OGBC Worship Service

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[Music] good morning oh grove this is the day that the lord has made and you're going to rejoice and be glad and put your hands together and come on if god prayed hallelujah amen amen hallelujah this far by faith his word tells us he will never leave us nor forsake us this has been a journey and it's still not over but those that are in christ we know that god has protected us and he will continue to protect us so we have a lot to be thankful for that is still here in the land of the new here glory to god praise him because glory to god we serve an awesome a marvelous and magnificent god [Music] glory to god hallelujah praise and praise and praise them hallelujah thank you all right yeah come on everybody right where you are come on and stand with us we're going to magnify the lord today [Music] for he is worthy to be oh magnify the lord for he is worthy to be praised oh magnify [Music] for he is worthy to be brave [Applause] bless it be the rock blessed be the rock of my salvation [Music] [Music] oh for he is worthy to be present and praise him like your penis [Music] [Music] my salvation [Music] this is a day this is a day that the lord has made that the lord has made i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad it is [Applause] victory is mine yeah victory is my victory today is [Applause] victory victory is mine victory is mine today is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] victory history of mine [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] victory victory today is fun hallelujah thank you lord [Applause] and all that is within me [Music] his hope holy name i was glad when they said unto me come and let us go into the house of the lord [Music] let's be the name of the father amen my brothers and sisters we want to welcome you amen to the worship encounter of the oak grove baptist church here in sterling virginia normally you probably would have received a countdown because we've been over the past 18 19 months amen we've been pre-recording but today we're back in the sanctuary and we're live and in living color thank you lord and we are grateful for those who have come out to be a part of this worship experience we praise god for you who are watching uh via our social media platforms truly we bless the name of the lord for you and you joining us and inviting us into your homes on this morning amen if you have the ability and the power to share particularly those that are watching via the social media platforms as well as those who may have their phones and have access uh to sharing right now that are in the sanctuary go ahead and do us amen uh a great big favor and share as well as like uh this worship experience this encounter we start off with bless the lord all gathering statement and before you on the monitor is our gathering statement amen and you shall see that on your monitors amen uh your flat screens at home as well and uh right there in hebrews chapter 10 uh verses 24 and 25 the bible tells us let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works and let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near praise be to the father minister gordon neal is going to come and open us up with prayer and we're going to flow as the holy spirit will direct us [Music] good morning good morning oak grove morning let us close our eyes and bow our heads for a moment of prayer come to you humbly father today in thanks lord thank you heavenly father for allowing us to come together as a congregation lord after 19 months of being at home heavenly father your grace and mercy has saw fit that we could be together so that we could worship you so we that we can display love towards you heavenly father and we thank you lord we pray for those who are no longer with us because of this pandemic lord we pray that they're with you heavenly father and we just we just thank you lord for the ones who are still here for our families for all the substance that you give us lord for things that we get and we do not deserve heavenly father i just thank you lord on this sunday morning for bringing us together as a church family again lord i thank you for pastor lord for for all his patience and due diligence that he's that you've given the strength to complete lord through this keeping us together keeping us strong keeping keeping our bible studies going lord keeping sunday school going all those things lord that we need so that we can be devout christians lord so we can continue to worship you heavenly father and i just thank you for all that you do for all that you've done for us and all that you will do heavenly father and i say this precious prayer in the name of jesus amen [Music] [Music] right [Applause] come on him in the morning at night [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] praise him come on jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's worthy foreign [Music] [Applause] i don't know about y'all but you know what it's good to be in the house of the lord amen i i i feel fresh oil in this place yeah there's some fresh oil in this place and we thank you holy spirit amen for what you are doing in this place amen it is offering time and we want you to focus your attention beloved to the monitors as we would uh invite you to give as the lord has blessed you amen [Music] oh grow family the power of god is moving in our lives collectively and individually never underestimate what the power of sowing a seed of faith can do we declare as a church body that you are seeing the miraculous throughout your bloodline in your physical mental emotional and financial spaces to sow a seed of faith into good fertile ground as we continue to do ministry please consider giving in the following ways you can mail to 22870 dominion lane sterling virginia use our paypal link paypal dot me slash ogbc sterling cash app using the cash tag dollar sign oak grove sterling or search us up with the giblifie app oak grove baptist church in sterling virginia we appreciate you worshiping with us through giving [Applause] [Music] amen amen uh we are grateful for every seed that's sown in what we call here at oak grove is fertile ground the bible tells us given it shall be given unto you press down shaken together and running over and we're just grateful that the lord has put it upon your heart to be generous so we thank you my brother my sister my sister my brother we are grateful that you have been a blessing to be able to sow into this fertile ground amen through your sowing we're able to do ministry ministry allows us to be able to meet needs and truly for a time such as this we are grateful that the lord has allowed us even though our doors were physically closed we were still doing ministry and we honor you we bless god for you because just as god loved us so by giving his son to be our suffering savior he's likewise blessed us to be able to have the resources to sow back into the kingdom so we are so delighted we're so excited and grateful for what you have done over the last year and a half and those of you who are here if you are in the position amen to so we thank you for being able to sow that you're physically here if you still have means to using those electronic platforms uh forgiving go ahead and pull your phones out and do what you need to do and bless the name of the lord amen amen i tell you what i'm going to go ahead and pull mine out right now to show you that it's more blessed to give than it is to receive amen amen for god loves a cheerful giver praise the lord amen so we thank you we praise god for you and we honor you for your giving praise the lord you lord the praise team is gonna bless us amen with a selection and we'll come back with the word of god amen amen amen [Music] anybody know the lord is blessing come on and stand and sing with us the lord the lord is blessing me right now oh right now i say the lord he's blessing me by now oh right now oh he woke me up this morning and started me on my way the law of blessing me [Music] [Music] right now oh right now i say the lord is blessing me right now oh right now oh he woke me [Applause] [Music] right is come on he woke me he woke me up this morning my right mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] he woke me up this morning and started [Applause] [Music] he woke me up this morning i was cold in my right mind he didn't let me sleep too late [Music] my way [Applause] [Music] right now right now is blessing me right now right now the lord [Music] [Applause] right now [Music] [Music] my way [Applause] the lord the lord me right now right now [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord amen the music ministry praise team is in the house amen amen amen amen do me a favor let's just bow our heads in a brief word of prayer amen father in the name of jesus we thank you for this preaching privilege [Music] speak now to me god and speak through me use me singularly to your glory to your honor and to your majesty let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable lord for you are truly my strength and my redeemer have your way have your way lord for it is in jesus name it's the only name that i know to pray in it's the only name that matters it is his name that every knee shall bow it is his name that every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord might the redeemer of the lord say amen amen and amen again come on let's give the lord a hand clap of praise amen [Music] [Music] to you [Music] hallelujah [Music] it's just good it is good to be here you know for 18 19 months i've just been preaching to the lights in the pews and to see your faces amen even with your mascot [Applause] it is a blessing from god amen for those of you who are watching at home tell your neighbor online say it's good that we are here amen amen and and that's what i'm gonna preach on today uh i won't deal with this this piece here uh in matthew's gospel uh the 17th chapter uh first couple of verses i'll begin reading at the outset and i'm reading from the new living translation of god's holy word and here you find these words recorded uh it says six days later jesus took peter and the two brothers james and john and led them up a high mountain to be alone as the men watched jesus's appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as light suddenly moses and elijah appeared and began talking with jesus peter exclaimed lord it is wonderful for us to be here the king james and the new king james will read something like it's good for us to be here if you want i'll make three shelters as memorials one for you one for moses and one for elijah but even as he spoke a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice from the cloud said this is my dearly loved son who brings me great joy listen to him the disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground then jesus came over and touched them get up he said don't don't be afraid and when they looked up moses and elijah were gone and they saw only jesus as they went back down the mountain jesus commanded them don't tell anyone what you have seen until the son of man has been raised from the dead amen with the dynamic aid and the diligent assistance to include amen the divine anointing of the holy spirit i want to put a tag on this text and i want to preach from the topic entitled good times good times amen good times and my brothers and sisters beloved of god just hearing the title by itself would probably cause you to research the conscious corridors of your mind and reflect on the fact that uh coming up in the 70s we used to watch james and florida we used to watch jj thelma everybody's wall poster michael velona mr bookman oh we used to watch them they they were central and key to a lot of us as we were coming up they provided us with storylines that caused us to be able to see ourselves literally in the same shape that they were in even today many of us are probably going to tv1 and watching the repeats the reruns of them just this morning before coming into church i saw where uh irma khalish who's one of the writers who just recently died at the ripe age of 96 and she was one of the writers on this sitcom called good times and she had a quote that threw me for a loop this morning and i was talking i was talking to my wife about the quote that they had quoted uh sister irma kalash and she said it's true it is true that god made man first and then he made woman but when god made man miss kylis also said that whenever there's a finished product you always have to start out with a rough draft so she was letting us know that we the brothers were the rough draft and god got it right when he sent one man y'all ain't praying with me but but but when i when i when i read this scripture when i thought about what i would preach as we come back into the sanctuary when i thought about the fact that we've been removed from 18 19 months when i thought about the fact that we've done things to try to build if you will some some some intimate moments some fellowshipping opportunities and yet even though we've been removed and and we haven't seen one another we we might have seen each other at the walmart we might have seen one another over at target we we might have seen one another at wegmans but but we still hadn't had that christian cornea and and because we hadn't had it uh i asked the lord lord what would you want me to declare what what would you want me to encourage the people as as we are transitioning back into your place and because we were without a place we were still the church even though we did not assemble ourselves we were still the church but the lord blessed us we prayed and and we labored and and not only did we pray and not only did we labor and and we even butt heads as to trying to find the right way to come back and when i when i when i sat down with yes the task force ministry we we tried and we tried and we've had moments where we had tension but the tension was designed that ultimately god would get the glory and today look at god getting the glory are we in the house and the bible says right here in the text while jesus was on the mountain of transfiguration mount tabor to be exact the bible says that he was going through this transfiguration process and while on that mountain peter said in verse 4 it's good for us to be here how many of you glad to be in the house this morning how many of you excited to be in the place where his spirit resides his spirit resides all over but but the fact that his house has been designed for him to reside in and we're here this morning and when we're here we can reflect on the good times you know next sunday next sunday will be the third sunday in september it was the sunday ten years ago that the lord blessed me to be installed as the pastor of this church that was a good day oh it was a good day you welcomed me and and my family and ten years after the fact i i have a graduated son who's in college that's a good time oh y'all ain't praying with me i have a graduated daughter from undergraduate school and now she's in graduate school oh that's a good time oh i'm just talking about good times yeah just looking out of the window watching the asphalt go y'all ain't praying with me maybe those online can help me celebrate but what i what i want to suggest to you a couple of things first thing i want to point out to you when it comes to good times this text points out to us one and i'm not going to be before you long that there is a faith forward process huh it's a faith forward process you can find the faith forward process it links up to chapter 17 over in chapter 16. over in chapter 16 we see that jesus is working with his disciples and they're right around that region called caesarea philippi and right around verses 13 through 18 we see where jesus is working with the disciples because he asked the question who do men say that i am it's a faith forward process and peter gives out the gamut as to who who they claim that he is to be but then peter gets to the point and tells him he said you know that's what some of them say but i've been with you i've watched you in action and he said this is what peter said he said you aren't the christ you are the son of the living god it's a faith forward process see peter's faith along with the disciples faith it's faith forward it's a process where there are this face towards calvary and he asks them the question because he knows that calvary is impending and peter gives the declaration that you are the christ you are the christos kyrios you are the messiah you are the anointed one so peter makes the declaration but then jesus says peter you got the declaration correct but you couldn't get that from anybody because you received a revelation that was the declaration but you got revelation from my daddy it's faith forward i believe that many of you all in this pandemic have had a building process of your faith you've been tested you've been tried you've been stretched oh you've gone through some things that that have made you almost want to surrender but in the midst of it all through being stretched by being tried by being tested you kept your faith intact even though the devil tried to steal your joy you were still in the midst of it all so there was the declaration that was the revelation and then jesus said this he said based on your declaration i'm going to build my church so he says he says he says basically you re you gave the declaration my father gave you a revelation but your statement gives us a foundation it's based on your statement that i have the foundation that i'm able to work with that i'm going to build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it the gates of hell will not prevail against look here it is here it is the church that christ gave his life for is perfect it's the fact that we who come in here we are imperfect but the church is designed to be housing imperfect people y'all i said the church is designed to house imperfect people because we serve a perfect christ who gave his life for imperfection because of the blood of jesus you can work out your soul salvation it is a faith forward process but here it is here it is secondly the text teaches us my brothers and sisters whereas it's faith forward the text also gives us insight that there is the fellowship that's being witnessed look it's the fellowship it's the fellowship it's the fellowship right around in verse two the bible tells us the word of the lord says in verse three says as the men watched jesus's appearance he was being transformed so that his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as light and suddenly moses and elijah appeared and began talking with jesus fellowship the word fellowship in the greek is called cornea fellowship what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms of jesus it was divine fellowship because jesus who was on an assignment he was going through the process of being transfigured once before we saw where jesus had gone through a process where he had been if you will sealed with the holy ghost and that was at the beginning of his ministry after beloved after coming out of yes out of the wilderness and he got baptized and the heavens open and here it is god said this is my beloved son whom i'm well pleased and jesus is going through this transfiguration process and he has a visitation from moses and elijah and while they had visited him they they were talking i believe that they had a conversation moses was like man i i went through it and when i was in the wilderness i i had to deal with some stubborn folk they they didn't want to listen to me i tried i gave them genesis i gave them exodus i gave them numbers leviticus and deuteronomy i i tried to help them you know i i gave my very best but you know what i'm i'm glad that i was able to come up here and be able to talk to you because i i thought i was successful but i know that you got it going on jesus and and then i i believe elijah chimed in and told him he said you know what man i i got snatched up in a whirlwind and and one day i got swooped up by a whirlwind and nobody knows where where my remains are but and i had to go through it i i had i had so many people who didn't want to hear what i had to say i was the prophetic voice trying to point them to you and they didn't want to hear me but now that you're on the scene i'm excited that you're here and i just want to bless your name because i know that calvary is impending and i know that they're going to turn their backs on you but you have our support so moses and elijah who had visited him basically basically had given an affirmation because we have the visitation but now we have the affirmation jesus you got it going on and and we're just here to let you know that you're not in it by yourself and here we have beloved here we have we see we see that yes not only was there uh-huh beloved the faith forward process but we see the fellowship and here we are this morning we're in the sanctuary we're fellowshipping this morning we had if you will church sunday school a good little fellowship yes my brothers and sisters it's nothing like a little fellowship yes we able to break bread together abel yeah to drink maybe a soda some coke some sprite yeah get some sweet tea if you will drink you a yeah a bottle of water because water helps to yes get rid of the impurities that are inside hey hey ain't nothing like a good bottle of water but there was that fellowship aspect that was going on fellowship allows us to come closer together the bible tells us oh how good and how pleasant it is that brethren can come together and dwell in unity and i want to know do we have any folks that are unified under the blood of the lamb and because we're unified beloved yes there's nothing that the enemy can do to rock our world he can try to shake us he can try to break us but i want you to know that what a fellowship what a joy divine because we can lean and rest in the arms of the lord so we got the fellowship we got the faith forward process but then thirdly and lastly as i let you go before we get to communion glory to god i want to suggest to you that the texts also points out the favor that they overheard they witnessed the fellowship but they overheard the favor in verse 5 the bible says that that god said this is my beloved son and he told the inner circle he said to them this is my beloved son and i want you to understand he brings me joy he brings me joy and i need y'all to listen to him and if if i could just add a little twist to it not only listen to him but do what he tells you to do it didn't say that but the holy spirit placed that in my spirit because i'm reminded jesus's mother when they were at the wedding feast of canaan galilee when they were running out of wine jesus mother went to him and told him said they're running low on wine and we need you to do something and he told her woman my time is not yet but as she told her it was not his time yet she went on and overrode his authority because she was mama and she told those that were around over the service do what he tells you to do y'all ain't praying with me and i've often said that that that's how nike got started y'all ain't praying with me and what i want to suggest to you that god told those who were around he says this is my beloved son he said and he brings me joy listen to him did you hear what i said he said listen to him did you hear what i said he said listen to him the bible says he that hath an eel i wish i had a praying church let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church can i get a witness he said listen to him the bible tells us that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god do y'all hear the lord speaking in here this morning can those who are online just go ahead and type in the comment section i'm hearing and listening god because i'm open to whatever the spirit wants me to do can i get a witness the bible says that yeah lord that god said this is my beloved son and he brings me joy you know i got two sons and i love both of them but it's nothing like my baby girl y'all ain't praying with me baby girl got her daddy's back y'all ain't praying and yeah she stay on me like white on rights can i get a witness but my sons they bring me joy too i got a 30 year old who yeah he has his mind focus on becoming a millionaire i said boy keep on grinding because i need you to take care of me in my elder years can i get a witness and i got a 18 year old who's in baltimore he's a quiet young boy he don't say much but when he says what he says you know that the lord is working with him can i get a witness i talked to him on yesterday i said man how you doing he said dad i'm doing well i say anything you need he said i'm all right don't worry about me and i said lord have mercy he brings me joy you know what he told me he told me before he left to go to college he said dad i told you you wouldn't have to pay for anything when it comes to me and he told me this he said you know what i'm gonna try to make it to the league if i don't make it to the league i'm going overseas i'm gonna make millions and i got you covered y'all ain't praying with me and what i came to discover that that boy brings me joy and because the word he has said god said this is my beloved son who brings me joy and i want to know is there anybody in here who can help me testify the old saints used to sing back in the day i get joy when i think about what he's done for me is there anybody in here who can help me testify that over 18 months possibly 19 that the lord has made a way for you can i get a witness somebody say yeah is he all right i get joy when i think about what he's done for me can anybody help me testify can anybody just say lord i thank you for a roof over my head for health and strength for the blood running warm in my veins i thank you yeah lord for food on my table cause i know that you're able through heartaches pain you were right there with me through it all ain't he all right say yeah how you know he all right well i heard the apostle paul say in ephesians 3 and 20 says our god he's able i said he's able to do exceedingly abundantly all that you're asking and thinking tell your neighbor say neighbor just wave at him and say neighbor he's able he's able able to make you walk right able to make your talk right he's able to wipe every tear from your eye he's able to prop you up on every lean inside heaven he's able to give you joy in the midst of your sorrow he's able to give you hope for your tomorrow say yeah he's able to make your enemies your footstool so hang in there because jesus is the best thing that could have ever happened to any one of us and god said listen to him because he brings me joy do you have joy not that you get out of a bottle not when you're laying on your back i'm talking about joy jesus joy yeah joy that the world can't give and the world can't take away good morning and may the lord god bless each and every one of you real good hallelujah come on good times beloved we got some good times on the horizon we've been locked out but now we're back in and the bible says with god all things are possible we're in position to move forward in this process where our faith evolves and it develops that we can become the saints that god has called us to be good times good times awesome times major and monumental times are on the horizon be blessed be encouraged my brother my sister god bless you thank you for being a part of our worship experience on this morning we love you to life elder joanne brooks she's going to come and she's going to extend the invitation to discipleship as well as lead us in our ultra prayer and we'll come back and do communion [Music] hallelujah god let us stand to our feet this morning if you're able to stand just stand wherever you are there may be someone here this morning who has not invited jesus to be lord and savior of your life whether you're in the building or online i'll just actually bow your head and repeat this prayer after me and then we'll go into our altar call prayer amen father god [Music] i realize that i am a sinner lord i ask you to forgive me for my sins i ask you lord to come into my heart and to be lord and savior of my heart god i ask that you would please help me to follow your footsteps daily by the power of your holy spirit god i know that you came to earth and you're taught this pastor said the father spoke from heaven and said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased but then god you went to the cross into the grave but on the third day you got up with all power in your hand so i believe god i come asking you to be lord of my life in jesus name i pray amen if you prayed that prayer you can find yourself a church a bible teaching church where you can continue to study the word of god amen now let us approach the throne of god once again the prophet isaiah told us that do not fear do not be afraid do not be dismayed for i the lord am with you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and the good news is that his love and his grace will help us through every process that we're going through so i don't know what you're going through this morning i don't know if you're sick in your body but god's love and god's grace can heal if you would just believe i don't know what you're going through this morning maybe you've been beside a fresh grave or planning to go to a fresh grave but god's love and god's grace he promises to turn your mourning into dancing he promises to turn your sorrow into joy the joy of the lord is your strength the joy of the lord is your strength no matter what you're going through this morning trust and believe god by the power of your holy ghost right now fall fresh on everyone that's online fall fresh on everyone that stands throughout this building god fall fresh touch god heal god deliver god you and only you know what we stand in need of and we trust you we believe you to come through just like you said you would good times are only because of good news and the good news is that your prayer hearing your prayer answering god we seal this prayer father god knowing that your will will be done in the precious name of your son jesus i pray amen [Music] he's gonna fulfill [Music] don't give up on he won't give up on [Music] god is able to do [Music] [Music] don't give up on god hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please [Music] he's able to [Music] [Music] don't give up don't give up on god cause he won't give up on you one more time don't give up on god [Music] praise the lord praise the lord amen for those of you who are at home still with us we're in the service of communion we're grateful for all who are here with us taking their first communion in 2021 in the fellowship of the saints amen and for those of you who are watching if you don't mind going on ahead and getting your your eucharist your bread and your wine that we might partake together let us just say a brief prayer over these elements god we thank you for the bread which represents your body the wine which represents your shed blood take them right now god and transform them from their natural everyday use to the spiritual connotation and which it is designed to do to bring remembrance of what you did prior to going to the cross it's in jesus name that we pray might the redeemer of the lord say amen amen and amen again it was on that evening beloved when jesus was with his trusted twelve one turned out to be a treacherous traitor in the personage of judas iscariot who dimed jesus out for 30 pieces of silver and the word says that jesus took the bread he blessed it he broke it told him to take eat this bread which represents his body that will be bruised and broken and as often as you do it do it in remembrance of him let us all eat together in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit repeat these words after me god have mercy jesus have mercy holy spirit have mercy the word says afterwards likewise in the same manner also he took the cup which represented his shed blood the fruit of the vine jesus declared that it was a new testament in his blood he told them as often as you drink of this cup do it in remembrance of him the hymnologist wrote what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is that flow that makes us whiter than snow no other fountain we know nothing but the blood of jesus the hebrew writer also wrote that without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin let us all drink together in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit [Music] repeat these words after me god hath mercy jesus have mercy holy spirit have mercy amen afterwards they sang to him and they went into the mount of olives i'm going to give the benediction thank you for being apart amen of our uh first sunday back together in person god bless you my viewing audience using the platforms through social media father in the name of jesus keep us till we meet again and bless all who became a part of this worship experience in person as well as those who are on the social media platforms now may the grace of god and the and the sweet communion of your holy spirit rest ruling the bible thus henceforth now forevermore in jesus christ's name we do humbly pray might the redeem of god's people all say amen amen [Music] i know it was a bloody [Music] one day when i was lost amen before those of you who are here i think our viewing audience is gone i wanna uh congratulate and welcome into our midst amen minister elder reverend pastor amen amen greylon sneed amen the lord blessed us he the lord dropped him into our laps on monday on labor day amen and he's with us and praise the lord he's gonna ride the wave with oak grove until the lord says the same amen let's welcome greatly [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Oak Grove Baptist Church
Views: 92
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: r9CmL103UKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 49sec (4189 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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