MOST EXPENSIVE Storage Unit Yet! GOLD FOUND In Pill Bottle! Gold Found In Storage Unit! BIG PROFIT!

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that's all jewelry whatever this was it cost 400 no way hey give me that come here come here money no way is that real well guys i am in a super happy but nervous excited mood at the same time we just dropped a lot of money on the storage unit the most i've spent on one in quite a long time but there was nothing going on for the next week so i couldn't leave you guys with no content we had to buy one it looks alright but we paid a lot for it let's get on the road let's get over there and let's see if we made a good [Music] investment [Music] we're going to miss all you guys i hope you're going towards a good cause i really am going to miss looking at you you're so pretty well time just to kiss some goodbye and let's see what we got so here we are guys we just arrived here at public storage and we're at our unit right here it's a pretty big boy it's a 12 by 14 which is a lot bigger than you know the normal ones we buy we paid 810 plus fees it's about 900 bucks for this one so there better be something good in here because i don't usually drop that kind of money but i was feeling it today so you know what let's get in there let's see what we got [Music] so as you can see it's a pretty big unit and from this side you can see over here there is a crap ton of boxes and that's the real reason i wanted like a lot of boxes and you know some hidden stuff under the blankets either tvs or art some more boxes and boxes and boxes and totes you know the stuff we like that kind of stuff so i guess let's just pick one i'm pulling out yeah where do i start anywhere let's get this one i'm like overwhelmed i'm like spinning around in circles like a cartoon trying to find one let's keep going on the ground because i'm lazy let's see what we got this thing oh i like this you see what that says 22 cal how do i get in it's probably a cleaning kit but i'm still going to check yep but maybe that means it's in here somewhere maybe hopefully fingers crossed let's see what's in this number one box what is this kind of stuff this is get out icon airbrush system it definitely has something in it it's not empty oh it's there look a little airbrush and everything huh i don't think i found anything like that before i don't know if that's a good find or a cheap fine no idea this might be paint something with it is it for makeup it might be it says luminess on it right yeah luminous so it might be a makeup thing check that out spray on makeup is that a thing women out there i don't know like i think people can spray on foundation if i'm not mistaken all right let's check the suit jacket really quick victorio but i'm bad at names i'm about to pronounce myself but i'm not seeing anything in these pockets you're feeling anything quite yet there's the bottom of the suit here's a bag let's see what's in this bag whoa little bastard oh look at this i'm really liking this first box you know what i'm having a good feeling about it this is a tactical vest it's exactly what this is nothing on the back look on the back did they see something wrong no it usually goes here i think i saw this oh well this is where the police or security thing would go usually that is definitely a tactical vest night sticker taunting gun here flashlight it looks brand new too we're gonna find one in here we're gonna find one in here what's this looks like some medical stuff doesn't it yeah that's what i'm thinking yeah this might this is the machine right here check that out yep cpap cpap machine what are those before i wonder no i can't imagine they're cheap everything's medical you know how he is we create it for two bucks and then sell it to you for two thousand because that's how the medical system in the united states works um that this looks like paperwork ooh what's that ultra light okay how about ultra gun oh it's like a soldering gun or something that's what this is okay this looks like a blood pressure machine yeah i think that's a blood pressure thing if for some reason this is in it this is for when they start screaming it's too tight to make them stop screaming maybe i don't know and this looks like let's open the bottom oh great at least we got most of it out is this what goes at the bottom of a car that's the prescription stuff that goes with the medication anything else interesting in this bag is that a drill charger maybe we need to find the drill i'm seeing paperwork paperwork junk and paperwork washing wax for that people use it on a truck other than that it's all papers not much in value but you know what good clues that means there might be something really good in the back of that unit now i'm gonna take it out oh this one's heavier this box here come on come on you think it'll stay on top of it enough all right let's see hey oh i see a lamp okay oh that's in a second hold on i see a lamp behind lamp all right what's this oh it's craftsman okay there's no drill in it but it's something that's [ __ ] screws here's one bit actually one bit all right but now we found the charger for the drill in the case for the drill now we need the actual thing so there's the lamp actually that could be worth a couple bucks for sure set that aside don't fall i think the shades right there okay i think you're right this is like a car vacuum or handheld vacuum i guess you can use it for the house if you want but for our car now yeah no joke or maybe our stairs yeah that's definitely dexter he's a hairy cat what do you think this is so these are all tools look ramp screwdriver pliers things like that so those are definitely easy sailing arts now let's see what else we got pictures which we'll send back there's kids behind us saying they can't hear me they can't hear me but we can let's see what's in here i'm gonna get them on video no please don't this is somebody's bible it won't be a good image if you turn around start recording somebody's kid yeah true there's no way out the watch oh it was what was that i imagine that was very expensive why is it dirty who knows how long this stuff has been in here like those big units i always assume they've been in here for a long time i'm seeing paperwork paperwork oh i think it works no don't hit the camera well ah well it works we found some type of gun right let's see what's in this little box right here this looks like one of the bathroom boxes every unit's got like two or three it's a staple are these actually glasses no what is that a lollipop tape in a piece of sticky metal from the lollipop joy do you know what you keep in your glasses container yeah that's what i keep in mind yeah i'm not gonna go through this you see this it is look i should go through it maybe it's definitely what that is another airbrush here that looks like bobby pins and thread let's see if we're seeing anything else the rest of it i think is actual just bathroom stuff lotions perfumes and cream so yeah let's just close this one on up let's get this one now what was that switched up the angle a little bit let's see how it is in here or what's in here oh half a head and that sounds a little concave this thing represents a majority of people in the world you know why it's head tallow i'm just saying um a teddy bear what brand teddy bear though harvest moon i don't mean nothing to me there's a jump rope all right do it yeah yeah all right you ready unless i'm like jumping three feet in the air i don't think it's gonna quite happen that way but this blanket smells like straight dogs i'm pretty sure that's the one dog slept on so everything else in there though it's just clothes and a blanket you knocked that down from up on the truck i'm gonna bring this white box over here because it's got a lot of phone numbers written on it maybe let me just got some interesting stuff in it like i don't know their personal stash of million dollars open why can't i ever find tape this strong if i go out and buy tape i put the whole roll on it like a strong breeze of wind would knock it off but in a storage unit it's next to unstoppable these look like rock bathroom rugs let's get these out there's a lot of them that's what the box says but i was hoping there would be other stuff mixed in there um two extension cords or a power ship there's a two power strips but other than that all the way down his bathroom rod how many do you need like how many bathrooms do you have in your house honestly you have like a 10 bathroom house or something if you do look at me just probably nicer stuff in there but that's legit 10 plus bathroom rugs all right let's bring this up here because the case in here looks very interesting so check this out this it's just a hamper but what is this what is that ambiko which is oh yes it's a little helping floor it's camera stuff but how old are camera stuff that's the question you know how technology works it dies out pretty fast let's see if i see a quality on this 32 times optical zoom it doesn't say whether it records you know 720 1080 or 4k or anything but it's got a lens cap and everything it's got the battery so let's hope it's good oh that looks like a nice one that's heavy duty this one's heavy and it's got a lens on it already which is nice but this is a let's see maxim 550si minolta music on the highway shh nobody else wants to hear it that let's see if there's a name on this one too this is a panasonic mini dv 32 x optical zoom and i said this one already so two cameras and this one's got a camera lens cap too it just fell off so that's on there too looks like we have like to record on that's probably a bad sign it means it's pretty old but wires to it uh nothing this side's closed and it's another one of these tapes to record to and looks like an extra battery so that's kind of a cool thing right on the top let's see what else is in here though like this i see change more change all right let's see actually it's wow that's just a bag of junk isn't it with the lips yeah that's just a bag of job that what's in here what is that supposed to be a flexible hose flex hose it's in there that sounds really funny i remember seeing like the paid programmer for that yeah flex so we have some flexible hose in there a flexible hose not some flexible hose a flexible hose this is look a ten dollar christmas ornament rock thingy that will yeah that it's a necklace look at the back you make it though precious gift for any occasion open pearl oyster container remove oyster open oyster with included tulle curl place pearl into pendant show it off i got what's good all right bam lasagna chef foreign it's actually in there i always got to shake cans now because you don't know and this is a towel that's all in there here's a boot what kind um max collector never heard of them there's an umbrella there's another boot there's some hair products in here but other than that the bottom of it looks like just flows and a light you're not seeing nothing else in there getting this big heavy box out of here sorry about any car traffic there's literally a road right there yeah not very good placement that's the only problem usually the big units are always outdoor units we're also affected by this guy getting dark quick so let's hope we get to a good amount of it open up you all right let's see this looks like very old computer stuff well this is stream fast all right whatever it is it's in there how steam can i read that that's my tech side i just expected to say straight but that's in there and of course no jewelry that's all jewelry more jewelry hold on let's see hold on there hold on hold on what's in this whatever this was it cost 400 dollars no way really that was actually hilarious this isn't 10 karat gold that was pretty funny it felt so heavy too i'm like i hope i got your facial expressions it didn't well that sucks but here's some earrings i wonder what it was 10k of that like this thing black stainless steel this is a i don't even know it's not rolex that's how i look for watches basically is it rolex no dang that thing there's other expensive watches oh i know but there's only one rolex here's some earrings in here that aren't marked that 10k ring has to be somewhere i'm not giving up on it yet this is a larynx i'm gonna say what was in that box was a necklace or a bracelet and now you think yeah because it's not high enough to be a ring container let's see if there's anything that looks like that in here the rest of it doesn't look like just a bunch of costume jewelry but obviously this is something we will check very thoroughly before we just slot it up or anything like that so for the first look it looks like costume jewelry let's set it aside you know i grabbed this box i thought this looked like a jewelry box from inside the tape and it's funny it's a speaker and then there's actually jewelry in there it's kind of weird how that worked out but okay this looks like just paperwork paper paper paper paper paper not a fan of paper that is a very old crappy speaker these are some nikes actually they're not too out of shape they look old some nikes let's see what's in this though probably based off there being more papers this could actually be files like it looks like yeah bunch of paperwork mixed with a random bag of jewelry and some speakers you just never know let's get this big boy right here let's see what we got looks like home decor no that was not just there guys i swear i didn't even set that like that this was just like right here look down it was just like that when i opened it i swear may your home be filled with dreams and love and endless blessing from above yard sale 100 percent so i got balls in this which make dun dude okay this is getting very inappropriate that it was just there okay we had to make the joke this thing more home decor remote there's a little frame that has personal pictures in it i can't show you that's an eye health hmm these [ __ ] it looks like an old [ __ ] doesn't it but i don't think it is plastic it's plastic but i don't think it is let's see what this is another personal frame a weird looking pen huh kind of strange looking let's scoot some of this stuff around if there's anything else more balls i had to laugh sorry i'm immature the back of a cell phone this looks like a random plot here look at this this just looks like a little bit of everything thrown into one giant bag at least it was from the bottom look yeah but nothing particularly valuable looking this looks like basically somebody's junk drawer that was quickly thrown away or put into storage um let's see america's watch i think it's in there yes the camera okay you can't trust no boxes here so one box you might say like used tampon and there's like thousand dollar gold bracelet in there so you got to check everything very particularly but that we're losing daylight fast look up here it's getting dark very quick i hate this five o'clock dude sorry go through this black gym bag it's way heavier than i thought it was gonna be oh yeah it is what do you think we have in here actually side pockets first yeah it's nothing this side pocket though this is where it's at right here um a shirt or a rag or something i don't even know looks like maybe a brag for a baby it's probably gonna be a baby bag isn't it yeah don't say that don't say it i think i'm gonna need to pull the light out after this bag yeah it's starting to get dark fast this is like a blood pressure thing or not blood pressure um blood sugar thingy these look at all this mail someone just kept all their mail i hate when people do that then i buy their storage so that's all paper these look like shoes though these probably like yard sale shoes though i'm assuming nothing the too is the brand never heard of it me needed it well i never heard of salvador fair guy i don't want to find it either so i'm not going to use that in my judgment that i never heard of it wow that's why it's heavy this is a whole thing of different like women's dress shoes and things like that so that's literally all that's in the entire bag can you see me no you can't but boom the light now you can catch you all right so first thing first oh well i was about to say this box look at the price tag it had on the side or the retailer price 1400 250 like almost two grand but that's empty was it supposed to be light went out it died that fast what the freak all right well this is supposed to be a what i don't even know home care home care system a vacuum kirby don't they make vacuums i think something like that yeah so that's what it was supposed to be let's hope it's in there somewhere and get lucky like that can you still see me enough it's bad yeah hold on a second trying to improvise here it has gotten pretty dark so our unit's over there and we brought the box over here because well this thing's here maybe it'll work let's see see what we got oh i see an open jar of vaseline anything's in here though black bag open it never hide nothing good another bag in the bag look i know what these are can i put it right here yeah did i say what i think it is please do yeah look at this beautiful these are nine millimeter lookers i don't want to talk too loud i don't know if we're supposed to be keeping them or not um heck yeah they're jalapeno i don't think so it doesn't say it no fmj but hey i will take that gladly because these are for me these are not being sold what are these remingtons these are 380s oh 380. nice we haven't i saw a little dip in the front are they hollow points no that's weird wait there they are yeah okay all of once so hey nine and three eighty we keep finding everything that's leading me to believe one thing is going to be somewhere in this unit so that oh some 12 gauge shells i got two shotguns actually a 12 and a 20. so i will gladly take it this is the one kind of ammo you still got still can find everywhere though so that's not that expensive we got that let's keep going i like you that so far what's this do a bag anything else in here let's see what's in this little thing let's take it out here can we a couple lighters keep those for the candles another lighter and a walk oh no that might be silver that looks like one of those turquoise bracelets doesn't it yeah silver they're usually silver let's see base metal basil stainless steel back i don't think it's gonna be celebrated if it is it's probably just plated so it'll probably go out there costume jewelry a lot unfortunately but still kind of cool liking this box besides this let's get that out this is the national equal opportunity something yeah check that first out yeah what is this oh it's heavy oh let's see that is a lady baby fat that is oh baby i can see it in this light leaning it down not so much come on hoping it wouldn't be papers but looking like it's papers all the way through unfortunately so that kind of sucks but that perks could be where something looks nice personal picture and well what's in this hey look there's a bluetooth headset are they in there it feels like it is nothing else in here no these are super light so you don't really know i remember we had these yeah not in there unfortunately but you know what i'm not complaining about this box at all because guess what i got 12 gauge 380 and 9. i'll take all of it got the next box up rip open the tape let's see what we got we have a hoard of shoes all right but these are nike boots these are expensive look at the bottoms too nice these are in good shape that's a good find here's both of these yeah there's the other one right there nice pair of nike boots in good shape what's this these are what all the negative commenter people are right here i found them in a box there they are in the flesh oh they're in there too what if this guy is the one that talks trash about me here's the one that talks trash about you and they're even still in their bag how convenient all right let's see some hairs in here look at these those are nice i like red so size um where is it at eight and a half yeah a little bit too big maybe i have one pair of eight and a half baby you never know tends to be one of them but that is a good sign for me because maybe there's shoes that are about the same time empty what's in here why is this here so special they get a bag whoa bro these are nike zooms they're in good shape too look at those bottoms yep look at the white on it i mean they might not have ever been worn that's might be why they're in the bag um the rest of it though looks like you know just cheap yard sale shoes a couple bucks here a couple bucks there that's all the rest of the those pairs of shoes right there that's a money fun all right so brought the next box over to the light that we got in here oh look at those right on the top so these are a little beat but look at the side what is that oh back here yeah i don't know i've never seen those on shoes before but they're the worst conditions so far out of all the shoes we found let's see what this is this is a cluster of wires nothing but wires every unit every unit cotton balls are actually looks like it's going to be bathroom but what's that makeup might be all right um let's see hey give me that come here money no way is that real oh come on look at that that looks so legit oh i thought we had 100 out of our nine back yeah i just broke my heart light bulb um what are these two things here this is it's actually in there it's an led light bulb there's got a couple pennies in there with it oh i like it it looks like it's from five below yeah so probably not much value there what's this okay this is where the shady stuff went huh oh now look the shady stuff i didn't even mean for it to bake like that but you know what it came out right are they in there like how many light bulbs in there if it is it's like not very many because it's very light the light bulbs are very light so and it's full oh cool save us a little money other than that there's some irish spring soap in there good stuff i'm not seeing too much well i'm seeing this hampton what corporation camden open open what do you think this is um a watch i think it was one though yeah okay somewhere in this unit there's gonna be like a horde of all these watches where they just kept the boxes it's coming somewhere i don't know where yet but we're gonna find it all right nothing nothing nothing air freshener cat collar and just a bunch of random bathroom stuff so yeah all right so we're playing with the angle again i think we got the light looking even better though yes we do let's see what's in this one ew i got something for you a plunge oh it's dirty stop stop sorry i had to i mean what is this a ball thank you golden ball um george foreman here that's actually in there it's like five bucks this thing for the bathroom couple bucks what is it i think this thing sits on the carpet and you roll your chair maybe i don't know what is that cover target whoa that's what the gun goes that's the gun we had right there look at you making connections like that's in there i hope that works kind of cool that would actually be really fun we're going to try that let's see shredded paper okay um whoa roaches i don't even know what a brush is clothes oh okay this one's marked with something hold on i think it's just a brand new look at this little toy soldier my toy soldier huh if it's gold this could be some money here too but we don't really know until we get it home let's how do you clip it there you go clipped up he's out the way somebody's graduation hat what else is in this box somebody's lottery bundle thing this is a blu-ray in the back last stock this is like a cast and yeah there's a lot of paper in here too i'm not seeing too much in this box i think we're gonna go through one more then we have to call it quits because we gotta go home we literally have a yard sale tomorrow morning we haven't even started setting up yet or we don't have signs out hustle never stops let's get into this last box for today now let me say that again we've gone through maybe 10 percent of that unit there's at least 50 to 60 more boxes in there remember the front's usually the junk the bats usually the gold mine and let's see what's in here well this is wrapped up very well this is a mirror how you doing by the way the ones we found out of the last unit we put up today we already stole one for 40 bucks so yep there was pretty quick let's see what this thing is uh it's interesting how much prices varied and we found it on wayfarer for like 160 and the target was like 120 and then walmart was 60. yeah really uh oh it's a vase but it's broken yeah it's genuine porcelain too says a thing but broken so about but other than that i'm not seeing too much and is that a knife don't come here if so we need to keep in the truck we got a nice knife look at that it's kind of dirty but it'll it'll do it's sharp enough to get for what we need it for where's the clothes at it doesn't have a little thingy here to push in and close right here yeah all right that this also has another knife like a tire gauge and one of those things that spray good smelling stuff it's also called an air freshener this smell detector and telling you they got a jewelry box in this unit somewhere we're gonna find it watch in there that's a watch box yeah they have a jewelry box but yeah other than that that's all it's in here so we're gonna pile this stuff up and go home and go through and do like a little mini recap instead of doing one giant one once we finish this unit because that's gonna take us a long time so let's get it home and do a little mini recap i'm in such a good mood right now so we don't usually record over going through stuff in here but in a pill bottle check out what i just found 14 carat gold necklace oh 14 karat gold in a pill bottle that is why you check every little thing you can that is in crazy that's saying scrap that's probably what three to four hundred dollars at least just there that is crazy and i'm just that's like that could be half the money for the unit potentially close to it in my hand that's why you check everything oh that just made my night let's just keep going and see what else we can pull out of here before we even do the recap this was just i had to record it it's not done yet guys remember this little thing right here we just going through all of it almost all of its costume jewelry but this little ring right here that you can zoom up on it that far well but that is 10 karat gold already 14k gold in 10k gold just remember we're less than 10 of the way through this unit i think we could already have really close to our money back justin fines and ten percent of it if that's the case and it keeps up like that this unit is a gold mine literally all right so let's do kind of a recap other than the two awesome things i showed you golden necklace and golden ring right here boom other than the gold there wasn't really nothing you didn't see on camera we did look some stuff up the nike boots are a little more expensive than i thought i thought around 40 they're like 65 the red or the zooms were like 50 bucks the two pairs of air forces or were they air forces or ears yeah whatever they're like 30 40 bucks a piece too so i mean just in the shoes it's like 150 bucks the one camera had the lens on it was like 100 bucks so that's like 250 bucks right there the necklace is probably i'm guessing around 350 bucks based on weights i mean right there 600 bucks the ring the airbrushes we're talking 7 800 already we've gone through maybe 10 of the unit it was a 900 unit i think it was a good investment if it continues like this like i said say we can get 700 bucks 10 times that's 7 grand or 900 bucks i'll take that any day of the week and don't forget we're just at the front of the unit the back stuff that's the best stuff so let's keep on going next time we are having a yard sale tomorrow as you can see all this stuff behind us needs to go tomorrow a lot of the stuff from this unit in past units is going tomorrow but after that we're going to be right back in that unit digging for more treasure so if you enjoyed it leave us a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 39,774
Rating: 4.9588456 out of 5
Keywords: gold found in storage unit, gold found in storage wars, cash found in storage unit, money found in storage unit, safe full of cash found in storage unit, gold found in abandoned mine, gold found in ocean, gold found in river, gold found, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit gold, abandoned storage unit guns, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage locker, real storage auction, reselling business, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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