OGBC Worship Service

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[Music] what do we see so [Music] [Music] i thought [Music] praise the lord church come on and bless the name of the lord praise the lord church right where you are we want to invite you to stand anybody come to worship the lord today come on come on we know he's a great god he is our great god and we came to lift up the name of the lord we invite you to sing with us you ready to lift him up yeah come on how to reach how to reach the masses men of every birth jesus gave the keys [Applause] [Music] lift him up till he speaks from eternal [Music] [Applause] how to reach the masses how to reach the masses middle of every birth foreign [Applause] come on sing it like you need [Music] [Applause] oh the world is hungry for the living prolifer the savior up for men to see trust him i do not doubt the words come on put your hands together tell me from the earth lift them [Music] [Applause] is let jesus help me live jesus help me let jesus help me live jesus help me love jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i [Music] higher [Music] me [Music] amen amen good morning good morning beloved of god good morning truly this is the day that the lord has made and we shall and we ought to rejoice and be glad in it praise be to god amen we want to welcome all of you who are a part of our worship experience amen we want to thank amen our online presence that's with us as well amen and i want to ask you amen if you're watching us uh via the social media platforms go ahead and do us a a great big favor go ahead praise the lord and like as well as share this video while you are worshiping with us virtually praise be to the father we are so excited we're very delighted amen that we're able to come into your homes and you be a part of our worship encounter we praise god for our in-person congregants as well amen we are so grateful for what the lord is doing in our midst here at the oak grove church in sterling virginia praise be to the father david said amen i was glad when they said unto me come and let us go into the house of the lord uh we if you will when we gather together we always start off with our gathering statement and elder joanne brooks she's gonna come praise the lord and bless us with our gathering statement amen praise be to the father amen it'll be on our monitor coming to you from hebrews 10 verses 24 and 25 amen amen thanks be to god those that are here please stand i'm gonna take this time to say it is good to be here hallelujah god so good one more time to see you horus and arlene hallelujah god y'all ought to put your hands together and praise them it's good to be in the house of the lord amen amen and being obedient our gathering statement let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works and let us not look like our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near amen amen the word of god is already blessed amen amen minister gordon neal he's gonna come and take us to the throne of grace [Music] thank you god thank you god let us bow our heads and close our eyes for a moment of prayer thank you heavenly father for this day lord we thank you lord for we know that we are physically in this world but keep our minds focused on you lord keep our minds focused on your grace and your mercy that continues to hold us and help us when we're in need lord let us not forget that you are the author and finisher of our faith lord only you lord can keep us in this crazy mad world that continues to frustrate us bedazzles us and always attacks us lord we just thank you lord for your grace and mercy that you forgive us of our sins lord and that you continue to keep us when our minds go astray lord you continue to bring us back into focus lord on the things that really matter you lord you matter that jesus blood was shed on calgary for the remissions of our sins heavenly father we thank you lord we thank you lord god for all that you do for us lord we thank you for bringing our congregation back together again lord in this house lord and we pray for all of those who are still out in social media watching that one day we all can come together and be one again in your house heavenly father and i thank you lord i thank you for pastor heavenly father continue to strengthen him continue to strengthen his family for all that he does for our congregation for we need our man of god to continue to be strengthened and continue to be strong so that he can deal with all the things that he has to deal with lord on a daily basis to keep this congregation together and strong and i just thank you lord for everything and i say this wonderful prayer in the glorious name of jesus amen amen [Music] jesus you're the center of my joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the heart of my contentment hope for all i do jesus you [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus you are the center oh jesus you're the center of my joy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] praise him [Music] yeah all right put your hands together come on [Music] come on praise the lord with us yeah you don't have no doubt [Music] well this morning when i rose yeah i didn't have no doubt oh i said this morning when i rose yeah oh i know the lord will take care of me i know [Applause] well i woke up this morning to a brand new day [Music] i woke up this morning to a brand new day i didn't have no doubts oh i i walked into this morning brand new day i didn't have no doubt oh i know the lord will take care of me i know the lord [Applause] this morning with the holy ghost i didn't have to go down yes i i woke up this morning with the holy ghost i didn't have that and i felt like walking [Applause] [Music] i felt like praying i felt like praying like praying talking to the master i had a little torture i had a little talk with i felt like [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he will be thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord praise the lord amen praise god we are three weeks into being back in the sanctuary amen and we just shaking some rust off come on everybody we just shaking a little bit of rust off amen and we're just so excited we're very delighted just to be back in the presence of the lord amen in his house amen the bible tells us that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty praise god there is liberty and we are so grateful so grateful for this opportune moment that the lord has blessed us with amen brothers and sisters we are blessed amen to be able to come and worship the lord through giving amen and at this time we're going to have amen our virtual presentation on giving and individually never underestimate what the power of sowing a seed of faith can do we declare as a church body that you are seeing the miraculous throughout your bloodline in your physical mental emotional and financial spaces to sow a seed of faith into good fertile ground as we continue to do ministry please consider giving in the following ways you can mail to 22870 dominion lane sterling virginia use our paypal link paypal dot me slash ogbc sterling cash app using the cash tag dollar sign oak grove sterling oak grove baptist church in sterling virginia we appreciate you worshiping with us through giving we're at the dollar sign sterling praise the lord you can send it to us uh through paypal as uh well as uh go to the givealifi app praise the lord and you could give us you can look at look us up on giblithis okra sterling uh praise the lord so there uh multiple uh if you will uh avenues in which you can sow into this amen this ministry uh the bible tells us freely we have received and freely we must give for there's more blessed to give than it is to receive because god loves a cheerful giver amen amen amen amen it's it's nothing like giving amen god showed us what what giving all what giving is all about when he gave his only begotten son the word tells us for god so love the world amen he loved the world that he gave his only begotten son the whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have life eternal praise be to the father amen given it shall be given unto you press down shaken together and run a notebook amen so if you have the opportunity to go ahead and pull out your smartphones amen use one of those three apps amen and go ahead and give if you're hearing the sanctuary praise the lord and you uh have your your tithe your offering your seed you can give it to the usher and they were kindly collected praise be to god amen praise be to god for this is worship as well my brothers and sisters beloved of god amen it is preaching time amen it is preaching time and if you would be so kind enough i would ask that you would take your bibles that we might look and live together amen i want to before i go into the preaching of god's holy word amen i want to do this very early in the service amen uh if you can zoom out just a little bit i want brother bellefield and his wife praise the lord sister arlene amen if y'all could come to the front of the church amen amen amen i am i am grateful uh for this couple amen when i when i got here to the church amen they were already here with us amen they were here with us and just last week i celebrated my uh my 10th pastoral anniversary and and you know i was grateful to celebrate amen horace would have been here but he had gone into the hospital and he was recovering amen because whenever we needed horus horus has always i'ma say that again he has always [Applause] been there for us amen and we are grateful horus amen is moving back to rocky mountain north carolina amen he has put his time in in the federal government working and i'm not going to say where he's worked at i'm just saying he worked with the federal government and the lord has blessed him amen to uh take a sabbatical i ain't gonna say he's retiring he's taking a sabbatical amen so he and arlene are moving back and today is their last sunday with us amen amen amen and because today is their last sunday with us we want to celebrate them praise the lord amen we want to celebrate them now i'm going to ask for those of you who are amen watching with us you get an opportunity you want to reach out to us and you want to get something into their possession reach out to us and we'll give you the information so that you can get it to them praise be to god amen praise be to god amen praise be to god amen amen and i want to thank you as pastor of oak grove i've served 10 years i think you've served 13 years 14 years amen praise the lord praise the lord he served 14 years and i just want to say that we are grateful for the bell fields amen we are richly blessed uh to have them uh now they're getting ready to leave us and i i'm feeling what they call a separation anxiety amen amen but i'm grateful for this family and uh sister spurlock and now we have something for you uh praise be to god and the music ministry wants to bless you as well and i'm i'm a step back and let them come and do a little something something good good morning this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it all choir members past present future stand please this morning horse and arlene you two have been look we had our ups downs laughs cries everything and i think as long as i've been here this is the longest any musician to be here but uh we just want to say we love you we appreciate you all your service all the work that you've done since you've been here this is only a small token you know the lord got you the rest of the way this is only love from us this one love you so much and we all everybody couldn't get in the choir so whoever you know was out here but we invited everybody and we um wish you guys speed we know that you're going to continue doing the lord's work and we'll be praying for you y'all be praying for us [Applause] i'm not good at speeches there are some beautiful people at this church i don't care what nobody said they hang in there they hang in there in jesus name i'm not going away from here bitter i'm not going away from here trying to remember something that didn't go my way but i thank y'all i learned too i used to be a little impatient and probably still live but thank you i didn't have much shots so that was a little joke y'all didn't get it um thank you all i love you and i'm gonna miss you and i'm gonna stop by me and remember i'm gonna always talk yeah and the first lady because that's that's what god wants us to do is show love show love okra if it's something you got to give somebody else straighten it out today i just want to say two that this is totally unexpected as far as we love everybody um this church has been a blessing to us and i'm gonna miss you guys so i love you guys thank you for everything [Applause] amen uh horace is like my big brother amen and uh his wife is like my big sister praise the lord and uh i'm just grateful for them and um they've been a blessing to my family uh since we've been here at the oak grove church amen and so we're just so excited for them that god has blessed them to get to a point in his life where he's still young enough amen not old enough but young enough amen to get to the point where he can uh you know just cruise out and and do his thing and um you know they've been in the dmv for for a number of years and they spent definitely uh 14 years here with us and so we're just so grateful for god uh loaning him to us and that our paths cross it wasn't by happenstance but this was by divine providence amen divine providence so we're grateful for what the lord has done in in our music ministry and using him and his wife uh to the glory of god to make a difference on behalf of the kingdom time is drawing nigh amen for the preachment of god's holy word amen before i get there i want to again thank you oak grove praise god well thank you because last week we were able to celebrate 10 years of pastor ministry uh at this great branch of zion amen 10 years and it was nobody but god that kept me here amen because there were some moments i was i was ready to take the flight praise the lord i ain't telling no lie you might as well tell the truth and shame the devil you know when you when you get into the natural person amen the natural person will tell you uh yeah you know i'm operating on my own accord but when you get in uh in the spirit start talking to god amen the lord has a way of reminding you that this ain't about you amen it's it's bigger than you amen so uh most of y'all know that that conjunction when you read in the bible it says but god amen amen so i had a many but god moments uh in in in this pastoral phase so i'm grateful amen uh but let's go to god in prayer and then go to the word father in the name of jesus we thank you for this preaching privilege this opportunity that you've afforded unto this your servant oh savior teach me to abide close and sheltered at your loving side each hour i have been receiving your grace on top of grace and oh how i long to see you one day face to face speak to me and speak through me let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable and i said o lord my strength and my redeemer for it is in jesus christ's name i do humbly pray and claim the victory might the people of god say amen amen and a tech team if they would go ahead and just cut the string and i want to apologize uh if you will to our audience that's watching us sometimes when you get so technical um and that was me at that time uh you know i was trying to be um if you will abiding by uh the rules of what i think is a social media uh ruling if you will and i was reminded um by you know my my my wife my daughter and some other folk hey that was still worship as well amen so i want to apologize to you all uh for my decision i was just trying to not make your worship experience too long while being online and i just want to thank you for uh receiving my apology as uh as we were trying to uh govern ourselves accordingly and make certain that we wouldn't take too much of your time out of your day amen so in the word of god in psalm 121 psalm 121 um you'll find these words recorded and i'm i'm reading from the new king james version of god's holy word psalm 121 and you'll find these words recorded it says i will lift up my eyes to the heels from once comes my help my help comes from the lord uh who who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep amen the lord is your keeper the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade uh at your right hand uh the the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore amen the word of god for the people of god and praise be to god i want to put a tag on this text uh pastor sneed i want to put a tag on this text i want to preach from the subject with a dynamic aid and a diligent assistance to include the divine anointing of the holy spirit i won't preach from the subject i almost gave up i almost gave up my brothers and sisters beloved of god i i just want to speak from my own personal context um i was as i indicated blessed on last sunday to celebrate 10 years of serving this congregational context and um i indicated i indicated beloved that it uh there were times uh when going through um some things that i i can be transparent and say i almost gave up um last sunday after after the celebration uh spurlock and i we went out and got something to eat you know it's only just the two of us now uh so we just went out and got us a little something to nibble on and we called it a day called it a day and uh went home and watched a little football and watched my cowboys go to l.a and get that win against the charges it was it was just a normal day it was a normal day and evening had come and the night had dawned upon us and had moved into the hour of getting prepared to go to bed and get ready for another day a day that it really wasn't promised to me but it was my desires my hope that i would see another day and within the in the evening night had come and if you will the 19th day had transitioned and the 20th day had come into being home around midnight and um slept through the night and right around the 3 30 a.m hour there was a phone call that came in the middle of the night my wife's phone rang and i'm like who is calling at 3 30 in the morning so my aunt from over in oxen hill maryland she called and uh first i said to him uh lottie i'm like who didn't die because when you get those calls you you know that uh something has transpired and at 3 30 in the morning the call was that my 29 soon-to-be 30-year-old niece was in an auto accident and she had her godson and his brother in the car with her and down in hopewell virginia somebody was on the wrong side of the road and uh ran directly into her a head-on collision and uh they had to mid-flight her from hopewell to mcd bleeding from the liver uh both hips dislocated uh a fractured bone in her leg and she was on the ventilator her mother my sister is in rehab from a stroke and then at the 3 30 hour when the call came through and my sister who is in her second round her battle fight with cancer had come on the line and the social worker at the hospital had google searched and my sister's name came up and they reached out to her and the whole time my aunt and my wife and praise the lord my sister they were praying and i was just lying there in a fog and as i as i was trying to take it in i'm like i just celebrated my 10th anniversary and then i got this whammy to smack me right across the face and when i thought about what i would preach about today and i asked the lord what what shall i say to the people who've been in the same thing that i've been in we've been in a pandemic for 18 months we've lost loved ones we've seen racism on the rise we've watched people lose if you will themselves in the context of this pandemic people are going through and when i read this text i thought about kurt carr and the kurt carr singers i almost gave up i was right on the end of a breakthrough the problems they they had me down but jesus praise the lord jesus he came and turned me me around god kept me and i decided that i wasn't gonna let go oh my brothers and sisters when i read this 121st psalm psalm i i said my lord my lord my lord i i think i got some strength in the midst of two sick sisters a niece that's on the mend yes moments when i've gone through my mental rolodex and i almost wanted to give up and then i read these words i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence comes my help and my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth i i want to just put a pen right there and and when i thought about it in those first two verses when when i read it when i when i did an exegete uh pastor sneed uh they said that the first two verses uh were in the first person and then they said verses three through eight were in the second person and it says i will ah that means that that you can insert yourself when you've gone through what it is that you've gone through you can say i because that's personal that's a personal pronoun i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence come my help and my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth first thing i want to point out tell your neighbor say he's your source that that's that's the first point he's your source when you want to almost give up when you try to find your help in other places that you think are resources you need to understand the resource that you turn to also has a sort and the lord is the source yeah i i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence come my help and my help comes from the lord because the lord is my source richard smallwood used to say it this way you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life and i lift my hands in total praise i believe i believe i got some folk who can help me testify who ain't ashamed to praise god when you almost wanted to give up [Applause] you realize that your source elohim yeshua jehovah jiren jehovah canoe y'all ain't praying with me jehovah shaman jehovah shalom he'll give you peace in the midst of a storm almost gave up but i lift up mine eyes to the heels from whence come my help and my help comes from the lord horse maybe you can help me testify because you've been here four years longer than me and you drove all the way from yeah over in maryland to virginia for 14 years and now you're heading back to to north carolina and you can see the fruit of your labor and there were times when you probably wanted to give up too but but your source [Applause] reminded you that the lord is your help not only is he your help he's your hope [Applause] he's your source he's your help he's your hope i almost gave up go ahead and type in the comment section i almost gave up but i realized that he's my source but then when we get to verses three through eight we talk about the second person almost like we got another person talking he says i uh yes i i will lift up mine eyes to the heels when once come my help my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth verse 3 says he will not allow he will not allow your foot to be moved he keeps you he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps israel shall not neither slumber nor sleep huh yes but but but check this out verse 5 it says the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade at your right hand and the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night i want us i want to suggest to you secondly uh that when you almost want to give up you need to know not only is he your source but he's your support he's your support he's your source but he's your support you know it's nothing like having support when you go through what you go through i remember 10 years ago when we moved up here we were a young family uh my kids were younger at that time and my son cried just about every day mad because we moved up here and my daughter moved as well she was in her eighth grade year when we moved up and it was it was new to them it was new it was new to them and one of the things that we i can attest to that when we were living back home when when pastoring when i was pastoring down in in surry county virginia and uh when my wife was working in chesterfield county schools and last school that she was in uh prior to uh coming up he was in petersburg schools uh when i would be working late at the church and she had like pta meeting or whatever like that and her mother was alive and uh when the kids needed to get picked up from after school care and when she was what she was doing and when i was doing what i had to do uh we had a support structure y'all ain't praying with me and it's good when you got support when when you can't do what you need to do but you got the support that can fill in and fill the void even though you're not there and the word says the word says beloved right here in verses 3 says hey hey uh he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber i want to suggest to you that the lord is on the job yeah yeah he he's on the job 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year he's on the job as a matter of fact even if if you decide you want to take a break he ain't gonna take a break can i get a witness uh he he's your refuge and the bible tells us god is our refuge and strength a very present help in the time of trouble yes yes yes behold he he keeps israel and because israel is close to his heart it means a whole lot to him he shall neither slumber nor sleep you are just as important as israel to him can i get a witness and he says the lord is your keeper yes he is that the lord is your shade at your right hand and the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night as a matter of fact god got you covered yes as a matter of fact you can rest whether at night or during the daytime because the lord has you on his mind uh because he doesn't sleep nor slumber the bible tells us in first peter 5 and 7 the word tells us cast every last care can i get a witness uh cast your cares your your anxieties your stress upon the lord because he cares for you so even though you almost want to give up and and sometimes maybe some of you might have already thrown the towel in and surrendered but the lord reminded you you can pick that child right back up because he's your support system he's your source in the midst of you almost wanting to give up but then thirdly and lastly as i let you go i want to suggest to you beloved the word tells us in verse seven and eight i just want to walk through the text uh if i could just walk through the text expositorily and just work with it just a little bit he says in verse seven the lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore i want to suggest to you in the midst of you almost wanting to give up one he's your source two he's your support but three he's your sustainer the lord shall sustain you he shall surpr he shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul so even when the enemy tries to conspire against you that's why that's why beloved that's why when when the prophet isaiah wrote these words he said this you know what yes the prophet isaiah reminded us that there's no weapon that's formed against us that will prosper and for every tongue that attempt to rise up oh it shall be condemned the lord shall sustain you he'll he'll keep you he'll preserve you uh in the midst of everything that the enemy tries to do to take you out he says that the lord shall preserve your going out as well as you're coming in as a matter of fact basically what he's suggesting to us is that you got favor all on you when you go out and when you come in because regardless of what oh help me preach holy ghost regardless of what folk want to do and say about you you need to understand that the lord shall sustain you i i i saw some some weeks and months ago some somebody i think it was a real talk kim on instagram she she posted something some time ago and said that uh people uh when people want to try to yes lord when people want to try to have a conference uh if you will about your calling your call she said it's not a conference call because god didn't have to confer with them on your call and i guess what i want to suggest to you beloved is that the lord shall sustain you the lord shall preserve you yeah yeah yeah when folk try to cut you down at the knees the lord will yes he'll pick you up and then i i want to suggest to you keep on worship it and i want to suggest to you keep on praising yes because can't nobody tell your story like you can i get a witness don't nobody know what you've been through don't nobody know all the hell that you had to endure to get to where you are see folks see oh help me preach glory to god folks see your glory but they don't know your story can i get a witness in the building so i want you to know that in the in the midst of you almost wanting to give up you need to know that yes the lord is your source and the lord is your support and the lord is your sustainer can i get a witness in the building y'all remember i started off preaching i told you i got a phone call last sunday night monday morning well this morning when i woke up and as i was meditating on my sermon yeah i had taken my phone off the charger and i looked and i had a text from my niece's daddy and her daddy said they took the tube out of her mouth y'all ain't praying with me i said they took the tube out her mouth he said she's been trying to talk to me since three o'clock this morning y'all ain't helping me preach and he gave me the phone number to the room and i called them before i came to church and i said baby girl it's good to hear your voice she said uncle gregory i almost wanted to give up she said i told the nurse she said if i don't make it she said i told them some instructions she said i was drowning in my saliva she said i just wanted to give up she said but the lord brought me through and i want to tell somebody on the other side of your testimony hang in there don't give up stay in the race and know that god is on your side he's able i said he's able won't he do it he's able he's able to go into the hospital room in the midst of covet and touch a 29 year old who was laying on her back to remind her to remind me she said to me she said uncle gregory god is good and i want somebody to know that he's able he's able i said he's able he's able yes he is [Music] good morning or good afternoon whatever time you're watching may the lord god bless you real good i almost almost gave up look the doors of the church open [Music] if there's one in here that's worshiping with us physically who wants to give his or her life to the lord we extend the invitation for you to come [Music] if you're here and you don't have a church home and you need a place where you can come you can grow you can become all that god has destined you to be come on we invite you here if this isn't the place for you we'll send you to the church of your choice but we just want you to be in christ jesus this is your moment this is your hour we extend the invitation for you to come let's pray father in the name of jesus god i thank you for this moment this time in human history where we can just call on your name bless o god your people have your way lord touch heal and deliver cause that man woman boy or girl to come and experience the christ who is the liberator the christ who is a redeemer and the christ who is the son of the living god we extend to you this opportunity to come and get to know him god i pray for this church family all those who are tuned in to us right now bless touch heal and deliver do what you do god show up and show out bless oh god the bell fields who are headed back to north carolina cover and keep them support and sustain them and remind them in the midst of it all that you are still their source you are their source here in the dmv and you're going to be their source down in north carolina and we just honor your god for all that you have done all that you are doing and all that you are getting ready to do be magnified and glorified and we shall be careful to give your name the glory the honor and the praise it's in jesus name that we do humbly pray and we claim the victory for the people of god in jesus name might we all say amen amen and amen again beloved thank you for being a part of our worship experience we love you to life our praise team is going to come and close us out and we'll see you again on next sunday praise the lord amen [Music] away [Music] i don't mind waiting i don't mind waiting on the lord i don't mind waiting i oh oh i don't know if we're still streaming but uh pastor had a special request i'm gonna do a little bit of this and uh iris sang that for me so thank you iris you're welcome come on all right come on [Music] [Music] sing a song [Music] tragedies are commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away the economy is down and people [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] people are living in the streets and the drug habits some say that they just can't beat lookers and robbers no place seems to be thank you [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you for your [Applause] your power thank you thank you for your [Applause] power thank thank you [Applause] thank you thank you thank you for your power thank you for your power protection thank you for protection thank you thank you thank you thank you for your power thank you thank you for watching [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you i wanna thank you i wanna thank you i wanna thank you i wanna thank you i wanna thank you i wanna thank you thank you i gotta thank you i wanna thank you i gotta thank you i gotta thank you i gotta thank you i wanna thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Oak Grove Baptist Church
Views: 57
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TP70TFOqC3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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