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i want nothing to do with you oh my god oh my god what i was very distracted by the flying fish that really caught my attention but then i saw this what i i i have no words i and neither does the game apparently [Applause] hello everybody and welcome back i'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine a friend of mine who i like to call andy little known fact andy is actually a really good pokemon trainer that's not the only secret he's got up his sleeve you see andy does not like to play games quite like the rest of us do he likes to do things a little differently and today andy wants to play pokemon shield initially a few of the mods that we tried were a little outdated and would cause minor issues like crashing the game a lot but that's all right because there's a lot of mods that do work and once you get them working there's no going back [Music] wait a minute wait a minute go bronzer use heavy slam oh why doesn't it oh he spins that's his move as he spins of course it is i mean what else would it be that's really something huh industrial style fidget spinner as a pokemon we all knew it had to happen that's really i i don't even know what to say do i need to tell you what's different so if this is the oh my god okay so if this is a fidget spinner then this has to be i already don't i already don't want to see this oh my god it is so much worse than i thought see how he fights huh let's let's put him on the battlefield oh what a wild opponent this is ridiculous oh my god it's huge is this font comic sans i know it took me a minute but the more i look at it the more i realize that is most definitely everything is in comic sans oh he's dead oh that's a shame okay you can hate me for saying this but hot take pokemon with comic sans actually doesn't look that bad i should slap myself for saying that yeah let's rest up our pokemon i feel like they feel like they've done a lot of work tearing up minecraft sheep one of these things is really just really doesn't fit well this is probably one of the most intense fights i've ever seen in my entire life wow yeah that wasn't very effective oh god they're multiplying okay that is really a wild encounter huh go i think he's a lot shorter than i thought he would be um use tackle that should be a good move something about a very square minecraft sheep uh trying to roll it's a very cursed image uh oh okay that's not good that's really that's not good at all we should really send out somebody who can actually fight this guy yeah that look that's good oh man oh man it's so much worse than i thought it was going to be rock blast throw a pickle at it that'll that'll really teach him you want to play with you want to play with this thing well you're uh wow what do you think a burger eats that's a weird question to ask huh oh he's interested though whatever whatever i'm doing he's interested in it i don't like how slowly he moves i mean i guess for a big mac he moves pretty fast here he comes here he comes here [Laughter] [Music] what do we have here i'm pretty sure that is a cooper wearing shoes approaching me very quickly um i need to act fast go get him [Music] oh yeah what a terrifying foe go get him spyro this model looks great it fits so well loving the undertale font by the way really fits this oh shoot this coop is good this guy's really good you got a little something coming out of here i don't know if that's like a problem okay this guy's not really taking much damage we're gonna need we're gonna need to bring out something better to handle this dude go get him vikavolt looking good buddy straight out of a kid's playroom it's a straight-up lego vikavolt one of my favorite pokemon turned into a lego i will pay someone millions of dollars i don't even have that much money but i would pay millions of dollars to have a mod that turns every pokemon into a lego variant how cool would that be look at this this is so awesome the vault's signature move now should just be to lay on the carpet where nobody can see it and then when a pokemon steps on it it's an instant ko perfect every time is that blathers is that blathers from animal crossing oh my god it is wow that actually that actually works out pretty well doesn't it i don't have spyro has no good moves i've never played a spyro game but if he needed he better have some good moves great am i going to fall asleep now wonderful that's all right because i got something you are not prepared for go get oh yeah oh wear his wings there's so much wrong with this i have so many questions he's a he's an angry bird of course headbutt is going to be the most effective method that's like his specialty bye blathers oh man poor guy i just wanted a specimen for the museum also don't think i don't see that i think we need to set up a camp i need to really evaluate my team right now why is he shiny not like shiny pokemon like he's got like a glossy surface it's really disturbing oh here we go uh oh i pissed him off here he comes oh god what the hell is that most definite hold on big man on campus over here wow you know how to throw what is your bro oh my god is that a pokemon trainer in your mouth why is it eating a person what is it what is what am i looking at right now let's cook some food huh i bet everybody's starving except for eats hernandez he's eating he's eating a dude i want to see what karma can do he's asleep come on i wanted to see kermit punch an owl is that is that actually too much to ask for maybe it is okay kermit being asleep is not going to help me win this fight we got to bring out one of our secret weapons all right what do we do for blathers here a flamethrower wow okay that yeah that works good that works out fine and let's just uh we'll finish him out with a dynamax cannon that seems like a merciful way to get rid of him oh my god it's just little little blathers versus a dynamics cannon oh yeah i would faint too dude wow that's uh is that coal is that coal ore gonna give me couldn't give me anything better like diamond oh now it kind of looks like gold i don't have any words for this uh let's fight him wow that you know what this looks great i'm gonna be honest man it looks fantastic oh there he goes back to the elements from where she came from now somebody on their realm was gonna dig down there and discover it this is a really interesting pokemon fight and it's over and there he goes that's how you harvest coal ladies and gents you know i'm no i'm no pokemon professional um by any means but something doesn't exactly seem right about this screen and i'll i'll give you a minute to decide and take a look for yourself and see what it is if you see it um i'm sorry oh it's a fish oh god whatever will we do oh you know what i don't hate it i don't actually i don't like it but i've seen worse things uh today stitch is a lovable cute character he just when he's over a sabolai it doesn't really oh it doesn't work that well sorry i swear i'm i'm 10 years old look of my shadow ball oh my god who would have known that uh stitch was great at dark arts you got question mark 2624 for winning question i got what 2 000 what bananas what is the currency in this game the the game doesn't even know oh there he is it's detective pikachu oh i love him i never saw detective pikachu um but if that what the hell is that oh look at the way it's oh god oh no don't come over here please oh my god look at its miserable existence oh yeah also mega leg from mario galaxy is here i never saw detective pikachu um but if it's anything like this i'm a big fan stitch over there looking perpetually confused on where he is at all times no i'm sorry no there's really no need to come over here oh my god aren't you a little freak of nature why don't you uh go play with this ball and never come back that's actually so cool this is like one of the coolest things i've seen all day uh not you not you this guy iraq it looks like it's a bit scared of shuckle yeah i'm i'm pretty scared of shuckle 2. i think all of us are acting it seems a bit worried about its surroundings is it that guy is it that guy that's just staring over your shoulder if you're reading this andy then i'm leaving this special charmander with you let's have a real fiery battle again soon let's go a special charmander for me what is so special about it though oh yeah it's a special charmander all right that is that is that is definitely unique carmander get it because it's like it's car charming whatever whatever you really have to look at these things up close in the campsite to appreciate how they look why are you still here oh here he comes here he comes uh oh uh you might wanna oh god this is not right oh look at him go just back and forth like that in a never-ending loop you know for a vehicle you are very uncoordinated all right onyx let's see what you got okay not bad that's definitely definitely not bad for a lump of coal i think it's important that i mentioned that the shiny variant of this onyx is based off of netherrack never in my life have i wanted a shiny onyx more than i do now uh excuse me i don't think you're supposed to be up there did i have a word with you oh here he comes here he comes oh okay you get what [Music] okay it it yeah i mean i suppose wow i really got a lot of xp huh look at those stats plus zero zero plus whale that's incredible that's not cool how am i supposed to know what this does okay oh this looks like a good move you know what it does whale damage oh it does even more than that i think so i'll put it over here hold on my is evolving i'm purely going off of my memory of the game to know what button does what so what i've done is i've installed a mod that makes it so that any pokemon can spawn in any location it's 100 randomization so that'll leave for some pretty interesting encounters for example this poor rowlet who is just trying to swim in the ocean on his own i want nothing to do with you oh my god oh my god what i was very distracted by the flying fish that really caught my attention but then i saw this what i i i have no words i and neither does the game apparently i have to catch one uh how do i not kill this thing would you like to give it a name i would love to scary let's call it scary that's not what i named it this looks like jurassic park there are pokemon here that i have never even seen before what the hell are these things some of you by now may have also noticed that all of the trees in the game are gone there's no trees anymore we got we took all the trees in the wild area and got rid of them dittos are everywhere dude ditto's left and right and whatever the hell this is what is that grookies little baby cookies i think the models of the trees are still here but you just can't see them so it's kind of a we kind of got rid of them oh i picked up a that i don't know what i picked up but i i definitely picked it up this is so weird this is exactly as weird as i expected it to be pokemon swimming that are not supposed to be okay well the gyrodose makes sense but the bulbasaur not so much what the hell even is this a clam thing this is this is one of the weirder oh my god that is truly an incredible image whoa what the hell was that one of the swimming pokemon trying to swim uh on land and it's it's not working out too well for him what the hell is that thing okay see ya oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this is awkward uh go ah i tried to avoid the encounter even is that whoa whoa wow i actually can't believe what i'm seeing right now there he is was he beached is that what i just saw that's that's my best guess now that is something you don't see every day um and probably won't see ever again how do i uh there's nothing on the there's nothing on the screen oh my moves what they just popped up out of nowhere i can't even see his health did i kill him oh i definitely oh yeah i destroyed him this actually adds a very interesting and scary aspect to the game like i have no idea how much health he's got i don't know how close i am to dying or how close he is to dying i'm gonna assume that's a kill yep who needs to see the health when you have my pokemon team oh jesus i forgot i forgot about that oh man i've never played majora's mask but i think i'm i think i'm getting the full experience right now and this is enough for me oh you thought you thought one was creepy enough how about two uh yeah i got two of them i've never experienced anything more terrifying than this wow whoa that's freaky that's some freaky stuff oh there he goes good for this world [Music] you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 409,718
Rating: 4.9647279 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon nintendo switch, pokemon galar region, hacking, modding, nintendo switch mod, gameplay, funny, commentary, glitches, mods, video game mods, jaymoji, ANDI, jaymoji a normal day in, jaymoji ANDI, pokemon shield mods, pokemon sword mods, pokemond sword & shield, pokemon sword/shield, pokemon sword shield, pokemon sword & shield mods, custom pokemon
Id: Wu1Gr3O7T6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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