How I STRETCH my hair & prevent SHRINKING

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hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so for today's video i'm gonna try to make it as quick as i can i just wanted to kind of go over something that i skipped over in my last video of my um my wash and go if you haven't seen it go ahead and stop this video and watch that one first it's just basically how i stretch my hair a lot of you guys were asking me how exactly did i stretch my hair and i feel like i've stretched my hair on camera so many times before but this just might have been the best stretching i've ever done because i really put like an extra two inches on my hair maybe three like i went from here to here quick okay so i'm pretty much gonna show you guys how to get an extra two inches out of your hair in an hour i did another wash and go i used the same exact products i used um you know the uh you know what if you haven't seen my other video go ahead and watch that because i'm not a fan of giving companies all this free promotion every single time i'll do it every now and then and put y'all on but one and done you know what i'm saying so you can watch my last video to find out what i use i use the same exact stuff the only thing i did differently this time i sat under like a hooded dryer instead of letting my hair air dry overnight sitting under a hooded dryer it kind of just shocks my hair my curls into place a lot better than letting it air dry i don't know it just does show you guys my hair really quick so this is the true length of my hair without any stretching you know pretty much at my neck this is what it looks like on the side right here and then i just showed you guys the back so this is the true length of my hair but i'm gonna go ahead and stretch it a little bit so this pros and cons are stretching for me if i leave my hair unstretched a pro is that my wash and goes will last much longer um but the con is it just looks like my hair is kind of stuck to my head but another pro is that my hair my curls are super defined when i don't stretch because every single curl is still in place like completely but right now we're focusing on anyone who's looking for immediate length that's what we're gonna do now when it comes to stretching your hair for me when i stretch my hair my wash nose don't last me as long but it looks bomb so i will sacrifice the extra three days and i watch ago could have lasted me and just got there looking like the baddest you know what you don't think okay it's great so moving right along to stretch your hair all you're gonna need is a blow dryer and some hair bands to hold your hair in place when you stretch it so first thing i'm gonna do is split my hair like so so i'm going to use a little clip and just clip this back hair up a little bit so we're starting on a section this small i like to do mine in like smaller sections because it just helps pinpoint the parts that i want to stretch and i feel like it lasts longer that way of course we're going to go in with some heat protectant usually i go crazy on the heat contestant i'm going to go in with not that much just the amount that i need i'm not going to go crazy i'm using the cream of nature argan oil heat protector and i'm just gonna one pump it just that much put that just on the part that's getting blow-dried so i know a lot of people say like how do you get your stretch to last my hair just scrunches right back up as soon as i'm done stretching well we're going to see how i kind of overdo this stretch because my hair does shrink back a little bit too but i'm going to overdo my stretch just a little bit it's going to seem like i stretch my hair way too much but i promise you within like i just just just trust me girl just trust me okay just trust me i'm just gonna do it on oh where the heck i'll do high heat so when you stretch your hair you want to pull from the root gently like so and then this is pretty much the only part that i'm gonna leave out and i'm going to blow dry this whole top part right here i know it might seem like a lot but trust me this just just this is just what i'm about to do just trust me honestly i promise so i'm gonna take my blow dryer and stretch this top part of my hair [Applause] all right so here's my stretch now it seems like pretty much half my curls are gone which in actuality they are the bottom of the curls are honestly the most important part and this part is going to curl back up a little bit so it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be fine all right so we're going to leave that as you can see we're already here as opposed to being like right here and then i'm going to do one more piece so you can pretty much see here i'm taking my hair from here to here it's almost twice as long honestly take my heat protectant just a little bit another on my hair all right leave about this much of curls out and then i'm going to blow dry this top part here [Music] and as you can see there's still some texture it's not a lot but there's still some texture but this is what the curls look like right here right now it's completely stretched there's so much more body i'm just going to pull this side down really quick so you can see here's the difference it's the same amount of hair left out here's this side although beautiful cute curls poppin and then there's this side with so much more body and length see the difference or you can't not see the difference honestly here's this side and then here's this side so something that's also extremely important that i do after i stretch my hair i've tried other methods like some people will stretch their hair and then put cool heat to like shock it with cool heat and shock it in place but that does not work for me so after i stretch it with the blow dryer i then took a hair tie and i banned it i don't band all the way down i just bend the part that i stretch because i don't really want to interrupt the curl pattern that we left at the ends so i'll just band it like this and leave the curls out at the bottom so that it'll kind of just shock the hair in place and let it know like hey i'm telling you you sit in the corner and you stay there until i tell you to come out so that's what we do and that's the huge difference that's basically all i'm going to do for the entirety of my head i'm just going to go ahead and just run through the rest of my hair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay really quick i do want to say for the top of my hair i don't stretch it that much because we want the top to look the most you know presentable so i do a very very very light stretch on the top and i only stretch it from underneath you know if that makes any sense like this top part this top layer is not about to get this uh flat press and comb reaction that everyone else just got just going to get a little stretch that it can keep up with the rest of the clasp but nothing too crazy so [Applause] that's it girl i also leave this part out of the band so that it doesn't get frizzy just in case all right so this is what's happening your hair is going to look like when it's done you can tell how much it's going to be so much more stretched than it is than this side so i did four sections of bands on one side so in total we're gonna have eight so i'm gonna do this other side off camera and then i'll be back okay so this is what we have going on here i really do think it's a look um i'm just gonna keep my hair like this for i'm gonna probably keep it for about an hour but i'd say no less than 30 minutes and this is just to hold what you just did in place it's kind of like molding it to remind it like hey i just stretched you do not shrink back up don't you think about it so kind of just like i feel like i'll use the word chalking it in place so it kind of just kind of like molds it and keeps it there i'm gonna let it sit for a little bit and then we're gonna take these coolio bands out like i said if you want to go out like this do not let me stop you but i'm just going to give myself an hour all right you guys are back so all i'm going to do now is take these bands out of my hair so you guys can see the products of what we just had going on so i'm going to take them out and i know some of you guys are probably asking like okay why can't i just do this with just the banding and without the heat i know that you couldn't you can definitely go ahead and just band your hair some people's shrinkage is a lot different than others and everyone's hair just works differently so this this method for me definitely because i have a problem with not necessarily like i have a huge shrinkage problem even though like my hair does shrink but yeah this method is for people whose hair after you stretch it it shrinks right back up so that's why i have to do a little extra step some people just banned only and you know hip hip hooray here's a cookie good for you but i'm sorry were you saying something i can't i didn't hear you cannot hear you over all this stretch i really just can't i can ah there you have it i'm just gonna pick my roots out just a little give it a little more body because stretching it this much just kind of flatten it out just a little so let's add a little more body into it so this is pretty much it you guys so as you can see i remember how i stretched my hair like so much it kind of looked like it was just going to come out really straight the definition comes back on its own i don't know how i i just it just does okay but this is the difference in stretch so much longer legit just extreme stretching 101 like this is just how it goes natural hair is just so versatile like i love love love love love that so i'm going to style my hair up a little bit and give it um some time to kind of fully get acclimated to being out of the bands and stop being so like you know just kind of like not stiff but it's a little too uniform for me right now so i'm going to give it a second to to shape itself it kind of just falls into shape by itself and then maybe put some edge control okay i'm back so there's only just a slight difference but i can tell and it makes me feel so much better so this is the final product you guys um this is how i stretch my hair of course if you live in florida if it's raining outside or if it's extremely hot outside and you go outside for a while it's just natural how the like the air in the whatever is going to make your hair revert back like the muggy air or if it's raining outside which if like i said if you live in florida it's either always raining or it's always 10 000 degrees so you know thankfully we're not really supposed to be going anywhere so if i stay in my house this can last me a good amount of time like the stretch can last me at least two three days before it starts to um start shrinking up a little bit but how i combat that is just to re-band my hair every night when i go to sleep i'm not gonna use any more heat on my hair throughout the week i'm just gonna band it and if it starts shrinking up it's really not a big deal i don't care but at least for the first day i'm not here with inches you know what i'm saying like hello they are here and they are here to stay for today at least okay so um again here's the back i really have no idea what the back looks like i hope it's presentable um just an update on the products that i used in my last video that i also used today i didn't get as much flaking this time at all i use a little bit less product and the products just work so well together um but i'm still getting flakes on my shoulder but you can't see them in my hair so um i guess with that i'll just take the good with the back anyways um let me know what other videos do you guys want to see from me anything that i left out or it's anything that you're confused about leave it in the comments below and i'll try my hardest to get back to you guys love you guys so extremely abundantly so much and thank you for watching and i'll see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 230,853
Rating: 4.9592743 out of 5
Keywords: wash and go, stretched wash and go, how to stretch natural hair, how to stretch type 4 hair, type 4 wash and go, only one jess, twist out, braid out, how to band natural hsir
Id: du7IT5ENvK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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