Nikes! Jordans! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! And more shoes I bought an abandoned storage locker

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so this one happy it's not I bought this time we bought this so what do we buy something that I cannot resist bar no matter what I felt like this unit had to go to either him or me regardless of the price and you know why I'm gonna tell you why you know who I am you know what I'm about you know what I like why fighter when we can split oh we've been rolling yeah alright let's open some boxes Mike you know just do it empty just did it Oh maybe you should keep opening boxes hello that's the co b8 system these right here are nice are the stuff when you go to the lake yeah I like those on oh yeah then we have a pair of doctor now we're know rose Nike flight trainers each purple people eaters 20 30 bucks say that three times fast 20 30 bucks Nike Zoom system well this box is heavy is it shoes oh it's not the sheet older she still Nikes still a couple dollars but I don't think that's the same shoe for the box yeah that's a look like it but those are good too all this is literally money down here oh those are fancy my personnel sock challenge those are a little different than ever seen us I mean these were these personally I'd never wear a LeBron James then the other one says LeBron okay I never seen those LeBron Jameses have you on the boxes zoom that means that it's not even the little boy it's something that's not the right box for their Clarks Clark's we need you 20 bucks Macy's a good story I bought a unitary date through the head making stickers oh those are dope adidas look at that is it well those are like the old-school feel is there Kobe's number eight right Kobe Bryant did he do adidas cuz he wouldn't do is making you can't do both was he trying to think do is crazy 97 basketball basketball I don't think this is the right box to these lot of these are just in in the box Nike Dunk high supreme that's good that's a high-top Nike green clap look the colors are nice quick wipe-down should get a little cracking like the coloration on this they call that uh cement almost like you try to make like cement those are nice yeah don't say next there how's it all fall on this ready sorry it's it what is it in the shoe what is it I don't I don't there's gloves down there okay you touch it do not throw it this way what is it oh my gosh whose socks oh it's a skin thick gloves yeah that's weird that's what he was that a Coachella he walks this is furry friend so you want to do one more than a boxer sure why not oh where are those this this is a picture of soda bottle see that can you make that out um barely those are neat they paid total payment $96 cool if we got a hundred bucks for these pair of shoes that's 8,000 bucks yeah I doubt if you'll get a hunter you might have a doubt like maybe 80 I think he wants to maybe yeah maybe you had the big shoes because when you try your shoes on right let me grab a box which one Mike I want to see this one here what is that that's a good one I do too let's set it right here and it's light oh you guys don't know what that is that's a check no I know that I bet you this into check there I bet you this is a bill you know how they get you Frank ooh holy crap galore I smell so dipping this is not a check this is this is a bill sorry guy open your mouth no that's a crime but I have to give it back to anywhere oh nice okay you really had to smell it first you do a little bit huh that's a good brand quick so I was gonna like that hands that's all the help let's see these are just rows of hats look watch a whole nother row of all hats good ones we're gonna give five or ten bucks with these all we had for sure for sure for surely the Warriors the city side bill doesn't say that's a nice one Oh Giants mm-hmm got like these shoes enhancer look at then huh that matches his dem shoes that had a little semen on the bottom okay I had to have for every pair of shoes probably nice holy crap he was a um is that very dressy man no no the good she has hats like that no that's not even nice I like that one angels me at me person that's a nice hat are you angels hand these are all nice hats they're good shape a real good shape Wow ten bucks maybe let me take that one let's see we're not here oh what's that but nice books as it will have to Blackhawks sucks can I go now you know these are just a little dusty I think from sitting that Pittsburgh Pirates had to go which ones that the one that you just touched I like the way that looks good yeah it's got the old school maybe she did that one no no you don't want to dim them feel it why did you have to was he going to funerals I hope people know where they're at when happy to look for you yeah people got a state that we know where you're at maybe that was like for security yeah my hands are full now unless I juggle a B mm-hmm I am you almost got the alphabets keyboard New York New York we should burn that one in this in the video too baby Jesus I think we should - that is a pretty cool box Mike yeah I think so I'm probably about this for you let's go write faster ready let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine thirty one two three four five six seven eight nine well this one didn't count nine oops forty I'm gonna say we have about 50 half what is 50 times five fifty now it's 250 if we get five bucks a head that's 250 bucks right there in hex that would be nice that would be real nice but I think the few those hats might even be ten so the ID a bird should yeah awesome cut to the next scene it's like literally a wall of shoes and these shoes just keep coming and coming and coming and coming oh those are nice Jordan Jordan mix they're like a team Jordan I think but those are real I think Michael like that color what allows Mike those are pretty oh sorry I would rock this with those that are gonna be a good sale for us to be look at the bottom the bottom just take them if you want them you never know if we could have saw them or not we need money what we got here come on baby let this back half be the best half we see no they these are newer they're not super nor but they're newer but these were a little expensive when they came out I had a pair the base thank you thank ya there I had the uh I think green in another color there goes a receipt right here they paid 162 wow they must about these when they first came out oh no he bought something else with him there were 135 135 is expensive for that we'll probably get about 60 bucks for that's not that bad yeah to that high high price pay those are all right these are skating shoes they got the picnic material on the inside look at that I'm gonna say that's about 50 bucks I was nodoz the picnics what are they paid for but they probably were on sale cuz yeah the other sticking right here those are fresh because I never seen them cuz I never seen them that makes them French people here we go oh nice Katie spider-man these Katie's hyper hyper dose but they do look like spider-man they do they look like the Katie's for some reason they should pay me to 140 for them but he probably got him on sale alright we're getting into some good shoes now we've been waiting for this stack to get good not bad for a cheese you know like a picture where knows one who's that oh my Oh got him they got a match look at this it's not a see that's why you that's what he put the wrong term ometer in your mouth he just grabbed it and put it on his head this goes around the shoe it's the strap it goes right here hey but that does look like super oh yeah i'ma put right down my video a little scene where the Dingles objects I like that scene nice we're getting there Nike ooh outer spaces they got a Celeste you 95 dollars can you imagine if we get retail for every single pair of shoes how much money we're gonna have much retail there's probably what like like 120 retail yeah Nike Air Max 90 oh you know what we might be able to get about retail for something like this because they release stuff like this oh and they sell out super quick and then that's how people make money on the internet where they go by their Jordans for 120 within a turn around 70 money internet cuz ain't gotta know more so they go for dang their triple that price 10 grand retailing shoes oh man title really nice those are nice and they're leather if those were your size I would T to do them I like the sound a little worn on the back but they're nice they're like the ones a lot of people like the ones with a lot those one rank will like the ones a lot I think that I met you when you buy things they were at least two hundred and seven dollars I can see someone's coming up here I'm coming elevators which means that they're gonna come up to the only one we're blocking what's this hiccup hiccup pool Oh Reba does her drug shoes the brand with the three stripes dye watermark me damn three dumped and oh that's in Spanish I won't be trying to read it in tennis friends in French like some super exclusive those shoes no but I don't really know stuff like that see you gots the different sizes to Samba Samba I am your father some box I want to open right here Mike and then I'm gonna take a break it's right here that's what I love that symbol that symbol is awesome it says Jordan Spike Lee I had a pair of Spike Lee's Jordan Spike Lee let's see these are pretty nice they're not too expensive but they're a little a little pricey you see that in the back it's mr. Spike Lee any other one should have like a number on the back I had these I had the Marvin Marvin the marshal ones like this so dope that's a good 80 bucks right there maybe maybe maybe not but for now let's take a break it's the whole video literally just shoes this whole video yeah I'm nothing but shoes baby the shootings where it watch this watch this it's magical watch shoe man just like that they disappeared call me Al Bundy coming up this I got one shorty oh very light that's skating for the cold you inside of the shoes still still worth money someone paid 70 bucks he was at one point we're gonna sell it man gonna pay 20 20 bucks those are a I bet you those are expensive you can do the jungles wanna lift these up right now I can't you got your phone right yeah 149 is Shu cons no there's Nike zooms I had a pair of these a Wow walk back but they solve it he's like the most expensive shoes like my mom ever bought me when I was littler and she didn't buy me no shoes for like at least like six months because I got them shoes she paid one hundred and twenty bucks acting for him there are my favorite shoes to Nani shoutout to my mom about your mom the blue ones no that's nothing night here foam composite so those are foam these are zooms type in nike zoom hyper flight paper plane that wants to PRM those are nice that's crazy what would you wear with those probably wear everything everything or nothing I'll just walk around just the shoes oh wow all right well Mike Mike finds those let's continue to do so good you want to write here pre-owned 78 sole I think those are slightly used they had those at Burlington area shoe man walk around all day if you look in them and there's like a dolphin swimming know where you got a wink one I likey up another pair of runners 20 bucks oh oh I see Jordan boxes I see Jordan boxes size 11 what are they Air Jordan 1 retro hi the ones what color are their color Oh golden black well I personally like the one real nice what's the black on the bottom all those are nice but those are really nice that's it that's that's at least like 150 no way yeah maybe not these ones do you think the regular these are the exclusive like like the exclusives goes well these are like probably like 70 80 bucks the only paid they only paid two hundred and twenty eight dollars for gonna come at Air Jordan 1 retro high mountain 220 bucks why is the box a 130 what they paid 220 can I see did he buy two pairs probably does everywhere you're looking it up right now yeah let's see what you got going on let me see the barcode you're gonna scan it oh wow look at that fanciness look at that fancy why isn't any of my I don't know maybe it's not working just type it in no know what I mean to have my typing in while we while we continue to record my clip goes up for the camera ready so so what if you put this video you're gonna be a you know your viewers are gonna be very interested well then they better figure something out yeah yeah I don't mean like figure something out like never far being first about like maybe we could put a couple percent or maybe much anything oh oh these are oh right here you know what's cool about them that they're expensive if they lose colors they're expensive to our guarantee is gonna have to be like 80 bucks if the market wasn't doing so bad parking a car good money for all these at the market here's those one shoes it's not the same one if you look retro high black and white I said your average is like 60 to 80 this looks like a lot like the next year they have the crimson color but open it one more bike here we go Jordan oh man had a lot of shoes those are nice these are the 11th 12 Jordan 12 those are nice those are real nice this guy loved his shoes this guy loved his shoes like I love my wife no you might kiss you right now listen whatever Katie Mike won't open the Katie buddies with it alright Wow Oh what is that cranberry looks like you got almost where get away with these like on a very exclusive event just was that burgundy looks so proper those are nice man cut for now don't work that way it is back nice very nice the North Face good backpack with ooh a fanny pack might go very much any will hold up the bat know what's in there a marker a pen pretty cool plastic bag done here Oh warrior stuff wore your beanie put that on in here you're gonna sweat that's it the whole box some deodorant maybe a little bag of something see that it's an ice pack go north it is an ice pack 20 wait there's more nothing special you see T people love their Co one backpack then another backpack with a backpack this is empty pretty nice little backpack though is that real don't mind tactical gear necessary nothing special I made me dizzy let's open this box you ready one smoke three just open and the guys closed we can see how big the guy was finally how big were you guys when you're my size clothes oh you're not my size clothes were you wearing high-end clothes USA basketball that shows it right there we need to do is look up to his mail and see we got his name USA basketball what a few buddies play basketball for the for the troops oh look at that Mike that's nice that's real nice Brandon that is a expensive looking brain divided New York City you see that that's nice mm-hmm that's real nice average little sweater throwback starter look at oh wow that's a real throwback there's a yeah I haven't seen that in a while the most absolute dignity gets meat anyway yes boom that's kind of cool oh this reminds me of uh when I see this I don't know why but I think of Back to the Future Marty McFly's oh yeah which resent me I thought this is what he wore in his polo though nice jacket Colo and I if I was a posture I would definitely be putting these on pause that's just a Berkeley maybe my training forearm that's his name Josh you think he played for any college that's not us a track and field that's nice was it some type of athlete that's why he has a very minimal amount of stuff because he was just on the go what did he know I feel bad what what if he's like playing for our country and doing good and stuff and he lost his thing on accident or something maybe he's obviously even his car laughs or something right you know what maybe we should do a little research before we get rid of any of this stuff we've said because you know most time it's 240 people you can put it back in it we're just people paper now let's go all right bag one of the only bags boom I hope the other ones in here but these are nice I love these on top of your you know what happened to my 500 shoes you don't happen to money what fourth of July of fusing across it burnt my whole shoe it was horrible sad I was really sad I almost started crying the next morning almost stealing Christ we gotta find the pairs to these okay they're just blue shoes oh look at that all right Kobe's there Vance there Vance it look like a futuristic car huh yeah what was he thinking price fit like five kids design it China Michael my couple car seats Oh boom one more that means that's a full pair you wear those to the coming the other Jordan boom boom we found the other one right here there it is there it is there it is there it is people think I'm really weird the way they feel against your ankle that has to be the ugliest you ever made yours are like dress shoes and bowling shoes yeah and then the classic core test wow that's crazy but with that again that the unit is done that's all the shoes you've seen all the other little stuff that would happen to be a really really really really really good buy a little expensive but if we grind it out honestly I think there's a little bit of profit to be made but that's we're in this business for the gamble and I love shoes it's crazy I love shoes you guys didn't even see all the shoes in this video there's at least 30 boxes that I didn't even open my good friend right here open them up and if you want to go to his channel you can peep out the rest of them shoes it's all up to you it's all what you want to do cuz why we do this for the people like I said think I should be in here I appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it you gotta say Mike thanks for watching this video thanks for subscribing to Alex's channel blowing this man up congratulations to him for hitting 40 thousand subs and uh stay tuned because him now bopi put forty two thousand so lots more coming the rest of this year yeah thank you all thank you little mama hug yeah
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 489,811
Rating: 4.6702886 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: NC1bATSbxvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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