OGBC Worship Service

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[Music] [Music] hmm going through my channel [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] so good we're in the middle of a pandemic and we here thank god for jesus this day is so special one because we're here to praise the lord two because we are celebrating our pastor and our first lady they've been here with us for 10 years can we say amen amen can we say amen can we say amen amen or we are serving a good god we're serving the mighty god and we ask that you join us today as we lift the name of our lord and savior jesus christ on high all right we're gonna have a good time today y'all we're gonna have a good time in the name of our lord and savior jesus [Music] you all can join in with us because you should know this song lord i lift your name on high [Music] lord i lift your name on high lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us lord i lift your name on high lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us you came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to the cross my death from the cross to the grave from the bread to the sky lord i met your name let's live up the name of jesus come on y'all lord lord i lift your name on lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're invited i'm so glad you came to save us you came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to the cross [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord i live tonight [Music] [Music] thank you okay [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful savior i want to bless his name on today well i came out to magnify him but i also came out to celebrate my pastor on today i want to praise and thank god for 10 years hallelujah that our pastor has been here so let's give god some praises let's thank him for how wonderful that he is how marvelous and that he kept our pastor even in the pandemic he shielded and he protected him knowing that he is as his under shepherd he has assigned him to us here at oak grove morning i'm happy to be in the building with my fellow worshiper i'm happy to be here also with the people out on the media circuit just here to praise god and magnify him and give him honor and give him glory and at this time we're going to have minister gordon neal come and give us a gathering statement [Music] once again good morning oak grove momentarily we should have the gathering statement upon upon the monitors and then i will begin [Music] from hebrews let us think of the ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works and let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawn near amen [Music] hallelujah and at this time we're going to have trustee ken faison come and read the scripture for us [Music] [Music] he seems to be missing in action so you know what we're going to do [Music] come on come on this morning we came out to give god glory and praise so i'm gonna step in for trustee ken faison and i'm gonna go ahead and read the scripture and i'm gonna read psalms 100 and it says make a joyful noise until the lord all ye land he said serve the lord regardless come before his presence with singing knowing that he is the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we we are his people in the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates hallelujah enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise hallelujah be thankful unto him hallelujah and bless his name for the lord is what good and his mercy is everlasting and his truth endure it to all generation we know that the word of the lord is blessed so we thank him for the blessings of his word that is read on this morning and we ask all those that hear his word will be blessed by his word amen hallelujah and at this time we're going to move along on the program and we're going to have um minister bonnie smith actually no we're going to change things up a little we're going to have the prayer by deaconess janice biggs [Music] thank you god [Music] let us all stand [Music] yes [Music] [Music] father we come for a celebration in the name of jesus let us learn to celebrate together in this house the house of god built lord we have so much to be thankful for we have seen a lot of heartache a lot of pain in the name of jesus but god you have blessed us you have walked with us you have talked with us in the quiet spirit father god even though we have shed tears our eyes have been full of tears our heart has been aching but god knows you said no no no no i'm with thee always until the ends of the earth so god we are not only coming to praise you or worship your name we have come to celebrate the man of the hour reverend gregory l sperlock so lord let us give him joy for the 10 years that he has been here at oak grove baptist church let us honor him in the blessed name and the hope of our lord and savior jesus christ so god let us walk by faith and not by sight let us continue only in you god no not in our own human reasoning but sometimes our human reasoning gets in the way of god so god let us prepare ourselves for worship in the spirit of the living god god we reach out to the ones that have been handicapped by the kovit 19 but god your spirit said lo i whip you always even to the ends of the earth and god like when peter was on the water and the other disciples where they thought the waves were going to capture them and sink them god said to them in his voice i will never leave you or forsake you my grace is sufficient for you so let us think of the things of god the spirit of god the word of god that god's grace is sufficient for us in the name of jesus so let our feet be solid and planted by god in the name of jesus so heavenly father we thank you this morning for him and us him and us in your bosom of protection so whatever we do god knows all about it so he has helmed us in us so let us be the fabric in him in the name of jesus let him be in us so we are so thankful and we are so grateful in the name of jesus so we decree and we do declare by the power of your word god in the name of jesus that no weapon formed against this house or the man of god or any of us or any of our relatives let us keep on seeking god while he may be found and i will be in be with you so god we just thank you for your blood of protection how you have showered us and kept us under your wings for this we said thank you and hallelujah so we give a hallelujah praise today for god all by himself he is the god that brought us into this world and he is the god that will take us out so i reach out lift up hands and for all the sick and shut in all the men and women of god that are working on the battlefield that are the front liners and the children of god all of us for this pandemic has stretched all over the world but god we know that you got the power so we pray to you this morning god that your spirit and your divine power will put an end to this pandemic god to all we thank you and we believe without a shout of doubt that we know you can't do it in the name of jesus as we go through different different trials of tribulation sometimes the valley is too low and sometimes we are standing at our red sea but god we know that you are with us in the name of jesus because you said your grace is sufficient for us and we thank you we love you god and we bow down to worship you today so bless each and every one under the sound of my voice in the name of jesus that we are well men women and god and we will work together in harmony in unity to keep oh grove baptist church and the other churches around all the churches all the preachers protect them because they do go through a lot in the name of jesus so we bless your name holy father we bless your name god in the name of jesus and you feel like shouting don't be afraid god don't want us to have no fear so let the fear run away in the name of jesus because we got to keep on keep on in christ jesus in the name of jesus amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody love [Music] [Music] this [Music] what morning done for me he gave me the victory he gave me i really loved you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i really loved [Music] hallelujah you really love the lord on this morning you really love god on this morning and let me hear you praise god on this morning all that he has done and all that he continues to do in our lives and all that he is about to do in and through us we just want to tell the lord that we magnify him on this morning and i'm a breakup protocol just a little bit i remember the last time i spoke to um deacon stewart who was my deacon that i was assigned to and i made him a promise and if you don't mind this morning i just need one minute hallelujah lord i i can't really run the way that i i want to run because i fractured it and i'm out here trying to be cute today in my little shoes but i just want to if you all don't mind out there hallelujah in the sanctuary and if you don't mind you that are on social media if i just take a minute and fulfill a promise i promised him and i promised him that when i got back in the church for the first time i was gonna run around the sanctuary and i was gonna give god some praise for who vp [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] and i gotta get it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] high five [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we have a lot to thank god for on this morning and that was my promise to him because i remember telling him i said when i get back here i have to praise and magnify the lord because god's children and protected me he protected all of us he wrapped his arm of love around us and he kept us in spite of the scares and everything else and that we have gone through god's word said in jeremiah 29 that even in the midst of captivity god said that we ought to hallelujah grow we ought to live even in the midst of captivity because you know what he's going to bring us out check it out in jeremiah 29 and starting with the fourth verse but god kept us and he'll keep us in the midst of coverage you know why he has a plan for us hallelujah god has a plan and with his plan there is an expected end so how many of you on today have a great expectation on the line so i can't help but praise and magnify and giving him the honor and the glory and to thank him for the plans that he have for my life and with that being said hallelujah let's move on down the line we're going to go for our welcome address and it will be given by minister ronnie smith so come forth and welcome if you don't feel welcome already hallelujah hallelujah where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty so you ought to feel welcome thank you god praise god for he is worthy to be raised yes we thank all of you all who came here today to help us celebrate because we're not just celebrating 10 years we're celebrating 10 years of making it through our pastor has been faithful oh my jesus through thick and to thin through ups and through downs no matter what was going on with his family he was still faithful so we come here today to celebrate him we come here today to give the lord praises for the man of god and we want you all to feel welcome whatever it is that you would like to do if you want to say hallelujah you want to stomp your feet you want to get up and dance you want to run around the sanctuary feel free thank you thank you amen amen amen hallelujah thank you god he said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and i'm in the house of the lord this morning so y'all have to excuse me because i'm on fire for lord can i just give a quick testimony and then we're going to call up minister reed to come and introduce our speaker of the hour but i got a coveted scare and i found out i was in a gathering where two of the people had coveted i hugged these people well at least one of them i did and then i got the call to say well you know joan um you know someone saw when i was like okay guys i remember i called my bff and i said yeah you got god got you covered and i don't i didn't know why when i was coming into the hotel and i sat down on the lord said well you went together and when it wasn't even for safe folk and i kept you now you're entering into a service of the lord why wouldn't i keep you here why wouldn't i cover you and i said okay god and i sat down with my mascot and had my mask and i sat down and i was only two of us on the road and i sat down and i said lord i thank you for your covering and so anyway i went and i got the call i went and took the test and i was a little bit apprehensive and i told my son i said look you got to stay away from me until i find out what's going on i trust god when he said he covered me but i said just in case i still want you to be protecting these alarm i just stay down in the basement and i'll spray you want to come up to the kitchen area and i was like okay all right thank you god of my son it seems like every time he saw me and said how you feel okay may you feel okay and finally he said i'm gonna stop asking you that because you're obviously okay but i thank god when i finally got the results and said you're negative thank you and i don't have what it takes if i had ten thousand tone right now i wouldn't be able to praise him enough because god is in the keeping power of business he is about keeping his people so if we lean and depend on him if we trust him i'm talking to people in this sanctuary but i'm also talking to people on social media trust god with all of your being with all of your might not saying that things won't happen but god has a way out for his people that's what he promised he said manny would be our afflictions but he would deliver us out of them all and he said no weapons formed against us is going to prosper amen so as i said again jeremiah 29 god in the midst of captivity will keep you he will keep you in captivity until your deliverance day come so right now minister reed please come and do the introduction of our speaker of the hour um first giving honor to our god lord and savior jesus christ church i don't know about you but i'm excited it's something about the assembly of god virtual praise don't get me wrong it's good it really is but to see you and to feel you i don't know about you but i need this [Music] to our pastor god bless you yes mr smith very true labored labored for the past 10 years it hasn't been easy and we've been on our knees several of us for the man of god and look at god thank you lord thank you lord thanks i'm not up here to preach or to pray but i do give god praise we're here this morning to introduce the speaker of the hour that's none other than pastor martin t pickett pastor pickett he was born and reared in maple hill north carolina martin pickett is the middle child of samuel and pearl pickett he was called to preach at the tender age of 18 licensed to preach in 1989 he was also ordained in 1996. attending the university of north carolina reverend pickett the then reverend pickett met and married angela s norman they are the proud parents of three beautiful children marcia solomon and azeeb pastor pickett graduated from the university of north carolina at greensboro with a degree in physiology and biology he also holds a master's degree in divinity with the emphasis in pastoral counseling from shaw university's school of divinity pastor pickett many accomplishments in ministry includes being featured on the tom joyner morning show for creating a book club for an african-american males in a penal institution the tom jonas show donated the literary materials to aid in the men's understanding of life changing power of knowledge after 10 successful years of diligent service as the senior pastor of the first baptist church in maryfield falls church virginia god led reverend martin pickett to begin again and establish faith encounters community church in december of 2016. the fecc has grown from five to over 50 members and continues to grow weekly services are temporarily held at the vienna assembly of god church in vienna virginia he is also actively in leadership of the presiding pre-late bishop alfred a owens jr's missions such as trinidad and in tobago mexico city ethiopia and the united kingdom brazil zimbabwe finally pastor pickett continues to defy description and labels by integrating worship praise preaching teaching and encouragements let's welcome pastor bless [Applause] how many out today to know that our god is holy no matter what we're going through no matter what is going on in the world god is always there he's always with us [Music] is [Music] holy holy holy holy is our god holy is the lord you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you [Music] you are my everything i give myself to you holy holy holy is our god holy is the lord holy holy holy holy is our god holy is the lord of god you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you are the lord of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you worthy worthy worthy worthy is our god worthy is the lord worthy worthy worthy worthy is our god worthy are the is of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you are the lord of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you're so faithful faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful is the lord of lords faithful faithful faithful faithful is our god faithful lord of is you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you are the lord of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you are the lord of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you you are the lord of lords you are the king of kings you are my everything i give myself to you my worship belongs to you my praise belongs to you my worship belongs to you my praise belongs to you my worship belongs to you my praise belongs to you [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord yes yes yes yes yes [Applause] yes yes lord yes yes yes yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and give the lord a hand clapper praise goodness it's grace and this mercy come on you can do better than that come on give the lord a hand clap for praise for his goodness is grace and you can do better than that come on give the lord a hand clap for praise come on you can do better than that those are you who are still sitting come on stand to your feet and give the lord a handclap of praise those of you who are able to stand come on stand and give the lord a hand clap of praise for his goodness his grace and his mercy certainly the lord is great and greatly to be praised hallelujah amen amen amen i counted a privilege and an honor to be in this place one more time amen and and for those of you amen uh who who loves your pastor like i love your pastor he's celebrating 10 years can you just give him a standing ovation for 10 years in this place can you do that for him if that's all right with you hallelujah amen [Music] amen amen amen amen amen amen amen now now we're going to do this one more time because because i i know how important it is amen come on be seated one more time because you're going to do this one more time just one more time because at the end of the day when when when dr spurlock leaves this place he has to go somewhere amen we all need a place we all need a covering and he has a lovely lady sitting beside him can you honor the lady that stands beside this man amen lady spurlock can you honor lady spurlock today come on honor the woman of god his wife amen amen hallelujah god we give you praise amen and to the deacons and trustees and members of this wonderful church we greet you in your respective places and to these indubitable moderators uh dr henderson and dr pearson amen can you give them a handclap of praise for their being here in this place amen amen amen amen and and i didn't come here alone amen i i didn't come here by myself i let me just say this i i am blessed i got a fine wife i mean i'm telling you right now i don't care what no my wife is fine amen i i'm when i say i'm blessed i'm blessed my wife is fine did you hear what i just said she is absolutely gorgeous amen abby can you let him see you she don't want to stand now she'll get me when i get in the car but that's my wife amen [Applause] and if the lord allows me dr henderson to get to december i'll be married 28 years 27 27 27 years amen i got it right 27 years in december the lord's will amen and we thank god for deacon gilliam who's here right now with us digging game do you mind standing she's from our churches well we thank god for deacon gilliam amen amen and we thank god for that wonderful praise team amen and these wonderful musicians we give god praise for them amen amen did i miss anybody at this particular time i think i got everybody covered amen if i didn't get you amen let me get you right quick you thank you i got you just that fast i got you amen amen those of you who have your bibles can you turn with me to the book of nehemiah we won't be before you alone today i just want to talk to you from the book of nehemiah when you are at the book of nehemiah can you turn with me to chapter 2 from the book of nehemiah and when you are at chapter 2 of the book of nehemiah can you put your finger on verse number 16 and we're going to read down to verse 18. nehemiah chapter 2 amen verse 16 through 18 here with the reading of god's word and the officials did not know where i had gone or what i had done i had not yet told the jews the priests the nobles the officials or the others who did the work then i said to them you see the distress that we are in how jerusalem lies waste and its gates are burned with fire come and let us build the wall of jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach and i told them of the hand of my god which had been good upon me and also the king's word that he had spoken to me so they said let us rise up and build then they set their hands to this good work the word of god for the people of god shall we bow and shall we pray father we love you today we thank you we praise you we bless you and we honor you lord i pray lord god that you would have thine own way that you would use me for your glory that you would hire me behind the cross that only your son jesus might be glorified we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor and we ask it in the name that's above every name the name that every knee shall bow when every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father is our prayer and every believer shouted amen amen i want you to look at your neighbor and say to your neighbor today or just put your hand on yourself and just say to yourself or to your neighbor it's up from here it's up from here we can only go up from here we can only go up from here amen if you believe that give the lord a handclap of praise we can only go up from here you may be seated in the presence of god i'm going to ask you because a couple of questions rhetorically and and as i ask you these rhetorical questions uh you know if you find yourself in it amen i pray that you would find yourself in the text today but dr henderson i want to talk to you today and hopefully as i engage with dr henderson in this conversation you are welcome to join in i'm just i'm just going to try to talk through this as best as i possibly can um be because i i think that there is something that the lord wants us to know today from the book of nehemiah so what do you do when it really breaks what do you do when it breaks in your life what do you do when it falls apart what do you do when you tried and now you you're trying and you've tried and you've tried and you tried and now you've cried and you've cried and you've tried and you tried but it still breaks what do you do when when you're pain is beyond description what do you do when when it it hurts and it really hurts you find yourself in the worship experience and and though whether you are at home or in person it still hurts what do you do when it breaks and it really breaks and you can't tell people how broken you really are what do you do when when you started out one way and you ended up another way what do you do when you have been wayward with god what do you do when god has blessed you tremendously and you still cheat what do you do when when when god has blessed you time and time again and yet you still got a complaint what do you do when your attitude toward god is is is really demented can i talk to you today god god has blessed us tremendously and yet in all of god's blessing us we still find ourselves wayward god has blessed us tremendously and we still disobedient god has blessed us and he told us to stay right and for some reason dr henderson we still ended up going left what happens when when when when god says this is what i require and yet when god gives you the requirement you you start out real good and then you still end up on the wrong road sometimes uh uh henderson and sometimes spirits and things just happen we didn't intend for it to go that way but it went that way we started out praying really good and and for some reason life took an unexpected turn anybody in here life has taken an unexpected turn anybody here started out one way and ended up another way anybody out here left home looking real good and by the time you got back home your head was standing on top of your head you didn't even know how you got back in that particular place but somehow some way something just broke something has broken matter of fact the other day my wife and i were watching tv piercing and as we was watching tv the tv just broke tv just went out tv screen just went black my wife said what happened i said i don't know right in the middle of her favorite program tv just went black it just broke i don't know why it broke but it just broke and sometimes in life things just break we don't even know how we got in this pandemic but we're in this pandemic and now that we're in this pandemic we have come to the realization that something has broken whether you want a mask or whether you don't want a mask whether you want to vaccinate or not vaccinate the reality is things have just broke whether in haiti or afghanistan things have just come apart and what do you do when things just fall apart when things just are beyond repair what do you do when you're praying and you're praying and god is silent and though you're praying and you feel as though god has turned the deaf ear to you and it seems as though your prayers are bouncing off the wall not now now hear me this is a pastor's anniversary ain't no bad news preaching this is gonna get better but in order for me to get it better i gotta tell you where you are because you can't get to the celebration until you understand how bad it really is can i get some praise up in here do you do you realize that you can't get to the celebration until you understand what you have been delivered from and what god is doing in the midst of all that is broken can i just say this to you in order for you to appreciate where we are going you got to be able to celebrate even in brokenness we can't get there until we understand what it means to be broken and to understand that even in this particular text i'm in the text now nehemiah recognizes that something has broken nehemiah hears that things have fallen apart nehemiah hears that not only has staying fallen apart but that there is a breach nehemiah is the cupbearer of the king nehemiah's name means jehovah comforts and there are theological implications here because here's what i want you to understand that nehemiah is a cup bear not only is he the cupbearer for the king but it says that if nehemiah who is a cupbearer of the king realizes that he can be used all of us and he can be used by god you don't have to have a degree to be used by god you don't have to go to college to be used by god you don't have to have a degree to be used by god you don't have to have a seminary degree to be used by god all you have to do is to be willing to be used by god and all of us in here today can be used by god if we are willing to be used by god anybody out there want to be used by god anybody out there willing to be used by god nehemiah desires to be used by god [Music] the problem that we have to ask ourselves is do we really want to be used because the reality of it all is is that we say we want to be used but when god tells us what's required to be used we don't want to be used that way see many of us want to be famous many of us want to be put in a particular place but we don't want to go through the requirements that is needed to be put in that particular place but nehemiah was just willing to be used and yet when nehemiah comes on the scene there's a problem nehemiah has to encourage the people how do you encourage a broken people how do you encourage a frag minted people let me stop right here in pause for a minute because i i think y'all y'all are trying to go to sleep on me because the reality of it all whether we want to admit it today we're all fragmented whether we want to admit it or not i want to talk to the fragmented people today if you're willing to admit that you're fragmented say you're talking to me preacher because whether you want to try to hide it today all of us are fragmented folk and had it not been for the love of god had it not been for the grace of god we wouldn't even be sitting here right now if you're fragmented and you know you're fragmented give god some praise if you know you're fragmented and you know god can deal with fragments give god some praise i want to talk to the fragmented folk that knows that god knows how to put you back together again even when you're fragmented and you don't know up from down and you know that god knows how to dig in fragments i know a guy that specializes in fragments are you in here today i'm talking to somebody who knows that god knows how to dig among the rubble god knows how to pull among the rubble and bring you up and bring you out nehemiah was digging among fragmented folk it's hard to deal with fragmented folk it's hard to bring people up and out when they feel discouraged and disenfranchised and marginalized it's hard to encourage folk pearson when they don't feel like they can come up and out it's up from here it's hard to encourage folk when they're a broken spirit spirit it is hard to encourage folk that you can be bigger and better and brighter when they feel as though all hope is gone can i tell you there there is treasure among trash [Applause] can can i say this to you henderson that you got to be willing to dig among the trash see most of us don't know how to dig among trash but you got to be willing to dig among the trash and for those of us who know how to dig among trash we find treasure in trash because the reality of it all is is here it is here it is right here many of us have been to god ourselves many of us have dug out have been dug out of ourselves and because we've been dug out ourselves we recognize that when we were among the trash god dug us out dusted us off cleaned us up put us in the church and put us where we are and because he was willing to dig us out because he saw us as treasure in him i live move and help my being i am in hallelujah and i recognize that because he was willing to dig among the trash he dusted me off and set me up in the church and ain't nothing nobody can do about it if he dug you i'll give god some praise if you recognize that your treasure and not trash go ahead and give god some praise for helping you to see that i'm treasure and not trash [Applause] he dug him out now he dug him out he's encouraging them got them going up they're about to go up can i say this to you i'm almost done henderson when you go up there's always a gravel to gravity pull there's always gravitational pull wait let me stop and say that one more time swirl up when you're going up there will always be gravitational pull when you're going up when you finally start to see that you can go up from here there will be gravitational pull because everybody doesn't want to see you go up [Applause] while you find optimism there's someone still thinking doom and gloom while you are celebrating that you finally dug out and while you are celebrating that you're on your way up and on your way out there's always somebody trying to pull you down while you are on your way up can i introduce the text today there's a sambalot everywhere there is a tobias everywhere there will always be san belas and tobias there is nothing you can do about sambalat and tobias there's always going to be somebody who's going to find something wrong with you going up there will always be somebody who will be pessimistic about your optimism there will always be somebody in the church with their arms folded while you are running around the church there will always be somebody trying to sit down on your praise there will always be somebody who is trying to go left while you're trying to go right there will always be somebody who's got to complain about something there will always be somebody who would rather hear hell than heaven there will always be somebody who would rather hear lies than truth there will always be somebody with a frown and not a smile but you gotta make up in your mind regardless of how they look and regardless of what they say you're going up from here can i get a witness up in here is there anybody up in here that you may be in a pandemic but you going up from here whether to mask or not to mask whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate i'm going up from here i'm not gonna stay broken all my life i believe the word of the lord and the word of the lord is i'm going up from here [Music] and see see see henderson you can't tell everybody how you getting there you saw the text said that nehemiah didn't consult with nobody because the lord had given direction and when god gives direction you don't need affirmation from nobody when god gives direction all you got to do is do what god said when god gives direction see he sought him by night i've come to discover that some of my greatest creativity comes at night i have come to discover some of my greatest prayer times i've done it in the wee hours of night some of my best praying i've done at night some of my best talking to the lord i do it at night any nighttime folk up in here who knows how to go in a closet in the wee hours of night face may be filled with tears but you have an a talk with the lord at night and when daybreak comes you got peace about it anybody in here when you get to daybreak you got peace about it you know it's all gonna work out you know god's in it and because god's in it you are going up anybody going up from here come on test somebody anybody going up from here it doesn't matter what it looked like you're going up from here and nehemiah went up when you go up you're looking to someone greater than you when you go up you're looking to the hills from which comes your help knowing that all of your help it comes from the lord when you go up you see that there's a greater source than yourself when you go up ever anybody ever been on a high elevation anybody ever climb the mountain and look down when you find yourself up things look smaller when you're way up there wait a minute you missed that let me let me go a little slower when you go up henderson and you look down you can see that things are not as big as they appear when you're looking from a higher elevation let me go to another way let me go to it another way i i was flying me and my wife we were flying out of buffalo spurlock and while we were flying out of buffalo it was freezing and dr henderson as we were flying out of buffalo they were trying to keep the plane de-iced and i was trying to figure out if we was going to make our flight and while i was sitting in one place i i said i i don't think we're going to make it and he said we we got cleared and and we are cleared for takeoff when we landed i had an opportunity to speak with the pilot and i said i i didn't think we were gonna make it he said that's because of where you were sitting women you didn't get it from where i was sitting it didn't seem like we could make it but from where he was sitting we gonna make it and see from where you were sitting it doesn't look like it's going to work out but from where god is sitting it's going to work out and when nehemiah went up nehemiah went up because he realized that the hand of god was on his life and from where they were sitting it didn't look like and from where they were they didn't feel like they could do it but nehemiah was saying from where i see it we're gonna be just fine and what i've come to tell you spurlock is from where you're standing stay on the wall and don't come down off the wall when you go up on the wall you gotta see that your source is not in your own strength but your strength comes from god the god who's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask think or imagine the god that puts you on the wall says that though many weapons may be formed they shall not prosper stay on the wall and preach and teach to every demon understands that the god you serve is able to change souls and change lives and make things better preach anyway even if they don't want to hear it preach anyway preach that the lord jesus christ is savior and that he's coming back for a church without spotter preach without compromise preach the word of god and when you preach the word of god don't take down but stand on the wall stay on the wall tell every boy and girl knows that jesus christ is savior of the world preach to deacons change preach to the choir changes preach until you get filled up preach to god says well done preach until the joy of the lord becomes your strength preach and then after you preach for a little while god will say well done thy good and faithful servant i'm out of here i'm out of time but can i say this to you i want to say this to you you going up from here and when you go up from here open up your mouth and give god some praise for allowing you to go up from here or magnify the lord with me and let us rejoice together he's worthy of all praise [Music] nehemiah was determined you got to be determined you got to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor it's not in vain i i wished i had time i talked to you about another nehemiah but i ain't got time i talk about the nehemiah that came through 40 in two generations the nehemiah who's alpha and omega the nehemiah that walked through 40 and two generations the nehemiah that became the offering and the priests all at the same time if i had time i'd talk to you about the nehemiah who walked the via de la rosa the nehemiah who went on golgotha's hill hung and bled and died but early on sunday morning near my arose with all power in his hand all hell the power of jesus name that angel's prostate fall and crown him crown him crown him i'm out of here [Music] [Applause] crowning crowning law of all every person standing every person standing every person standing every eye closed [Music] thank you while every person is standing [Music] we're going up from here but i would love for you to come and give your life to christ if there's one here today why don't you come maybe you're here today in your design prayer why don't you come will there be one today [Music] for the lord yes the lord the lord our god he's what salvation and glory you may be seated [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] can we bring the lights up um just a couple of housekeeping measures amen i know that usually ushers if y'all can pay attention to me right now i'm trying to get y'all to get this because of the fact are we still streaming can we can we cut streaming right now amen
Channel: Oak Grove Baptist Church
Views: 90
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1uhaoKtizX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 59sec (4679 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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