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hey any any dude that's in the friend zone don't give up hope don't give him hope yet you weren't even in fresno you're a brother he was my little brother yeah you're the brother zone don't give up black queen failure ain't [Music] hey guys it's just welcome back to my channel so i know you guys already know by the title of this video what's about to go on as many of you guys heard or seen as many of you guys heard or seen on my instagram i got engaged over the past weekend and i wanted you guys to meet my fiance so everyone gave it up for the fiance [Applause] but guys this is my fiance his name is jonathan hello and i asked you guys on my instagram to ask us a few questions about us our engagement and all that fun stuff so isn't he so cute um so uh we're just gonna read them and get started let's get a problem yeah all right do you want to read the questions do you want me to pick them yeah okay how did y'all they want someone who wants to know i guess i'll say the name j underscore l 77 says how did y'all meet and the majority of the questions are how did y'all meet how did y'all meet and how did we know oh how did we know that he was the one blah blah but we're gonna get through a majority of them so how do we meet it's a very long story but so we both went to the same like church camp that our church has put on and uh she was someone that had like a childhood crush on um so i was like a little kid but like i didn't think it was a possibility but i had a childhood crush on her yeah like we actually we went to the same camp for years before i even like recognized who he was he actually has a younger brother and i knew his younger brother from like the start but i didn't actually realize way cooler than that he's like way cooler than john to this day she still thinks that oh my gosh no it's true but it's fine but um i knew his little brother um but i had no idea who jonathan was until he was like 15. and also we have a five and a half year age gap so i wasn't checking for a little boy the little one picked me at the time but the whole like had our love story how did we meet and how he broke up and got back all that stuff i really feel like it's such a long story it's a saga yeah like it really is like a lot of people have said like where did he come from like you just some people said like i used to rage y'all and like just had a boyfriend out of nowhere like i've been here he's been here for a long time i've been here yeah even i've referred to him a few times in my videos like when i did that one video about like me breaking up with that white boy or whatever i referred to him that was two years ago like this happens i need to take like a break like when i got my heart broken last year you know who you are um and then [Music] whatever i refer to him in that video because i was like i really want someone else but he's playing if i can find whatever he's been here for a long time but we'll do a different video on that probably we'll get into that later um oh someone's calling me call me care says how are you guys we're good yeah life is life is good i think we're pretty good i feel very good i feel really good aside from the ac being off i feel really good how was the proposal planned how was the proposal planned well we have a mutual friend that's really good at putting really nice things together and i'm shout out to you lisa yeah it's lisa i don't know if we were getting a free clout from cloud um but she's like she's amazing she's amazing like putting stuff together and like just already told her everything that she wanted and i'm like all right lisa let's let's plan this and let's make it um let's make it really nice because one of jess's only like request was that she for her to be surprised so we had to catch her completely off beat um so that's just kind of how the idea came about to do it at her mom's birthday yeah and shout out to lisa again and jonathan they actually vlogged the whole thing the whole thing like the planning and all that stuff i haven't watched it i'm gonna edit it but i haven't even seen any of the footage yet but and there there will be a proposal vlog i don't know how well they did because i wasn't a part of any of the vlogging at all and they're not using we tried we tried but i'm sure yeah it was it's really the thought that counts i love that thank you guys this one x underscores sega saga i don't know girl i'm sorry she said first congratulations thank you so happy for you too just happened for me sorry second how do you feel as an engaged woman and to be honest i don't know if i feel any different particularly he's always made me happy it's not like i'm happy i mean i i don't know i am happier that i'm engaged but like it's still like i wake up today's tuesday and it's like you know i think i'm gonna start feeling more engaging when like i start trying on dresses or let me start getting a venue or like picking out flowers but right now it's just like i even slipped up today and said like my boyfriend he was like you're what i was like oh okay you better you better show initiative but yeah i don't really feel any different but overall i'm ecstatic i'm over the moon i'm over the moon so uh chris deek or chrissy q is it christine i think it's crazy she said do y'all practice celibacy so the answer is yes um but like anything as anyone who's ever done that knows that it's hard um yeah and yeah so that's that's it you'll have to say honestly about that yeah and there are a few questions i'm not gonna try to find them i'll just answer them because i've seen some of them they said like um how do we go about being you know dating and celibate or how do you do like christian christian dating that's what i'm gonna put quotations but honestly it's about boundaries really he's at my house now for recording but he's really like never here because we learned early on that he can't be at my house no um because there's no there's zero accountability here and once you feel like you can like do this on your own like oh yeah we're strong enough that's when the devil gets a foothold and he's like oh let me show you that no you're not it's um i spend honestly majority of the time at his house when his parents are there or his brother is there there's even a time and kind of still now like if his parents like if there's no one at his house either there was a time the other day he's like yeah no one's home so you can't come yet and i'm so annoyed i'm like it's so dumb i'm not gonna lie it is annoying because and i know sometimes you probably feel my frustration but we have to do what we have to do but it's annoying because i'm like yo i'm 29 i have my own place and like you can't come over like i have to wait till your blah blah blah whatever but yeah it's incredibly inconvenient yeah but it's kind of just that we want to trust god with our relationship and we want to really leave it in his hands and that like when you engage in like sexual stuff or whatever it kind of just throws the plan that god has set for us like kind of off the rails a little bit yeah so and it even like throws our relationship off like if we slip up like not like necessarily sex but you know if we get like you know a little handsy or whatever because he's so fine so it's hard you know and he's gonna play patty cake you know yeah heavy heavy petting um what was i even saying then it messes up our relationship oh yeah it throws us off like we just try our best to be around people you know if like my friend lisa or anyone is here they're like hey come over but majority of the time i'm at his house and i know it probably sounds annoying like oh yeah his parents are always around but like just they're in the house but they're very good about giving us like you know whatever our space they're like they even like if we're in his room like whatever the door is closed they're not like what are you doing in there like they don't even talk we prefer it like that they don't care if he's here or whatever but yeah none of that we just try our hardest it's very inconvenient but we're almost there we're almost there and we wouldn't be almost there if we were doing things the way we used to do holiness over comfortability yeah big time okay this is a good one kyra i'm you know what i don't know if i'm keep reading these names because i feel like i can't read but someone said when you travel together did you get separate hotel rooms yeah so we've traveled together twice went to texas last year actually more than twice but yeah whatever so we usually try to set up um ways so that we're not just us two so we went to texas last year um i got an airbnb and she had a hotel room we ended up switching because the airbnb was nicer than my room yeah so i gave her the nicer nicer room and also when we went to chicago recently if you saw on my instagram we all stayed in one big um hotel room but there were other people in the room with us he stayed on the pull out couch i had a bed to myself and other people did whatever they were doing so we just make sure we've never went away stayed in a room together yeah we even went on a friendship where do we go oh in orlando um with somewhere for our friends we stayed in separate rooms you know everybody else can do whatever they want to do try to keep the main thing the main thing keep the main thing the main things you're expecting okay um looty look nope okay someone said did you suspect anything just and okay so which like i said we're gonna get into the whole like when we broke up and blah blah blah but like when we got back together um his he was like i'm gonna marry you on this date and blah blah like i knew he was gonna propose like within a few months of us getting back together because i wasn't playing games like she was not i was not playing games like if we're gonna do this like don't play with me i don't have time for the foolishness so in my head even i was like within three months if he doesn't like start putting some action behind those words i'm gonna you know have to shake things up again and i'm a shaker upper so um i knew it was around here somewhere and then we also just started doing pre-engagement counseling which is something people are like what in the world or you know so we did counseling before we got engaged most people do like counseling after they get married but we wanted to make sure that like after they're engaged after they get married too but yeah people do counseling like pre-engage pre-marriage counseling after they get engaged but we did we did pre-engagement counseling before we got engaged yeah did i say that right yeah so but the thing is we didn't finish so i didn't know it was coming because i thought you know after we finished the course then he would propose but he was he tried to trick me let me tell you just really thought it was coming like every day like she would when she started getting her nails done again i'm like a poor girl it's not happening it's not happening today [Applause] but she's super hard super hard to surprise because she was always expecting it like and everything that happened so i really had to say i wasn't gonna propose until after we finished pre-engagement but then just do it before that's so funny because i did start getting my nails done just so i could be ready and i can imagine him being like they're there not today not tomorrow and then the one time that i did not have my nails done he proposes and that's how you know i was not prepared that's how i know she was surprised i would not i did not think it was happening that day at all on the drive up there i started feeling kind of car sick i was on my period so i was having cramps i had to pee really bad and then i was just so distracted i wasn't even thinking about anything i was just distracted so i really feel like it's really god really helped you because if i if i was not part of this no it's okay it's okay if i was in the car if i wasn't on my period i would have been more alert but i know you couldn't get me without him stepping in so he stepped in i got it whatever i got him all right he didn't he got me whatever you found a good one wait what this one did he find school did you finish school yeah so now he's still in school oh you can talk to you okay the question is did he finish school yes i i no i didn't matter yes that is the question i'm in grad school right now for physical therapy and i'm in my last year yeah i did not finish school yeah so like to be honest first of all i don't know where he got money for this ring or this big elaborate engagement watch out because he's not necessarily working but stop pocket watching but anyways um yeah by the time we get married he'll be done with school um and we really wanted to do it that way like i just feel like it just makes sense not really because like oh i need him to be making money but it's just like it feels like that's the the correct order of events like you know finish school then we get into a new chapter i don't want to like start a new chapter without finishing something you started before me you know unless he had like five years left and that would be a different story but he's almost there so says what's been the most challenging thing thus far of our whole relationship of our whole relationship i don't know what it's most challenging i don't know it's not having sex i guess so yeah it's challenging that's challenging i mean some days are easier than others i feel like lately it's been i don't want to say that because i feel like the devil will be like hearing me got him oh it's been easy i haven't been working hard enough we don't have a lot of challenges but like if we have to choose one it would be like sellers i don't know like that maybe maybe at least in the more so in the beginning like different life stage like you had different life experiences than i have yeah because like i said we are i am five and a half years older than him he let me give you some numbers i'm 24 years old 24 and i'm 29. okay anyways i guess he thinks the relationship is just so easy but i think no i mean yeah the celibacy celibacy is difficult um so i guess i guess that is the most difficult thing yeah definitely because i mean other than that we don't i don't know maybe chilling we get along we get along because like like we didn't just a lot of you guys don't say this already say like where do you come from to be honest and people always say like oh be friends first but like we were legit like i used to call him my little brother like hey any any dude that's in the friend zone don't give up hope don't give him hope yet you weren't even in fresno you were a brother he was my little brother yeah you're in the brothers though like there's still hope i used to like give him advice on like what gifts to get like his first girlfriend like i was not thinking about this but i like i mean i was a little bit but he was so young i couldn't i couldn't couldn't do it but i when we tell like our whatever we'll get more into that but i went through so many things in my head before i couldn't even accept that i really did like him but like it was legit friend brother family zone for like four years somewhat 15 16 17 18 ah maybe not because i kind of started hinting around 18 19. more so 19 but we didn't have like our first kiss until you're 20 and that was like five years after whatever we'll get to that later what qualities of dress made you want to settle down with her congrats by the way well qualities about jess jess is the best as you guys all know like i'm talking to people who know her almost as well as i do but um i always go back when i go back to jed when i think about jess um she used to get mad at when i said this i always say that she's my best friend and like i'm like best friend when you make from your girlfriend right but like she's like when i say she's my best friend like there's nobody i'd rather be around no one i'd rather spend time with no one i'd rather make jokes with there's no one i'd rather that like that thunder is crazy um there's no one i'd rather make jokes with there's no one i'd just rather do anything with live with so all that is just really what makes her so special and so important to me it says what is one thing you're looking forward to doing as a married couple um honestly honestly um i'm being honest yes well when jess like has to leave the house like at night it's starting to kind of get old at this point it's like dang this is this is just this is annoying like having to go having to go home at the end of the night you know uh it'd be i think one thing i'm really looking forward to is being able to get to spend more time with the more times you wake up you'll be there as well hot breath and all hot breath and all smelling like old cheetos uh wedding date no not yet sometime next year sometime next year like mit half we're thinking yeah i said september she wasn't feeling no she wasn't feeling no okay original first of all see when we got back together he's like i'm thinking next april we get married because you know we were on the high and he graduates in april and he thought for some reason he said april yeah they just they changed it recently i thought it was april it's early man it's like the first week of man anyways um i'm thinking june or july he can get married in september if he wants to but i'm getting married i said august and she said nah it's not happening i said okay no because look we're already hanging on by a thread you think we're gonna make it another year absolutely okay good for you he made another year i'm not so you sound so thirsty jeez oh my gosh i'm just trying to keep it real i want to be realistic i want us to be a realistic example like yeah obviously it's definitely possible but i do think the longer you stretch it out and wait you're really asking for trouble that is why most christians get married so fast i'm not saying that's why people need to do that like get married after six months of dating because that could cause problems too you really just need to get your self-control under control but that by then it'll be like three years and i just yeah anyways it says to jonathan what led you to proposing but to suggest what made you say yes honestly there's so many things about jonathan that i love and like i said we've known each other for a long time like since he was 15 or 16 and i was like 20 or 21. we're way past that now but um he's just like we do fit so well together but we're also like really different i'm sorry am i boring you no i'm sorry we're also like really different and he challenges me a lot he exp he exposed exposes me to a lot of different things like he got me into like finances and like stocks and stuff and sometimes we watch watch documentaries together and it's very rare but like i would never watch certain things if it was for him or listen to certain music and um he makes me a better person like you guys think like i'm like really strong spiritually which i i mean i guess compared to certain people i am but he really like he's there and that's something that i was really looking forward to and a man like someone like to see as a leader who will lead me he also checks me and he also changed me in the for the better because i used to be a lot more aggressive and uh i don't want to say angry but a little more mean aggression doesn't work on me it doesn't because we have that one argument that one time years ago we weren't even dating i was like maybe a year and a half before we started dating she made me cry and i hurt his feelings really bad because i was a little more toxic i was like i came from more toxic relationships and we talked to someone any way we want and blah blah and it was like kind of thrilling and that's not thrilling to him so i get no joy from that zero that's where i would be like oh all right he's like absolutely not and yeah he shut that down quick so someone even asked us like how's our communication when it comes to fighting there's or arguing or whatever there's none of that i mean we like i feel like arguing is like it's cool it's good to have discussions about things that you disagree with but you gotta do respect you gotta do it respectfully yeah i'm not like we don't do name calling um we don't do i said no we don't curse that we don't curse at each other oh i've been wanting to sometimes boy there was that one time in the car oh i went oh it was so hard because it just adds seasoning sometimes you know no we don't we he's more of a sensitive one in this relationship and i'm more i am sensitive but we have different types of sensitivity and when it comes to arguing i'm like a little less sensitive but i have two older brothers who beat me up for a long time and you know my our examples were a little bit different so yeah hope he keeps you happy hey sherry underscore asking about what's the timeline for k like are you good is everything okay okay look that's a fair question it's not at least she didn't say are you pregnant i'm not mad at that i was mad that one time when someone asked me if i was pregnant because like you just don't ever ask somebody that because you don't know what's going on in their lives or if they just had a miscarriage or if they're trying and they can't but what's the timeline for kids i'm not mad at it right now i will be mad at it later because you know how like when you're dating people are like oh when you're getting engaged when you're engaged when you're getting married you're married we have a kid you have one you have one kid when you're having another and they're both boys winning attract for a girl i know their steps their steps their levels they're our levels we're not that level yet we're not there yet so not right now later let's get married first have the boundaries that we have changed since we're engaged now probably not no no not at all someone also acts like now that we're engaged i can't find it but now that we're engaged are we going to be moving in together absolutely also no no i'm still be living in my home he'll be living over there there's not even like sleepovers i know people are like we're not sleeping over it there was one time in my my first apartment where we accidentally he we were watching star wars or something yeah and we woke up at like 5 00 a.m or something later that was like sick oh my god i wanted to die i was like oh my gosh i didn't think that we just clapping cheeks over here like i wanted to die i didn't even want to go to his house the next day because i don't want to look at his parents because i'm like i know they think that we were probably having sex we literally fell asleep watching star wars that was the only time we came close to like having a sleepover at my house or anything like no i have slept over his house but for like reasons and his parents are there i sleep in the guest room like when we went to chicago the flight was at 5am so i'd be in the guest room whatever but we're doing like it's not a habit and it's like you know no i'm always leaving his house at like no matter how tired i am because 2 a.m i got to go home even if it's raining you got to go home we're not playing with the sleepovers i know they're probably wilder than immature [Laughter] freaking losers are you 14 years old i know and sometimes i'm like yo this is whack but we have a mission and a goal and we're gonna stick beside it i'm gonna sit beside it we've been saying recently it was sucked to get this far and like mess up now you know like come on it'd be devastating yeah underscore potent underscore beauty underscore said during the time that we were separated what made him know that you were the one so do you want me to tell the story of how why we were separated do you want like do you want the long or short look at the short because i want to give my side and for him to get fully his side and that's going to take a long time in this video since the camera cut off is already we're already at 20 minutes 20 yes so i don't want to be longer than like 30 minutes but yeah all right short story um just hit me with an ultimatum it wasn't an ultimatum she said she basically asked me if i wanted if i was sure if i wanted to marry her or not and i see the story doesn't sound good without myself no no it's good no but it was good like it was a we were at a point where like i asked him could you see yourself marrying me sometime next year that's not exactly what you asked me that is no but let's also tell the truth at the same time so another thing is we talked about our breakup maybe like a month later because like we talked maybe twice during the three months that we broke up um and we realized that we were hearing two different things the whole time because remember i was like man if i heard you say that we wouldn't have broke up but like it was a god thing first of all but like i said i really feel like it's so much more complex i don't want to just be like oh it was a god thing and just leave it at that but go ahead basically we broke up because she asked one of those those questions where it's like i need i need to know where i need to know where you are i don't even know what's good what's going on yeah so i didn't have an answer because i didn't have an answer to the question not like i wanted to break up like i didn't want to break up but i didn't have an answer to her question um so she's like well i'm leaving then and if you if you want like if you figure out what you want later like later on then you can come back but i'm gonna go do my own if i'm still here if you're still if she's still here so um that happened did i even say that yeah you did say that i shouldn't have said that you should have you said if you ever think if you figure it out like like and i'm and i'm still here then like that's fair i probably shouldn't have said that because it gives men kind of like okay she's still kind of waiting on me but i did tell him i'm gonna still do my own thing and i was ooh i was so close too i was real close be that i said back in the nick of time um so i had a trip for school to atlanta around that time to be there for a month um and during that time like me and god just had were wrestling with just you know feeling the peace about what he wanted me to do and um everyone tell the full story right now but he gave me a unique piece that only he could give and that's when i knew it was time to it was time to move so the day i came back from atlanta i was like jess i know it's you oh look someone asked keeping it real do y'all think you're moving too fast she said it's a general question i don't so you know i can tell when someone's you know being shady and i feel like this is a question in general hey do you say her name no oh okay no but you might think danny no i'm saying i know when someone is being shady but i can tell she's not she's just literally asking like oh um at least i don't think she is i don't know no no yeah i don't think so either and i think it's because a lot of people some people just think you came out of nowhere because i did say in a few of my videos i'm not bringing him on my channel i mean i've been talking about him but i was like i'm not bringing him really on my channel until i know that there's some permanency here like you know but we like i said i've known him since 2014 seven years i don't know yeah before the 2013 2013 we've known each other for a long time and we have been close like close since the day we met i mean we've had some fall offs here and there but we always just kept getting back to each other so no we know each other's families like we're just there's nothing that he doesn't know about me and there's nothing that i don't know about him that's actually which that's actually what she said when um she was asking me like where i was like when we were when we were dating like what else is there to figure out yeah we know everything about each other already and i was like all right i was like okay yeah i'm like what but i was like we can't be together any like you're not gonna know any more about me in a sense like you learn more about everyone every day like once we get married we start living together we're gonna learn different things but nothing like about my personality i think you know like you know me we've been doing this for like seven years whatever but we've only a lot of people ask how long we've been dating a year and a half no it's a little longer now yeah a year and eight months yeah including the three months that we broke up without a year and five months but a year and eight months yeah almost two a year and eight months we've been dating for a year and eight months all right what's all right let's do like four more okay what's one thing that you adore about each other [Laughter] why'd you pick that one because i want to hear something nice i want to say something nice about you too i like how you sweat oh my gosh i am like really sweating and you're not sweating at all can i say something like like superficial sure i like your skin and your thank you very nice no that's really nice because you know like growing up i hated my skin so it's nice to have someone appreciate the kids are ugly kids are so mean like kids are the worst yeah i hated being dark skinned and i've talked about it a few times and every time i do i get a little choked up so but anyways yeah i'm sorry it's okay and there was even a point where i was like i hope my daughter does not come out dark skinned because she's gonna have to go through what i went through but now that i mean we're not i'm not pregnant if anyone is wondering like oh maybe they got engaged because they're not pregnant but if i do have a daughter i at least the first one i want her to look just like me because whenever they do those like celebrity mom and daughter pictures and they're like just like each other it's so cute if she looks like you'll be mad man um you're cute but like i'm so mad oh what i adore about you and he's really cute so not a question that was why i was just kidding i mean i feel like i just said like it's okay a lot of things it's okay what else do i adore about you that's all right he's so he's so smart it's so attractive how smart he is he's always like i'm not that smart but he knows a lot of things and it's even someone asked this too when i was reading through it like what is something that he does that doesn't bother you that it would bother you if someone else did it like jonathan like once he starts talking about something he'll talk for like a long time about like sickle cells or something like oh me but like how your neck bone is connected to like your tracheous or whatever or whatever and he'll talk for like 30 minutes and at the end he'll be like i'm sorry i know that was a lot it's probably really boring and i'm like why do you realize that 30 minutes ago but it's just like sometimes i'm looking at him and i'm like even in my head i'm like what are you talking about i'm like he's so cute like he's really smart he's always trying to teach me something and sometimes it can come off like oh my gosh i just want to sit here and just watch tv but he is always like trying to educate me um and i i like that a lot i really do because it's better if it was yeah i yeah sometimes i feel bad i'm like dang what can i teach you but i don't know the j spot says how far into the relationship did you start to talk about marriage that's actually a good question because he was not talking about at all in the beginning i feel like it'd make you uncomfortable yeah yeah absolutely he was not about that life at all and when we started dating when he was you're 22 yeah yeah he was 22 when we first started dating he's really young you know um he's only 22 and i was 28 so of course marriage is on marriage has been on my mind for a long time because i was 27 yeah yeah i was 27. oh yeah cause i'm 29. okay whatever we're always going to be five years apart anyways he was way younger at the time and um marriage has always been on my mind because it circulates in my family almost my entire family is married including like my cousins and stuff and have babies and i'm like one of the last ones um but it's different on his side you know on his side of the world it's very different he's actually going to be like the first one of his friends to get married like all of your groomsmen we haven't asked anyone yet none of them have ever have i even been in oh one of them one of those very one of them is married um shout out to anthony shout out to you anthony um my little baby liana yes his goddaughter is it art no it's not ours now she's yours just me it's all me it's all you that's fine um have any of them even been in a wedding before no oh yeah like this is very new for him and like he's like kind of like the blueprint that's a lot of pressure on your low-key but like he's kind of a blueprint yeah that wouldn't really answer the question okay so when did we start talking about did we start talk we didn't start talking about marriage for real until after i came back from atlanta true after we got back together yeah we started talking about it a lot like three three months ago yeah and before that we were dating for like a year in like three months we didn't really talk about it like very rare and i would never bring it up because one i didn't want to seem like i was pushing it on him because i knew he knew like it was on my mind i want him to feel pressured but it was on my mind okay it was on my mind but if you're asking for yourself like when you should start talking about it i think that you should have regular uh checkups with your uh significant other to kind of just ask what page you guys are each on it's just kind of just kind of figure it out there's no like you start talking about after three months or or six months it's kind of one of those things where each relationship is different yeah and you just want to know where each other is and have open and honest conversations with one another yeah i agree and i feel like um it depends on like you know your age and like you know your finances kind of your finance everyone's different with the finances some people get married they don't have no money at all but they just do it whatever but um i'm gonna drop it real quick i think a lot of people like are afraid to talk about like especially women are afraid to bring up marriage to their significant others because um they're afraid they'll like they'll scare them they'll scare them away or make them want to run away but if that's something that you really desire that you really want it doesn't it doesn't hurt to bring it up because if you see that someone's not on the same page as you like you could pull it you could pull a chest and you kind of just have one of those conversations those well then have one of those conversations where it's like well this is what i really want and then you see how the other person responds and if it's not like what you're looking for then it makes more sense to leave than it does to say because you're only wasting your own time after a certain point yeah and that's something that i really want to talk about and you know when we talk about the whole breakup and stuff like as a woman you know if you you guys have been dating for a while and you're afraid to bring it up because you're afraid that he's going to want to leave or you're afraid that he doesn't want to get married at that point you kind of have to look at yourself if you have to look at yourself in the mirror and be like well why do i want to stay with someone who doesn't want to get married to mirror you know whatever and you have to be okay with knowing at that end of the conversation that you might be single and move on from that but i knew i kind of i felt like we were going to break up that day i kind of knew but i'm telling you it really was a god thing that whole weekend was just like we had to break up i don't know if we would be you think we'd be engaged right now if we didn't break up absolutely not no no i'm telling you if everything happened the way that it happened we wouldn't be where we are right now yeah i agree yeah all right so we're gonna answer a few more questions honestly we're not even halfway through but like not even closer we're not even halfway through but i feel like this video is so long i know you guys are gonna say it's fine it's okay but like it's just too long okay so i was gonna say this later but maybe we'll do a part two you guys let us know in the comments below if you want to do a part two and if there's anything that we didn't answer leave them down below make sure to like comment and subscribe and maybe we'll do a part two but we're gonna answer a few more questions and then we're gonna head on out she said how did you know to give him a chance after y'all broke up because she's struggling with something similar i feel like it really depends on why you guys broke up um so like like he's explained we broke up with our relationship was going fine and it's something i tried to explain in a video before saying like oh yeah we broke up like everything was fine even though i could have been happier because there were some things that you were holding back on because like you know like i love using blah blah because he was like whatever the relationship was fine it was just he wasn't really sure about our future you know me like i was like oh well i'm sure so if you're not sure and i'm sure and it's been like a year a little over a year was dating but like seven years of us knowing each other you're not sure by now then i can't do anything more to make you be sure but whatever so but when he came back and he was sure that's all i needed like it's not like i need his attitude to change or like he's beating me or he's cheating on me like there was nothing wrong except for he just was not sure yet he needed to take that time away to figure it out and when he came back he was sure and that was the only piece that was left that was missing for me and for him as you can tell it's like i'm not speaking empty like hopes and promises like we're engaged so that was really the last thing he just needed to be sure and then he put action behind his words for your uh situat for your situation though like i feel like you have to think about why you broke up in the first place like what was the reason yeah and why would that be different like what are their work like she said words behind that his actions i guess it could go the same way you put is there is there yeah is there action is there action behind um the words like they just whispering sweet not like sweet somethings to you and your ears sweet nothings whatever is he is he like stop it is he is he uh just filling with empty promises or have his actions change in a way that you can like actually see right i mean i've been giving advice for like the past year on a lot of my videos and you know i just did a whole video on like how to know when to leave you know so funny one of the comments was like jess is always giving videos and her own relationships not even in order well it was someone who was upset she was upset but anyway let's find her that's okay hey find the comment that's why the coffee people liked it too i was like hey tell me how y'all really feel now let's find the congress but anyways find her so thank you guys for watching our video again this is my fiance jonathan it's my fiancee thank you for watching my video again this is my fiance jonathan um we love you guys thanks for all the well wishes bye whenever you're gonna take it off yeah no no my gosh i feel like you're bringing up with me oh there it is look at that zion daniel that's my ring gorgeous i love my ring a lot he did an amazing job i couldn't act for a better ring this is why our relationship is so strong everyone the bible oh okay but i've been in again i'm not new to this i'm true to this young blood young grasshopper took him forever to even ask me to be his girlfriend and i had to put my foot down i do look but did you die oh my gosh i feel like we have a lot to offer do you feel that way yeah no you don't [Laughter] [Music] how that's weird don't even put this on there it's embarrassing [Music] i'll build a city
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 107,161
Rating: 4.9879737 out of 5
Id: G1t_De9vWYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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