Worship Service - September 26, 2021

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everyone pray for one another [Music] i will i will um me [Music] i is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] psalm 112 the first through the third verse blessed is the man who failed the lord who delights greatly in his command his descendants will be mighty on earth the generation of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches will be in his eyes and directions forever let's pray father i stretch my hands today with no other helpful enough oh yes lord i should draw yourself from me what plus god thought we come in the name of jesus first giving you thanks today thank you lord for being god and being god all by yourself lord and thank you for everything that you do for everything thank god you know that you've done something for one and something for love because we all thank you for that father we thank you for our family thank you thank you for our church families oh yes and we thank you for our pastor and his family yes stick so close to us yes around here together lord we pray this morning lord that you just [Music] [Music] father we ask that you go with all three we ask this morning father god that you just keep us around for quite a long time god we thank you thank you we ask these blessings in jesus name amen when i've done the best i can oh [Music] lazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] lazy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we want to thank each and every one for joining in with us to the hands of our [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] come on give god [Music] i [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] play [Music] [Music] so now yes yes [Music] oh um joseph rose then wrenched a manual and shaved his head and fell down into the ground in worship and said naked came out of my mother's womb and necklace to return heaven and in the lord gave it and the lord has taken away president the name of the lord in all the joys of sin none neither charged child god foolishness is you know we never charge god anything fruited so i have to bear down the first chapter the lord has a blessing to the hears and the readers of his word amen good morning church family good morning and to all of our members viewing on facebook and youtube and around the world it is so good to be with you again this morning do you have any visitors with us this morning if we do would you please raise your hand this is over here over here uh just keep your hands for a second and now us it will give you a business card please fill it out drop it in our offering trades and give it back to one question as you're leaving we thank you for visiting zion benevolence baptist church today and as we all know lionel baptist church is this church this is out of heaven do we have any returning members with us that have been out for a little while could you please raise your hand we love you raise your hand we'll be [Music] [Applause] thank you we are blessed to have you back with us we have a couple of announcements with one announcement and one thank you card uh the announcement is is an update to all our scholarship applicants uh times already was running out today to have your scholarship information into the scholarship ministry if it's been extended to next sunday the third to have all the information in and then the scholarship awards will go out on the third sunday which is the 17th of october so please uh address yourself accordingly make sure all the information in to the scholarship ministry we have a special thank you card and uh it says to the zombie baptist church family to the family of mr herbert randolph who like to say thank you to everyone during this difficult time of sorrow thank you for all your prayers and encouragement may god continue to bless all of you and continue to bless all of you this is from the randolph family and again we left you to remember our sick age then in news is that long time we're not going back to the program but please remember our sick asian study members please contact any of them if you can call a card and uh please please continue to pray for me thank you thank you [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] he knows my name is [Music] [Music] [Music] and know how he talks with me oh that i am [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he knows my name he knows my [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] yes i do [Music] me within me [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know you know my name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Applause] you walk with me [Applause] me oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] two [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you know thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i am i yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the song says god specializes in things that are impossible and he can do what no other power can do anybody believed [Music] [Applause] [Music] we thank you for your word we thank you for the ministry of song that suits the soul father god as we now turn our attention toward heaven to hear what you're saying in a time like this we pray that you would speak to us that you would uplift us that you would encourage us this is our offering in jesus name we pray and all of our should have been said amen amen amen we give honor to the lord who for reasons of his own has faithfully to serve my generation by his will son jesus we are forever indebted or delivered by life of sin and shame to the comforter our keeper our sustainer our sustainer and our guy to all of my sisters in the ministry to evangelist wilson to evangelist jones to reverend wilson to minister thompson in her absence and reverend weston for being here i admire this woman's strength [Applause] respect of existing respect i thank god for her to trustee thompson i want you all to know we're praying for you all as well to see harry and me and your brother being here with us from ministry of deacons and to all of my father's children i thought i'm not robbery to be in the house of the lord one more time brother lamar bell and i've been talking about you on the way to church this morning and i'll tell you exactly what i said after serving so if you don't get it in the street anymore i got you i brought two y'all know this but i've got more children than you brought know more of my son all colors as well they don't they don't they haven't figured out to be a black family yet and i pray that they don't thank god for brother hayden who is my son and for don who is my son and they they walk in my house like they live there they go in my refrigerator like they buy the groceries sleep in the beds and we have with one stipulation mouth birthday with this week i told them i said y'all gonna stay at night when we get up in the morning you'll have to go where we go no hesitation at all all right brought the toothbrushes over and played video games half the night but when we got ready for breakfast they were here with us and i thank god for them thank god for them thank god my son having friends that will come to church with him [Music] because even's father is a preacher he's a military chaplain thank god for you all being here with us to everyone that is here this morning it's a blessing for those of you that were with us over the course of this week as we've been traveling and and laying soldiers of this fold to rest i thank god for it and i thank god for each of you that were in place on yesterday i saw usher serving right right in line at temple of faith y'all don't know the gifts that we have in bishop ted myers ted meyers he and i talked on the phone i think it was thursday night for about an hour just going through life and ministry and i thank god for bishop myers and the friendship that he has and kindness that he has shown to our church through the times that we've needed him the most y'all might not remember this but when deacon s thompson passed away we were under construction on our on our on our narthex and our bathrooms it was not safe for us to have a funeral here he opened he opened his doors to us and he's done that yet again and i'm so grateful so grateful for his uh friendship also today would be it is the day that we celebrate 102 years our missionaries if you're a missionary mention i want you to wave your hand throw your hand high if you are part of our missionary missionary our missionary ministry we certainly break 102 years of service of this household today we thank god for you i'm not going to labor in the moment very very long but there is a word from the lord thank god for seeing deacon jones and deaconess jones being back with us and god is still a healer he and i have been fighting privately and he's come to realize that even though i am a little younger than him i ain't as crazy as i see him all the time i know what i'm talking about on the odd days but i thank god for him bringing deacon jones back for those of you that have your bibles for a few sermonic moments join with me in the book of job when i see minister thompson coming in god bless you sister come on in ongoing services for deacon thomas will be tuesday at 11 and 11 o'clock at 10th of a viewing will be tomorrow night job chapter number one very familiar passage of scripture i've preached it more times than i realized and when i've been praying i'm gonna be honest with y'all i haven't been sleeping much and i am i'm wired i don't know how i look but i know how i feel i need i probably need some sleep but i've been taking the time when i haven't been sleeping to talk to god and pray and i've been praying more i mean it's sad that it had to happen like this but i've been praying more in the last month than i had at any point prior to this and some of you all know it well that when you talk to god in earnest not just a casual prayer but what the bible calls a fervent prayer when you pray in the spirit pray in desperation god always has a way of responding the way that you need to hear it some of y'all know what i'm talking about i see heads nine and over the course of this weekend i was praying because i was so preoccupied about the services that i forgot about today i said we got a service nestled in the middle of it and i'm not going to preach a slumber service i'm actually not even going to read the full three verses i'm just going to read one request i'm going to read verse number 20. and should you have it i'll ask that you say amen for me everybody got it it's on the screen to sign the network and the reason this was from the rustic language of the king james version job chapter 1 verse number 20 and job rose and ripped his mantle that means he tore his clothing off he shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and worshiped then job arose i'll tell you why this is remarkable in a moment and he ripped his mantle shaved his head fell down upon the ground and worshipped and job arose rent his mantle and shaved his head fell down upon the ground and worshiped tell somebody i still got a praise wrong person turn to the other person and tell them i still got a praise inside anybody anybody know that to be true only the praises can respond [Music] because i just got to tell the devil for a moment this morning he got me twisted if he thought that a casket was going to change my confession for all that god has for all that god has done get will i praise him amen you can't be seated in the presence of the lord give me give me about 10 minutes and we will have church this morning the reason that this passage is so remarkable josh j is because it comes on the heels of tragedy and if you start out when you pay attention to where we are in the scripture in job chapter 1 the bible introduces reverend wilson job as an upright man one that loved god and stayed away from evil we have the benefit of knowing how this passage plays out because you've been hearing it for years but if you'll allow me to do the text it's justice it is a reminder matthew and this is expository preaching to the young preacher to let you know that even if we live according to god's will we can walk upright we can love our neighbors we can love our friends we can love god we can stay away from those things that are evil and i want to take a minute right there to add a footnote i want to encourage the sage folks i want to encourage those that they just saved on sunday but their conversations don't change when they get in the parking lot when they're when you catch them on wednesday morning at about 9 30. even though the choir ain't there to sing you know my name they still got a song in their own heart because the joy of the lord is their strength if you find them on a friday night in five points they're in saludas having dinner not in the clubs that's down the street because they understand that they've got to be watchful and prayerful because the adversary is like a roaring lion i want to encourage you this morning to let those of you that are walking in the way that your bible ain't got the kind of dust on it that's shelf collected because you live the word of god because the desperation that your life warrants gives you nothing else but the word i want to encourage the ones that don't care nothing about a job they pray on their lunch break they're praying when they're walking in the door they're praying when they're serving their clients and their customers because they know that their job is not the agent that supplies their needs god gave them this day their daily bread whether they punch a clock today or tomorrow or not they already know that all their bills are going to be paid their needs are going to be met because god supplies every one of their needs according to his riches in glory even though that might be your testimony and i thank god that a portion of it is mine the bible says that job was an upright man that loved god and stayed away from evil but the devil had a conversation with the lord about him it's to that end that's when you're walking in the way that when you're standing in the will of god when you're trying to personify the things of god you have to realize saying to the lord that the enemy does never he never really leaves you alone it's at that end as you read the scripture where it says that the adversary is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may be able to devour i want you to know that you can come to church every sunday y'all get my sound right y'all get to church every sunday walk in the way serve on every ministry that you don't think that the devil will follow you right in the sanctuary you ain't been in church okay and i don't want you to look at nobody next to you but the devil is brazen enough to sit right by you while you're trying to worship know you are somebody singing a while a preacher preaching to try to take you out of what god is trying to bring you into what his job is to kill to steal and to destroy but you got to read the second part of that verse where jesus said i am come that you can have life and have it more abundantly that's what encourages me about job's testimony because over the next few verses going down from verse three down to verse number 20 the enemy begins to systematically take away everything that the enemy thought that job held value to is that in that job was a wealthy man the bible says that he had resources he had a large family he had a wife he had children he also had three friends and i want you to understand saints of god that sometimes the people closest to you can also give you the worst kind of advice if you don't pay attention the bible says that the winds begin to come robbers begin to come adversaries begin to come in and to kill his livestock to destroy his home to slay his children and the enemy actually thought that job would change his testimony because he suffered lost stay with me come a little bit closer i need you to pay attention to this we have to realize that we are in a temporal state everything that you see everything that we are experiencing at some point will cease to be as much as we love this sanctuary you hear me say it i don't just love the building i love the spirit that's in the building and because a spirit is not concrete i can take the spirit with me anywhere that i go zion is every one of you that are sitting in the pews and for those that are watching at home isn't that it that you failed to realize that even so our substance are not the things that divide us it frustrates me i was having a conversation with my son this morning my son think i'm rich he thinks that relative got a custom shirt for his birthday i had the guy that made my suits fred ever came by the house and he put the pictures up and he thinks that we're wealthy and don't understand that fred javert is my friend fred fred does this for me because he likes not because he earned money off we were talking this morning in the driveway you know telling him how excited we were to be able to come to church and we didn't have any debt in our driveway our cars were paid off and he said yeah that's because we're rich and i said you think you're rich the truth is is that every car that i own at some point they're going to wear out i put rotors on that infiniti that i bought two years ago yesterday in the driveway because it's been driving me the houses that we have any one of us might have one we might live in an apartment we may have a mobile home i want you to know that one day if you live long enough and live in it long enough stuff won't happen can i take a step further the family the family you love so for as soon as i stand here today i don't know where i might be when the lord calls me i may be here i'm gonna wind up in ireland but one day i believe this world i hate to say it like this for some of you all as well but you need to hear all of us here too here's the part that i don't want you to miss in verse number 20. bring the verse back up for me the bible says that job was grieving which is natural sometimes we miss that stuff we tell people god will make everything all right your mama was good to your daddy was good to your friends and family they love you but we missed the part in verse number 20 the bible said job arose after he heard that his children were killed he arose written his mantle he ripped his clothes off and what's known in the ancient theories is a sign of grief and frustration tell somebody it's all right in christ sometimes we want to be overly saved we want to be so spiritual i say this in respect that some of the stuff that we say is stupid don't don't cry you already knew no grieve over what you love when you lose it but just also be reminded that you should never get too attached to it that you can't let it go that it prohibits the final part of verse number 20. don't catch up with me in than a minute the bible says that job ripped his head he ripped his mantle he tore his clothes he shaved his head he fell from the ground and he went to the red dog don't ask me how i know job shaved his head fell down upon the ground worshipped the lord and got a room downtown with somebody that ain't who he was supposed to be his mantle shaved his head fell down upon the ground went and found one of his homeboys that told them about a lick that they could hit with the unmarked uns with the with the markers scratched off of the weaponry now they didn't do it like that the bible says that he fell down on the ground and he worshipped here's where he had to let the people that brought him the bad news know what he was defined by he said not to god he said to them he said i don't lost everything y'all told me matter of fact the one that told him said i'm the last one standing he said i alone have escaped you gotta read this i didn't put this in your bible he said i alone has escaped to tell me jacob joel turned to him and said sir naked came out of my mother's womb and he said it matter of fact you got to realize this when i go back to the ground from which i came he says i'm going there naked as well he said i didn't come here with anything i'm not going to leave with anything he said the lord gave the lord gave the lord has taken away watch this blessed be the name of the lord he said in all this joke sin not lord charge god foolish in other words he said i didn't blame god for what he did because he gave it to me and decided he wanted it back i'm going to bless the name of the lord can we change the tone and tenor in this service for a moment since we don't possess anything to begin with and therefore we have nothing that we can take with us from time to eternity what we can't do is release that which is in us back to the god that's inside of us the bible says that nobody can come to the lord unless he them anybody heard the name of the lord call them in the midnight hour letting them know that your weeping may endure for a night but that your joy was coming in the morning pause for a moment lift your hand and tell god thank you there anybody ever been between a rock and a hard place desperation and depression and nobody else that they can call to but they threw their hands toward heaven and said i will look to the heels from which cometh all of my help comes from the lord who has made the heavens and the earth tell somebody i still got a praise inside of me anybody ever had been didn't know how they were going to make him speak but they had to be reminded that the catalog a thousand healed belongs to the lord and said god in my desperation i call on your name because i got nobody else that i can trust god you have been my present help in my time of trouble and little by little victory by victory way my way you saw that the old saints weren't crazy when they said the lord will make a way somehow but those of you that believe like i do have still got a praise inside of them throw their hands up and just tell god thank you inspired so you're looking at me like i'm crazy like i should be crying like my body should be bent toward the ground because we had a rough thought i still gotta breathe [Applause] you can't ignore the nakedness of baptism or you're walking behind the scenes when you're coming out of here we are we're wet and we are exposed we cover the young women we cover the young men when sunday i was in the office changing because i always bring change of clothes deacon thompson walked into the office i didn't know he was in there i was in the bathroom i walked out of the bathroom in my birthday suit and i said i guess we found it for real a few months later a few months later he's in the hospital after he had his back surgery he said on the edge of the bed his robe is wide open i went there and tied the back of his robe and i said you called me some but i became your son today because everything that you thought that you were and what happens is is that we are often ashamed of our neighbors we tell little boys we tell them to man up when they're going through problems when they're emoting through life when they're dealing with frustration we we pop them in the chest and tell a man a quit crying men don't cry our little girls when they're going through frustration we tell them put on your big girl pants and your big girl panties and be strong don't let you don't need no man you don't need nobody you got you got you you got a queen on the inside of you but the truth of the matter is is that all of us when something hits you the right way [Applause] [Music] around to give you the encouragement and your chest start getting heavy your face start getting hot and the tears start falling life gets free you're sitting in the middle moments by yourself that spirit of depression starts creeping in you don't realize it but you make it every baby needs a mom amen the scripture said naked shall i came out of my love i came out of my mother's womb he said naked i'm going back this time has a way to rob at us of everything that we assigned artificial value to but there are more abiding things sent to god that we got to hold on to the bible says in verse 22 when i'm done he said in all this job sinned not nor charged [Music] which means that his confession didn't change and you know the story job chapter 1 doesn't end like job chapter 42 does get a minute ago and read the final chapter of the joke of job but everything that the enemy thought that he stole that he thought that he was giving over on job that he thought that would defeat him god restored him not in equal but abundant measure for the scripture testifies of itself he said you shall reap a harvest of blessings if you think not not to add to the scripture but in order to reap a harvest you have to first so we see it [Music] so zion i just came to encourage you i just want to encourage don't let our lives grow down [Music] the lord shared with me to share with you we're in a difficult season but it was something that i heard i love richard smallwood and i look forward to that music too richard's [Music] and it's called so many tears i've never heard that song before he said the seasons will come he said uh we've got our stars out he lost me just that fast he goes and talks about he's a beautiful songwriter where he begins to open the parameters of his mind he begins to speak and the song says darkness will fall and tears will come he said for all of these things they come to everyone to abort in god's word his promised to us that if you sow in tears it said you'll reveal joy this morning as you're resting on your feet for a moment and here's what i i want us to have an honest conversation i've been talking with my son a lot malcolm and i are hitting that damn that father-son stride you know i've always been close we're hitting that strawberries asking the right questions he asked me about baptism we went down a couple weeks ago we baptized nine if i remember correctly even here when we that's brother joshua and others that we that we served in ministry he was like danny what does that mean he said i think i want to be baptized that's the right question to ask and many times we go through written rituals we go through which are all good by the way i absolutely encourage baptism understand what i'm saying but without context we find ourselves aging and growing and missing out on while we do what we do baptism is for everyone but baptism is for those that understand let's share it with myself that's why i don't have an issue people ask me about my theology like what baptists believe about someone being baptized twice and i was like well i don't have any biblical precedence for it but what i do believe this condition if a person was baptized in their youth without context of what was going on and come to me in full knowledge of how they've lived and how their need for the lord is how can i tell them how can i tell them so i asked i was like well can i have this conversation about what baptism means in the transformative nature that it is supposed to be how it's supposed to bring someone into the public space to let them know that they're living for the lord and that's my plea to you this morning i'm not asking anybody in here if they're going to be baptized if you will if you do we'll certainly baptize you this morning i'm asking you something in the clearest way that i know how to say it does anybody in the house want to be saying this the wrong questions for 11 years listen i'd love for you to join the church but i don't care whether you join here or not we want you here we welcome you here but if you come every sunday and you ain't gonna know nobody gonna run you off i wanna make sure that you're saved i wanna make sure you say that if there's anybody that wants to receive salvation for all the programs that we can have we can clear all the land that we won't give all the financial reports but if ain't nobody getting saved and transformed in this house all that we're doing [Music] wherever you are whether you're watching whether you're listening whether you're here hear the sanctuary nobody knows your life story like you do what defines you is not what you do when you're out of public or when you're in the sanctuary who you really are is the person that nobody else [Music] and if you're saying that this morning is your time to answer this is your opportunity or if you do want to join this church we'll be glad to receive you whosoever will it's a choir [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm going to preach over the next couple weeks about about worship of how to rejoice about blessing god god's going to usher us right out of this season god's going to give us our salt back and and i'm going to ask god that while we're rejoicing because we can just praise passing all of our problems i'm going to ask him to heal our hearts as well [Music] and this morning i don't know what you might be facing as a matter of fact the problems are are actually not that not that big of an issue because i don't want to give power to something that we want to god what i want the lord to do is to rest to rule and to abide in you [Music] so that when the problems come then they're in disappointment because you surrender everything to the will of the master this morning whatever you have in your heart whatever you're asking god for i believe it along with you reverend wilson deacon wilson the music ministry the officers the deacons the people that are sitting to the left of the right along we're asking god that if he will do it for you that he'll also do it for somebody else whatever your need might be you might be saying lord i just i just need you to lift my hand [Music] lord the first is coming up i need you to supply my needs lord i have not been feeling my best i need you to heal my life i need you to uplift my spirit or you might not be even praying for yourself lord i'm praying for my children i pray for my grandchildren pray for a sister a brother or mother lord cover my family i'm believing that god will do that this morning as every hit is bound [Music] father we come [Music] there is no other name that we can call but yours so that's where we come [Music] with our hands raised with our hearts open with our eyes fixed to you girl we bless you we glorify your name and lord we ask that whatever it is in our hearts whatever's on our minds was in our spirit lord father we put it into your hands we pray a prayer that has weight but it has priority lord we say your will be done in our lives father take full control make pathways straight follow lift heavy burdens dry tears provide opportunities as only you can be glorified in this house father i pray for the families of this church i pray that you would restore them make them whole god give them peace in their turn in this lord father for our church family all we have is one another in you so father we pray that you will stand in the midst of us that you wouldn't abide with us and that you would lead us my footsteps are too short to leave your people father i ask that you will give your people everything that they need and allow us to be the conduits of your work in these last days allow us to be a testimony to somebody else to show them what faith looks like allow us to be a testimony to someone else so that they can see what overcome it looks like to show them that impossibilities are nothing when we believe make our pathways allow the roads rise to meet us and the winds to forever be in our back this is our prayer push us higher and greater in you this is our prayer lord we love you we need you we can do nothing without you these things we ask and thanks forgive in the name of the risen savior who is jesus christ our lord amen uh wow [Applause] [Applause] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's just be be mindful of how we exit okay allow time space for people in front of you we've had had some central people in our community be affected hope it is it's still a thing we want to be safe i don't want to still worship i i don't i don't want any any variations of this i like this so as to take directions from the ushers just just be mindful of spacing and and congregate i don't i don't understand as long as y'all want to be just outside amen in love if you're in here worshiping as long as you want to worship if you you want to catch up do it in the open air so i don't know trying to see it responsibly without without offense y'all see my heart right all right there's no no pretense there's in love the lord father we thank you for everything that's been said and done and how you blessed us and kept us while we worship now that we as as we leave this place in your christmas will go with us and keep us in all of our ways until we're able to assemble together again finally lord my prayers and the peace of god which passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds through christ jesus let's all say amen [Music]
Channel: Zion Benevolent Baptist Church
Views: 135
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hRqTqJ5B_qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 57sec (5097 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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