Sydney Delchot LIVE 🔴 | Global Prophetic Sunday:: THE GAPS OF LEADERSHIP 🕳

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[Music] we are excited to have you with us for this live broadcast coming to you live from a r studios this is sunday surface live and we are happy to have you here so make sure you share this link share this video share this broadcast let us know that you can hear us loud and clear and make sure you share this link to everybody you know because today is the day of the lord and where the word of the lord is going to be ministered to you your house your family your friends to everybody that you share this broadcast with this is a special where we're going to deal with a specific uh topic so we are excited to have you live on our youtube channel make sure you comment on our uh chat section and stay in touch with our team online all right excited once again i'm just watching uh to see what is happening on youtube remember this is a global prophetic sunday and this is a special leaders leadership session we are dealing with leadership today we're going to dive into god's word and see what is it is what it is exactly that god has to say about leadership all right god likes leadership god raises leaders uh and leaders are being prepared for seasons that are ahead and definitely you and i were born for such a time like this this is something that i want you to remind yourself of and remember that you and i are born for such a time like this as we are connecting now on our youtube channel live from the anal studios what is happening on youtube yes prophet thank you people are still joining in we have uh early song commenting with some fine emojis a few people are commenting with some fire emojis yes we have any saying so we are blessed beyond the measures wow wow um boss place is also saying spiritual dinner yes yes yes awesome people saying spiritual meat spirits they are ready for the spiritual buffet so listen this is going to a meal uh this is going to be the best meal that you can remember and i want to go uh start with a scripture first kings 22 first six let's start at first kings chapter 22 for six i'm going to read with you the bible says then the king of israel gathered the prophets together about 400 men and said to them shall i go against ramoth gilead to fight or shall i refrain so they said go up for the lord will deliver it into the hand of the king for seven and jehoshaphat said is there not still a prophet of the lord here that we may inquire of him so imagine here a situation as i give you a sketch of what is happening here the king was going was was preparing and strategizing with his team with his military soldiers to go into a fight to go into a war to enter into a battle but before he decided to get into the battle before he decided to make this uh you know really take action to follow up on his decision the bible says he gathered the prophets that liked him he gathered the prophets that respected him liked him and he said the bible says he gathered around 400 prophets and the 400 prophets all said the same thing when he asked shall i go against rama gilead to fight or shall i refrain do you want me to attack or shall or will i stand still and hold my position the bible says they went up and said the lord will deliver you or will deliver the battle rather into the hand of the king so that was a good report but then he said is there not still a prophet that i did not acquire of it seems to me that if 400 people said yes go there was still something inside of him doubting so he asked is there not still a man of god a prophet of the lord that i can still acquire of and that we may acquire him of him verse 8 says so the king of israel said to jehoshaphat there is still one man there is still one man micaiah the son of imla by whom we may inquire of the lord but i hate him because he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil so here we see a leader a king a ruler of a nation making decisions emotional decisions based on who liked him and who did not like him you see the leader made a national decision that had impact on the nation the country the people the families the children in that he had the responsibility over but he made a decision based on emotions he said i want the prophets to prophesy only good about me but there is this one prophet that i don't like because he only speaks evil or prophesied evil about me in other words in the eyes of the king the prophet that supposedly spoke evil or prophesied evil about him did not never liked the correction so everything that had to do with correction um you know every prophetic word that came to him about him repenting returning his heart back to the lord correcting he hated that prophet the bible says because according to him the prophet was evil because he did not like the word that came from the mouth of the prophet so this is the reality of the season brothers and sisters that i really want to uh show you in the prophetic timeline that we are in we are in a day and age brothers and sisters where there is a void a gap an immense leadership gap in this generation there is a leadership gap because uh the vacancy that is there has to be filled the void of leadership has to be filled in this day and age if it's governmental leadership there is a gap political leadership there is a gap presidential leadership there is a gap people don't respect presidency anymore people don't respect authority anymore this generation have no idea what it is to honor leadership how do we know look at what they do with the leaders look at what they do with that with people in leadership there is no amount of respect honor when it comes to leadership anymore why i don't blame the people just there is a gap and a vacancy in the spirit and a vacancy still when it comes to real leadership there are a few voices of leadership that you can basically in this world count on your hands and say wow these are people that have dedicated their life more than 40 50 years of their lives when it comes to leadership the industry might be different but the leadership principle stays the same leadership principles stay the same you can apply them in whatever industry you know you might enter into let me show you that the response of the king where he says he doesn't like the prophet that doesn't only you know prophesy good things about him why because a lot of people think that when it comes to the word of god the word of the lord the ministry of following a man or woman of god or being connected to a ministry that all you have to experience is the cuddling from the man a woman of god that all you have to experience is the you know the tickling or the cuddling or the embracing of from the man or woman of god no you've got to understand the reason number two the purpose of a man a woman of god of your matter word of god in your life you've got to understand the purpose first because if you misunderstand the purpose you will definitely guess what happens have false expectations and these false expectations will lead to eventually hate will lead to eventually anger will lead to eventually bitterness against your man a woman of god as a reality if you don't position your heart correctly and have false um you know expectations from your man of women of god guess what will happen you will act like the king like this king and you will be looking for people that will only cuddle you will only speak uh supposedly good things what other good what do the good things represent it does not represent the word of the lord per se but it represents everything you want to hear everything that tickles your ear everything you like so you want somebody that represents the word of god to speak according to what what you want to hear so you can sleep good at night so you can say whoa i really enjoy it's not about what you enjoy it's about will you obey the word of the lord so this is the mindset that this generation has unfortunately but i believe there is still a remnant there is still a group of people so that which i'm talking to right now people like you and i that still love the obedience of the word of god that still is focused on obeying the word of the lord this is the word of god coming to you right now with fire in my mouth and the anointing of the holy spirit upon the word when this word comes to you it is about to break every hindrance breakaway every stone breakaway every gate that is closed that needs to be opened and this world is about to reposition you in uh areas where you need shiftings and where things need to be straightened up in your lives so i trust that while you're receiving make sure you keep on uh you know stay interactive with this word keep on responding with fight emojis keep on responding that you're receiving in the comments stay interactive because i believe that we're about to flow in something deeper remember this is a special sunday service and we are dealing with a leadership sessions all right this is a leadership session so watch this like i said there is a void and an immense gap when it comes to leadership all right for example number one a leader's heart a leader's heart um rejects the lack of team spirit because they are not individuals who are trying to be one-man heroes in order what i'm giving what i'm going to give you right now are some keys that we're going to be that we're going to need for the coming years some keys that are necessary rather for the coming years one of those keys is the following the leader's heart in this generation will reject the lack of team spirit the leader will put the demand on the people to have a team spirit and do not think individually but think like a team and then what is the reason why because they are not the leader's heart the leader is the leader itself will not be people or the leader won't be i will not be an individual that is focused on being a one-man hero no that is the previous generation this generation will operate in a team that's what god desires in order to have in order for us to have greater impact because as you can see the one-man show is ending nobody cares about it one guy anymore people people think about their families people think about how can we now progress because the one-man show did not stop kovit the one-man shows never stopped the pandemic so it seems to me that it was just a focus and the one-man heroes are not helping nobody but themselves so god desires for his people for his church to be realistic to stop to start strategizing god is pulling some churches away god is pulling some ministries away in order for them watch this not to stop them but for them to combine strength to combine forces but this will require humility in their hearts this will require humility in the heart in the hearts because if they are proud they will never be able to combine isn't it interesting watch this brothers and sisters think about this how come churches in the body of christ have become experts when it comes to division they know how to leave churches take leaders with them start their own churches from an other church from another church but they have never become experts in joining forces when was the last time you heard one church or three churches coming together and combining it isn't happening it is never happening but what is happening is they are supposedly supposedly god is speaking to them to start their own church from existing church take the people with them and start at a different location and call it and rebrand the name it is a shame and people talk about unity people talk about being called but they don't understand the combination do you know that when when you gather olives you know olives from the tree you gather them you put them together you mix them and guess what when you crush them together oil starts flowing from the combination of the oils together but when you separate the olives and then crush them separately there is no flow of oil compared to when you put the olives together in a bowl together combined what i'm seeing is is what david said that's what solomon said one can chase a thousand but two can chase ten thousand in other words the influence the impact the number of impact will increase immensely when churches start coming together and yes it should mean that the leaders sometimes don't have to be the head leader supposedly there is something called the apostolic model where you have structures in place where everybody can have responsibilities over groups over cell groups where you have pastors in a ministry having different levels of responsibility yes i understand what i'm dealing with now is an apostolic teaching because this is definitely necessary and there is a lack of this teaching because people are still trying to to showcase their ministry they are still trying to show what their ministry is about no we already passed that childless childish state we're now dealing with a mature state of ministry where people say wait we need to be honest pandemic has come your church did not survive what are you going to do now listen to this word because god told me son after you release this word it will take pastors many leaders two years before they're going to make a decision brothers and sisters leaders pastors whoever's watching do not waste your time don't waste two years for nothing because it only it will only be a remembrance like yeah prophet said it two years ago why do you not respond now pray now make a decision now pray to god who which church is it that you should um you know join into i'm not talking about joining into as a member no when you call the leader and say listen we have a church here but this is i believe what god is saying how can we make it happen and guess what you need to pray about it because not many leaders are ready for this many leaders are not ready for this because the only focus that they have is just their local assembly but there is a greater level of responsibility coming to the body of christ in this next season when if the church in the netherlands for example curacao in syria belgium france uk america doesn't come together in asia in africa if the church doesn't know how to gather together and come together you will see another deficient why because this is the cycle this is the cycle that the church is used to leaders are used to talk to be talking about the people like yeah they're just going to leave no they're not loyal they just came for a season and they're going to leave this is this has become the normal talk so leaders don't even expect from people anymore to be loyal no leaders don't even have expectation anymore from people to be you know diligent no way they know that what they're going to what they're going to sow what are going to sow into the people in order to protect their heart do you know what leaders say they say no they were just here for a season so they don't get hurt all right so this is what you've got to understand there is an immense gap of leadership so don't mean it doesn't mean that every preacher is a leader no way definitely not a lot of people think this is this has also become a mistake i don't think if these people are ready to hear god's word right now watch this brothers and sisters what's this that like i said before there is an immense gap and a void in leadership in this generation but a lot of people mistake the following they think that every preacher is a leader no it's not biblical at all a preacher is a messenger a preacher i repeat it's a messenger not necessarily a leader you can be called as a preacher and not as a leader it's a difference so a lot of people think that because they start preaching the word that they've automatically become leaders the reason why they think that is because nobody taught them and also number two the reason why they think that is because there is no model there is no healthy example of leadership in ministry most examples of leadership but there are a few names that we can call which i won't because it's not about the names that we can call that that actually exercise leadership but that have actually proven stable leadership during the years through the mistakes and then their diligence in 40 50 years in ministry and not just in ministry because being a ministry doesn't make you a leader also automatically it is the way you exercise what do you produce what do you invest in people and what comes out of that investment uh you know my wife and i were listening to something and somebody a professor he quoted something powerful he said he said that there is a a saying that goes following the best the best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago in other words whatever you think you see now the best time to have some that what you see now was 25 years ago in other words people expect to walk outside and just see a whole tree thinking that this tree grew in a week thinking that this through this tree just grew in one year that is how people think that men's that ministry works if a whole tree grows to maturity in 10 15 25 years for you to just go to the tree hike from the sun my god you're enjoying the benefit of 25 years of labor from the tree of growth from the three and you are just people people are just cutting it building houses what else do you do with trees you benefit from it but it grew 25 years and people think that it can just grow one year and like yeah i'm a leader it's not how it works and when people do that there is still a void in leadership because people do not want to grow pay the price or study into leadership they don't want to commit themselves to a put to uh to a level of you know growth and they don't they don't want to change and shift when god says shift just like we are shifting god says shift we are shifting we are even we even said goodbye to people like listen it's time for you to shift also we are going so we we even announce what we're going to do and we told you this is what the word of god has been telling us and you you can watch this the funny thing about us is whenever we shift every everybody around us will say it doesn't make any sense why would you do it you don't have any reason to do it and because faith doesn't make sense we are doing it because if we would operate according to what makes sense to people we wouldn't be profits all right that is one thing you've got to understand what a leader does doesn't have to make sense to the people but it has to make faith i repeat leadership when it comes to spiritual leadership now spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense to the people but it has to make faith you're getting it it has to build faith in the lives of the people that are connected to the ministry the grace the work of the spiritual leader it doesn't have to make sense but it will definitely have to build faith all right so i need you to type it in the comments right now spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense but it has to milk it has to build faith spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense but it has to build faith there's something you've got to understand so you never get confused about spiritual leadership spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense but it has to make or build faith all right what's happening on youtube as we're as we're reading your comment section is going crazy everybody is typing wow wow focus on saying spiritual meat uh we have a lot of people commented with some fire emojis yes we have david saying amen foreign is necessary for impact yes also saying we have to team up to become strong watch that that's it that's it a lot of i see a lot of you uh everybody of you is commenting on youtube uh the comments are going wild people are saying through in every high place on earth are gaps therefore righteous gods people have to fill it in that is exactly the core of this message uh correction can be hard i'm just reading some of your youtube comments guys correction can be hard sometimes but it's important for our growth yes hallelujah we need correction from the lord we all need correction from the lord people are receiving uh yes what's happening help me out we have also friends saying team up with like-minded people we have everybody is also typing uh spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense but it has to build faith powerful powerful shifting because of strategic strategic purposes this is powerful powerful have ideal same facts the bible says the whole body faithfully joined together yes the whole body fiddly joined together all right this is powerful people are getting it so it seems like we are flowing we are flowing right so we have learned something and the first thing we've learned is spiritual leadership doesn't have to make sense but it have to build faith the bible says that god has given us the five-fold ministry what why to equip the saints to equip the saints not just to equip the saints to gather them to your church not just to equip the saints to have them in your church but to equip the saints for the work of ministry there has to be a greater purpose besides ordaining them to be a prophet apostle uh teacher no there has to be a greater purpose besides that do you know how um do you know how dormant my life would have been if the only thing i did in life was just being a prophet you know how boring my life would have been there are so many people i wouldn't reach that i've reached now if i stay just in the lane the religious mindset lane that people have pre-ordained uh about my life you understand this there what that there are so many areas i would have never touched if all if i believe the lie that the only thing god has called me for was to preach prophesy lay hands on the sick and listen to to to complains of people in the church no way no way this is what we do diligently with passion ministry is our secret weapon ministries our core in life it's what we live it's what we live for we will forever for the rest of our lives help people build people invest in people we will never stop with that never ever it won't stop because it's the reason why we breathe we live and that what we do on the side are the extras that god has given us and has granted us access to to enjoy life also to do business to help people to meet people to go onto high places and make impact these are the extras these are the toys that god has given us it's not like we focus on having to do that no these are the doors that god opened because we work in the field of the lord and god says listen i also want you to make impact in the world i also want you to enjoy life so yes i will grant you access to wealth i will grant you access to prosperity i will grant you access to wealthy people so that you can learn the principles and teach my people from the scriptures how they can build wealth and wealth has only to do with money because a lot of christians get mad when they heard the word wealth and that is the devil because god and the bible says the scriptures say peter said it also i wish and i pray that above all things watch this that you should prosper why would the apostles say i pray that above all things that you should prosper prosper in your soul prosper in your mind prosper in your body prosper in your health prosper in your finances why would he pray that and now churches are complaining yeah all they talk about is money it's not about money it's about wealth that's what people miss wealth is not necessarily money wealth has to do with freedom and yes in this day and age money is a means it's a tool you know that can help towards freedom but it's not the only thing we know that but this session is not about money the session is and this session is also not about wealth this session is about leadership so i want to focus on leadership all right we'll have so many other sessions for wealth and prosperity this session is about leadership we need to deal with how we can fill the gap and the void of leadership but prophet i have the answer i know how we can fill the gap of leadership tell me prayer really prayer don't you think the church has been praying the church has been praying the church has been raising intercessors there are some ministries in africa and europe that pray 24 7. they have prayer chains so prayer won't fill the leadership gap we already know that that prayer doesn't fill the leadership gap because prayer is not enough to build a leader that's a fact prayer will build intercessors prayer will build you know spiritual people but there is there is a difference between a spiritual person and a spiritual leader all right watch this what's this and then of course of course i have to explain this also to put it into context there are also different forms of leaders all right there are different levels of leaders somebody can be a leader um you know and you've just started in your journey of leadership we understand that but at least you're now growing into the full maturity of leadership this is something that people have to understand just because you're a leader doesn't make you a mature leader because there are stages in leadership stages in leadership all right type it on youtube right now in the comments there are stages in leadership there are stages in leadership the reason why i say type it on youtube because people are watching you people people people will now see that wow these people are really students of the world as students of the ministry of the prophet watch this what did i say what did i say guys there are stages in there are stages in leadership so what is happening uh people are on youtube typing a lot guys i told you this is an interactive session where we deal with our leadership and i like the way we're doing it right now yes prophet yes we have uh are you saying ministry is a secret weapon yes ministry is our secret weapon yes famous also saying spiritual leadership does does not make sense but it has to build faith we have um people commenting and saying amen everybody's typing there are stages in leadership this is powerful yes yes yes yes yes he's also saying i know that's right i know that's right that's that's powerful uh there are stages in leadership all right we are flowing we are flowing we are flowing let's continue because i have a lot to share uh with you thank god thank god somebody has been praying what's this a leader's heart number two a leader's heart is set to understand the value of racing effective teams a leader's heart is set to understand the value of racing effective teams what i'm giving you now is not just what leaders are supposed to do brothers and sisters what i'm giving you now people of god is what god expects from this generation when it comes to leadership what i gave you before is number one the leader's heart rejects the lack of team spirit in other words the leader's heart will be in a generation to build teams to work with people that have the team spirit all right because they are not individuals who are trying to be one man's heroes is what i said and the first and now the second thing i'm saying is uh a leader's heart is set to understand the value of racing effective teams that that will be that will be the leader's heart to raise effective teams this is what we have been doing and this is now the direction we are going this is the those that went and that were with us in the physical surface last month knew what we actually were supposed to be doing today we are supposed to be having a leadership session and the whole star would be different yes it will be the same you with your laptop your notebook on the table and we would be having presentations and we would be building equipping equipping that leadership gap inside of you because the leadership gaps brothers and sisters is not just in the world leadership gaps listen carefully because this is the lord speaking it's not just in the world leadership gap is not just in a business or not just in corporations not just in the political world not just in the government but leadership gaps and force are also inside of the people the people the people themselves have leadership gaps and they fill those gaps that needs to be filled with leadership leadership decisions for their own lives leadership policies leadership um instructions leaderships keys or principles that they have to apply that they don't apply then there is a gap there what does that get what does a leadership gap in your own life do let me pose this question to you what happens if somebody or individual experience or has a leadership gap in their lives right but what will be the result of that get if it's not filled with them making diligent decisions being focused having a goal and applying leadership principles for themselves what happens then you now become a target of manipulation control and lies you now become an easy target to be controlled and when i say control i'm going to talk about uh what you call control i'm talking about you have no idea that you're being controlled by the system systems of this world that's what i'm talking about you now become an easy target of being controlled you now become an easy target of being manipulated you now become an easy target of being lied to because now there is no stability there there is a gap and other manipulators will try to fill that gap in your life not by leadership but by control manipulation and lies so this is this is what we have been seeing now that there are groups of people running towards manipulator and tyranny and there are other groups of people that are supposedly woke as as they call it in the world they awoke but we are not we are talking about we awoke worldly all right we are talking about being awakened spiritually when the bible say let your eyes be enlightened let the understanding let the eyes of your understanding be enlightened you know what it means it means that you are able now that you're walking now with the principles of christ and that you are able to apply those principles and you will see through the lies you will see through the facade you will see through the fake and you will see and deal with the root of issues so this is what we're dealing with this is what we're doing now is equipping you equipping that gap equipping and filling that in your own life of leadership okay let me give you more keys of how to avoid uh avoid being um you know having a gap of leadership in your life what can you do stay connected to through leadership now we're dealing with spiritual leadership of course because that is what we find important also stay connected to spiritual leadership not just connected sow into it and make sure you you make sure that they sow into you when it comes to the word of god they infest into you when it comes to the word of god because that is what spiritual leadership is about not about cuddling you i keep telling people it's not about cuddling you it's about respecting the word of god that they release all right if there is one core if i speak about other things as a spiritual leader of course we do many other things so we're not just spiritual leaders but if supposedly somebody is only a spiritual leader and that person speaks other things besides the word of god and though and the person's words besides the word of god that they speak or not respected then at least the word of god that they speak as a spiritual leader should be respected if they don't want to respect the other things you're talking about then at least the word of god should be respected all right and if they don't respect the word of god it comes out of your mouth you're not a spiritual leader that's a fact you're just a preacher it's a difference brothers and sisters because preachers preachers are necessary preachers are necessary the scriptures say if these truths are not being preached to you how else will we convince you how else will we bring this word of truth unto you so preachers are necessary preachers are important this is why we are raising preachers that's why we are training preachers because preachers are necessary preachers will always be needed preachers will always be needed all right there is a lack of preachers there is still a lack of preachers i'm not talking about speakers i talk about preachers people that are not afraid to position themselves and say besides what i'm doing in life i'm also a preacher of the world not just a speaker we need preachers not just speakers all right it's a difference preachers that know that when they preach the word of god miracles happen when they preach the word of god results are happening people's lives are being changed that's not what speakers can do speakers can only inform you maybe change a little bit of your mindset but we're talking about preaching the word of god with boldness that when the word of god is preached the preacher is on fire preacher man is on fire preacher woman is on fire the whole area is set ablaze it's on fire and then you see the results chains are being broke lives are being changed demons are being are leaving all right the whole impact the whole area rather is being impacted and the word of impact that they preach there is a mighty explosion there the passion of people their hearts they become more passionate again when a preacher preaches the word of god the passion of the people that hear it their passion should be restored to loving the word of god you see this is the type of feature i'm talking about not a one-man hero not a preacher that is there to be seen not a preacher that is there to be heard just to be heard just come and hear me just come and see me no i'm talking about it doesn't matter how you look like but when you open your mouth people can deny that you carry the word of god where we now get into a a movement that the word of god goes before the preacher another preacher goes before the word of god but the word of god arrives there before the preacher arrives it's what i'm talking about [Applause] that's what i'm talking about let's go and that is the void of leadership i'm talking about we can't be telling saying uh yes i'm raising my sons i'm raising my daughters but all you're raising them for is to pay your tithe all you're raising that for is to uh be part of your uh you know your financial gain no that's not good it's not the heart of god we need to raise preachers and leaders preachers that are not ashamed of the gospel there is a reason why jesus said the following you know what jesus said he said if you're ashamed of me i will be ashamed of you in front of the father do you know what a shame that is it's a shame nowadays we have preachers ashamed of who they are do you know let me tell you the secret secret it doesn't matter what we do in business you know if my wife now if it is modeling acting uh photo shoots uh you know we are working with cooperation ceos whatever music uh you know recording studios record label it doesn't matter what we do having products people will connect to us as us being prophets facts people that is what we don't that's what people don't realize people will connect to us as us being spiritual leaders so we don't have to hide that we don't have to hide it because it will come forth that is why people respect us because we don't do what other people are doing we are just spiritual leaders doing extra spiritual leaders representing god's kingdom and doing the kingdom not just speaking and preaching it but living it doing it actively daily 24 7 every day every day so that's what we're dealing with and this is a generation i believe these are the type of sons and daughters we want to raise that are not ashamed of the gospel they are not ashamed of their faith they are not hiding their faith but they are standing boldly and saying listen the reason why we are closing this deal right now the reason why we are here right now the reason why we are talking about these investments you've got to respect what i do because if it wasn't for my god you wouldn't be speaking to me why are you not bold enough to say that why are you not bold enough to say that to your to your business partners to your to your boss if it wasn't for god i want to be working for you right now if it wasn't for my god i want to be closing this deal with you right now why are christians always the one having to hear what people say to them and be like yeah um yeah you need me no there was a time we say to people if it wasn't for god we want to be talking to each other right now it's because i prayed god answered and you are sitting here with me i'm not sitting with you you're singing with me do we see the mindset the difference it's not arrogance brothers and sisters it is faith it's not arrogance it is confidence it is not arrogance it is boldness and there is a lack of boldness a lack of faith and a lack of you know diligence when it comes to uh christians you know operating and moving a lot of men for example men you know males a lot of men in christianity they don't they don't like going to church anymore because a lot of men complain that you know the the church has become feminized feminine the church has become too feminine in a way not that too many women which they are but but the way we do church the way church has been done you know the way church has been you know you know the makeup of the church has become too feminine you know men don't like to hear um that we are kissing spiritually we are kissing god what are you talking about everything we do just think about it has become so feminine and it's not attractive to men the church has not become really attractive to men and the issue now is that when men are in the church they become feminine but thank god for all nations revolution [Music] [Applause] so you see these are one of this this is just a small issue we're going to have a whole different session about that okay how uh we're going to do a session i think like in a talk a talking session and then we're going to communicate and be like okay is the church too feminine and how can we change it how can we attract more men what is it that men are looking for the bible says that they fit danced unashamedly when it comes to god so dancing is not an issue because men can dance if they want to the bible says david danced his clothes off for the lord david prophesied and worshiped and david danced his clothes off do you know what that means it means that when david dance the bible says his wife was ashamed of him imagine nowadays a man are ashamed to go to church in davis's case about this his wife was ashamed and his wife came to david i said and tried to cover it up and david threw the clothes away no no no i am not ashamed for my god we this is what i'm talking about brothers and sisters this is the this is the this is the truth where i say there is a void in leadership now when things have turned have been turned upside down there was a time where women had to calm their men down like listen hey think about i want to be the only one that wants to see your nakedness but david was like no i'm not ashamed of my god but now things have been turned upside down this is what i'm talking this is what i'm talking about the power where you saw men leading a generation where you saw the values of men returning now people are shouting our feminism listen i don't blame feminism i don't blame the lgbtq set i don't blame them it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many letters you want to add a b c l g b t q z doesn't matter x y z it's identity crisis this is why they use letters because they don't know they can you do you know it is not an attack listen to this it is not an attack it's an identity crisis because if you truly knew where you were you're just going to use your name you don't need something to add why do you need a word to add to your name it's because you know you're still trying to figure out what is happening why do you have to portray your sexuality and put it in a box you were born like you were born all right watch this but we're not dealing with that we're dealing with leadership all right leadership my god my god i have a lot to share i have a lot to share what is happening on youtube what's happening on youtube what's happening on youtube yes prophet the comments are going crazy we have someone saying it's not arrogance it's confident you have ali you're saying whoa and there god fitness yeah we have uh m landfill committee with some clapping emojis uh we have someone else commenting with some haunted emojis yeah it's powerful people are still committed with sapphire emojis are agreeing saying amen amen promising preaching the truth of god healing set free bring solutions yes that is a part about preachers yeah it's powerful spiritual leaders people saying are you we're just reading some of your comments guys spiritual leaders walking in the calling purpose others will come automatically to connect with us that is so true that is it honestly in this generation it got a real righteous leader with integrity with integrity that that's so true that's so true so people are getting it people are flowing uh my god this is a big revelation so it seems to me like we are flowing that you've received the word of god i think we're ready to close so listen guys listen listen i i have something i have something uh quite exciting quite exciting to share with you um because i don't want i don't want you to forget this by the way make sure you catch this on the replay we'll make this available to you i believe this is a great message for you to listen to uh i think we'll also make the audio available to you we'll send this to you as a podcast so you can re-listen so we can know that in 2021 prophet said this and we're going to see what is going to happen in the coming years all right and then what we're going to do we're not going to wait just on the manifestation or the fulfilling of what we do we are going to work towards fulfillment we are going to fill the gap where we can all right you and i being an nr ambassadors yes being sons and daughters watch this you are going to fill the leadership void leadership gap where you see it you're going to be called towards it you're going to recognize that there is a leadership gap a leadership void in that area in that business in that field in that whatever field of interest you're in you're going to recognize this and guess what you're going to fill the gap people are going to be drawn unto you business people are going to be drawn onto you because you are rightly positioned and you are feeling a leadership gap and people come to you and ask questions how did you do what you do how are you doing what you're doing this is what people ask me right now this is what people ask us right now my wife now this is what people ask us how do you do what you do all right now we are spiritual leaders also a lot a lot of them ask you so how do you do what you do so prophet you're not a prophet with money no no it's not about money it's about me applying the same principles that you can up you should apply you shouldn't be telling me that i that i have money or you don't no that doesn't make any sense it's not about money it doesn't make any sense so people think they see us and all they think about is money no what is that that is the flesh the people never come to say whoa you're spiritually rich no no no no we we are focused on spiritual wealth yes first the reason why everything we do on the outside works is because our focus is spiritual growth our focus is not just money our focus is spiritual growth first and this is now i'm giving you a secret our focus is spiritual growth first that's the first thing so before people see money you've got to understand imagine that how rich we are spiritually people are never excited about how rich we are spiritually that's it spiritual richness richness spiritual wealth spiritual prosperity is the first thing james 4 6 the bible says james 4 6 read with us brothers and sisters pay attention the bible says god gives more grace but he give it more grace wherefore he says god resists the proud but gives grace unto the humble god receives the proud but gives grace onto the humble james 4 6. so you've got to understand that when it comes to humility and pride you know before i knew i was going to deal with this god spoke to me uh this week and he just woke me up and woke me up with his sentence he said son pride will block the flow of finances then i always said what i'm not even thinking about right i'm thinking about sleeping and god woke me up he said son get up he said pride blocks the flow of finances i wrote it down and then i started asking god questions because now in my mind i had rich people in my mind that according to me were very arrogant and proudful so i asked god i said why would you say that if the effort is that this person this person this person seems prideful to me and arrogant then the lord told me no it's just a facade they are applying leadership principles you see that god started speaking to me because when if you don't ask god questions he won't go deeper it's what i'm telling people it's what i'm telling people if you don't ask god questions based on his own word i'm giving you a secret right now accord to hear the voice of god for yourself how can you frame yourself into hearing god's voice more whenever god reveals something to you if it's through his word through the logos the written word rima the revelatory word based on a moment time and space whenever whatever way it comes if you don't respond by either asking a question in that's on that same moment god won't go deeper on that all right so this so this is the key that i can give you to hear god's voice to help you more but anyway listen to this god told me he said sun pride will block the flow of finances i said okay so why are you telling me this because i was asking because god knew i was going to ask questions and he wanted a conversation because god is father he's not just god he likes family he's a speaking god he likes communication he invented communication he's the source of communication all right he's abba it means source of whatever we see whatever we experience is abba and abba means source is abba father so watch this so in this conversation with god i asked god i said so i i gave him examples i said i called the rich people said no no no i called names and god this one this on this one he said no they are bold not necessarily pride not necessarily proud they apply leadership principles and god said they apply leadership principles watch this that my people don't apply you know how that broke me from the inside when god said that god said the people in the world the wealthy people most of them most of them not everyone most of them apply leadership principles that god's own people the church the christians do not apply and then god corrected me another way and he said listen son you need to understand some of the names you called they are mine god said god said the names that you call that you thought they were not christians he said you have no idea they tithe they give they are connected to a church they sow to churches and they pray to me they ask me they apply principles i was like wow mind blown that was a few months ago my whole perspective has changed about this so people what and god you know this was a whole uh you should read the book when it's out you should read the book when we release the book you should read it i will put it in the book it's in a book um so when the book is out uh you know just pray for us pray for me to finish it uh you know and just pray for me to do to have time to finish the book all right so from there from there brothers and sisters i really want to remind you you know this is why god says do not judge anybody don't judge people you have no idea what they do in a private life don't judge people when you see them prosper do you think you can truly prosper without god be honest do you think you can truly prosper without god no you can the bible says all silver and gold belongs to him imagine the depth of that all silver and gold belongs to him so can you truly prosper without god no all right let me give you this last one when it comes to leadership so why because let me remind you of this every friday uh we will have our own sons daughters and uh we ourselves also will be ministering to you on the fridays make sure you put your notification on youtube make sure you stay alert uh stay up to date to what we sent you and if you don't receive our whatsapp messages if you don't receive our whatsapp messages make sure you send a whatsapp to uh you know just send a message to the whatsapp number that is in the comments on youtube right now from our that's our studio number our and our phone number make sure you send a text or a whatsapp message to that number if you don't receive our whatsapp notifications when we go live we usually send whatsapp notifications all right if you don't receive it send a message to the whatsapp uh number and save that number in your phone all right save that number in your phone all right watch this one thing that i always say every broadcast and this is the core of every broadcast is that life is spiritual life is spiritual all right so in order to fill another key that i can give you to fill the gap of uh the current gap of leadership for this generation what can we do what can this generation do to fill the gap number one the um i won't start again or over but what we can also do is understand that life is spiritual in other words we've got to learn and adapt the principles that the old the previous generation rather applied because there are still voices of that generation alive that are still training and raising people for leadership so you don't have to reinvent the wheel leaders understand that they don't have to reinvent the wheel brothers and sisters you don't have to you don't have to reinvent nothing a lot of people for example might start a business and be like i'm going to do things differently how when you when you convince yourself that you're doing it differently somebody is doing it you just don't know that person you just don't know the person all right when you say you're doing it differently you mean you're talking about your own space but the world is bigger than you the world is bigger than your business the world is bigger than your idea all right it's good that you have faith and that you convince yourself that you have a world-changing idea that will change the world but trust me it's all about marketing now can you convince others that you have the answer will people believe you that you have the solution if you can convince them you will become wealthy very quickly all right so this is just the principle that uh that i wanted to deal with for this broadcast the leadership session on our sunday special from the enr studios [Applause] listen i'm so excited once again to be able to minister this word to you um now it's giving time we'd like to uh encourage you to become a partner uh on our our website dot org or just go to the websites uh become a partner make a decision um we are praying right now as a music place i want you to get into a mood of prayer right now get into the prayer right now as we give because i like to like you to give into a mood of prayer all right while you pray be a giver while you pray be a prayerful a giver all right all the data all the details are available at the bottom of the screen we become a gift become a supporter become a partner become somebody that attached themselves that connects themselves to something greater than themselves all right so this is something we're dealing with remember this session was about leadership and there's so much more we will continue i think at the end of the month i'm going to say something now at the end of the month of um we are now in september so october the last weekend of october probably if we won't have a physical uh surface we will be doing an online conference again with our own all right [Applause] it will probably be three or four days and then three or four days straight last week of the month uh we will be doing our online conference and then we will be dealing with this topic um and then of course we want to see and hear your testimonies all right it will be amazing and it will be hot hot topics all right hot topics all right father right now we are praying for those that are connected to this ministry right now those that are watching every guest every member every son and daughter we are praying right now for their lives for the family for solution that father i pray that every void in their lives every void in the mighty name of jesus i decree and declare right now that let there be a solution let it be a solution and an answer to the prayers let there be a solution and answer in the mighty name of jesus christ and i decree and declare that as you're connected as you're stretching your hands towards the screen i decree and declare that healing is available deliverance is available miracles are available and your testimony is secured this week i decree and declare that there is a supernatural release for your for your life for your life um right now i'm going to take a prayer request um that you have received through our anarchs and our studio number right now stay in the mood of prayer guys say the mother free right as the music plays stay in the mode of prayer get into a mode of prayer right now father i decree anywhere in the mighty name of jesus somebody that is watching right now uh we as we are receiving some of your prayer requests people to our whatsapp number uh this is why i tell you make sure you save this number because when we deal in this movement right now and deal with the spirit you can send your prayer requests to our studio all right we are praying and breaking all right we are coming against the spirit of hernia hernia hernia in the mighty name of jesus every pain in the back pain in your bones pain in your muscles let it be released in the mighty name of jesus pain in the lower back pain in the neck area pain in the neck area place your hands right now place your hands right now on the part of your body where you have pain and stretch your other hand and the mighty name of jesus i decree and declare stretch your hands towards the screen and put your other hands on the area where you have pain i decree and declare right now in the mighty name of jesus as we are live let there be an instant miracle and an instant healing right now in the mighty name of jesus touch them touch the brother touch the sister in the mighty name of jesus with your healing touch with your healing power let there be a touch of healing in jesus mighty name just secretly declare i'm healed i'm saved i'm delivered my body is healed my neck is healed my lower back is healed i command the pain to go this is how you should speak you should command the pain to go should command the pain to leave you should command the pain to dissolve you should command the pain to disappear in the mighty name of jesus it is settled it is done we are looking towards your testimonies we are walking and looking waiting upon your testimony all right love you all love you all of you all make sure you become a giver become a reoccurring partner right now people have already started to give people already started to give be perfect to give make sure you you become a giver right now during this session we are praying for everybody that is giving right now um i can see some of your names right now um we are praying for all of you that are gifting right now make a decision go online you see our best details become a supporter become somebody that gives become a giver become a partner and make sure you stay consistent when it comes to your spiritual growth love you all this was a great session on leadership a special sunday surface coming to your life from the enr studios i'm signing out love y'all [Applause] you
Channel: Sydney Delchot
Views: 1,651
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Id: f7kzyJ2s_kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 24sec (4164 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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