SIG P365 XL Deep Dive

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[Music] alright I'm gonna start out with sig Sauers elite performance ammo this is 124 green ball take away any excuses about ammo causing any issues because this is ammo that I definitely trust and I'm gonna fill both magazines right up with 12 which is all I got folks two magazines at 12 I'm really pretty annoyed that really kind of pissed that my 15-round magazine that I bought for the P 365 didn't come with two base plates like everybody else is dead so I'm stuck with just these two that's it that's all I got okay you can't see me but you can hear me I am a disembodied voice all right very very very very first shots through the P 365 XL and I'm gonna have the camera from two different angles two different cameras tighten on the pistol so that if it runs that's great if it doesn't run hopefully the camera can help us figure out why so here we go very first shots went into battery okay okay that's better than I expected although I can feel that slide sort of lumbering forward so far so good looks like it's going to run okay let's put a bunch of rounds through this thing and see if it loosens up so far so good looks like it's going to run okay most of you probably know but maybe not everybody watching so when I first picked up this gun which was just the other day right out of the box it had a problem where if you dry fired it and held the trigger back the slide would not move rearward it was extremely tight very locked up and you can hear right now and see that's having that same issue however now it is much easier to overcome that barrier whereas before it was extremely difficult so it is loosening up and whatever that obstruction is or that that interference is starting to wear obviously so I'm hoping that with time and a lot more rounds that will wear away to not really be an issue because I don't think it should be that difficult to move that slide back but that was the only problem I had I did make a reference in that video in fact basically made the title of that video a reference to the military arms channel and the fact that you know since military arms channel had just done their initial look at the P 365 XL and Tim was ecstatic that he got one that he liked that was working good and all that and if you don't know he's had a history of problems so I thought that well if he got the good one and I got the bad one and they accidentally sent me his so that was that's that whole reference and so in homage of military arms channel today I am wearing the military arm Channel patch okay so I've put two magazines full that's 24 rounds through this gun so far and let's just do a quick function check on that tight slide issue see where it is so racking it empty like that with the finger off the trigger that's no problem but now if I dry fire now try it again it's easier it's still tight but it's much easier again dry fire it's tight it doesn't move easily but it's much easier to break past that obstruction so I'm hoping the more rounds I shoot the better that'll get and speaking of shooting more rounds let's get to doing that all right I know it'll run so let's run it that little steel target is 15 yards down range let's see how I can do with it looks like a dead center hold we'll get it right where you want it yep dead center hold has the same excellent front sight as the p3 65 the rear sight is a little bit different same basic configuration but slightly different this video is brought to you in part by the Sportsman's guide they are like your one-stop shopping for everything definitely go check them out go spend some money and as always huge thanks to the just an opinion channel patreon patrons ok I'm switching over to some MagTek ammo and I'm gonna up the stakes a little bit alright I'm gonna go for this shooting tree which is a little more difficult or a lot more difficult depending on how you want to look at it if you look at it from where I am it's a lot more difficult alright I got 6 swingers in less than 12 rounds that's for me that's a win No I could have cleaned it man I could have cleaned it if I'd had enough ammo I can barely see those swingers though left paint on pink I think okay the bottom one wants to give me a hard time doesn't it man it's hard to pull that slide back still still shooting magtec ammo 115 grain ball at the shooting tree a slide is still a little harder to work back than I would like alright I have five now five swingers on that tree I removed the bottom one because right behind it at the angle I'm shooting is that log that's you know holding the berm in place and I didn't want to miss the steel and hit that that round wood and send around in a direction I don't intend so anyway that's why I'm down to five plates I think when I miss I'm missing hi she does shoot nice I will tell you gun shoots nice it feels very much like the P 365 as it should 98 rounds so far through it let's see okay much much better than it was of course once you break it loose then it is pretty easy but so if I dry fire again it's it still wants to lock up but it's a lot easier to break free so I think that's gonna work loose whatever interference is causing that I think is going to wear away so I'm gonna be really interested to get this back to the bench strip it down and see if I can see significant wear on any parts where that was occurring just a quick run through the spec numbers on this gun the barrel is 3.7 inches long overall length of the gun is six point six inches and that includes that slightly enhanced beaver tail the width remains at just one point one inches so it is still very very skinny high - the pistol was 4.8 inches which still keeps it in the parameters for a good concealed carry gun you could tuck this inside the waistband and it shouldn't print much and the weight is just 20 points 7 ounces ok been banging steel for about a hundred rounds so let's try and put some on paper and see if I can make a halfway decent group I am 15 yards away from the orange dots on you see on that target I'm going to start out with six hours elite performance V crown hunting 24 grain this is my preferred carry ammo I love this stuff alright I'll go to the target on the left [Music] okay so that was 12 and it looks like judging by the day light shining through maybe a couple around the edge but most of them hit the orange which is good because that's what I was trying to do back to regular old MagTek I find magtec to be affordable and good quality just great everyday range ammo stuff as you can see the slide stop also works as a slide release like it's supposed to alright target on the right [Music] alright it looks like maybe not quite as good but certainly respectful chocos misses up to the user shooter error the more I shoot the gun the easier it's getting after holding trigger back to move the slide back so I'm very encouraged by that and I'm quite pleased by that too because I definitely didn't want the gun to fail if you watch my channel much you know that I tend to like a gun by default and so a gun would have to really piss me off or really just be bad for me to not like it so I'm very pleased that it looks like this one is going to be ok so now let me just concentrate on all the other aspects like these amazing sights [Applause] excellent ergonomics they've even talked about the trigger yet which is very very nice I like the flat trigger I like the way it feels I like the way it breaks and the way it resets but I think this one is also a slight bit crisper than the P 365 I'm not going to do a comparison today against the P 365 like trigger and all that although I may measure them both we can do that there's no reason we can't put them both on a gauge and measure them but this one feels at least as good and maybe better [Applause] gun seems to shoot a little flatter and we'd expect that with that slightly longer barrel a little bit more weight out front all the steel targets use today in this video were provided to the channel by tactical AR 500 targets they make in my opinion the best steel targets on the market they are fantastic so this gun is of course every bit as tiny in the hand as the P 365 it just has a longer grip so you can get all your all your digits around it plus you're real big and it has a slightly longer barrel and slightly longer slide so a little bit more slight radius which can be good it is interesting to me though that so many people are so many companies now are doing the four-inch micro 9 and others have abandoned it'll be interesting to see from the markets perspective who's right I'm about I think I'm about 250 rounds in and it started to get warm between the between all the shooting and the Sun this gun is starting to get a little bit warm all right so it looks like the problem with this pistol is definitely working itself out and I'm really happy about that for one thing at the very basic level I didn't want to throw my money away on a gun that was gonna have a problem number two I'm a Sig fan I really like six hours I think they are doing more innovating than almost any other company out there in the firearms industry and I love the P 365 and I was lucky and I haven't had any problems with mine except for one magazine I was able to isolate and I was really rooting for this one to be a success I'm not sure yet whether this is a gun that I would carry over the P 365 because the extra length limits some things makes it pretty much takes it out of the running as a pocket carry gun you know I'm not a huge guy so I'm not real tall and I don't have deep pockets in in any way whatsoever so that extra you know that extra inch or so really makes a difference whether you can pocket carry a gun or not and the extra height of the grip makes a difference to not only for pocket carry but for you know regular waistband carry at the 4 o'clock position or whatever because that's gonna make you print more so I don't know that this is a gun I would carry certainly not over the P 365 probably for the sake of two rounds so what I mean I've got tons of 12 round magazines for the P 365 I can either put one of those magazines in it and carry it or what I usually do is carry the 12 round as my backup magazine and have the 10 round magazine in the guns that said I am a huge fan of choices choices are always good and what I prefer is probably not what you prefer and so on it's nice to see that it looks like this is going to be a very viable very viable and desirable choice for a lot of folks although that takedown lever does beat my thumb up a little bit if I'm not careful how I hold it okay this will make it 300 rounds today through this gun at 300 rounds with zero malfunctions of any kind with terrific accuracy and quite enjoyable shooting all right so it's going to do it for the outdoor part see you back inside we'll wrap this up okay so I cleaned it and lubed it and then I shot 300 rounds now I've cleaned it again but I have not oil dit yet so it is dry should be clean and dry and there are several places where I can definitely see that it has worn in a bit much of that is just normal for any gun like you can see that the rails here in the frame have polished up nicely in the front very much so in the back in a couple of different spots so you can see where your high spots are in your low spots there's considerable where right back here very considerable where and I'm just about convinced myself that that may be where the hang-up is although I am not positive in the slide there's also somewhere there's definitely where here on the foot of the striker there's somewhere on the side of the firing pin safety plunger and everything else looks pretty normal as well so I looked at the barrel and the hood again a little bit of normal wear very typical I'm not saying anything that I consider to be abnormal except for maybe that corner right there that's pretty pronounced I love 6hours barrels the finish on their barrels is just about the best I can think of in the industry as far as not showing where I mean any other brand you would have all kinds of smiley faces and chatter marks and wear marks after 300 rounds no matter how much we'd be had on sig and it just never shows it there's a lot of wear right in this side and maybe just right there you can see the light catching it a lot of wear right there okay and then we've got got some wear here on the on the foot of the striker itself what I really noticed was all this where here again on this side there's a little a little nub that sticks up right there where I'm touching and there's a lot of wear a lot of wear on that a lot of a lot of abrasion and that hope that whole part is just exhibiting quite a bit of friction where soon as I pull the trigger back alright so this is up and it's holding so right at the front of this thing right at that very front tip you can see see some peening so I'm wondering if that's not the culprit right there that tiny little guy right there because like I say you could overcome it but it was tough alright and just to complete for any questions you guys might have there's a look at guide rudder and recoil spring assembly and there's not a mark on that so I could look at part where and speculate all day long but this is not a scientific method by any means and I am NOT a expert so I don't know just showing you what I see and talking about the things that I find curious or interesting alright just for fun I'm going to assemble this pistol with no oil totally dry no oil after 300 rounds and even after the first you know less than a hundred rounds I could tell the difference but after 300 rounds it definitely seemed to lighten things up where things in so I'm holding the trigger back much easier it's still tight that first pull but much easier than it was before so we've definitely warmed some metal down we let metal on metal friction polish things up and whatever the culprit is seems to be working itself out so unresolved mystery I suppose but the good news is that the gun is functioning just fine and now that I am able to rack the slide let's test the trigger oh man that is nice four point eight so that is four and a half pounds just about exactly the triggers designed to be straight at 90 degrees when it's fully pulled a little bit take up two there you're at the ball nice break and you can see that once you finish the break that triggers about 90 degrees straight up and down reset short very loud and very tactile and you are right there again at the wall there is no no creep or take up no sponginess whatsoever very very crisp and very nice break okay and finally here's a shot of some of the primers on spent cases from some of the ammo that I shot I shot a great variety of ammo and I tried to represent that here although I think I have to from PMC I've got one sig nickel and one cig brass and they do use different primers for that but you can see that the striker marks are all very consistent and we're not seeing that striker drag and I do see that on my P 365 I know others have shown this so I'm not trying to provide any breaking news but adding to the data points so for whatever it's worth to you my copy of this pistol is also showing very nice firing pin performance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Opinion
Views: 80,936
Rating: 4.8695908 out of 5
Keywords: Justin Opinion, Talon Grips, Tactical AR500 Targets, SIG Sauer P365 XL, Deep Dive, P365 problems, SIG Sauer Elite Performance, P365XL, P365 XL
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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