Storage Unit Had HIDDEN STASH! BIGGEST SCORE EVER! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Unit

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look this screwed but it opens oh my god there's jewelry in here all these rings we're worth hmm welcome back our treasure hunting with Jesus guys and we just picked up yet another storage unit hate see this but may have got into a little bit of a bidding war and I was not gonna let that guy beat V so pay a little bit more that I wanted to for this tiny unit we paid a hundred bucks for it there really doesn't look to be much in there but fingers cross there's got to be a hidden treasure there all it is don't forget to like the video or dislike it I don't care it off the same subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] so even though we need to 800 bucks far there's two things that I pretty much saw when we are standing on here that I figured would make the hundred bucks back pretty easy let's go through that first one being the big TV back here of course you kind of take the risk is if it's gonna be busted or not but it was like it has any remote with it that will sell for 40 or 50 bucks very easily if it doesn't have an internal crack which I'm hoping it doesn't and this was a gas but I was hoping this is an Xbox looks like I may not be able to recognize many of the things you find in storage units but I know the video games I know that much there's a controller for you money says you're gonna destroy it trust me I throw those controllers much harder than that they are pretty much indestructible but look at that Xbox 360 console that's the black one - it's a newer than the older white one this again this has a $70 price today I gonna write 50 bucks apiece it's already 200 back and that's just the console and a controller if we find any games with it and that's how it will hook up so I see the AV cable plus the power cord don't see a power brick though or this isn't have a conference it looks like it right there well we have so many of those at the house when we use the dumpster to have a game stuff it's irrelevant but it's easy I'll write on the door look look in the camera oh yeah I see it wait that's it that's a stinkbug yeah this thing all right ready stinkbug let me get this sucker you got it good good to see some news I am sorry for a bug lovers with had to be done it had to be done alright how's the pain I thought these are gonna be games already but just DVDs well there's a lot of stuff in there and it's not even what it's supposed to be oh yeah is it's in there but there's some other random stuff in there as well nothing Joe I want you daddy that looks heavy set that aside yeah what yeah it stings like berries and again a little CD case this could be other games hopefully and it no music possums burned to a hasting burn CDs it's pretty much useless it's pretty much just trashed at least that they're the better ones you can write over them and I keep them just for that purpose but I didn't cheat once can't even do that they're just straight garbage no one wants to burn CD what else is in here oh whoa look at all these CDs oh they're all just burnt crap a penny well this was made profit now a $50 TV $50 Xbox and a penny we made at least a penny off this going good so these are all garbage is burnt CDs what else do we have going hello this works now they're DVDs well awesome to clutter fun where you know if they're even in there let's check a couple just after the day after tomorrow gets in there joyride 1 2 & 3 1 2 & 3 that's all in there 2 or 3 are in there you bet they're all gonna be in there yeah let's got some other ones in there as well oh hi Hot Tub Time Machine some good DVDs at least hopefully we get at least a little bit for should get like 10 bucks that's keep going oh that stink bugs really crushing it right now what's this baby clothes I hear metal more DVDs joy again will declutter and see how much we get at the end but let's just check the top one again and make sure they're not cases no this isn't a show these DVDs I'll pull something hopefully not very much it seems like everyone else in the world has much better luck selling DVDs we tried to sell them at the flea market for 50 cents then sell and they put him down to a quarter to selling at the last two hours I put him out to a dime didn't sell one no one's interested in bees hey blood pressure monitor these are very handy in Northern Virginia but if you leave your house and you drive where you go in anywhere you're gonna need this but it's probably Scott that's this area for you get to this side I guess this is all we come looking forward by storage yeah it's a giant box of paperwork junk in actuality I do look shoot all this because you can find stuff that makes it very interesting but not right now weld up to this when we get home that's gonna be a monitor what is that brand-new silverware I mean they're all still in the pasta cook yeah oh my give that always this looks like the same company in its time you like pleats or something that's seven my brain is set these are mugs this is all kitchen where there's basically a brand new kitchen set that's the summer wine is everything else with it might keep it might sell it as a set I don't know [Music] you like paper plates just good use paper plates does not mean that you have no money it means trust me I'm good enough money to I don't have it I don't want to sound like that but you don't need it I'm just lazy illinois' dishes clothes are boring sheets there's some shoes but it looks like they have seen better days suits in the coat anything or what brand or anything like that Maryland me why is it always the new what can I ever learn to get familiar on all of them yeah it really has what's this don't tell me it's more burn CDs I think it might be more burn CDs right here at least yeah look at that definitely CDs that they're burning up I don't know are they yes more garbage there's more a few more random dvds and paperwork in there got paint heard what's that that's empty beat-up glasses case joy yeah Oh No why can't it be in there that's a gun holster why can't it be in there okay that didn't me a little more excited oh we're gonna keep doing it do it so let's keep going over here almost got to this TV or monitor whatever it ends up being here looks like nothing that actually heat me Braden me love me no I'll thrash you oh no yet leapfrog epic Academy edition tablet that's heavy hope it's in there already how do I open this oh it's like an actual full block you never know everyone's box is different it's really make it uniform and that isn't it not sure how much it's worth anything has it now but it looks new maybe you used a couple times but still it's good we'll definitely make money on the unit we're gonna maybe breakeven but I was a naughty I'm winning this unit how to stand at the bottom let's finish going to this person disgusting beat-up shoes you're not gonna be worth a thing at all alright this is all closed as well hey look at the under yeah what's in here these aren't bad either just like these aren't no no no my they're my colors yeah that'll come right off the bottom note oh and by the way they sell this stuff at Walmart I forgot what it's called it's like it has two sprays on both side you push it in the shoe and it's so strong I just think it's smell like it came straight out of the sewer and you go completely gone I think I think got other pair of shoes and walked home yeah but these are good oh let's get the monitor out all right another monitor this one's probably one you say 20 bucks there's a power brick for the Xbox so we don't have to use our own right there so now that things complete - it's got the console power brick any cables and controller boom complete 360 more DVDs I'll haul DVDs we'll definitely do it the clutter thing and we'll do the cart at the end of this and just go through them off backs motion to see what we get it looks like we got HDMI in here as well pretty sure that version 360 can use either eight year or HDMI so it might be for the Xbox as well but a bunch more DVD what are these they're pretty beat up - aren't there shred state oil or distance uh probably a mechanic I'm guessing anything else in here just more DVDs there's so many DVDs they must have watched the video and the clutter in seeing how much we never can sell them at how little money we get those fell the storage unit with them you never guess it's in this bag happy Green they might have games actually sorry I got excited about video games no it's nothing my eyes are asking serious people look at it it's inside out oh is it yeah it is but it's still look at the name okay probably not sure grant about a five we're at about a five still decent price I mean even when I hold 360 this little clock go for like kind of 15 bucks easy then we got go in there GTA 5 mana warfare one I just heard a pain lives and was just me making my own work her for this year I'm pretty psyched there's that granted let's grant the title for as well who's played this game before we have data for oh this is Liberty City never huh still no it's the complete edition that's the complete one I never actually beat this one yeah I beat the Ballad of Gay Tony I never did that walks it down Nikko let's go bowling that's the only thing I remember from gta4 and the rest of it looks like DVDs so this will probably increase that Xbox will sell has a set for $35 price tag on him brand new so inside reversion shampoo a couple of those really again yeah probably let's check those got to make sure what the heck is that beauty player joy that maybe by bucks if it works all the DVD player to the flea market last time only five bucks they sell junk granny towns joy and that is don't get to the book bag actual school stuff that always makes it sad I'm like what happened here that's going in here and it looks like it's all it's gonna be we'll go through it deeper once we get it out of here let's go through these clothes too looks like more kids clothes kids clothes if you have the storage room you throw I'm at a flea market York silver bucket feet you will get money for a book we buy so many units we'd end up with like a whole house full of clothes and like a week so we usually donated most of it they're not high cows Yakko Jeremy likes to eat all the food from the storage unit do you want the drink from the storage unit to pause the video so I'm G mrs. smart side that's his dumb side what he does not realize right now is that it's not a coke can that is a stash can hiding one of the most valuable finds we've ever came across so far in these storage units we have gone through so far make sure you stay tuned to see what it is leave enough coke and more paperwork look at that diamond rings that's pretty cool that is a receipt oh three thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars on a ring these people are wild I got no it's just so much money for like a piece of metal in a rock when you actually break it down to think about it it's just the rocket piece of metal pillow I'm just I like traveling more than like you know what I mean items I don't care I'll wear something cheap because I'd rather spend that money is going somewhere new that's all blankets and stuff creating memories when you're about to die that's all you got at the end money don't mean nothing more clothes just all clothes got a blanket go in here and take a nap see something leather looking at least right there more junk yeah those might be shoes get that up over any of these give us something good axe appeal not to share that rhyme in Arizona we're up there we go and now let's send Jeremy you have some ramen noodles with the coke nice little me up yet even some mouthwash the clap after this oh yeah you have a good beef man these shoes are beyond beat as well and more just it looks like cheap shoes we'll look them up as I edit the video of course you guys know we prop the prices up but as we're going through it I don't have a clue let's see what's in here could this be where all the rest of their Xbox games are they're not gonna have an Xbox in three games right I wouldn't know that's just a little older thing I guess if you don't have a cellphone in 2019 other than that that looks like it solves in that box our bag alright guys so this one is all closed here nothing else there so I'm gonna leave it there for now let's get into this side phone charger no burn CDs I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess why can't you at least put them all in one container wise are like 80 bags of burn CDs anything else in here it looks like wires what is that Conair gear hair dryer this is Fletcher just a random electronics and wires and stuff in the little bag oh the jewelry and nail polish and stuff like that all right just all clothes other than that this is all clothes as well let's check in this one well this would be ten million dollars cash not quite all paperwork but paperwork and tell an interesting story so we'll set it aside it looks to be no but let's do it one good time detergent bottle of stuff in it doesn't look like much yeah nail or make up with some sort and nail polish it'll complete about fifteen bucks new at roses so I'm not gonna be very expensive other than that I think that's all we got in this unit so we got to go find out how to get a cart give this up cleaned up get into the car and then we'll do a recap once we get home see you then [Music] this isn't oh look at this I just try to open it to be funny until the poor on you look this screwed know if it does it's pretty freaking strong but it opens why don't you like well it's a fine cocaine look at that sounds of cocaine well how do you even get that that's pretty creative like somebody made that their self or the glove at okay glove I'm scared of you to be like cocaine in here it seems that way hold on look it doesn't sit like you can't hear nothing I got just tossed it look it doesn't sound like there's anything in there well they're shaper towels in there I mean it feels like a regular coke can paper towels yeah I literally said like give me a glove on the other hand oh my god there's jewelry in here you think it's real there's a lot in here though we've yet to find real jewelry so I'm like kind of not excited as it should be look it does do you see that that looks real see there's any markings in it 14 karat that's actual gold this is the first time we found gold what else it's saying they're sitting on the other side F something but that says 14 karat what about the I love you one 10 karat these are all real gold so far this one is let's see 10 karat as well you think these gems are those gems are roll are real then you're sitting on a mountain of cash you see I see that into focus yeah that's a ridiculous amount of money if those are real and we got I don't see a marking in that one I don't see I'm marking in there and then this one can you see that good - and this one says that's real - 18 karats all of them have markings except for the crazy-looking one let me look at that that's probably if that's real that I mean that's a ridiculous amount of cash I'll put the light on it there's a marking in it I can't see it I can see Katie it's gold I don't know if it's 10 karat or 24 karat or what that's real gold if those are real diamonds in that's probably the biggest score by far we ever had holy crap look at those I mean that is a lot of dyeing those are real that's a ridiculous amount of we gotta take it to like a pawn shop or something once we leave here get it at least looked at I'm not gonna sell it to them but they could tell if it those are real diamonds are real gold my heart rate right now is that endo for real I mean there's gotta be thousands of dollars what do you think so it's five yeah me neither but I mean I know diamonds are worth a lot if those are real diamonds and that's a lot of money the van is still completely packed from the last door units I guess what we have to package the car up now great all right guys time for the moment you have been waiting for so we took them all to the stores three different pawn shops to get them appraised in the numbers were ridiculous so total well actually let's go through singularly all these rings were worth hmm starting with these three these three can use like try guess try to zoom in on them if you can these three they offered us two combined $315 which wasn't mind we didn't sold any of them obviously because we're showing them to you because first of all the pawn shops are gonna rip you off anyway so that's what the first reason those three when I want this much about $315 these two combined I don't know why they separated like this thing was like carat these two were another three hundred and fifty dollars the concept offering so you know they're probably worth two or three times that so that's already a thousand dollars and most likely retail easy but well we did not show you because we did not realize on the video is underneath the final laughs get in here there was a third ring and this one was wrapped up all by itself in now I'll show you why look at that one three stone ring retail that thing $3,600 is what it's going for right now the pawn shop offered $900 for it so obviously we know that's why we get a number from their ass offering about a third and what it's really worth but we found the exact thing online because number one receipt in the bag to guess what the receipt was - right there this is a three to four thousand dollar ring going as low as 3200 on some places going as high as four grand on some so this is crazy by far the biggest fine we've ever had interesting we got this unit because I was just being a douche bag and not letting the other guy win it I just wanted to beat him in the bidding war that is legitimately the only reason we ended up with his unit the only thing that's all in there we're ITV and an Xbox stuff - gotta get my hundred bucks back and everything else to be profit was not expecting this number two when we were cleaning up when I picked it up I was gonna open it to joke with her if I didn't try to pop this as a joke this would've won in the trash so when you're cleaning out unit check everything I could have thrown away a coke bottle the Hat four or five thousand dollars worth of rings in it had no idea at all so when you do these if you buy these to check every little last detail you can we spend what would you say like almost three or four hours I'm going through everything else in this unit everything else there was nothing really big they might have been nothing extra like fifty to a hundred bucks in there but pretty much every other big item is what you've seen on video but these rings this ring in particular like I said that one's retailing for over three grands highest 4000 so right now we're probably not selling any of this stuff cuz we get a lot of messages saying you know how you saw this to me at least us to me so not to sound mean but right now if we see any message about these we're gonna have to ignore you because we're gonna look into it and see how much money we can really really get down the road because it means this could be four or five thousand dollars like I said off a $100 eat it so absolutely insane anyway guys that's gonna be it for this one what a freaking day I'm like I'm still on cloud nine that makes sense I'm still up there right now so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links are gonna be one screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 303,761
Rating: 4.7862382 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds money, storage unit, storage unit money find, found in storage unit, i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage auction finds, storage auction locker, storage locker, storage locker finds, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: qYw5_7_pZmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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