GUNS Found In Storage Unit! You Won't Believe What Else Was In Here! Guns Found In Storage!

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oh what is that what do you see what i see [Music] hey today we got us a storage unit that's 45 minutes away but it looks like the guy left his entire collection of something in there that could be worth a lot of money and i think we got it for a really good price fingers crossed we make a lot let's get on the road let's go get it [Music] so we just got here guys at our storage unit right here we only paid 110 dollars for this one and really i came up because i saw what looked like a nice whole collection sitting in a crate right at the front of the door let's hope we make a lot of money let's get into it all right guys one thing we didn't realize when we bought this is this facility is right next to the water so the wind is kind of bad here if the audio sounds messed up we're trying the best we can out here it's pretty bad let's get into the unit let's get the first box off the top here and that's not a good feeling you know what that feels like that feels like empty cardboard that's never a good sign but this one's got a little something let's see what that little something is what is this junk you see what i've seen yep that's junk that's what it is hey you don't know that you don't know that hey would you consider burger king pepper junk i don't think so what about um whatever those are towelettes is that junk that guy right there looks like an identity for sure what guy this guy on this paper oh 100 percent i never said that guy 100 stole your id at the bank yeah but yeah that box is junk that's more empty cardboard not a good sign the only good thing i always say with that is recycling is free here so at least i'm gonna pay to dump it that's a smashed something let's see what this is oh that's got more weight than i thought it did to it um this what is that any idea no it's a vat let's just call it that in this bag we got your guide to latin produce pies um a bunch of weird books and cookbooks and things like that like this do-it-yourself house building all right so this is all books which is pretty much also just recycling because we can't even sell them half the time for four or five for a dollar we can't even get that for them they're usually recycling or donation usually loaf pan what do you think's in this suit uh oh fancied man fancy man of suit made in italy you see that that's always a good thing that usually means expensive the brand is veto anyone knows suits vito ruffalo that just sounds it's so italian right there anyone else that's a good brand make sure you let us know down in the comments let's see what that is oh look at that state series quarters 1999 to 2008 you think they're in there yes oh what are these they have little things and then you pluck out and put the quarter in oh yeah dang it that sucks no quote not one quarter every single one of them is gone that's the bs hey look you guys ever want to know how to use windows xp it was 19.99 you'd be set right now we also got this bag which looks like oh this is junk did we get another manager special disguise of the lean unit i hope not but this is all junk this is nasty beef jerky this is straight trash let's see what's in ooh this box it looks like more of the same stuff as the other box a lot of like cookbooks and do-it-yourself books national grants and just some very random look now you got my interest do you have any of those in your units sir pretty please but this is all magazines let's look at some of these clothes disgusting disgusting what is this jacket maybe something a tello pele you know what that is right yeah what is that i don't know you just said you did which one is it i don't know i don't know what throw it aside oh more empty cardboard my favorite what is this right here oh i still haven't figured it out it's a dog's house i think all right let's see what's in here oh we have it you hit the mic sorry it's okay mike here's some another book what is that midnight special cigarette tobacco but it's a look so it's actually in there it's a bunch of nails for a nail gun okay i don't know if you smoke nails i don't think that would be healthy yeah um what is this there's something in here that i can't quite get out so i ripped the box up and it looks like it's a a rocket grill maybe something real sideways in there look at that looks like there's like grill plates in here oh you just throw steak in there i have no idea i've never seen anything like that in my life ever what is this giant bag here what do you think's in there that's like one of those suit carrier things oh that would suck let's see if i can open it up maybe there's money that would be nice but the brand is what sharper image it's a nice bag look at the inside i don't know what it's for though it doesn't look like it's a suit because it's oh is this unbuckled and it goes along that might be what it is it's probably unbuckled now it looks like that but there's actually it feels like there's something in it right here maybe in this zipper nothing and this one nothing i guess it's just the way the bag's made but that's a nice bag that could be worth something too let's see what's in the binder here where's it open at oh actual binder stuff it's supposed to be like collector card or something interesting that's just school stuff that's one of the good binders you wanted when you're in school exactly they are look what i oh yes guys look lost treasure i found lost treasure metal detecting for like civil war bullets and stuff cool there it is what is this all-star reader yes i'm a good reader is that just a knife in there with the books oh sweet you're wrestling now that's called a tetanus shot checker yes and what else do we got in here let's see if you need a tetanus shot yep basically let's see some more records here this is one of the other reasons i bought the unit usually someone that has records doesn't just have a few they usually have a lot records are one of those things people collect let's see if there's anyone anyone's heard of smothers brothers smothers brothers jp morgan that's signed looks like it doesn't it yeah but i never heard of these people have you heard of any of these not so far less blue there that one this one that one this one this one see shanty oh my god as a runescape player that should mean a lot to you look at that's got a lot of things in there and this one is new sympathy orchestra conducted by joseph cripps all right so some random records in there but that's a good sign there could be more records buried under this stuff we also got quite a few of these milk crates we usually get like two dollars for these so they're not nothing too big but they're there they're the baseball hat the a's they suck there's north bay awards and then hawaii what is that i want somebody to pronounce that please right now um [Applause] there you go i got it if you pronounced it right tell us in the comments look at this it's like a longer milk crate all right we're getting down to the big crater record which is the only reason like i said we've been on the unit to begin with so a broken basket great i love broken baskets so let me get this stuff out the way and get those records out let's see if we got something in there to wear something so the records are stuck underneath the doghouse so we're gonna get this out first oh [ __ ] off top where's the bottom that's just the top what the heck is the bottom in there is it you tell me is this the bottom take this out i don't know how do we keep going if i had to guess i'd say that one cold oh what is that what do you see what i see no way hey baby what is this this is oh 35 shot repeater to daisy it's a bb gun nova it's a lot it's stuck is there safety on this let's see the safety's stuck that's what it is look up there it is here we go yeah it's a freaking repeating bb gun there we go i think it has a bullet in it i'm gonna move but go ahead it won't fire oh that thing is old but let's keep cool we'll clean that up i think there's another one hey that one definitely does oh it's one of these pump ones too pop up then fire oh look hold on let's see nope no fire is it got to be cockroach is it already i'm going to try this guys all right there it is oh two guns in one unit that's what i'm talking about let's see what's in this black bag oh yeah see that's what i was hoping for you see that that whole box is records the whole thing this is just a bag of literal trash isn't it okay well they did our work for us anything in them i mean we'll still go through this because very unlikely but it's always possible that you can find money or something in people's paperwork it's happened to us before very unlike i think one in probably 200 but that 1-200 is possible let's see what's behind the cat tower that thing it looks like one point like a cutting board i don't know some more cardboard you never get enough of that vintage cardboard you just gotta love it gotta love it uh what's in here oh god i know what i think it is i don't know what that is that doesn't look like it was gonna be you know that yeah but i don't think it is and you got some weird stuff in here what is that thing a smoke grabber is this what you used to smoke in the house and yeah what is that is that an answering machine i don't know i don't want sure it looks like an answering machine to me to be honest with you what is this excuse me sir what are you wrapping up in this exactly huh papers to wrap up cigarettes i'm sure they're wrapping up cigarettes got a few little panties cooking pans and whatnot that was louder than i thought it was going to be another empty box why is there so many empty boxes let's see what's in this bag this is trash too looks like it as of now but again like i said before now look there's like some cassettes in here what's in this that sounds shady open what the heck they glued it shut oh look see that's why we're gonna go through and check all these we'll let you know in a recap because these bags could contain who knows what guys you don't even know cigarette old cigarette boxes and stuff there could be a gun hidden in here you never know so again we'll look at these in more detail when we get home and show you in a recap so we got a nice radio here we actually sold a few of these at our yard sale for like five bucks a piece so people still buy them hey like one of these good flashlights so you can be the annoying guy at the storage auction that blinds everybody else and feel like a professional uh oh look desert storm support them but it feels like one of those hats you get like the beach that they make super cheaply for you on the boardwalk so i don't think that's a real veterans thing check that out oh look at that what is that okay feels light though dakota oh there was a drill but it's not there shady what is this it's the cable locks well it was a vhs player but look at it it's missing the freaking front cover some of these are still worth money i don't know if that's gonna be worth it because it's busted but some vhs are worth good money on ebay so some more empty it looks like maybe the half of the other one i was like what is that for a blue crate here and we got some boxes let's see what's in this one actually the printer like it says it looks like it is what is that an old computer monitor that's pretty old and it looks like that is actually going to be exactly what they said it is on the box or that the pc looks like a pc that's the piece of kit look at that it's a dell it's going to be super old i bet you windows xp that's why they had that book so we'll get baby jesus like to play with me as we get them on let's see what kind of stuff they had going on so in this corner it looks like we have a really rusty old saw but made in the usa so it probably still works this looks like you know what this looks like to me like all the cartoons the olden day cartoons and they bring you like your fancy dip dinner on the plate what uh it looks like a little mini grill it's got its own stand and everything and this thing i don't know what it is it looks like cake pans or loaf pans take us what they are probably bread you said loaf fans of some sort so some kind of little pants too in a pack but they look brand new so we also got this weird pump pose thingy look it has this it has like compression so i guess you just use your foot to pump something up you don't have an electric one for whatever reason in 2020 but this stuff looks like it's been here for a while so this maybe was new technology back then you never know i think that our cats dd and dexter might be happy with this fine if we decide to keep it but look at that and surprisingly enough it doesn't smell a lot of times when people store cat towers they just they pay too much money for their cats peed on it it stinks they put in stores because they don't want to throw it away this one has no stench to it even though it's been in here for who knows how long so we might keep this for a little while let them play on it [Music] all right let's get the first crate of records right up here all right let's see what kind of records we got in here actually there anything good or not are they in there bridges this is just a sleeve this is just a sleeve oh stop playing with me guys there's no records in these these are all sleeves oh my gosh this one have a record in it hey we got one of the record i think no oh yeah we do we got one that was a record so i have to go through them yeah like let me see it hold on see that has a record too they might just be you know what i mean it might just not look like it let's just take it out and look no look that does have a record in it huh we're just wrong i'm just stupid it's before my times okay so what's the same with that one it does it's just they're still in the paper see i just see the paper and i assume the record wasn't in there because it was just paper but they're still in there so let's look at all these people in here see if i recognize anybody you know that is jamal weighs jabal eddie henderson never heard of anybody so far no idea what about this one oh it's the same thing that's what but i'm not seeing anybody i've ever heard of but then again like i said i was born in 1994 so i don't expect to know many artists on records you know any of these are yet nope i'm basically looking for like a michael jackson an elvis or uh you know just somebody that's big name that everyone knows through the generations even if they want to lie for it because i don't know any of these people are not one yet nope okay so if any of you guys out there know if any of these artists are valuable or worth any stevie wonder i got one i heard there's one but that's it because there's not very many well-known people that i know of but again like i said do you guys know of any of these people that's inappropriate let us know in the comments let's check this box of records to see if there's anyone more recognizable to a young person like me let's all sing powerhouse i had no idea lester something that one oh that one's busted i feel like i'm gonna get arrested in the comments like you don't know who an artist was in a genre of music you don't listen to 20 years before you were born what's wrong with you it's like the autograph unit yeah like it's country you don't know who they are no i don't listen to that and i wasn't alive uh so again it looks like it's gonna be more of people i don't know who it is i'm wasting my time going through it again you guys that collect these or is that stunned i think it's just the way it is you guys collect these let us know if you've ever heard of any of them all right let's get into this box and see what we've got too well this looks like rain man fish called wanda okay you guys know what that is right just like you know what bambi roger rabbit is there's a bambi i think they spaced it look they spaced bam and buy that's why i didn't rate it as bamboo it's like damn space five it's like this is bambi's alternative lifestyle family and then we got this looks like a bunch of cables we always have somebody that wants to buy our box of cables so you know what i'm not mad at that it's like five bucks easy right there let's see what's in this last box we have here that looks like the base of a chair we don't have yes and this looks like more freaking car look at that it's all cardboard it's oh it's a cardboard box full of cardboard boxes there you go that's just lovely we also got in the corner here check that out i think it's ironic we keep finding these now because like i said when we were in virginia we kept trying to buy fishing poles at every store possible nobody had one in stock and now it's two units in a row or three i don't remember where this fishing pole is and there's also what's in here this is heavy oh nothing what is that metal pole yeah i thought that was gonna be a casing for something this looks like fishing around without the reel yeah last thing is dumpster diver grabber all right we got this table and you know what this is a false drawer which is kind of annoying we have one more box under there but we're gonna have to get this table out the way first and let's see what's in the last box of the unit all right so we got the table out the way last box of the unit what are these what the heck is that touch it i don't know it's a fungus no it's like fabric there's a whole box of these fabrics what are they i've never seen anything like this in my life it looks like carpet almost doesn't it yeah it comes out though it's a whole box of look it goes all over the bottom you got black green stitching pink that's very random just more sewing stuff oh this stuff that's what it is isn't it is this in here this is kind of in there look hook it crochet this looks old this one's still sealed check that out we always got people asking about sewing stuff yeah oh look i did latch hook like when i did it yeah i had never tried it besides like one time i didn't know they came like that that's cool but i remember the little mats like the little mesh looking mats this is more the same yeah more crochet stuff and another one that's brand new still sealed in the plastic this could be vintage and worth money i have no idea until we go home and look it up but you do which way we always have people interested in selling stuff so you know what even though there's a lot of trash in it i'm okay with this unit we only paid 110 bucks we got some cool guns we got some selling stuff we got a lot of records to go through i'm all right with this let's get it cleaned up let's get in the van let's go do a recap [Music] so look at this we thought this is just a table right we gotta load it and it feels way too heavy to be a table check that out that is a sewing machine table i had no idea let's see if we can get it to open the right way [Music] look at that nice i literally thought that was just a table how does it come up like this check that out i had no idea i was literally just about to load and i picked it up i'm like yo that is not a table there's something else in there that is insane [Music] okay little side note we're recording right over there as you guys know you guys saw all that and david a wonderful subscriber here is cleaning out this beautiful unit now he hopes that all the good stuff's in the back right now he's gone through food but say what you got more food and more food please people i beg if you don't pack crates with giant bottles of wesson oil in them that you're gonna use later for some reason because rats come on and shoot holes in that and then that trickles down over all of the good stuff that i would like to find later when you let the unit go evidently someone rented this to breed rats but if you care about me please don't store gross stuff or any storage universe for them yeah any storage if you care about jebus if you care about any stage unit buyers please don't store gross stuff like that because when you lose your unit we want the good stuff and that ruins the good stuff and one other thing if you could help me out by going to vagabond and follow me on youtube you'll see the other half of this because i did some little secret videoing of them a minute ago maybe me and jesus can do like a unit together sometimes get my numbers up because i have 107 subscribers and i'd like that higher what are you doing i'm testing the merchandise to make sure it works and i gotta say that bb guns deadly okay look at that right through the plastic i think it works all right we're in the garage let's do a kind of recap and show you what we kept so we were about the doghouse the bottom was stuck inside of it now it's a whole dog house right there we got a little mini grill here those bags were like there's gonna be something in there literally that watch i pulled out was the only thing in there went through all the bags nothing but this watch that is a longness i don't know then we got the sewing machine table which we didn't even know was a sewing machine and then fishing poles over there then also over here it's this bb gun i still got the shotgun to work yet it's still just like it won't [ __ ] and look at the vcr got its little thing it was just stuck we got probably a hundred record delete so even at a dollar a piece i mean it's at least 100 bucks in a record if there's nothing special and a few little things in here and there not a big money maker but a fun unit because i love finding guns even if they're bb guns they're probably still illegal here in california to be honest with you at least it gives me something to do i can shoot this stuff in the garage but if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 28,676
Rating: 4.9232736 out of 5
Keywords: guns found in storage unit, guns found in storage, guns found in storage auctions, guns found in storage lockers, guns found in abandoned storage, found guns in storage unit, guns in storage unit auction, storage unit full of guns, storage unit gun finds, storage unit gun safe, storage unit guns, abandoned storage unit guns, found guns in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage auction, storage hunters, storage locker, storage wars, auction hunters
Id: ajI59uLS_Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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