Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Sunday Youth Service - September 26th

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] praise the lord mount calvary truly this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it how many have come to bless the name of our god we have come to give god a great praise on this morning hallelujah because god is our everything hallelujah we bless the name of the lord on this morning and we greet you in the name of the lord jesus christ whether you're here in this sanctuary or in our cyber sanctuary we come to bless the name of the lord join in and sing us with in this song as we sing i give myself away [Music] hallelujah god we bless your name jesus glory be unto your name god hallelujah jesus oh i give myself away [Music] i give myself away [Applause] so you can use me i give myself away [Applause] oh [Music] i get myself away [Applause] yes oh god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] myself away [Applause] greetings and good morning to the members friends and family of mount calvary baptist church i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord the mount calvary baptist church of rockville maryland is one church in multiple locations this morning we worship live at our main campus at 608 north horners lane while you worship with us viewing from your tv screen tablet monitor wherever you are in the world we are gathered together in the name of jesus to worship the true and living god welcome welcome welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] myself [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give myself away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] myself away god i give [Applause] myself away so you is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this morning i give myself [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] lord thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness let everything that have breath praise the lord praise the lord father god we truly want everything that has breath to praise you god for you are almighty god you are a merciful god you are a loving god if we had ten thousand tongues we could not express how much we love you and adore you lord we welcome you into this holy sanctuary god and as you prepare to sing songs of zion in your name as you pray to proclaim yours holy word lord we pray that everything we do will bring you glory we'll bring you honor and bring you praise for lord you are awesome god you deserve awesome praise today so let us praise you in spirit and in truth this is our prayer in the matters name of jesus we pray amen we want to thank gloria nicks for that welcome us to the lord's sanctuary and preparing us to render our praise to god and not understand and sing our opening him oh how i love jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh how we love jesus because he first loved us we now have our scripture by nina broughton [Music] philippians 4 10 through 13. how i praise the lord that you are concerned about me again i know you have always been concerned for me but you didn't have the chance to help me not that i was ever in need for i have learned how to be content with whatever i have i know how to live on almost nothing or with everything i have learned the secret of living in every situation whether it is with a full stomach or empty with plenty or little for i can do everything through christ who gives me strength thank you amen mount cavery is offering time amen [Music] [Applause] and as janelle legrand comes to give us our offering appeal let's be reminded for the word of god that says in malachi 3 10 to bring the full tithe of god's storehouse so they may be beaten in my house and prove me in this that i will not open a window of heaven and pour you out a blessing that will not be room enough for you to receive it mel calvary i stand before you representing the youth of the church the future of the church and we want to thank you all for your many gifts it is because of your obedience to god and generosity that we have been able to feed hungry people we have provided clothes for those who need them and those who had some and also had some really great events and fun during this pandemic we we ask that you continue to give with the glad heart knowing that god will bless you and your gifts multiply them and use them for the building of of his kingdom as you enter the sanctuary we hope that you follow the directions of the greeters and ushers in place and placed your offering in the basket by the door if not please do as you leave those of you at home you can see on your screen the many ways that you can get your contributions in thank you and god bless you the lord is blessing me right now as we prepare to give our tithes and offers unto him [Music] right now right now he woke me [Music] [Applause] [Music] o gracious heavenly father truly you are blessing us right now and forevermore god we thank you for these tithes and offerings lord and we pray that we use the building your kingdom here on earth lord we pray that we will give you from my mighty and his third heart this is our prayer in jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] he did not let me [Music] he woke me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right lord is taking me [Music] is for me right now the lord is blessing me right now is [Music] [Music] [Music] we woke me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] right is so [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah how many are grateful for the lord's blessings hallelujah how many of you can witness to the song that is blessing me right now hallelujah hallelujah listen keep your mask on and if if you're not too mean can you just make eye contact with the neighbor and wink at him and say neighbor right where i'm sitting the lord is blessing me hallelujah hallelujah amen in this very moment if he didn't do anything else he woke us up this morning hallelujah amen good morning mount calvary to all of those in our our very many campuses around the world in our hybrid sanctuary and our virtual cyber sanctuary as well as those who are here in person good morning good morning and god bless you uh welcome to service and we're so glad to have you and the number in person and in the virtual number we are glad to have you and the number and we know that you heard the message before we got started with service to share this service so that others can be blessed with us as well i bring you greetings from my wife and your first lady sister ashley bellamy we thought we were going to come to church today cute in our t-shirts and and root here she got called to the hospital to deliver a baby amen this is we were laughing this is the first time uh since she's been practicing medicine that she has not missed a service thanks to the hybrid format amen aren't you glad that we have the word 24 7 access to the word amen amen amen amen uh as i share with you each week we just want to briefly discuss the things that are coming uh this week and if you stay tuned after service there will be an announcement reel where you can learn of our many programs and events that will be uh coming in the weeks and months to come we will have a covet uh 19 screening this tuesday september 28th from 11 a.m to 6 p.m here at mount calvary if you want to come and know your status or if you know someone who needs to come and know their status please invite them to come i praise god that we are at the point where anyone who wants to be vaccinated can be vaccinated in fact there are some who will be getting booster shocks but even if you are vaccinated you still need to know your status amen uh there was um uh i i heard that on the view some of you watched the view uh which comes on as a daytime tv show and there's there's four hosts and uh they were going to uh interview madam vice president kamala harris and uh just as the show started they called two of the hosts back and they were then quarantined because they had tested positive for covet 19. and so uh even though they were healthy and headed to work they still tested positive thank god for the vaccines uh they were healthy and they are managing it well and they are already making plans to come back to work but we still need to know our status because there are those who are unvaccinated and there are children and so let us continue to wear our masks and when the opportunity comes from time to time why don't you get a test so that you will know your status amen amen all right and we know that we continue to have our food pantry you know we have that the announcement reel but we just want to put that out there from time to time each tuesday starting at 1 p.m and thursdays at 5 p.m if you know anyone who needs food they can come and get food and then lastly next sunday will be the deadline for our nominating committee if you would like to nominate someone to serve or nominate yourself to serve in a particular office please see our nominating committee this week this week amen uh we have so many reasons to remain before the lord in prayer and i'm so glad that uh the lord's line is never busy uh the old saints used to say uh call him up tell him what you want jesus is on the main line call him up and tell him what you want we certainly want to be in continued prayer for the family of sister marlene dunmore esmenger whose services we had here this week as they continue to uh mourn her passing and at this time we will be led in prayer by deacon shepherd let's look to the lord we just thank god for being in his house of worship one more time and we welcome all of you here today and all of those that are in your homes or wherever you are we are grateful and thankful to god that you have decided to join us in service this morning [Music] i give myself away i give myself away and that's the way we should be giving ourselves away to god's god's work what he has in store for each one of us we thank you for being here today you have people that you pray for and and as i pray and as i take the congregation to the throne of grace this morning i ask you to do the same thing whisper a prayer in your heart for those that you know that you know the young people our youth day this is youth sunday so pray for the youth of our church and of your family and of the world let us pray eternal god our father we thank you this morning this is indeed the day that you've made and we will rejoice and be glad in it father we thank you for saving us we thank you for washing us in the blood of jesus and washing us white as snow and then imputing on us righteousness and father we thank you and praise you for all of the wonderful things that you've done in our lives on our behalf and that you're doing now and that you will do in the future because father we are unable to do these things for ourselves we can't wake ourselves up in the morning we can't take the next breath of life father we can't even move our fingers we can't move our eyelids it's because of you father god and so we thank you father we also thank you for taking care of the needs of your children you know our needs if we are sick you know our needs if we are in financial difficulty you know our needs you know where we are who we are and what we need and father god we thank you for providing our needs for us because again we cannot do it for ourselves father we pray for the unsaved today we pray for the unchurched we we pray for those who are straddle defense and and we pray for those who are trapped absolutely trapped between belief and unbelief and father we pray for those that are that are misguided and just can't find their way we pray father that the message that is given today will strike a spark in the heart of somebody who will say i will no longer try to govern my life in and of myself but i yield to you lord jesus i give myself a way father god today to you and father god we know that when we have given our life to you you put us on a path that puts us in the center of your will for our lives and that's when we become great contributors to your big kingdom here on earth [Music] father we just ask your forgiveness of all our sins we confess them to you today and we acknowledge our transgressions before you but thanks be to god the blood of jesus we thank you for calvary that has washed us quite it's known whenever we fall out of out of sync with who we are in you asking forgiveness of our sins and and you pick us back up and dust us off and and put us back in the race again so that we can continue to press toward the mark of the high calling father we give you glory honor and thanks today we always ask forgiveness of our sins and father we just ask that you take our mustard seed-sized faith and give us what we need to know that we can stand firmly for you we can stand and we can tell a dying world about a savior who will save us all we thank you we praise you we give you glory we give you honor we give you thanks for it is in the precious matchless mighty name of jesus always asking forgiveness of our sins both those we do knowingly and unknowingly this is my prayer in the name of jesus christ our lord this morning amen amen good morning it's time for our children's message [Music] i'm so excited to share with you today i want to continue having young adults to present children's messages so if any of you want to present children's messages please give me a call i did want to do this message today so that i could introduce to you our youth ministry theme for this year the theme is hashtag we got this hashtag confident in christ hashtag philippians 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things through christ who strengthens me some people want you to believe that you have the power and strength to do whatever you want to do inside you already and in some ways that's true but we need for you to know that the power and strength that you have inside you is not yours let me try something i'll use gloves as an example you know there are many different types of gloves to do many different things there are sports gloves for baseball football lacrosse skiing golf and and gloves for other sports there are work gloves gloves to protect your hands to keep your hands dry and to keep them clean there are fashion gloves for pretty dresses and suits leather silk satin and lace gloves that look also cute but here's the thing it doesn't matter which glove you choose which glove you wear and what you want to do with it that glove does nothing until you put your hand inside it gloves don't know how to play sports or do work or even wave to the crown but the hand inside the glove can make it move and do many different things with your hands inside the glove it can do awesome things it can catch balls some of you little boys want football gloves so you can catch the ball like odell beckham did a few years ago some want baseball gloves so that you can be a golden gloves champ like jp crawford was last year some might want fashion gloves like erica baidu or kim kardashian wore on the red carpet at the met gala a few days back when you look at those gloves they may not look good or do anything by themselves but put them on the right hand and omg and that's exactly the way we are outside of the power protection and provision of christ what can we do gloves sitting in a box or a bag do nothing us sitting on a church pew or in a classroom without christ what are we doing by ourselves on our own we can do nothing it is the power that works in us through us that does the work and that's why we want you to know christ and be confident in all the great things that he can do through you you and the things that you can do because he is working in you we can handle this pandemic and not be afraid we can be alone and not be lonely why because we want you to know we are kept by the power of god through faith so i ask you children don't be afraid don't be scared know that you got this hashtag we got this hashtag confident in christ hashtag philippians 4 13. [Music] let us pray god indeed we thank you for this time that you've given us with these your children we thank you father for who they are and all they have endured throughout this pandemic and through this trying time we pray god that you give them confidence that you give them strength that they would know that it's you working through them and with you there's nothing they can't do so father we ask that you would strengthen them bless them and keep them in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] i still know that god is real [Music] i [Music] [Music] what about you [Applause] [Music] i still know that god is real [Music] what about you then you feel it can you feel it in your soul amen i'm so grateful to god this morning for this opportunity to be here before you let's look to the lord in prayer good and gracious god our father indeed we do thank you for this day for this morning's rising oh god for the provision of shelter and clothing and food god we take none of this for granted [Music] we thank you god for this church for having a place of worship that we can come to that we can sit and watch and experience worship with each other even when we're not present with each other god we pray that you would continue to bless this place bless this pastor that you sent here to us god bless all of these your people help us oh god to know you to grow in you to worship you in spirit and injury and now god as i stand in this place and as your people look here god i pray that they might not see me but see you as they listen o god i pray that they might not hear my voice but hear your voice speak o god your children are listening speak o god your children are listening in jesus name amen as um you've heard already this is um a youth service and i'm so grateful for our young people here we don't get to see them all we don't invite them into the sanctuary because many of them aren't able to be vaccinated but we pray that they're watching and they're with us we saw them at national night out we saw them at our outdoor events and we pray that we'll see them the end of the month at our harvest party uh in october but we're still here and as we are here we need to be strong for and with our children i haven't gotten a lot of news from my children around at the colleges but i have heard matthew surgeon you guys know matthew matthew just started his junior year and i understand matthew he really when he went to penn state his big his big dream was to walk on the football field and he decided not to do that instead he just made the dean's list pretty much every semester ain't got good [Applause] i know that our children around are doing great things and we need to be supportive of them so as they're doing great things parents make sure we know what they're doing and let us brag on them and talk about them amen um i'm stalling a little bit because i was trying to figure out if i could do this or not [Music] because the day hadn't been going the way i really wanted it to go i broke two pair of glasses this morning and and this pair that i have here is my old throwbacks but i'm gonna try this sing a little bit for you not for you for me for me actually amazing grace shall always be my son of praise form it was great that brought my liberty i do not know just how he came to love me so [Music] he looked beyond my faults and so my need i shall forever [Music] lift mine eyes to calvary [Music] to view the cross where jesus died for me how marvelous [Music] the grace that caught my falling soul [Music] he looked beyond my faults and song my need i shall forever lift mine eyes to calvary to view the cross where jesus died for me how marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul he looked beyond my faults and song [Applause] i'm so grateful i'm so grateful for a god that doesn't look at me and see what i deserve he looks beyond who i am and what i've done and just at what i need today i want to share with you our youth ministry theme for the year you've heard it in the children's message we always want to help our children to begin their journey with christ by accepting him being baptized and starting their faith walk this year we want to focus on helping our young people to build confidence in and grow their relationship with god we know that things have been tough for all of us during this pandemic and so our theme for the year is hashtag we got this hashtag confident in christ hashtag philippians 4 13. throughout this pandemic we've all faced many many obstacles for us at church starting this virtual ministry these throwback glasses uh running crooked here starting this virtual ministry some 18 years ago we would sit and discuss and try to figure out how we get around go over and deal with all of the many obstacles that kept jumping up in our way as chris aj and i would try to make the technology that we had here already work we would sit and talk about what we could do with what we had our biggest obstacle was making you guys want to watch the services knowing and believing that we were having church and enjoying the experience with us there were many many more obstacles and challenges and at each meeting as we discussed these and scratched our heads we would in every instance walk away and one of us would say to the others we got this we got this i'm telling you throughout the pandemic without thinking about it or planning it that was our phrase to each other and that is what i want to say to you children of god we got this no matter the situation or the circumstance no matter what you're going through or dealing with no matter how tall the mountain how deep the sea or how wide the gap is i am here to tell you today children of god we got this i'm i'm i'm going to want you to say that a lot through this message today and i hope that it sticks and that's the topic of this message today not me not i but we we got this and why we is simple because we are in this together say we got this you can help me by every time i say we got this you say all right we got this i know that you faced a lot of things these past 18 months that none of us have ever faced before you've dealt with things that we could not have imagined or even made up stay at home orders schools clothes can't see friends except maybe online and worse than all of that when you had to go to school you could at least use it to get away from your annoying parents for a few hours a day and then they even took that away from you offices were closed parents were working from home they couldn't even go out for date night so there was no possible escape you were always at home and they were always there with you and for some it got to be too much many of you spent hours by yourselves or just with family and sometimes you felt like that was punishment we know that you get concerned over what's going on and it seems that parents who have always had answers no longer had any answers they they were as confused as you are the news doesn't help we watched politicians and medical experts go back and forth and very seldom agreeing with each other they all say they were following the medical science the news media was worse it was constant they kept talking about it and reporting numbers and showing charts that counted people dying around the world here in this country here in maryland and even here in our county they just wouldn't stop talking about it we're told that many young people today feel that the generations before them had let them down the church in many ways they feel had abandoned them and parents try as they might are not much better off than their children they're trying to provide for and protect during this pandemic and now they want you to go back to school many young people without vaccinations and be around people when you have been by yourself for so long having other people in your safe space for some is just too much for some readjusting coming back together was worse than being alone but in the midst of all the crazy in the face of insurmountable odds under insufferable conditions when it seems that there is no hope and all might be lost you have still got to know and be willing to say we got this thank you you heard the scripture read by nina earlier can you see paul sitting in a jail cell alone thinking about the folks that the church in philippi that took such great care of him before people that he loved and trusted in philippi paul founded this relevant little church that started smalling grew to be a very large and prominent and powerful church paul was so very appreciative of all the people of philippi had done for him in the past and as he sits in this jail cell he no longer has access to all of the wonderful things that they had provided to him before when you go to jail you lose access to all of the other stuff the things that made your life fun and easy the things that brought you comfort and maybe even some peace so what he got from those same folks now that he was in jail was not the extra stuff but just the essentials and he has to sit there and process all of this in some ways i see many of us over these past 18 months especially in the early days sitting thinking about all that we had all the things that we took for granted now let's be real sitting at home you were not denied access to all of the things you'd accumulated but many of you still felt that you were being punished some people however had to do without access to their jobs to their friends family members they could no longer travel go to movies go to restaurants go to the club they could feel like this could feel like jail to some people some children sitting at home watching the news on television were left to process and unpack this for themselves as well and make no mistake you could not turn on the television and not get the news plastered all over it some children don't have siblings so they were almost in isolation during those time yet they could still talk to their friends on facebook instagram facetime and other forms of social media and using technology young boyfriends and girlfriends couldn't get close to one another so was it the same many friendships changed many relationships couldn't and didn't survive this in many ways this could seem like prison a prison without bars and all but it was all still very very real i mean this was really kind of hard to believe and accept as real until you learn that someone close to you a grandparent a cousin a neighbor a friend a classmate or one of your parents tested positive or even worse then it got real real fast once it got real we like paul find ourselves with the realization that we are indeed in jail so as we sit in our pandemic imposed prisons we often begin to look backwards and reflect on how good things had been in some ways this pandemic did some balancing for a few of us for many kids kids that didn't have much that were never part of the in crowd kids that were not accepted or felt that they didn't belong this wasn't so much of a shock for the boy or girl that has a single parent and no siblings and if that single parent has to go out to go to work every day wow i can see our children feeling like they're sitting in a pandemic imposed jail cell while sitting in that jail cell or in your bedroom that may also serve as your classroom your workout space your timeout space and your refuge i can see you young paws or pauline's young boys and girls if you will working through this in your mind school and church were at one point at least distractions from life and now you don't even have that and what happens when everything around us changes when life gets turned upside down for some of us we look for someone to blame we saw in the early going to denial from our church from our government leaders and then we saw them begin to blame other governments as they tried to figure this out they also began to blame each other i'm sure many of us have heard conspiracy theories about the pharmaceutical company starting this so they could get richer we've heard rumors about the military experimenting with viral and bacterial warfare and it got out of control we've heard all the stories about the chinese trying to attack us with this virus now we even have to suffer through the stories of rumors about this plot to wipe out black people in this country with the vaccine you know there are many other stories that we haven't heard then of course there's the fallback we either blame god or deny the existence or relevance of god if god loves us and everything was created by god why would he do this to us why would he let this happen can i can i dig a little deeper for a minute put the pandemic aside for a while some of us had or maybe have parents grandparents friends or other significant people in our lives who may have put you down they're always the less significant people that we give power to the bullies and teasers in our lives they may have made you feel in competent inadequate they may have made you feel less than and that you could never amount to anything or do anything when that doubt gets planted into your system it can take root if it takes root it's hard to get it out of it takes root children grow up feeling defeated and discouraged have you seen children on the playground like that no matter what you try to do to get them to do they don't think they can do it no matter what you ask them to try they say i can't do this or i can't do that it's heartbreaking to see a child that does not have hope children who in spite of all the promises of god to be with them promises for them to prosper to give them a future promises for sound mind and strength and courage in spite of all those promises we still have children and if we're telling the truth some adults as well who still have no self-esteem and no confidence their go-to phrase is i can't i can't do this i don't know how to do that i'm not sure of this or that i don't think this or i don't think that we need to stop allowing folks to plant into our children the seeds of doubt and fear anxiety and confusion inadequacy and incompetence but instead we need to plant and nurture seeds of hope seeds that sprout confidence and courage adventure and ability seeds that say i can i will or better yet we got this i came by to tell you today that in spite of whatever doubts fears and concerns you have we got this no matter what they say to you before you have got to know we got this i am remembering this children's book you may remember it too i know that we had one for jessica joshua and jessica when they were little and i imagine that many of you had one or if you're young enough you may still have one today the book is called the little engine that could remember that little engine chugging along up that old hill saying to itself over and over again i think i can i think i can i think i can i i think i can let's remember paul said no matter what it is i want i have learned to be content it's okay for us to want more to try to do more even to be more but ultimately you've got to learn to be happy with who you are with who god made you to be if you believe anything that the bible says believe that god made you in his own image and claims you as his child because you are his and are made in his own image he wants you to have the best and to be the best i want to make three little points here and i'm gonna sit down and get out your way first point you are in this together our theme hashtag we got this because it is not about you or i it's about us and every one of us has and us who is us us is you and god remember he promised never to leave you or forsake you he promised that he would always be with you even until the end it doesn't matter whether you're locked down quarantined in a hospital in a jail god is always with you he is with you in the form and person of the holy spirit he's with you because he is in you and he is not american expressed if you are his you cannot leave home without him remember in psalms 139 it says i can never escape your spirit i can never get away from your presence if i go up into heaven you are there if i go down to the grave you are there if i ride the wings of the morning i will dwell in the fathers if i dwell in the father's oceans even there your hand will guide me and your strength will support me i tell you you cannot get away from god you are in this together so you got to know me and god you and god we got this hashtag we got this we got this because we are in this thing together somebody say we got this second point you have everything you need paul said that he learned the secret of living in every situation whether it is with a full stomach or empty with plenty or with little does it really matter what you've got is if everything that you got came from god i'm always amazed hearing kids talk about what they have kids that have never worked a day in their lives their names aren't on bank accounts or the deed to the house or title to the car but yet they say what they have why do they say that i remember when i was on active duty i was coaching little league baseball and these were kids of military members and these kids would introduce themselves as general so-and-so's son they wore rank like it was their parents rank kids always want to own was not theirs but whatever it is they have that is theirs it's always enough i remember my mama saying when we were growing up that she couldn't give us everything that we wanted but by god's grace we had everything that we needed we were poor and never knew that we were poor until much later in life it really doesn't matter how many cars or how big the house is it doesn't matter how much is in the pantry or the freezer how many clothes are in your closets or whose names on those clothes or how many toys or games you have if we remember that it's us me and god you and god then we should also remember that god said that his grace is sufficient for us god took a little boy's lunch and fed thousands he healed leprosy with a bath and a dirty river he calmed the raging seas with just a word i am telling you that god with god on your side you have enough i'm sure you remember the 23rd psalm where it says the lord is my shepherd i have everything that i need i'm simply trying to tell you that you can be hashtag confident in christ because you are in christ you can be confident in christ because in john 15 he said abide in me and i in you no branch can bear fruit by itself it has to stay on the vine if you stay on the vine you can bring forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing hashtag confident in christ that's why we got this you and me us in christ we got this and finally my last point he strengthens you if we are clear that we are in this together if we know that we have everything that we need then please be certain that you can do all things through christ he strengthens you paul didn't say that he can do all things because of christ you see because of christ you are here and that is because he christ did his part you still have to do your part you have to have a relationship with him you have to walk with him you have to grow in him you have to grow in favor with him the bible says that you will know that i am in my father and you in me and i in you it also says that he did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind i am trying to tell you that he strengthens you he strengthens your mind and your body can i share with you now this poem by marianne williamson it's entitled our greatest fear it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us we are we ask ourselves who am i to be brilliant gorgeous talented and fabulous actually who are you not to be you are a child of god you're playing small does not serve the world there's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you we were born to make manifest the glory of god that is within us it's not just in some of us it's in every one of us and as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others children of god we got this we don't have to be afraid we don't have to be i'm i'm i'm moving chris um we don't have to shrink and hide and be worried and afraid what we have to do we don't have a relationship with god we have to start it if we do have a relationship with god we have to own it can i say some things i'm probably going to get in trouble i got some other preachers that offered me jobs so getting too much trouble but i i got messages from some people complaining that they hear the minister of music's voice way too loud on the microphone and the choir members are soft and they asked if i could ask him to quiet down some no everybody else needs to sing up and own their relationship with god no more shrinking stop if we are confident in christ if we know we got this why are we hiding it why are we acting timid and afraid nobody everybody ain't gonna like us everybody ain't gonna like what we say and what we do everybody's gonna have problems with something somewhere sometimes but you got to do what you know god said you to do and the bible says a child will lead them children you got to know that god speaks to you just like he speaks to us and if he told you to tell us then tell us we need to hear it we need to know but you gotta own your relationship with him if you don't own that relationship what do you really have nothing so we want you to be confident in christ we want you to know that god loves you and claims you as his own so what's your part it's simple as abc's you have got to accept him you've got to accept god as father and creator of all that we know we've got to believe in our hearts that he loved us so much that he gave his son to die on an old wooden tree for you and for me and we got to confess our sins we ain't got to stand before the congregation and tell everybody all the dirt that we've done in life but we got to confess our sins to christ we've got to tell him who we are there's nothing that he doesn't already know he's seen the dirt that we do he knows that we're filthy rags he know that we were born in sin so just tell him and help him to help you the most important thing is your relationship with him and you've got to own that relationship if there's one here today that if there's one in our cyber sanctuary as likes to call it that does not have a relationship with this god that we serve if there's one here that has not accepted that doesn't believe and you want to do that now is the time as the choir sings if you want to begin a new journey with christ today now is the time my brothers and my sisters i pray that you were blessed and inspired in our worship service today i am coming to you at this time to speak directly from my heart to yours i'm sure you're reading and watching the news as i do so i know that you know there's way too much going on in the world right now for you to delay your decision to give your life to christ and to be saved neither is this a time to be without a church home if you feel the holy spirit moving on your heart to give your life to christ and be saved then we invite you to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior the bible teaches us in romans 10 9 and 10 that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation if you have already given your life to christ and you're looking for a church home you don't have to look any further we will gladly receive you as a part of our loving family here at the mount calvary baptist church of rockville maryland lastly if you simply need someone to come into agreement and pray with you we're waiting to do just that with you to connect with this church right now today you can simply use your phone to text us you will send a text to 888-490-2825 again that number is 888-490-2825 when you send your text you should get a response thanking you and asking for your name and telephone number so that we can follow up with you to give your life to christ or to join the church simply text the key word save me that's s-a-v-e-m-e no spaces our intake team will reach out to you and help to guide you through the process if you need prayer you can text the key word mcbc pray for me that is [Music] r mcbc y the number four m e no spaces our intercessory prayer team will reach out to you and offer to pray with you and for you or if you just need to speak with someone text the key word talk to me that's t-a-l-k-t-o-m-e no spaces and our counseling ministry will follow up with you if you do not use technology that way or cannot text just give us a call dial 301-424-8717 dial extension 141 and leave your name telephone number and we will call you back to follow up whatever you do don't wait please contact us make today the day that you unite with the body of christ and become a member of our loving and spirit-filled family here at mount calvary baptist church we are waiting to hear from you call us or text us right now now may the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ rest rule and abide with us henceforth now and forevermore in jesus name we pray let the church say amen hello mount calvary my name is chandler gray i'm a senior at clarksburg high school and these are announcements for the week we are unwavering in our commitment to provide whatever services we can to our church family and our community we continue our food distribution each tuesday at 1 pm and each thursday at 5 pm volunteers are always welcome and appreciated students can earn student service learning hours by volunteering during these times for food distribution we partner primarily with three organizations the montgomery county food council as well as nourish now and so what else for nonprofit organizations committed to serving our communities also in partnership with the african american health program our next kova testing date here at the church is tuesday september 28th from 11 am until 6 pm through this partnership when you get tested you get free food covid supplies and you can schedule a vaccine appointment and i understand that there will be a produce stand on the 28th with free fresh produce the sharing and flow of information is very important to the success of our ministries i want to encourage you all if you have an announcement or ministry information that needs to be shared or names for the prayer list please submit your information to the church office this will allow the information to get to the right place and to be acted upon appropriately and in a timely manner your announcement should include flyers when possible and verbage that can be used as script for the announcements we request that all information be provided to the church office no later than 10 am each thursday morning for sharing with the church family it is time to register for youth sunday school classes the 2021 through 2022 classes will be held virtually and registration is now open to register go to the church website and click on the youth virtual sunday school link a sunday school book and the zoom link will be provided to all registered families classes for pre-k all the way to adult are available the women's ministry is sponsoring a comfort cases donation drive a comfort case is a small duffel bag filled with brand new items for youth entering foster care for more information on the important effort and how you can donate items for newborns to young adults age 21 please contact sister natasha hammond and sister angela jones here at mount calvary there are many ways to serve there are several open positions for officers and the nominating committee is accepting nominations right now members may nominate themselves or another member to be a candidate for the position members nominating another member for office must have the nominee sign the nomination form confirming their interest in the position nomination forms should be placed in the designated boxes at the church or emailed to deacon johnson by sunday october 3rd 2021 for the specific positions and more details please see the nomination flyer or contact deacon alfred johnson as a church family we know the power and worth of prayer there are so many needs many requests go unspoken and there are others who ask for our prayer this is our prayer list for the week please take a few moments throughout your week to pray for these and any others needing prayer trusting and believing that god hears and answers prayers we stand on the promises of god and so we ask you all to join with us and pray for the following deacon eleanor crocker deaconess penny newsome deaconess patricia smith sister anita walker sister margaret meadows miss paula glover deaconess anita neal sister candy new sister gloria elliott reverend vera mccoy and family sister nancy walker brother barry walker ms brianna craig mr lawrence edwin maggetti jr sister robin kennedy sister doris george sister angelia mumford brother joe shelton trustee brakita shelton andy lockwood brother raymond mcclellan and mrs carolyn mcclellan rose the sister of brother mcclellan let me call your attention to the announcement slides they will provide additional details on meetings and activities here at mount calvary as well as other important community notes [Music] please take a few moments to review them so that you can get additional details or engage appropriately with the ministry or activity of your choosing [Music] [Music] do [Music] mount calvary these have been our announcements for the week my name is chandler gray and it has been my pleasure to share with you today i look forward to next time so please stay safe and be well we thank you for your time and attention god bless you and have a great week [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Views: 521
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4D9VlK5bU7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 1sec (5161 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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