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petcock 45 i'm wearing an XL today yes siree Bob let's put it even longer mag in it oh we got a leak sorry about that yes exhale the cig p3 65 XL if you could read you already knew that didn't you you already expected a lame joke actually I wear a to excel this is an excel though when it comes to the cig p3 65 you have requested it numerous times and I wanted to look at it anyway and see what a thought about it and guess what I'll load these mags on me a cadet you but I I wanted to know for my own little self what I thought about it so we kill two birds with one stone John and I get to see what we think about it and guess what we're gonna let you know what we think about it give you some of the basics okay so got that from buds requested it because you have been requesting it so we appreciate buds gun shop calm they do a world for us unable us to grab things like this and run this out and check it out for ourselves and for you all and we're shooting federal ammo good old Federal Premium they take care of the something look at that cool box of ammo oh man you can fill up a money Krishna box with nine-millimeter life can't be too bad can it yeah with these man's build up and don't forget the SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute that that support us a lot okay and you see them on the paper targets now and everything but they they offer programs and gunsmithing get certified and gunsmithing you can get a degree an associate's degree in farms technology a lot of different programs a lot of different course courses there so check them out the GI Bill and you've heard us talk about them for four years and a lot of you have taken advantage of that cuz I hear from you so appreciate you helping the people that helped us and we're going to be a bring this to you because man I tell you I just I know some of you think I'm becoming a sig person because I have actually purchased some lately myself and I there's making some pretty cool guns lately now there are the detractors you know and there were problems with the regular P 365 which guess what I happen to have one and I think it's in my pocket yes right where you expect now it's not hot but it's kind of warms been out in the Sun see I know whether my farms are hot or not and I have put by the way I have it explained the talon grips we appreciate them taking care of us too and on this one i may have told you all this I put the reason you see a little bit of a split there is mainly it actually matched my first spin a mom but I have two layers of talent grips on that you can kind of tell I mean you know they just make us feel so much better but it really for me in my large hand I need two two layers on it and and that's been lacking a little late gonna tell you that's my pocket gun right there so it just feels great with those grips on it and because the the one thing about the Sig p3 65 is sig almost over engineered it and as far as I'm concerned of course I you know speak with big hands right because they really it's not so much the link that they did anything about in terms of getting a lot of rounds than the smaller max it was mainly the circumference you know and it's almost too thin the grips are for me this one feels a little better because it's a little longer but yeah so I it's mine up a little bit so so a we're gonna shoot both of these and you know let you know what we think about it especially the new I'm not going to shoot the three sig the original necessarily a great deal but we're gonna shoot this one and maybe I'll take a few shots both of them and give you a feel one of the things we'll share is the difference in recoil maybe the feel did you expect a little difference this one is uh I think it's off oh the barrel is a I believe half an inch longer on the XL okay 6/10 of an inch longer and you know it's got a little longer grip and so it makes a difference you got more weight it's a couple of ounces heavier than the original P 365 so two ounces you know and then half an inch longer on the slide and Barrel that kind of thing just just makes a difference doesn't it and so we're going to do that and and see how they shoot how you know they kind of compare and then we're going to actually compare them with the the Glock 26 as well we want to give you an idea of the size and the difference with some again I'm sorry bringing in a Glock and all that sort of thing walk 26 but it's just a lot of things we do even if I did not like Glocks the world knows them very very well more so than probably all the cz lineup or M&P lineup but at least by a slim margin I think still so I still use that for a lot of comparison so that's a 26 we'll put a model 19 here on the other side to house that say that that gives you an idea with a flush magazine in the Glock you have ten rounds in the mag right flush mag in the new sig XL you'd have 12 and you know the Glock 19 holds 15 and a flush mag so it kind of gives you an idea there on capacity and size and that'll buy a couple other things regarding size okay so pretty cool so before I shoot it though again I want to I want to again make you aware of someone else who are supporting us now at Mex American precious metals exchange pretty cool pretty cool don't know if you've ordered from them I know a lot of people have and a lot of folks that are into firearms are also into precious metals at least on some level whether it's silver gold whatever and you know these are the kinds of things again they offers at 1 ounce bars you get silver dollars and these are the American Eagles you know you can get all that stuff is you know one ounce quantities or use whatever they've got everything on their site really good reputation if you have been in the precious metals arena and they ordered online and know much about it at all you know that they are very strong in terms of their inventory I've got a little bit of everything a lot of everything and and just have a great reputation okay so our minds is that again and let us proceed what's what what do you want me to do tell me what do you want me to do first okay it's pretty good suggestion you want me to go ahead and just get a feel for the difference between these two okay that makes sense yeah I've got a both loaded so let me just shoot both of them here and give you an idea of that you know my impressions on the difference though some of you really really are concerned about recoil if you have a shot a lot I know and his shoot ability site radius and all that sort of thing so let me shoot the P 365 first then I'll just have some fun while I'm doing it how's that yes I always do and I'm gonna I'm gonna register the recoil in the feel of it and how I can shoot can I hit anything like that bowling pins yeah that way that plus two got another round yeah we did now let me shoot this one well that's fresh on my mind fresh on my hand look let's put it around the chamber good a bowling pin let's hit a plate okay what do I think well there are other reasons that might be even more important to you in terms of which one you want which one you you know would rather carry of course but the suitability is a factor there's not a dramatic difference and again I kind of specialize in small handguns and make myself get used to them but I don't think you would notice a dramatic difference in how well you can shoot this one over that one or vice versa okay you feel just a little bit more jump with this one makes sense you know you got a what a half inch shorter on the slide in the barrel and so you got a little more weight in this one you know in the longer barrel so and a little more site radius so I think most people would shoot the excel a little better I mean really anybody generally yeah it's going to shoot a little better a little bigger site radius and everything the weight so it comes down to how you're going to carry it I think the biggest difference if you're looking at these two and and many people are because this is one of the hottest guns you know not ignoring all the problems they had when it came out you know we were fortunate we didn't really notice much with the one we had but and weren't even aware of the problems in our first video with this one but some people were having a lot of problems but apparently they have tweaked that and what you're hearing and seeing now is just person after person you know shooting thousands of rounds with no issues and that's where John and I are with them we've got two or three on between us and we yet to have a malfunction okay I mean let you know and we do but we're we're so far happy so a lot of people are looking at them especially now that they have been tweaked and they're there they're working really well so I I'm comparing these a little bit and let's do that side-by-side too you can see the difference there of course the smaller one holds 10 rounds flush and in the excel holds 12 flush all right and then you can see the difference in the length they are lined up you know so that's what you got so that's kind of the comparison wait I've talked about length and you know and shoot ability everything now I think that the biggest difference though is and you saw me pull this one out of my pocket I've been carrying this even on Elvis Presley Boulevard lately hey this is my one of my carry guns lately Mikey carry gun okay pocket uh this probably is not going to be a pocket gun this and now this one does get I think beyond pocket carry unless you've got a big jacket pocket or something like that you know I mean you could you could I mean let's see we're clear I mean I could put this on a cargo pocket I don't like to put anything down in those big cargo pockets so it just slaps against your leg and all that kind of thing if I'm gonna carry something in a pocket I want to be up here basically a good holster and everything and I know you folks in other countries in some states that are like other countries you that's the irrelevant to you but it's a big big factor here okay so when you mention that so basically that's why comparison of this one really should be with other firearms in kind of that category that's why I have to look at this compared with a maybe a 26 you know or a Glock 19 or one like that I start to get out the M&P and didn't do it I'm sorry I could have warded Hill it off a lot of Goha caters doesn't so one of the advantages here is this gun is thinner than the standard Glock nine millimeters okay and lighter and you can put a 15-round maggot it did a row now this block here holds 15 so we're not looking at apples to apples necessarily we're talking 12 rounds in this one and then 15 in this one but the sig is thinner it's shorter it's lighter and everything so you would find this sig excel as a well you know a belt carry gun or whatever shoulder holds through however you want to carry it outside the pocket I again don't consider the pocket gun but it could be good anything's possible it's just a much smaller thinner firearm that holds 12 rounds and if you want 15 here's a 15-round magazine okay those are available now now that gets you up to 15 it does make a little bit longer if you're planning to keep it in there but again if it's on your belt you know even that little bit of added length would matter if you really like the firearm and if if for you a Glock 9-millimeter is a little too thick and a grill that's who's really gonna like this firearm over say Glock 19 or even the M and peas and a lot of their farms they're little they're thicker than this in the grip okay so for me that 19 feels really feels great and I have to wrap my cigs up again with you know Talon grips and enough layers to get to feel good now in the Glock 26 for example I have one layer of Talon grips on that I don't need to make it thicker say so it's and for some of you it's way too thick to begin with and that's that's a lot of people you know it really is I hear from you all the time you don't have hands like John and I have and you don't need something that big in fact it feels like a 2x4 to you and those are the folks you are the folks that arms like this are going to really appeal appeal to let me load the mag one talking about it okay and say yeah the twelve round mags that comes with two standard twelve round mags and then in terms of this firearm some things you have that you don't have on the small one you got the plate on the top for an RM alright so you can pop you a an RM r on there a red dot and you've got a little more beaver tail with that when you notice and you kind of got an x frame on it it's it's got that beaver tail and you got that flat trigger that breaks in a nice spot it really does just like that what was that the X carry fee 320 we did recently I really like that firm had a trigger like that has a trigger like that the flat trigger and man I like that on all my pistols they the truth so that's a really nice nice feature so that's kind of the overall take on it I think about lefting a major out you know it's just like the other one if you take it apart I'll shoot one more time before I let you go and I've got 15 round mags and I've got 12 round mag man we're ready aren't we let's have a little fun with it my experience shooting I've been shooting it off before the video is it's nice I like it I really like it a lot I'm not sure it has a place for me over my my bigger thicker Glocks necessarily because it goes through the belt you know generally or some kind of other carry but I think I think it's gonna be a very popular firearm I'll have to say it's just a nice little firearm not too big and not too small let's shoot the paper over here how's that and you know what we thought he was smoking pot yet what is wrong with me yeah feels good I just want to keep shooting Wow who else needs to be taken out right here how about that pot alright oh oh there's a couple more down there pretty nice pretty nice put a 15-round mag in it see if that works alright let's go there and hit the gong what's wrong with me a little bit okay settle down settle down there we go if I hold on the bottom of it get a good trigger break I will hit it okay I get carried away sometimes with these polymer of nine millimeters and I just want to shoot like that Pig over there in the middle of the field see I just want to shoot stuff like right here the cowboy and that's what is for banging around it's empty so the excel not bad it operates just like the other one the basic and if you're not familiar with either one of these she's not held them or anything I recommend you try them ok it may not be your cup of tea but you know I have some biases with firearms and that these have really gotten my attention let's put it that way ok for the size and shoot ability so you know I've been carrying one for a good while on a machining at a fair amount of the smaller one and this seems like this is going to be a winner too so I would if you've not tried these unless you've got a metal block against cig you know they have their issues sometimes I would recommend you try them rent one somewhere in you know you know range where they rent a lot of firearms you might really like it or you might not but if you have issues with your grip you just have trouble finding a grip you like they're too big or blocky or anything you definitely want to try one of these ok this one or the small one I think and this is just the my overall estimation is it's just a nice little carry gun I would consider the full size gun sort of because it won't go in the pocket very well and it's going to be something it would be fairly light and pretty good capacity you could have twelve in it and you could have a 15-round magazine you know at your disposal you know and whatever in a pocket or something if you're carrying okay so the excel looks like it's going to be a winner especially since the p3 65 apparently fingers crossed has been tweaked and is now a reliable firearm it seems to be okay and feel free to share your experiences onto somebody they have horrible experiences with them but most people don't most people don't so the the Excel version of it that's what it is and I see price-wise I think they self about like the others like five and a half some like that MSRP maybe five hundred and seventy five or something and they're probably selling for close to five you know I'm not sure something that ballpark so something consider if you're looking for a care event okay a nice little pistol so glad you came by today and appreciate your watching appreciating you support the people that support us and we'll be back with some more firearms life is good hey go long oh hey just art a little frisbee here on the range while you're here I want to remind you to check us out and some other places on the internet and our friends over at Allen grips you can find us on facebook and twitter under Hickok 45 and on instagram under the real Hickok 45 and john underscore Hickok 45 also go to bunker branding calm for our t-shirts hats patches and stickers so we appreciate of course the support from talon grips go to talon gun grips calm they make all sorts of different textured grips for handguns and rifles that's been using them for a lot of years they do great work and we're happy to have them on board so please check them out talon gun grips calm and then also don't forget we have videos on guns trimmer now so if you're watching them over there you probably already know about it but if you're not you might not so maybe check that out gun streamer calm and hey there's some more videos being recommended to you that you should probably be watching right now so i'll let you go thanks
Channel: hickok45
Views: 643,810
Rating: 4.9329214 out of 5
Keywords: SIG, SIG P365 XL, P365, 9mm, XL, Concealed Carry, CCW
Id: 8jmN3_nRYt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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