Best use of a QUICK 50RDS of TRAINING !

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Thank you for sharing! Love seeing good productions with women shooters!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Grizzlei 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love the paper plate targets, nice idea

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CalciumConnoisseur 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

one thing to be aware of during this drill if you're a new shooter, she had a round in the chamber every time she ended a drill except for that one time she racked the slide back to eject the round. if you're not comfortable with the safety procedures surrounding keeping your firearm chambered when setting it down or holstering it i would just eject the chambered round before starting the drill up again.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/k80prince 📅︎︎ May 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys I'm Lina Mitchell and today I am going to show you a 50-round practice session all right a lot of people don't know what to do when they get out to the range so I've designed this pretty well-rounded session only 50 rounds six drills we're gonna really cover all of those bases so first off when you get to the range realize you don't have to be like a fancy person down here for my targets I have a pizza box and three of the cheapest paper plates known to man and this is what I'm going to be practicing on that is it no matter what you have you can make it work so don't make excuses for not getting to the range and getting some time behind your firearm so always muss and plug because I live with some deaf people I live around them and I'm tired of having conversations that they never know about with them so we're gonna wear muffs and plugs before we get into the drill there are going to be three varying start positions for each one of these drills depending on what you're comfortable with the I would say kind of beginner start position is going to be what is called a low ready so we're gonna get our good grip on our gun and at the beginning of each drill we're just going to touch the muzzle to the table and that's gonna be it and we're gonna work from there each time if you're like alright I want a little bit more but you don't have a holster all right what we're gonna do we're gonna have it on the table your hands start anywhere you can do what everyone you can do surrender you can do touching you can do in your pockets hokey-pokey whatever you're feeling and then whenever you feel like it you'll practice establishing a good solid grip from the table and go into the drill and then if you have a holster always feel free to work from your holster all right let's get going I happen to have three mags two is seventeen and one with sixteen doesn't really matter I'm gonna just pick one load it up and I'm gonna start from the low ready the very first drill we're going to be doing super exciting it's ten one shots we're going to work from the table come up one shot bring it back down what we're working on is acquiring our sights crying our sights on target as quickly as we can good trigger pulls and really this is like getting out the nerves because every time you show up to the range at least for me even now you know like you gotta you gotta like make it through that you gotta get to feelin your trigger again seeing your sights and remember what you're doing so we're going to good a good stance I'm not gonna work off a timer because you don't have to if you're more advanced and you have one realize do it track your times every time you go to the range you can do these drills and you can see your progress see what you can do to make it better next time but I'm just gonna be working from the table I'm gonna be here ten one shots whoo so exciting and wild but I'm feeling better I'm feeling and a little bit more in tune with my guns ready to go so I'm gonna reload another full mag and the second drill is 5-2 shots so what we're gonna do is we're going to make sure on this drill that we are getting our good solid grip our guns not moving around we're gonna stay on one target I'm gonna move to the middle target here we're going to keep aggressive keep on our sights and I want you to start becoming aware of what your sights doing in between your shots it's called tracking your sight because it shouldn't just vanish from your you know vanish from your sight and then reappear it should be recoiling and returning back to where it was before and I want you to be aware of where it's going in that interim is it going up and right is it going directly up to go and down and left like what are you seeing start becoming conscious of what's happening in between your shots so we have five two shots go from the table again on this one all right there we go ten shots I had to count I was getting real into that and I didn't count so there we go we have five two shots for ten rounds now we're gonna move on to drill number three I'm gonna get again a fresh mag and this time I'm gonna work from the table just to kind of mix it up because I'm quite comfortable with all three start positions but I want to work on all three of them I'm here at the range I want to get as much gun handling and different target acquisitions in as I can in this 50 rounds moving on to two five shot drills now this is really going to show you any faults that you have in your stance and your grip in your vision okay if it is not settling back on the target in between each shot realize you need to adjust on your part because it should be or at least that's our goal in the end and if you do have a timer please take a notebook write down your times so that you can come back out here and improve so I'm gonna work off the table I'm gonna put my hands touching my ears and I'm gonna be shooting the far right target five shots alright and again there we go ten shots done see that one that one really burns through that and move fast but it's something that you really need to do to get that round count up and that rapid-fire cause like I said it really highlights any weaknesses that you do have in your stance or grip now I'm gonna put another mag in here and for the third drill we're gonna get a little bit of movement in we've been shooting one static Turek target so far now we're gonna shoot one shot on each I'm gonna work from the holster to switch it up a little bit and I'm gonna go one shot on the left one in the middle one on the right one in the middle one on the left for five rounds what we want to do is not just you know be super lacks in between there's not a whole lot of movement here so I should be getting there pretty quick and be conscious of prepping your trigger in between playing with your vision and just having a little fun with it and really getting to know and utilizing every bullet that you send downrange all righty I'm gonna reload again go to my holster and I'm going to repeat the same drill but starting on the right hand target so I'm gonna go right middle left middle right just to switch it up a little bit more there we go and now moving on to the fifth drill I'm going to find a magazine with a couple rounds in it put it there lay my gun on the table and another magazine next to it now what I'm going to be doing here are some reloads something to keep in mind whenever you're reloading this position mirror this hand you know hand to mag ratio is what you're going to want to see every time whether I'm coming from a mag pouch or from a table every time I pick it up I'm going to have my index finger along the face of it so make sure you keep that in mind when you do this so we're gonna be picking up our guns one shot reload one shot and then we'll reset and we'll do that drill three times through I'm gonna touch the table all right now I'm going to place my magazine that dropped out I got one round in it right there and I'm gonna go from here this time there we go I have one in there and then once more I'm gonna do the same thing from the table alright now we're getting real low we're getting down to our last four bullets once again we want to get as much gun handling as we can in this 50 rounds so my last two magazines I have one and one and two extra little bullets right there what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually shoot our gun to slide lock reload from the table bracket re-engage so no load a mag with one round in it I'm gonna go from a low ready and here we go there we go so now on this next time because we're down to our very last two bullets one and two when my slide locks to the rear instead of doing my traditional or my preferred method of this racking and let go I'm going to actually use my slide release lever just to switch it up and get even more gun handling in right with these last two rounds alright so same thing I'm gonna go from low ready one and one here we go you can see that my muscle memory came in and wanted to wrap over the top and do that again but that's one thing about practice it's never perfect but that's why we do it so that one day in hopes it will be perfect but guys there you go there's 50 rounds really covering all of your bases I hope you find this helpful whether this is your very first practice session at the range or your more advanced realize adding distance and adding a time restraint will always make this harder so if it's not challenging make it challenging and if it's too challenging then get up close this is about you learning and having a good time on the range so fit this to you and I hope it really helps you out
Channel: Jerry Miculek - Pro Shooter
Views: 479,545
Rating: 4.9515471 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry, Miculek, speed, shooting, fast, quick, draw, reload, reloading, world, record, smith, wesson, ruger, colt, gun, guns, firearms, firearm, tactical, assault, ar15, ar, 15, ak47, m16, m4, rifle, shotgun, pistol, handgun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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