New Fake Smash DLC

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the problem Nintendo's taking their sweet time announcing the rest of the dlc for smash ultimate the solution open up photoshop take some unholy suggestions from the live chat and make them ourselves three two one go oh this is disgusting yeah I could definitely describe mine as that gold from my hand oh I have a good idea it's a horrible idea but God is it a good idea that's how you know it's a good idea is how bad does it feel that's what my videogame crush and also Godzilla and maybe the same thing normally we got one minute almost even oh I don't think you should alert the Lord of what we're dealing with here today this is satanic enjoy this one from gab before oh my god that was so visceral I present to you ladies and gentlemen rozilla or formerly known as gods aleena I'm surprised that got past the censorship a shirtless I present to you guys the buildup tinkling anything you change everything so bad behold shrek it or even say with this one you know I went simple I wrote God is dead I feel I'm gonna lose credibility with people piranha plant and Mike Wazowski yes let's keep things topical and start off with vanos soon enough now comes the fun part of a racing news face so I need to extract her hair guys already for bald Miku I wasn't ready [Music] [Music] you guys are not ready for the head oh my god all right we got big Griffon ladies that's not what natural selection does I was gonna initially name this piranhas plus au ski but I kind of just I kind of just like the simple name Mike plant give us give us the give us the power give us the and enable us with your odd suggestions shaggy excuse me sweet sleep can we can we all just make sell the characters into into like the mist with this one I'm completely in I wanna do Rama Ganondorf you know Oh spider thing they have little spider thing [Music] [Music] oh this is oh you're going through summit I think so is Scooby all right people I am Ganondorf and Velma so be ready for evil within the Prince of Darkness Fellman and/or my drop mic jinkies I can't take over the world without my glasses I can find Daphne and Ozora and I present to you Dora know everything Scooby Doo where where are you calm I can promote my blog but cloud chaser over there alright buddy so good for shaggy just like passes all off perfectly so to join this wonderful mystery crew we have leggy do a tektite mixed with scooby-doo and God am i sorry for this one this image is just he doesn't even scoop anymore he's just anyway thank all for watching I'm gonna start with bandana Dee I'll go affinity and sand sand Danity jet gates The Sands you're not wrong yo you guys ever realized if you deep fry sand shirt there's a heart in the middle of it you're deep frying stuff now I mean boy I accidentally asked you guys people this heart where does this fit into the undertale lore Toby Fox you watching Game Freak you watch it not Game Freak that's a Pokemon game explained you watch it game theory game dude that's the one you watching why is there a heart in the middle of a shirt huh game theory answer that one Matt Pat
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,423,367
Rating: 4.9313364 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Smash Ultimate, DLC, Fighter, Failboat, Switch, Photoshop, cursed, New, Fake, Meme, Smash DLC
Id: v7bfeSkNo9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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