New Sig P365 XL - Beating a dead horse or falling in love again?

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[Music] a lot of people think I hate sig and that's simply not true I think sig is one of the most innovative companies out there they do some really cool stuff thinking outside of the box well there's other companies like bloc that like I've said before our one-trick pony there's keep remaking the same gun over and over and over again and they don't truly innovate anything and people say well how can you innovate everything's been done no it hasn't the P 365 is an innovative design and this is the new P 365 excel now I've had nothing but problems with two of my four P 365 they've purchased over the last course of a year or so the third one only put 50 rounds through it before I traded it in for my most recent one which we just did a video on so the 365 Excel is a slightly bigger handgun its optics cut has a longer grip holds a flush 12 round magazine has a slightly longer barrel and slightly longer slide and has a really good feel to it it flares out slightly at the bottom has an x5 looking like trigger and from what my friends have told me that own these already this is it's for a strange session they've told me that it has no striker drag there's no striker drag on the primer which is a big thing to me because if you believe it or not get on the internet you will find multiple reports of strikers breaking because yes other guns do drag their strikers ever so slightly with the P 365 it's smearing that primer all the way to the edge of the primer cup and into the brass and that's not good for any striker so I found that out and people were sending me pictures and viewers were sending me pictures of their xl's showing me there was no striker drag I'm really excited but what's funny about that is of the problems I've had with my past P 365 s I've never broken the striker I've broken other things but I'm excited about that because hopefully this one works and I don't break anything and I want to just do a quick video here guys just a first range session we're gonna put a few magazines through the gun and just see if it's going to work which I fully expect it to my original P 365 s all four of them would cycle anything except for the second one that started to malfunction after 400 rounds but the original one I had before it broke a spring it ate everything flatnose frangible hollow-points whatever you stuck in the darn thing it would cycle and feed which is one of the reasons I fell in love with it so quickly so let's go ahead I didn't feel like it picked up around it didn't there we go hit that magazine firmly chamber around and let's see how this thing shoots literally the first round out of this gun ever fired right now nice little low there that shoots even better than the original the recoil impulse is muted that's probably due to the heavier weight of the slide and it seemed to be functioning just fine all I have to do now is identify a piece of brass and take a look at that primer but this one seems to be shooting two point aim in that x5 style trigger that flat face trigger really does feel good on the gun seems to be shooting dead center to point at a m-- really really good did you guys see where any of that brass went got one okay so here we got three pieces of brass let's see what we got that looks good to me in the camera is it's tilted it has the start of the drag there's a line coming out of the pocket there's a little bit of a drag there no this one looks like the pictures I was sent guys this is infinitely better than my other 365's and that's on par with what you would see out of other small compact pistols so it looks like to me that sig has got this under control and I will say this gun shoots better for me at that larger grip it's still nice and small but the sight seemed to be on let's walk off the distance here really quick want to pick up my magazine you seem to be shooting to center mass let's walk it off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 about 18 or 19 yards and it was shooting the center of mass where my last P 365 they were shooting low and on my last P 365 the crown was all buggered up and this thing looks perfect I don't see any tooling marks on it looks to be well made let's load up a couple more mags and keep shooting this thing and put a couple hundred rounds through it we'll do a more in depth video later today we're using some federal 124 green Sentech ammunition I'd like to thank our friends over at federal for sending this ammunition to us free of charge it does not come with the paycheck I can't pay my mortgage with ammunition but it certainly helps us here at the channel because ammunition would be our highest reoccurring cost and a lot of ammunition we still have to buy so I'd like to thank the guys again over at federal the Sun tech you can spot because it has that bright red bullet we also have some 130 grain stuff and this is just basic range ammunition all right so this gun shoots like a much bigger handgun even though they've increased the grip lengths and changed the contour a bit and even lengthen that slide it is still a tiny little gun and very concealable but it shoots like a bigger gun it feels like a bigger gun the recoil management everything it's not as abrupt it's it's uh definitely has a slower slide velocity and maybe that's why we're seeing none of that striker drag or very muted striker drag as compared to the original 365 we still have those slide serrations up front there we have nice bright green front sight and this is the removable plate now I will complain about one thing sig like Glock has to do things their own way they want you to put screws in through the bottom to hold optics in place they don't send any mounting plates or screws or anything so mounting a red dot sight on here would require you to contact sig and get the right screws for whatever arm are or whatever red dot sight you opted to put onto the gun they don't include that in the package and that's just bad from price this gun they should give you what you need to mount at least three of the four most popular red dot sights out there Glock they give you mounting plates but they don't give you the screw so Glock almost gets you there sig doesn't help you at all but you can get the screws from sig in their customer support which I'm going to try to do I'm gonna try to figure out which red dot sight I want to put on here yep I was scared of it I really like this darn thing I like it better than P 365 take all the problems I've had out of the equation for a moment this in my opinion is a definite improvement in organ ah max shoot ability and options over the original P 365 man I hope this thing continues to work I really like this thing alright guys we put a couple hundred rounds of the 124 grain federal Sentech ammunition through these 365 XL and once again I have fallen in love with the P 365 this is a definite improvement in economics and shoot ability over the original now what's yet to be seen is how reliable how durable will the handgun be we'll do a more exhaustive test here in the future we need to get more magazines it only ships with two I bought this gun off gun broker and I just received it literally this morning and so I wanted to really quickly run out to the range and do some shooting with it to see how it performed this time I didn't even put oil on it we just literally took it out of the box and shot it we've had no problems with it it's shooting to point aim and like I said earlier in the video it shoots like a much bigger gun well you know some of you guys have said I'm like a battered spouse I just keep coming back to something I'm trying to tell you I love the idea of the 365 I really do and this XL man this just seems awesome I'm looking forward to getting a small red dot sight on there I'll talk about that in the future whichever one I'd choose to go with and we'll come out and we'll put 500 rounds through the gun in an afternoon with different types of ammunition in our next video guys if you would like to support us here at the military arms channel we are 100% viewer supported sig doesn't pay us obviously and when federal doesn't pay us and I don't know pick a company nobody pays us we're supported by you our viewers and that's how we maintain our unbiased opinions as unbiased as humanly possible of course humans have certain biases but we can only do it because of you guys so there is a link down below to patreon click that link and consider supporting us here at the military arms channel so we can continue our mission of being a consumer advocate not an industry advocate also please swing by and check out copper custom comm and last but not least we are twitch gamers if you're a patreon supporter shoot us a note let us know what your PSN network handle is we'll add you as a friend and you can join us in a live stream over on Twitch alright guys I think I got one last magazine here of 12 rounds flush fitting and we'll sign off with these last 12 rounds guys thanks for 11 years of support we'll talk to you guys soon Wow please keep working I want to love you so much
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 165,398
Rating: 4.9264832 out of 5
Keywords: how to, iraqveteran8888, outdoor, video game, entertainment, ar15, ak47, hickok45, demolition ranch, firearm, review, handgun, rifle, pistol, hunting, target shooting, gun review, movie, action movie, gamer, p365, sig sauer p365, p365xl review, p365xl vs p365, p365xl vs glock 48, p365xl vs glock 19, p365xl vs, p365xl 15 round magazine, new sig, sig p365xl review
Id: pPh-IjuBDrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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