Ultimate Satellite Guard & Mission Completer!! | Ep 11| Nimbatus Gameplay

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greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to Ninh batter's with me laughs Rex and of course welcome to a brand new drone which is going to be hopefully an improved version of the previous video satellite idea so to begin with I am going to start from scratch because I feel like I could have done several things better and this time the main drone itself will be the satellite which is kind of weird considering the harvester drone will still be what we control manually and the satellite will still be what follows the harvester drone but this way we can reproduce the harvester drone if it ever dies it also means it's just going to be a bit easier to sort things out in terms of placements in terms of making sure everything is stable on the satellite which is likely going to be bigger than the harvester drone it's good to have the drone core which is a very stable centerpiece so let's begin then so to begin with I'm just going to essentially build the core of the satellite so it needs to be able to follow the cursor it needs to be able to stay above the planets and that's pretty much it and just stay stable all the things we did in the previous video so I'm going to cut here and be right back once we've got the core done but I have quite a few ideas would you hopefully make this way more useful than in the previous video here we are we've added lots of the resources here and what I'm going to do just here is add a single guides activates the output key if both of the input keys are not pressed 1 and 2 which is currently how this lovely sensor is following us and that will activate let's say three now three is going to be really simple it's just going to be a light it's going to be a light switch which is on the harvester drone this means because both these aren't active it's no longer following the cursor and therefore the satellite is directly above the mouse this way we can easily tell when the satellites in position without having to check the mini-map or just hope for the best this was a really good suggestion by a few people in the previous few videos in fact and yeah really simple really good it's gonna make life easier random dooms the idea right now I have this drone set so it always tries to simply run away from the mouse unless the mouse is above it which means if we have this setup on a planet it will go all the way on the planet avoiding the mouse until the mouse is in front of it in terms of all the way through the planets and then it would stay there directly opposite the other satellite which is following the mouse you could easily make a planet corer with this sort of idea just both firing directly down both on the poles of the planet just a random doomsday weapon idea you know the usual so I said I'm going to skip a lot of this but I'm not going to because honestly I have a lot of ideas going forward and I want to see if they're going to be okay so this is the core of the satellite it's going to have a section over here for some mysterious purpose and a section over here again for some mysterious purpose which hopefully will make this far more useful in general day to day stuff so what I'm going to want is the main weapon needs to be at the very center because that is where the satellite will be in regards to the mouse so I want my orbital bombardments to fire directly down so for now rather than have the missiles like we did before in terms of using the homing Rockets we're going to instead make them a little bit more energy efficient actually do we even need that we're going to make them far stronger instead and we're going to use them with the fixed section rather than rotation this means once we're in position the shots should go directly down and that's that of course once we edit them to do so let's just change the weapons we already have that'll be fine so you you're no longer using the homing Rockets instead you're using the bonus damage and the extra rocket force is nice let's do double bonus damage and we'll do that for this one as well so no longer homing Rockets now you're just going to really really hurt things seems reasonable to me okay so now when we fire so it over the mouse and I forgot just how inaccurate these rockets up we need more accuracy that's a problem because I cut a fool maybe I can't afford it can I for democracy no because it's right over here can I still afford it even this one accuracy boost to be nice darn you okay we'll go resource harvesting before we finish this thing we definitely need the bonus accuracy all we need to use a different web type I love the Rockets at the moment so I want to keep with them for the time being maybe we will need to use the homing Rockets then just make sure to keep the mouse in position that's kind of annoying that is kind of annoying but that's fine that's just time-consuming nothing else really so this section here is going to be the more difficult one for me to figure out because I just haven't done this before so essentially what I want is a magnet section which can grab from the Harvester drone the resource chunks so the harvester drone will go up to the satellite or the satellite will be brought down to the harvester which I think would be way cooler and definitely something I want to figure out and then the harvester releases the resources gathered the satellite holds it and then just goes about on its merry way like it was before until we go back to the matters in which case it can simply drop them into the harvesting section the one problem I have is I want multiple magnets but the magnets will pull on each other this means it's gonna be a bit difficult just to do it like that for a second well actually let's go ahead and use both of those well do they pull them each other hmm not majorly if they do is it because this part of the same drone I thought that's still acting on the drone oh maybe laughter eggs is because you just set up everything for the same key there we go that's the problem and looks very weird so maybe just one drone sort of in an empty section so we can add as many blocks as possible about damaging them what I want is a large radius but not too much strength this way it won't destroy everything when it grabs it this also means that this satellite can do the pick up of the bio barrel missions which would be nice if we can get this satellite and drone combo to do every mission then it's a very good drone now we're going to figure out how we can have this satellite have separate altitudes now one way we could do this is we could set the thrusters up so that they activate on a second directional sensor on its side which is also linked to the mouse this way if I press a button and then allow the output to reach the thrusters it will try to get to the mouse which means I can have it quite low down but instead of that what I want is to altitude sensors both of which are set up in a way that they require something or don't require something to get their output to the up and down thrusters that sounded way more complex than it actually is it's really simple it means we're going to set them up with a switch and then if the switch is on it's giving output that the one altitude sensor means if it's off it's not giving you output which is blocking the other one so by pressing the switch we can move the satellite to a higher orbit or a lower orbit and it's gonna look really cool but be hopefully fairly simple and again it's me learning something so the first one it's really simple we just need two of these which of course are and gates tada and tada so both of these are going to be set up with this so for hire we have seven and for lower we have six there we go and for lower we need to have the output on minus output on I believe the higher one is zero yes it is there we go now the second input is going to be the switch as it is active so actually we want this one as the standard don't we so we should use this as the bottom one instead because when we start off the switch will be inactive by default so going to swap that these two are going to be for the lower altitude instead to make things a bit easier on myself so I don't forget it and simply crash intervening batis at the start okay that should work just fine so to begin with we should go to around about the same altitude as before please ignore how rocky this thing is obviously it's not balanced yet now if I press space so that's activating the switch it will deactivate the nut gate and it will activate those two and gates now this will probably crash into the floor yeah because the altitude is weird in the test mode but that definitely works space we go back up space would go down really really simple in fact here that is way more simple than I expected huzzah we have figured out a basic problem not got a proud of myself for him I'm a special dumpling there we are a bomb production section which is only active if the switch over here is active outside gravity for a second please Thank You lovely pants and off all good I swear the next build we use we're going to use tag bindings because that will make all of this Y easier because it means we can simply split things into sections and then I don't have to use a million keys right now I'm just doing what I feel comfortable using tag will be in the next build time for a pretty simple test okay you move close to me please thank you and holds the resources although I think it's field of influence needs to be a little bit brighter there we go then we go back to the Nimbus and we release the resources into it and I can always grow up getting used to control in one thrown with the mouse is really weird okay that's pretty simple go on go up there oh no it's a little bit too high up whatever am I going to do there we go and go back up please okay like an old quick few just make sure they can't get stuck there and also I can't shoot them oh here's a question once they've been detached like that do they count as corpses no they don't I can't kill them good I'm hoping they're still okay to release their resources though I really don't know a slight transformation of the bum's they now have thrusters and a tiny little bit of fuel this way - way safer for everyone involved except for those who are actually shooting them at the one issue is if they do spawn crooked or get knocked over they will basically fly off in a random direction now we could solve that by adding more stuff to the bombs that they're linked in perhaps to the mouse controls or something like that that would make them spawn slower I think this is just about the right speed we could add more but right now I'm happy with that honestly I can't see myself using this all that much anyway just in very niche circumstances normally we have at the weapons which really needs to be more accurate a little bit in the future and I've been making some changes we still have the Rockets but now they are a secondary weapon almost completely for just killing hammerheads and the reason for this is because I completely forgot that missiles Rockets are affected by magnets which means they were never going to be as accurate as I wanted them because I want these magnets to have a very very good radius so sadly they are now designated as just hammerhead killers so to replace them we have plasma and cryogenic flamers which means we can also burn things and freeze them at will or just do this which is really really bright and even blurring my screen so have fun with that YouTube but that's going to be able to do a lot of damage they all have the bonus damage so even though they are doing - damage were being cryo and plasma they're still going to be able to kill things very fast if I so desire eventually we could replace this with the lasers once we have the extra range on them but for now just blinding light the lights have now been installed it's currently centered as you can see by the blue lights of course by my mouse pointing at it then uncentered so blue is censored and then if it's red on the right it means it's too far to the right if it's red on the left it's too far to the left therefore we know when to activate the lava good good good good amazingly this just seems like the best way to place the magnets I just made a whole section so things can fall out of it I've added the magnets on a deployable section and everything else but that just seems to work better it doesn't attract much of the original drone it can have the maximum radius maximum strength and it can hold loads of these resource sections in fact one thing I could do is have these resource sections actually attached to each other rather than be loose but I just kind of like how they look when they're all individual so less effective but a personal choice there so leaving that as it is although I do want to do is just move this up don't know why I just think I looks a bit better so let's ever think what missions are there destroy snake eggs we can do that and even if they're on a planet where the surface is difficult to break we have bombed to do that so that's good destroy the hives once again easy to do basically any of the regular destruction stuff we can do very very easily grab the metallic bio barrels we can do now that I have a magnet on the harvester we can simply pass it from one magnet to the next that's very easy to do because that's now toggled with some of the controls on the harvester what else is there oh the one which may be a problem is to freeze the volcanoes because the volcanoes will eventually respawn and when they respawn they're still hot well they don't respawn but they will eventually spurt more lava into the atmosphere and that heats them back up again so we need us a constant source of cold which means we need to be able to drop frost bombs that's really annoying but I do want to understand alight so I will go ahead and do that that there is a frost bomb and it does have a logic splitter so it won't interact with other frost bombs let's make sure that works yes it does on the other side we have the opposite which is a heat bump and then of course in the center we have our bomb bombs lovely and I've even now set it up so I can activate those on a single or a continuous so if I hold down that this should now be continuous so as soon as the center factor is ready it will now drop another bomb yet there we go but the other two are only manual because honestly I can't see myself wanting to spam them everywhere lovely all is well and good in the universe come with me I just wanna see how bad this can get just gonna go over here no reason everything's fine in fact it's rather chill out yep double magnets not good so unless I am completely forgetting something that should be every single mission type able to be completed with this one drone should I can't think of anything else we're going to have problems with but maybe we'll find out that soon enough already seeing some problems with the magnet to be honest so and not really major problems as more nuisances okay I'm going to do some editing try to make it a little bit better now we have all the basic stuff in place and then we'll go and complete submissions maybe get closer to ending this galaxy oh yeah I've definitely connected something's wrong okay I'll be right back just making sure everything works as intended I've just looked at the time and realized this has taken me why way longer than I thought it did even though it's quite simple I am very slow when it comes to building stuff like this so instead of perfecting it we're just going to go out and do submissions let's see if we can complete submissions and prove that we can actually use this for its desired purpose after which I can do some improvements in the next episode maybe the episode afterwards I don't know because I still need to get more weapons on the upside this is a harvester drone so that's good as well let us go out and complete as many missions as possible using the new drone so destroy hive sure that seems like a thing this can do new drone to the rescue now what I call this companion craft satellite craft Bob Bob with reverse capital's excellent okay so we are now above the target and thus excellent or I could go ahead and use the Rockets which are far more accurate at destroying specific enemies but once again let's go up of the target and there we are the light of the heavens oh there's a problem because of the curvature of the planet this is going to be shot at an angle so I need to make its higher orbit a little bit lower so it's a bit more in line with my drone or where I'm thinking it's aiming okay let's lower it so let's go to the lower orbit anyway you can see on the mini-map it should now be going down yes it is way too low because of course this is originally oh hello for accepting new parts like some new parts accepting the resource in fact yeah that's too low anyway even for that so a few minor changes then going to lower its high orbit and increase its low orbit yeah higher orbit is lower lower orbit is higher and that works just fine okay back to the regular tests that looks very cool just ignore me as I freeze your friends to death so one thing to note is that this planet is absolutely tiny and that is making the whole curvature problem why worse on more normal sized planets this would be nowhere near so much of an issue hello there you go and now we have our resource safe so if our harvester drone dies it doesn't even matter we can just keep on making new ones and every time we get any resource we just throw it onto the satellite and if I'm lazing don't want to move all the way up there I just press spacebar and the drone comes down to us the satellite comes down to us okay if I say drone I mean the harvester if I say satellite I mean the satellite okay okay why for it okay I'm now above the enemy and so let's burn it goodbye and goodbye care man or even die already thank you same goes for you fellows anything over there of any real dangers I mess up my controls on my drone doesn't seem like it just you guys let's find some more resource that I want to see if I can definitely get back with all this resource and not have any major issues oh there is an enemy so let's stop over to the Rockets oh good now this is interesting and potentially a bug in the game so right now I am unable to harvest anything even if I do that and then replenish I cannot harvest it seems like once you've released these you can no longer make new ones which are able to collect the resources that cannot be intentional well that's really annoying it's fine it just means that the resource drone is all the storage we have again it's fine I still need that magnet section to complete the bio barrel mission but okay the end that is really annoying actually really annoying indeed should use rockets that's why I'm often and blinding well at least dropping the resources works still though I am quite disappointed that this doesn't work I can't see why it wouldn't work this is attached to this it's all attached to the harvesters yeah there isn't any reason why that shouldn't be able to harvest right now I will reload the game and see if that changes it but I doubt it well so this works then I release these create new ones nope I think I may know a way around this it's a bit of a silly way but if it works it means all of that work on the magnet section and the resource section isn't going to simply go to waste so I wonder if we add these resource collectors to this so now all of this is just one entity probably not the most stable entity but an entity nonetheless will that be able to collect resource after it's created I can't see why it wouldn't be fair I can't see why this doesn't work anyway but if that works that it's fine it just means we're going to have to hold these resource collectors with the magnet as well which isn't too much of an issue it's more of a nuisance definitely moving back to rockets in the future although I do still love this just the doom beam as well I think I'll have both but I'm definitely going to add more rockets anyway let's see if this works so a quick test so yeah obviously that works now we remove the Hat we had a new one and it works huzzah ok so there is no problem then because these harvesters at the top are attached to these sections it means even when they respawn everything is fine lovely good good good so now we just go back to our main drone apparently is a little bit of land right there which is very annoying in fact we'll bring the drone to us it should now be coming but yep it definitely is if we look over at the mini-map hello lovely and now go back into space perfect still a bit weird looking at the moment still could be a bit more structurally sound but I think this is clearly shown we can use this as the resource harvester and we have done I destroy hives mission very easily so with that we need to move on to something else okay so all a to now is let go of the resource about here I think move over and that should happily fall into there perfect yep and I got the resource excellent excellent excellent all is well and good and now let's move on to a brand new world so I think the only two ways stilling to prove it with are the hammer head and bio barrel missions actually no not that hammered because once again that's just destroyed with missiles we have missiles what we need to do is the freeze the volcano mission and the bio power mission let's go do that if we can do those two proof of concept completely proven we can make it better as we move on destroy the Hana head at the core well that was the easiest mission ever so the drone can definitely do that and we even used the whole difference and altitude thing so now you go back into the atmosphere is it worth harvesting here it's a very dangerous planet is that like a hand reaching upwards or something to be like a plant what is it both maybe it's both oh cool not much in the way of resource although I do love these low air resistance world's makes you feel so much quicker Oh everything's fire in this place oh hello blue I'll be quickly accepting all of this thank you very much and then I'm going out of here destroy hammer heads okay so a nice basic mission here oh hello what are you for science I'm going to poke you oh oh you're gonna poke me you see he trying to heat me up or what are you you look at mini hammerhead that's the combat music but this doesn't really feel like combat I don't know what you are meant to do but you are adorable are you just trying to annoy me because if so you're doing a terrible job you're just far too cute Oh actual hammerhead you on the other hand need to go bye-bye oh no resource I'm so sorry Oh enemies good well done satellite ok you are king you are now officially getting annoying adorably annoying but annoying there we are ham heads are dead and so is that oh that's annoying as well somebody annoying things guys stop I can hardly move stop being friendly be hostile killing you feels wrong so I'm just going to leave you here yep I'm gonna stuck you know what there's no need to kill this transmitter please just stop stop loving me okay guys really getting annoying now Oh hammer head I can't move I am actually stuck right now stop it you adorable little things no you are going to get me killed freedom haha okay there you go you can follow me but could you please stop with that oh no I do not want to bring you to the satellite if you do this the satellite that could be terrible um I need to give the satellite these okay let's run you around a little bit okay now grab that please just grab it off me darn it you are making everything so much more irritating okay satellite go down and grab that thank you okay now go back up problem is I can't spawn in my new hat now again that looks odd oh don't kill the cute things apparently we hit the cute things and they can now do this which is also heating themselves up well any one thing for it all they do not like this at like doing that well there goes my harvest drone thankfully I can let's do this so cute things are actually quite deadly and apparently can shoot fireballs I don't even know when I accidentally hit them to be perfectly honest I don't even know if I actually did attack them accent okay you guys friendly okay you follow me hopefully I won't need to use weapons and then we can decide if it's hitting you which makes you attack us or if it's just on a timer cuz I don't know I'm very curious to find out lovely are there are so many of you you're not gonna make this easy on me on you just been flying around in circles for a while seems like is definitely being attacked or at least it's definitely not on a timer so let's attack them as horrible as it is yet and instantly fire balls which apparently can be destroyed by a rockets that's good to know I currently have one bio barrel being held which means right now the Rockets are off the table because otherwise they will be attracted to the magnets and thus destroyed the bio barrel I'm holding so now you too lovely now for the final test mission collect bio barrels sadly on a high gravity high air resistance world because why not okay skip above there let go of you activate you and always well might need to slightly reduce the strength of that magnet I can see that being destroyed and now we have those attached it's better oh it's better now that we don't use the rockets and instead just the doom laser which is made of flame okay go away over here please wait for the lights to switch to blue there we go lovely and Acuras no damage done everything is fine and that makes two this may melt the video on youtube but there's something so glorious about that beam of death definitely keeping the fly Emma's still making more Rockets but definitely keeping in the fly Emma's they barrels down here nope just rocks oh hello lovely let's grab the last one and go back to the inin batis ad job here is done and I may as well hold on to this one so this is me from the future I've just realized something a little bit odd for some reason I turned off my recording software before I put the barrels into the harvesting section so to avoid confusion and just to show that this does work I'm going to quickly do that again let's grab those thank you very much let's go back on over to the resource section and drop these off no idea why I did that but apparently past me was very very tired now yeah move on over here and dropping now oh well I'm good so I've just returned the barrels all was well except the fact I dropped the barrel too early twice but I would like to see something are these worth anything over at the resource storage okay go in lad and and and oh yeah a little bit of yellow don't know if the other two went up as well but they are actually worth a tiny tiny little bit so with that I think we've proven the concept without a doubt is a good one it definitely needs some refinements but as a basic premise this thing definitely definitely works and of course we can always use these on the planets which the the land is a bit too difficult to dig through which is also incredibly fun so what do I need to change then what immediate things am i thinking of well first of all I think what would be good is to slightly reduce the power of the magnet that would make the bio Bower one a bit easier I think going back to a lot more Rockets would be good we don't need it to be as big as it is so maybe scaling back and making it a bit more structurally sound that would be pretty good as well outside of that all the other changes I think adjust to the harvesting drone just make it more independent and lasers perhaps some very basic weaponry basic shielding that means essentially this will act as unlimited lives for the harvester drone and the harvester drone can do all the all the smaller jobs without relying on orbital bombardments which admittedly is still very fun but that means it's an alternative not a lack of choice so as it's becoming blindingly obvious that my mental processes are slowing down to the point where I can hardly think I'm afraid I really am all out of time for today's episode if you have enjoyed then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that Nimbus is a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode we will most likely be going to the next Aleksey and renovating this drone making it significantly better so thank you so so much for watching and goodbye this is just weird [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 90,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PSSeRz7gD_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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