I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit That Was FULL Of MONEY!

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welcome back to treasure hunting with genius guys that we just picked up incredibly cheap unit that has a ton of stuff in it only paid about to do it backwards $40 for this storage unit and there is all kinds of stuff in here this one's definitely gonna be a huge moneymaker so without further ado let's get digging [Music] all right guys so as you can see there is a lot of stuff in here so let's try to figure out where to start first things first this is a $40 unit look at the size of this big boy hold on I mean it's dusty and heavy but that's TV alone will be worth more than $40 without a doubt it's not like I said it's not a newer one because you could tell just by the weight it's got a lot of weight to it but for 40 bucks that should definitely be worth it right there what is this oh I'm sorry I'm gonna apologize ahead of time you're gonna feel sick but no Steelers oh the only one thing to do which one this one the third one that's pretty cool I'll get Chucky but it is Steeler so there's only one thing we can do to this properly now let's do this one of the reasons I want to buy it they're little kids at least it looked like it maybe women's but already the a pair or at least one Jordan hopefully no there is both Jordan's right there little kids darn and still fetch like 20 bucks apiece easy you're not even that dirty mean the bottoms are but this stuff will come right off really easy money right there one of the brands we go what are these are these Nike those are Reebok so washing all like five or ten bucks and let's see anything else like big name other than that probably a bunch of donation shoes but otherwise the rest of it looks cheap oh we got some you lose some dayquil yeah there we go we got that it's worth at least a million yeah out the way that's that one this one looks kind of scary me it's heavy too well you think's in a cooler I'm really scared - gonna get in it I'm gonna cry that's this way you ready what's in it okay oh nice refreshing drink at least we got that strong tis nothing spilled in there well if something is really strong that's basically somebody emptied everything off their bathroom shelves in today so what the cooler stuff you didn't Israel you have to take a little cooler you see the front so about a $10 cooler at least we got that it's tough in size junk that I'm very scared to think I know what that is and I don't want to touch it because I don't have love but it looks like I may be wrong here somebody correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like something that collects pee but I'm not gonna touch it yes you don't think it is okay just the case I don't want to touch it I have like death I hope you're right but just in case for that possibility I'm not touching it don't worry I knew you didn't think I look good in this I think I could actually rock these they look pretty sexy that I mean that don't freak your ankle your ankles done after that some shiny black ones at least they're tied together and I don't see a brand on himself most likely when I found with boots like stylish boot - they're not Tim they're donated oh yeah this is you know when you say you're trying to break your alcoholic have it and you're like I'll just have a glass today look at the size of that sucker I don't think setting on steam is gonna be a good idea something's gonna pop in you ready here and I'm running well so good just some pictures I put that on my pocket we actually have a good storage facility to start it said to make sure we turn to stopping because they returned it good people what else do we got in here is that a comic book again I can rock them now I'll you even taller I think I look good it's about my size right I don't think so just about a lava lamp it's not the plug cool a good one too I mean they sell smaller ones and it's for five a lot for five bucks so this might be a $10 one if we can find the top two it's kind of annoying this looks like a beer bottle about it can't tell you okay they're actual Congress so that's like ten dollars ten to fifteen dollars a pair easier Nikes they're a little more beat up but yeah they're pretty beat up these might be like another five or ten dollars they would be worth more they're in better shape but they seen better days high-heeled again if somebody was really in high heels right there other than that just a bunch of other cheap shoes but won't go through it all more detail make sure there's nothing higher let's dig look at this looks like a 5x5 and then BOOM surprise speaking of gross stuff man I already had to throw Steelers now you got Redskins - why doesn't go on in here it's disgusting I'll see what's in there that what what is that gonna do oh look at the hit that here oh no it's not I thought those are little curly-haired if you get my drift what else okay Oh doesn't here okay likes a little bit more sense now what else is in here look candle smells good too it's like part of a candle these are usually $20 new actually this one's $6 and be glad so it's cheap steel he feeds anyway let's see us in this gross bag give me a bag we got going just like a whole this looks like a new unused bathroom gift set in one random die alright right now but in the comments what's it gonna be did you get it right I like you if you get it wrong I still like you but I like you more we get it right I say for boy to know we're all wrong what a stupid dog get out of here you got it but this looks like a whole bathroom set that might have been never even used so that could be worth a little something nothing like overly valuable but 10 bucks whoa what's a heavy bag right here do I have anything that looks let's see what we've got or do we have a brand name on it first you don't probably need it's cheap but maybe it's on the inside in here the difference broken too so that's not helping its value Oh bathroom stuff again so not very much yeah that's all here products body wash lotion q-tips in other words junk make sure I've got anything over here before we go any further than another TV okay not a big one maybe five ten dollars probably more like five it's so little it doesn't have a stand us supposed to go on the wall why would you can put that on the wall what is that for but that computers maybe you got a menu literally what some fresh fish why'd you take this hey Vinny a restaurant is so good you just think to yourself you know what I think I might take their menu home today hey they do them hello kitty the lease personal papers little desk light thing is usually gives off a buck here this TV first I want to take a little bit further I don't want to make a huge mess kitchen supplies see a mix here for knife to stop the kitchen just toss them out yeah that's probably donated this is a whole taupe of hair supplies look at that bruise curlers all types of stuff for hair it's use so probably useless my belly donated I don't know I have it I'm just carrying around is one random shoot for some reason but I she did it land it's actually pretty nice too though I mean again probably something you get five or ten dollars for nothing really I am but all right now you're not helping you get a lot of them what is that sound sounds like a mouse yeah dominoes like ranch or something you see that that's grimy that looks like ranch all I know they seen a Domino's cup and some type of white saw the help its ranch it's white and creamy I don't want to go any further than that it's just fingers crossed it's ranch what's in here a DVD player again maybe five bucks and then more bathroom rug how many bathroom reps one person need maybe they like redid their bathroom and they asked for bathroom rugs everyone like here you go here you go before you know what you got a hundred what's in this bag sharpies pens normal stuff you expect to find in a bag emoji stickers are emoji folder I've had nothing really in it does another die oh no it's a pencil sharpener and yeah yeah Duffey you'd normally find in there I mean there's like a decent looking microwave if it works like five to ten bucks if it not it's probably just gonna go to the scrap yard junk ourself weird across the fingers of almost $10 microwave oh it's heavy all right let's see we got one half cleaned out now where do we go from here see another TV I see my keys that's good son what is this HPI their actor jacket so something I've never heard that probably cheap oh yeah a finger canola oil easily these cost about $150 in store if you didn't know that are extremely expensive so for 50 bucks we got one hell of a deal I don't want to spill it you know it's really valuable bowls yeah it's like 75 to 80 percent drinking strawberry crush bottle fall off of it alright ready now one more time one more time we got this hold on now alright good already oh look it is the last try that's right yeah it's already oh there's the last trial I'm kicking it away clothes hamper stay a lot it's not even cut my yeah it's cut my plant way and this is the same lock I have then I use either $2 at Walmart see people my kind of people in here we got dirty clothes I see American Eagle so I me at least it's decent brands but not gonna bore you to death we go home not gonna close right now let's see you in a fur coat that's a very something I think I should wear this the rest of the video don't you think so for now on I'm gonna wear this the rest of the time it looks beautiful close close good thing about this storage unit too is it's across the street from a goodwill so all the cheap clothes we can get rid of on this spot which is really useful even a lot of people hate goodwill I know they now donate to good people I know sometimes we have to get stuff out here oh yeah that's what we got here if that what I think it is it's so yeah if someone ever cleaned it that is just grimy that's going in there did we get that it was bonefoot there's the piece that's missing you donate that to a drug you want to be another than all honesty is just trash I'm still wearing this watch first what's our now how is that a decent ran somebody gonna let me know nothing in it nothing just cheap stuff alright so rescued all these clothes out get out out out okay where we go next now let's talk about kitchen stuff I'll just see oh gosh it be fryer please don't be full oh I mean they're tasting off for me four point five youth good luck this is full of kitchen stuff plates hot stuff like that That's So Raven you remember that's over even if you remember that's the Raven put it in the comments we also got scoops well you don't that says coach on it I think it's really coach though we don't know yeah it's junk so fake coach make good fake stuff sometimes salad that's like five dollars hormones Street Market in the middle of DC Fink now good that's horrible this is nothing that's like something you just buy a cheap wallet for your coach as a gift like not actual coach no kitchen stuff you know all right please don't be full of grease Oh guess well good well put that in the car pretty grimy where are we going from here one more pair of Nikes they're in I mean pretty good overall shape besides that but that should come out so nice for your Nikes a hammer in case somebody gets on my nerves and cracks went ahead with the hammer burnt the RPD right personally I don't know they said it returned first of all that is our bones personal you know let us note on their bones person off this is all dress shoes I can see an ankle breaker back there yeah oh no first of all another TV right on side with an ankle breaker professional anchor breaker but another nation size TV so probably at least 20 bucks that's today but this right there professional commercial grade ankle breaker guarantee to snap your ankles but we found one of these before I sold it for $15 that's 15 bucks there so it 11 cups of red Dan hurry up dad man I played 20 video games Deadpool on it there's the other Nike in here it's just the trash why would you store it though they knew what I like this trash to put in storage that's close all right let's see what's in here we got heat remote it looks like yeah that's a bunch of personal photos that's gonna go back to the front and then a grimy book bag is probably not usually there's a lot of photos in there what do I say that's a creepy like a doll man it looks like what do you end up with of a person in a gingerbread man or something had a baby look at the head okay that's creepy no sugar oh yeah that face no no there's still attached to the pants bad you know those were worn bring me this is why I should've brought my glove with me hello sometimes you forget just use your teeth you don't touch it that's that's smart they're a strategy that's all closed more clothes and freakin underwear in a metro dyeing your hat it's actually not far from here so it's probably where they work yeah no open I can't tell how many line know it's jewelry but saw a tag line probably fake George 650 okay I'm pretty sure that I'm hoping to met them it they've met to put a decimal that's excited $50 and jeez yeah just a bunch of costume jewelry what it looks like unfortunately imagine the Hello Kitty with real diamonds little jewelry box you'd be able to fast ten fifty dollars oh yeah no more fake jewelry I can already tell you from experience these are all five below charges I just don't ask me help you know it's the first day though we came across quite a few of those in our time presenting your vehicle paper hook what kind of car does it drive only like to say oh no more tearing that I guess they still use that that's why it's it's hard to draw the line when they say return professional papers like what personal what everything's personal its own way no I mean last we got in here this is all just paperwork and stuff so we'll go through it trash them stop or turn whatever these personal there's pictures mixed in there choose so Oh though what's in here this is a car title huh so yeah definitely return this stuff to light in here for now oh man all right little allen wrench what is that noise that's scary there's a monster here I gotta go okay that's scary man looks like more shoes Beibei you watch yourself part that's the baby is here and brand new here oh yeah it's brand-new hair I think I should put it on now got another it's been warned I'd be weird no man you took the diner menu then it took a lot of stuff it looks like restaurant collectors it will take your maxy your menus your hats let's take a little souvenir for everywhere he goes it's a fat guy I understand what they're coming from but just take the food real chuck's you know they're real Chuck's to me they get about ten dollars to pay y'all not only appears we have in the air but still hmm that's where the least 100 out aware though that 500 for though anything a week the rest of it looks like clothes size the menus get it out of here see those ninja reflexes are those real no these are fake I don't see the Congress to host our logs of anyway those are probably Peaks everything it there's an injury flush Darren's they died another desk lamp ooh I don't think it supposed to look like that maybe now okay what else we got in here oh wow that's a bathing suit isn't it I hope I don't know that's true why don't we think why are like panties and bra like oh butter bikinis like hey what's the difference is somebody even like me anyway let's say you got a giant pile of clothes so we don't look like we made a lot of money on this unit but we're gonna get everything out of here go through it story donate some rack up all the valuable items then come back with a grand total so see you then alright guys so before we do a recap on this epic story jr. I didn't want to mention that we are still doing that giveaway have 50k we already frost over to 46 less than 40,000 more to go then we're gonna be giving away this to $50 gift cards to wherever the winners choose just want to always try to include in every video don't forget cuz I get excited we do these units but anyway let's do a recap so other than what you guys saw them on the screen we also found it out think it was two or three other pair of Nikes in there so at about another thirty to sixty dollars one and hopson's that we also found most of the clothes we're doing with a we're a couple pair of American Eagle jeans in there as well I think it was three pairs so add another 20 bucks to share 20 to 30 depending on I mean they look like they're in decent shape so that kind of helps appease or something like that so another 30 on top of that and other than that everything you saw in the video was there I will show everything you get in the recap we've already started taking pictures going through stuff and fuel is tracking that stuff it's just you you want to break something badly trust me seriously anyway guys that's gonna be it for this one so we finally didn't get a good moneymaker in the last two we're kind of junk so they're definitely glad to find this one to make something up so thank you guys so much for watching you didn't join make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for half the videos all the time if you do want to follow us on your social media links will be on screen as quick links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 35,124
Rating: 4.8529091 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit itsyeboi, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction finds, storage locker, storage locker finds, make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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