FBCLG Worship Service 9.26.21

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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes i love you [Music] oh lord my strength i love you oh lord my strength i love you oh lord my strength i [Music] [Music] my delivery [Music] my fortress my deliverer my he is [Music] [Applause] high tower he's my high tower i will call on the name of the lord who is worthy to be praised i will call on the [Music] said i will the name of the lord [Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord i want to be like david and bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make hers boast in the lord and the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us rejoice and be glad in it if you're able please stand as we put our hands together and bless the name of the lord and invoke the spirit of the lord in this place gracious god we thank you lord for this day we invite your presence into this place god we ask that your spirit will fall fresh on us this morning god and we'll be able to give you the praise honor and glory for which you so richly deserve in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen somebody give the lord a praise in this place today because he is worthy to be praised my god my god you know they used to they used to start the service off like this they used to say shine on me lord shine [Music] hold me let [Applause] the light from the lighthouse shine on me [Music] yes god yes god oh shine on me let the light from [Music] oh shine oh me lord [Music] on me let [Applause] the light try me shine on me [Music] lord we need you to shine [Music] [Applause] from the lighthouse he's a wonder in my soul he's a wonder in my soul he's a wonder in my soul bless bless his name in my soul is a wonder in my soul [Music] blessed [Applause] his name you know i wrote this song it says this lord i came to give you praise to bring glory to your name cause you're worthy of all the praise you're worthy of all the praise lord i came to lift you high that you might be glorified cause you're worthy of all the praise you're worthy of all the praise come on you say lord i came to give you grace [Music] [Applause] i came that you might be glorified [Applause] to give you praise [Music] you're worthy [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] you're worthy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you're worthy [Applause] worthy [Music] lord i came to give you praise [Applause] [Music] worthy of all the praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] rising up [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] so why don't you praise him praise him praise him come on somebody praise him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody call his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] the better you feel [Music] [Applause] hey what's his name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the salvation in the name [Music] hey what's his is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on give him praise right now somebody bless the name of jesus somebody bless the name of jesus he's worthy to be praised praise the lord jesus the name that is above every name hallelujah good morning first church i am excited to be with you in worship and we are thrilled that you are here with us whether you're in the sanctuary or streaming with us live online we thank god for you and we pray that your spirit is encouraged and your faith is strengthened by the word of god today now if you're visiting with us for the very first time we ask that you meet us in the virtual lobby so we'll get a chance to meet and greet you i'm going to ask that you turn to your left and to your right and greet the person sitting next to you say good morning god bless you [Music] come on [Music] from heaven above [Music] glory i'll let you go [Music] because of you i [Music] [Applause] together [Music] from heaven [Music] from [Music] is [Music] because of you i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here guys [Music] we pray [Applause] [Music] your are name [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is hey come on [Music] you know god is great and mighty and powerful good morning first baptist we praise god for your presence today as we prepared to pray i wanted to come and just say two things that my pastoral office requires me to say first before his retirement pastor sorrys had the insight and god gave him the gift to call forward one who would be ordained for christian pastoral ministry so that moves us from being minister to reverend it empowers us to do things in ministry that requires a particular certification it means that you've gone before a board of your peers you've been questioned and examined you've been prayed for and prayed about and that that board appears agrees that you are prepared to move to the next step in your life of ministry in the baptist church that is ordination and we praise god that on last week i had the great privilege of sitting on the ordination council for minister holmes whom we will [Applause] in the coming months ordained to the ministry of jesus christ and she will become reverend holmes let's celebrate her ministry the woman of god her service to this church for more than 15 months she led us in worship and so we honor her i honor you my sister i congratulate you and celebrate you on this great move in your life we praise god first baptist that we are a church that read the bible that read that in my bible i don't know about yours when the men ran away after our lord and savior was crucified the first ones to preach the good news that he had gotten up wasn't a man it was two women so we praise god that we read the scripture and we honor the fact that women are as qualified and more qualified in many cases to preach the gospel of jesus christ and we celebrate the fact that we have one that will come my second announcement before our prayer and my prayer requests for all of you as we pray for you and your households as we pray for you online and i want to remind those of you who are joining us online to do two things share our worship experience online and second we want to get you more involved in this worship experience so if you have a prayer request online we're going to invite you to type that in right now and we're going to have ministers and deacons and deaconesses we're all going to join you online and we're going to pray for your particular prayer request because your prayer request is important but this gospel we preach is a gospel of justice and and as we welcome our brothers and sisters from afghanistan as the u.s government sent private planes to pick them up and to bring them into our nation as the u.s government set up special offices to to immigrate them into our nation as our cuban brothers and sisters can flow into florida and be welcomed into our nation as we struggle to make sure our latino brothers and sisters come into our nation are welcomed i have a particular concern that our darker brothers and sisters are greeted on horseback and with lassos and are treated differently than we treat anybody else who's trying to get into these united states we don't talk about canadians who are in the country against the law so why is it that our dark-skinned brothers and sisters are treated so brutally [Music] and because we have a democrat in the office and because kamala harris is vice president doesn't mean we don't have an obligation to tell the president and the vice president and our congress people that this is not acceptable we serve a god of justice and mercy and if the church doesn't say anything the church is not worth the building we're in so we're going to pray that our haitian brothers and sisters find equal treatment and i'm i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do because i can't tell you what to do but i'm going to contact our congresspersons if you want to do the same thing we can't complain if our voices aren't heard we need to speak up as the people of god what's wrong is wrong and what's right is right [Applause] so as we go into prayer we're going to pray for the nation of haiti for black and brown people all over the world we're going to pray that our nation repents for the wrong it does and starts to live up to the founding documents that even while they were being written the black u.s citizen wasn't fully considered a human but our god will bring down all structures that are not right and our god will lift up all structures that are indeed a religion what can we pray for you for if you're at home what can we pray for you for who can we pray for in your family i'm going to pray for my cousin fred who had an aneurism but god is a healer and as i invite mr holmes to come forward and lead us in prayer i want you all to pray for each other pray for god's love god's mercy god's kindness [Music] praise the lord [Music] praise the lord thank you first baptist for your prayers and your support [Applause] as we go to god in prayer we know that the lord is our refuge and our strength a present help in the time of trouble let us pray gracious god we thank you we thank you for this day god a day we've never seen before god we call upon your holy and your righteous name because we know that you are our strength father we know that you are a deliverer so we cry out this morning god with all the chaos and confusion around us god we lean on you this morning god there is no other help we know lord so we call upon your name this morning god we ask for healing in our bodies god [Music] we know god that you can restore that which is broken god we know that you can heal you can set the captives free god we pray this morning for those who are weak among us those who are vulnerable this morning god those who are defenseless god we pray for our brothers and sisters in haiti god in south and central america god we lift them up god but now we know that we have a responsibility this morning god god we pray for this nation god that they would have a change of heart god those who took the oath of office to serve god would repent of their sins god father we pray that we will learn to love our neighbors we pray for those who are marching for a better life god those who are migrating for a better life god for food clothes and shelter god we pray that you would have mercy this morning god father i pray that we would share of our resources god you have blessed us in a special way and i pray god that we would use our resources to help our brothers and sisters god we pray now that we would be the church that you called us to be the light in this dark world god god strengthen us for the journey ahead god there is mighty work to be done god in the name of jesus so we ask now god that you would fill us with your spirit give us power god encourage our spirit to do your work bless this church now god father we ask that you would bless pastor quit god bless his family god is strengthen him god for this journey as he leads us god [Music] bless us now god father we love you we adore you we honor you we cherish you god there is none like you we ask this prayer the mighty name of jesus the christ amen and amen [Applause] [Music] i can't do it by myself [Music] [Music] do it for [Music] do it me me [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] it for me [Music] [Music] good morning family i'm brianna and this is the bulletin your weekly fbclg announcements join us this month as pastor quick continues to lead his sermon series how did i get here if you wish to join us live you must register to attend registration will be open tomorrow september 27th for service on sunday october 3rd our adult bible classes are now in session classes take place on sundays tuesdays and thursdays some of the topics include what's so good about goodbye blessed assurance and grief and loss will you 52 living a life of praise prayer and thanks and much more register today by visiting the church website join us for our wednesday night prayer call at our new time 6 pm here's a look at the dial-in information then join us at 7 pm for our wednesday bible class led by pastor dante quick get ready to dive deep into the word visit the church website and register today the fbclg scholarship ministry virtual college fair workshop is taking place october 9th from 11am to 1pm via zoom juniors rising seniors and parents are welcome to join some of the topics include admissions financial aid and much more head over to the church website and register today the fbclg missionary and media ministry will be collecting fall accessories for the homeless if you wish to donate we are asking for socks hats scarves and gloves donations will be collected on saturday october 9th from 10 a.m to 2 p.m please drive to the front of the church open your trunk and a volunteer will remove your donations the academic excellence ministry sunday school and scholarship ministry are planning a three-day virtual event career spotlight explore your possibilities from november 9th to november 11th from 7 30 pm to 8 30 pm different careers will be highlighted each evening for our youth to learn about various professions if you wish to share your career path register on the church website to participate the academic excellence ministry is looking for tutors for grades k through 12. adults college students high school seniors and juniors we invite you to be a volunteer just head over to the website to register and students in need of a tutor be sure to register on the church website tutoring sessions begin october 12th be sure to follow us on facebook instagram and twitter so you can learn the latest and interact with us and don't forget to sign up for our weekly eblast newsletter have a great week and i'll see you next time on the bulletin good morning family i bring you greetings from the hearts we win team i was just thinking where does the time go i mean can you believe that it's almost been two years since first baptist church launched hearts we win giving at a new level and now it's ending come this december well what that means is you only have a few months to pay off your commitment or to make a new one-time gift we'd love to see a surge of one-time givers because it's not too late it's never too late to make sure we can take care of the critical needs like upgrading our church facility and technology for those of you who have completed your hearts we win commitment we can't thank you enough to make a one-time commitment now to hearts we win just go to the church website and click the hearts we win banner thank you and god bless now here's our offertory prayer and a list of all the ways you can give [Music] let's pray our offertory prayer together sovereign god your steadfast love has never failed and we return to you a portion of what you have provided to us in jesus name amen [Music] i just wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they all belong to thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because the lord is my shepherd i have everything i need [Music] [Applause] [Music] hear [Music] that's why i'm safe that's why i'm safe that's why i'm safe [Music] [Applause] in he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] and he leads me beside the quiet stream [Music] [Music] that's why i'm safe that's why i'm safe that's why i'm safe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we in the storm [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] i'm so mad [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i know that i'm secure [Music] oh [Music] i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] anybody else feel safe in his arms anybody else know that the lord is providing the lord is making a way the lord is fighting battles the lord is giving water to the thirsty food to the hungry the lord is still lowering mountains and raising valleys anybody know they come rain or shine the lord is god all by himself but that the lord is still opening doors and the lord is still arresting things that the lord is still lifting up the lowly and wiping tears from eyes and making lame legs to walk that gives you movement in your hand anybody know that it had not been for the lord who's on our side where would we be the lord is my waymaker a keeper in the timeless trouble the lord it's my health when i fall down yay so i walk through the valley of delta i fear no evil for i'm safe in his arms my tears have been my food day and night they asked where is your god he's right here in my heart here he gives me a way out of no way the lord is my keeper i can call on his name and he'll answer he hears my cry he seeks after the lost the 99 just to come get you the lord is a strong tower a shield and a butler anybody know my god anybody know that he'll take care of you late in the midnight hour [Music] i love him i love him i love him i love him [Music] i love the lord [Applause] if you're able my brothers and sisters [Music] just to stand with me [Music] as we begin to come to this moment trusting god [Music] preparing to hear the word pray with me that god will provide [Music] god you are from generation to generation god all by yourself we thank you lord for being good and worthy for loving us when we act unlovable now stop by here lord seek after your servant who has not enough who knows not enough who is not enough but in your arms there's safety i pray for everyone in this sanctuary everyone online i pray for a troubled world now hide me behind the cross for i have nothing to say but your word has spoken for centuries reduce my ego so the people see not me but only a manifestation of your mercy and we will be sure to give you the glory and the honor amen if you are able to stand with me for the reading of the word of god it will come from first samuel first samuel the first chapter i'll begin my reading in verse number 12 by the new revised standard version of the text first samuel chapter one today we need to hear a voice of a woman a woman so highly coveted in the hebrew scriptures that she is one of the most familiar names in the bible and yet she's often preached from the perspective of a man [Music] let's hear what her own voice says first samuel 1 verse 12 as she continued praying before the lord eli observed her mouth [Music] hannah was praying silently only her lips moved but her voice was not heard therefore eli thought she was drunk so eli said to her how long will you make a drunken spectacle of yourself put away your wine but hannah answered no no my lord i'm a woman deeply troubled i have drunk neither wind or strong drink but i have been pouring out my soul before the lord do not regard your servant as a worthless woman for i am not i've been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation all this time then eli answered go in peace the god of israel grant the petition you have made him and she said let your servant find favor in your sight then the woman went to her quarters eight and drank with her husband and her continents was sad no longer would you pray with me on this thought briefly a mouth full of mercy i got a mouth full of mercy please be seated my brothers and sisters [Music] the scripture reminds us that what comes out of the mouth is a descriptor of what's in the heart the scripture tells us that within the mouth lies the power of life and death indeed we are more powerful than we know last week i was struck by a statement i was hoping you would teach your children not to make i was hoping that you would begin to tell your children not to say sticks and stones don't break my bones but but words will never hurt me words matter words can do irreparable harm are we not dealing with the words of a narcissistic psychopath risen to be president of the united states can lie without impunity words matter illegitimate election vaccines don't matter in his republican states men and women are dying of record numbers because they believe they shouldn't take a shot words matter your words matter your words maxed with action matter and yet i am amazed at how many of us talk ourselves out of our blessings how we start life with words of cancellation and nullification how we invite people into our lives to give us words that don't build us but words that hurt us hannah hannah is a woman of great strength her words matter and this this first chapter is filled with some of the most beautiful words in all of scripture elkanah comes to his wife and says ah am i not worth more to you than ten sons why don't you love me baby i bought you the camera with the big rims what else you want words matter and and and as i thought about this sister i was brought into her beautiful presence by carmen bolden day if you do not know who she is google her carmen bolden day has been looking for her son since august 27th but her son jelani day who was studying to be a a pathologist speech pathologist her son got lost in which psychologists and media experts call the lost white woman syndrome see by that they mean that if a white woman goes missing and it is sad every time a white woman goes missing the media will hop on it where is she she's been gone for 48 hours carmen bolden day's son had been gone for weeks and there was never a story about him indeed my brothers and sisters last year nearly 100 000 black women and girls went missing last year alone nearly 100 000 black girls and women went missing who's talking about them why is there such a silence we do think black lives matter what saddens me about that statement is we have narrowed it down to the destruction of one or two black men when every day black women go missing and if black lives matter we've got to start looking at the lives of our sisters we've got to start asking questions and we've got to stop patronizing news stations that won't talk about them but sister carmen did something amazing and she had a cnn interview and and the tv was just on it was making noise for me but when this story came up and the cnn announcer introduced her she did something remarkable she sat silent for a second and in her silence you could see her calling on god you could see the ancestors trying to say baby get enough strength to speak for your child her silence spoke to me it hopped out of my screen it it says i am here and i'm going to stand and there's silence a voice was heard through the centuries and as she gathered herself and as her tears flowed she says i'm here for my son jelani and then she talked and she talked and you could see that silence had created within her a strength that allowed her to say my baby mattered in just two days prior they had found the body of her son what must it have taken for this woman to get on national tv to explain that the body of her baby had been in a morgue unidentified but with a strength and a character she said i'm going to talk for my baby there are times in life my brothers and sisters where we need silence where we talk out of our pain when god wants us to speak from a point of silence the historian of religions charles long was an expert on explicating this notion of silence long helped us to understand that silence has such great impact he says before there are words there is silence and he says words struggle to give narrative to a silence that can never be truly explained he says words are simply codependent with silence and without silence there is no words and without words there is no silence but we put so much power on words that we miss the power of silence long helps us to understand your silence it's not emptiness your silence is pregnant with possibility pregnant with power and feeling and when you can have silence y'all know if you were raised by a black mama she would call that first name and then get real quiet boy silence and in the silence you were you knew power was building it was either that shoe that was being reached for that was going to fly across the room or that belt or the request go outside and get the switch i'm going to beat you with but you knew her silence was not weakness her silence was filled with power and possibilities how many of you are afraid of silence you got to go to bed with noise you got to wake up with noise how many of you are written in your car without any music on what are we afraid of and what demons do we believe we don't have the internal spiritual integrity to defeat if silence becomes our shield this woman uses silence as an innovation and and if you would just allow me i want to talk today just a little about about the innovation of silence because i believe that between apple and samsung and and all types of music apps our world has been created so that we are alienated from silence and yet god has given us incredible power and possibility in silence so i started thinking about innovation and when you think about innovation you think about technology i had this beautiful conversation with a black woman a dynamic and smart black woman who was a cto now i didn't know what a cto was the acronyms didn't make sense to me it stands for chief technology officer and this sister was a chief technology officer for several companies and and as i began to inquire about what a cto did i decided also to do my own research inc one of the leading business magazines in 2017 wrote an article on one of the chief technology officers one of the most powerful in the country she was the chief technology officer for xerox at the time her name was dr sophie vanderbrook she is dutch-born dr branderbrook was an authority on innovation and and there are a couple of things she taught me about innovation you see my brothers and sisters first baptist is about to do some innovation ourselves so i'm reading on innovation so that i can help us innovate there are things we need to do to upgrade our infrastructure to improve our technology to bring our service better to those who are on the other side of the screen we are looking at innovation we're going to alter our order of worship and change how we do some things inside the sanctuary we are engaged in innovation because if you are not growing you're dying you're never remaining the same you can try to stay still if you want to but the world is spinning on its axis and whether you know it or not your positionality is changing even though you think you stand and still here's the first thing she says she says address pain points and dreams in other words if we are to innovate we've got to focus on those things that cause pain and hopes in ourselves and the people around us technology is always looking to find your point of displeasure so that it can address it in a way that it reduces it think about it you can get your latte now in three seconds you can microwave your food in two minutes when i was a child if you wanted popcorn you had jiffy pop y'all remember the aluminum foil thing with the handle like a hanger and you you put it over the oven and you had to shake it a little bit and it popped up and you saw the paper go up it took 50 minutes to get popcorn innovation recognized that some of us didn't want to wait 50 minutes it saw our points of pain it also sought our hopes and our aspirations innovation sees pain points and dream points and addresses each one the second thing she says is you must foster a culture of innovation she says innovation pushes boundaries it disrupts the normal it says this is the way we've always done it nah that ain't going to work no more it's 20 21. if you did it in 1999 and you think it's working now it may not be working the way you think it is how do we get youth and young people back into a church that has existed for so long how do we engage their issues and their life crises they are on the internet now they have 24-hour news they never knew when tv cut off we got to break boundaries my daughter saw a phone that had a spiral thing hanging down from it she said what's that i said it's the phone she said but what's that on the phone i said it's how you talk it's the wire from the phone she said you need a wire creating cultures of innovation says that we are open to possibilities that don't we never did it that way before god is a god of new things behold eyes have not seen and ears have not heard she says the first thing the third thing is you must focus on agility see my problem is i like to ponder i i like to discern i like to think bring me a problem i got to sit down and give me a couple days poor leon and the staff robin robin calls me eight times pastor i'm still waiting i'm i'm thinking i'm praying agility in my strengths my strength is sitting down and seeking what god has to do but but if an organization is to work if your family is to work if your life is the work you got to be able to pivot because some things ain't waiting for you to change some things will move you or you're going to move with them she says you got to create agility number four she says you got to leverage the world you see my brothers and sisters over the next year we're going to have some jazz concerts we're looking for rooftops so we can put young people in white and don't worry they won't have the chardonnay they'll they'll have some martinelli's but they can wear the nine inch red bottoms we gonna get out there and look cool to sort of clean love jones don't act like y'all didn't have them blue lights in the basement they want some lights too and they should have some lights and they should hear some poetry and they should know who nina simone is and they should dance to carmen mcrae and they should get down to a little trouble funk you see the world is not our enemy we are called to go out into the world to transform the world to make the world christ stop being afraid of the world see i want to erase the line between the sacred and the secular everything is sacred the club can be sacred god got a man for you if you just get there and be sacred god's got a woman for you as you walk in like you sacred brother walk in like you're a child of the king she'll look at you and go who's that that's my next boo yeah that's your next boo he got them good government benefits but he's sacred and he knows he's sacred and he doesn't just want to dance which he wants to pray with you ain't nothing sexier than a man that'll pray with you [Applause] now i know i just use the word sexy in the pulpit ooh but maybe our babies wouldn't have so many babies if we told them what god wanted for their lives we've got to go into the world and make the world ours well last she says you gotta surf disruptive waves in other words you got to know when trouble come the trouble don't alter you you alter trouble and though we are going to be a place of innovation we are steeped in tradition there's a difference between tradition and traditionalism traditionalism says we never done it that way we can't do it that way we won't do it that way tradition says we come from a people who made their way across the atlantic who survived the cotton fields of the south who who grew up to create great we come from a tradition of mamas who said pray for my babies grandmas who got on their knees daddies who worked all night and came home in the day we come from a tradition who served a god who said i can do all things through christ that strengthens me hannah hannah is a woman who innovated silence and in this innovation in this movement in which things disrupted her life there are three things i want you to know about silence the first thing is silence speaks from spiritual strength see silence ain't for the weak if you got to show everybody who's how strong you are how powerful you are if you got to tell everybody what school you went to and how much grades you got you can't be silent you got to promote yourself talk about yourself you know what i don't like people who name drop they got to tell you who they know who they hung out with where they were you know i was i was on jekyll island and joe was there and you go joe who you know joe biden now you ain't been within 50 feet of joe biden you saw his motorcade drive by but you were there with joe since i've been to the east coast you all dropped martha's vineyard like it's heaven i was on the vineyard the other day and you rent a house like everybody else we got to get beyond trying to certify ourselves you're certified because you're made in the image and likeness of god you're certified because god loves you you're certified not because you went to more house not because you went through princeton you're certified because the lord breathed breath into your body see as black people we can't buy into the western normality of superficiality we've got to know that the things of this world are fleeting the things that moth and mammon can steal don't matter but where you on jekyll island with your mama is your grandma still alive claim her before you claim somebody who doesn't do anything for you who you don't really know be glad that you're spending time with your children because carmen day would love to name drop her son jelani and i were at the store last week she can't do that hannah and her silence speaks of a certain spiritual strength and the bible says that she left a party with elkanah and she went to the temple by herself and as she got to the temple the bible says she stood there and she prayed silently her mouth was moving but no words were coming out can't you see her crying struggling have you ever had a desire that never got fulfilled do you want to be married one day do you want a baby that eluded you what would you give to see that parent that is no longer here silence have you ever gotten a diagnosis and sat still in a doctor's office silence have you ever waited outside a courtroom waiting for the judge to call your child's name silence what do you do in the silence where if you're strong you start talking to god and you're not talking to god for anybody else to hear you're talking to god because you and god have a relationship that can only be authenticated in your silence let me tell you people will misunderstand your silence and you know who the biggest people are to misunderstand your silence church people church people get on my nerves because they don't get your silence look at eli the priest eli is sitting at the door of the sanctuary it would be known as the north x for us and eli watches her pray but because eli can't authenticate her prayer you see that's what we do in church we got to certify that you praying right we got to certify how long you've been a member and we certify i'm a deacon i'm a trustee we certify through titles i'm gonna give you all a hint this year i'm going to ask that we remove all titles that we go to a servant-leader model we don't need presidents we don't need chair people we need servants we need people willing to serve god because if you can't serve god you can't lead nobody and too many of us come to church for a title because we're seeking certification gratification inflation but in your silence y'all know those people who are so smooth you know when they in the room and they ain't saying a word remember when barack obama killed osama bin laden remember after his speech he gave you that i'm the president swag all the way out i don't remember what he said in the speech i remembered how he walked away because when you know who god made you to be when you know what god made you to do when you know you ain't got to tell nobody who you are [Applause] see when i go into barbershops i never announce i'm pastor quick they just know when i walk in i don't know what it is they they stop cursing i just got here and i would walk in the barbershop seeking the barber and they just go hello sir how are you [Applause] when the lord is on you you don't need to speak sometimes you all stop fighting with people and just look at them like they crazy her silence speaks of a certain spiritual strength and often my brothers and sisters we are speaking out of our weakness do i have any nervous speakers here do you have children when they get nervous they just start talking and talking when it's time for them to go to bed and they sleepy they talk in the middle of a word silence is that a shortage that you are safe in god's hands that silence is that moment and listen to what she says when she does spay she calls god yahweh seven times in this one chapter does she call the name of the lord and this is the first woman in the scripture to call him lord almighty you see hannah when she does speak the name of god speaks the name of a god who can change everything speaks the name of a god who is creator who is author and finisher when she does say something she says the lord almighty you see out of her silence she developed a manuscript of mercy her mouth was so full of mercy that it just leaked out of her that when she talked she talked with an authority with a god who says i will never leave you nor forsake you and elkanah says woman you up in here drinking drunk get yourself together you see the second thing silence does is silence speaks of sincerity see the one thing i know about kids is kids are truth meters kids can know a fraud when they see one the second thing you all need to know is if you got problems that you don't want people to know about keep your kids at home because your babies tell all your business i learned more about people's households from their kids pastor quick you know my mommy and daddy they talk real loud to each other oh do they yeah my daddy talks real loud to my mama all the time oh does he yeah one day she was crying after my dad oh what okay well i'll talk to dad okay kids will tell your business because when they speak they do not have the filters of gentility they ain't learned the lie yet i love your facebook pages your instagram pages they tell of your prosperity of your life they speak to how good you're living you hold up champagne glasses and your bank account has three dollars in it your facebook page speaks so much of how good you're living this is my boo and next week there's a new boo y'all should stop posting your boo too they put a ring on it one thing you will never know about reverend quick is his business you won't see her on instagram you won't know her on facebook she's just gonna walk in and it'll already be done by then y'all gotta stop speaking publicly and live silently in privacy learn to guard and create boundaries that make healthy relationships for yourself learn that your silence is not weakness but your silence speaks to the sincerity of your life girl why are you at church drunk oh no my lord the bible says i am not a worthless woman now see the english translation of that transliteration is not as exact as it speaks to in in non-biblical sarcastic speech it means that the word in english don't mean the same in hebrew see if you read the original hebrew language the word says something different it literally means the first route means to be out of to have been emptied the second part of that word is good and worthy she's not saying she was born worthless she's not talking herself down she's saying i'm tired of being tired she said i've done everything i can and this other wife this other wife taunts me she knows my weakness she sees my pain my husband don't understand because it's just about him he talks to me about how much he loves me and about how much he does for me don't y'all hate people who always remind you what they do for you you got wants to tell me what you did for me i know you did it i said thank you but if you always got to tell me you did it it was to enslave me not to support me y'all be careful about people who keep a running checklist on how much they did for you because when they get mad everything they said they gonna want back this is why i don't loan people money i learned a long time ago not to loan people money if i love you and you ask for it and i got it i'ma give it to you if you give it back to me god bless you if not don't ask for more but what i'm not gonna do is chase you round remember last month i gave you fifty dollars you said you would give me that fifty dollars back i ain't got that much emotional energy it's just too draining it ruins relationships i set a boundary that if i'm going to give it to you i ain't ever got to ask for it again but as long as you owe me one day you'll come back and you'll see my need and when i realize we can't be in that type of relationship maybe i need to alter our relationship i want to be in a reciprocal relationship i want your giving to be my giving your love to be my love your place to be my place but if we gotta keep score [Applause] last pet peeve and then i'll move on i don't go out with people for lunch or dinner that when the check come we gotta calculate each one of us had on i didn't have the orange juice my bill came up to four dollars and 84 no we ain't doing that put your card in let's pay this bill let's get up from the table if you could not afford to eat with me you ought not have comes with me or you ought to say i need you to pay for me but don't start counting how many drops of ice you had in the car i owe you two dollars get out of here [Applause] we never gonna eat together again i'm just warning y'all i will pay the whole bill before we sit there and count out every dime and i'm going to say let's just kiss and say y'all ain't saved [Applause] well i'm getting out of here cause i've i've been here too long she's saying i am not a worthless woman you got to know your value you got to know that your pain does not define you that your failure does not keep you that you are greater than the sum of your downfall that god will use everything you've been through as a lesson so when you do speak baby when you do talk nothing but mercy will come out of your mouth well here's the last thing and then i'm gonna get out the way uh silence separates you from spiritual stagnation you know some of us are stuck you ever been stuck in something you ever emotionally not been able to get out of it we call it ruts we say we're in a hole we say we can't leave it it chases us around some of us are stuck we still mad at that ex from 10 years ago stuck we still want to go to the job and shoot up our x-ball stuck we mad at a mama that died 15 years ago stuck you see when you're stuck you're unable to move into god's future because you're stuck in the past you're stuck in old hurts you're stuck in old hangars but god removes you from being stuck see stagnation is another word for stuck and too many of us are stuck in what somebody did and where somebody went and what somebody said and how they went on vacation without me stuck but [Music] when you live in the strength of spiritual silence god don't leave you where you found god found you you're able to do things and go places and speak life into dead situations when you and god decide to speak together you're no longer stagnant you just can't stay still you start doing things and you don't know why you're doing them you start reading stuff and you don't know why you're reading it god starts introducing you to people and you don't know why you met them you start getting things you don't know why they came god will start moving everything around you lining stuff up opening doors introducing you to people when you move in silence you know i i learned a long time ago when i'm washington d.c that real gangsters don't threaten you real g's sneak up on you you know a real gangster because when he wants you gone you just at the table eating spaghetti one day and all of a sudden you slumped over because a real gangster don't have to prove he a gangster a real gangster will just beat you down and say do it again stagnation is being so stuck where you are that you can't see the possibilities and stagnation invites conversation from other stagnated people they talk about destruction they talk about downfall they are negative in their abilities they can't speak to the truth they like how you complain they want you to be miserable they want you to hate your man girl i told you he was no good well you ain't got a man either so what you talking about take your hands off my man and leave your thing when you could just stop taking advice from people who've been divorced 19 times [Applause] stagnant the bible says that she told eli not only am i not drunk but i know the lord almighty and that i've been vexed and my spirit has been down but it didn't stop me from praying i don't want to ever hear you say pastor when i get myself together i'm gonna come back to church no when you come back to church that's when you're gonna get yourself together stop thinking you're gonna get yourself together in the club stop thinking you're going to get yourself together get yourself together on your knees at the altar of god seek ye first the kingdom of god and all else will be given unto you the bible says that after she prayed about it eli blessed her and then when we go down just a little more the bible says that the lord remembered her and the bible says that after she finished praying she got up she ate and her personality came back and not only did her personality came back she was in a good mood she hadn't been in a good mood for a long time the bible says that when she got in a good mood she went and found elkanah she put on that nice dress she said hey elky what you doing elk and i said hey hannah what you doing come here boo hannah came over to elkanah they went out and had a nice dinner at the french laundry in napa they hadn't had a baby in 20 years but she was in the right mood because when you're in the right mood all kinds of stuff can happen when you're in the right mood god can bless you when you know the lord is good and his mercy endures forever and you in that type of god mood that god mood can make things move out the way you can speak to bones when you're in the right mood and the bones will get up and rise when you're in the right move you can tell the mountain to get out the way and the mountain struggles to leave when you're in the right mood when you're in that god-type mood your illness will go away when you're in that god-type mood your enemy will get out the way when you're in the mood for mercy god will do for you what nobody else can do for you the bible says that when her and her husband laid down god remembered her oh that's good news that god can remember you when everybody else forgets about you you know how i know the bible says god remembered noah and his children and moved the flood out the way the bible says god remembered abraham isaac and jacob the bible says god remembered the israelites and moved pharaoh out the way the bible says god remembered lot and abel god can do when god remembers you and i'm so glad that when i cry late in the midnight hour god remembers dante god remembers my hopes god remembers my dreams and i don't know who i'm talking to you might feel like it somebody forgot you but i came by to say god remembers you while you're going through chemo god remembers you while you're trying to pay your bills god remembers you while your arthritis is acting up god remembers you when you're trying out for the track team god remembers you when you're trying out for the basketball team god remembers you don't ever worry just speak mercy the lord is my shepherd i got a mouth full of mercy i talk love i speak life and not death i got a mouth full of mercy he'll fight my battles he'll make a way i got a mouth full of mercy [Music] anybody got some mercy they want to talk about anybody got a testimony of how the lord made a way did god give anybody a job did god buy anybody a house i got a mouth full of mercy the doors of the church are open my brothers and sisters time now to give your life to god to speak the mercy of god to thank god for all that god has already done would you stand with me for just a second as they put the qr code on the screen i'm inviting you to a relationship with christ a relationship that speaks to your mercy [Music] no matter what you're going through you ain't got to prove to nobody that you are a child of god you are a child of god because god died for you on calvary god wants your presence god can speak through your silence i'm inviting you to a life in our lord and savior jesus christ first baptist god has given us mouths of mercy to speak of god's redemptive love and power if you want this relationship with christ you can point your phone at that qr code just put your camera on it and it'll take you to where you need to go if you're online point your phone at the screen we want to do great things together we won't always talk about them we're just going to be about it because that's who god is now is your time to trust god to walk in the mercy of god is there one who wants to be in merciful relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] speaks [Applause] anybody got a yes a yes to god's transformative power in your life a yes god i don't want to be the way i was yesterday i'm ready to walk a new walk speak a new talk yes lord i'm ready to trust you and to abide by your love eyes have not seen and ears have now yes lord my brothers and sisters i praise god for you i pray that god keeps you as we go into our benediction i look forward to seeing you wednesday at bible study we're going to walk together through the scripture say yes to god today tomorrow day after tomorrow the day after that the day after that next month just keep saying yes and watch how god will open doors for you may god bless you and keep you now and to the one who is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all you can ask and or expect the god of abraham isaac and jacob now and forevermore amen amen man i see you my brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] for worshiping with us at first baptist church of lincoln gardens for more information on our services and ministries please visit us at fbcsomerset.com [Music] you
Channel: fbcsomerset
Views: 2,414
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Nzw0rVCnYnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 58sec (5938 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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