So I decided to speedrun Sushi Cat and it was an emotional rollercoaster

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so today we're speed running through sushi cap which is probably one of the strangest flash games i've ever played and you'll see why that is in just a second but before that we're just gonna start the game we get a little cutscene but we're gonna skip through that and go to the first level and you can see what sushi cat is all about it's basically a dropper game where you're trying to collect as much sushi as possible and as you get more sushi sushi cat's gonna get fatter and fatter so we want him to i mean we want him to be happy he's getting all this sushi and enjoying it i guess and yeah it's just a game about dropping the cat trying to find the optimal solutions and especially for the speed run you really need the optimal solutions because you don't want him to be bouncing forever but the first level is probably the easiest level in the world i mean you kind of just drop him and we already beat the game we got enough sushi so all we have to do is wait for him to get to the bottom come on sushi cat you can do it and then i have to drop one more because we have one more cat and that should be the end of the game or not the end of the game but the level anyway okay let's just go on to the second one now for this one we're gonna drop him right there first you can see on the side how much sushi you need like right now we need 25 sushi left it's gonna keep going down as we eat more and more and then we have that many cats left so we have four left here's going to be our fourth and yeah sushi cash is going through i also didn't notice this like sushi cat meter with the cat being sad right now he's just gonna keep getting more and more sushi but for this one i'm gonna drop it right there hopefully get through there and you can see as you go through and eat more sushi sushi cat does grow in size like i said so it becomes harder to deal with some things things that he normally wouldn't hit he does hit just because he's a bigger size and therefore he has a bigger hitbox now we can keep him small because we already got all the sushi we needed we can just drop him down there it's going to be nice and easy we can get our sushi frenzy hooray so yeah this is a pretty good looking run so far but i mean we're only two levels into it there are a total of 15 levels for this run so of course we're just gonna have to slowly but surely get there in this one there's just a lot of bumps you have to deal with so i'm just gonna try to put sushi cat in the best possible position to make sure he gets as much sushi as possible and right now he's just like struggling to get through that please then we get a maneki neko and the maneki nekos will give you either one more sushi cat or they're going to give you double score and to be honest we don't really care about either of them i mean one more sushi cat can be nice if i mess up but it is a cutscene and just extra time in general so we really don't want it i need seven more sushi i'm gonna try to bounce him right there to try to get into the center okay that looks perfect so he'll get right there we only need two more sushi at this point so i'm really happy with that and for this last one i'll try to bounce him right there to try to get to more sushi and yeah we're good full belly activated what a what an interesting what an interesting game thing to say and yeah we'll just drop our boy back down he's looking pretty happy he got all the food he already needed so hooray and then for this level i mean it's pretty similar there's just a bunch of things to drop and you have to make sure you get as much sushi as possible there are these two platforms at the bottom that are going back and forth which are kind of annoying because for those guys i mean sometimes they can just make your time be slightly longer because they'll get right in the way of you but as long as we have pretty good drops i don't really have to worry too much about that i'm gonna go for this one we'll put him right there and then he should be able to get a good collection of sushi and the trick for this speedrun is just always keeping an eye on your sushi counter because there is a certain amount of luck that comes with this game you're not always going to be sure that you're going to get the maximum amount of sushi so we have to keep an eye on the sushi counter and then maybe change our strategies if needed like for this one we need one sushi so i need to decide where i want to go i guess i'll just go right through here to make sure i get that one last sushi which does mean that i have to bounce a little bit more but that was actually a really good bounce and we make it right to the end and then for the fifth level this is where it really gets interesting because for this one we have all these rotating platforms and really bad things can happen if you're not careful on this level like you could just lose the run right here which i really don't want to do so i'm just gonna try to make sure we get all the center sushi because with all these dropper things getting the sushi in the center is actually really difficult but hopefully we can get some good drops and then have it perfectly go over there okay everything is rotating it's so confusing come on sushi cat i believe in you and that is going to be a really good drop okay i'm happy with that so we can drop him again right here like i said this level is interesting everything's rotating back and forth so you're never gonna really be sure if you're going to get a good bounce or not but hey we can at least hope and there is some very interestingly placed sushi back and that's the ones we have to get so i'm gonna try to go right there and we only need one more so i'm really happy with that because we do have one more life so i'm just gonna play sushi cat right there he's gonna be able to make it to the end that was actually perfect oh i'm always really worried about that level it's one of the ones that's actually really scary but if you can get through it then we get another cut scene and then a brand new mechanic comes out now for this one right away we're just gonna squish sushi cat and yeah he's just gonna have to go between a bunch of stuff and try to slowly squeeze his body through like look at this we drop him right there he's just like oh it's painful but you know what you'll be fine i mean at least it will be okay for me i'm not sure about you but that part doesn't really matter and there we go that's the new mechanic what that does is it will let sushi cat eat all the sushi right in that area so it's actually a really nice thing we're gonna try to get it fairly often but obviously for that one we didn't really need it it would take way too much time and a lot too much effort too especially when i can just drop my sushi cat in the middle and finish off right there so that's gonna be level six level seven is also pretty interesting so for this one i'm gonna wanna get the tonami roll i probably said it wrong okay whatever i'm just gonna stop saying names and then we can keep dropping him hoping that we're gonna get the right things for this one i'm actually gonna drop him right here because what happens there is you just get a free for sushi and then try to hope that that pushes you in the right direction thank you that was actually a really good one and at this point i have to decide if i want the for sure sushi and i'm gonna go for the foreshore sushi okay that was the weirdest sentence i don't know if i said that right but you know these things are hard to say it looks like we got plenty of bonus sushi so i was worried for nothing but you know sometimes you got to play it safe rather than just hoping and then losing the entire run but there we go that should be the last sushi cat we make it through that level and for the next one now we have completely rotating platforms which is really annoying that means you're never sure exactly if you're going in the right place if you're doing the right drop and we also have to hope that sushi cat can make it through all this stuff so for this one i can place him over here try to get some good bounces out of that everything's moving so it becomes a whole new game where you can't really plan exactly where you want to go you kind of have to think on your feet and then just kind of hope that everything works out but that was actually a really good drop we got a lot of sushi right there so i'm just gonna drop sushi cat right there and then he's gonna completely make it to the bottom that was a weird bounce okay sushi cat we don't really want that but i'll do one more of those and we should be fine just making it all the way to the bottom again he got that weird bouncing you could see his like skin when you get that much pressure on it it's like hurting him i feel so bad for him this is like psychological torture what else do you expect in a game called sushi cat actually probably not that but whatever and now here's another interesting level where we have all these more spinning things this game just really loves throwing those at us but we can get a tonami roll that was actually perfect we got a ton of sushi right there and this is where the game really starts getting weird you're seeing poor sushi cat he's just getting like crushed by all these things and i feel so bad for him but i'm still gonna speed run through the game you know i don't feel that bad for him it is what it is at the end of the day but i'm gonna drop him right there we're gonna hopefully get enough sushi we need five more and we're gonna need kind of a good drop right here i think we can go with this and then that should be okay no okay that works i'm happy with that sushi cat you can just make it to the end now and for this one i'll just drop it right there so he can make it completely to the bottom nice and easy and that was actually a pretty good level i'm proud of myself for that one oh and now we have another much too moving platforms levels i don't know what i just said either don't worry we can get the tonami roll that's going to give us a bunch of sushi right there and then hopefully sushi cat can make it to the bottom that was a really nice place and yeah for this one i'm not gonna lie i kind of just randomly drop it it'll probably work out and we have enough lives to where i'm not too worried about it and we get those tonami rolls so that's also nice for this one i'm gonna be a little more precise and then mess up my precise dropping but it doesn't really matter we got all the sushi we needed so we're fine i'm just gonna try to drop sushi cat in a good area this time so i'm gonna go with right there which didn't really work out you'll make it to the end eventually buddy i promise yeah this is uh this is where the psychological torture really comes into this poor cat he just has to deal with constantly like getting crushed by these things that it's a pretty sad reality for him i mean at least he gets to eat a lot of sushi so i'm sure he likes that but probably not the greatest experience of all time hey sushi frenzy you know that's happy let's just get rid of all the scary parts of this game and just focus on the happy but there we go that's another cutscene now we get a new power up and this one is going to be the dragon powerup so we're going to wait a second for this to happen and all that stuff to move and then for the dragon power up it lets you reline up your shot and then shoot sushi cat somewhere else and that was actually a really bad shot but i think we still should be fine as long as we play this right and yeah the dragon's pretty interesting i honestly like the tonami roll better but the dragon can be used in some pretty interesting ways like for this one i'm gonna wait a second and then we're gonna drop him right here and then we can shoot the dragon and hopefully that's gonna be a better shot that one actually looks pretty good get some more sushi out of that that was actually a really good shot we should be getting a lot of sushi except this annoying platform at the bottom really feels like being annoying right now now we just got one sushi that we need left so i'm just gonna drop him right there and then he's gonna bounce all the way up okay that wasn't exactly what i wanted but worked out in the end and i really love the music on these final five stages like this is where it really gets hype you know you're excited to be getting all the sushi i mean sushi cap might not be because of all the torture he's already been through but hey at least it's fun for me you know oh and i forgot about this level okay this is how this is where it really gets bad look at this poor cat you're literally putting the cat through a grinder at this point this is so terrible look what we're doing to him but hey it's all fun you know sushi cat hooray nothing bad happening over here you know don't worry about it yeah i have poor sushi cat going through this grinder but it's for the sake of my speedrun you know i can't feel bad about that it's what happens sometimes but at least he doesn't have to go through another grinder he can just go right to the end and enjoy his life for what he can enjoy at this point i don't know this is just a pretty miserable life in my opinion but sushi cat keeps smiling i mean he's eating a sushi i guess that's all he really cares about in life and for this one this one is kind of a weird one and where it can just completely destroy your run if you're not careful so what we want to do is get this dragon thing and we need a really good shot right here otherwise sushi cat's gonna get too fat and not be able to make it to the bottom but it looks like we got the shot we needed then we can just keep dropping sushi cat hopefully getting more and more sushi this one's not really difficult other than that first shot because you can really just ruin your entire run if you don't get lucky enough but we got the luck that we needed so i'm pretty happy about that but then we get this luck i dropped sushi cat at the wrong spot this is gonna be an awkward and slow descent i mean he'll make it to the end eventually we only need seven sushi left so i'm gonna be kind of careful for this one these ones are really awkward to fold these moving platforms but that seems like enough sushi that's going to be only three left that we need and he can get that three right there so all we have to do is drop him to the end i'm gonna try to draw okay it's always confusing on where i should try to go but that one looks good enough come on see she can't just make it to the end we have a pretty good time you just need to hurry up dude okay and for this one this one's actually pretty cool i like this one so you want to drop sushi cats so it doesn't touch any of these different things we didn't do it perfectly there but it was pretty good and yeah you just want to time your drop so like i'm going to drop right there and then he should perfectly be able to make it through which is kind of beautiful it just feels good when you're able to do that to be honest so i'm just gonna do that again perfect drop we get the dragon cannon but i don't really care about that we can end off right there and we just need two sushi left so i'm gonna do that one more time get another dragon cannon and try to shoot him right to the end and do one last drop right about here we don't even have to get any sushi this time he can just drop to the end and that's going to be good for sushi cat and now i believe this is actually the last level which i'm forgetting how to do i'm going to be honest it's been a while since i made it to this level so i'm just going to try to remember yeah this isn't the greatest situation for me but i'm pretty sure i can get all the sushi i needed i mean sushi cat's gonna be happy regardless at least i hope so i just need to be able to do this kind of correctly come on that was an okay drop maybe not that was not enough sushi to get that's for sure this is a really scary situation but i'm gonna go right there to try to get a lot of sushi he's gonna be able to bounce maybe get that dragon shot which will be really nice i'm gonna actually bounce sushi cap back up so he can get some more and i don't know what i wanna do i guess i wanna go right here and just hope that we're able to get this five final sushi come on there we go it's perfect and that's going to be time 15 52. that was the scariest thing i've ever seen in my life but you can see hurray sushi cat did his thing now he gets a cutscene or something like that yay more sushi cats i don't really know what's going on in this cutscene but he's happy and that is the end and if we look on we will see that we land at a nice and comfortable eighth place so i'm gonna take it about halfway up the leaderboard it wasn't the perfect run but it was a pretty good one so i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it and if you want to see more sushi cat speedruns of the other games let me know in the comments and i'll definitely get to them and finally subscribe to the channel if you enjoy i do a lot of speedrunning type content on this channel so yeah definitely subscribe if this is your type of thing but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 944,766
Rating: 4.9718008 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, sushi cat, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrun world record, sushi cat speedrun, speedrun sushi cat, sushi cat world reccord, sushi cat 2, sushi cat 2 speedrun, flash, flash games, flash speedrun, flash game speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, any%, agdq, adobe flash, eazyspeezy speedrun, fail, sushi cat game, sushi cat flash, cat flash game, eazyspeezy sushi cat, sushi flash game, cat speedrun, speedrun cat
Id: 2pTJgAofFg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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