New Fake Switch games

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the problem Nintendo has been pulling out the big disappointment on new video game releases the solution pray for our souls to be saved open up Photoshop and make them ourselves we've had splatoon one we've had splatoon two what's coming next is it just default splatoon three is it is it like give us some good work with your Chad now it's your turn has to be a spin-off you know something really like what what is the title exactly a spin-off splatoon sequel galaxy 3 I like it let's try this with 10 man let's try this with 10 minutes to make the best possible creation 3 2 1 go alright oh I can already hear the typing I'm just gonna need to a little bit of this and then we're gonna where's the smudge tool here we go I would call this as maybe um a dumpster fire aiming high with that with that quota though so I'm gonna bring up the discord so we're gonna love the images that are currently already in it yes I do the pain of constantly burning my retinas reminds me that I'm still human [Music] [Laughter] I'm ok with the human civilization stops evolving right now and never gets to the point of space travel that little woo me is lying in the dark part of the universe right now sonic battle royale oh my god sonic eats a boPET I don't think I mean I think that's just something you guys want to see drawn I don't want it let's just straight up a fascination I do not want to have accidentally awakening people because we mentioned it here Sonic 90 9 yeah absolutely how in the wino how oh yeah exactly I would I know it's not clear how okay it's gonna be very tough to do Oh gamers I have got it done you are so I hope we don't get if we didn't get the same thing though how much time uh 6 minutes 45 seconds oh ok it's so assuredly I might have misspelled Tetris but that might make it better that what gives me the win oh my god whoa that was me I'm so ready [Music] God you really just chose the best images of each character to represent them are you ready to drop boys because it's dropping to the bag okay Kirby persona box art okay so this time we've gotten pretty good at this we're pretty caught up on skill we're gonna have five minutes oh I got a perfect idea for the persona yeah I'm not gonna win this one me neither me neither I mean I guess I'll win it going off wow it's I've done so little that there's actually a transparency for the background you know rough around the edge buddy fun way of saying god-awful well I guess the palace during is the deep void of the endless depression persona and scurvy came out of the shower I was into you I like the approach respect it appeals to the bandana the audience I think that one will go over well with our judges so it was like thank your kirby feet that I loud take your feet suena the layer was so large when I was typing that thought that I only saw the / as I taped it in fast it wasn't really resizes I was like ah write more who drives to the supermarket the best one we will make the first level of this game however you want you want it to be however interesting you want it to be that it's completely up to you I love saying it so good image of all it's a fake transparent background I've been playing for the simplest trick in the book it's the cave bro we're down to like literally painting single pixels you know you've done something oh god I search for Goomba and boy did I fat this is not the image I had in mind going forward the coins you know your standard shopping all right fires buddy my buddy my friend level with me where did you get the image of that very perturbed guy of goo goo it's good a grumpy boomer greaser give myself whiplash from dubbing so much what's an indie game you know JMO gee human fall flat I know how we would either do ever do yes I do three two one go this entire composition rests on this single search result I'm hoping so anything that I can just like steal so I made fan art oh dude dude this is a live solely because of this person I'm gonna give them the biggest shout-out this right now okay I hope this fan R exists in God day I was so happy I'm like oh my god it's perfect that we're done we're done here we're done here it's very simple but it's very effective yeah yeah entire thing for me and I just added some things around it a flattened times done and done okay Nintendo now you see what's coming your way if you don't hurry up and give us more content to play and for me to make new funny stuff happens videos on you better you better hurry up with it also while I have your attention please head minecraft Steve into Smash Brothers I did that frankly that'd just appealed to me and everyone else in this world you know please anyway have a good day Nintendo thank you for coming to find TED talks
Channel: Failboat
Views: 2,679,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Nintendo Switch, New Fake Games, Switch, Photoshop, Cursed
Id: __XVB3aJ2Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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