My Hair Grew Like CRAZY After I Tried Cardi B Homemade Hair Mask + Natural Hair Wash Day Routines

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it comes to natural hair like shrinkage will humble you real quick like [Music] hey girls welcome back to the channel so today i'm going to be doing a diy hair mask cardi b style she posted a video just showing how she does her hair mask and the benefits of the ingredients that she uses which leaves her hair very soft and moisturized so we're going to get into it because i want to try and you know i'm all for the natural hair products so let's get into it everything that i'm going to be using in today's video on my hair is more than likely already in your house if it's not girl get up get in the car and make your way to the store to get these items because you definitely need it for your hair whether you are natural or relaxed so as you can see i'm using a lot of different oils in this hair mask and i do have two avocados two eggs and a little bit of aloe vera juice in that blue container so to mix all of this stuff up i'm going to be using the blend jet which is a portable blender i love it it is hassle free you don't have to worry about cleaning up like a big mess that comes with using big blenders and it's the perfect size for a hair mask these two avocados have been sitting in my pantry for a little too long okay so if you want you can definitely get your fresh avocado it really doesn't matter but when i saw her hair mask and i went in my pantry i'm like girl i got everything she used let me try this that's what i decided to do so i'm going to try for the first time here with you guys now i did not use mayo um in my hair for this diy i just girl i just didn't want to do it okay i don't know why i just didn't want to do it so i'm cutting up the avocado and putting it into the blender and then i'm going to follow up with my oils also because my hair is thick and on the long side i decided to use two avocados instead of one so the amount of products that you use just really depends on how your hair is so right here i'm going in with a little bit of aloe vera juice y'all this stuff is so funky oh we it stinks and then i'm going to go in with some extra virgin olive oil but i'm going to go in with some black jamaican castor oil some wow hair growth oil and then i'm going to go in with some coconut oil a lot of oil girl which was kind of a mistake because it made the mask a little bit more soupy i wasn't really expecting that but anyways then i went back in with a little bit more of avocado oil and i'm going to use two eggs for my hair now you definitely can use one or you don't have to use an egg at all but please keep in mind when you are using an egg on your hair to not apply any type of heat because girl that egg or those eggs will start cooking in your hair and it will be so hard to get it out so using the blend jet blending everything together as you normally this does pretty good with blending everything down i think it was just the avocado was getting stuck at the bottom so maybe i should have put that in last i'm not really sure but for the most part it works really really well so as you can see it has blended everything down to a pretty good consistency where there is no chunks and it should be easy for me to apply this onto my hair and real quick this is what the mask looks like so like i said there's no chunks in this whatsoever so that little blender definitely did what it was supposed to do nice creamy hair mask i do think it's a little bit on the watery side just because i over did it with the oils this is what my hair looks like the shrinkage is definitely real when it comes to natural hair like shrinkage will humble you real quick so this is all my hair to the back so you guys can see it okay cuz like first of all detangling is like the worst type of pain leave in conditioner is bomb problems with detangling your hair girl spray a little bit of that and your hair will be detangled okay that clip was a hot mess basically what i was trying to say was if you're tender-headed like me and it is a pain to detangle your hair definitely try the cantu leave-in conditioner mist y'all this stuff as you can see detangles your hair so well just spray a little bit of water and then go real heavy-handed on the leave-in conditioner and it is amazing so y'all this mask stinks so bad the aloe in here is so funky but look at what it's doing to my curl pattern like i'm just taking my fingers and running it through my hair and i'm not getting any snags and like look how juicy my curls look y'all like oh wait okay so let me keep um sectioning out my hair and applying the mask now like i said it is a little um on the watery side so i'm having to lean over on my sink just so that my sink catches a lot of the hair mask so i'm just going to continue to apply all over following in sections so let me say this i definitely noticed instantly when i applied the hair mask to my hair that my hair felt so soft normally my hair has to sit with product in order for the softness to start developing but y'all instantly i felt softness in my hair and look at how this comb is just going through the curls without a problem the curls are super duper defined that normally does not happen to my hair texture when i am applying any type of mask so look at that y'all and the curls look so juicy and so defined but y'all this mask really stains really so i'm just going to keep on sectioning off my hair and i'll be back to show you guys what it looks like when i'm completely done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i don't believe in wasting products i'm just taking the last little bit of that hair mask and applying it all over my edges and the back just making sure every area is highly saturated now of course like i said you don't want to apply any heat to your hair with this mask because you do have an egg in there so i'm just going to use a plastic cap to help the product penetrate into the hair better i wanted to show you guys how my hair looks once i rinsed out the hair mask so on this side i have nothing in my hair i just rinsed it out and this is what it looks like now on the other side i was thinking i was getting ready to wash my hair with shampoo but girl i had conditioner in my hands so this side is what my hair looked like when i thought i was washing my hair but actually i put conditioner in my hair so this is what the curls look like girl very juicy very full of life and super defined and y'all my hair is still so so soft oh my god y'all y'all have got to try this mask so anyways let's go ahead and go washing my hair and i want you guys to see like the shrinkage is so freaking real on my hair it's crazy like when i'm in the shower my hair is like super duper long um but anyways my hair was super juicy super curly y'all this treatment is definitely a staple that i will be doing every single month because my hair so i switched over to the maui line a couple of months ago and my hair loves it and i love it because the number one ingredient is aloe vera juice so as you guys know aloe vera definitely helps with hair growth so i'm going to be using the shampoo and the conditioner then i'm going to follow up with my favorite leave-in conditioner of all time which is the cantu shea butter leave-in conditioner y'all this stuff will make your hair so soft and easy to detangle and of course if i get like any snacks along the way i'm going to go in with the cantu leave in conditioning spray okay so this is what my hair is looking like before i apply any type of product super soft y'all but like i said the shrinkage is so real with my hair so i'm going to go ahead and do what i do and i'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] now that i have my hair conditioned and sectioned off and detangled and a big clump of conditioner sitting right there on my ponytail i'm going to go in with some hair grease y'all i'm going to be using the do grow hair fertilizer and then i'm also going to be using the blue magic hair grease to lock in that moisture in my hair y'all these two combinations will leave your hair so soft and help with defining the twist out or braid out look that you're going for and it also definitely promotes hair growth i actually use these two products on ariana's hair as well you guys ask me all the time what do i use and i took it back to back in the day and i just apply grease to her hair especially on her ends and i don't apply a whole lot but just but just enough so that it can lock in that moisture from the conditioner and here is just the amount that i use as you can see it's not a whole lot because i still want moisture to be able to penetrate into my hair shaft and of course this is how i let my hair air dry overnight i do not apply any type of heat and this is what my hair looks like the next day and i'm just going to undo my twist out on my hair and just put my hair in a ponytail like this just how i like to wear my hair but my hair is still really soft y'all and it definitely helped with making sure my curls are defined and i just absolutely love how the hair mask made my hair feel it's still really soft and you know i love it i'm definitely going to be using this a lot more so yeah i'm going to go ahead and finish styling my hair and i hope you guys enjoyed this little diy hair mask videos slash um hair care routine video i don't know whatever you want to call it but this is the look my curls are still so juicy i love wearing my ponytails like this when my curls are more defined in the back instead of just having like a big old bush so yeah i will be back with the follow up video just to see if my hair has actually benefited from the mask thanks for watching guys and i'll see y'all in the next video
Channel: Dyamond Myne
Views: 1,572,641
Rating: 4.9032302 out of 5
Keywords: cardi b hair mask, natural hair growth remedies, how to grow natural hair, how yo grow natural hair fast, aloe vera hair growth, hair growth oil, how to get natural hair soft and curly, natural hair wash day routine, wash day routines, aloe vera for hair growth, avocado hair mask for hair growth, relaxed hair routines, wash day on relaxed hair, relaxed hair care, natural hair care, relaxed hair mask, what products grow your hair fast
Id: 7dHbQhwjBfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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