BEST EVER! LOADED WITH WEAPONS! I Paid $1,200 For This Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds Huge Profit

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my nerves are going crazy you know why because we just spent 1 000 on a 10 by 15 storage unit and it's all off one little hunch i'm not gonna lie i'm scared let's get into this thing [Music] why would i spend that kind of money on a unit this ugly well it's because i have a little bit of an obsession with weapons and with this kind of stuff visible from the front look at this there's knives right here this could very well potentially be a case for a certain you know item and if you look over here you can already see a quiver with arrows in it and that's just in the front and if you buy storage units and stuff in the back is usually where the good stuff's at so if that's in the front who knows what could be in the back let's take out a few of these knives because this is why we bought the unit knife number one first off look at that pretty handle that is beautiful oh and look at that knife that's vicious this is risky so you go in somebody and you pull it out this is going to grab everything and take it right back out with it and it's got a nice little sheath that's how you pronounce it right a nice little sheath with it so knife number one pull out number two here we look at that handle it's like bone almost isn't it looks like it that's pretty cool too oh look at the design on the blade that's pretty sick almost looks like it has some gucci design in it yeah gucci knife that's pretty sick too and this was just unhit undone but that fixes on there too another nice little shite or whatever you call it sheath why do i want to say shite i don't know you ready for my ninja skills sword number one nice blade it's got a few little rusted parts like down here and stuff but overall pretty nice sword and i love the red and black that's my favorite color combination if you didn't know so that's pretty cool let's pull this one oh this is just the oh no it's not oh it's like boom cool that's pretty cool look at that it's a nice little one this is pretty cool already i like to shoot it so we got that one and we got this big boy here oh look at that blade this one i'm gonna assume it's like a display one because ooh the kid the point's kind of sharp but the actual blade itself here isn't that sharp but look at that too got a nice tiger on it so this was my hunt from buying this unit this is why i figured 1100 was a good idea because these knives so check this out too it probably had a little cover at one point but it's a nice nascar collectible usually you could like kind of profile the unit to look at them if you see knives bows and arrows they're probably you know country people they're like guns they like nascar they like collectibles and things like that so when i see all those knives i was kind of profiling it nice little nascar car what is this thingy here a base boomer yeah that let's see if we get this out the way there's some plates here just make sure they're not nothing special just looks like a typical plate to me nothing special get that out the way because look at this wooden box here right here oh there's nothing in it or is it under this it's locked i don't know what could be in there so this might be the box or this is something else nascar collector but we'll see i want to get in this red case i really do let's see first we got an umbrella is it a real umbrella i know they make swords where this looks like a umbrella but it's actually a sword that's a real umbrella this out though look at all those arrows that's a good sign there's going to be a bow in here i hope they got points on them they don't so they might be brand new let's pull the whole thing out are they all pointless no some of them do have their points on them some of them don't so they might be new arrows ooh they're sharp let's hope but this is what i want to get to really quick not the gas can ah it's a freaking gas can well that's okay we're just in the front of the unit let's just get this stuff out the way what in the heck is this thing you see the handle on it this looks dangerous like i could beat somebody up pretty badly with this and this is solid metal here do you guys know what that is let me know in the comments let's see what's in this really quick so we got a box in a bag bag looks like it has i don't know what in it oh look uh phone charger thing and what is that a defender that a taser i don't know i'm guessing let's see really quick it feels like there's something in there it feels really light if it's the actual taser it's probably just a charger or something geez it's not opening open today thank you very much no it's just the charger unfortunately junk anything else in this bag what is that a coil for a cascade tank all right there's some more things in here there's a charge a battery charger and there is what is that no idea cascade tank when passion meets innovation yeah that so let's just set this down i think this bag just has this box in it nothing else too interesting no that's just trash i see an xbox controller in this already very dirty xbox 360 controller look at that phew that's probably not going to be worth very much look at that oh candle holder wow uh we have some light oh look i see look at this i recognize that now let's hope that's in there somewhere i'd be very happy with that but we got two lighthouses like the little porcelain figures uh ooh fishing rod this is something else i would expect to find with knives and stuff real not rod fishing real sorry i'm tired that but look what else i see a night or owl let's say night out it's just an hour we don't know if he's night now but fishing bait check out some of the rocks i see in here already i know these people love these things so that one kind of the same looking thing right there not bad look that one's kind of cool looking sparkly sparkly that one there's another one so a few rocks and like a fishing rod why don't i keep saying real lure this a fishing lure that's all that's in this box but i like that kind of stuff i got a diaper box it looks like it's full of paper but i just got to make sure look at this it's like blueprints or something huh check that out that's kind of weird but some blueprints this box might be all paper but we gotta be sure oh you know what i see in there though target paper like shooting range paper for you guys to go to the range this is paper all the way down except for this a plastic thing with a glove in it look at what i see it looks like it's missing the string obviously but this is definitely probably the bow that goes with those arrows it's really nice actually see what it says on there blackhawk hornet bow i don't know what all these numbers represent i've never actually shot a bow in my life a lot of guns but no bow so i'm assuming that's where you would hold it up and pull back and hit something right in the face maybe there's string to it in there i don't even know how you string a bow switch and such temporarily because these bags are about ready to go so let's see what's in them before they go boom all right open another bag in a bag it's not a good sign or it could be a good sign i don't know what is this this is heavy duty whatever it is is that a laminator it's the top to this which i think oh it's a paper shredder yeah look at that this whole thing here is a paper shredder so let's get this out the way this bag's about to go down if i move my leg the rest of it's going down too all right we're gonna have to use some skills here cups uh okay why half drinking wine that there's another one in here too i feel another bottle look right here it's not empty either they got their wine in the storage unit great side knots forks and spoons and well camo it's a good thing hunters right right uh starbucks not hunters oh the wife yeah that's the wife i hope yeah the rest of it just seems like whatever but let me get this out of here set this down nicely so we don't have spilled one everywhere just like that let's do this in this one really quick while i'm seeing a toad of shoes always keep your shoes in a tote for some odd reason i don't know why there they are well you did that it's all right it's just going to trash anyway i've seen a lot of paperwork more paperwork and a breathing machine so looking at the bottom of the paper shredder and i find this look it's got a bunch of costume jewelry rings on and none of those are real but it just so happens to be this one here that i already know is real because it's a school ring it's a mark 10k so 10 karat gold ring right there at the bottom of the paper shredder these will all get acid tested once we get home but i'm pretty sure those are all fake this is a little coach thing but we already got gold in knives and we're just getting into it before we get any further into this gold mine please take the five seconds like the video subscribe if you're new we're trying to make december the most like month of the year so please do it for us let's get back into it let's see what's in this briefcase isn't this interesting yeah i've had much luck with these and usually it's paper but you know uh oh is it actually locked it's locked i don't know what's in it it'll figure that out a little it's definitely no it's not empty it's got stuff in it a hundred percent oh look at this so we just moved that we'll get back into that let's check these out let's open this up yeah those are big litters that's a full set look at that right off the bat there are these wooden plastic plastic so i've always been told the ones you look for that are worth the most money or the wooded ones because it means they're the older ones so i don't think these are wood off at first glance they don't feel like wood they feel like plastic but still that many i guarantee that's worth a nice little bit of change right there set it down let's see more okay well this one's empty now there's something in there let's check what that is open up i don't even know what that is but it's empty nothing important this one oh it's full check that out this one's completely full of layers too boom look at that they're all like new too they're all like literally almost brand new you can tell these hooks have been used but very very lightly maybe once or twice because unless somebody cleaned them off i don't ever clean my stuff i just take it out the river throw it in there and use it next time so they get dirty fast but check that out two brand new things pretty close to brand new things the fishing layers that's got to be some money so i just saw this it kind of caught my attention because it looks like it could be the color of ivory but this is definitely plastic unfortunately but it is made in portugal according to the sticker below it so that could be like a little collector's piece or could it be a cheap tourist thing we don't really know we got the toastmaster coffee maker actually in there all right so easy money right there god sale yep okay this looks like kitchen kitchen where i see a knife set i see spatulas and measuring cups and things like that so same thing yard sale hey hunting clothes i like that four pajamas really but you know i feel like you have to be very careful taking off this mountain here yeah we do and everything's gonna be searched thoroughly once we get it home because obviously we just found a gold ring and a paper shredder you don't know what you're going to get in this one this feels like all clothes for now we'll mark it up as clothes it's in a blue bag this one definitely not all clothes nothing something really has might be shoes see what we got in here wawa voila wawa i'm gonna go in there like an employee exactly gonna work there hey guys i'm just getting my complimentary you know whatever i want keys bands things like that just personal stuff like that oh what's in this one this is a bag of bags everybody no matter where you at where you live you have this in your house somewhere everybody has a bag of bags they're like we're gonna keep them why we don't know but you just keep them to keep them eventually you might use them for something this another bag bag no this is like a home stitch scarf redskins belongs in the trash jump rope uh not much in here these are all pictures this is stuff that'll get back to the original owner so let's just get this blue bag right down on the ground what should i grab next in that box let me get this okay let's see this bag the tail containers in it and the reason i like pillow containers because in the last unit we found a 14 garrett gold necklace in a pill bottle just like this so always don't throw them away just because they look like this you never know check everything so i'm seeing some empty pill bottles here's a big platter hmm you only gotta look at stuff like this because it could always be sterling silver i don't know right now i doubt it because it's colored but i don't know and here's look this one has a marking one that goes with it though doesn't it looks like it and it says fb roger silver company so but it might be plated it could be sterling silver it could also be plated so we don't know about that that could be worth a lot of money right now we just sold a silverware set from the last unit for eleven hundred dollars so if it's silver it could be something hills hills real pills and nothing else so let's go ahead and get this bag out now i'm gonna pull down this big box from the front what does that say dwk corporation yeah home accessories and stuff like that and it's untaped no it's not oh now it is yeah i got that muscle you know whatever this is looks like it's a brand new look right here let's open this box and see what it is this is super cool look at that it's like a tiger's head on a rock and it's legit glass brand new they never took this out of the box that is legitimately so freaking cool right there i don't know what something like this would retail for but i can't imagine that's cheap check out the little basey zone and everything that is really cool let's get him back in the box so he doesn't get broken can i say this unit goes so far back now that i can kind of start you're not going to be able to see it i can barely see it at my height they go so far back we got so much stuff in here all right let's see what's in this bag feels like it's closed but we'll make sure yeah this looks like clothes paper the grocery bag pop tart fresh that's subway's logo i don't know why that's so good they're fresh eat good all right taste wise definitely not health wise yeah this is all clothes and paper so from what i feel again we go into this stuff in more detail at home but oh look at that that is a rc car the nomad the tiger was in there from radio shack oh old school piece radio shack you think he's in there too please i think he's in there it was 150 bucks back in the day wherever they got it radio shack you know the only thing i've ever used them for batteries oh yeah look at him that car is in there ooh i don't want to take it out but that's super nice too the nomad digital proportionals looks like what it says from radio shack nice rc car i am loving this unit already of course we find a six foot three right in the box and never open why because we just bought our six foot tree like two weeks ago and you know how the roll of storage units work once you buy it then you'll find it if i didn't buy it though 100 this would have dematerialized inside the unit would have never been in there to begin with so that's all right yes okay i was getting nervous about this there is the controller to the rc car i was like i see the car but i don't see the controller i'm getting a little bit nervous there's the controller this is an old-school xbox 360 power brick from the original ones i recognize that and this is just this is from the newer ones like the ones that came out with the connect to the second generation of xbox 360s and the controller to this with a bunch of wires so definitely keep this box check out this little box what do you think it is something oh that's a good guess you know what it sounds like to me i'm gonna guess what toy cars no oh it's all brand new floors i don't see a price on these but these are all brands spanking new that's a lot of them actually look at this let me count these out one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. brand new blurs and what the other collection so it says the fish and traditions 1937 crank uh i'm just putting this out there in case my fishing people know a little bit more about the brands because i don't but i can't imagine they're actually even if they're two bucks a piece that's still 32 in that box right there but i have a hope that they're gonna be worth a lot more than that so this looks like a bag of paperwork inside a bag of clothes two of the best things you could find inside of a storage unit not um i see more nasty oh look look at all these swords a lot i think like three swords okay hold on hold hold on hold on this looks like bag of paper junk we want to look at that this is what we want to look at right here let's get one of these out come here [Applause] oh yes where there's one there's more look at that beauty he's a little dirty but he's a little dirty i've already gendered him he's got a nice handle on look at this like dragon wings it looks like cool and look at the holder i'm just going to call it a holder i feel like i always just pronounce it that's really sick here you go with great honor for you thank you thank you there's more though there's more swords oh it's coming out the thing they have it upside down why would you store it like this ah come here buddy look at the red one that's super nice look at that handle this looks like some white weapon you get like late in a game with sword of a thousand truths that is absolutely gorgeous i'm loving the sword did i put it in the right way no i didn't because i'm not that smart again i honor you with this sword thank you i think there's more i don't think we're done with the storage yet guys no we're not this has got a wooden handle check that out this one might be old oh look at that what a beauty this one's from pakistan it says right there this one's really nice wooden handles intrigued me it looks like once upon a time it might have had a wrap around it and maybe because it's so old this just came off over time but that's pretty sick let's put this back in its holder oh there you know what must be done now i'm sorry sir but i don't have any more hands grow another hand please grow another one is that all the swords no here's a nice little one this got the wooden handle too that's so sick i was so nervous when i left the house about spending this kind of money but i'm so happy already we barely touched this unit did you grow your other hand no i'm just gonna stick this in your pocket right here all right just keep that there is that all the swords um oh it is for now but look what is see is that another nascar one of 5 000 still in the box different number on that one the whole different car yeah i know it still looks super nice 124 scale uh 1989 1999 platinum that's pretty freaking cool that's definitely going on the side i love this unit already this looks like a bag of paperwork thing like that yeah this looks like a battery pack that probably goes to that big rc car we just found so i'm just going to go ahead stick this in my pocket so i don't lose it so we got a thing that goes over your car window keep the scent out what is this thing leg cast i guess yeah i see these under our they look like military boots to me is that what they're supposed to be or is that what they actually are no idea good condition yeah they're in great shape i think they're supposed to replicate a doubt under armour makes legitimate military boots to go to combat i don't think so i don't know you never know but i don't think so but the bad thing is we only got one right now let's hope we can find the other one in here there's a little rug just gonna toss it aside you see that yep i see 24k gold well we'll get to it slowly let's pull this little thing off right here what is it awkwardly heavy all right we got a business communication textbook third edition textbooks are one of those things have you ever been in college you know this can cost 300 it's going to cost 10 cents depending on when it came out and what edition it is so that's something we got to look up this is somebody's high school diploma this will go with the pictures we always make sure they get that kind of stuff back uh this and this bowl so what are these needles no i don't know what these are they're like acupuncture needles actually you have no idea don't they kind of i don't know i don't know i'm just guessing here and this thing made in china not really too sure what that is just a bowl so let's set all this right here and let's pull out that other car well whatever that it looks like something came out of like a snake's cage this one is 24 karat gold plated commemorative series check that car out it's plated in gold so who's the driver here i don't know anything about nascar that's a number 98 yeah 98 guys let me know down in the comments who the drivers are but that is pretty freaking cool i'm guessing this is some kind of brace maybe leg brace foot brace foot boot maybe one of those things i said like i said twelve things one of them got to be right uh what is that a touch-up spray gun we need this because somebody smacked the yellow we don't need to talk about that in our car we don't who did that talk about that my mind wasn't there that's all right we got this thingy what is that picture yeah it's photo album we'll make sure they get that back with their other stuff what is this is a texaco oh boat bank take it out let's take it out i don't think they opened it like the box is like i don't know it's stuck closed it's got its paperwork with it and everything look at that never been opened check that sucker out that is pretty cool right there ah can i just say one more time my original limit went this unit was 750 but i just had that gut feeling that it was gonna be a good one so i went up to a grand even though i didn't want to i am so happy i did it sometimes trust your guts guys trust your guts check this out rockwell what is this a paper cutter it looks like yeah that's actually the lineup i guess maybe cut paper or wood one of the two i can't tell if he's cutting the wood here if he's using the wood as a table in the picture yeah but either which way this has never been opened cool i'm really wondering the back story of this unit based off some of the paperwork we went through i saw some hospital stuff so my assumption is right now somebody probably passed away and a family member just do all their stuff in a storage unit said good luck that's my guess i don't know but let's just keep pulling stuff out like this is a leather jacket check that out sea dream anyone recognize that brand i don't but leather jackets are always good money and it's kind of weird see the string at the top sorry that's kind of weird isn't it yeah that's kind of cool though the other jackets always sell they're always good money so this feels like it has shoes in it too let's just rip it open and look a little bit into it and again all these boxes will be searched in detail later on what is that oh one of the cars in here they pulled they drove it right through the hot the hallway mini cooper could fit back there i think yeah maybe or one of the smart cars yeah uh license plate covers yeah i thought i meant covers so let's just get this bag on out of here too the rest of it feels like clothes but again let me emphasize we'll go through this in more detail later on got this you got this i don't know what this is it's clothes feels like clear jeans probably dirty clothes but yeah probably you always look at your jeans because some of the vintage levi's are bank so always check them for levi's especially what's in here what do we got here oh what what is that is that a piece of tape or a rock in me this in the box nothing in the box what's that what's the tape i was like what are you talking about am i saying i was making sure it wasn't like a super special crystal i felt like i was just on drugs for a second wait wait wait i tend to do that to people stop making me laugh when you go through stuff this looks like it's gonna be another condo thing sure is the thing they give you with their cars you most likely immediately take off when you get home or at least i did when we bought ours this looks like paperwork other than that let's get in there we don't want to pay for your paperwork right now so is this all pictures this is all uh picture books and things like that this is another thing that i see that i'm really glad it's in here because we are planning on getting it in close trailer really soon and we're gonna have to buy a dolly there's a dolly right there oh dolly happy about that this right now closed let's just throw it out what is this a crock pot yeah what is this a rainbow dolly and two like hard plastic ramps hey they're not metal another plastic so this is the hamilton beach crop i like that these boxes here are bubble wraps i really do so i move some clothes bags out the way and look at what i see here do you see what i see oh that's a rusty one isn't it definitely but i don't know if it's old it could be worth money still somebody's a lot of people like restore these they could restore the blades and stuff so i'm not going to count it out yet i'll put it with the other storage but how many swords slash knives are we up to in this unit i don't know one in that whole pile like seven six i think it's like ten i found a pair of neuterers here that's what these are for so if someone misbehaves boom right off and they're gone that's what we're calling though those are neuters this is something kind of sad though unfortunately so what this looks like to me is this safe but a safe it's already opened so that kind of sucks let's see what we see in there besides pictures i mean most of the time that's what you're going to find in space in this business realistically but every now and then you get lucky too from what i can see this looks like pictures and paperwork all the way to the bottom but again we will definitely be checked harder to make sure there's no cash in there what's poking through the black bag what is that i probably shouldn't be touching it not knowing yeah maybe i just caught an std i don't know let's see there's some clothes get out of here clothes get out of here box it says shoes on the shoe box thanks for the note i wasn't sure already oh what's in here the box in there but first we gotta get this down there's stuff in here that's definitely not closed let's kind of rip it a little bit it's already ripped this looks like it might be the toy thing ow okay it's like a giant axe for halloween but it feels like some other stuff down here what is it feels weird what is this you're like a mystery box right now i know this feels like a rock i'm gonna open it it's a rock an rv8 rock it's a rock from this city we're in right now isn't that just lovely so i'm going to just go ahead and assume based off what i see it's probably ooh look look not heavy enough to have anything in it but i'm just going to go ahead and assume this is probably their toy bag this bag is all clothes it feels like it actually feels like a blanket a comforter nothing we want to look at here's another leather jacket this one's heavy oh what is that is that harley that's an eagle ah it looks like the eagle look at that though that's a cool heavy duty leather jacket this is definitely a motorcycle guy jack it's heavy duty actual leather yeah it's definitely leather heavy there's no tag look it says 52 it's in orange it's the top of the tag what if it's like a vintage harley it could be vintage harley you guys i'm relying on you somebody's got to know what that's worth or what it is please let us know down in the comments let's see what's in the blue suitcase hopefully this one's not locked an old suitcase let's see oh no that one's open and like 9 out of 10 times it's actually closed what's this is there glasses in there yeah they're actually oh they're ray-bans i don't think these are right though why is that always the case no perialis keep your ray-bans in your raven seriously that's good i'm gonna make that a law now pills just go through this really quickly i'm seeing pill bottles bible uh what is that i don't even know this is like a reel or a spool no idea um some cards uh-oh yeah these are cards let's see what we got in here or are they no what are these with all company hey this was the on that box it was what was this originally oh this might be the receipt for it let's see what it was and what it cost it was a 14 karat gold something oh my gosh they paid three thousand dollars for what it was no way three i don't want to show i have their name on it but they paid three thousand dollars let's hope we can find it let's really hope we can find it wait a second oh nothing in there right now but we're definitely go into more detail you know what we're gonna go into more detail right now let's look around this suitcase because now it's got my interest spool i'm not seeing much else in there what is that all right got us a little knife in there added to the collection of knives already and this looks like more like a kitchen knife though like maybe it's a fillet knife maybe something like that but other than that yeah i'm not seeing much else in the suitcase unfortunately but we will find it if it's there let's see what's in the box in this bag really quick simply thick food thickener you simply fit i'm simply thick you didn't see none of that uh this is actually what it is unfortunately this big bag right here it's like all pillbox but like i said before some of these don't have pills i found a 14 carat gold necklace in a pill bottle before 600 and some dollar gold necklace in a pill bottle so there's a lot of pill bottles to shake i'm not seeing nothing in it right now though so it looks like paperwork and pill bottles but again they will be checked individually every single one these are the boxes i hate seeing their money they always sell like a buck a piece that's probably ten dollars at a yard sale but it's such a heavy pain for a little bit of money let me get the kitchen stuff on out of here i'm seeing clothes clothes more clothes there's like a coffee maker in there look at that a coffee maker surrounded by clothes so this is coming oh look at the little fishing rod hey that's coming right oh no way look at this box this might very well be all fishing stuff i don't know why there's clothes in it but let's pull out the unit and go through it i'm gonna try my best to show you what's in here because look at these clothes everything is like just horribly stored but there are all kinds of lures and i'm talking hundreds hundreds and hundreds of different lures in this box so we got these we got some more fishing lures right here some of them definitely look old i see a pill bottle see this pill bottle has sinkers in it so anything could be in the bottles and the other ones look at that that looks old doesn't it yeah let's pull it out of here that's wood that's wood so that's a wooden lure i can tell you just by feeling it the wooden ones are usually where the money's at and i don't know which one's in specific that's just the generalization i've been told throughout the storage journey we've been through here's some more ow there's so many hooks like i'm already i've already gotten hooked twice so i'm trying my best to go through these and show you there's a little minnow there's some more there's i mean there's got to be like 200 in here this is gonna take a while this is gonna take some serious going through but i mean i'm telling you there's easily easily 200 plus in here i'm gonna say like 300 layers and a lot of them look like they're in brand new conditions that is just money we could very well have our money for the whole unit paid for already just today you know what this is for once you've used the other things for the neutering just to get rid of the extra parts what's left that makes me cringe all right let's see what's in this black track right here because these are coming down too feels like a jar to me let's see yep like a mason jar i'm not seeing much else in here besides toys either yeah a lot of toys things like that let's just set this aside this one i'm feeling like the same stuff but we're going to check anyway just really quick one everything's double bagged so it's smells like alcohol like badly cool that's good that's not good kids toys and alcohol as soon as i opened it it's got that smell i see another car probably here looks like an rc car to me yep that might be where the battery pack went to maybe i don't know but this one's full of toys too and a shoe and just random random random stuff that's for sure let's pull through this bag really quick this one's closed you can tell oh look what i see another sword no video games oh it's a hammer oh that's the video game it's got part of the grand theft auto 4 liberty city dlc and one of the resident evil 5 desks um are these are these are cds black eye pieces brand new never been open there's a 360 connect a couple more games tomb raider grand theft auto 5 the goat uh ooh this is the thing that comes when you buy a new camcorder it like comes in there shows you how to use it if you don't know how to press record beforehand this is a whole dvd to show you how to press record and stop it um well i'm seeing a couple more games uh well this is their bad collection let's take that somewhere else that's all that's in that box with games in their inappropriate collection so now we're home and i got even more good news so check this out come to the table really quick this is from the rings we went ahead and acid tested all of them this whole thing right here these are all costume jewelry they're worth pretty much nothing they just go on a lot for stuff like that this one right here is 10 carat gold plated with the heart these two the one we knew already the school ring here we knew that one was gold but this one's actually white gold these have been acid tested already and this one's got like a red stone in it this one's also 10 karat gold mark and it passed the acid test and then we have one more over here that's sterling silver so literally half of them are real half of them are costing jewelry and don't forget we have a whole box over here that we're starting just now starting to get into look at all the lures there's probably two or three hundred lures in here plus so many more guys if you want to see it you have to come back like the video subscribe if you're new see you next time
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 111,615
Rating: 4.8877063 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 5-isO195KRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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