New Fake Pokemon

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the problem some of the new Pokemon are amazing it's some of them make Voltorb look like good design the solution drop the first sake in national dex in a household blender grab the number of your local therapist you'll be needing this one for later and make the new Pokemon ourselves start crying at your own leisure coughing and mist of mine [Music] Magikarp and relevant Magikarp and Rowlett okay oh let's go Snorlax and Caterpie mr. vibe has very much energy oh really yeah potato pokemon in lower the head on the body just to make it like don't mind me literally just DISA member every part of the Snorlax I gotta let every part go to use its wasteful to let any part go to use every particular icon the name is kids he remember that company you know you look at something and you have just an ounce of pride for it right now I don't know how that feels right now yeah I shouldn't be proud of this but I am I'm like a parent sending his kid off to college oh you really is going in a separate direction I'm actually starting to get along with my own creation crack in a cold water with my creation it's really just like genuine sympathy not to change the color of his flesh well failing for everybody fun time on here monster you need a name I do already have one thank you oh I just thought of something real good oh I I get very scared ever oh I think I might have to reveal this one in like a different way than normal oh it's alive oh by the way for the people watching the street is it it's a powerful image of me I found this someone sent this to me I think is BBS and someone just sent me this image very scary feel free to take this PNG drop it out and post it in random discord servers I love my high quality thumb I got a reveal on standby okay like he has feathers so he can see can fly but he can't breathe in the air and if he can't he can't breathe under the water but he can't swim because he doesn't have in sport this is where evolution went wrong oak was wrong it's really it's all seedy I do not like how real the laser arms get me this is actually a normal Hugh he's just a really under the weather yeah this is me waking up with a cold Oh guys pull on it what where my pole where my Pokemon yeah oh it's norbi oh he's a good boy see see how happy his tail he's not so happy about that one no he's sad already so here we go here the they made a new pokemon or whatever check it out it looks like it's a Flareon right so what could it be it probably thought it was the Flareon or maybe the blue one no it's not it's a different one for that one spot on the body was very young but he's flurry delivery I could show you haven't watched the boy 1 anime like ever I can't hear anybody [Laughter] why does Neil thank us so many cursed pictures shotgunning Tangela where you supposed to pick it those shotgun Tangela one start I'll just give you a strange if I can make this this is really ambitious no no nope nope nope nope nope nope nope kill ya damn freaking sorry I knew about national rats you helped me too buddy me too did no one who barely know we still love you man you love you for you buddy once a team yacht game freakin for the u.s. national dance black BIOS ajar how much time do you get missed uh 11 minutes Oh approximately until I died we only have about three minutes left in the photo shopping segment now to make you scream you're such play like an evil just like my give him his essential senses or do i deprive him of the things i know that moment when it finally comes together and you're like this is what its gonna look you can already tell what it's going to look Scyther yeah the ultrasound comes in and [Music] that's the one I guess you kind of have to be happy it's too late to change oh god don't follow behind you anymore because like when tangling walk behind you would just go here's the thing right this Pokemon I combined to Vaporeon in a slowpoke but this Pokemon became so popular they actually made a plush toy at it oh oh it's that popular kids everywhere have this on their shelves take a look at this oh it stares right at me and it turns around look she's like how's it going so they talked English in a perfect British accent it's making dark type emphasis on the nerd [Music] [Music] it's disgusting [Music] [Music] [Music] we dreamed of creating the world's and we succeeded they have to move each body part at a time thank you you are thinking backwards and I love it okay okay Chat Chat you've done it you you you've corrected my way of thinking you've turned me from an ignorant man into a big brain gentlemen why am I scared yeah I ask myself that every night from 3 a.m. to 5 o specific I have to remove a look at tongues tongues I love when someone in check catches like the whiff of the idea before I finish it it's like yep now you get to sit back and watch is it yes [Music] is the one this fly is really bugging [Music] [Applause] [Music] Skarmory and being hm Pokemon he's gonna turn you as a human mulch that's the age [Music] are you ready yeah those lips get me the lips are slightly different shades I'm under the impression it in my head cannon he's wearing lipstick all right okay yeah googling for ways to kill me after you hear this one he's like a cobra his joy yeah it Slick Lord it's like a xenomorph romanian you know but I feel like but what it's a it's like a it's not a symbiotic relationship like it's a parasitic relationship it just provides the will or shelter fly away otherwise they need something to weigh it down what's it gonna be I don't know it's a it's called weeping big live just like what the cloud came back why does this look like a cup head boss why does it look like all their you you're very right I hate it it's cross these two strange cousin meadow so well I gotta feel bad for weeping protect them yeah I want to delete it protected by ending his existence suffering well Chet please be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you too and experienced internal bleeding throughout this livestream I really want to have like a documentary on this series where is just like thoughts from the Pokemon games that we create that are like and then he removes my legs
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,132,122
Rating: 4.9477701 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Switch, Photoshop, New, Fake, Pokemon, Sword Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, who's that pokemon, memes, bootleg, poke fusions, fusion, The Failing Four, SwSh, funny stuff happens, but help me
Id: g2s_k7VPxeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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