New Sig P365 SAS! Those darn sights!

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[Music] I know a lot of you guys watching this right now think that I hate sig which I don't and you think I hate the P 365 which I don't how can they hate a gun that I literally have five of I have five 3p 365 s including the XL the P 365 XL that you see here the reason it has talon grips on it and the reason i have a custom a in our design holster and the gun has a TL are six light on it is because i carry this gun this is the XL p 365 it has the longer grip longer slide and i've been shooting this gun quite a bit and i love the way the gun shoots it's been reliable the only thing i've had is a little bit of rust now somebody sent me a picture of their p 365 they carried appendix and it had considerably more rust on it which isn't supposed to happen because I thought it was stainless steel with a tough finish on it but that's another topic altogether mine has been a really good hand gun I love it I trust enough to carry it so I don't hate the P 365 so when I found out about the SAS P 365 I was really interested now previously the MEP row light ft bullseye sight I wasn't all that interested in it wasn't on my radar it typically is a sight that you would buy for around 100 bucks it's available on Amazon and you can slide it into the rear dovetail of pretty much any handgun that they offer it for so it just replaces your rear sight well sig decided to take the P 365 the standard smaller version unfortunately not the bigger XL hopefully they'll get around to putting this on the XL if I like the sight I don't know I haven't shot it yet that's what this video is about but they took the P 365 and they applied the SAS treatment to it which is the Sig anti snag technology and what does that mean well it means they pretty much take anything off the gun that could possibly snag and in this case they took the sights off the gun and put one of these MEP row light ft bullseye optics on it so this is the new SAS comes in your little P 365 box yes I do buy these things I didn't necessarily pay that price but my local guns guns or salesmen to me cig isn't gonna send me a teeny gun they hate my guts but here is the P 365 SAS unfired which is what we're gonna do today mmm excuse me we're gonna start shooting it today see how she works now this gun has gone through many internal evolutionary changes the original P 365 s broke strikers like mad and sig insisted there was not a problem you'll still find apologists on the internet saying oh no there's no such thing as strike or drag or if it is it's common in all handguns or whatever nonsense that they're spewing yes some guns do it some guns are designed to deal with it like the Glock if you take a look at a Glock striker it's not round it's square and comes to a point you can put all the lateral stress you want on that striker you're not going to break it it's properly engineered but the early P 365 s the striker stayed protruded during the cycling of the action and they would heavily smear that primer the problem was the striker wasn't designed to take that lateral force so it snapped those strikers over and over again now sig said it wasn't a problem but I have enough of these guns in my possession to know that they've changed the striker design significantly three times and they've changed the springs on the striker increasing the weight at least three times maybe more but I have at least three different versions of the striker this gun may have a different version yet I'll check but the problem was strikers were breaking sig denied there was a problem while making changes behind the scene a lot of changes so let's see if this little gun has any issues now it seems that the the problems with the strikers braking has evaporated and sig to their credit has fixed it it would just be nice if they owned the mistakes and didn't try to cover them up but that being said the P 365 in my opinion is a very innovative gun sig does great innovation I love my sig Rattler when I travel my sig rattler goes with me I carry my P 365 XL this thing has no striker drag whatsoever on it because sig got rid of it they engineered it out of the gun maybe we'll see the same with this gun I'm hoping that's the case but the P 365 is very small has a patented ten round magazine which is absolutely tiny and when it came out it was the only gun of its kind that was this small yeah there are other small guns like the g2c and stuff like that but this one's smaller skinnier and just better feeling and better shooting I loved my first gun right up til about eight hundred rounds when it broke and it was an internal spring it wasn't even the Stryker and that was another problem that sig Altima I think fixed the SAS as you can see here has no sights on it has a ported barrel which I don't care for on the other side of the gun you'll see that it has a slide stop slider lease for some odd reason they left it there where you can actually feel it but it's completely useless it's it's recessed to where it's just barely protruding from the frame but this was apparently in an effort to reduce snagging and then they got rid of the takedown lever again I don't get it let me show you what the standard takedown lever and slide release looked like on the original P 365 the XL is very similar that's what they changed now I don't see how this would snag I've never had a problem with those teeny tiny you know very flush controls snagging on my earlier SIG's but okay you know I think it's more of a marketing gimmick than anything but in the process of doing that they got rid of the slide stop slide release and they took away your disassembly lever so now you have to use a room of the case or a flathead screwdriver to take your gun apart where before that wasn't necessary so the sight is what really makes this gun stand out I'm gonna go ahead and close this because it's windy today and it's gonna blow all the stuff inside the box around but this sight is really what makes it stand out now if you took a look at the Metro light ft bull's eye sight before again it would dovetail into a rear sight you'll see that sig has completely machined the slide in such a way that it is recessed into the slide really cool the only problem is potentially you have no way to adjust elevation or windage on this site so if the gun doesn't shoot to point aim for you you're never going to be able to fix it with the original ft bull's eye sight that you would dovetail into a rear sight dovetail you can at least just windage elevation there was no adjustments on the site anyway so I've not seen any problems reported with he's not shooting the point of aim now the gun is designed for inside of ten yards fighting self-defense so the site is not a long-range sight it's not advertised as a long-range sight it's advertised as a short close distant sight now they say that it's possible to make 25-yard shots but the guys over at the firearms blog James Reeves did an outstanding video with the guys at NOLA tech training and Brandon LeBouf they did a really good video showing the difference between this gun and a standard P 365 with standard iron sights and how accurately they could shoot the gun so there is an accuracy difference depending on the shooter and I'll link to that video because it's a really good video and I don't want to repeat their testing so if you're curious about how all this site works please check out that video I'll put a little card up above alright so let's load this gun up and do some shooting with it we've brought out some federal nine-millimeter we'd like to thank our friends over at federal for supplying us with 9-millimeter we have some 124 grain Sentech ammunition and we also I believe have some hundred 15 grain standard ball that we'll be shooting to the handgun today just to get some rounds through it hopefully this little gun works properly and will continue our evaluation and we'll tell you how it is faring at a thousand rounds 1,500 rounds because I do want to shoot it quite a bit to see how it handles now you'll notice over here on the table we have a whole bunch of magazines the reason we have a whole bunch of magazines is because our friends over at Gun mag warehouse supplied us with the magazines for RP 365 way back in the day when we first started doing our videos on the Sig p3 65 s so we'd like to thank our friends over at gun mag warehouse for supplying the magazines to the channel and if you'd like to pick up some magazines they have really good prices usually really fast shipping and again that's gun mag alright so we've got the magazines loaded up we're gonna start shooting at our challenge steel targets here on our new handgun range and we'll see how this new p3 65 SAS performs all right I'm really excited to try this little SAS pistol out we did lubricate the gun with some LPS lubricant on the grab 10-round magazine with some 124 green ball syntek i've always liked the fact that sig has really good stippling on the grip and then they have this little shelf here for stripping potentially stuck magazines out you wouldn't believe how many gun companies forget to do this I really really like that again I love the design of the P 365 alright let's check this side out now I have fading old man eyes and the dot isn't as bright if I put my reading glasses on and not bright as sharp if I put my reading glasses on the dot in the circle are extremely sharp but without them I could still line it up let's see how she does well that was high left right on top of the other one high left I'm shooting a nice group high left I'm aiming right in the middle of the lungs beautiful group in his left shoulder awesome group I'm really chewing up that left shoulder that one went off the left edge just clipped it yeah all right so one two three four five six seven eight yards away and I'm shooting I'm aiming here and I'm shooting a beautiful group in his left shoulder and Jason were you aiming for the lungs yeah and you're just a little bit lower but you shot him in the left shoulder I mean I had that dot right in the center of that thing so well we're gonna set the tripod up and we'll show the viewers that we're not screwing around here unbelievable let's take the P 365 SAS apart but first I do want to address what comes in the box you're going to get an owner's manual that makes no mention of any of the SAS features whatsoever it doesn't tell you how to disassemble it it doesn't mention the Metro light sight how it works if it's adjustable or not all this talks about is the original P 365 again no mention no addendum about the P 365 SAS you get an advertisement for ammunition and cheesy lasers sig ammo which is really good ammo I like the Remo swag and then you'll get an extra magazine this is a 10 round flush fit magazine and in the gun you'll get the pinky extension which I like 10 round magazine which gives a little bit better grip alright and then your flag safety let's put that away and let's do a disassembly of the gun now not having a manual to tell me how to to do it I'm assuming it's fairly simple so let's go ahead drop the magazine out of the gun and make sure the weapons clear now the slide stop you can actually get a little bit of meat of your thumb on there and push up on it and lock the slide to the releasing the slide is difficult and not practically usable on a reload so you're gonna have to slingshot the gun to reload it because of this truncated slide stopped so let's go ahead and lock the gun to the rear now traditionally you'd have a lever that you would just rotate down instead we have this slot which happens to be about the same size of the rim of a case again this is not mentioned in the owner's manual I'm gonna turn that one way or the other here I turn it all the way looks like it goes a little past horizontal there and there you go no no trigger pull required and the slide comes right off the frame all right pretty much standard 365 affair on the polymer lower on the slide we had the traditional P 365 nested recoil springs and then we have a ported barrel you'll see the ports in the slide here looks like here's your chamber looks like you have about an inch or so a barrel before you have the two ports cut what you're going to invent a considerable amount of propellant gases and a little bit of barrel left after that conventional button rifling putting it back together drop the barrel in put your nested recoil spring in there put your slide on the frame and sometimes with the others you can pull them back and let them go and it would automatically flip your disassembly lever back into the locked position that's not happening here for me so I'm gonna it just did it okay so when they pulled the slide to the rear and pushed up on the slide stop it just locked itself in the locked position alright so field-stripping the gun or disassembly the gun isn't all that difficult with the SAS modifications [Music] [Music] what we're about to do please don't do at home we're 5 yards away from a steel target we are using federal Sentech ammunition which is intended to be shot at steel targets it does not have a copper jacket so it reduces spalling but still there's a good chance that we can get hit with lead fragments at the distance we're about to shoot at with non frangible ammunition so Tom Taylor did an interview who's from cig and his personal defense world and he said that the gun with this site was optimized for five to ten yard usage now we just shot groups at eight yards and we were way off to the left-hand side of the target at eight yards I've moved it up to five yards we'll use the sights and see where we hit now all right there we go five yards both eyes open as you're supposed to use it and let's see what we get [Music] three yards didn't make much of a difference and that's not surprising aiming right here at five yards and hitting right here at five yards you as with the original P 365 the recoil impulse is really muted on this thing I can't really tell you if the ports are really working the original P 365 didn't jump around a whole lot it's a pleasant handgun to shoot so was the original all right now the sights I've already established on this particular gun not true necessarily of all of them but as luck would have it my $500 again is worthless to me because the sights don't work let's see if I can point fire from 5 yards the P 365 without using the sights just kind of hold center mass and fire so if I don't use the sights the gun works just fine and I've pretty much trained myself to point fire at close distances anyway all I need is that front sight here I didn't even have a front sight I'm just holding the gun down below the line of sight and I can easily line it up and make a hit what's mind-boggling to me is this thing is perfectly in line it doesn't look visibly out of whack but it's so far off at five yards all right so it looks like the gas venting is pretty much straight from the side of the gun and that is not even tearing the paper so it's not going to outside of throwing gas and particulate into your face when you fire copper-jacketed bullets copper jackets brake particulate off and that will vent from these holes now I'm shooting syntek because we're at close range to steel steel targets but it's not gonna kill you whatever's coming out of the end of those that barrel and the vent so the ports in the barrel it may tear up the clothing but that's going to be the least of your worries if you're in a gunfight for your life if you don't have glasses on there is a chance that you can blow particulate straight into your face or into your eyes but again it shouldn't be too bad based upon what we saw here firing like that you should be okay your face should be somewhat shielded your eyes should be shielded somewhat from it by your cheekbones and things like that so others have brought that up and that's why I wanted to conduct that test to see just how bad it really would be now we're gonna fire some 115 grain jacketed projectiles this is federal ammunition then we have the 124 green Sentech we have six rounds of each loaded into this magazine the point of this exercise is to demonstrate that it's not the M that's causing the massive point of impact shift it's actually the site first up is six rounds of the 115 green ball alright guys that is like on the very edge of the target very edge left side now this is six rounds of the syntek 124 [Music] so it's not a most specific it's not shooter specific Jason is having the exact same issue of shooting far-left the sights just not working on this particular gun so what about the issue of striker drag with the new P 365 SAS using 115 grain of 120 for green ammunition and we got pictures the striker drag is significantly reduced it's almost non-existent compared to what the original P 365 would do which would be to drag that primer cup to the very edge of the primer pocket now it's just a slight drag which is normal and other guns do it's not cutting that heavy trough so the internet experts are telling you that it wasn't a big deal for the P 365 apparently sig disagreed with the internet experts because I have at least as I said three different striker designs this is probably a fourth different striker design and each time the striker drag has gotten less and less and the guns are less likely to break their striker so I don't think the new Petrie 65s are at risk of breaking their strikers like the earlier models alright just wanted to let you guys know that the striker drag is almost non-existent on the new P 365 and on my XL same thing non-existent so Tom Taylor of SIG's said that an average shooter should be able to hit a man-sized target at 25 yards with the FT bullseye sight on the SAS I'm at least an average shooter let's see if I can hit a man-sized challenge target at 25 yards miss miss miss miss miss miss miss a surprising miss another surprising miss and I can't hit that thing to save my life by holding center-of-mass have one more magazine here I'm gonna hold off on the right edge and see if I can Kentucky windage a few shots in there okay way off the right edge okay so I'm holding one full man-sized to the right all right I only dropped one but I'm Kentucky windage Inc so I'm the man that I'm aiming at I'm aiming over here into space and I'm hitting him at 25 yards yeah the P 365 SAS runs flawlessly we shot 300 to 400 rounds today there's plenty of other durability tests out there I have no question that sig by now has most of the kinks worked out of the functionality of the sig p3 65 it's a good little gun I love the excel again I carry it but at over five hundred dollars this thing with the sights and rolling the dice because sig doesn't check it at the factory to make sure that the sights are actually on when they ship them it should come with the piece of paper where they fired at least three rounds a test firing to show the sights or at least on so that this doesn't happen this is a awesome five hundred dollar sightless gun if you don't care about having sights and you just want a really reliable 9 millimeter that you stick in your pocket that you can point shoot great option other than that man it's rolling the dice whether or not you're going to get one that's zeroed or not from the factory and that really sucks if you like to support us here at the military arms channel because we certainly don't take money from sig they don't even return phone calls you could do that by following the link down below we are supported by you our viewers we don't take money from the gun companies we are viewer supported patreon there's a link down below if you'd like to support us in our effort to bring you as unbiased information as we possibly can also please swing by and check out copper custom dot-com alright sightless Point Fire gun I betcha without the sights I can tear this thing up all in the white yep awesome five hundred plus dollars sightless gun point shoots awesome Lee thanks for watching guys
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 401,823
Rating: 4.8836551 out of 5
Keywords: how to, iraqveteran8888, outdoor, entertainment, hickok45, demolition ranch, firearm, review, handgun, pistol, target shooting, gun review, movie, action movie, gamer, sig sauer p365 sas, sig sauer, sig p365 sas, self defense, guns and gear, sig 365 sas, sig p365, sig anti snag, sig anti-snag, anti-snag sights, concealed carry, meprolight, ft bullseye, ft bullseye sight sig, snag free, pocket pistol
Id: s8NLvFInHaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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