malcolm and murray i just watched it while i was uh eating everyone has so many thoughts on it and i just kind of want to know what y'all think about the movie if you've seen it yet if you haven't seen it i mean i think it's worth a watch um but if you grew up in like in a home that was i don't want to use the word toxic but in a home where there was a lot of arguing it might trigger you a little bit or if you're in a relationship that has a lot of arguing right now it might trigger you a little bit um i tried that one time i hurt his little feelings and that never happened again but anyhow i'm down for a good argument every now and then i ain't gonna lie like you don't want to argue with me hurt your feelings all right so this is the size of the braids i actually i'm feeling i'm feeling these sizes now that i think of it it's kind of the perfect size i'm very excited something else i really want to say really quick before i just hit the fast forward on y'all is that i noticed though that with this product that i'm using this twisting paste it doesn't work very well if your hair is really um wet the consistency or whatever the texture of this doesn't work well together with wet hair the product kind of just slides off or like clumps on it instead of melts into it so it kind of works better with dry hair or damp hair if your hair is just like mine i can only speak for you know my hair because i've only tried it on my hair but i tried to like spray my hair when i was doing my mini twists and have them super wet the product was not getting to my strands at all it was just sliding off so just a little tip for you right there i just can't like i can't i can't alright i'm gonna fast forward through me braiding the rest of my hair [Music] all right guys so i finished braiding all of my hair i'm very pleased with how it came out and i'm really i really really really like this product my hair was so moisture so moisture oh my goodness so these are the braids i'll count how many braids i have in my head because you guys like to know that what's in my eye i've got 24 braids in my head so all i'm want to do now is just air dry or sit underneath a hooded dryer for a little bit and then air dry the rest of the night and then we'll take my hair out in the morning and wash day will be over i feel like i started around like two and now it's eight and i'm just i'm tired i'm dying i'm tired all right i'll see you guys in the morning okay guys so it's the next day my hair is completely dry so now i'm just gonna do my regular take down process i'm going to use my my wild girl oil yeah no yeah no for real i gotta put the youtube hand ah there we go my wild growth oil this is the goat link in description box as always put that on my scalp and then i'm going to use my argan and macadamia hair oil this stuff smells really good so i like to use this on my fingers so that i can have some type of oil on my fingertips while i'm taking down my braids and really i think for this next part i'm just going to fast forward everything then i'm going to stretch my hair and then i'm going to put it in bands and then we'll be done all right cool that's whack everything okay oh my gosh that was scary do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i don't know why i thought it was not going to come back and talk about this definite this definition is absolutely insane i really think that those natural products might just start being like or at least a twisting pace it really might be my favorite like this is good stuff come on bro you can be blind and still see this definition come one this is usually the part where myself included but most people mess up is the separating i'm gonna do it off camera really quick because i need to charge my camera so i'm gonna do it off camera and i'm gonna come back and stretch my hair [Music] [Music] [Music] so you guys this is the finished product i really apologize if the lighting is weird i don't know what i did to my camera but whatever i love my hair it looks so good i'm so glad you guys chose for me to do a braid out because i really didn't want to but i forgot how much i love these braid outs shout out to that all natural where is that i don't know where i put that product right now but shout out to naturals twisting paste this is not sponsored by them but go and get that paste it's so good i used it for my mini twist chef's kiss i just used it for my braid out chef's kiss again it's so good the definition is spectacular wow love that for me so i really hope you guys enjoyed my wash day video or my wash days because it's like a day and a half of work that we have to endure but the product the product is good so i hope you guys enjoyed this video oh one more thing don't forget my trip to italy is live it went live yesterday and there are 20 spots open and now there's only eight spots left so i'm gonna leave my link in the description box so you guys can come to italy with me hello we're gonna have so much fun okay all right i love you guys and i'll see you in my next video bye that melanin is popping brushing off and keep rocking
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 173,223
Rating: 4.9776487 out of 5
Keywords: wash day, type 4 hair, braid out, protective styles, only onejess, only one jess, type 4 wash day, low porosity hair, natural hair wash day
Id: eleHmxcJdig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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