Is the Glock 48 the New "Do Everything" Glock?

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so I really like the sake P 365 XL and naturally a lot of people have been asking me what about the Glock 48 or the 43 X they're kind of like a Sig there in that not single stack but not exactly double stack category are they any good yes yes they are [Music] clock launched the 48 alongside the 43 ex in January of 2019 the two guns share the same frame but the 48 is longer the 43 ex has the same barrel and slide as the original 43 it has a three point four one inch barrel the 48 has a four point one seven inch barrel it's actually just a hair longer than the Glock 19 both guns feed from a ten round magazine but a company called shield Arms has received considerable attention for their aftermarket 15-round magazine for these guns all Glock factory magazines are polymer with a metal sleeve inside the shield arms magazine has a simple one-piece metal body by eliminating that plastic outer layer there is room in the magazine for five additional rounds without extending the length these magazines have been in short supply lately and we were not able to get one to test out until the last minute but from what I understand if you want these to run reliably you really need to install the shield arms aluminum magazine release apparently it also helps if you get the optional 10% power magazine springs when they're in stock you can get five shield magazines the mag release and the springs all for about two hundred twenty-five dollars which averages out to $45 per magazine still a little cheaper than buying P 365 medics from Sig a lot of glock fans have been looking at the combo of the 15-round shield arms mags with the 48 or the 43 X is essentially a replacement for their Glock 19 I've even heard some of them go as far as to say the Glock 19 is now obsolete now I don't know if I agree with that but it's definitely an interesting development at the range I can't really tell a whole lot of difference between the 48 and the 43 X when I'm shooting them the 48 weighs two ounces more it's twenty five point eight ounces loaded versus twenty three point seven ounces there is a slight difference in felt recoil but to me it's barely distinguishable I've shot some drills with both guns and times are almost identical even so given the choice between the two I would go with the 48 and that's the one I'm gonna focus on for this review however most of what I'm gonna say could also apply to the 43 X the longer site radius makes the Glock 48 a little easier to shoot accurately at longer range it's also easier to carry in the appendix position kind of counterintuitive but the longer the barrel the more the butt of the gun will be levered in back toward your body so that it doesn't print a very short barrel almost always causes the gun to tip out and away from the waistband and I found that up to about four and a half inches or so a little extra barrel length doesn't make any difference in terms of how comfortable the gun is to carry it's certainly not harder to conceal inside the waistband since the frame size is identical and shoot pretty much the same to me it just makes more sense to carry the 48 over the 43 X of course you can't always just use a shorter gun along with an oversized holster and get most of the same benefit of a longer gun for example i've been trying out this phil ster pro series holster it's made to accommodate the 48 but it will also fit the 43 x or even the original 43 and this one is open on the bottom so you could even get something like an aftermarket threaded barrel for the 48 if you're into that kind of thing and it'll still fit in the holster we've actually had this 48 for a while now I picked it up shortly after they came out last year and I've been shooting it on and off ever since then I've run not quite a thousand rounds through it no malfunctions which is not really a big surprise I've been running it pretty much stocked with only a couple of very minor modifications I swapped out the factory plastic Glock sights for a set of America low IDOT pro sights the set says it's compatible with the 42 43 and the 43 X they do more or less work with the 48 but my groups are like maybe two or three inches high when you get out to 25 yards I've also got a striker control device in place of the back plate I did a whole video on that last year if you want all the details basically when you pull the trigger the back plate swings outward as the striker presses against it if you pin that in place with your thumb it prevents the gun from being discharged it's really nice to have when you're reholster ring thumbing the hammer has been standard practice on da/sa guns for decades and I think it's really awesome to have that option on blocks as well viewing it from the side the g48 actually looks a lot like the g19 but when you carry them or even just handle them a little bit the slimness of the 48 is really apparent now you guys seem to like the size comparison graphics from last time so let's try that again here is the g 19 and i will shade that green so it's easier to tell them apart and here's the g 48 overlaid in blue again I've got them lined up by the grip tang the overall length is basically the same about a tenth of an inch difference the overall height is identical the 48 has a slightly shorter trigger reach and the grip is a little shorter if I throw the 43 X in there you can see the difference in slide length a little more than 3/4 of an inch and just for fun let's add the Glock 43 I'll put that in red same slide as a 43 X but a much shorter grip now let's look at them from the back the 48 and the 43 X look identical from this angle so I'm just showing the 48 in between the 19 and the 43 measuring the grips without the magwell the 19 is a little more than 30% wider than the 48 the 43 and the 48 are the same width at the slide but obviously the 48 is slightly wider at the grip to accommodate the thicker magazine let's go ahead and add the P 365 XL from last time about the same width as the 48 but a little bit shorter and now let's go back to the side view looking at the 48 next to the P 365 XL this should give you an idea of just how much smaller the sig feels in the hand for concealed carry it's really this part here that I'm most concerned about the top of the slide and the bottom of the grip are the parts of the gun that are most likely to print personally I tend to have a lot more trouble concealing that bottom corner of the grip the sig isn't just shorter than the 48 it in here toward the bottom or the 48 actually bulges outward and on top of that the Glock magazine base pad adds a bit more length this little corner here might not seem like a big deal why do you would never notice the difference one way or the other if you were to carry these guns but you know I don't really have a whole lot of real estate on my belt there's not much room down there for me to conceal anything so for me this little extra bit is the difference between whether I can or can't conceal the gun with minimal effort under just a t-shirt so all you guys who ask me why I prefer to the P 365 XL to the Glock 48 or the 43 X that's it right there the way I've heard it put is that the Glock 48 feels like a small version of a big gun and the P 365 XL feels like a big version of a small gun that's in terms of handling and carrying them at the range I think they meet somewhere in the middle and I couldn't say that one is inherently much easier to shoot than the other but I think the question more people have is whether the 48 shoots more like a Glock 19 or like a Glock 43 and at first I wasn't really sure so I had to put it on the timer just like last time I shot a couple of drills to try to quantify the difference in performance between these guns I did the bill drill six shots to the body and the failure drill two to the body one to the head both at 7 yards from concealment I shot both drills four times each with the 1948 and the 43 now bear in mind here I don't actually shoot glutes particularly well I have to spend a lot of dedicated practice time shooting Glocks exclusively before I came to get accustomed to the trigger and the ergonomics and that's not something I've done in a while I'm not saying there's anything objectively wrong with Glocks they're just not a natural fit for me so I'm only comparing Glocks with other Glocks here I'm not pulling in my drill times from the guns I shot in the last video okay so here's my result I averaged the best 3 out of 4 runs for each gun I also added a quarter second penalty for any shots that landed outside the a zone the 43 was clearly the slowest with both drills and it had slower draw and slower split times the 19 was faster than the 48 but only by about tenth of a second on both drills just like last time there is a lot more going on here than the numbers might suggest it would be really easy to jump to the conclusion that there's not a significant difference between shooting the 19 and the 48 but I wouldn't say that's necessarily true with the 19 I basically just did a couple of warm-up runs and then shot the drills I don't have to think much about it with the 48 after my first warmup I'm thinking I'm really gonna have to pay attention to what I'm doing here or this isn't gonna go so well that long slim grip it feels really nice in the hand and the gun is not drastically lighter than the 19 but your feelings will lie to you the moment I slacked off on crit pressure or got even the slightest bit sloppy with the trigger this gun started misbehaving I had to really concentrate on my technique in order to shoot those drills now I know for some people it's the opposite they actually find that they shoot the 48 a little better than the 19 or maybe their performance with the 2 is basically equal I think it really just comes down to how the gun fits in your hand but like I was saying you can't rely on what it feels like when you pick it up the 48 feels better to me than the 19 I don't shoot it better for me part of the problem is that the shorter trigger reach on the 48 positions my finger so that I tend to steer the gun a little bit to the left when I press the trigger if I'm not careful that's a problem a lot of people seem to have with the blocks in general there's also less surface area on the grip for me to clamp down on in order to counteract a bad trigger press you know an aftermarket trigger with a different shape might fix that or maybe a few thousand rounds a dedicated practice with the 48 the point is that there is no simple answer as to how well the 48 is gonna work as a replacement for the 19 for everybody but I think this gun has potential if I were trying to choose between the two I would seriously consider the 48 just because I think it's quite a bit easier to conceal I have my doubts about whether guns like the Glock 48 and the Sig p3 65 XL will ultimately lead to the demise of the double stack compact pistol as we know it but I think it will be interesting to see what happens with this concept as it evolves it's always good to have options and I think we're gonna see a lot more of these slim pistol with the double-digit ammo capacity in the future [Music] you
Channel: Lucky Gunner Ammo
Views: 266,083
Rating: 4.9277835 out of 5
Keywords: glock 48, glock 48 review, glock 48 vs glock 43x, glock 48 vs glock 19
Id: mvODnCPs6fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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