$7,000,000 PRIZE! 100X The Money! Lottery Ticket Scratching! Scratcher Big Winners

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right now since you guys enjoyed our last lottery videos so much we decided let's go ahead and get another 100 worth of lottery tickets because well getting a storage unit right now with tax returns and stimulus is going out is impossible not a good combination 12 cancellations in the last eight days so for now we got some lottery tickets do not forget to like this video though guys we're only gonna do these lottery videos if you guys hit that like button to show us you want to see more of these so make sure you do that if you enjoy them let's get into it well um first let's see out of these four lucky break tickets which one is going to be a winner so we'll start with number nine so let's see what we have up here first lucky bone has revealed a horseshoe when price shown that is a foot it's not a horseshoe oh does that count before she goes on horseback uh winning numbers are 16 10 38 and 18 and then it just says reveal clover double money sign okay all right winning numbers or my numbers are 32 not 100 14 not a winner 37 one off forty fifteen again another one off twenty eight your lucky lottery number would have been a thousand oh that would have been nice eight your lucky number 450 you know i've been playing lottery tickets since i was like way too young and i've never once had a cleaning ticket like i never had to go anywhere i wouldn't have to go there and bring a wedding ticket to the office yeah that's when you know you won yeah you like really one i want a thousand dollars all right that one's a loser how much do you spend about 70 000 i have a coin of that one so that's loser 19 29 22 and 12. nothing under 12. 23. no i figured you'd be too close 35 it's always so close to the winning numbers so close yet no cigar 14 24 26 no 39 now 16 no 36 no where's it at i don't know how we find it 7 37 and six ten dollars down the drain yep never going to financially recover from this 36 29 again six and seven six oh that has to we have to win on this one if we're not winning on this one winning on the next one because that one is ticket number 13. but they take it she got number eight and i got number 13 so we traded tickets because that's our lucky numbers yep so if you went off 13 just know it was because of me but if i went off at 8 it's because i made a smart trade the other dude ain't not a winner but it would have been 20 bucks 10 no 18 no 39 dang it i thought it was whatever it's 29. of course i get five uh 21 no and 35 of course not nothing all right three in the hole three in the hole this is the last five dollar ticket let's see if this is the big winner i'm gonna be kind of sad that i traded well it's okay we're are we working together are we going against each other if i win we're going against each other if you win we're working together okay yeah that's how it works no okay whatever you say 38 28 see what 28 would have been 170 000. that's such an odd number but nice 22 18 no and 11. negative all right all those all of my five dollar ones were losers now let's get into the big 30 one i don't usually get 30 tickets but this was a new one so i think i'm gonna have to fold it in half to fit a little screen here that just killed me inside sorry well let's get up here each game plays separately bonus game reveal what is that a gold bar when 50 instantly let's start with this side a wishbone no and a sink no i wish i could find a safe in a unit and this game is reveal three identical amounts when that amount reveal four win double that that's a lot of numbers to keep up with yeah it is 100 ten thousand two thousand all right fifty fifty okay i'm gonna do it like outward uh 75 nope i gotta find the match two two thousand two fifty okay let's take a 2k that'd be cool oh a million no nevermind let's get that a million there's a thirty dollar which i don't have any thirty dollar ones here's a five thousand uh here's a 500 did i have a 500 i don't think so uh here's a 500 here's another 500. yeah that'd be cool three more spaces pay a 50 50 50 50. you got three 50 bucks oh let's let's get another one so i can get a hundred oh there's a hundred is this fifty dang it what is it so it is it's fifty dollars i think yeah on this game it won fifty bucks all right so let's see about these last two games so this is reveal a money bag win prize shown or reveal a money roll in double okay so we have a cherry a heart a bell weird symbols a clover and a key okay and this right here just funny it's like a little virginia symbols because it's the commonwealth of virginia well this is just normal winning numbers your numbers let's see what the winning numbers are 13. seven lucky number seven one oh was it a winner forty thirty six all right one's always a winner forty three no okay well i'm glad i won 50 bucks so far i'll check at the bottom uh 34. two come on 48 20. give me another 50 bucks i'll be happy let me get 100 bucks back again plus you have to go so you might get over 100. that's all right we're making profit this time right now 21 no 25 no 11 no come on one's gotta be a winner four no thirty-three fifty definitely don't have fifty thirty dang forty fifteen no twenty-eight what would twenty-eight have been 500. nice and 41. so no no winners on that and i'll check the bottom to make sure let's get on his turn so i'm starting with two of these lucky breaks too you lost four of them i'm bound to have at least one winner what's the odds on these tickets one in what one and what i'll look like i don't see it but let's get this lucky bonus first let's get this horseshoe really quick one in 4.13 so one of these should be a winner that's another foot not a winner odds of winning top prize or one and 1.53 million all right 18 23 17 and 20. that's it right there's no extra numbers over here you never know right all right let's go through it 30 nope we got 20. 38 nothing 35 nothing 11 and 13. i have to check 13. 50. not bad respectable price 32. you have to win at least 50 so you get a thunderback i'm trying 3 12 and technically 15 nothing so far technically your other ticket was in the middle of my losing yeah true that might be the one that's a winner 21 29 10 nope six and one no winners on that one yes here's ticket number eight the one i traded to you for number 13. that was in the middle of my row if it was a good trade deal that's a bank not a horseshoe that's not a good start let's see what our numbers are 3 23 25 oh there's my 28 there it is here it goes the day we've been waiting for us let's hit it big 13. of course i got 13. i'll check the prize no it wasn't the last one 17 33 okay now anything that ended at three is a good winner because we took the other threes out nine 15 nothing all right 29 no one off 10 nothing 39 nothing 30 and 36 both nothing come on this last row give me a winner there's my lucky number eight what would it have been 170 000. what was your 13 event 100 bucks it was 170 000 online too yeah number 11. i don't know 28 ones okay 21 40 32 all six of these are losers wow one four point fly all right now i got this 10 ticket 20 times the money up to a million dollars and after this we got another one of those 30 commonwealth tickets let's see if 20 times the money is the lucky ticket 27 7 17 and 26. we had 7 17 and 27 i'll bet 20 dollars right now that there's a 37 somewhere so if it doesn't end in a seven or six don't pay attention to it yep only seven and sixes 35 9 39 33 23. seven or six nope seven or six 24 26 that's a win we got one we'll come back to it there's my lucky eight again what's in a million 10k that still would have been nice 40 or 12 six or seven six or seven 37 nope 45 and 41 18 27 three winners let's get it 21 11 and 15. all right winners we're playing together oh all right let's see let's start with 27 20 27 7 and 26 right yeah 27 is 10 10 bucks that sucks number seven is 10 okay 20. 27 all right so let's just be 30. no 10 bucks so still 30. we have 80 back on our 100 so far now let's see if i can hit this if i win on this ticket at all it's at least 30 so we at least profit if i win anything let's get the gold bar and let's just get the profit in really quick wishbone in a safe you know i like winning these and i don't you do because you win but then if you know if you 150 or after that you have no chance hitting a high prize it's like it's already done let's go to this match three simple to win that amount with match four the same number when double that these are my favorite tickets i like the tickets that have multiple games yeah it's fun 30 i'm gonna play like this a million 130 rupees four corners first billion two millions let's get the third million dollar match right here this corner 75 500 give me another million no i see one zero then my heart rate goes up you gotta look for little ones though 50 nothing no 50s huh 75 or we have 275 now okay 275's and 2 millions 200 we don't have any of those yet up 200. there's two 200s let's go to this one 10k we don't have any of those right no i'm not gonna line my heart really fast i saw those commas and zeros okay 275. something's happening here 30 bucks i think we have two of those now too right yeah first all right 100 who are those two they have like two of everything and 50. i don't have any 50s you have 250s we got two of everything no winners there let's go into this one or what is this one oh yeah reveal a money bag win the prize win a money roll when double the prize let's see oh i thought that was a money bag it's a super brave look looks that's very annoying a heart a treasure chest a diamond and dice all right let's go down here and scratch the mini virginias come on virginia's you know what's annoying though i got ticket number three she got ticket number two which means there's only two of these left in there so if i win we only went 80 i might be stupid and take that eating and go buy the last two tickets of these i think i might have to the store is two minutes from us but we'll see we'll see let's crash the virginias to 48 26 27 give me 28 too nope 13 though all right so you know that i got 26 27 28 100 down there let's start 33 nope 40 no 12 nope 7 no and 25 no all right 42 is not a winner 31 nope here's my 28 called it what's it a million probably 75. you gotta get at least 30 so we can profit 10 bucks 50 hey i'm trying 19. 21 no 21 24 no 49 18 37 no no winners we only have one roll up 11 nope 30 also no 45 nope 22 no 20 something it could be 26 or 27. just 20. loser so i just went through and checked our losers to confirm that they are all losers so we want easy the only logical thing to do is right go back get the last two of these in the machine and then with the other 20 we'll get four more of these since we literally lost six in a row that way we're bound to profit right this isn't a horrible gambling mentality that's something we lose my money is it no way let's go get more going in to get more hopefully they're there back home now we got our two paws split up between me and him here is his pile here is my pile let's get started all right my two lucky break ones first we'll start with this little number five let's see come on love you guys by the way we checked the numbers nobody else got any tickets in between us yes 31 3 38 and 12. all right come on there's got to be winners 11 no 27 no 16 no 23 39 no i feel like this is the first time that we like won something and then went directly back and came home and scratched because for one i like the 30 tickets and i'm just one of those people let me tell you a bad memory i have for people that never heard the story we were traveling one day i bought four thirty dollar tickets in a row because i kept feeling like it then i stopped two days later somebody won four million dollar jackpot at that store and i'll never forgive myself from that i think about it all the time what could have been what could you know could have four million same ticket same story don't scratch it you're not gonna scratch it yet all right let's go down here at least we finally found a winner on this ticket no even if it's just that little box up there who knows what price that is hey look you got your birthday no it's 36 12 7 30. i'm looking at it upside down so yeah it's it's rough 8 17 no one no five no can these be like big winners yeah it could be anything 28 13 no 35 no we have quite a few horror stories and lottery tickets in my family 36. remember my granddad yeah they asked him if he wanted the first ticket on a new roll and he said no he didn't play no more so another lady bought it one two million dollars right in front of him that's crazy i feel like everybody has some bad lottery look yeah all right this one right here the only winner that well i'm not going to say oh and whatever could you stop watching ah you jinxed it five dollars only all right so now we have the number one in the roll he has zero because you know he always hits zero i like zero let's see what we have on this bonus game up here with the gold bar let's get a gold bar wishbone nope and lemon definitely not all right three or four identical amounts 10 000. let's get that 2 000 no another ten grand come on hit that third ten k fifty five thousand all right thirty two no the only match i have so far is 10 grand that's it 200 2 200 now hundreds let's do this one over here 50 come on it's going to be somewhere i'm just looking for ten thousand now a thirty two thirty not thirty hundred you have two hundreds now right yet looks like that five hundred move camera sorry uh five thousand last one ten thousand ten thousand two thousand [Music] oh well all right this one money bag or money roll one double diamond grapes okay they pick a weird symbol sometimes dice a bell and a ladybug like why grapes in a ladybug why i don't know all right winning numbers are 36 34. 16 39 and 40. come on hit this cross we need winners 38 that's not a winner no 33 it's only low so nothing below 34 other than 16. so any low numbers are out 28 no 24 45 i think about 40 no 32 no come on 49 no come on 47 no 15 no 19 no no you got both my lucky numbers three one no game last row here 48 nope 17 nope 23 nope 14 no and 22 no so mine were a loser besides my little five dollars here you may have lost because i'm gonna win big here i feel it these tickets have energy beaming off of this i hope you're right let's get this horseshoe really quick they're the bank i'll rather have a bank over horseshoe wouldn't you yeah personally let's go to the numbers 6 30 29 and 3. i got your birthday six three that means i'm gonna win somewhere in here twenty-nine numbers a winner boom right off the bat everyone's about to match watch sixteen okay besides that one every other one five besides that one thirty-third one okay every once in a row 35 no let's crush you i don't want to scratch it off 37 15 21 20. double money double whoa i like this ticket right now all right double fraction come on 19. hey look it's been once a row so far i told you we'll get one down here too 32 better there's my 8 38 and okay so let's start with the 29 yes because it's not an exciting double the money no little zeros five dollars five dollars all right so this is double but it's five dollars fifteen fifteen dollars so we have 20 on these so far so one more one our money back for the green ones so far yeah if i lose this one no we still didn't we already won twenty i'm just doing it don't listen to me well that's a gold bar let's see if we can win some more come on there's my 28 and 18. give me an 8-2 4 and 32 this is a winning ticket this is a winning ticket 40 12 35 36 29 no winners in the first row that's because they're coming 21 again no there's my freaking eight what would it have been it would have been 500 that would have been nice 37 nope 34 also no 11 no 14 no 23 [Music] 38 10 and 15. well that's a loser so we broke even on all of this section of tickets we bought 10 of them total and only 120 dollars all right let's is ticket number zero with a little square last one in the machine so we need you to be a winner enchant it guys enchant it all right let's get the gold marks let's not get the gold i don't want the gold bar eleven and wallet because if you get the gold bar you know you're not winning a million dollars it's just it's not as fun let's get these now come on max oops match up some winners here first one is 50 bucks let's just pick completely random ones like this 5 000 i guess i'm feeling five today huh let's go ahead and get a 500 right here nope 75 what about this one 75 every single thing i've scratched apart had a five in it this one 200 there it goes my fives are gone over here thirty two thousand that would be a lot nicer ten thousand and i'll be even nicer five thousand that would be decent ten thousand do i where's my other five thousand oh right above each other come on we need four or five k so we can win ten thousand let's see hundred bucks oh fifty bucks two fifties and two five k's right yeah all right thirties all right hey 3 30. 30 bucks i believe it's not nothing big but it's something 100 how many hundreds do i have two yeah yeah and 200. all right so 30 bucks 30 bucks so far let's see what do we need here again i forgot money bag money apple chest whatever that is pot of gold ladybug and dice no winner there that's because there's going to be more right down here ticket number zero has to provide for us come on 31 19 35 30 and 36 30 all 30s except so if it's not a 19 or something in the 30s mine was 16 or 30s all right 19 or 30s or not worth looking at not worth looking at not worth looking at nope 39 no not a winner nope nope nope nope nope and nope come on come on we need more than 30 dollars nope nope also now no and no last row come on give me more than 30. nope nope 33. that's not one nope nope 34. no 30 so we took our 80 down to 50. what do we do now do we go get more or do we call it quits what do you think come on give me a choice give me a choice i feel like we should go back and get more of the green ones you guys better leave this video a thumbs up and subscribe because we just took the 50 back and guess what we got these are the last four of these green tickets in the machine the machine is out of all of these now we'll take two of their games so these are for you and i want to scratch the big boy 30 100 times the money because the last time we did a video i won 100 bucks on this so let's see if i can get our money back again this is crazy this is the longest lottery video we've had in a long time i think so let's see what happens there's a lot of numbers to remember here by the way ticket number two i don't know if you guys like to know i like to know i'm weird like that let's see if everyone ever no i don't think so either let's see 37 6 22 3 46 24 19 47 38 and 26. that is a lot of winning numbers to remember this is why i like bees they take a long time to scratch so you got to check all those come on lucky nickel let's see first one is 29 is that a winner no then we got number nine also now number eight i swear i think i've got an eat on every single ticket i've scratched somebody fact check me on that 15 no 18 also now second row come on 39 no 21 no let's do two at a time make it a little easier here we need 32 and 30 32 or 30 nope this one will just be 1 44. also no two rows of losers come on let's see 35 and seven no also no matches come on 34 17 no what about 27 also no guys come on where is our luck we need it did we press it too far i don't know 14 and 13. no come on let's see 11 and no 38 no winner either we're getting close to the bottom now 25 nope we have two rows left second to last we need a 23 in a thirty one neither this isn't looking good i'm getting nervous now forty and four get off forty or four also no come one 45 that's not one either last row down here all right let's see if we get a winner we need a 36 or a 49 36 or 49 nothing what about 16 or 41 16 and 41 nothing last number it's it starts to four we have one four i need 47. it's a 42. so you're telling me this big thing is a loser where's our letters at that's what it's telling you b it means you know exactly what that means now for the last four lucky breaks in the roll start off with a foot that is a loser it's not a good start come on winning numbers are 27 5 30 and 39 come on 23. i need a big win here 34 19 12 14. 28 no 10 8 each number one sound effect yeah 36 17 neither one of those 22 4 33 no 21 and 29 39 not a winner come on all right number two go bar no i need a horseshoe since when is a gold bar valued less than a horseshoe 113 12 and 40. those seem like good numbers that's a wedding ticket 113 12 and 40. 113 12 and 40. now one right yes one in the winner we got something back we got a winner just remember now we could have left with eighty dollars at any point but what fun is that we're from 80 to 50 to whatever this is here 20 and 25. okay no other winners on there besides this what is pesky number one come on good one ten dollars okay okay ten dollars that's not good we have two more left though ticket number one second number one lucky bonus is a foot stop giving me a foot that's just gross we have 15 34 38 and 24 18 14 no 10 come on 12 19 oh five are you telling me to come on or the ticket you i don't want to hear it you lost you get to control what numbers you get okay why did you win because i didn't feel like it bs 28 27 29 and 20. loser all right last ticket number zero with the black square last one in the roll a foot stop giving me that numbers are 5 16 39 and 8. there's the eight here's the win every ticket i swear is that an eight thirty six no thirty five come on nickel nickels thirty seven you know 20 are we really going to go from 80 to 50. we went from 100 to 100 to 80 to 50. and right now it's looking like the 10. well the only thing since i have three weren't over yet and i still have a winner that i could take away from this is that it was fun ride 15 yeah no well that's what happens when you gamble and gamble and gamble and gamble you go from 100 to 80 to 50. that's it to 10 and you know what i would go get another 10 ticket but i really want to win and i know the big winners usually only show their faces when it's not on camera so we'll do those a little bit later we'll do we'll get a 10 ticket a little bit later and just follow some social media you'll probably see that it's a winner but anyway make sure you guys like the video we're only going to do the lottery videos if you guys actually like them and show us you want us to do them because we stopped and then we did one everyone loved it again so if you want to see more again make sure you like the video subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 20,748
Rating: 4.9162445 out of 5
Keywords: scratchers big winners, scratchers, scratchers big win, lottery scratch off, lottery scratchers, lottery scratch off big winners, scratch off tickets, scratch off tickets big win, scratch off tickets secrets, scratcher winner, scratcher winner 2020, scratcher winners in california, big scratcher win, big scratcher winners, scratchers big winners 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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