How Far Will a 45 ACP Kill?

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welcome back to everybody thanks for joining us again today you may remember a video that we put together some time back called how far will a 22 kill that video is kind of old been around a little while but essentially what we did is we we kind of backed off and backed off and figured out what distances a 22 would Pierce a half inch pine board now the old army standard is if it'll penetrate a half inch pine board then generally it can cause a lethal wound to potentially lethal wound with proper shot placement so we use that kind of old army standard test and we moved on and we tried the how far will a nine millimeter kill okay well in that video we did the same exact thing but we stepped it up a notch we involve some ballistics Joe we were shooting ballistic Bob at four hundred forty yards with a kel-tec sub mm proving that those 9-millimeter rounds are lob right in and cause very lethal wounds even out to extended ranges so what we're going to do in today's video is essentially the same thing except we're going to use the famous 45 ACP round the 45 has got a lot of really interesting things going for it it's heavy it's slow the penetrating capabilities of the round at close range are excellent I mean you could take a Thompson like if you're in World War two or something you want to go through a house with a Thompson and clear it or something a 45 ACP will just punch through anything it wants to it punches through a lot of different barriers with a lot of flexibility generally flat trajectory for the most part you know it is a pistol cartridge it's been around you know well over a hundred years so in general the 45 ACP is definitely here to stay it's not going anywhere it's a very popular carry round and a lot of these circles guys with defensive handguns you've got guys that are either a nine-millimeter guy you're a forty guy you're a 45 ACP guy I kind of fall into the spectrum I like them on you know I like 9-millimeter because you got fast follow-up shots very quickly 45 ACP obviously you know you can't argue with slinging bowling balls at something you got that big 230 grain round slapping through there and hitting whatever the heck it wants to but the question is how far away will the 45 lob on in there and cause lethal wounds so what we're going to do we're gonna step it up a notch we do have a 3/4 inch pine baffle board so we figure if it'll punch 3/4 inch plywood or pine baffle it will punch through just about anything it wants to okay so what we're going to do we got a cz 97 here it's got a 4.8 inch barrel 45 ACP and the other gun that we've got available here give me a moment we've got a junior carbine okay this one takes slot magazines it's 45 acp it's got a threaded barrel 16 inch barrel we've got it topped off with a vortex 1 to 6 razor HD wonderful wonderful optic this little rifle here we've done a good bit of work with it in the past for some of our longer shots we're going to step up to this guy but I'm going to try the pistol for as long as I possibly can and still hit this board here out to long range so what we're going to do just to get a baseline we're going to fire some federal HST 230 grain ammunition into a ballistics gel block to show you what the round is intended to do with expanding ammunition at combat distances this is just to give you a baseline kind of on what we're looking at what we're trying to replicate at longer distances let's get to it alright guys we're going to get our baseline here this is federal HST standard pressure I'm seven yards away we got a clear ballistics 10% FBI block let's go ahead and give her a try this just to give us a baseline here we go that looked diabolical let's go have a peek alright guys well no surprises here our 230 grain federal HST punched right through this block 14 inches of gelatin really nice cavitation let's have a look at the projectile itself Wow look at that alright well there's our federal HST we got really nice expansion good weight retention I don't think there's anything that's going to cause us to complain there alright so guys when it comes to defensive ammunition with a 45 ACP that's kind of what we're looking at seven yards defensive range you've got 14 inches penetration good cavitation so now we're gonna move on to the pine board baffle test this is what everybody wants to see so I'm not gonna insult your intelligence guys we know a 45 ACP ball round will penetrate a pine board inside of 50 yards no issue we're gonna start it a hundred work our way back to 200 and then you know we might get to some extreme distances here let's do it all right guys we've moved back 200 yards we're going to be shooting some federal 230 grain ball ammunition for pretty much the remainder of the tests here four point eight inch barrel out of a cz 97 against our 3/4 inch baffle board here we go I've got an 18 by 24 sized steel gong behind the baffle board so that when we connect we can hear them ringing here we go yep a little bit there a little bit low that hit it but maybe a little low there we go yep they hit it - well we got several hits there let's go downrange have a look see what we're looking at on penetration I think it's quite clear here guys those rounds are getting through let's go have a look all right guys let's have a look at our pine doubtfull board here connected with it several times a a little bit more difficult to shoot that kind of range with that gun than you think but there you go there's several hits here one there one there okay so we had a total of six out of ten not too bad I did have one hit right there low on the board the interesting thing just like we did with the 9 millimeter video we had one hit on the edge here and it went through not only the 3/4 inch pine baffle but it went through a hole two by four as well so guys it'll punch right through 200 yards out of a handgun I think we can all see that here I'm going to go ahead and Mark these accordingly and then we'll go out to 200 and let's try it with the handgun at 200 let's do it alright guys we saw that a hundred yards didn't really offer any resistance for that federal 230 grain ball round we got the same gun same load but this time we backed off to 200 yards we're going to shoot the same pine baffle board same target we got about a 8 mile an hour crosswind which is probably not going to help things but we're going to certainly try if I have problems with the handgun we'll step up to the junior but I want to try to get the handgun to connect as long as I can because if the lower velocity of the handgun will penetrate the board you know the rifle will all right let's get after it I've got a spotter helping me out here so let's see what we can do I'm gonna give it about 4 feet over the top of the board I think that's about where we need to be here whoo I saw it well guys we have one connect let me load up a fresh mag let's try again it's kind of a long way for a handgun guys so I think one thing that you're starting to see here too is that you start seeing where a gun is more of an artillery piece and kind of lobbing them in there I mean is the handgun practical to shoot 200 yards probably not but let's try again all right we topped off our cz here let's try it again I'd like to get a couple more shots on there I think I know what I'm doing wrong let's fix our point of aim here oh just to the left look at that little devil you hear it hit just to the left hit the board I heard it kind of splash a bit one thing you guys have to remember too is that my sites are actually obscuring the target so I'm actually having to aim like to where I can't even see the target but I'll tell you what I've got ten more rounds just for fun let's try something else all right guys well if I can't see my target I certainly can't hit it so we're going to try one more time I want to pull a page out of Jerry Mitchell explai we're going to shoot the gun upside down so that I can maintain a proper sight picture and when the spotter is calling the adjustments hopefully I can get a little bit more consistency so let's see if I can be more accurate with the gun upside down I know this sounds silly but we're mixing trick shots with science here we go all right hang on [Applause] well guys no matter how you cut it whether you can see the site picture in the target or not shooting a handgun 200 yards is hard okay let's go have a look we got several connections let's see what happened all right guys we see it 200 yards the cz 97 certainly loved them in there like we wanted to we got a 200 yard hit right there down here on the bottom the entrance and exit hole is exactly the same as the hundred yard mark which leads me to believe the round although moving slower still had considerable velocity behind it and enough to calls by army standards are actually exceeding army standards a lethal wound this is kind of an old standard but one thing I think it really proves is that you're not going to shoot a handgun at defensive ranges at like 200 yards now granted if someone's 200 yards away and you're armed with a handgun there's probably a strong chance you're going to want to try to get away or remove yourself from the situation rather than try to cause trouble this is purely academic we're just trying to see if those rounds would indeed cause that lethal wound and we see that it will so that's why you should always be mindful of what's beyond your target you know sure handgun range we might think ok we're just shooting 15 20 yards something like that but that round can carry for a considerable distance and cause very lethal wounds even out to longer distances what we're gonna do now is we're going to break out the junior carbine we're going to punch back to 440 and we're going to see if that extra 100 feet in velocity a 100 feet per second and velocity we're getting between the rifle and the pistol will help give us that little bit of extra push to punch that thing on out to 440 yards so we're gonna go ahead and double the distance double the fun let's get after it alright guys we're sitting back here at 440 yards we got our pine baffle board downrange same low 230 grain federal ball ammunition now one note about this little junior carbine these things are awesome in terms of accuracy in the 9 millimeter video we ran the kel-tec sub mm which is certainly not a bad rifle but this this gun here I think is going to give us a lot greater amount of precision so hopefully we can walk these shot ten I've got a spotter here let's go ahead and give her a little try this gun takes Glock magazines we're just running a little 13 shot lock mags pretty standard all right we're gonna lob them in see if we can't punch our baffle board down there thank you hit just hi [Music] I saw it I never to aim that winds catching it tell you what I'm going to fire one more magazine kind of lob some more in there we got a good general idea where everything's hitting and we're going to go down there and have a look but again guys just like I mentioned in the other clip there it's further then you're going to practically shoot a gun like this I'm really curious to see how well those things are punching through there though alright let's try another mag yep oh yeah that wind is catching it all right I think we got a little bit to work with let's go down there and have a look see what we did all right guys well to be honest I wasn't too surprised with this result we saw that we had several rounds from the junior carbine land there's a 440 442 right there one right there one right down here next to the previous 100 yard and the funny thing is when these shots land close to each other like that you can look at the 100 yard and the 440 yard the entrance and exit is exactly the same up here an interesting thing to note is that we had one hit on the left edge of the board closest to me here and it went through the 3/4 pine board 3/4 inch pine board and the 2x4 on the back so that shows that it punched all the way through that 45 ACP carrying a ton of energy good straight-line penetration even at long distances it's a great round it's got lots of weight to it lots of mass you know the velocity may not be real high for it to shoot an ultra flat trajectory but guys that's not really what it's meant to do now considering the amount of shots I was able to connect with with a good spotter you certainly wouldn't want to be standing down here somebody knew what they were doing with a 45 ACP carbine especially at a couple hundred yards very very deadly weapon a very capable weapon in capable hands guys I hope you found this video to be informative I certainly learned a lot I mean I kind of had a feeling that the 45 ACP was going to go through this board at just about any distance we could shoot it out what we will end up doing we're going to rehash this concept later we're going to shoot them even further like maybe 600 yards some longer distance but for now this gives us a good baseline to go off of also expect a full review on the jr carbine coming soon that's a gun that at this point I'm very intrigued in it so I really want to put it through its paces see how it can do and you know just everyday tasks thanks for watching guys we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 2,808,501
Rating: 4.8514843 out of 5
Keywords: reelmen8888, walking dead, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, mall ninja, fps russia, eric and barry, eric and berry, prepper hillbillies, game of thrones, zombies, moss pawn, moss shop, Moss Group Securities, 88 industries, Eric and Chad, 5 guns, torture test, fight soap, 1776 United, How far, How far will a 45 kill, 45 acp, 45ACP, 45ACP range, 45 range, terminal ballistics, self defense, How far will a, long range 45, long range 45 ACP
Id: VDnsGe0QwhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2015
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