every little thing I did to finally grow my hair LOOONG over quarantine :)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello you guys welcome back to my channel my hair got a little bit longer a little bit thicker my face got chubbier things are a little bit different now you know what i'm saying today's video is going to be all about how i grew my natural hair over quarantine it's been uh it's been a crazy amazing time i kind of grew my hair on accident um without even really trying to grow it i just took the lazy girl approach to my natural hair routine i'm really excited i'm a lot closer to let me let me show you guys i'm a lot closer to my journey to waist length hair or butt length curly hair i'm really excited for that and i want to thank you guys for being on this journey with me i have my little journal right here where i wrote down a lot of the tips i have um as to how i grew my hair and i'm just gonna go through them give you guys the biggest tips i recently posted a video on instagram and you guys were asking me a lot of questions and yeah guys literally all the things i really think kind of contributed to the growth contributed to the sun contributing to the shine contributed to the thickness so yeah i'm going to give you guys some free games so buckle in and let's get into it hold up guys quick disclaimer i do not have a license in anything that has to do with hair i'm not a professional i'm just another i'm working on it i'm working on i'm working on getting my license but um i'm just another curly girl who has done her research over the years and has uh just wants to share her findings um from these past couple of months this is my routine my personal routine take everything i say with a super fine grain of salt and um yeah i'm just sharing what i learned what i learned y'all and i just want to insert that there i don't want y'all to think that i'm like this is the says all be all too curly here because it's not it's just a video that a random girl made on youtube essentially so enjoy the video yeah let's get right into it um so a quick little backstory during quarantine when i was going through that huge rut of just depression and crazy crazy crazy anxiety and just being sad and mopey i kind of didn't want to take care of my hair um as anybody wouldn't want to like it's a lot of work you know maintaining curly hair is a lot of work so i would say during the beginning of quarantine i was kind of on top of my game because i was like yo like i have all this time to take care of my hair and grow it this is about to be so much fun and i can't wait to experiment and then i don't know like life just hit me and i was just like i just want to shave my head you know on top of that i kind of just wanted to go crazy and like try everything that i've never tried before so i dyed my hair ginger i've always wanted to do that but i kind of went about it in a responsible way where i dyed it like every two weeks if i even seen a little bit of black in my hair i would just dye it over and do my roots like every two weeks and that caused my edges to fall out and i'll insert a picture my edges are finally growing back and i've been leaving them alone for a very long time so um i just thank god for that so i was dying my hair a lot and my edges fell out and then clumps of my hair would fall out and it was just a terrible time i was like okay i can be a lazy natural but if i'm gonna be a lazy natural excuse me i have to do this the right way i have to um create a routine that's very minimal that helps my hair be easy to maintain while not doing too much so um number one i stopped using a lot of different products in my hair and if i do use more than one product i use it within the same line as you guys know if you've watched my first ever video i've always been a a huge fan of product cocktailing and what that means is i can take like a shea moisture product mix it with eco styler and then put miss jessie's curls on top of it to get a bomb wash and go but i realize that over time that may not be the best idea because all these companies formulate their products with different formulas different ingredients not only was it really annoying to like mix products and like figure out which products i'm gonna mix but i just realized like yo um this is kind of bad for my hair so i just stopped doing that so like i said if i'm using um products i will use products within the same line and what i've really really been loving is shea moisture again shea moisture is the og product where the og products that i use in the beginning of my journey and during quarantine i just went back to it and i've been using that so that's what i've been doing and i've seen a major improvement in my hair number two is that i started trying out rice water i don't know like i can vouch for it like i said i was dying my hair a lot and i noticed that within like two weeks or so i had so much growth just black hair peeking out from the red and i really really really truly relieved that that was thanks to rice water so what i would do is um on any given day once a week i would soak my i would wash my rice first my jasmine rice put in a jar pour water in it let it sit for 24 hours wash my hair normally and then put the rice water in and just let it sit for like 30-some minutes rinse it out with cold water bam that was my wash day routine those were days where i was um feeling really really good and i wanted to like take care of myself but i did that for about two months um i stopped for a little bit now but i definitely want to get back to it so guys i really um vouch for rice water i think if you have high porosity hair you should definitely give it a try and just see how it works for you because i feel like it really worked for me so tip number three which is probably the biggest tip i'm going to give on here to diet is the fact that i stopped using hair brushes in the shower to comb through my conditioner instead i used my fingers um i started finger lick i was going to say fingerling detangle got a finger detangling once again and um i've seen just a major improvement in the retaining length now i'll show you guys i usually trim off about this much hair um let me show you guys again like this much hair every month or so from my ends just to keep my hair nice and healthy so i have been cutting it and i still have been retaining a lot of length and i couldn't understand why but then i looked at my hair brush that i usually use in the shower the other day and i pulled a clump about this big from my hair brush and i realized that hair brushes tend to cause a lot more snagging and breakage than we think and whenever i use my fingers to detangle i get like this much here the next i'll do a comparison one of these days to show you guys exactly what i mean but using i stopped using hair brushes and my hair just feels healthier i don't know what it is um less knots less snagging while detangling basically i section my hair in four sections like say that this is a section right here and then i would just pull apart my hair like that to get any big knots out soak my hair in conditioner oh i actually came across a knot right there but that's okay i would soak my hair in conditioner kind of pull it apart and then just rake my fingers through uh it does take a little bit longer but i feel like it's so worth it because my hair just has been retaining length more than it ever has so fourth thing that i've been doing is i kind of ditched shampoo for a while and i started using apple cider vinegar to cleanse my hair so i shampoo my hair maybe once or twice a month it's summer now so maybe three times a month i don't know but um like say during winter time i kind of only shampooed my hair once a month and i replaced my shampoo with apple cider vinegar rinses you guys i know there's a lot of people that say that there's no science behind that um but hey personally i saw a huge difference my hair was shiny and when i would kind of like pull on my hair after i showered it would have like that squeaky feeling while still being soft if that made sense and then when i came out of the shower my hair felt so so so so just i don't know just conditioned in spite of being squeaky if that makes sense so i swear by apple cider vinegar rinses i highly prefer it over shampoo and um it's it's really changed my hair for the better i did one today it's raining outside so my hair is a little bit frizzy but you can just see how shiny and i love it and the scent goes away um it doesn't stain your hair at all and i totally swear by it i started getting a lot of flaking on my scalp i thought it was dermatitis for a while hey it very much may be but i started using apple cider vinegar and it completely took it away and um i swear by this stuff man i really truly do so to go hand in hand with um apple cider vinegar rinses the next thing i do is just co-washing so before i do my apple cider vinegar rinse i do use a collage sometimes i use a co-wash co-wash and sometimes i just use conditioner most of the time it's just conditioner um i'll just lather all throughout my hair make sure it's nice and in there i would scrub my head like this and i love using super duper thick conditioners with just all the moisture and all the um what's the word thickness i guess um so things like again shea moisture i'll show you i usually just use this one in the shower it smells amazing it feels amazing if not that i will use on jackie's cocoa repair hair mask in the shower before i do my acv rinse and just make sure it's on there let it sit for about five minutes before i rinse it out again scratch my scalp like that and just let it work its magic before i do my ac p rinse and again that's my shower routine as of right now and my hair has been feeling amazing out of the shower and my curls just form so nicely next thing is i mentioned thickness and moisture inside the shower but i also like thickness and moisture outside of the shower when i use my whole line of products i make sure that the products are products that are thick moisturizing for the most part natural not too many sulfates i don't vibe with tresemme or what else is there pantene or um [Music] i can't think of any more but you guys know that oh garnier like i don't really vibe with them like that um because i feel like they're drugstore drugstore products whereas like shea moisture it has a track record of just being a natural brand and i like that i like that it could just be branding but um i like the scent i love how it makes my hair feel i love the way it feels on my skin that's another thing it doesn't break me out so i make sure i'm going off track but i make sure that my products are nice and thick so on every given wash day i'll probably use a thick actually i'll just show you guys i'll just show you guys so on every any given wash day i'll usually use i use this in the shower and outside the shower so i use this on my hair right and then i use something like this on my hair which is their first free styling mousse and i finger called my hair and i just left it and i just leave it because i still do the same thing products with lots of water moisture super important at least for my curls um and i've seen a huge difference when my hair just feels super nourished and just super um moisturized i feel like i've said that so many times but you get what i'm saying before i move to the next point i just want to make a statement which i feel a lot of curly girls and guys can relate to you know your hair right so when i say products that are thick and moisturizing what i use may not work for you you know when you use certain products and you're just like dang like people like this but i don't know why they like this because it makes my hair dry if a lot of people like a product and it's not vibing with you do not force your hair to like the product one product that does not vibe with my hair personally is curling jellies no matter what brand it is it can be uh shea moisture diva curl floral curl um let me think let me think let me think anytime i say something it just totally slips my mind any curling jelly of any kind does not my hair doesn't bother with it it makes it frizzy greasy nasty messy just gross no matter what brand it is if every curly girl is like hyping up shea moisture curling jelly i'm not going to stay here and be like oh well i'm gonna try it because everyone says that they like it i know my hair i know it doesn't work for my hair don't feel so uh compelled to use a product just because everybody else uses it you know your hair so that's just another thing i want to point out um know your hair know your curls what works for you works for you don't feel pressured by any influencer any natural hair person that tells you to use something just because they use it okay okay so next thing i did was protective styling i'll insert pictures of all the things that i did um i usually did twists or i did um braids occasionally but i didn't put any uh added hair into my hair i didn't use any hair packs nothing like that um i just used my natural hair to do protective styles when i was feeling really lazy i just put my hair and twist for about a week and i would use again a super thick moisturizing product in addition to using thick products i would use a lot of my own homemade products so as you guys know i made that mango butter video and i've been using it so much over quarantine for my body and my hair and i know that i said that i would you know set up a shop eventually for you guys and i still want to hold on to that promise 110 but just over quarantine i could not get into an entrepreneurial mindset but i'm definitely gonna get back on it so keep an eye out you guys thank you for being patient with me but um yeah shameless plug um i was using my own hair product a lot and um just trying to keep my routine as natural as possible because again my edges were balding oh d so yes um lots of butter i decided not to put on my scalp but just to nourish my ends a little bit on top of on top of the thick products that i would use for my protective style if that makes sense my hair just flourished man i guess my hair just really loved being in twist because it got all the moisture that it needed while being tucked away so um that really helped a lot as well another thing drinking water i hate to be that person but drinking water is super important um taking your vitamin d taking any vitamins you may need just getting your body in order exercising will totally transform your hair over time as well i'm sure of it i switched from drinking coffee to drinking a lot more tea and usually like turmeric tea or peppermint tea and i feel like that helps so much with my hair growth as well there are just so many components that i feel helped me get to this point but um if i had to give you guys my top three biggest tip for growing healthy long hair or the top three things i think got me to this point it would probably be um skipping out on a hairbrush during wash day um using rice water definitely using products within the same line i think those are my three greatest things that got me to this point i still use my satin pillowcase i still put my hair up before bed uh but i just kind of switched around a few things and my hair has been loving it so you heard it here first probably not first but sometimes taking the lazy girl approach to your natural hair is what your hair needs i've been putting so much stress on it that i just kind of need to reset you know and i feel like a lot of people have been talking about how they stop oiling their scalp and their hair started growing and i i believe there's some truth to that maybe not maybe i feel like the fact that you can take care of your hair so minimally but allow your hair to kind of be itself and flourish and grow and now uh these past couple months have proven that um just want to give you guys a little 360 of what we are working with here super thick man i'm really excited um because i feel like this is the fastest i've ever been through all my trims and haircuts this is the fastest i've ever been to meeting wasteland so it's a party thank you guys for being on this journey with me thank you guys for just ah just allowing me to come back onto this platform um with so many kind messages and just all of you who reached out to me and everything like that i highly highly appreciate it so much and this is an opportunity of a lifetime am i right so thank you guys thank you guys if you guys don't follow me on instagram that's totally cool not gonna force you to but i do want to say that i'm more consistent on instagram than i am on youtube at least for right now and i do like to put a lot more interactive content on there so if you want to give me a follow go ahead um and let me help you get to your curl goals am i right so thank you guys so much for watching i cannot wait until the next video have lots of fun things planned and um yes happy to be back love you guys and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Laurscurls
Views: 199,109
Rating: 4.963347 out of 5
Keywords: curly hair, curly hair routine, naturally curly hair, curls, 3c hair, 3b hair, tik tok, fyp, alt black girl, aesthetic black girl, for you page, hair, natural hair, natural hair routine, laurscurls, hair care, curly hair care, holistic hair care, big curly hair, hair growth, hair growth 2021, how to grow curly hair, long curly hair, how to grow natural hair, hair journey, mixed girl hair, aloe vera, hair subliminals, acv, best curly hair products, black hair, rice water
Id: 4rPvfxuRVWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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